Stratford Times, 25 Jul 1888, p. 1

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be an AND WE Blog revere aa COUNTY OF PERTH GAZETTS. Stratford _ Cimes mee td see ET ES eee ' Bey SF ESPAY, JULY 23, 1888. PALA = 2B ac oe aad er ier SRehit sti . city Loral 'tems. Wk Pergason has something for you to read in 1 adv't to $ ge ware 'Paris Green : The Medical " = Ontario street. Mr of lot 6, eon. 7, EBilice, desires _ jarxiods of a good honse-keeper. Mes iy ~ ok "books and. instruments at greatly reduced prices, to clear out , at Bosworth's -- E. G, Smith, « Stratford tea pedilar, was fined $15 and costa for selling tea it Platts ville without a licence, * Y. on ean first clas: Ja) TSE per Fae far past Ms alsh we ; -- every thing ia sold pig es li "Co. Call and 'See No tro to show goods, thene: The cottage lstaly occupied by Dr. J A. Robertson, is offered to rent, Apply to Mr. Joseph KR, Kilburn, architect Great big bargains all this month at Bunting & "scott's Big 7. Market street. Don't mis thia omg id nee what the tirm can do for - "Mrs Lag Noles | street, wife of Mr. Wm. Spence G. T. K. night baggage-man, fed between the house and the panp ani Geke one_of her lege dest week. Curar Readprse ror Tovgtrs.--All the rge libraries always in stock at Bosworth'a. The members of the Home Memorial chure Notice of -- date will be given in Tur Times later o: ns oom sie in great weatetn apy oa nr $t2- up, at Bradshaw & bargain all kinds of furnjture. at.the warerooms, Ontario st. ast, epee nae court house. % season has commenced, and ao the sugar eave eter StS advancing. arnedale & Co, have laid in a large of all grades cf sugars, and wi t get ee value while they . At the ob: dentate aaa: ter. of ig Arch: Masons. in-Toronto; tae week, V. E Comp. J. E. Harding was lected Grand J., ie = "Baker: "GPithi" 'Saperintendent of Ha District. Cheap Simon~ informs: ts that' he New diwe-aus mored't Salve ieainpaniere: one Market street readymade clothing is in great deavand, and parties who have bought boots and * shoes from him state that they never got better value for their money. Farmers, take a look at the advertise- ment of Lardine oil in another column of Tue Timms. Messrs, Jeffvey Bros. are the sole agents in Stratford for this Superior brand of ott, --aa the Jeffreys don't adver- tise in Tne ee few people outside of their te neighborh bérhood know where they are nian In three weeks, Messrs, Sinaate & Co. the | purpose taking stock, and _ be! 7 "commence "would tikes "t6 "make" a tlean sweep of summer goods, If big reductions _ in prices are any inducement, the clearing ia as good as made. Oar readers need not be reminded that this old. reliable tirm's goods are the. best to be found anywhere. The Acton. Free Press warns its readers againata couple of impostors who are at resent doing the country. They are tak- ing subscriptions for s pamphlet, promis- ing to give « large painting with it, One is a small heavy-built man, with dark hair and sandy ---- His companion is medium-s tred hair aud small red mustache. They have been arreated on more than one occasion for fraud per- petrated in the States. _ We desire to call the attention. of .our st ers to a proposed Tournament by the excellent Band of the- 38nd Batt., Brace Militia, which will be held <4 " Alkerton on the Sth and 9: . of Augus ea to "Hie amount of $1,200.00 a sae mel for competition, and a number of leading Bands have aignitied their --Parcradte train" ments have been made with the G. T. R. for exceptionally jow rates, and. extra train service. And last, but by no means least, a uniform hotel rate of one dollar © day has been secured for all visitors. ere is every prospect of the Tornament _ being largely attended. The death of the Rev, Father Funcken, of St. Agatha, on W ednesday night last, Wasa surprise to the people of this section The sad news will be ,received by all who knew him with heavy hearts. His : and faithful services in connection with the work of his church were rewarde d by honor and praise justly merited, For nearly thirty years he held the position in which death found him.. The schools and orphans' home at St. Agatha were institu- ted by him and have progressed under his care He was well known here, having preached in the old church until about seven years ago.--Hamburg Independent: Mra Johnson and dauch- fo city. 