helio se SE Pay St.--W J. Ferg tal Laces-- David N. fee & Co. Tae RE z. ? BUTLER, ED:TOR AND PROPSaIETOS Di ae "Wepnespar, 1888 Feu 1s Cd ---~ preac her in the United states was jpkeo for an aged "masher" recently, and was horsewhipped -- his oratory con- ae-many stripes-as a -fcll grown zobra aa. Pro ably he was deserving of it, _--The last bear in Pustinch ie -- 4b Tuesday with ta. Steattort Times. tot talon elect iene | ro bes, blankets, ete., and which, INGERSOLL'S INCENBLARY .- FIRE. Secking for the Cause, which, However, is well Understood. oll on nar anf the-tire which digteeyed the stable cou pied by exsMayor Mr. M. . Buchanan, on the ist July. the chain ber on behalf of the Saher siee an thomas Wella npipeared on' belialf of Mri hax vieet jeer by she tire-while A 'Tagior._.af Toronto, watched the tarp faiteefor Mr. Gitaon, proprietor of the -- ling burned. _M. T. Buchanan was the first wit Desa ¢ xamine <d, who teatitied as te the con tents of the building at the time of the fire, which conststed of 12 vehicles, a cutting box, a quantity of oaks antling, rope. he said, could not be replaced for 81.000, If put *9 for sale he «aid he thought the contents t that time would bring $700. Lt wos in- oben yt ¢ $300, He saw partics acting in a suspicious manner on the street the night before the fire, which caused him to place watchinen on the premises adjuin ing He | did not think the me con- Coroner, Me Kay "empapnelled « jury at |p 1 the sunlight ;_, for Bu te fo php bronze oboe HOLIDAY SAU NTERINGS. © OVERWORKED PRATER AND*COMPORT. _ Now that th e dog days have come, and 7 ity bec ames tedious, the pedagngues sehathark. and ** peelera, "thre awyers and the teachers, the business men aad Others are trating off one! wiles Tsk: tm fer shady nosks and vopse's, for pies: brooks 'and rippling streams dancing in rests where Pca trom ee Ff they tay at aint doit. and fish and fish, while the hamid Sy wetictehlews thronsh. Th ere is perfume in thes« Dbiexsets nnd. misais-tt the tyemes. Bher the nightinggles sir and the wild honey- "ta chides clinging aroun nd the desolate ent- door, or sitting on the pebbly heac ch 1ey can like iy yron nae tr the fick "via "3 of everything "that Gelangs to animate nature. Mra atid Mee W. "ibson leave a on atrip to Scotland, the land o' cakes, of brown heath and shaggy woods, 'Tits Times wishes them every pleasure during their trip to the land of which the poet, euraptnred, wrote * My soul a Imiring g tuene ; " WHERE SEEK EPST: sing "Tis the lar Senator Morner, of Damburg, bea left Listowel's Great Day. OS® OF THE LARGEST ORANGE TROCERSIONs IN ' THE PROVINCE, = Listowel, July 12.-.Tha ote Popened very inauspiciously, rain falling butin spite of this drawback the ardor of the patriotic mem bers-was hot dampened, and on the arrival of the-first special train. crowds -- -- and train followed train until abo f eerste ite great nh do honor to his am, all engez t glorious and iromortal emery." She tcwrband vw receive the visiting b: tha aE nd by a eleven o'clock a--mest tires arm a i ¥ scene "as presented, hoursands vcard thousands lined the street w! were gaily deesyated, all eage gain a vantage ground. to view the tnatiss. ties, useage Was almort impossible. The clouds now began to disperse, aod in a very short time the son mhone as brightly as ever en a happy and joyous crowd, The atGonmumedstions for the immense crowd were excellent, THE PROOBSSION, The different districts were directed to jeave their respective headquarters at ten o'clock shargpand proceed to the rink and park groun™y each district marshal with Oa Friday the sb ra: hos. Dobbe and intends were horrified to receive a message saying his ell and two of = nieces, daughtere-of uiea Thompeon, ere burnt to death in the vicinity of Sault Ste te Marie. and later inthe day Chas. Merrstield re ceived another sayitig his brother David was burnt in the same-fre. Sach sad news as this seldom ocmes to the