WE ARE SHOWING JUST NOW THE| GEORGE' * FORMAN, pi ma Bo NEW ADVE RTISEMENTS, { TO-REN'T. Be \ . Cesreipaen aand, & Loan ? en ' weet Cottage Lately Oc Occupiéd by Dr. argest Stock Ager F - : a ' PARLOR . os : Robertson. oo | Orrice Ur-Staine Oven Kaas ov Jauna Concoman's: SUITS, CFREAT Apply to Jos. R, KILBURS. . = OF = Denese . ON < ~ § < Stratford, July 2ath, 1 S3-tf STRATFORD, Ty DINING ROOM | ian "HOUSE- -KEEPER "WANTED. | Nig | SUITS,!.. ws | EP AER EE A | a y Small Farms and Pa k Lots. viernes: '| BARGAINS I [reste oo ey ome eee macys and linen ne Wat We R ' particuinys apply to _-- YY gusoo-- 1 th res and buildings in Eftice, 1) milee i ' ' +ROWN ~ . j from ae Pt rnecnmerenesene SOAS Sn AlLthis, Month, in Qld] soc i ea oi, | al TRAL ATEORD. ©. mo niches fi eee. fara Lines of Summer ntratiord 2.0 6 > BUILDING LOTS I ; Every Other Cl ass of Ewods "Important Keilor Sale: We have just received another big pur-, Apply to GEO. FORMAN. Furniture, Pane. and see what af PIANO, iad ORGAN, chase of these desirable and scarce goods, '#:. boi iba, a Bo ae sexs bought at a great sacrifice, and which we will "s00.- tne sore fo lot oof Princess tried Lat s, Rad aT -- H : , ousehold Furniture, Stoves ; ee cence Win and Tab VERY CLOSE PRICES. can do for you. CARPETS, BEDS, satin an' sell at 50 per cent. less than the regular teak I co engage nie ee . . _,| Wholesale Price. gern "to int is Hiaron road, betwoes Humpbees'a ns EE Don't Miss this Chance, | J*™t octet suceger, Caattwiticitt -- --_ za 'Sh ote in rant of Gondon' survey, t ots on Dough to seth by Public Agetion, at het residenc "Be mph . errr omen was Corner of Out ario an ile , Streets oe Jots on ag st. Avon ward." HEPBURN,|. SONTING E SCOT | Nie | At-the same time we 5 ell. show nearly" me ra Rt al _Furmture Benin and 1 [WEDNESDAY, JULY 25 five hundred Children's Embroidered "ne tna pe U ry Sood S secialis ' | Pat r or Tock shary, foe wi! hee 1 ; canal ] TBUSINESS" aa --_ trot Goals vecre ene" Collars, at less than half the Wholesale PROPERT 60 ONTARIO --. STH ATFORD, JAMES KOC TOR, Auctioneer, in e ; Lee Rait -- 4% TELEPHONE, CONNECTION; "G2 IDINGTON'S BLOCK, Market-St.] strattord, June 1s, 1755 xt Price : $1500 Avenue, with mt ncre-st lane -oeletnte oe Stratford, Mar St. tes. t4- for any kind of a fact FOR SALE. __ ' $2200 ™ Yeat, ite Plough Factory, t of Pron on woolen milis. wate for BIRTHS. fac ory ACT bacre, ading the STRATFORD PROMOTION || !#00R FJ syn on te a0 in tl ne ortable Steam Engine, We are clearing our Entire Stock of contin ot el sahetins ind i by " St eqn wife oT ME a ieooker; G tha. Odbest, bigok aud. Jehn. = EXAMINATIONS. sete mene mivoe bir dari loom Senn toons | Baek Silk and Fancy. Parasols.at Close geno ce mre, icating poet ot Re aL ec ee AF mans Of Hie successful entrants in| BALLANTYNE Ia Ein Se ae eee, Me M. McLELLAN, North Easthope, Foresters new hall now bemg wife of Mr. Hebt- Ballantyne, of a s a i 4 foot.