ESPON Pe eee of the Leading Living| A JLVGES EXPERIENCE, | CARD OF THANKS. _ GEORGE FORMAN, Public Men of Canada. i H ---) ---- ; PATRONS AND FRIENDS , (To MY . Vv ' Sir Narcisse poe ex-Premier of Can- HE THINKS LAZINESS 1S THE CHIEF | avi I take t sia sa dears ae ---- : et Meare ; 9 + REISE "OP ORIMER anks to a! Gems, , : TT, Soke auovenss ses es ' De emare aie Hon. Samuel Creelman. Legisiati +a = a het = ny fe pears Ornce Ur-Stamms Oran Ratan or Jawes Conconan's N Beatin. coc. .cssees as . | Phe Sroas ws Sir AG Archubala, en Privy Ge 'ouncillor, 74| The Results of Judge Duffy's Observa- |... ° ST RATFORD ONT Sir John Macdonald, Premier Canada. 7 tions ae a Judge in Police Courtse--Re- ; STRATFORD ONT , 44 ae sil, Te," na Minister of Justice. 70) formation of Criminals--Evile of, Tene- | . : Furnishes at Moderate Cost the very best Brsiness 'I'Paining Sir SAL. ex-Finance Minister". 70 ' t port ae pou b nd . 7 : . Hon. 0. Mowat Premier Ontario. ..... 65) ment Hoasew--idiers. } | I remain, yours resptcttilly Small Farms and Park Lots It is Progressive and Thorough in al! ite Appointments, and ir Chas. T se High Commissioner. 87] tom my experience 43 « judge tn police Wa. GIBSON. . ™ : Increasing in Patronage and Pcpular.t;. Sic A. Campbell, Lictenant-CGiovernor . pel that the | ---- kX ---- a . shiners « mee monocot ogni er ue Elle ca ie veoh, cate mr shat fasion 1 F eas an | ig WILL be at as Stare outil the Sh Inet, to Siren San nner Cae nes ee FALL TERM BEGINS ON MONDAY, SEPT. 3, 1888. =a tion. M. Bowel, = Ca a sone ike febtly Tasy will steal rather |, voc cill br allowed o8 wy QAEreaMae A | so TR ane ara tmetfmne | tn, AD LOGI TERE merece ner i e a . : lan work ng to the Scriptures 2 Tek = theta lo land 2 is . ee ; - fama -- a yan illor, a @ man ehould earn bis bread by the sweat :d tore that dat We. GIBSON A ANE: SNES LE 607 ly. W. H. SHAW, PRINCIPAL. he Pope taister Malwaze. ? of tis brow, but in our large cities there anes . : Se -- Lieutenant-tiov pa | BPO thousands of men who will do neither AvIES pare ee ee woe ane, wt BUILDING LOTS ! >) meh cn oe . : FR. OPER: be 2 24 2505 - ¥ 8 " | mental nor manual work, and who prefer . scm tit tibedaneanét . 7 . SI QO N G iz S ~*~.) @) N EF . mK. L. Langevin, Minister Publ: _,| to get thelr living by preying upon the pal Fate ours es t Apply toGEO, FORMAN. lt oy. CO ' rr, S OFRB eee er ee see nee es seeeees G2 community in some form or other Young | : Es vg te 7-- Por b2 feet tr nt, lot FT. on Falstaff st MHL RK ichey, 'Esq, , ex-Lieut.-Guvernor _ | criminals are born bad You catinot | th« " -- see = e0 | @130-- Lot 23 on lay s , Hanavans survey, next to . Ho on dot sveedes Minter "Awric f wv expect that the sons or the daught ters of |! doors. © have ac ex Mise apeoairty : - iucmmienm, knancted J f . } ss r yan Carling, Minister Agricu ; @ thief or a burglar will be naturally a to d's be tae 4 cess strec ARS, Ret « ~ . 1 Rta ann 00) 5 Oe atone pesmeactiniy are ing Fruits and Vegetables | | tories. es nenecaat ust received, a fine line of Hon. Jas, Shehyn, Treasurer Que beces "nearly every influence that ts aaerk Ptetde Stock, which will be reced biarpe coe are ($ lota) on corner Hon, Win. Macdougall, ex-Privy Coun- ed dyily 1-- The ; ine anaes Noemi aan aT upon them from childhood up tends to £27 Also the Celebrated JERSEY ICE CREAM uno. Lot 32 LS tal Humphrey's Spon ges, Bath a n d Toi let, ra n Ge Hon, David sii smivice Geaseitioc. 