" High are in inaitlinemana' " 'The very high class of art work notice able in advertising matter calls attention ol fact that almost the very best phlets, guide books, the advertising of the have taken wirning from. the fate of a bright young fellow. who allowed his sig- - Retare ppear tad pigs railway advertising books, and all these fine P copied without their signatures, they contract that their shall 28 -- armer nor be menNoned in con- ththeie work age Not. a - hata 'on of manufacturers was so pleased with the pictures a very famous artist drew for one of the pamphicts that - they scattered broadcast the statement that the head of the house « ffered to pay the artist his original price over again if he would sign the picture he had made, in order that they ma facturer's parlor. not do so forany price within the means of the rich man The: se companies that make use of these high grade pictures also employ ex- cellent tale ut for the writing of the read- nen ing ma matter that ar eo with literary or whose. at sonat, mark in p pictures... great advertisers now have private "A JEDG ES EXP EXPERIENCE. | HE THINKS LAZINESS IS THE.CHIEF CAUSE OF CRIME, The Results of Judge Duff}'s Observa- tions as a Judge in Police Courte--Re- formatio® of Criminale--Evils of Tene- we Hansae-~Ea}ort . Ta "are SAE Gaice thi ages rts, | shouid say that laziness is the The young man th an work Accondlng : to the Scriptures wan shontiveary by the sweat a his brow, but in our large ctties there are thousands of men who will do neither mental nor manual work, and-who prefer to get their living by preyfng upon the community in some form or ot her OUng criminals are born ba fou cannot expect that the sons or the daughters of. a _thief or m burglar will be naturally Their whole surroundings are bad, y influence that Is exerted upon them from childhood up tends to make them as bad as their progenitors Even girls and boys inclined to be good may. by contagion. become bad -REFOLMATION..OF CRIMINALS "We have urany institutions in this city for the reformation of crim inals of both Medical, DR. D. M. FRASER, Orns : at bie Residence, 'os the Dow ale Road. 19, 1883. Stratford, Ort sly A. E. AHRENS, L. D. &S., Idington's New Block, Market jj eeeree. Stra! oF V tiie ~~ aur ® ae for the Painless Extraction of Teeth, «bh | Stratford, March "3, 19x. srely Cc. COOPER. -M: a ee "ENTIATE OF THE KING'S AND QUEEN " { Physicians of Irelan< Licentiate af Physicians and Dannease of cotiand &@ Office Gver NA Hoeworth's Book aod Drug Store, Marton. Street, Serato iSsJy Dr. W. "a haukerson, : (Lars oF op ccpryane) Orrica Horns : ~ aio 1S nen 260 =. 6p wage mm, 10 p.t Office : Over Mr Struthers' Sore, Tdingten'e Block, hrtario. Stratford. ( Legal and Financial, SMITH & WHITE, Bakers: RS, SOLICITORS, &¢., Idjngton's -- ae FF SRE 7 RRR Rennes Ona Stratford, Nov. &, 1487. 6is-ly JOS. 3 ARS Aotels, - COMMBEKCIAL HOTEL, | Ost. ' Sample wa bling | and <abcathee > hestions T. HAGARTY, ie r. Stratford, Oct. 10, Lead. ty ALBION HOTEL, Se THE LE ADERS COMMERCIAL the City. Large, well-lighted sample rooms. First (lass House in every respect. Best ont im the Ch ity. JOHN _PUTLAN D, Proprietor. 