. "A YANKEE EE IN RUSSLA. | A CLEVER AMERICAN Gets GOLD | FROM REFUSE SAND. The Natives Astonished Reyond Measure. The 6 Catied Crank Makes « Contract with « Prominest Mine Owner--Capital and Kelence Succeed. Rusa her with the great awe the average Aine' ta! the czar, be cherishes @ "er Sate Ao Ae ee RTI ei Crt MEENA AE ea TS PRIOR ON EUROPEAN SOLDIERS. What the War A te Say on the Sabject. ; The best Fase soldier = the conti. | nent is' the above all for | strength, stam: ge size ak co A | whole regiment will average men over six feet high. a"trown blonde men, mountaineers, wito fight with any sort of ogre they can get, and they act well in Has | The rman private ranks next. He Is | kept in thralldeen and taright only to obey. He uses bis arms well, aud is as steady a rock next face of fire me petit arn Tha a y feceive extra allure ' , Sentai rr oats a : us -Vishied" ia sof Pood aud* st for there tharks- : gers--a ce ussian capi- i shot i talist. Zelenkof, and an American chemist. ~ 8" oP Tan poor Sane are required | All -- of the professional gossipers of jove! se ial altagerl ii domn d Tosar best marksman.of all the European rank force and "C" B - =. ly the sible fo - and Skeena river, It will be impossible for i ingy seni of them save that during ~~ Turk deserves honorable mention | | ee to anand the Skeena owing their short stay they were frequent JY gext.A-hundredunofficored. Turks sill-|.waterand the rapids. The only why a f Seer AFoiind the mines in the -- of fight better than any othe hundred pri- |: troops can go up is In canoes and it is esti-- f the i ae In the adjoining forest, ae vates The hey average of-goed-size and-aro + rated this will occupy three weeks, as it thou gaged in some ectonsant re dark Better armed and led they would be ") miles up river to the scene of the j 6 fine' morning however, render a better account of the mseives. | trouble, The Indians who are causing the they were gone and nothing was They have. any arms they can get now, | trouble are the worst on the coast. a Po ge we ai until ede spring chielly the Remington ana Peabody rites, | --s106+- By . 2 ey appeared again Mr Prior says the Turk "the one gen- | ' and at this time evidentiy. -fully temas you ap onthe Red of the outh." | The * = 'Hoad need the Brother. thon for business Almont the very He true nousof batie He showa i i nsennin thet arrival they Were keen Un The ae see eyes tho | Chic cave Tul y 16.--A tay owas po Gt Ba of the city. and the number of gteatest kindness and consideration | niet vile the office ef tt various apparatuses which they bad along |" Says. Mr Prior "The Turk of the 1ank | held this afternoon at the office of th ctr NEE ~tiretr keeper wire Bard TIO UEK © Coe 4. deri _ deteti erie acd howe ; has often Eig me almost from starva- "hin . ag een piwa etoang testing and experimenti: ra }rusd and Chief Arthur, of the locomotive i ng 'pon sonie of | tion [offered 1 him a gold piece for a sin- . : ' ' tremen | 4 bt enormous quantities of ief d | j engineers, Chief: Sargent of the firemen, t 4 ities of iefel or san le bisenit. he shook his head and wouldn't | 4 4) , seats cata ; ali over the Beld. which i § and Alex, Sullivan, their counsel. Hodge EB en US ae j Sell. Theti he would break it-in two and | The ° jected by the mine owners as and Murphy were resent, The f +e wae give me half of it. They fear nothing {| , herhood efficials disclaimed knowledve t eb an apparent absurdity was ananigh In a war which they esteem sacred, like { brotherhood elliciais Gisc 8 t to arouse the whole tx Th k = . pin eens, | of the dynamite conspiracy. and declared f eh ve jokes, | their contest against the Bulgarians, they | j comments and general