8 make them as bad as their pepegee CASE Bi LOM. shop and Me. Norfolk's pennant ~ 3CHIOF. OF yore boys inclined to be goor Stratford, July 4th, 18+ 3. 675 each -- 5 chwice lots in front of Gordo o's survey e ° a Blake, ex ny nvy Coun- aries si wt Tee erre inevier trate er Peer ry -- . ae ~nfile. ' . Prk PI gt stmenlamssertaeinnss- li as | may: By contagion. become bad Sete Seen nen, Siti ir price tron & Cts_t S280 x Nova Scotia. 85 REFORMATION OF CRIMINALS @ Sto $100 i pee! h--40 lots in Forman's survey 'ot - ig z cr Taint 7 poe tere en tretrtertions-intins -eity NY FIRST WOTLITRT WT TE aT ARO OTHER DOTS Tere WARY THOTT 4+--$_Frese -thre-bestv Ly. -- [SERS CAGH FEA ReWSR Toes 53 | for the reformation of criminals of both We will end by: mail'sn 97 ' rear. Are ative t =. 'agar pabtas Minister Inter- sexes, but | think that very few of the jute wif ah nasite rere " renee 54 | Vicious are reformed in such places' My BUSI N ESS PROPE RTI ES h h d ] da 'hue "D, Le Hannington, ex- Promier N. experience with law breakers justifies the ave eve r a nN e ' Boden dbde Sree WEES 53) truth of the mayen "Once a thie $1 500 Hodd & Cullen's old millon Railway ' 5 Sir KR. J. Cartwright, ex Privy 'Conn always oh gel -- eta bey get pee : 4 Avenue, with § acre of land. Suitable ' Cillor. .. ccs cece eee cers cesses 52} taminated with the poison of crime an or any kind o tory . Ww A B WW Hon, Asi Greenway, Premier Mani- +o fog live and die an outlaw of soclety~ + inne $2200 | a t Veandie Plough fda Mee a tae for ° - OS ORTH, ceuecevccvaeeeees suneee AT) the court room I can tell at a glance 'Aus erecex Gr scnecke ony bined of ta he ; igo Aedlue be = - : a. : . Hon. ie Mercier, Premter Quebec.... 48] children who have been brought up in re i otenern-etelarre to s snneheepes declling and ator oo? a EE AZ MARKET. STREET, STRATFORD. -- Hon. L. O. Taillon, ex-Premier icales. 48 | formatories--their manner is deceitful Sales thy vou, Adtress Bil 6 et 2 tert front on nove side of Orrtario:| ee == = Bon. Joba Norquay, ex! remier Mani. and they have hes hang 5. dog. crouching e¢ "CHURC HILL & CO. TORONTO | ¢ har between the Odbert block and John - -- ... NYYYPELEELY TREES 47 | pression of a w Re: di t t6 Nias tu bikale Back, neben - : . WAT > Hon. i. @. Powers, Senator, Nova Sco: In-my ¢ official « cso "--% "have meta great Wi © are now eady tor the the Cartwright Stone Cottage, neat to the cia eaalasawomcslecu ser Gusee? 47 | Many criminals, and I aio tention that S Q see Ronen nee hall lend being orected eins A. Chapleau, Secretary of State 47 | Song them [ have never known of a pring ampaign. 360 $ Jaa hennedy: » store and Livery Stable. thon, Ontario... .... eee eeee oes in the penitentiary or state's prison, but 32H 2 to0t--9 tote on west side of Downie road, oe Hon. ey Sen Vtauirie, Leader Liberal they are sure to return for some new at Sesietiag Point opposite Hon. J insane | Bc artes heat Lin es CLogds| oe em = _,| Laree Grape Concord Wine. 47 p g G d TT A s "PEG... sc 00. civverwenscsccosce 46] Offense sooner or jater, more hardened}. , ; _-- ALSO UTHER. BUSINESS PROPERTY. "apply ; Sir, Adolphe Caton, Minister Militia, 45] than ever Once tn-agreat while a man | "*'* *rrived in good, yistitlss, and of Excellent | to Geo. Forw This Wine was made for me from Selected Grapes by "Hon, W. W. Sullivan, Premier P. E. I. 44] Who bas gone wrong will attempt to re- oO SsBHBs Hon. A. G. blair, Premier New Bruns form, but that ts exceptional Burglars Dress Goods, Prints m FLOW , quo of the Best Wine Makers im the Province. It is Re cecdinedycsn CSawensa eaeE we 44 e burglars; pic ets canno . Hon. J. 8D. Thompson, Minister-of soles 7 and $ confidence man 08 _ Ginghams S, Apply to GEO. FORMAN. Absolutely Pure, First Run Wine of Fine Flaver, and I Tuatlet.vcrccee ecccccss vsewses , 43) rather get half a dollar by practicing their : . : : Hon. L. ". Davies, ex-Premior P. E. 1. 