'Local aews. Large line of Seer ate to choose from |. ~shout TT, roo | fries." Yes, pee ae, | Tne mitt bo ome intention of oe Get samples of the teas that James Corcoran sells at 25 anc centa per and, and ¢6fapare them with what you ave been paying 50 and 5 cents per ¥ Mr. Joseph A. McConnell, formerly G. T. Ki. ticket agent at Stratford, aied on Friday at Irishtown, of consumption, He was married to # daughter of Mr. B. Me Exoy, af this c '=i While Mr. ff. J. Hurlburt's children, of Mitchell, weére e laying with the lawn mower, Georgie, theo} deat ene,dgot the than ab. of his-teft band inte the knives ane --- at haif of it there. , oar 3 Velsh. a well-known practical and will open a shoe store shortly next to Datton's drug store, Ontario st. His abilities as a manufacturer are of a first class order, and we would besepeak for birm a liberal patronage. A party in Shakespeare ward the other é¥ening was indiscriminately tiring a piste! otf, "just for fun," when some stray shots came in close contact with the person of Mr. James McDow ell. who was working arcund hia home. 'There is need of en- forest law against shonting within the eerporntion when euch recklessness ag this 1s displayec A telegram was s received on Saturday by Rev. BK. Scott, Preaby terian minister at Brooksdale, West Zorga, conveying intelli gence of the drowning of his son "9 that day at Port date The boy, who aged a has been employed for a year ina Porenks dry goods house, was spend- ing his vacation in Port Perry at the tame of his untimely death, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Uibson left for Scot- land last Saturday; Dr.J..A. Jtobertson and wife also departed from Stratford for the old country on Monday, and Alderman Davidson, Jerk, and 'wife leit yeater- day. Tar Ties wishes them a safe and pleasant journey. Dr, Robertson irtends wt the principal hospitals in Britain od on the Continent during his absence, ite Mitchell ddeocate last week alyiy-re- * big 4?) head that runs-the Stratford Herat says that 'the Mitchell fighting editors have kissed 1 and made up bat" they ' were tever ac- ofhaying tried to kiss the < colored | ina certain. hotel in Strathroy" misteke tr hove "are u + al ; spect, and don 'te allow such miserable white rash as the Dungboys to come near them.] Mr. Henry Ubelacker will proceed this season with the erection of a handsome store on Wellington st., on the McDonald survey. It wil] be an ornament to that rapidly. improving part = the city. = flammatory hew ideas in its victived, "aa as aay ti is just recovering from a ainfal dose of that ailment, the idea evolved in his anguish = -- be seen in stone, brick and +. Plooe. Freeborn, Miltbank, one of the ectable fr county of naan well known in i ie Hnron district, waa fined $50 at Havover reeently for ap- plying @ eancer remedy to two parties near that village. The ingredients that Mr. Freeborn uses in making the plaster he grows op hia own farm. He has treated many cases successfully during the past twenty years. If the law as it stands does bot allow him to relieve suflering it is sadly in need of amendment. The Durham Chronicle says that "if Dr, Washington, with a half a dozen letters tacked to his name, is aa poor a physician as he is backward in paying his printer's bills, then may the Lord have merey on his patients." Dr, Washington is a travelling specialist and the only know. ledge we have of him is a cheque on the Central. Bank forwarded Gs after the bank had bust. It has gone to our eharity account--Durdalk - Herald. De. Wash. gton 1s---well-_knewn--in- -Orangerifie where he practiced for two or three years, = where, too, he has rather an unsavory utation.. His -practics 3.20. Vertis ements to newspapers, promis ing to | pay at the end of each quarter. He tried several times to play this game on the *oa', but we each ay informed him that outside ads, had to be paid for in advance. Latterly the Dr. has oneal annoying us.-- Dufferin Post. He eould not work his jake-on Tue Stearrons rues. Respect- able papers avoid such characters. | Personal. We are pleased to see Mr. Postmaster 'altho duties, although considerably reduced in flesh and badly shaken up by his recent severe illness fromrheumatic fever. Mr. Jaines Hay, son of D. D. Hay, registrar, Stratford, is at present pi enins friends ere, --Birtle Ohserrer. rgeant Alex. S. Martin, of the To ronto Koyal Grena- *, gave Tur Times a call on Monday, having been attending the obsequies of his deceased father at Newton. . Martino is one of the 'veterans "2 icc soe: . having his left arm and City Local Hews. Total Eclipee ef the Moon. For almoat two hours last Bunday night the ~moon Waa totally immersed in| the shaduw of the "earth, a jon of whieh -was enveloped in darknées, In Stratford the various phases of the phenomenon were observed by scores of it fre folk , people, at the following times': Mrs. H has Evident Moons entered the { mora shadow 10 27 p. m sitmiaed 7 Gone tal evlipee heen at . rar ~ to Stayt title of the e-lipwe nwa sf - Total eclipses ended wo" wine le 217" | A NINE DAYS' WONDER ABOUT thra 43 mins Pw toe » hr. 43, ming. L} Ze TED, _ = STRATFORD'S RECENT " ELOPEMENT " IN HIGH LIFE. Ex-Chief Herringto n Returns to the Bosom of His Family. 