Stratford Times, 1 Aug 1888, p. 1

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eT Eee you. xii Wiiatlond was 5 hleeed with a copious ghower of rain on Tuesday. The Oe Resi will hold a wl OM "necting tis (SVadnesdisyy renga e- © Gote Cheap Siaion ; you will be asto ished at the prices he is esiaie boys' and mon's ready-inade suits The Fire, Water oat Gas Committee drove all found the city on y aeeneny and ocm 57 electric light pote In boots a shoes, you will get the best wear at lowest prices at Cheap Sinon's, Henson's old stand, Market wtreet. - Mr John Wilson, of Wilson Bro's, Huron street, is dangerously ill with a tumorous growth. and very littl hopes are enter- tained of his recovery. ise recting a terrace of three two-sto orey | atiscane on the corner of St. David and € city Lora Aews. Hiese Bali "and thank on the Sener ta. ce of bey tn x abl at Re oD Titel stree ; ea abe ' deciiled set back through a number ol Ur olfenders having been severely bt 4 by & magistrate. A nutpber of youths aa at almost any time be seen playing at lacrosse or ball on the streets of Stratford, rainy @ blinaing dust, and runnin shance of smashing win lows. passersby, [t's time the practice was put a stop te. tre an ard A Nore! Note, The Exeter -The follow Times says :- = Stratford, 'AND COUNTY OF PERTEL t GAZETTE. STRATFORD, onr., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST bis 1888, ° "City Local Rews: Lecomeotire Firemen, me Bes Axon. Laue, Sabi { Lo imate Firemen, ne recen , the following officers were clected for areas, master ; James Burke, the ensuing year ; Jas tobt. Young, vice-maatér ; secretar Geo, Nursey, receiver ; Wm. O'Brien, collector. © Board of Adjustment Messrs. Eugene Ball, James Burke and Johu Halpin. Board of Trustees -- Messrs. Sohn Batley, Robert Young and Thomas Collins. Dr. M. goed was elected medical examiner. Mr. James Burke was elected delegate to the 'convention to be The Greatest Sale on Barth. The great P. T. Barmam claime to have the greatest show on earth, but our adver- tising columns annoante the fact that Darra =e MET chants, are at present hohling the greatest sale on earth. "There's no Conying the fact that the store was crowded with eager buyers on sae ahd- large quantities o, goods were dis posed of at actual const price. Now 1 that the fact of this import- ant sale has become better known, there is sure to be a large number of people take adv antage of it this week. 7 tid. Daridson's Joke on the ame Mr. W Davidson's letter to the Herald yrs fu 8 NO. 636. A coop RIDD ANCE, The Aven Ward Den of Prostitutes Broken trical Moree emanate "Years in Kingston Paniiensiory Inatalied " Howse- * Neice"* keeper" fer Jd. Heary! The notorious harlot, Mra. Johnson, and her neice, Alice, were up -- the Police Magistrate two wee as reported in Int Tres, and pleaded frailty to keeping a house of ill-fame The vld woman was fined $50, 7" ordered to leave the city, if not paid. e girk waa tined CAN THIS BE TRUE? SHAMEFUL TREATMENT BE BY THRE XORTY w Ped ae OF THE wiItsie PERTH LICEN noes * [' THE FENCE! -- CRED INDIVIDCAL L Tathe Editor of Tus Sraatroa Tossa, Dean Stn,--Allow me to draw ypor the License Commissioners of North Perth, Wilson Bros. are the owners of a hotel property west of the Huron st. bridge. COMMISSIONERS--A VERY LARGE "COL. attention toa gross wrong perpetrated by, Measra, John Corrie and Johnston Abra- ham, two of Stratford's buatling citizens, 3 Wm, Simeock ~Point Edward Post. Mr. Wa. Whaling; of Ellice, ix building five residences .on Kebecca st., Stratford, will be nice houses, and speak well . Whaling's enterprise, aa he now ovwna several dwellings in the vity. Mr. J Hollman, dry goods merchant, onsen pistes adding another erick: to his tario at. to. WZ toa" oun "He SE a new plate and otherwise renovate the building. The Stratford civic holiday passed off quietly. ~A large number of Foresters, |, wives, sweet-hearts and friends went-to Hamilton, to fake part in the A. O, F. demonstration there. -Mr, and Mra. W.