residents of this village. . Geerge Dobbs was a resident ofthis place ti!l ab ago when he. mared to th moet his death. avid M erry ,feung man just in the prime of Uy and ae WH MONG MAT BECP Ror oF a, o knew dim, _ Mush spear is. felt for the bereaved the -community im geperal, LMA, 'The Municipal Couneil for the township of Elma met at Newry on the 6th of July Members all present. Minutes of last necting read and signet" "Mived by Mr. Lochhead, seconded by Mr. Bray, that a by-law be intreduced on the netition frem certain ratepayers on the 7th ogn., to en. = them to erect a wire. fence according o-stabate in that behalf:--Carned> ~Mov- a by Mr. Bray, seconded by Mr. Coulter, that the clerk be instructed to write the to. re posts that will be inside » Tth con, = wire when the Ladies' ard Children's White Wear a "RINTST, according to the Galt Mepurter, The residents, of the Bev erley swamp can Pere 4 ter t daw: tge to one of his horses, He had ne Sees the ok mises were set on fire. oo a trip to British Columbia and Cali stare intending te somstn C) business: with Lt...ie said aretrret, itt Tehiny ore, andl the procession was then formed by the the County Direc tor of Ceremonies of Norte Perttic iil the Pano way order -- fence is erected in accordance with statute, Carried, Moved by alr. . Lookbead, bu dds -Lathwell do mt ot grease ioe bghivese "an rheumatiz ? -- There ia trouble in the Methodist eatip at Listowel, It appears that they iid not get the minister they wafted, and the one that has been stationed there is-tre ated with a coolness and ae e that is painful to behotdy Verily, how these Christians love 'one another |... 'oa _ SAB TaN IRS 'Sun in ther macro -- colored walter employed ina ow. GT Rt. dining-car was pulling « cork ftom a bottle as the train was approaching St. Thomas tly, when the vessel burst, the broken ginss- cutting the man's hand in a frightful manner, severing an artery is seema a very Sane? warning for | serie wa: - thowe who are partial to midsummer bever- There are two ways of obviating the "lifficulty The -- Fn don't drink during the dog-days ;_ the second is, i you must, get some 'ther fellow to pull | -- the cork. According to that very excellent journal the Hamilton Spectator, the true exponent of the true, the good and the beautiful, which inclades Conservatism--the sage of Palmyra, Hon, David Milla, killed 5,000 rabbits the other day, The strangest thing . Avsete on, Mr. was at -- in the wondin: In olden times as or Rrew useless in the state, also became paennenesilns _In.the-time peers his Station. Bie in impadence and his po "He is net-even™ remarkable for bein 'lemndiblaiethis Atte, --There are some things a Conedian politician cannot understand, so says Brer. Brierly, of the St. Thomas Journal. Yes, there are quite a few things one can- not understand. For instance, there is eed + ment of the free park, and the for dimes. When the Richard will be himself again? Will heever? When Sir John intends t Musketeer Laurier in- for unblushing bribery and cor- ruption during the past year, and what they think about it? --The only unmarried basiness man in the Union block was enquiring the price of meat from one of our town butchers the om day. What did he want to know ow ?--Clinton New Kra, (Why. prota he had a store cat and w make a yearly contract with the ntahers Probably he had a sister who was going with a young man, and he was endeavor- i give her pointers so that she could oteges out" how dear John and her eould ag a dee of $4.50 per week, bably r cuss was meat hungry, and tably desired to change butchers. ere is an excuse for. the ** unmarried businesa man in the Union block," b . : 2 tee: marks, is thet _ rabbits were killed in TATE Pt Was Hate by str. Tey lor to get the wittiess to say who he suspected of the act, but this tne witness refused to do, giving as his reason that he had not sutticient evidence to prove his suspicions, and-did not want