7 otf acvonnf oc We Se tongs Sh aha: Bae" church as the //erald gang, who had sha- dowed her even while attending divine ser- vice m the Methodist church ! © amount of sneaking hypocrisy that they had ex- hibited mina ay herself in her hour of trouble--even calling at her house and endeavoring to get her to make charges against her absent write up er ----7 to help the sale of their pa believed jeeuible to. to emanate from any -- poscessing the least spark of chris- tianity or cyanlimem. For the sate of a few paltry < doliars, % they had dese ae siabiah. water i oe © ee | STORY. To the Editor of Tae Staatroav Tours, Dear Stax,--I 0 that the Daily Beacon of 21st inst.,in-an-erticle from = Mitcell enti, colwmn o Mr. S. R. Hesson, the husband, i order to | for North Perth, and his utterances at Listowel om 12th July. inat..And it brings she could have | up-am absurd story abowta bell! that ene was bg from a Catholic harch at F bellion in the Northwest. devotes a member La er Betoche mt the time of the re: Correction. Tn last week' s Times it was stated that --4- "tree's ald. v anstone, to get leave of absence go to London, that he read over the charge preferred againsthim. The word *"* reat" shouhl have heen ' ta/ker/." Only that, au nothing more. As it is the firet ms.- take Tus Timxs bas made in twelve years that has Leen considered important enough to be corrected by other papers, we take the earliest opportunity to set body right on the peint, and prevent the ace of a reyolution in the community. *eonle. who. i hrame tected "te be cast apon A Ald, Vanstone must be bigger foola than any of the participants in the " elopement! Look Out fer Horse Thiers. On Satupday night last the barn of Mr, : sage Ww ilson, Gore = Downie, was entered ves who harnessed ree hitched it to a top buggy, and, tying another.of his horses behind, they ata rted off for points unknown. The "led horse" broke away, and has been recovered, but the other horse and buggy are non ext The eseptely giddy ig em of the atolen property :--A very dark browa mare, with long white strip on face ; 12 years old, 15 hands high, in weight, in good order. The bu one of his --_--~.- --- On Thursday last, Tees Chief Berring- Mrs.Hene nen ly forgotten, the ihowton letter wae re by grass widower Henry, and was handed to the press for publication, causing fresh interest to be taken in the absentees 5 " a niet He * Pert ues Mict> , Jaly 7. "To W. J. Hears. "Tees by the papers thas Mre. H. aad I have het with meat afl. think you etn her too " ita Wi 1 affleree pow and had I taken the . vine-of frlends are i: away fF bince 4 would not have get into trouble. The trevhle thas you and iT wite ant ite and T is all through my going te yeur house your are as moeh aa faultasany one. Ido not think Mra Hesvy hae Prebbert of a dollar in anyway, unless she might have en enough pay her f te o ye you know whererhe is. 'a ow know all about her and f walking ; that ha a of -- is all that is io true, and the report on rour Set dearstep ond | port : T infalne, | never sat there except when you were there your eelf. all the reat of J to rain you aad I shou idered by you before yeu judge too harehiy. If you »rite by retura wail | will iR «A le rug be_givem for Tecovery of property and conviction of the thief: An Indiacreet As of akg Deiemment 3 the te Sheriff's hands as assignee. and he asked what he was doing there, answer was. | not satisfactory to the sheriff. Since his fail- ure Mr. Sharman had obliged the sheriff on, several occasions by disposing o pot f machinery to his former cus- ho had purchased reshers, | ee. .» from him previous to business comy plications. Thinking there was nob he had sold certain articles -- the sto without notifying: the i of the fF sold, and woute have sien 'Nanded to the Assignee next day, The sheriff, however,.dia net.look sheriff, g money eneatoest by itself, with a hatemeht his Lele. pe of thths stamter would di ---- theiy Detroit