--Davidaan, ' left on Tuesday for a trip to the Old Work 1 Before starti r. Davidson sent a pres- ent of a handsome piano to his daughter, the wife of the RK Mr. Fear, Hensall Miss M jaughter ri rant, ov. Rev. Thos. Macpherzon, Norman street, was thrown from a buggy one day last week and receiv- ed a compound ffacture of one of her legs near the ankle. The pony running away was the cause. 'The lawn party at Mr. Charles Brazier's, on Tuesday evening week, under the auspices -- ome, Memori ladies' aid societ sockets received patron: age, and proved~successful. "Those in attendance enjoyed themselves after, the usual lawn social fashion Nine months ago Jahn Madill, mer- news She. ye, throw, 'circumstances. His estate realized , "Seen te on the dollars: Shortly" wanrentian he again atarted in business, and in due course paid his creditors the other 1@ cents on the Eiter, Friday afternoon his creditors met in the office of Caldecott, Burton & Co., Toronto, and preaonted him with a sold silver tea service of wd ag ij, asa -- n of i kibin 2 2 Meorg Ss bh. star : ing isa verbatim copy of a no iy of ~ a byersi . pe pe ir Age 'vm "aboard ship" was read with much $10, for being a common prostitute and The buildings were built expressly for given in Huron county ; - w w Avast Sth . inte rest! Especially | were the: " kids living in a house of ill-fame, which was | hotel parpooes, ae and have ogre used for Peony to pay._to FB Rit Lt = - with the pr settled hy. SS pb. Billy_ #ising nis note for | o- 7 , ee | 1 the » i one hut . 2 pease by Williams "hfe vibe dullaien in fall lor Seott | Omt of Quod. ey "it formed part ot their bible clase re ane ait and ley went to =~ _-- themselves. They are unfitted for any- ; Tenantte inf : f Inland itlustration | on Su I wes s only im, his wife pot having return rom . ine About five months ago a tecently, on information oa nlanc "yi Salt Creek 3i5 - Wearchin given | thing else, without the expenditure ofa hotel-keeper of Stephen t winship Win PRSTSHES inspecsor Caves, OF SWSHor, them every opportunity to leave the city | large sum of money. Messre. James and charged with « second offence of violating the Scott Act anda --_ 6f $100 and costs was imposed by the P. M- The botel- keeper pleaded meverty aad asked for an extention of time, covering five mronthe. This was granted upon the hotel keeper furnishing his note endorsed by a res- pousible person ; and of which the above isa copy. The note fell due the other day aod payment was refused on poe ground that the note Wax specitically and p iegally-atrawer ucatly--of- oe Teatien the magistrate taking « note illegally constructed, he was com pounding a fe lony in accepting one at all as a magistrate is supposed to collect the money or imprison the offender. 3 Perth's County Property Committee At a-meeting of the Perth county pro y ae perty & do tt, Mitchell, were awarded cun- tract for coal for Stratford court house and jail--4 carloads at 35.70 per ton. Mr. Torrie certified to the completion of the bridge at Little es and cootract price $275, was ordered to be paid. Mr. David. son, County Clerk, was given leave o abeerce for two months to visit the old country. ¢ committee had several tendera for Perth's old court house acre of land but none of them coming up to the Council's price pore were not --_ tter was teferred "till the Deoem- - ber. & committee ordered that the Tong bridge "at the Little Lakes be boarded end, on- ist .day-of Aug. next, and notices sy at each end of the jog that the bridge is impassable Avvommtttee wine of the Warden | and. Messrs, Loversage and Corrie were | appointed to meet-a committee from the County of Huron to examine the bridge on the boundary between the counties o Huron and Perth at Kirkton, and to try and effect a settlement with Mr. Hicks, whose wife received injuries inconsequence of a horse shying at the bridge, causing Mra, Hicks to jump out of the buggy. Stratford Bieyelers at Hamilton. t dank Patzi- Two members of the Stratford a nelairof tis town soma Cinb-- i. i. "ber, and pr. WN. Ont. He