to -lay him- self liable, which the coroner held was good and sufficient cause for silence. ll ee an ane Yates. = en, he «tableadjoin- ing, ror then serrate They sartabor. MrBuchanan: ae te ae heing on the premises, and stated how they were awakened Ly the stamping of one of the horses and found the building gape ed in flames, when they proceeded to get the horses on Johrc Gal litord, aAnapy Was examined as to j wate adj foreman for Mr. Buch jetting off the which _ done at about 5:30 the previous even- ing. without Mr. Buchanan's authority, he having full control of the pond. He mes in the habit of letting the water ott as in bed at the time the fire bell rang, where he had been from 11 o'clock the night before. H. Buchanan ftestilied as to having been told by Jas. Lynch that Mrs eo had told him that she had seen W. B. Wilson about a mile below Beachville on the a thene He HatdE in bed !) He corroborated his ers evidence as-to-the staff-in the wast t | to eo grin, into the stable: he found the 5 He then. threw himself against roe side door, when-it opened. He did not notice anyous.in the -bui went in but there might have been someore in the box stalls with the horees. He had bee there two or three minutes when he no- ticed two men. He thought they came in at i door. One of these men was L. Thompson testified as to remarks he and Joun Smothers made, a" Smothers was called who testified as ng W. B. Wilson ssy on the satan one Saturday evening, that "he would have that man out of here yet," but he had mentioned wo Bam: J cobb Noxon. A)... J .-Mitohel We Watter: i clipe Jos. Gibson and John Kerr were: also examin t evidence was un- important and -- court adjourned 'to meet again 6 eyening, in order to allow evidence to clear up the dieparage- ment between the statement made oe B. Wilson and that "orl by Mr. H. Buchanan, Another "Encyclical. Dublin, July df --A Papal encyelieal etter was to-day in all the Catholic churches in the disease of Dublin. Init rd with -- ld a ions regarding the recent Papal decree have been uttered, es the authority of the decree itself being unspared. He has ween with pain forced inter peotations mat spans the decree and statements mace that hout-aufticient enquiry hmburger cheese out ten are nat at the first quality. If such is the case, we may expec tthe venerable Senator's stay wall be ashort ome, Nothing hurts a German's fealins xs 80 ene as to deprive him of bis favored '* sheese and peer is 'doko Edgar Croly, avsistant master of the Stratford Collegiate Insti tute, left. town on Wednesday. leat for several_weeks' holidays in the wilde of th region ia the past. Wecan hardly under- -- how he can *' bear" linwelf in the voda, when there are so many of the same game looking for him in thia city. Mr. Win. Davidson, county clerk, will leaveon a summer jaunt at the end of the south, Theeounty-elerk is 'the sheke!s here so fast that one cannot ace how he could spare the time. But pro- bably ha is going te.the Northwest, where, in the sublime language of « humorous bard = = * at 'Tl be Fathering in the shchela, teettve ---- ry be gathering, wathering in the shekels." -- John Daggan, of the firm of Duggan . leaves for England next Satur day, i tia goes to make his fall pur- chase T! essrs Dugyan have estab- lishe a- a busincss Here that only men of stirling worth and business adaptal lity, peould ~ "attain "Mr Magan is raiarriad so that there will bv no cause for 6 mai cua man who cares for the rge 8 oars that "~~ Ross does for the Ontario Gor deserving of something more inne 'few holidays. He ought to have a monument of basswood erected his memory on some of the side-lines or concessions to scare off the crows. His eare of * the surplas " reminds one of the | went into s man's door, whistling "Good-bye, Mavourneen." at's the matter that you are =o shaving me " cried the youth, who w patient. "Oh, no' othing," replied t e tonsarias artist, "further than that I'm waiting till it grows." Possibly that may be Mr. Ross' case. 