'QUEEN'S s HOTEL. Corner 0" Waterioa and Ontario Streets; Stratford, Untarie. A) A.GORTZ, _. ; "Banicined, ang. V 18; Tae CABINET HOTEL, Fy the Royal, presides at the bar. GEO. BOOKLESs, ee 7 Stratford, March 14, 1888 ROYAL HOTEL, Marget Sovake, Stratvorp. VERY ACCOMMODATION for the | Travelling Public, Sain pre uality Ales, Liquors and igars. _argtat Stables in the City seus M. SCuUTT, r 7, Se a, Tee ee PROP Tietar CITY Dviveiameen A. HUTCHINGS, Veterinary Surgeon, Meacrery Graduate =A = Ontario Veterinary CALLS PR OMPTLY. "ATTENDED To. OFFICE :--Roval ---- Stratferd, Ont _ Stratford, April 2, . WM. STEELE, VETERINARY 8U RGEON, ientente » wal the Ontarie UollegP OE Surgeons Hs! ar eons.) move hie office frem TOPPING to Strath: Residence :--Ontario Strest, ete ter a corner at eee Line it tartare. ndian Block, Market Sqdare, . at, File JOHN A. ROE, Veterinary - Surgeon. (Graduate of the Ontario College of Veterinary Surgeons.) Calla promptly attended to. Charges Moderate. &@ Orrice :--Opposite Wilson's Tannery Rooms .--In Cx -- ' Hote 4, ATTWOOD, Ont. 640-19 Attwood, April -- DW BURT, VS. Honorary Graduate wen il he Outorte College of Vet j back columns of the papers attracts a most as much attention as the news it- self. Here; a the high prices are paid and secrecy tained. One _ural- effect of this i is that which led an en- rt of a small firm to com- P to the writer the other day that it was no longer poealiiie for --- to adver- tine in to is calls upon the public attractive to the a ae He said that small business firm in all ha cities are now at their wits' oe they have net got-the menev: to ¥ for | A - Titing or for display-. at the proper length in the papers. or Suenmrestine a Pork Packer. When _ this distinguished ntleman came to have his picture taken Whe didn't know exactly what he wanted; he said an he bry ee he A aia Tred something monld sat his gene - i t best advan +r had net had a picture i was da since the : of ambrotypes, _ termined now to get the , no ao much it cost. I[ asked Tim ring at like to try a dozen of * tions," and he said: er." Sol set him down at the little and made io = his right elbow on &@ copy 0 pare's mes with his -- in rtion to the population. hand gracefully pe. sorttaa } s head. In 1 have eristted"overy lar ge city in the " aced another book.. pon. which, Cubed pri 4 peed ging oi hen asslons® » ot ---- ries in re- | look "t toward the ceiling," "sai 1 and g gard to crime and I have come " io the con- try to look expectant." 2 ahs New York, notwithstanding / he asked "As if you were looking | for a that it ts a rendezvous for F colaibals from corner in lard," ih, I see," says all peers of the world, is comparatively as ys be.and. ham rolled. ed np his eyes beautifully. Don't the. diamond;" says he;**h verse. pelt 2 bene ano the best ina in Texas "Now the result," conitawed the pro- fessor, "was that I got a splendid nega- The pork packer's perfectly ny e never saw you look half so re!' Of course not. If Td wanted | to a clfracteristic pict- ure of this man I'd have to set him in a chair and make btm tilt the chair back, stuff his hands in kets, and put a chew of t tobacco into his mouth. That would have been nature. But pho- tography is art, and the truly artistic otographist is he who tries to make unique every time. pede "Field tn Chicago Nows. Value of Eggs as Food. No honest appetite ever rejected ZR in some guise. It is nutriment in the mos' sat 4 a sand great cap- . he determined on a piece of lux one egg to every man and two to the cast y valiant Schwepperman." Far a more than fish--for it is a watery diet-- are the scholar's fare. They contain Phosphorus oom is brain feod, and sul- phur, w tions in = best of nutriment for children, for in a po gry form ~~ contain everything to the growth of the poathtal me 2 The white is + the Tost or burns, and the the consumptive, invigorate and render t t susceptible all but proof against rene in its most malig- nant phase. -- ern Farmer. Bismarck in # Passion. When you are on za good terms with Bis- marck there is no bet I Siege: do you do," he asked ino one upanion. be is only