43 | beguiling methods than carn $5 honestly Embroideries, Corsets, 31000 tek Galea on Sakund arcnun Can S08 1h Ser abet tho Same Myton Shae misee heieaas ; . F { in the same length of time It is indeed | Shirtings, Cottonades, D , | Shakespeare Ward, Solid walls; ¢ heavy stone Hon. G ig E. Foster, Minister of Fi, 13: | arau thd ts Shoe elon 7 oo ree Sh gale Pinna Ghabrepsore Work. Set walle : extra } eng otene of Inferior Quality are sold fer by Parties frem the oeee! vans woes ness sks 865488 3 wale. canis; 9 pomeien. chane se Hon. E. 'I. Flynn, ex : Commissioner of 40 ever. is: oo 'wesw eeevalont E NEVER had ao better supply and were rte bth ogy mtu a ees eee Large Cities who Solicit Orders here. | Hon Ws. Meda Promicy of Nova |! New. York than it is in any country | of our Customers aon all ethers who nny tarer | 3:1. 5OO BE, Scaslan's tory, tance treme Beng Fi ri se ag eg ere |S [81500 Fora _ JAMES.CORCORAN.. waa Ebon: awe a: Pipes, anivemnlen-al Noun. novo fe aye. visi very. Jarge city .in the ee stone cellar full | ety of house ; a gnome; hall, wond:_ 38 | United States, and most of the large cities | , 7%" mctowt Ortore Feowived -for Clothing ia} .ned 'and good sta Stratford, Dec: 13th. 1RBS See erreseGeeressceeoenesee proof that we are showing the right Geods in ° Hon. "C on Tupper Minister of Marine of Europe I bave made Inquiries in re- - * enc -- Your choice of the two new a - . a a "99 gard to crime and 1 havo come-to-the con |- Tweeds and Trowserings. ' $950 cottages (now" building) 61 is a clusion that New York. notwithstanding | piace your onfers while you get a good choice. | Want cron i ra ae bed. erecoareecr ene heres : araarasge that it' is:a rendezvous for criminals from - -Will-be Guisbed in tiest-cle ae Basily Untierstooa _ parts of the world, is eomparatively as a We he hare also seaed 2 a Magnifizvent and Lani Stork | Lanze Tota. : ms eiitnas er complaint, diarr: } {fee-from. any city in. sbnanal Newest our choles: 6f the three: new} >" -- hon, Avenir, dholecs oman etc., are | Verse. Ties, Collars, Kid Glove, Soft Felt and $950 fn. Sime rer tery vg uilding) on Gore Having been informed that Caserapulous LVeéalers" Ofer inferior' CTIEAP L NG s "y t Dawzy's, in Shakespeare the excessive heat, eating green fruit, im- IDOE Gousts. 7 pears as woe made including 4 nee wh se it , pare water, over exertion and sudden What is called the tenement house sys- See our New Wall Paper. ach. Will be finished i first-class style, Large } chill. "Fowler's Wild Strawberry is | tem causes an immense amount of crime. M MILLINERY gg otal a acre lots with "be WE an Stalliabie and prompt remedy for ali ae tenement houses people are obliged to Mr, James Smith's fine white brick cot trial respectt 31500 ? bowel complaints from whatever cause. erd ---- in such a way that the A ull age on Bay street, first house trom We sell this aah rior Oil to oniy ONE DEALER EVERY TO } = ee rising generation cannot help witnessing | Highest Prices 'Paid for Farm Brunesick a --_! aj She Cre ms, pantries, halis, ori La RDINE bolas the s leading Br and, many try to eieats in oe phot poe "a: the tncretvisiows ccuitioms that exist be Produce roodehnd state UINE LARDIXE, manutactured by ~-A man cannot : nee be ee t th in th dwelli F Mr. Goulding's fine a brick resi- with having a bad uncle, It is one of the} reading rooms. lectures, etc., diminish Kastner Bros' $3200 cares corer of Shrewsbury and McCOLL BROS. & Co., Toron . Centre sta, cumnteie brotherhoods, "in Holu accidents of birth for which he may not be | ine s certain Reet but the ten cent survey. 12 room, afl all conveniences, and everything | And Sold only in Stratford by lodging houses more than counterbalance eyes in first-class style and order. 2 penne i the eat, "eg oe. the done by all the former. Such SEBRINGVILLE axp MI ICHELL. | $700 wn Mr. Patrick Hoy's good frame house on _, JEFFREY BROS., Hardware Merchants. iraty Sovareen | lodging hoses have soneat more destitu- | E. 4 EADMAKER'S. Sebringville, Pe be _sacned how one not speak of the rs whe murdered his whole shieaty 8 except | tion, more Th, t any. tin Paceae rth, | Other agency ] know of. Mechanics and oul S YE A Tr. 3550 ™3 ns y's frame house of 6 rooms, with jo sarge oP - pomp x by Bellen laborers were better off years fe when if , S Ald. Pratt's grocery warden, on Alvert st., straight behind BI G BA RGAI N sS | 'who was burned "up in a log-heap in they bad to gd from $2.60 to -- this exe $32 Mr. A. J. Bailey's small house and 2 = -In-- ago, because it | for their n regular ouses. Rae? Piet Frias at Oats eel lots on south side of Albert #t., ' . Sal poraly os soestionet tt birth for witch a raga sean to have got pt ' ms on : i. diiueratiins one ot the Listowel BR. . track.' Lots No. 166 Teas, Syrups, . Canned Fruits, " _was not responsible? Must no one emian habits, they are like t i Aol BT PMgSES BBY Yea' Mr. Vanatter's Cottage dwelling with . ever reproach his children with the fact | 6YPsies, they are shiftless and love to ae by ee tee La = ana pena akin ann eg ta that they had a bed uncle who killed their fore. pea ra sg anrerie sweetest bread, i abe Fe ' se | Eas, oy ces on and sntunet hinemone harm, Coffee, B g Powder, C ed V . bles father, beca it is one of those accidents ey can supply the absolute needs_o' 8 het panic ruit trees, ac, of birth Sor erkiok he may not be held ing moment. I think that the cheap lt adaare using it. townie TS 1000 ™:: os ogre io Sue frame cot: Sugars, Spices, Canned Meats. responsible? Must people not refer to the jodging hogess ought to be abolished by PIES Cwe CENTS - papi a ee A i evs tot on south side vide <r Borgias because it is one of those accidents a Be board of health and cellar, cistern. 6 roows and woodsted, and of birth for whicn their nephews were not believe, , howeter, that promiscuous THE cord stable, orchard, lawa, &r. All the Best Brands of of a ; ible?.Must not refer to that | ®!ms giving ts ne cable would a . 