was assisted by JoBnaay } Sovertson meted th leeantative, 4 her and Came "ey od e'er the 1 to < _" could ¥4 ast in he laat half | he pened je ¢ in 3rd. Conajdering that " This Menke well ae | 2 onls rid en his new wheel 3 weeks, int ' ; this being an open race, his trial w F: jt Battle Rete Landlord and e] nt. 7 of the Windsor hotel wa® yesterday by a fisticutf encounter between Ald. Wm the street. When the parties got outside they proceeded to ther ss each 0! in. the most approved OFOr _ taller than yx bo ent, he fought the air me nearly winded. a large stone, and, e struck Mr. Gordon rendered him Aors d'combat. estinlans interfered and a truce was the result. A Cantem ptidle Picce of Business. The License Board have decided to re- issue sarnage to-all the hotels which were hel nsidération since except W 'lao Bros., ill-streets. This the North side of the river with only one hotel. As les will be kept closed in future, it will provea oie inconvenience people who have been in the habit of ers their horses there, while attending parses and * ge "8 churches, too much correspondent expresses his tion as to a cause of being pisne tier entainr at to-day's surmises Too k plausible Mn Teas Bor Duciias in Lake waa 'ed on "Saturday Bee ant) Rev. R. Scott, Preaby- at Brookadale ' the dry goods atore W. A. Murray & Co., Torense, for the and was his vacation w a ' tf being last, by several seconds, to leave the mark here was only room on the course for two to run abreast, and 13 ee he Dr. had not ridden far ny | gineering department ot appreciat m of your Simon Middleholtz, of Stephen, was con- victed and sentenced to six months im- prisoument for having a whiskey still on " premises without a license, ceived in Goderich jail on July 10th. On the Lith his ceunsel took proceedings to release him, and on the I4th a writ o haheas corpus, issued by Sir Thomas Galt, waa served on the jailer, commandiog him to produce the prisoner and the authority for hia detention. On Tuesday, the 17th, the court-ordered his- discharge; althoagh' the Minister of Justice 'strongly ceacied, as did Inspector Caven, through their counsel. Mr. Caven attended in person at Toronto. This makes the second habeas corpus usued for Huron. A Mark of Respect. Mr. Robert Patton, cated of the en- a Stratford, has been for the fat seventeen years in his present position. Mr, Patton is one of the most popular foremen in the service ol the Company, an in his department recestly pre: with a gold-headed cane and an adk The waiking-stick is a costly one, hand- somely carved, and on the gold knob is engraved the words : ted to R. Patton, se, ,» Stratford, July 21, 158s," The addre was a fine piece of rommanahin 'was read by Mr, A. Harrison, and the presentation was. made by Mr. D. "Addie, 1t read as follows :-- Te Mr. R. Pattom Foreman of Eaginecra' Sh pa. as ie, conduct towards us as em- o ity of ex ears, yet a master, ethers not so we all say you occupy @ warm place in our heart, a asa token om our and esteem we ---- of this walking cane, Roping ye you = ge asa memento of this ox n, whine require supyort, and whea Ms ite' 'tori i in Pde upon nger We also ou ot at penton to Mrs. Pat your family. pera whem we have --s wed « mark of courtesy and apenkiad thy e donors in atew orda, a | satisfac- - aetiesend under hee and all 'prosper, and "that always be their portion, Gold Medal, The Seaforth Sun says: ** We take much pleasure in tendering our congratulations to our popular townsman, Mr. Jas, F, Roberts, who among a class of ninety-nine at the College of Pharmacy, in Toronto, was at the last examination awarded the gold medal for general proficiency. As only sixteen out of ninety-nine su in passing, it speaks volumes for the in- dustry of Mr. Roberts in this, his first term, to so successfully compete with students who have attended the college for yeara, et te elie Sa wae a "yest masa ocala possibly pass from so warm a region! It is to be ---- that the illustration will be in their ny Saagoite for th: benefit "ol the goody-goodivs