strpassed of expressicn. Some of haracteristic. "What © one day, "when are angry? I don't think yon - Angry as often as Ido." "Bab!" I reptied,. then a t re- he sntiemead whole piece Fede "De William?" chalet at 1] 'i t ct ee ai i ui if $ 3 j : yy | ity Hit ue i f z : 3 ESERESBRS tial ' ¥ it and wouldn't swap it, - kind of work Eve -notdaly. foc od--thev - horoughfa A bea - are the sons of ric Hig corner, you o > yom piles Ue +t tittric tae of thre vicious are reformed in a sock ph places My experience with law breakers justifies the truth of the saying "Ones a thie always a thief;" once let a boy get con taminated with the poison of -crime and he will live and die an outlaw of society In the court room [can tell at a glance children who have been brought up in re- formatories--their manner is deceitf and -- have a bang dog, crouching ex- : preasion countenance. of in my official career | have met « t many criminals, and nd I must confess that among them | have never knownof a genuine case of reform. Quite a long time may sometimes clapse between their terms in the penitentiary of state's prison, but ey are sure to return for some new fiense sooner or later, more hardened 'than ever Once In a great while a man who has gone wrong will attempt to re- form, but that is exceptional Burglars ewtlt die burglars; pick ets cannot reformed, and confidence men would ratber get half a dollar by practicing their beguiling methods than earn honestly ex ~ in the same length of time It is indoad - true that vn them stolen fruit is always the sweetes Crime, a is no more prevalent in New York than it is in any count free {ro crime a3 any city in the uni CHEAP LODGING HOUSES. What ts called the tenement honse eo tem causes an immense amount of crime. In tenement houses people-are obliged to herd together in such a way that the rising generation cannot help witnessing the meretricious relations that exist be- tween the sexes in these dwellings Free reading -- lectures, ete., diminish- crime certain extent, but the ten cent lodging honmen more than counterbalance the good done by all the former. Such lodging houses have caused more destitu- tion, more beggary and crime than any other agency | know of Mechanics and rers were better o ff years ago when they had to pay from = 50 * a week for their board in regu houses. echanics sownlere seem ag nave got into Bohemian habits, they are like the shiftless and love to lace, content if - they.can supply the absolute needs of the ssi 'or ng moment. I think that the cheap odging houses ought to be abolished by ue |*he Sound of health. | believe, Lowever, that promiscuous 'alms giving fs wron The gp: would be showing more sbuitty and humanity ury by giving nothing to street begars be- canse if a tramp can © a dollar or two y by begging he will not work I wast like to see a stringent law making it obligatory upon every able bodied man, rich or nr ps perform some in the commu- nity should be compelled to tee some- thing In my --_ the saddest sight to be seen ina large city like this is the number of idlers, young and middle men, looking out of windows on such | Tes a3" y an avenue--club men, sighing for -- new pleasure, mep who never did a stroke of real work and who never bad a dozen original thoughts tn their lives. It would good uate genau if they com. Epo to work.