300 Mr, C. Mannering's other 1} story £ : : ' : : "Yewd and lascivious king of England, | P eruteer bo wire vchartty nee ne state Pe $1300 wise, on Boum aint ogo | Wines, Brandies, Whiskies, Ales, Porters, Henry VILI., who --_ = wee ox by ng no sire yh os ig pi, agi Pn summer kitchen, woodshed, fine 'lawns, &c. Tobaccos and Cigars o wi -- w ee m ' saaiesoereee, tad who vy Ry heeded some | ® a es by begging be will not work. I ° . S S700 ge eee om grendngerr Be 9 Hi save -- , ; * CO a teak omee ever lived in} WOuld like to sco astringent law passed List of Properties for Sale. nearly opposite te Wa nn es (formerly Barnes Ato ial i egg Seca it was one pf those making it obligatory upon every able iw Laverty's and James Robb's.) WV J L H B R O S' ? accidents ot birth for which his nephews Le Praag Nel poor, uy -- some $1, 850 For aStorey and ch slg dp Sgt 3500 ct pent white house, on % equth wide ot A S = were not responsible ? Must we not refer nd of wor "very man inethe comma trontaxe on Ontario street, next to the Baptist grocery, co corner of Queen et. Lately occupied by . MF ev. nity should be compelled to produce some: | .1 a ee ea sh ae 8 thing In my opinion the saddest sight] -- -- $1 500. Mt,Meodhouse"s 1} storey white W here you are sure to get the Best Vv falue for ' your Biqney. : to reproach s man for the actions of either | tO Dé Beem tr w fare ct Hike 94, OUU ~prick house and acre; on-cemerot - scene "this'ts the} <7 GEA For those splendid" bulkier 19) number of idlers, young and middle aged $1 250 ina wile ca 0 , r > Railway ave and Chestnut st, in Alex. Grant's his uncle or his father. Peeple who un- and 20, fronting cn Ontario, Pront y es " ook m . survey. Bay window, 7 rooms, stone cellar, ve, derstand the rules of polite society never shox flan. gd Feat o7 suee and Cobourg streets ; eid ye ee dal are atone ce ec do'so, unless men count it. oroughfares as Broadway and Madison | _ For thine choite tote 6,7, 8, 9and 10, | 2Q95 ue. Rebeck's 1} storey frame house on avenue--club men, sighing for some new $1,000 fronting on Centre, bd Se cont and | PO east side of Strachan st. Lot 42, Liners' ee pleasure. men who never did a stroke of | Cambria streets. wurvey, near Y Stakeupeare * ward school. 7 rooms, 4 A Correct Statement, rea! work and who never had a dozen = -- foundation and cellar. Next south of inal thoughts in their ives. It would -- thone valuable lots letter "E~ : Tx made by Miss Jane Retherford, of | orig! = $1000 ! sant side of Huron sti --4 >=) Mr. Dunbar's he d lot on Victor > , elies Cornora, Ont.. who w rites --** Dhave bee. gene ey: iy gt gees sige a oon near the bridge' tog frontage Haren teen 3500 road, enaee pean Wilson's, '4, nace A F ull Line of Spaulding' S ur dl your Burdock Blood Bitters for Dy pa Ae Pigg ° a -- gg "Th, near to TH agate . ; : ; seat iv I a> 1 ene o work.-- 'i 'y in ne t £600, to 0 ott eligible building lots | O9=--F Mr. Gorrie's neat neuen d lot 53, on B Ball B Gl Mask Et move ont find tind it eg tee toy re a ae - FEpoch. S- {0 * -! ped 79 other, agit "04 voll dine = 37 50 ; 2. 0 a0 res on 2 Caen 'jena. Pang ase 8, ats, oves, 8, C. eae eee chasers--in any part of the city. sy terms, as | ae Orr's frame cottage, stone to sndatic om, Of --_--- lers at one dk ha al bottle. The Famil a ¢ down if sold to who | 3 / 00 " ; ~ ' y Oven tn Greece, no money required down te parties who | ane side of _-- "y ad, and se mars k H: - d B -b 1] h a a eee d mosite a Large of arwoods baseballs, cheaper Ee " : a -- On inquiry I found that there was not, |! = sae yar Souble.. front, orp ite Kedtord' old Also a I ES Stoc : P _ . - 2 t he © it . 