ea gern 4 Soieieaatl aay - Death of an Old-Tinier. tuk LATE -- PARKINSON'S -UISTORY -- S MASONIC RECORD. On the peak of July last, there died at Brockway, Mich., Mr. Thomas Parkinson, aged 94 years, 11 months and 24 days. » Deceased waa born semua 4th, 1793, in * "Seaforth, County of Bown, Ireiand. In 1823 he emigrated to Canada, settled in" the Township of London, op the 7th con., two miles west of St. John s, when thas country was a wilderness, and before there was a buildiog where the city of London now oe Un November 19th, 1830, he. sas ~ ohbery Roberts, of par Towoship, sien still aurvives him, at theage of 85 wed with his fannil? a Michigan, 'and hed reeided on the farm where he died. His family consisted of ten children, five sons and five daughters, of Whom four sons and three daughters eUll eurvive him Parkinson, mer chant, of Exeter, and ex- Reeve of Sembra, isa son of the deceased and the only one now living. in Canada. Decessed leaves twenty-nine grandchildren aud nine yréat gts --_ living at this time. De & consistent member of the ° 1 abaae until he moved to Michi fe There Leing no Episcopal church at Srock w way he united terian charch, and remaine< with the -- aap ch ber of | that church until | he died. In politics he was a Conservative in Ca - an active part. in Eplao rs. plight Livemgit. pall he. KEPT ISLANDS FOR SALE. © Novel -- of Procuring « oe ruitiess Pxpedit One m be saainde ah in ' ing a lixelihood ae for a living" "There 6 been explorers since the days of Orieniae to these days ~ Heary M. Stanley, but this man was is method of procur men, -being short of provisions, sometimes 'gO out toa stream and castip their lines a iness fur supper-apebrealiast. if man, when short of funds, went out fosea and fished at an isiand that ho eyull diseowrr another Wher he was sailing the main it had to be a very wary and cire iNDs pect island that could elude his search tlix n was Capt Jepnett Ile was of French blood, but born in this country, and at the time the writer met him he claimed to have discovered ninety-nine islands, and as be claimed to hate op tained o patent for each island. from the Inited States governinent, he was the owner of that number of islands, scattored around the globe When be mentioned in a casnal way that among his unconsidered: trifles he had so many islands, _ writer express rents x Ota the eid | est desire of his beart bad always been t& possess an island Se too and always took great delight in vlan incklents in iaerd to it and the Canada, and will be ace bered by many of the older inhabitants in the vieininy of London, ollowing extract trom the Watonic Family Magne will be read with inter- eat: --" Thomas Parkinson, « veteran and venerable craftaman, died at his-home in the Townsbip-of Emmet, on Saturday, July 28th, 1885. He become a member of ¢ Masonic. ). in the town > December-Z7 th; 1313; tye yo net being twenty. one yearsofage. Ine Planation of this he says: 'At that ies ot lodges bad power to make by- law Me was elected Junior Warden of the lodge in 1816, and served two years. In 1819 he was elected Senior Warden, and was exalted to the Koyal Arch de- gree and sand a Rains ee in pee Was Oth, 1821, igrated tothe rte State of oo S.A. BB yng 37th of the gre ja, and became a member na Ae is Moriah Lodge, No. 20, at West ister, This ge was declining, but be | his efforts was revived. In 1838 he aasisted in forming Lodge 206 in the then village but now city of London, Canada. "Weil Tit give you ote." sald the cap tain, with all the free heartedne ea8 that éhaticterizes a sailor "i've got tore than I want." "Your kindness almost overpowers What must1doto enter into cneumlnel? "All you lave to do is to fit out a ves sel to oceupy it and ship the guano on it, a which you are to deliver to me one- third of each cargo ye islands. When [ find another kind ready for shipment. He then produced a time worn patent, issued Nov 30, 1869, by Hamilton Fish, secretary of state, which stated that the gallant captain had discovered "the oe of OB the- Muskiteer--bank, the Caribbean sea," and was entitled the uae on it. if. he worked.it...Atiet of art to the working of it was --ony produced, in which the exact number of picks, shovels, planks, nails, tents, wheel ws, provisions, and. in- , everything down in tabulated form e first load of guano brought to market, he declared, -- wes orallof these articles, and leave some profit. besides. Some of the islands by» discovered were the Pacific ocean, some lie near the in ic Newfoundland, banks of _oth ers--the aT town r aeaaiit to discovers! istanda All my tsiands are | a EY /RALSB RULES vs. COMMON | SENSE PRACTICE. Professional pretension is often wrong by lasmabie rules; while common sense is eontent to be