and others who indulge in ** * milk shakes" this warm w o Blended Guilty te a Charge of Rape. eo day last week a man named Frank -- who was a ys Beem at the howse-oF Heppht, « widow woman residing in Shakespeare ward, was brought before the Police Magistrate, charged with committing rape upon a young girl eof 16 years of age, named Mary Rinehardt. He pleaded guilty, a Was sent to gao await trial at the fal Ins Tpose, sisieagh he saeako did not awoke much objection. She has since left the city to nnis has several lady admirers who at his pleading guilty, and shut up ter the balance of the summer. One of W. R's hiirenterintte € "ge Bull Stories. Early last week, His ad Judge Woods wnelied4 a letter from the notorious "WBS Witson; of Tt geredlt, which way 6f rather peculiar import. It ii on to escribe tramp who through ' : {the Province, and this re was voying vengeance against ee (emad for some trouble he had- with 'Honor some judge looked upon the letter as an attempt -boozle him Phe ~ er ower on « tri perrap Set aye A Te 'orrible 's pals here at the same time !! t shows clearly tek is So Wilson's mind -- midnight Narrow from . Drowning The wife of the Rev. Mr. Maitland, of oET ae val 4 Mi e drowning near maris, otherday. A daughter ot Rev. = Mait- a0 8, que : another girl, Winnie Loss, of ngersoll, were on the tocks at the- edge of the oh me Boor trom the cottages, which are located a short distance apart, Queenie, who is eight years old, fell into the water, which Muskok uskoka, the during the past six months. Heavy fines were reduced to almost 'trifiing ones, in order to get them ane of the city, which seemed to. have ste ang for these people to a . thaeed Mra. Johnson again appeared in the feel, charged with stealing a bed, bed clothing, and two white shirts, the of Mrs. N. G. Croker, of Aven wa sr gic oridencs against the woman Johnson was very The girl Alico.wae-put inthe wit-} 'ues box to try and swear "want WE Idington, Q. C., submitted the girl a legal washing. " Where do you live," queried the Q. C. "T live at Wm, Henry's," she --_-- Q. Is this woman your mother t A. No; she is my aunt. Q. So you are living with Henry, eh? Ses, sit ; that's what said. Q. Living with him as his salstress, 1 sup; : . No, sir ; I'm his housekeeper. Q. Humph- Fi -soary >on is Q. Did you cine with him ines t night? A. No, sir. QQ. You never slept with him, I suppose? A. No, sir, I have no Never slept with any other man, either, { suppose ? . No, sir. Q: And "you -did- not--koow that your. aunt was a prostitute ? A> No, sir, why should I-? Q.. ee lived with her? A. , Sir. : Q. Ana' yet you say that you ao not aunt isa. A. 1 do pot, 'Q. T' suppose 'that's about as true as anything else }ou have sworn to te-day. Ay Yes, ys Q. Q: -Rensscer dome teh him? A. No, sir. in ss asked yoo ts, I suppose ? A. That's quite another thing. Q Have you been very intimate with a » Yes, sir. t c Se HW Tistss baler poe became there. " A.. Yes; quite frequently. "* That will do for you," « uid Idington, '* you have sworn to a pack of lies. There is no no use wasting further time with her, your sel ° have you known Henry Yes, I have made up my -- that we shall leave the city, for you to penitentiary for John Wilson are not rich men--and the Their aged mother has ¢o be supported by her son, James, and with the license taken away from the house, the property is al- most valueless. Now, sir, why is the license withheld 7 both. respectable citizens, ey do: not ang themselves, and the house was al- ept. Then why is ther license taken away' Can it be true, Mr. Editor, as whispered on the streets, that the Dam Syndicate want to become 2¢ possessers of the Wilsons' corner? Cam it be true, Mr. Editor, that the jeadie figure head of the aferesaid Dam Syn cate, who is also boss of the License Com. missioners for North Perth, withhelds the license, in order that the property shall be rendered worthless aud then he will be able to buy it for a mere song? Can this be true? If so, then indeed " man's in- humanity to