countespact --the Sun fay» Sen Henry's wife is of the fercest 'tind, and this bas been kept alive by te Hernid's care'ul nursing and eagerly innning the flame. He was a constant Visitor at that office all Inst week, and was urged to all sorta violence, especially against his '* weake> vessel. y advice received from the pimps, he went to the police court on: tick against --his tecamt-- rene peorhe, ant SF WEFe Feo com. patien ot the Midland. To. the best of my newledge, there was ne del! on the church there; the church wus net touched or in- jure? in any way by the »yal volunteers, except by a volley from the Gatling gen before the. action. | Selkirk with the Midland, and they a Saturdey and settled the fine of that Johneton au who was then safely under | lock and ki to install hee i in his yome eeper.if the police would allow her to remain in the city |! He fourd it lonesome living in solitude---at least so he mformed the police authorities, and be needed a woman about his house, esperially in view of the expected visit of '* friends" mger- soll and other points who would s0en cal! and-condole w tort : However much. people may believe the atories circulated about ears 2 ill-treat- meut of his wife, the fact of her deserting two young children stards to her discredit. That she should dese:t the innocent off. ring of her union with such a mam as eur. roved himself: to be, shows that _ sadly lacks ta maternal instinct whic pride and glory of every al even jamal a sufferer from man's perfidy and crue!ty. To he wy jer waa nt with him | ohnsons is "Tat the fate in atore for therm o | will feel that « great public service has -} been... done We suppose ex- Alderman Barker and other respectable residents 'i> avon ward ity if Henry her d: 7 rere worthy ex- "bat no either in : Detroit er Port Huron. He ad- y Hemi visits naturally. between himes| ft, and H: writ 'Z- enough daring those ' and ton saw and hear isits din need upon Mr. Sharman as being his authorized officer; although he had used him in a sort of unofficial manner, found ita way into the police court, Mr. Sharman being charged with illegally relling certaia small articles, The whole matter amounts to less than B10, and the the public look tightly upon. Sharman did he did in the broadest day- light, and it is only since the sheriff's 'action against him that he realized that there was danger in what he was doing Kut law is taw, and the piper must be paid. Tue Times does not care to further dis- cust the case while it is before the courts. Stratford in Maniteba The Birtle Observer ee as records the doings ol. former Stratfordites in the [rnairie Province. As they omen ail former friends of Tae Tras here, although not -* ba -- eame-site- of politics; we reprod Observer's items: -- Mr. H. fosaaas is oneeing an excellent J rgsidence.on bia Jamy.near. Porteous Bros, are erecting a to their livery and feed ali, -- to be used as an effice, Mr. Jno, A. Crerar is erecting a dwelling house on his farm property near Solsgirth Mr. W. Porteous is also bailding a resi- dence on his land in the same neighbor- "hood. Mr. J. Pentland has the contract for both buildings. Stratford, Ontario, is pretty. weil be sented in Birtle and vicinity. Mr. / Morton, sec. treas. of the town, seas Porteous of the Arlington... hotel .and- pro- prietors of the large livery stables, are Stratford men. So are James Johnston, merehant, D. W. Cumming, banker, J. = Crerar, barrister. C J. Mickle, M. P. Thomas Yeandle, Russel Easson, Adanis, Mr Corbett, Mr. Wilson, jaa Sharman and brothers, Mr. Cairncross, Mr. Haines, Mr.,Fiynn. Mr... Brown... Dow,and Mr. James Fisher, M. P. P. for Russeil, are all from Stratford. ladies n addition The front there are men, as many from Stratt ol them . celebrated 4 Tor their fone and s y le and some for iT bse notorious a ter, of Avon a are wound up fora ~ Sine: before the Police Magis istrate Baceidas. morning, and picad- ft fame. ok they would be given an opportunity to leave the city, if not, the ful amonns of the fine would be collected or they would go down. Two male ireyuenters "Were fined $10 each. The cos cowoukd bededucted from freq austen and 'the balance would be. the Chil "O'Donnell eto peeige for mer this i, song pat, for months past, has dingrace and nuisance to the neigh: "| ~borhont: W Collins was lately discharged from "hands of-the police far--tryi asother "ican's horse. , was ab a iddiesex and | Huron, accompanied by his wile, deaake musket Tall in the a at that memorable battle. He