'He ia going out west to remain until Mowat's surplus etre, It strikes us that. he will have to eid longer than the = of Jericho did ts oe See nonefor the way the New Era butchers the Uuwen's Factidh, mba > gina taney "It is amusing to-read the twaddle that some people write, not only daring the dog days, but in all times and seasons, from the spring time when the leaves be- gin to bud until they die and fallin the reary autumn. fhile the world is eliing ice lemonade, and sesvey hee cream, fresh from the Je | 'farmi every morning. Two Hamilton cranks are pelting away at each other in the columns of a Hamilton paper over that . stale chestnut, ** the wine of Scripture." One the belligeren te sa wine, whether intoxicating er strange, too, that wine shovld be Wine, People who were not aware of the fact can now breathe treely, gate ny -wine is not birch beer, and that sheep- heads do not grow on apple trees, --In this age of scandals, elopements ag *'sich," the press have so far kept] tolerably clear from getting mixed SR. in : bi ney fh < 2p clean, rest back ae in "every flock, and i ihe. "Fourth tate" is not pow an exception hy rele. How could it be otherwise, with that pubiic have set before orined that a chanced man gt ose fall cae --Rrace- as are that: con hice Banyan's wiles: from having | previously beéi made. The Vope, en complete information--that previous to ite issuance he held interviews with Irish bishops on the subject and sent a tried sed trusted delegate to Ireland to enquire nto and reporton the 'true condition of affairs. His Holiness reiterates his . aff- ection for the Irish people, and esys he has |" always naiged them to keep within the bounds of justice and right. He refers to a communication to Cardinal Mc Cabe in 1881, adding ; ** As the penple were led on with g aihy i vehemence in the pardait of thelr desires, and aa there were not wanting those who daily fanned the flame, the decree became a necessity, The bishops, he says, must remove all a and leave pots room for doubt e force of the dec "The nehels aystem of the 2 Plas of cam peign and eet Nes cotting is Aeron aw of Dublin, which accompanies "the Po 'ope's | letter, was also read. PTbe hbi fore --tre tind. Sey vistas | extent in the depleted Ontario treasury. adhe atind Fire in Pafssersten. SEVERAL DUCUSINESS PLACKS DESTROYED. 14. 14.--At 11.45 last night he the Lweckeuee of ih is one of a block ge aoret gn by H. McE wing. The G, T, BR. and Palmerston fire-briga: e were quickly at the sceno of the fire, and by almost superhuman exertions prevented what might have been a disastrous fire. The losses and insurances are as follows: W.W. Lynch, tinsmith, loss $2,000; ingur- ed for $1,260 in the Royal & Western. A. Freeland, groceries, loss $500 cn stock; Palmerston, ered in ie was acowee covered by i ee in the Perth Mutual & Royal. Ralph & Co., druggist, loss $4,00; covered by insurance. S. Vanstone, awe loss on building, $400; on stock, ORB ny ts -by-ineur- ance in Commercial. ere is no insur- ance on stoci W. H. Pid hite, een loss gthering int Dr. John by County itgewe, County master rol Ceremon of Cy c " Ande ee, all niouuted, ul Voung Coulter, mM. Alert kK No Farewell! Lodye, , ity Hips, Baw Belmore O . Y. i, Bo, ie ¥. at oh Maste Orange Hill Oo Y. B ectennes?. Mitehell OY, B No. 4 eM ru 'itcheit ae Tlattiston 0. ¥ It. No Mascer. rife and ie Oraece Hi wt. OL Ne, & Fordwieh LU 1. ho. Hae » Nv "wt, 'a Ok oe éz3, M " arracn Grass Pant au Normanty LL. Anderson, W Muuat Ferest L o. 3. re ustrong, hh Ha! rth LS ir tie ones: Ran ML Stratford f. O. f. No. Rebt. Be rae W. M. Steatford, L OL ON W Conlter, M Stratford LO. W. Clelasd, W. M. Stratford L. «) L. 346, Alt ner an, Wo bt. a Mocpatiateie t, Joho est District- Mas m eA a. 2» rite ant Drom Band. Kir Gtechuak tr. George Lawyer, 'D. M. My Johany's j County of Hart jagten Distrit,.G. 4 My Johnuy's none over the sea, Welledey L, 0. ba < woah bing ce 1, WM. Mr. J. M. Moran teft toacity tent ret: oreo LOL No 4b. aly We x. | neaday. for'a bicycle trip across Nelieiey 1. 