aniusemeyt at the ia of 2 he Y | that they had no sympathy with the law } expense of the "cranks" kiiew no bounds. | of A vette. - ll io encanta ry im any rike ee vt 4 ae "One ma, well test the mud of the " j talk over the strike situation, bat « Street--the result" will be the same FP ly nar ap mpi faction waa put off few days, when = ,rroe u Y otters c ot Buch remarks wero. heard op all sides... rac tins a 2 OUier, eet ing w tie held. entero bewever -entertaniad adif-- ferent coon About the walter After having completed all the tiecmsary ex per: | iments, they called upon Novikef-one of | ¢ most prominent miue owners in Ekat- | erinburg "If you remember," said Zelenkof, "we | had the pleasure of cee you a --and_a--balfage,when- 4--your Lind eo we filled a bag full of your Ore "Of course I do, batiushka. Well, do | you wish tohave some more of it? are perfectly welcome to all Er her and more," sneeringly added Novi. Novi- | At the | t "You ace very kind. indeed. éame time we should prefer to sign a con- tract by which we bind ourseives to pay you a certain amount, say 400 roubles per | each pood of gold (a-pood is equivalent to forty pounds), that we may obtain from ¢ tetei' } } Novikef stared at them for a munaeiit; "y 23 "oe scarcely-able'to realize his avd therremark "Well now, gcentiemen, 1 do not wish aaah tobe a "ee . ~oweNot at all" ee Zetenkot We mean ¥ yo oo ae ear' east =~ 4 od Cocatned i cate eflect we wish as op manne a contract.' MILLIONS IN THE SAND A few niore words brought Novikof to terms milar contract was at same time obtained from another promi- nent miner The first step having been accomplished the next was to break the ground aud erect a large factéty with all the modern improvements Mon. women and children were freyuently seen in crowds viewing the greatest wonder of the age----that of manufacturing gold out of iefel. Of course; o as to the sue- "cess of the 'enterprise varied Novikof himself thought, and be did not at all hesitate to express his thoughts. that the "cranks" would fail before long C) changed his opinion, when in the course of @ year the strangers succeeded in produc- ing eight poods (240 pounds) of the high- est grade of gold, while he himself, after pes at si. 75 fortune and using what he ae ore, produced only i the 1s occurrence created quite a sensa- tion ae Ekaterinburg "Millions in the Millions that vo one ever thought ails spread all over the field! ta discovery!" Both Zelenkof and ican + gon especially the . became the here of! ig towns and . Whoin the most simple manner : them to disclose the "sect ct." "Five hundred ee roubles and a ep the yourself," was the discouraging reply which chey received from the "heroe 'he successful enterprise of Zelenkot & Co. has undoubtedly proved to many of the Russian eaptiaiinta that capital and science combined go much further than such an uncertainly as "luck." The suc- cess that this firm.met is waiting for many - About five years ago'a poor Ger- man graduate from the mining school few desiatins of *"worthless" ; land. He is said to be worth 200, roubles now And still the czeris in need of funds and his sole advisers are devisir ig¢all sorts of means to borrow money and to tax his ie --Philadelpiiia Times Dishes at London Diners. ~ Owing to the facilities for transport the fashion that prevails at large dinners wd giving game, fruit, ete., coming from countries is less difficult than it might a it appear, and you now meet with many curious dishes t hitherto the untrav- eled have only read or_heard of Ato PTaid ul Lwith Pua Tv b to have offered to you bear's bam from _ Russia. sterlets from the Volga or Launch Trutts, the cokis frown m Japan are the best. This frait is yellow, ransprting. "ta form -- color a man cost more than they are ae Shh and Fea -- ¥ try. game and fruit can be had and not spotted by the eyes do not have to be down toa Unless the head ts raised very high far. ows, however, it will be found very to hold the book high enough, of falling - doar ee re, weaken their od hours &: weveretiiness The a----ieie! ef theeyes partake of the when it comes to a Secret.t0.