suffers. terribly rom the wound yet, pieces of bone forc- ing ven way through his flesh every few weeks--sometimes coming out of his back, might arm, and legs. He holds a position in the Toronto P.O; and is in receipt of « & pension of mh yearly as Smee -- for his injuries: ~-- in St tratford visiting her -- ee little boy is seriously fl --P cine Edward Post,----Mr, Jaines eer: M. P., re- covered from the effects of his~ late f accident- at par ggg be Bea: Nasmyth_ oa family will leave ina few days te rusticate in their 'summer home in f oe Tux Times wishes them a t trip, free from sea- pices has Slosapii Me Ww. William Gibson, accompanied by his wife, sai x pret of the al + the : fine personal appearance. Resseiz. Ecscriox.--In common with many. Conservatives Mr. J. B. Frazer has suffered a severe defeat. In no_ electoral division were Conservatives more -- than in Kuseell. Some * voted for James Fisher and some did not vote at all. Seeing that the province had gone wholly with the Greenway Government they t that Hesel as well go also; hers held 6m th+- "same day with cteal at. in the province, Mr. Frazer was laced at a serious disadvantage in- con- he can stand on equal terma with his rival The = ~ Fisher was 345, for Frazer 91, with places to hear from. Mr. Fisher admits that he i is a indabeed tc Con- ade support or Conservative tndlffer. ence for his electi s ofone. Henry was happy when the chief asa regular visitor at his lonse,and knew that hie wife was onthe most friendly terms with him., Mr. Herringtea t ant tapers that he was ever guilty of ny improper conduct with Mra. ai Notwithetunding circu . and his conduct in going away, he maintains his innocence of being on other terms of in timacy with the om more than v isiting in the presence and abeence of her hecband, and walking with her on several occasions, often times at enry's solicitation. As to his going away, he says that there were financial reasons which so overcame him as to ren- der him unaccountable for his aetions, and the charges ana scandal going abroad about neglecting his duties mg haying te intercourse with ate women, overcame his nt, He. felt that people were inclined - ap lieve the worst that was said, wae | oA -- ------_ he de slded a i Sinligaentiy dl = that he ewer quar. | --_ with his wife, or that they had tness about Mrs. Henry" The above is Herrington's explanation, and the public can read and think for themselves As there are other develop- menta promised in connection with the ex- chief Tue Truss deems it wise not to enter into details too cineely: ** We shall see what we shal! see As the smoke clears 3 away it is becoming ads 2 see teach day that the Wilson- action were aided in their work by -- 'Strathroy kids. It was known since last sum had the /ferald under their tha th per was assiduous in its endeavors to whitewash the Fy oe ge head and puff up the Stratford tail of the twain of worthies, --the to and the short. of everything that was disreputable, dishon- ost sae -- ee ae The Dungboy their Sesibaten s] worthy a line, and the job will be neatly mer that Henry and Wilson | now is to drop that accomplished. Henry could not refuse Fazal so small a request, up by the sumentey 'i the Conteal charch ! Good gen out of evil. taleciarea he would have felt real the turn affaires have taken if it were not for the kind a extended to him by the Indian Agency pector's boys and their paper. rds of a feather flock tegether." The Cheapest Stare. Macklin gt ory sed part of the bank. rupt stock of hes Bros. Call and see his dollar tweeds --~ 65 cents, Extra fine blue serge $2.75, for $1.25. See the reduc- tions in all his stock, all the 10cent prints _| reduced te 8 cents. Men's suits warrant- ed shoddy $3.50 Suits to order from $7 up pure wool, pure wool pants to _ from $2 up. --Some Grit newspapers pretend to be lamenting over the failure of certain crops ina limited section of this province, while striving to make party capital out of the farmers' troubles. They wish to help things by bringing in grain from the States, thus preventing the Canadian farmers who have surplus from selling to 4 those of their countrymen who have not. 4s-cne-werd-for-the Canedist" i 4 and two for the farmers south of the ro They also wish to help our farmers -- ing home manufactcresa and home market thus created in all our in- dustrial ceatres ! Because in some locali- ties farmers are suffering, they propose as a remedy to cripple.. the. itural and manafacturing interests of this broad Dominion ! ao _----~--2<80o---- Cirie Holiday. In compliance 'with a requisition asking that Monday, 30th inst. be proclaimed a civic holiday, the Mayor has issued his Jamation to that effeet. The AO. F. the prime tnovers in the matter, that the day of tieir demonstrativg at Waaliton MILVERTON, Oeircany.