--P. G. Duty in The 7 Pine Family Oven in Greece. nqutry f found that there was n esaran in Greece, as there is in New Enetand, any regular day for Washing and baking take place when these are needed. The cooking is done, in y instances, out of doors. Imm ately cataiin of the house, close to the often see the family oven. It is like a huge ben's egg, e of baked clay, with the narrow end pointing " ard. In the side isa ture. which is the door, stone, covered i ag a gy eg with earth or grassy turf. was escape for the smoke, twas four smal? of stone, which éupported a flat slab, to apape od the wind of beaven from inter- fering with ~_s smoke. But 1 found in pan: in Megara, clsew | ders for loss of appetite in your horse vu sf: a BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, CONVE¥ANCER, Etc. {dington"# Glock, Erie St, Stratford +h4-ly Stratford, sept. 13, 1584. A. C. SHAW. B.A., Baerst ER, SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCE Office upetairs in Old Albion Block, next Post Office, Stratford. &@ Mowey to Loan on Property, at Six Per Cent. GEO. ALBERT LONEY, -- ARATE Solin rd Attorney -at- Law, Con neer, etc EY To | END. z mee , windast ow Stratford July, 13, Lss7. G. W. LAWRENCB & SON, ne. a ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, Solict- Chancery, Conveyancers, N IDINGTON & PALMER, BAkeistens, Etc., 2 STRATFORD ee gfe Q C.,, Co Covert? Crown Arroassr. 4. MONEY m4 LEND _ Stratford, Jan. at « TU LEND, T Reasonable Rates of Interest, on Farm and fown Property. Apply to G. W. LAWRENCE, Market Buildings, 'Btratiord. _ Money, Money... Money 1 NOTHER Lot of of Cheap cap Money haa been placed in my handa, for investment on Farma, at 6 CEN 6 ' EAT. ~~ Terms of repayment to suit the borrowér. Apply at once to WILLIAM GORDON, Stratford, Dec. 12, 1882. ser-ly Ww. MOWAT & S SON, BANKERS, |» auwaice a oneal Sanking B acinek issue drafts payable at par ii a eee, os Soe Gates. Allew 5 per cent. inte on deposits in savings branch. Within the = lost ate years ae Seamaest tine million dollars) have been gages at lowest rates. Sioa war office. onr Mi tr corte Liven Cowptamr, Basous Aci Stomace, Dvsrresia, Loss oF APPtTiTe, Sock Heacaced, Constipation On Costwintss. Paaveos, Mee.. Tiet Oot, 18 --T fod bles mga * ¥ cute mers or Dilewsnes, aud easy w tase. I am, ira a arety, - &. Me borsate. ail "She. pee ee Water vs. Steam. - . . oT... w- Reve ~ - FTUHE subscriber begs to announce te the'pubile that he is PRAPARED TO SAW LUMBER at the prices quoted, until further notice, vis Hard Wood, $3.50 per J,000 feet. Soft Wood, 250 " ty { Or 50 cents per M. below any other mill within five miles of Sebringville, Highest price paid for saw logs. A qnantity of Dry Oak, Elm, Basswood, and F Pine Oe ee reamee. Sebtineville/ Nor. 20th, 1883. co. PERTH MUTUAL F. L co. RSTARLISiIRD 1503, BY ACT OF PARLIAMENT. Ingures Bulldings. Merchandise, Manufactories all other description of Ineurable Property, on the premium note or cash system. and LOSSPS TROMPTLT ADJUSTED AXD PAID. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: James Trow, Eaq., M t, Stratford, . Mowat, Esy.. Banker, Vice-President, Stratford. ord Clerk, Stratford, George Hye, 7. eee EB, Leverrage, Eaq., 5 $: D. Moore, Esq. Be = J. id, Eaq., ox ty Reeve, Downie, ** Henry Doering, Esq ad Rock, Eeq., bd Seliciters-- Messrs, McPherson & Da' Auditors--Mesern. J. Pearsen and G. G. Ewart. Bankers--Canadian Bank Market Square, Stra' oer. 