7 ------ n. = -- - ---- bt 9a - et : ' Accor aing * 7 es sonal saute, th Greece, as there is in New 500 cag Lm baies me new brick honee Join DownT It storey Trams honee of & than Spaulding Sy and equally as good, A large " Lebel rifle" is a wondrous weapon, and} England, any regular day for baking 34, 5O( nge street, known as the Kno $50 + and summer kitchen, on porth side : > oe . is destined to do terrible things in the Washing and baking take place when Cher to Man All m0 term, convenience, 1 hard °° sore divest "ia Forman's sur ey. stock of Baseball Bats from 5c. up. da of F h soldie In the language | these are needed The cooking is done, in | #94 soft water, stable ; choice loality ; balf ac s5()() Bre B. A. MeDonald's ane storey yellom __ bands of French soldiers. In th 1WUAKCT many instances, out of doors Immedi. 3 - teanve house, and § lot, on corner of Nile. Fe] : ' : i % of the corn doctor, this 18 a sure cure tele t ---- Fors frame honee and one and a half [ wid Cobourg st rerts. Rents #6 a month ACTOSEG OLtICK?, @ nds, -- rea pes Od e . re ' = archon diabetes ately ourside of the house, close to the Sl 500 acr hae: sata on poet ar ectiyh : war : L Stick , Ml kind Che I t Go Is in th City ---- jo a "sf wh. 7. gp the wore ¥ nd, corner, you often seo the family oven ft |o.T 3 3500 ® bates eit {Stratford Mre, Joh ite ear Cricket Goods, . . ; Cc roquat. atime bari may not believe it, but. it | #9 like a a re hen's egg. made of baked --~ $1,200 Test, fine frame house st § 100m Express Wagons. Doll's Carriages. sidobefor pain. It ie the only | CY, with the narrow end pointing up- FOC) Boe. 8 sete: Deck Bouse: On Tele D1,5UU suede, ete., and lot on east side of | Wheelbarrows. Small Carts. i# a sure ant of it pa et titines en war a "a the side is a large round aper- wv nearnew G.T,K. shops. Splendid | srationd street, third he to from: St. "David Street, Skipping R . J Kite sone" racras Ser ae Pas ech tee nese ture. .which:is the door, an at t apex Sind setails Good healthy locality. Wi in shakespeare ward. (Tasker's.) #200 down, balance ipping VoOpes. ap 1 3. om Shake wall before Waking, "and tale with} a--smail sent for. _escapo of the : 7 ~ Me. Bdgar Macktin's fine roomy Erick a = whiskey. : asia ~e to clean , by osama se soem $1,200 © ie . hotse on + on Sate D1050 Ghee rows and? lance' hails BOYS' VELOCIPEDES. ES a ug aes FJ z ess id water, wood towatity vith ? acrejot; on north cof Krittannia st. beat Hier one se toot the consisted-.ef fonr walls ef: esi be, Th popes bargaing agave sect of Wed. Fercuven's, With Steel Whesle:+: Sings from: $3.75 up... Lower: tham. joa. can. boy _-) Peck eenan eon cist ao ae | stone. covered } with: a flat roof o verspread | ating ie a WOAs band lnatewd side of cae #, Holme' them away f from home. - Ts usually pr io RESTS tsud with earth or grassy turf' Where there 'st.500-* hee stabie, good locality > late! ty "Mr. T a = a ---- aa. _ attacks sd i sate wie = # escape for the -- it was imho . This price has ya twice for the propers $3000 owned by beat: - at Shiba belek veal Selling very wa, dysentery, et, © ge ol) rude ehimuey consisting of four sm Full lot. 83 ; Y gay tig Rk i ~~ ; foud and water. The sovereign remed '¥ piles of stone, which BUpporte ~d a flat siab, coon aa dete on Ne = ---- ey -- IB a b Ca rri ag es hea and surest safeguard against all such trou: | to prevent the wind of beaven from inter- | $2,100 [25 4 lrge twoaforsy rane bon S1OOO tes Saath Ste Mecho. (eow Pap ) P Berawbeery Never travel without ss nen cena hemes Bat I zeae isl sseut. Good cbanee te build. > tist) church and et, near G, T. RK - DU FTON, Str re 2d > yany instance: eyTara, - and