man" is only excelled by man's meanness to his fellowmen. I hope, Mr. Editor, that George Gordon from a licetise, w at the same time two hotels in this city ae. been selling liquor since Jost May \ ITHORR, A LICENSE --[and_ being exempted. from prosecn "Mre Macph whith "the ¥ Should the Ontario Government not an investigation into this matter? hope Judge age Mr. Malcolm arlane, Mr. John Corrie, Mr. A. J. » aud of the Synd cate t the outrage yerpetrated Wilson, iL Gbere is a a for the de = meg 0% FAIR PEAY. Stratton, duly 31, 1888. « Rough on 'tne Stratford Lacrosse 'Players. Last week's Goderich corres = poo aly --- Club on = tha of their recent visit m oo --_ ------ like te ing he. New Era's article, hear -- the Stratford et pe to say int There are always two sides toa story, Toa the Goderich wee ofa very be observed latter brother is in a dying condition, A large petition was presented to the com- tion} --a fact... when a on his deep. innie | right ay) hguinat him, and he, in his fall | 084 many of whom have grown gray in ripen gt athena en ere srs China his woman down tthe lecyeers tour frum Seretierd bad to t t, t t 2 shad . : : it e le Sane pero 'tain, own, | cessful druggist, Mr. John S, Roberts, to -- decors th lg ae ones And down she went. As the trap door} quite a time in town 4last W. y aging lets, but. before a lap was whom mach credit = oa teaching him ped i i Mrs cnet al eo a a saat ak was heard to re- tay Matec gone Mg the ---- P . . " at's one a 2 a " comple re eae on McFarlane was |v mortar, As physics, like "board ing house eee boners ggg and was not | "3, iit Tee wane Anwe ty It , | whi fang A swept the town. Although first mile, as there were too many ahead, | Sti a -- confidence, we of Hasaiiee--whe was the oe tua on and Alice went down to the Henry domi- | Weceanct ne the hevnce Snows Rteet-.. = no room yd a forget as a few of | Sdvise our friends needing -pills or pow th nid nt the time--heard th house for Henry, teach | ford asto how a shall expend their them began rode in fine | 4¢™* to trust the Messieurs Roberts, for ----- se me bs chet ont = hell ron i girls of tender years the pocket money, we may be allowed to say abape,_gainin soiaing. pil, though about | surely it would be impossible for a gold | S20 lu asda-shdeh tbe drowning metas | WAY that they should mo. that mora: cowards should not shout over _ of a ind at the mile ' ' ae | ola teh: aad wes drawn safel a 'holding a an post, - At the finish, A came in 2nd to err in mixing physics or compounding y ree "People close on first, and had he not Deon! bent drugs. you, Jim, and we hope pore fre aieiend- tee d had ex lis, lated Two Murders in Ireland, gallantry and good lacrosse, but when the k at the start, would have won easily, that the makers of Pe drugs will all out- ond hate fae Ss or Dablia, Jaly 29. =o F 7 a team are fr ed by scabies g that man who took | Jive you."--[The ra. Roberts, of § timely assistance . eo 'orhan, oné player, and then try to cow- ; forth, men fiowed a are beth Stratford and the child would most 'asearedly have returning from Trs- | ardice ocia like that 9 ns a Labi emg os a nt A. ya, being cons of Mra. horte, met a watery grave. Both have entirely | lee, with vada jahecate te a cart baat L on oe thea. one. ma > jnatly, an" _ i ay alga gg Rapp doom it Hemich weed, and rsthers of, Mr, eee on from the effects of their duck- | was syson diagalnid Sees ny the braggarts had better have kept in bed tice to atate that thei ma tan ct jew and Mr. Roger W. | 8 cue | Kerry, men, eeat than made the of ves grace to 2 to the Autiilenn: a. sod ae only amass music dealer, of this ct city. THE | Tribulations of the Kida' ide? Kia. : ed over ahedge, fired and escaped thro as they did in Let us see how or mules to trot upon. Stra boys sara = reece -- : A fellow vho called himeelf .Phillips, While McAuliffe ki stood. will never ride on that field aoe = ig congra' ons tT. James | who w orother connected with ~ ee was working | 15th for the game, but rales The Stratford Central Business