'SHORE. PROPRIETOR. Lie ARG ys -- modation in the City, te fitted up in Gret-clase 'rigs and with the best Brande im Wines, THE TERRAPIN. Ontario Street, Stratt (pes BEST Brands of Wines, Liquors, Ales, Ba ern feat Ales ob ist y ponte GRAY, Proprietor. COSMOPOLITAN 'HOTEL, Hcocu Deuresy, _ a MEDICINE HAT, Nw. A Peat HOTEL. EL. Large Sample Room for percial Travellers. Stable eee able ude connection. Chane furnished partins in search of oo a VICTORIA Ia HOTEL. Downie Street, Stratford. JOSEPH *O'GRADY, Proprietor. IRST-CLASS for the Travelling public, at moderate prices, The best Lauer and Cigars always kept at the bar. * Sted | - "Stratiord, Feb. 18, 1885. __ 4T6ly WORTH'S HOTEL. cpus SUBSCRIBER nacins leased the abore well "known intel; 'hile Oh patrors" aad the travelling publ that [twill be hia coustane to sustain the the house for first- _-- constantly supplied with a colonnt.cf peer ihieg. The bent rag a kept at the bar. £@ First-class Stabling orves. j _ BM, CALOES, Stratford "April 3,' 1886, LENNON HOUSE. St. Marys Gravel Road, half i enltvag between Stratford tT. LENNON, ms HIS HOUSE h vellers -- THE STRATFORD HOTEL, C= or he hery and Sr. eee pce dg i throughout, and le now yee canal' to ee every accom: wile for the travelling public Large stables ana all conren- . The Bar is su with the | beat Spititusus Liquors & Temperance M. F. SULLIVAN, Penpeteten Stratford, June 6th, 18mn, LAGER : GEO. BECK, Market Square, Stratford, AS the agenev fer the sale of SLEEMAN'S CELEBRATED LAGER, ALE axp PORTER, In Wood er Bottles. This Celebrated Lager obt we ag: te Mr Medal ewarded at the Toronto Exhi eof 1882. 'LAGERI Cefiar' Lately Osssited" By by Me. Mr. JOHN CODD, ki Stratford, May 13 1554. 437-ly J- R- KILBURN + A-R-O-H-I-T-B-O-T, -- oe G. KIRK, TWIt cence ana SURVEYOR idiexvon' * Ls rath Erie $ Sra palo, Ont. Patents secu Rasa G. 4 _ Stratford, Sept. 9, 1 aA. maura Ain Counties of Perth © Valuator, ip Genate of Perth or ya ts left at Tum Times Office promptly iptratiord, Aug. 23rd, 1882. Ww. D. WEIR, ICENSED py gg saved Appraiser por L Counties of Perth and > Cenaden Tr, MILVERTON. "Milverton Feb. 4 '1388. . JAMES PROCTOR, _ CALLS PROMPTL x ATTENDED 17 TO. | Cuances Moperats. "eterinary Medicines ses Kept and Dispensed, Orvice and Hestpasca : -- In Shore's New -- over McEwan's Store, opposite Macket. UNION IS STRENGTH. CLELAND & » McKERNAN AVE gone | ate. Rextnneaie and haxe Ho fer a corm of years P Dunn's Blacksmith the Queen's Hotei, which | hey have y oniengad oe ae aoeoee- latest and lines: & -- . Plough, een Bugyies, Citter and Sieighs made to order, and satifaction HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY! Tn all ita Branches, In this line our reputation nosda po ee we solicit: a continu: W. J. CLELAND, 629- Wu. McKERNAN. CARD OF THAN KS. Wn. Pirie, , Blacksmith, Bs to announce to his 'Friends and Customers: and solicits a renewal of their vi It has been reported 'by some interested parties that wa. PIRIE, Blacksmith, is going to leave the City. Such is not the case, as has rented THE where be hopes Horse-Shoeing & Blacksmithing OF svete See: There will also be in con- nection a First-C Wood Worker, Trimmer and : Painter, that customers can depend upon getting eatie- Son in a avery thing U bg want, at most reasonable -- Will open new shops shout the swe ----e ' January, 1883. Wa. PIRI, _ Sheattord "Dee. 2. Tsar. NO KORE PILLS: W.L Becker's Gallery. a nn SITTING FOR PHOTOGRAPH lore FEB. 20rn will mS the chance: ; draw a e Lite sizi PORTRAIT of themselves en that da: MAKE . ef OF THIS, ee be sure TRY YOUR LUCK! A few ( few doors weet of Post Office. Stratford, Dec. x chtest, whitest, #4 1, rolls, buns a: are sing it, Gity of Stratford and County of Perth GAs of Real Estate, Farm Stock, Household Furniture, and all kinds of General Goods at- tended at reasonalbie rates. *630-3in. ~~" W, B. FREEBORN, MILLBANK, ONT, = | Qoxverasces RENE. FOR PERTH M. F. Fabre per yp '. | (tar ones to Lend at Reasonable Rates of In- Special attention paid to Real Estate OFFICE :--At his Residence, Princess Street, Millbank P. 0., Ont. Stratford, Jane 13th, Tse8." lice il PRICE FiVE-CENTS: ; California New Potatocs a Henry "Se ee M. Bevrrsr, electro wiki idhed eal aiskel platen, Albert st., Stratford. Use " Mand 8S." Condition Pow- and cattle. Sure Kill F wiry Persian | Powder. Bek rand Neate el eros Paty ean be-had at N.A orth's, For oem Disorders and Acid -ampbeli's Cathartic Compound 8 very 2 c -CUT FLOWERS, = LZ AxD BRIDAL-- = You must use Hellebore in order to ex- It knocks them out Procure the genuine at E. time, sure, E + John's drag store, Ontario street. . a = REMOVAL. A, STEWART, "HARNESS" MAKER; = BAK REMOVED TO .