elsewhere vhation. ss : in Greece, that the emndke was allowed the For sty storey jer sae tang cl ot Pe > 200 rave ot Geo. Nieberzal's houses - in g Neglected. Colds | Pain in the prt A freedom 4A¢ the "hause, and. where. it did 850. tne he north a nits of ort sa Bee = ww building in Honea tard, os Weil aeaiche (samara a wi = Lungs. ape cul © © \o « aa varterly instaiuents, <a 6 a. ALBION Loc , ' creep out onwil it iy throuch some CITY BOOK ST be : : . = by. using Allen's Lang Balsam. | Hoahstui bola ta.the,sok 1h. generslix.cee. g For a lance omosiorey brick $550 and $200 7c! sony bows | - ios Cail and examine ¥..J.- John's 'new line | CUpied itself with blackening the matters of, 100 nine acres-of land, within Tes | carlo sf,, second and third houses west of Queet st. sn nme ae es serena 0) Saree =| CHOLERA. |PARIS GREEN song « : I<, * "i tos. finest hage #ver.scen. eyes, which. was r biiecin) am Lamarnant cornet, Arsh Bowes: - ee ; Owing to the steepness of the hill. the S600 te Por a neat tie fame hier amt tot on Fst per mre. tr oattcn 'Hente, - aigeniaee ian a =e Rees. Bay. the New. Era Raking powder:and | waiiwhich we in..the.rear.of the oes me That splendad ted brick residence and. BEWARE: xe Frevon <i } : ong you Will yet « uive china cap and saucer house was often not more than a few feet ) Foe Fob-w large tep-story, teamen. ieee 35500 one avre cholee'Tawn and gardens, on tott Paris 3 Green, =e with each package. Walsh "eos is the | above. the level of the street.--Corinth $1, 80) fot on Grange siren, wear the | 2 Darlt set, dd Sens : ft Tiicih tmaae( new eh S]A00 Mls esses tne raises aoa |" NASMYTH'S Fresh - and - Pure. | ail paper Ing. have had to re- es a ey ; i grounds om St. David st : order tw eat up the astortzne nt, Feewget- The 5 Hattie Passion. t=" 15 Houses Wanted at onee for Partie 31400 * Mr. . ee tine frame house and 1} ' 'CHOLERA --- 3 § ber, [am seiling gold paper at 20c. a roll Life was ebbing fast and his hours were intending to settle here a = mip neue t. 7 ger p rece : SURE DEATH TO x N. A. Boawortlrs is the place. few He was a Third avenue elevated Honses and Stores to Reat and Lease. SHO Mie lakes new 5 house on . MIX TU RE If your bare a chain, watch, or locket /brakeiman. and eating his meals between | Money to Lend: on easy | 3900. S100 Bent ste two "POTATO BUGS. - 'f ' that "is wotthlexs: on account of it being | -- bad sapped ae ope ae ik ey. y 3900, $1200 igus Seinen, Spon gues , 'THIS HOT WEATHER. : s si dear youn, rien © tin. . M Gore and Deleon, ste. at ripe ts ere pt ceed either ¢ sehen' 8 pers a re Pg re ibat. whet " éerms. tan oa Wok eke Ot a 95 Cents" a Bottle, oe = J. JOH NS': ; aera series gl Bia -- cae at plated! 'has been so graciously roucbaafed to me | Fie, Life, and Accident Insurance. - partly emery wt §it0e, "Wl pay met 12 per : . Will guaratitee work to be strictly. to say will eormfort and sustain you. | ' severe nied give satisfaction Ty Bae Poi di ws for the porn the Mo WAT & MURRAY. Also 50 other bouses for sale in offce list. The Medical. Hall, D R U G S TO R E { pat - ma. , ; ell responde d sick Pr ag ors mag in the Hesech Builling rm entenl, Selg 1, NB. quantity of metal on. (ores. * Apply to 3 { i Electro-plater, rooms men. feebly. "Step lively, please."-- Bast side ot Market-st. First tran deer ever : 3 Ontario St. Telephcme. Night. Beil, ONTARIO STREET WEST. eee Ri Prostar Leena CS ae GEO. FORMAN. - ew __ elie tone I