--Oa--Sstarday, July-- Dist Mrs. Munro closed ber long ami useful career, She passed away in the seventieth year of her. "age, having' survived } her hus- Deseunik ,tieclarong it wae hie metention > ir no be? with them. Moreover, any who hed any * to08 ha ad wiyive: cue Seo Avon ward prostitute, the | before leaving the Northwest. may rest assuzed that this bell story | fe movers ef the.) particia of truth, ? lespectirdly yours, . OME WHO WA? THERE. Stratfoxl, -- 2rd, 1888. ---- © reg-et to Biifidtiies the desth on FP: 'ny. 20%h imst., after a short -- lard, and ad the ag listed in She Reyri Fe Artillery, and served in tho Crimes, and Indian metiny. followed his >emains to their last resting in the E arch barial. "ff "the empathy of all who know them. sz, Maeys. e Demgecrn » Fine.---A Se on street at =i4hBO att satan ine eee tae Bet th ea by. Joseph Henry," started and - oy gocds, and he Stafford aa 4 srddler's shop. ne building with most of the centents was burned. Gilpin's bleck adjoining, was siso burned, but nearly = of the ateek was saved. At one time { Was @ strong prospect the fire von spread to other Suildings,. but by the unit- ed effocta of the firemanand citizens the fire was confined to the with Sane Lex] _- y men- tioned. The storo# burned are Mrs, B enry,. Jancy. goods, small i : Joseph Stafford, saddlery, partly insured ; loss abevt $2,080;.H. LL. Davis, barber shop, goods raved ; hk 7. Gilpin, boots and shoes, insured, lose aboot? $2,000 ; John C. Gilpin, general bardwaze, tin shop, loss heavy, about $6,000, total lows to the town will be about $15,000. HLMA. Weather fearfzily dry, and root crops a complede failure. The village of Attwood inaM mod heed baseladlcilub, which is making gress. The hay crop is nearly rary but is pone up to that "of g crops in this towmship org pretty wall in general. A few days agethe bush tires got in too. close anal mre Neebile's mill,'oa the hy COn,, oyed not only the mill bet all tgeck of of Souber which was orm. newly fleisch, in Buchanan, of the T4th from dea! escape ? Kalb employ. of a eae Robert Dr. Hamilton, of was cnickly in attendance and attended to bie injuries. He hopes to have sauehpencticcinte again in a few day ee, The family Mrs. Hume, where visited, are with the same isease, but are now in a faiz way of re- covary. ELLICE. A special meeting of the council was held at Hill's tavern on Monday, July 16, Ait :. pemeent but the reeve. The part a. ea track 9 Chit Herrington Tpose. allowed their columns to wl used for the anon necessary wor court of Isw. No sooner had the chief | and thice dargiters. This trying ordea} { ascertain amcunt.of work yet te be and Mrs se | disappeared than the | made doubly so by the dithiculties: inci. done to 'cumuplete. the the same according to miserable, scandal hypocrites | dent to early settlement in the "Qaren's-| the protile and specifications, and threw all sorts of dirt after. them,| Bush," was braved, and with a-trisi ing | Prepare a proper profile or =~ ule of and t--in-their-t «| heart and willing hands she ~egéceeded im | ##eh work, aq at parties can ing chiefs rain had well ! hewing for heraeif and family, tender for the same, and thet pf hand rough his own Leper homie, "Nor was she less ar of the | S8¥ited-for the work yet to be ---_ ness and Henry's mac' education of her family. Two of her sana | 5600 asthe engineer reports,--Carried. © Not contented with that, they peb- eccup! inert. posi in The clerk was subsequently instructed to lished base and ------ talocbond of journalism. D. er being editor of | consult a said engineer in the matterand ertington the states, is a ici She voluntarily came to Tur Truss office and eclared that her had er to her, nor she to ed was a native of Rosshirc. . Scotland Thirty five years ago she in compan her husband, emigrated to em ge and settled in the township of Mornington. Nine years later her husband died, leaving her a widow witha family of four sons was precious to her than silver or gold, she never doubted His wisdom, though sorel the is properly Moved gf O'Brien, ee come as far as amily have ~ furniture and | contractor for the Maitland desten: was read and filed. Moved

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