\-made . Philadel phia Times. to diz ont the bullets from the target or sand bank The German private is the Mire toe theirs, sing me ther SON ES press their food and vigarediee en me aida | speak their language, but | bad my drago- man with me al! the time as interpreter. The Turks average old. I am a Turco- phile." The French private should bo onnet next. in Mr Prior's judgment. He is little man, very slovenly and bombastic land tunnels, and those who, jike miners Bat charge. or any matter of dash and pluck, the Frenchman isa i gallant soldier Yet he can't stand ad versity, hardship or defeat. He | have his boullli- or he "ian't worth. a ; cuss." e same time, under proper | conditions, he is hardy The French have new repeating rifles, a better arm perhaps |. than that of any European soldier Yet | mil Frenchman a= 't shoot as accurately e German. e French army is well drilled now The Russian private is a forbearing and | Wand working antnial the Russo-" Turkish war he was entirely overweighted with arms and equipments, a fault that ira been: i tew-rille fore be had.the Croker and Berdan guns, as heavy again as the British Martini- Henry "A ood Enropean war now world + be worth £50,000.000 to the Uni ted States freidrewiys than or <Mr *g" closing remark. -- Now York World |, (and quite young ih average years tie B Those Foremothers of Qurs, Among my most vivid childish recol- lections ts that of rival belles, one of | whom, in my admiring sight, spanned | her-waist--- with---her---joined -- hands, | while the other eviemaph -- c rossed her ...arms...behind. her. bac nd. in- terlaced the fingers ie Groumat around to the fone _of- her ote Our girl may be a. simpleton, but has "takers in, if euily 'Ore absorption, a "yerioral idea of arterial circuljation and lung ac- tion and rape no such suicidal enor- mities as one i daca had small feet. If they ere not born with them they.made them. Their fairy figures were balanced upon high heels no larger at the base than a silver dime, and set well toward the in- step While scant skirts were in yogue, few had the moral courage to make innermost of these of tlannel, and the merino were unknown On the night. of Elizabeth Patterson's nuptials with Jerome parte, she eat a riggs yee her bridal pd was elmet ote i that made the head ache; the pores of the skin were choked with pulverized starch, rico and chalk, sometimes with a substra- tum of tallow to make the powder stick! Ah! shes. Were very much made up and those -foremot hers: ef: 'ours; who auick. saintfully at us from tarnished icture frames, stonily sweet, while we writhe and grimace at the dregs of the full cup of ills wrung out to us by the fron hand of heredity. --Marion Harland in bic: Ready to Die, Stirling's estimate of. William. mg ea proprietor for many years of he Glasgow theatre, makes him out a re- sorkalie character His principal pas- sion seems to have been (to put it mildly) a thrifty regard for the coin of the realm. After many years' toil and penurious liv- ing he managed to buy the ground and build his Glasgow theatre, a fine aie of stone, Eg with statues of Si Byron, Seott and--W illiam Alexander Declining years brought con- fll, and after adeal of pressing he con- sented toemploy a physician, who, moment he saw him, © him prepare for the Gaanean end Poa Alexander, start- jem raily { Stimulate the liver. j due The Skeena | Indians. REPORTS WHICH CAUSE MUCH EXctremant \ aT VICTORIA, B. ©. Victoria, Jaly 16.