--42 fe yn Ont a. ¥ Stratford are at last to hand. The -board | DeGUERKE--In Strathroy, on July 18, 'the wife of | GS3-4t Or BON 69, STRATFORD P.O to actual cost of importation. } call 5 se. Ke eed) 7. ce cae cave v uae Mr. fa Ambrose DeGuerre, formerly of Stratford, | a son . > a ae 6 Stratford, on toed amt: the wite of BICYCLE FOR SALE. ------ ----_--_--_--. le CHO!ICH HOTEL SITE. ' fixed 6 . Duggan, of a dar | = . foot --9 lotsa bag west sk a = pews road, creased from 28 passed to 36, This, with | piv MER ~At Grange erect, erat ord, om the Ar ery ar Ont NEW- LATEST sur: ROVE 1 $25 ine wali Pot * 6 1 Point opposite wera. age the 9 recommended, makes 45 in all and as inst, ae bial of i Hy "i me: | Ee) Prive very low. Apply We are showing the best bargains in ao OTHE BU SIN eee PROPERTY. Apply anager of the o ptreal, me --belagttive- perventagetinto about 33 A --_ sf Ronin Steatinel,--o Std ly, the-wite | ost ___DR. W. , BORnNE. eo. Forman with surronnding schools may | gait "ty aan ci he ith nt the cARM ron eile = Hosiery, Gloves and Corsets you will find HOUSES. be of interest: Mitchell passed 30 per wife of Mr. Geo, Me ouah loccneets of Str . ; z cent: Woodstock Pen ue Macy tee Donegal, on the 2th ult, the anywhere. A special lot of fine Black | Apply to GEO. FORMAN. met on Saturday night to reconsider several cases, and the number haa in- . : * S. McAllister, be eon 7 per t; berlin 50 per t:tiod h 30 scrmmenin bot on sre fnet., the wite of Mr. J. ES1 HALF tor: oN . C08, 8, WEST ZORRA, Mr. G:F. Ingram's neat; stbstantiat iA ' ! : ing also road allowan: ~o C h a 20 ] 1000 7 cent. Listowel passe xt 36 can til ates, bu Kidd of a dauchte 26, s eotainor 3 acres ; about as mere, uarantee er cen * ess | $1000, img cumene een yey here ; about 20 a ten ¢ of unc ulled foundation and 'prea cellar; 5 rootna and voclshed ; the number who wrote not being stated DINERL --In Listowel, on ath at. the wife of w . we cannot give the percentage Jondthan B. Din ar Bee ad Maple: s Me « .4 c : % at si The xh is " ps ee than re dy | ar pri ce . | re gem $9; 2porches; cistern ; well; storm- are the names of the Strattord pupils who paased; MARRIAGES. tream Ba ign ugh front o ame Ane 6 . oe 7 ; BARRY--HAY-In Listowel on Lath i t. ¢ th ii bes ™m Stratford, 2 miles from Maplewood, con- . _ r. anlan's 2-«te large frame 1 Ernest © nod Strat. Pub. Sch.. 499 residence of ihe bride's Dry by re Rev. ry vomeut to --_-- church and store. For further oper vines enanemcas j 31500 bes "7 And large lot on Huron at reet, 2 KE ts 76 ( bell Mr. J hha t iiss G ertrud xt to Sepa: Stone foundation and ; ~ | iward Tit be oe aD} ¥, Zoos rry to . bd sas w B d b f ' stone cellar full pri 'of house ; 5 rooms 'ood - piece oF splottie Tanting ae '=| BOYD--LANG.--In Fullaston, on Zith June, by the Hickson P. 0., Ont. e sure an uy some' o these and good stable. «cia a ate IDO > Rev. J. Hamitton of Manitoba, Mr. J. Bone ot __ : fa ~peicetinian: adhe: ties frame cottages (now bailing) e 165 : : ; a L Edwin Kobinson "* 465 Logan, 2 Annie, eldest daughter of Mr. Alex. ' ° bet S Not EZ "H Laing, of Mitchell - - Tr = . =r, $95 Gpposite old Palr Grounds, -in~ tomes Sawa - § ed Heart phe atfor: re ae ie PanTiibur NEAP No daly aie bythe Rey . iw = - <, Pind and woodshed, inc --s 4 bed- i 3 Ino Bennett = 137 ' + aily." = sow ps0 my usage t re "Partridge, -- Waste Latshed in Gretchen wy te; . Le a "ths 4 Etmily, secon mig hy r ¢ t. Os. ear, Se ry a eee oe a """ THE MASON. TERRACE) . Sara Way "SS 4u6 ae S ROMEO WARD, ON BAY STREET. | $950 m2 of, the tures : ie 4 Ly, # com. frame mre bubldi rtm Vi Gertrude Foik a SS 428 DEATHS, i hy pleted. It is one of the nicest and most com to Mr Dawzy's, in te a) uy 1 pext west te Shakespeare W: vom TAIT Haker we is S20} p RENDER AST Ab. the residetice of Mr, Joh fortable Terraces in the city. Each dwelling 7 | ume card woodshed, including 4 bedroc hay » ho H No3. NE ra el eam 3 bare "7 | containa 6 rooms, clothes closets, 2 balls, pantry re Wiil-be- finished in first-class style. Large } {Jn ay oe ~h Way, Dranswick street, Stratford, dtr Tuesday ; ots 14 Stelfa Carle ines: | Str at tord PS 424 1th' Jnty, Mre. Edward Prendergast at the sce br aig ai Bina nar yarn 5 ghrp WARE « bo , ape ae P Gune in ae est « He. soe a 1S Edith Lye ps $08 township of Logan, mi ey Mrs. Edward | dows have shutters on Ilard and soft water ; $1500 » Li san Ge at eee brick cot. treet, ; as " "i Mullins, of Londen, aged 52 years. or t i . . fi Ati a la rotherhood P S406 | MAGRATH--At the residence of Mr. Win. Jones, | (TET Mont iann, Within minutes' walk of the Brunesick st., with 2) lote--4 ot rns, enarinns val iz! Della M Jones " Ps ire oe Be om. J ot bate thope, on 17th July, | nouse. RE NT MODER LATE. For further informa- ° woodshed and rood sta " " , > ames Magra ed Ti n 7 ) <-- ' \ Fergus Macdovald as : i a JACOES--In Newry, on the fst inst.. Asn ©, only VOR ApyHY et J. MASON'S S= The Leading Merchants of Stratford. >) ' $ 3200 } pied ron) ding's flae white brick resi- 19 J Rtchardaon W oorks** ps Ria daughter of Mr. Alex. Jacobs, aged 7 years nu corer of Shrewsbury and 20. Lorne Robertson PS 303] MARTIN--At Newton, Co. Perth, on the 20th Dry Goods Sto | Centre ate,, went to tir srotherhood's, in Holmes' 2) jf Pat Carroll "s PS a instant, Mr. John Martin, aged 65 years. GA3-38 micas Street. survey. 12 roo, all conveniences, aud avery a1 VAlice® Paliner * PS ne mae rik mre, ot firslnne. ire jam, ; in firet-class oe and order. ne = - oa ' ate) serve with ve ova rtillery in the . . : es a -- - - a Sad trick geod trai house 2 red) Macklin PSN« Ast mean war, and aleo in the Indian mutiny Clerk's Notice of First Posting $ ' 00 ¥ wait ade dt od ie a4 -- oe , "se Ma S i Loxce IE w -- 1 Koean'on 18th Juty, Mrs. Freazin of Voters' I : t. R R O O ol Ald. Pratt's grocery--7 rooms and full lot, 25 Jennie Mclatosh. ** s 387 + Mhe ! A | V | I : . | ' I C Mr Embrey's frame house of 6 rooms,with isin ms Bott Setey : QaITH-- in Sisebet on ittp.Jniy, Mart Gomera: , a la : dibs Ah s $5 50 ey ve pon ; = oe = PS ~ 386 Cidlest 4 at" asi E : : ; ; : : 3 in 4 ov garden, on Alpert st., straight. behind Ss . a nh Sinithy, tT t st., : mind Coma PS " VOTERS LIST, 1808. = Sut pattem = -- o S--In Strate ¢ . : re hot 2 ' biel i Scrimeour** P s 381 TRU is vee "CLEMEN: ONS Trae ee Cae -- Having been informed ae png ies Lealers offer inferior $325 *# Sith teas -- eae py wing st., 28 Walter Moore PS 380 ; . MUNICIPALITY OF THR-- east of the Listowel K. R. track. Lota No, 166 Clemens, both of Welles amd 189 ou 30) Ida Edmonds as PS TF at ee 2 | wconseeme | LARDINE $900 