0" be Ne soni oe try to © Si ig a tis Pipee-and Fi - aiatore, his aunts, his uncles and his ie ete | bic er ye by ener We Me cousins.in that home of-bis early days. It Milverton L. O. L. No. 133, J. Strong, W. M. is to be hoped he will not break his neck, Wallace Dinarict, Jamies' De nmane D. SM as the intervening » is somewhat hilly; but if he does, it w Af be much to the satis. Bh ne yy L ae 1, Oe * Johnson, -- faction of the small boys and " boys" hy L O, |. Be $27, Thos, Hales, W. M. - whth Li P, . rt 'att, W. M. fave eter nthe tol bor of hin eel, | Une Msi ats hh hen so that if his remains should be scatte . = aloug the road the public might know cost Seemnal & 7" ant b Dram, Band. vo. W. i. more, Oe eee ack Ee att tot akemseat 8" |g Mclenyort a A Sa im; kn, on, A. M. Ross, toward the end of the} C*nass | @ Ie Ne. Ste. awe wok, will leave for a month's camping in 0. L. No, 677. J. J, Stevenson, W. is mo teed x St. Maryse L. "O L. No. a84, pasts Beate rn, W. Mf. Fag 'Line L. OU. L. No. 44 onsip, W. M. \ Oo -O L No. oe, 'Geo Murphy, W. M, 4 Matha fd 4d Le Sila Robt Mesrats, WM. j par Len 1. Xo. be oie Heoltuson: Ww, a. Mr. Featherstone, elas engineer had certitied to us that be has made an error in charging drainage costa to Albert Findall instead of Alexander Tindall, we, instruet the clerk to rectify rm 7 by charging the esid amount $4.5 » Alex, Tindall, and Albert Tindal! "a re eer ed that amount,--Carried, Moved by Mr. Bray, secontied by Mr. Coulter, that the mover be authorized to carry through the work of opening: site rond between tors ro and IF; cong. 8 ahd 9, ad erect s ge over Water course on side road. ---Carried, Moved by Mr. Lochnesd, seconded by Mr. Coulter, thatin reference to the complaint of C. Barnet and A. huchan, the Keeve be instructed to interview the township en- gineer in view of drawing his attention to | outlet t.-- Carried. M head, seconded by Mr. Cr sulter, that oy. laws No. 247 and 2iN as now read a third time be passed. -Carried. Moved by Mr. pthwell, Bray; that orders be is-ued for thé following accounts ; ---J, Dickson, $9.20, gravel ;A,.Mitohell; $5, gravel; J. Fenton, $5.32, gravel; A. Tenant, 40c., gravel; W. Dewar, $2 25, yravel; A. Lochhead, $6.50 gravel; G. Chapman, *912.50, -rravel; J. Navel, $2, covering bridge con. 6; 4. McC rae, $7, repairing bridge ; J. McCallum, $6, 72 culvert ; A, J Reitier, 4. 35, culvert con, lz taking all water toa prope rand ther vu, . Mr. We have advec-t this departmiat te our hesioden: and Gut new stock embraces ight-Gawns, Wat gts, Chansisen, Finafores, Dirawer "Sauron, a CAT Tawers, fr ap Warm ost tines, 2. up, Rightt awn, 700, 0 ' Lovely woods iss 3 'ait 2 ore wtiiee A bic w nite "apron, Zhe. Dress uprdne, lo, up. Pridal Tre Children's dr te, all sizes, tuo qualities, » Corect Waste Corset Wa ie! ap, . FERGUSON, lu porter of Fine oe We continue to he our fine dress goods fine dreexes hace Lx 4 lately- eanpite| eipd "beter teed dtene i terial = . Ww, J. F. ; PING. é ~The fettowting + are the names of the <0 who passed the examination for entrance to junior : trd. Total number of marke 250, Christina fy i ay 245; Barbara Nafriger, 250; Lizzie Ale ander, 220; Magyte Mayberry, 225 ; Sloat, lst: Sam Aikens, 186; J ¥; Jaines Artostrong, Houghton, -- ; Nam Nicat, Walker 4A ESTE MrowWwin: ate | is oer "to Manitoba acon, but he don't intend to stay there. wstreet tn thé Village, which, if -- ithas a cued, your homble serv nt know- eth not thereof. We would sengest the appropriate cognomon of Schoo Jur villagers are quite he althy. but it is thought a visit from the Board of Health eatnies, as the air is not as pure as # might be in a place the size of variant, 43; " Borie. '33. work : « J. Paul, $22, gravelling.con. 3 spreading gravel ; pgravel; dinetan & Palmer, $60, Mcintyre rs, Elma ; M. Pokaan $2. repainting roa vert and: 3. Pai a $31, repairing bridge, con. 4; ee rgus, $5, culvert, con, 12,.J, Sanders, 10; A. J. Keiller; e 50, : oes gravel; W. Dewar, &3.20, vel; W. Parker, $16.75, approach to Deidee ; L. Lucas, $4.12, repairing bridge con. 10 ; 1 asa to , clerk, Jan. Sth to 7 T. A Stevenson, §150, part cael gravel contract, gavel road ; Me . Crem, $4.50, lamber, . B. Hamilton, $8, gravel. -- Carried. The Gea "thee ajoarned till the 18th of. * i ied.