---There is great ex- eitement over the reports from Skeena river. The steamer Caribou Fly arrived' yesterday and her officers eay that when the steamer left Skeena river it was repcst ed that Mr. Clifford, in charge of the Hud ons Bay Company at-tazieton, and one of the special constables sent from here had been murdered by the Indians, The In ' dians are the roughly excited. and threaten s | to exterminate all the whites-in that part {the country., H. B. Koger, of the Troy inctatl police, will leave™ to- dey for thie | ccene of the trouble with a force of special licemen H. M.'S. Caroline arrived lest night and will probably convey the Far che sp Raisins, cheap Syrup, cheap Cotfees, cheap Teas and- cheap Segui ge to Walsh Bros'. Ho.toway's Pitts axp OmtMest --It is impossible entirely to prevent the nox- ious vap@urs which are given off in mines ay operatives, ae to work day rday in ench vitia atmospheres wutler in health and ecm in conse- quence... The chest and.tiver often. Le come clogged with the producta of con buati itating great attention to the health. No remedy is more valua- ble lg miners and the like than Hollo 5 Pills, as they carry off all effete from the 'blood, and healthily They are also in- valuable for costive bowels and for 'all bil- ious disorders The Ointment is a price remedy for ion sprains,.uleers_and all manner ral a0 pee Se Walsh Bros, keep all the best : brands of brandies, wincs, foreign" and' domestic whiskies, ales, porters, ae ete, Our ales pand ers are in ~prime~-condition- and ~ just.what- is--wanied..for.the weather, A Lesson | is to be learned trom the sight of a bat head, Falling out and premature gray bi ss of the hair can be stopped if taken in Do not let it run on without making an » effort tosaveit, Get a bottle o : Dorenwend's Germain * Hair Magic ;" stimulates the growth; gives fresh vitality, ne, and keepsthe hair its natural color. Be sides it.is.a superb dressing. All druggists sell it ; ask for it. There is no case._of disease among Horses and Cattle where 'Maud 8." Powders are not called for, and by their timely administration will save the lives of many valuable anmals. A Sad Loss. Loss of appetite and the attendant low spirits, dullness and debility, are of very frequent occurrence. Regulate the bow- els and improve circulation and digestion by using Burdock Blood Bitters whenever these symptoms are present, CARD OF THANKS. ee TO MY PATRONS AND FRIENDS : Hays Retired from Buiiness, I take this the meee appros ' 4 system as formerly, a = an Ty me the tilluel comibteg ee. for, future. Hoping 7 reibe Bameliberal coun- tenance and support as 4 have viven m I remain, yours respectfully, Wa. GIBSON. ----* LL be at the Store until the 20th inst... ueine. A percentage o on all accounts over $5, s fs 12 allowe Wa, GIBSON, yx YS Ea sag parchaasd the above ius nines, we hope for a continuation of the same Hberal patronage which yaabed We have eaed Fruits and Vegetables to the Stock, which will be received dally, £27 Also the Celebrated JERSEY ICE CREAM. CASE BROS. 652-4t CITY OF STRATFORD. having the same class of Goods. Stratford, July sth, Lesa, TWO FURNISHED ROOMS T° RENT, in the pleasantest part of the city. Apply at > > oo THE TIMES OFFICE, Stratford, June eth, iss. e- ROOMS TO RENT. ye ITABLE for Legal, Insurance, or Medica: ices over Tua Tives office, Erie street, only afew yards from the Post Uffice " Enquire ot J. FRANK PALMER, Orat } THe Times office. Ky HOUSB 'tO LEY. N THE yale STR (EET DALY TE ar AC frome, pantry, all conveniences, Wat the house, anc a. ~ od drainage. Rent u edetgte,. pety z Sas 2 JOSEPH WHITCHURCH. 