Mestre, tg Fred Verwen PS K 9) NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, COUNTY OF PERTH Cambeia at none sen cuminer bisohen, bate, ' : "3 a ' * aa} errs hing "as 4 : ot ~ We sell ~ Superior Oil to only ONE DE. _---* am EVERY pine WN, eo Farmers will know where to get irae ppapids -- Fred S Sel ill pone STRAYED OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that 1 have LARDINE being the leading #rand. wany try to | uitate it, but be sure you get the $ 1000 Mr. Chas. Mannering's fine frame cot- ae red Searth ebringville Sts . . fectured b taye, and 70 x 150 feet lot on south side Robt Stevenson Stra tke rd ie ST Sracammitoes bad delivered te the Persons GENUINE Labia, manu acts y s South st "¢ Lag ans survey. Stone fourrdation aif Jax Mins! it a trae! one --_--_---- ennoued in the Third and Fourth Sessions of . and cellar, "dubeare 6 roots and woodshed and as Minushu ; 307 OME INTO THE PREMISES of the nodersigned | "Yoters' List Act," the copies required by the . het aves i ol , RINTO THE PHEMIAEE OC the.nefarsinned | 5 1oS2) uit Att, he Sees seated ete McCOLL BROS. & Co., Toronto, good stabte, orchard, lawn, hc. RACUM MEN DED, year old Steer, and one i old Heifer. Any appearing 3 t Feige ged = ane And Sold only in Stratford by $1300 Mr, Mr. © : Romane oe tory frame * M : oe > |e Tson can ve ear rty ' <4 m é ae th st. L 38 Marry McNamara Strat S§ 155 paying oheceet. Apply "4 : proring --e esaid Municipality to be entitled to vote in the JEFFREY BROS.. Hardware Merchants. east, with a: x 180 tt, wet ry coos ke 'k cellar, 30 Eliza Wilson Stratford PS ii ROBT CLOY sad Munepat . Elections for cat ey of the summer kitchen, woodshed, fe lawns, &c. . : « > "ur oa gisliative iv, ae nicipal Elections, -- --_ 40! -- Hibbard . "a P * iend Mornington, Coa. 2 lat 3 and that said at was first posted iat ny oftice, $700 uF ee 5 --_-- ue ee house and 6 lots \ linnie Kenne wily PS bed a 1 . . at Milverton, on the Tweoty-Fifth Das of July, 13-8, 1 ri rea orth side of Huron road, {2 Burnie Wangh *a ps 379 uly 25, 188s. and veruntte a t for inspectio Electors are neatly tis ante : arena (forinerly Bamey 43 Henry Hallard " rs 400 called upon to eausine the valid. 'list, and ifany peeane Hobbs a ae 2 "68 omission or Other értor# are found therein, to take te house,.on south side 4 Emily Roberts PS 368 CIT y OF 'STRATFORD. immediate racoead ine to have the «aid errors $500 ore Unenitn ae, sone houne east of Chew's Z 45 Walter Stewart Noa 3%, N Kasthope358 corrected according to law. - . ° grocery. corner of Queen st. Lately ccoupied by = mast Dated this twentytth day of July, 1988 Just recei ved, a fine line of |i: oot ' ae mans -- 7 a Me. ANNUAL W. D. WEIR, ; $1, 500 'ich -honee sed d w reson corner A ZURICH FARMER'S SUICIDE Lo Clerk of the exit Municipatiry. j agi weer : -- op. NO a Bailway ave poy 'Chentusat rhe a Alex... deamt'an.- pe nn, ONC, PUY 22. --TJovephi Tample- +0. {tt ¥ eee --inwne rvey. low, 7 tt ame ee On, Tay 23. =soxep THRE OT VY TC HOLIDAY. es Sponges, Bathrand Toilet, range sce Bi sions rosin Hone oa cide is hanging himeeett in his barn on ; S825 Mr. Rebeck's 1} storey frame house on ay Saturday morning, July 21. He was about ing in price from 5 Cts. to $2.50 carey, vr lh 4 aes 42, Siena ° ac. 30 years of age and ee nanded. 