--P. PUiianton, Clerk. ~ LOGAN, The lodges then proceeded in marching er, four deep, along Mill street, Main street, McDowell street, Bismark street, Wallace street, Main street, Raglan street, Penelope street, Victoria street and Main street to point of yim g where addresses ware dolivered by the followlng orator : -- J. T. Wright, Rev, J. Cautpbell, Rev. rE Nugent, Rev. J, Hughes, Rev, Mr. Edwards, ail of whom made some stirring addresses and were warmly received. A number of patriotic resolutions, as promulgated by the Gran ge, were a and spoken to by the several speake ik 4 R. Hesson, M. ?., 4 a welcome He maretiae to called up- on to deliver an address, manors of his in- ability to do justice -on ony an. occasion and to such an assembly as this. He was not an Orangeman, but his sympathies | were wi rH i acveidhent ete Protestant association whore aim were upholding of the i ieciples of civil and religious io The order was not. aggressive, The vig of an Orangemen was to be loyal to his country, and to his God. He had read the Orange obligation, which taught reverence to'our heavenly Father and be- as a A carry out the spirit of these rules, man Catholic could take exception or "fad fault with auch principles. The Orange institution was nota menace to anybody, but st the rights of all. ove bad a years observed Ora = Catholics living sida "x side, and 'they were the best of neighbors. It should be the pride of every one in this Canada of ours to have such a progressive institution. Mr. Hesson cencluded hia remarks by ex- pressing his pleasure at sccing so many tuidiew present. Then the procession re-formed and its members slowly mes. y ry pwaye: 3 é - ' The azitation ton referred to ix now ended ender the Me adopted by the bishops. pe ariven wit wirhin the past few days that before the bloee of thy acwtion Pariiament sili provide eo the Pere urgent needs of the The. peo- a await In pesed fuller legislatic is wt ihe heat The Encyclical letter is dated Jute 24th. it a intense dissatisfaction. At Bray people left the church daring. the reading a the letter. --When you talk abit sii ma | "| don't, "please don't quote figures, Figures, "fave heen occasioned 'frowi? the following pews item }--** The gt pe of the--gay | iter of the. Post. Dispateh-with Emeta } Stockman Nortin is the "Tia lopmeal netiea ae jamal had. been' tin Sc | de os sen "awoke to fn his wife, friends gone, all, of which gees-to éditors are not infallible after al Ree e gults' from the -new "experifnents which int wed Edigon is. sree: with his_improved-- ts ransmiliting Across the | : n between ForD sa,and Europe, the: , sound oh made Sam mab voice. The pO ct bs eneetist "he 4 1 ae three _ his fortune and acu: cope 'Summer sppeara to be ---"The¥e ts reason to look fr valuable re- | you -- or ought to know, eften tie-- ander-great-amistakes {tit has "bean ound thal ties man. ' wie: gh arse ubaw eee. MAE Site: are -tor these elo spements, Ass el o aS ne eure -- are exceptions, it ving us to acknow ler ~tenths © | riage ergage ete are broken by the | gent} eresx. It jnsromean, theagh, eax easly deserted" wear and sometiines man, who loves to stick, and stichs te | that their: arere: 3 Sal smaltanstinn Ot th cme : eurvienthe to inankin.s in many Wars. t the. We wait with interest of bis experiment: t¢ and P- Campbeit- dry qpole: 3 ae "o ge The load on the Mer: wing Block-is Saiceen vee and » ral covered by insurance in ommercial al. At one th ne": all} rs 1-15 the aca rn] about fifty willing ripen, arrived, the bean g fire andthe assistance of the Harriston Lcostrol, engine was not required. 