645- gE, cs en * Stratford, June éth, 1888 HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE IN SH..KESPFARE. CONVENIENT BRIC "K VENFFRED HOUSE, adjoining the late residence of James Trow, Es. in Ae Village of Shaka peare, Gatalniig 6 ro< ash house, woodshed, and atone cellar, at 4 f es f witht hot sir, Mouse newly beanie + Apply to a: gp Shakes; veare, June Oth, Farm for Sale GOOD FARM, ® stain ung 65 Acres, cleared, right on gravel road. GOOD CONCRETE HOUSE AND OUTHUILDINGS aries wrvd worst ~ Por parteaiars apply quic WILL AM. GORDON, __ Eatate Hroker, Stratford? ROUSE. AND LOT FOR SALE, IN GADSHILL. MINCHIN. tie Sm * Cheap. all fh t nex BaLaNED oft ts fer Sale his Pro- in thahaty ites fron: Steatferd; commiting af half an 4 i , with @ storey a hell [ratte dwe hited sath beth Geed } ane webler. loomed barn or ya we wit te Y eiHY paikct er HENRY 'H ASENP FL UG, eeable anh posites Terms "AYR Milvertor PB. March 14 1ss8. éis-tf S Farm For Sale. he acs age Farm, being Lot 14, Con. 5, LLI containing ve Hundred Acres, rot mM a = share heavily timbered, and the lance partly cleared. The Farm ix drained by he Black Creek, and is eituate only five miles from the City of Stratford Not moch money required down... For particulars, apply to Wa. PACKHAM, eras Mitebelt Road ae April 23, 1888, ratford P, HOUSES and LOTS for SME ar RENT ae a aoe ere NEDo 'ater forsale Lot Stake Ww ere rie k i Dob Yarn nd good uti iktinge th eile ae. with 4 35 "Ww a * tron Street, ve ard. with a «mali frame store erevtesb thorean. 20 LOTS on Douro Stre Rouwo Ward--sultable | for private. residences. Foe partialar anply to } COSNAZEL, Contraxtor, | Orat TILE TIMES GEFICE.. Stratford, June 20, 55s ' TRAFALGAR INSTITUTE, rou THE Higher Education of Youog Women, 33 SIMPSON STREET, MONTREAL ai INSTITUTE will "pen on the Lith ynber, Feus, incmling Load, are 32: With o excep: Music and Drawtny. The Institnte | is at Hated with MeoGill University The situation on.t ile, it '< one and a half a and flower bed accommodation tor" res 'dente yk Fo limited, early application ts desira' f ao) tainet on applic: ay "iG the the Sackerany We are now Ready for the Spring Campaign. Spring Goods Have arrived in good Quantities, and of Excellent Quality, in Dress Goods, Prints, Ginghams, Seersuckers, Embroideries, Corsets, Shirtings, Cottonades, Denims, gang and Cretonnes. WE NEVER had a better supply and were never if better position to elteM the wants of our Customers, and all others who may favor eS ean apy Prrsceray or 652-n The RRMeToA Orders ers : aveived for Clothing is proof t we are showing right Goods tf Tisséils and Trowserings. Place Four ordére while you get w good choice: We have cy rota Magnif tent and Large Stoc k the Newest S:yles in Ties, Collars, Kid Gloves, Stitt Soft Felt and £2 See ont New Watl Paper. MILLINE RY © nent a he A trial respectfully soli cited. Highest -- -- tor Farm } Kastner | Bros' SEBRINGVILLE axp MITCHELL. E. A KASTNER, Manager, Sebringville, REMOVAL. up in "¥o dinna mean to pine that Em to die, "EF fear, my- friend," wns the doctor's: Lani 2 "that you have no chance "of | "What! what! After all me workin' an' strivin' for forty year, not to live--not to a" » sper od it? (with a "ate Broan) then i"--Detroit Free Something About the Strawherry. Over 400 years ago "Strawberries!" was note of the London streets: and the gar- of oe = fromthe sd quite as mere ep : circumstance of its grow. j- -LOTS FOR SALE. HE_Fotiowing Lote, convenient % 'thet. Th. Locomotive Works, are now offered for sale on Favorable Terms: MARSHALL'S SURVEY, ' Hot 31, West Side MoKenzie St.; Lots 38, 39, 41, 42. 