* =>) $t Baker's Elock,..Gouth: ofthe: 'Market, Opposite the Man- leaned |. tnders jeft at Mr. George of at my howse, co Douglat Street, _Stratiord, Maron 14, 1 wow COUNTY OF OF PERTH. UsSLic NOTE' "The Warden will be ta at ed ob peebr ye , On the iret and Tuesday im rach month, from tem te -- ose say The clerk will ve ia attendance af . on Tuesday and W app a orn Si So o'clock. at bie 'office on Tuesday, Wednesday Thareday| Friday, and Saturday of each week, dur ing same hours. . we. DAVIDSON, | Co. Clerk. TICKETS - a. us sf = CiTT TICKET OFFICE, RAPH OFFICE eGTRATR FORD. ent rates to all gs cints in Western States, States, Mani and the Great} est, Montreal, Bester. toba New York, &c. A. H. ALEXANDER, Stratiord June 18, 1886. "poet -----POOR-MAN'S-FRIEND.-- One that will save days of sickness and mapr a Dollarin time and Deetor's Liitl+, one always friend ts Peauy Daves' PAIN-KILLER. Pr Lihat TERN ALLY ue ra % iter nee Prwent Oey Deng aT "ai the inte, P sinter's Colbe De sadden © vids, Sore ALLY, USED :XTI Curs, . Sree i. it cures Tirniser the Jonts, foothache. Ta meu bent HAPSLLE 7 palges and Medi sthe World A rund. Ope cints ee Dorrit. Beware of Counterfeils and Imitations. -- Marble and Granite "Works gait i SHARMAN, Importers and Gian Marble and Granite ote a Tomb- Pieces, stones, Mantle Wash 8 Tops, &. ree cut in English and 'German. Market-St., Stratford, Sept. 15, 1876. M-ly ~ BOOK-BINDING. I HAVE EVERY FAC FACILITY roe BINDING Music, Period , in FIRST CLASS MATERIAL AND WORKMANAMIF. Ou red, and blank books ruled, Bie bound to any pattern. - Canada bound: in geod: style tree $2.25 per Vol. Full Price "List on Application. Book-Binder and Blank Book Mannfacterer BINDERY OVER DUTTON'S DRUG STORRS, Corner of Erie and Ontario Streets, " TFORD. Stratford, Feb. 21. 1487. TLLY adjusted iN reusoOn the last Cab Feet, Spinal aes and all " eatinfactory sree nny Positive! 'Tree. by Mail, 6c.for book of invaluable CHAS. CLUTHE, Sorricat Machin U3 Kina Stacet West. TOROS. STRATFORD : Mansion House, Saturday, Oct. 6. + N: Gregs House, Friday and' Saturday, Oct. 19 & 2 snecess- the Best Sest- of Wortt.- PILLS "AND _OINTMEN This antversa} medic! cine ine is a eae uisile everywhere. PURIFY THE BIOOD. impart tone to " VERVO c. 3y¥ ply Mand act mos! wert. fet soot Ls Livre AND BOWELS4, ror aie DIGESTION end senienitation, r ndw «hol bodily. fra 4 utude 'and GENERAL ' nae 0 the potent fore. are umrive.. Teaihiens, Laws: sLITY a peicky he gee roewn ws their eftloncy 1X pa ae COMPLAINTS, moving al? ce wet skin biemrthon »- pres boil ohne. better lias any Other fs». newt, wating powers: ter itinvaluepie in a SUBRAT AER LEAL DOE AE i, . Quincey arnt" Ai hina," r } mt SETI TE Ct Ttae-- = at.4 10 te © Deuri aud every species of & ae. banrefaeteee. on! - iors rable .2323 CXFCRD ST., LONDO A miet af tm itt. Fy Ot, t« "4. 4,2 Faw ta te me. a da a t hovcdinats reve , sued the Lager slaw » ~-fLarrecon Age im ey edie wo dfm hier efere t ax 10 thelr pdetes tf the adore ade perp Pe fre Tre of wr ead Me? a iis OD tui word Int ice, aod = BAP ie edt THOM43 HOLLO® A vv lae Soe ies WALTER STONE, / se a ale