'The cause of the eieknows--~ te ty One of the strangest, freaks: of nature in the line has-ever- beea--hoown in Erie Townshi can be w witnessed « on_the race dg by a pate es i Darham. bull. Mr. - "Toompson waa burs lhe might het. iprised as we be, han found that the calf had three well-formed and a Yoar. carson the right side of the bead | strange protuberance tight in the middle 41 of the beach dig thonght at first that he: ' wonld kill the animal, bates it was fine oe healthy und peflect in every respect, mind. The calfianow as --eatnie * BURN OR cur 'ot heal cehly | was ae leaves feta xear ay Veet oa Gari ve i¢ applied-at once, aj} Mr, Murray at both ankles, almost sever ere Tatneteay < PAL t het oo big a"two-inch fash fir ine "ett. atee tit au +2 of congratulation that nota single casualty oceurred, while disorder and drunkenness were entirely absent, List "es sci has never seen a greater gala 8 ee GONE WITH A "HASCALLY BarTiT MINIETER," Halifax, July 16,--Mise -Gertie--Smita,+ the youngest & ger one of the brightest and | heat - hs Sanita hess , ; ing, and is now in Boston: it is belic ved. fn company With a easeally Baptist minister, Rex. J, Rt. Hutchinson, who--has-deser wife, leaving her in New Beunswic k te din the; lief in Christ as the only mediator between God and man. H lieved the-Grange} to tts tix 2.008 strangers were if tawii, '16d itis a "matter toh | masters, The council met on the Be ne 5 re Ce Bm = m of $20 Hamilton, ad Ainent. for 'medioet a othend. ance on Michael Paisley while sick with typhoid fever, and $20 was paid M. Dwyer to pay the person who ated to an nursed the pre M. cncate ir hick. Two speoial grants of ha ba e to Divi Nos. 1 an ri ropes roads i i. raaid divisions, 7 he i me appointed to examine and re upon the ps of drainage works in the north- est part of the township (which is rather a a voluminous nattre) was submitted and read.--Said report was adopted and ordered to be filed in the clerk's office fox be information of the ratepayers. appropriation of 2400 was made for reo on the Logan gravel road, $250 of said seen te | to be spent south of Bornholm, pant $150 ~Tite-reeve | was appointed to look after the repairs on the gra cad." The er 0 ogee: for Galivering gravel on the e Logan roa for the-south" portion" at" 70¢, Gable yard was accepted, and the tender of P, Longeway for the north portion at an r cubie yard was. E accepted, the council to issue debent to the trustees of Union Sct = 6, Logan and Eima, to enable oo to for the building o new school a in pie oe was submitted, nd " a Company's peti- tion-in favor bs deslniog of certain: lands in the north part of the township and con- tinuing the drains through a portion o the township of Elma into the river Mait- land pas again brought before the council, The reeve was instruc to take = the etalon of Mr. Idington before proceeding further with the-by-law. The | instructed to issue the following orders on | © treas A, eider, ira to a ilies cons, 5 and %, 218.7 and F. Kistser, ditching and e oo Dwyer, repairs 'to a culvert cons. 8 and 2 $3.50; H. Greve, making up roadway side roads, 20 and 21, con. 6; 819.87 yA: Hart, gravel to pathmasters, $19:30:: eh 'amd 'pew culvert: $137 ie WwW. Brown, g gravel to pathmasters, $7 ; P. aE Fer Ays gravel to pathme. guise 812. Pe - Prank Mergeats building --fence- 1; A. --culvert-side -roada~3O do-and $e cons, 8 Ss Cc. Clark, repairing <bris aes - = eet, "cons. - Woite, culvert and ditching, T th sy y Hganeck, re paris a bridge. and culvert, $0;_P. Shean, gravel to path: rye W-Chaile,-bex--entrert4 acrors cous. 2 and %, $3.50; K. Thwaits, dj} and it.not.a large reeve was There in not much stir in the vill + Farmers- fest and in good ero Building is slack, ont die wolitary house sttne up this