43, 44, 45, East Side McKenzie St. ; 8.4 Bot 61, and Lots 52; 53,54, 55, West Side Victoria Street. _ ea street ; Lot 49, South side Milton atreet. GRANGE SURVEY, ot 51, south side of Milton 8t.; lot 54, north side Shakes- peare st. - Apply to easier T..#..P, TREW, PERRAAN- at, MEWCHANTS BANK, ; Or to JOHN BROWN, Laxp Acant. overtaxed - "Tose gons in thix condition ey te raad te bat tint, and often as large as a hen's oT Bhontl senit the irtice acct 7 The Argeisut "iis soted meurver, a", ie 4 a cee, is : ee os ij yh a, TPlcenseic A SO RERAMILE SAD RENEE Mn SPORES SAOITTSE AMPS toon beam nen Lots 43, 44; North side Milton: FE srg = 52 EE TO RTR TES aru JOHN:..McINTYRE.. OY acon -- hia old. Friends | 'he tas peice ~ ford generally, that oo he has rchased t jour and Feed Business of Messrs: trod & Cuties He has removed to the Store on. - the Market Square; next-to-- the Bank of Montreal, where desl inc tahoe stan. smn She oeclanna to The best brands of Family ----, always in stock. All kinds of Oata, < snafin Sern, Chop Stu, Middtings, and a ecytuiarie that line, at reasonable pee: SEEDS, SEEDS. - He JOHN McINTYRE. Remember the Stand--next toe the Bank of etal, Market Square, Stratford. seater i Apel: 23, 1528. C5 "Ne 'person should is 'without Tuk -- ¥hen they: com it delivered to ae end ot Dec. Aes for~ ey AL yeu cheap. tod FURNITURES FURNITURE FURNTLUOURE iO ROPCREAP, AT ---- JOHNSTON ABRAHAWM'S FURNITURE WAREHOUSE. a ae) a ae T will not say't lead, 38 I never biow,--neither do T throw a sprat to catch a whale. But this I can say: I am giving better valae to the public in Furnitare than any other House im Stratford. The reason is, lam under no expense, having no rept to pay. I am not giving 15 off, as I am not forced to sell at cost, but my Goods will be found cheaper at Marked Prices than those at 'other places with the 15 off, as my Goods have been purchased in the best markets, for nét cash. A large Stock of every description of Furniture on hand; also a Splendid Selection of - Picture Frames, Mouldings, Curtain Poles, &c. All kinds of Faney Wood Work. This Department is ander the charge of Mx. DONALD MecBETH., | Remember the Place: One 'Door 'Bast of De ~~ Shaver's Officé, north Sidé Ontarts" Street, STRATFORD. JOHNSTON ABRAHAM. Just Arrived: Direct from Germany, Pans, Water Kettles, '| Wash Basins, Ladles, &c At the Antwerp Blue Front, No, 62, Ontario St. = R. Williamson &Co., EXCLUSIVE MERCHANT TAILORS, FLAT TERS MEN'S FURNISHERS 65 ONTARIO STREET. Real Blarney Tweeds, Irish Serges, and Scotch Cheviot Suitings | NEW GOODS FOR SUMMER SUITINGS. SS ia en Ee, A. ST New Styles in Light Shades and Light Weights. Just Received. J. R. WILLIAMSON & CO. 'FOR HOT WEATHER. Ice Cream Freezers, $2 to $3. Refrigerators, $10 to $14. _ Adjustable Window Screens. New Easy Lawn Mowers, om AT so W.& F. WORKMAN'S. od =) = -- AT THE -- - Red and Green Pea eo E. K BARNSDALE & CO. : We here: just _come oe hand a Large. Line. of Crockery and Glassware. on e Prices a others*you have been paying. ini Stock... We have the largest west of Toronto, gs Piece Dinner Sets, $10. 125 Piece Dinner Sets, $12. ncy Bedroom Sets, $2. Fancy Tes Sets; $8. Complete Gold- 'Line Hand-Vecorated Bed-room Set, $5. ain Flint Glass Goblets, 60c. ori fog price, $1. E iF oe Goblet, $1.25 dozen ; usual price. --e Pearl Water Tumblers, in 4 shades, only 75e. dozen Table Glass Sete50e. -- China-Egg-Cups,_25-and-35c.-dozen. wrk K. BARNSDALE & CO. sa Note. Bed and. Green Fro porary GT 25c. Tea, "5 Tbe. for $1.~ "Oui 50. Tea still ho Cath and inpect ; ¥ its own ale cee E. K. B. & Co,. 3 ress natn A iiaiibanamiah * eS ARERR somes" oD Poe