College. ded hi i Sade an wer the yeas -- uP Sega rie Slee ay om gen Wi Se hid = i Ly ais me 4 "4 ' atten im in the study mastery Herald, a few weeks ago, ently namarkle, Cork, on Saturday, a man day. The Goderich club it e summer term of the Central Busi-| the mysteries af ph May the the he entered | Tisguised with a white cloth entered and venient play on another day ness College, Stratford, waa terminated on success in business life be his portio' --- @hen he took a "sit" on Strattord's | demanded their names. Kuare gave a/ wrote the Stratford team to that effect. riday evening, by inment in} as that which has been the lot of all the | only religions daily, This Phillips was name. e@ ws ordered the the Stratford club ans- the college rooms. en to the lack of | other members of thé family. -- Aditor man for a pimps' He | ®tranger to fall upon his knees, and he did | wered, ly Ss seating capacity, only students and friends | Tras. ] wrote up glowing accounts ef ag so, whereupon the stranger shot him | change. Goderich club pon could be admitted. Mr. T. Bengough, of 2 = mene Tavistock. and other tw and he died: in hour... The | arranged for its team to be on hand on the the Shorthand Institute, Toronto, a Sunday Racket. { note, ina style of Irterary Gnish that escaped. 19th." A couple of days after the new ar- ue argon and sage seeeeting Wika Santoy evening, a large comet people | tew writers ever hope to attain. He was ++ rangement had made a Stratford m ---- mentary ani approp re- | assem near the gas works. ey were | a masher, too, during his spare sh gentleman on a visit to i = | Sete th ng the Central and. sistilar | attracted by the Suntory ai ------ and tried it oa the canary lasses, but rig " ee heard that for the of institutions eect ie eh -- made y the notorious V J. Henry rpose. At Sebringville, so Mr. J. L, Berlin, Ont., , July 26.--The second day |-date waa because x ary not a "a address : erald'a: * pl wee Tu Times, he-beat n F ; ceneniog This cris "Ree epee Griffiin ae had med so full of whiskey that he e out of $18 or $20. Mr, | ed threateningly, but gradually turned ont news le 'con 'to his 'city's club. aot ing = w my Jaro oing. The] Kastner himeelf lost $2. H. A.- Scarth, The first attraction was the grand y after intimation the Stratford habe e matter of éduca uring screaming of his little children augmented ve him an adv't and for it; M. H.. ; phal procession, ¥ elub telegraphed that the match _-- years, ie-am-amn 'size nearl Ash, $3; S, Kastner; $3; H: Yost, 5; repnsarapllrt e cheerir prea must take piace on the 18th. ._Thesbove.- account difficulties id to combat | hundred had . - Henry at last | J, Wagner, $2. The plenty of | of &t lined the stfeets, | is a plain statement of the facts of the with when entering upon his course of | got mo on his horse, and up-street | cheek, but rather. seedy. [apple At the park the first.on. the roll was hose | case. -With-such facts before them oar learning. The history of this eollege was | he went--"full as a goat." It was not t he did Mr. Scott up for a board and reel races, which were readers will see that justice reviewed by Rev, P. -Wright, who also} long before back he came, closely oa: bill there. When he stayed in the eity he | forth (first) and Caledonia (second). Next | the game should be i erded thaereveman make some Hattering remarks in reference | by acting-chief O'Donnell € tup at the the Commersaly bat owing to hook ladder Grimsby | it being the only club prepared to go an teachers, and pupils now in atten- | Sproule, who Foard Henry a bit of its, Bie w ungentlemanly conduct there, he was | frst, Smithville second. class | the date mu agreed oe We dance. Ap me of vocal and instru which he subsided and was not seen sien his Gaietat: leave. Tim did not competition---seven entries--Walker- | mi also that Mr. R. S, tal music, recitations, etc.,wascarried| again that evening. Scene kind | care about such" characters. It is not | ton won; Duhville second, Streetavilie | Williams, on behalf of the Hurons, offered out in a therough : é frequent of late with this | known whether he was a Sunday school third. N s other sports followed,.