'He had 'i CORDANCE bay' ' big pains THIS . . fc. Fone foundation and cellar, Next south a2 a good farm and was working it succes aes rs aie -- ih r. tun fully with a ive d man, on his saethor Mo da 30th Jul 1888, BALE aE babat ik RS addr wed = the -1 " ler. eac 4 _ | h ese a re t h e best va ] ue I $500 » Mr. Mg toon agg vtoretale h eggs oni . x" = signed, and endors "Tender for Coal: Pab- ; ee 0 y; VE aie Bulliines." * be pina ns WLERIDOY. Tier near to R. cee: * foctly sane on 'the previous evening. No | asthe Annual! Civic Holiday for the City of Strat- AUGUST next {or Gosten 3 : . s ; tf apply, for ali or any. of the h h ad ] d. 5 Mr, Gortie"s neat- det and Jot 49)6n ove can tell what caused him to do the] ford, and respectfully request the citiz rend 10 | Dominion Public bnildings ave eve r an c pis 50 Charies street, 6 rooms, &c., po rags rash act, An inquest was held and a ver. | Observe the same. Specificatien, farm ot tender and all necessary Dre's frame cotta, st stone foundation, on information can be obtained at this Department on $ 700 § perth side of linuron Koad, tw EE dict rendered accordingly Dated, Stratford, July 20, 1883. cod ahioe Wadueaehy, wath Sutant 7 , " 'TLE Persons tendering are notified that-tendere will i V7 acre lots, double front, opposite Kedtord's ¢ VEKY SAD CCCURRENCE. H. T. BUTLER, yr condtierad Gilead mnie on the printed forme IN. A, BOS ORTE, luraber yard ; - ; Mavor. supplied, and signed with their actual signatures, $85 0 John Down's 1) storey frame house of 6 Brooktield, Mass., July 21.--Mre. W. B, it. Each tender must beaceompanied by an accepted " . ; - . _ YU rooms and summer eran on north side : Jones, her daughter, and two small grand- a inenieinatins . ' ~ | Rank Cheque made payable to the order of the 17 MARKET STREET, STRATFORD. of Douro street in Forman's surve children were drowned here this afternoon. BEDRO OM Arcpereent of the arount of the tender' whies | ---- $600 fs! ets on ft one woes tot Nile The accident ocx _--* : while ge Party ; wit be forfeited if the party dectins to enter into Py and Cobourg streets. Rents $6 a month, were rowing on un . pod, an wae @¢ ract woon called upos to do xo, or uf be fail wider lorleke ved een canved by one of the chien lion fs ere eee get $3500 wit ie Sat balance and falling overboard. Mr Jones, S U ] TE S. The Department will not be bound to accept the $1, 200 That fine tramne house of who accompanied the party, attempted to . lowest or any tender. : " shed« +e and / i 01 on pe sido af of 4 save the child, and while engaged in this -- By order Stratford street, third house {rom St, David Rtreat, ee act, which proved Longer those in WE ARE SELLING A. 