suminer, one; either, MMr- Calter nar rented the mill ten "American tirm. They have. bought Mr. David Campbell's stock, and have it lying _. im the mill; ready to put up." What they are going to do, nearly everyone knows, and exprestes a different opinion. Time will tell. We posse: ood achool house, which is doubtless Mtleas well conducted by two young ladies, but if there ever were any trustees attached to the concern, they muet now sither be dead or have left the country, for it would mel that no repairs have been made on the* premises rk ny a long year. The 'uae is in a ge state. If the trustees are really in exis- tence, they noth a fit for their o all). There:-wae~ turnout -- Day, a see: ere On the spectators all omeaiven at the sports, although Fae doubt ne me of Bs ' disa nted. Shak enece's hard luck at the -- sinading om only com racing, jumping, etc,--but _never_a word did we hear of foul play. 5S and power ae lackieg with the natives, Bet- ter luck next time !--Com, BIRTHS, COUGHLIN--In on the Sth inst., the wife ef Kichard ( sonahlta, oot @ son, RAW se ie Listowel, on the Sth inst, "er wife ef x Heeree Haein, e:itor of the Stax dard, o| cg ste: KaAY--In Linowel: on the Teh inst, the wife of A Kay. ofa AISLEY--In Listowel, on. the 7th, inat., the wife. of Joseph Ainley, of a son McALLISTER--On the 20th ult., the wife of 8 Me Alliater, Donegal, of a son, SEES REAON In ma. * beer yc Mitehe!!, on tie 6th, the "wile of 'atvon, ofa daurhte: pavis--in T Toronto, on the oth at - wife of avis, 200 Seaton street, ofa 'MA RRIAGEE: ORR--BROWN--At Peter ly rags HAMILTON MUTS Gn the It maui x-- TLS. the 17th wea at the resideuce of the 'sm mage pe Re lord, by Panton, W. 1k. Hamilton te Clara Hilts. per tg E DUNSEITH--In Strattord, on Thure- the 'th inet., Mr. J: te iiss Maria D bot Mi FERGUSON McDONALD--at Oeais on the Bide 'by the Rev. Torrance, bret bank, BURKE. "COYNE. c Donal Carthage. at St. Catumboe Chiireh, ptaginerst idles iy, on the in father. . E. Stafford, Misa Fanny Jevell, am of "aay ThAUe? --FO Mr. William Faherty, to D DEA THS. DEWAR--At Stratford, on the 18th inst., afters i lileas, Day non ngering James Dewar wa --Tn megan, O8 the sth, M argares Eitioit aged il y KOE t's Rt. warys, = Monday, July the ob, en wife of ¢ Pearce, iced 5S years, 4 months ERWttsctn 4th, "Gye, rasnesants the 19 Teng erp ae tne; Bs! en Seott, beloved wife of William Ander. , aged 70 years 1 month end 6 days, & tative of Sestlan =e és snd the ily moved a3 the oe st society. aie 'Geo. Martay-.ot tho- Wsh-cow: ~ot Aorexst while mowing on Friday 'morning met with an accident which almost cost' him his life. A baulky horse was attached to the machine,.and Mr. Murray get his wife to Siton the seat while he used Baie a with the animal, The horse gave a sharp turn and started of. The fai te caught Pwere Rent apt and ¢ wes curried ay hud Before thet} doctor srived Mr a p had-aben stane = 7 year's salary, fe. cs $104 S03 RK. Jones, 'wervives aa aci; $30; T. Coteney, Lretvices as tae PERV to ane B30: A, rivordell, work on' road, cons. 10 and 11, £6; Mesaré. -Kuhry and Leversage, st- tending on comimittee from' the county vouncil on drainage mattera, $10; W. sare levelling snow hijis tact winter, 5, Were, services aa comnetar: pod 5; Gi Eisler, services ax councillor, $25. phe Fret logge until the lacy J Fes STHENSTONE fethe | win Sith a polation ter s pow LING--In Mitehell, on the sot, the wife of the bride's father, Water niet Ow dy nee bby the Reve t Reyal, con t oR, © awe St tna of Mr. James Serr, forweriy ot Mitchell, aged aS Khera, om Wilses series of High wien, need 2 "i Sr years, ssa mati in histo oN tbe Leh inet G, . aged 26 chee ¢ months and ihe days. SEXEATIONAL STORY. -Toronts, Jaly 16.--A despatch" i Cleveland to-day says that *? he ae Campbei wife of the nephew of Tot Alex. Canptall, baw beou arrested' for athali Geo, J tans' sheri 6 : betiz waa | i wlaM Ape ce "a3 off rnor, 'ot : hae zetia es