| to pay the expense of the Stratford club a a Seah Shaw and | individual and his chums, that it is about . or a clase leader, although | "hes the crowds gradually dispersed. if it would stay over. ap. the mateh.- r: Siig > Sl Z srr g as done to a re it is sdpapethex Ukély that he" was. Pee 5 This offer, however;: net by beg harsnyna wang fev) resentation | such Sabbath desecratith. "Why the: he %& still "connected .with the Lem | the he _of the broom. brigade, - ad peer $ a gold. cane | citizens of Shakespeare ward be aanoyed | 77-ra/¢ our informant could not say. He | London, Eng., Le Betta if they they knew they would have ody cong a made & brief Sat lrunkea. tool of ei-chief. Wilson, : the: vouny pe: that he ould. gat of | to meet.-Perry, the gentioman that had. rents am address, wiizh had to-tenve 'hint, und whoeot his money out of him again. He ts evi- Splines ar ae 'est-{ caused them to tere so ignominious « house is new in of a prostitute? dently a dead-beat. Pass him 'round. minster police court for cruelty to his in- |-somersault " To. Mr Wei Shaw. .) Monday-he.was.a to all-the hotels in ' 'daughter. . The child, which is sixteen } -. Wiha : : Farmsp,--We, the teachera coniprising the | the city, emeaition as to the| Thesheriff of Middlesex has received the | months old, cried in teething until the | Foresters Demenstretion at Hamilton. suseeuee sinet are Shank te end! ous uhert tere in| whereabouts of ife, who, be now | bail bonds of Rev. Eli Middleton and Rev. gentleman lost his temper. The} The Foresters' demonstration in Hamil< eg ne aplcnaeer tee her = pila thereat claims, is hiding from him in the city. If} W, Mc in the Stonehouse case at | evidence proved. that ok it from its| ton on last Monday was a grand success, our progress in book ted penmanship has ove half ne fncimgodynatig wary fq Strathroy. roll is returnable at the | nurse, went into a with it, and | about 10,000 being 'at the fas exnceded « e enpertatians. '© feel sure that | treatment of his wife are true, he is de- sessions in- November. For de- ares ee ee an hour. Thej games in Park. " Pride rma renfesf vee Pavan bg eaves grote Cana serving of being lashed with the cat-o'- | fault the goods of bonsmen may was black and bine; terribly swollen, | of Perth," and a many wore would avail Shincurives of the oppor. | Bine-tails. Henry was before the magistrate | seized their impri and could not bear tb be toucned for da Juvenile Court were present Strat- tunity, We feel that we cannet: separate without | 00 Tuesday, charged with a-feroci- "are two Methodist tinisters og tengaente nekrondianteschas wimg: ford, and Court " Dominican "of St. tendering to you our sincere thanks for the pains peste yp Ube. ap bompes - it a boy | and they went bail for the notorious, ab-} missed Rev. Mr. Coulson with 27 shillings | and Mitchell Court were also <4 Feet This present ae © Stehy woke ae Je 32/ memed Morrison. As the party. bitten | sconded * Reverend". J. conte and a reprimand. for iving corporal | G. -T. Revpsord the we feel we owe you. We congrata- | Could not swonr_ positively to the dog that | Stonehouse, aleo a brother | puniahment to s.- = tender | F; date you 00 the soccene of Jour collage, and trast toak...the nip.ont.of him, the case was dis-| of the same on... The Strath- | years. A great many ladies and clergy- or Ee adhe once dederny: Seah bang wn missed. Another againt Heory was | roy blackmailer, bi bondsmen, men were int in court, and it is a Simeon has a lot of fine tweeds, Bei 3 A. Rotheell Linas Prams, Aetee Tae | furious driving. On this he was found | Indian Agency Inspector crowd areall the | comfort to that the brutal father | on he bas wil Mary Campbcil, Annie Quina, T. D. Hutchivon. gnilty, Fat all to go with a warning Facute gra, suffered in their estimation. sold at low figures, R ms oe * ae ; oe : 6 2 Eee Pp s

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