'GOBELL, t cone ' (Tasker's.) $200 down, balance ' -- en o ho wos z Secretary. be as Mr. Macklin's fine ' the boat. Mr. Jones took every available 'BEDROOM SUITES }----Departiuent of Public Works, ) _ . ; FE $1050 Otte s roows and nee toe oa means te save the enfortunates, but was . yg Ottawa, dnly 14h, JESS. S52 : cuca _STRAT OR D, -ON < eiciel with $ sete lot. on north side of Brittannia sh Nenhe a -- a en 7 7 i i ; - "| Bowse east ode "a. e a unsnccessful, " Xs 'was with difficulty be Vary Cheap. einai ian aes <<. Furnishes at Moderate Cost the very best Business 'raining. $725, On -sorth' side. ot. Censbeis: st: Wekeas ; fogen tienen ote et ean Re fee soe bun: oe |, 2¥ 18 Progressive and Thorough im alt its. Appointments,.and | _#SEVES, Cae brick ' : ee 'i ' | STRATPORD= White Pull Wheat brit! ped) house, lately owned t Tait. : hat ws nodes ioe cal em i omit2, : Lae 'et increasin Patronage and Poputar: ' a Cookstown, July 21.--A sad accident, oy- Ret "Wheat, -st-at-39.--Spring Wheat: Rapialy. gin ag 1p ity." -- $3000 ¥. Verte ow va i: a Fatt ; K bad = by which the lives of three persons are in A nice Suite for $12 ; others | 3%" 'Post fer bul, 40% 'Seo dates: | ESS" FALL. TERM-BEGINS ON MONDAY, SEPT. 3, 1888. soa |cap.n poem nee s lenee. Oost $3,500. " i to-d As Mr. Wm = a3 DOL, 6.50 7.00. Potatoen (tag), Lis ee 1 25 , e x ia Agar of the tocnship of Rass, returning | at $14.50, $15, $16.50, $17, Apples (ong) 00. 00 Boot par i 5 0 Mut ----_ CATALOGUES FREE-- }$1000 tr,"Gncrch and ot, meas Gr from the village of Alliston with a load of aay hegce # aegis ps i _* - tation, ~ window eee 'door, frames, ete. fora $18. 59, 22. $z cafe. and. SO. Buti pt BO be per doz, Beit 607-ly.. ; : : _W.. H. SHAW, PRINCIPAL. $1200 Any of Geo. Niebergal's. new _ pew house in course of erection, wchdoien on up. "Our "Solid Hee a 40 ¢@ 60. Chickens pe pair, 30 -- gow-baildingie- Remee watts pega ; 'CORCORAN'S /[Bbaiueeiary ton, > weet ee ie. gave een ' Maple Suite at $24.- _| Pe sort ti wet ow - Oe ranes. --- + horse started to run away. Agar| "50, has no equal. - MITCHELL--Palt---Wheat, 90-06 -- Spring : : seh | $900 St rime et ih {under the horse's feet. u afortunately, q aa - #0 a -- vas seg ena oF blinds) on Inverness a ae jumped BARGAINS LISTOWEL. --Patt net 28 @ 95 rst} JU one acre choire awn and gardens, om E. se : . . ~ bury streets. (J Kidd's.) ¥ E , 8 @ mm. 4 dence of Dy Dunn, and a doctor was sent Every Day, ; god aris $s This Wine was made for me from Selected Grapes by $4900 ep wd --= + ~-- E Jittle hope : 2 5 Potatoes i. i ir. Waddell's rame house } Booth, and eGitbon: and cine are in ee "we 000. Wood a oue of the Best Wine Makers im the Province. It is $1400 a Reboces street. 7 settee, { oo. a -- BRADSHAW & CO0.'8, Absolutely Pure, First Run Wine of Fine Flaver, amd | $500 Mrs. Lake's new. '3 roomed howe oo i : Longe qhnti, Sung $ i : é Henry Schonmeyers two" ~~ be : can sell it for about the same Price that Mixed Wines $900, $1200 a Mavicat: Paocuess.--The 'great physio Furniture Dealers and Bee eal Soc et Gere tt Setan ae, eee ee ee ; pone eine of eee eager om cent- ane a. Ber bag. of Inferior @uality are sold fer by Parties from the pomp at mbps of 'Nelson st, close om north ; oon Be "coe So ise oot |" Lake Cities WiW Solicit Orders here, ~<a aeons me nl nen ni Aiterative for the purity, |. ooh x and.5,.Catario street. ; ye ere Retina, ep Srp er| VAM CORCORAN: = a e, Chee ers am ¢ ~ ams - - "Pe bustory and progress of Medicine, | stmaticrd,sety 27m, tome =" to Walah eos. ee Pantin, Boe He 38 = ee a