right without -- This ie preeminently true a8 regards the science of medicine : and the superiority of » common 8 ot an explorer, he did net ft ont an ex- | precedent has beer abundantly established pellition or lwad a per for the enrich- | Ly the success of Holloway' ® world-re- ment of geogtap yhical knowledge Other | owned renedics. This extraordinary man is especially appreciated in Spain, and in 'all parte of ~ ath Americar~tie he-peopie knew that his preparations will cure, with en fevers ard swevere and dangerous Lowel complaints more or leva prevalent ia all | t ose parte during tl . In fact, their operation in disofders of th is siad is littl short of miraculous. Signor Sose Martinez, a gentleman from Havana, recently arrived. at Cadiz, has state trough the preax that on the voyage he was attacked with malignant fever, ac- companied with vomiting, vrrible pain and constriction bowels, past recovery, anc of the aa a last resort, uf Holloway' s ¥ Q sptain's medicine chest, | ministered to the sick man. | hoy ar hia . gan to convalesce, and before the vasat eatered the barbor of Cadiz he waa quite well. ' Facts like this render argumenta un- necessary, and with such facts the journals of Mexico, Brazil, Céntral America, Peru, Chili, Buenos Ayres, and all Spanish America literally teem, Nor is the repu- i tation of the Uintment, as a means of war ating blotches of the skin, ecrofula, on external disorders, leas thoroughly rom. } in-my.-net--1 -just let-tt or less -widel in O iy known. ur ty {oe many ae be bothered with any. ree use it with confidence as a means of aa ven't a fortune on the surface ' jain wing superficial arent for they are aware that it contains no deleterious | pabailince 3 and as « family curative for | reducing exterior ---- and hea ing wounds and bruises, m , above every otner outward 'pplication by all ri ranks. --- Molecorth Trine An Undoubted Proof of the beneficial qualities of Burdock Blood Bitters is found in the thousands _ authentic testimonials oe by t proprietors. The original le cueacheien te their possession, they can furnish proof positive as to their genuineness at any Yon can buy ao first class Japan tea at lSc. per pound at Walsh Bros., where ev oe is sold cheap. tio certainty, what are usually turioed bopalass-casey, gtmuinense suceess~ hus . tented the use of the Pilla in the violent | i } t ' purging, and | The ship's physician deemed bim | a box | the.| and a dose ad: | _Ffom that | TWO FURNISHED ROOMS iy? RENT, in the pleasantest part of the city. Apply at THE TIMES OFFIC FE. _ Strath ord, Jume 6th, 1598. As. ROGMS TO RENT. sir eTARLE Es ot Legal, Insuras * r The Times office, Erié street, oniv a few varie tro ti the Post Ontk quire of J. FRANK PALME hk, Orat Tux Tines off we, of M be HOUSE TO iLE'r. ERLE STR EET DALY TE BR va F, 42 wre. At enlence Water in He ne u Bs JOSEPH WHITCHUEGH.. Setittord, June 6th, Less. 4s TO RENT. | Cottage Lately 0¢ Occupied by Dr. Robertson. Apply to kK mm THE the he use, an d gc 0d drai page ppl ' | } JOS Stratford, July fath, 1388 HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE iN SHAKESPEARE. C rach caldgid NTE BRIC K y ENFERED earn shia i KILBURN, u , in the mvliees a Sh. soos are, ot miaining ' hed, and ere cefiar; How se newly ba "GEO. MINC HIN. Shakespeare, June 6th, Lx. Farm for Sale Vihaeae GOOD FARM, cleared, right on gravel road. GOOD CONCRETE HOUSE ANDOPTEUILDINGS Two Barts and maall Orch ag For particulars | rox wise, Woods ane and | he ata d with he ta air wate-BrCket, Stipiont. HOUSE. AND LOT FOR SALE, IN GADSHILL, Ta U 'gy BMORED | offers fer Sale his Pro- -- miles tron Stream, conai ae store and a half frame dweillty, kitehen eres hed. Good stone cellar. G rh, stable and well. Terme of payment to walt porchaser: Apply te HENKY HASENP er UG, ilverton P. € _March 14 1888, 630-tf 'Farm £ For Sale. met po Farm, being Lot 14, Con. 4, . oy of whic! pavily titobered, and the » partly cleare e Kart is drained by oe Black Creek, is situate only five miles from he City of Stratford. Not much-money required p 'or particulars, apply to FURNITURE we Containing- 65 Acres, all FURNITURE: FURNT. URE ----- CHEAP, AT ---- JOHNSTON ABRAHAM'S FURNITURE WARKEHOUSBE:"" I will not say I lead, as I never blow neither do..- T throw a sprat to catch a whale . But this Lean say: I am giving better value to the.public in Furniture than any other House in Stratford. The reason is, ] am under no expense, having no rent 'to pay. Iam not giving 15 off, as I am not forced tosell at cost, but my Goods will be found cheaper at Marked Prices than those at other places with the 15 off, as my Goods have been purchased in the best inarkets, for net cash. A large Stock of every description of Furniture on hand ; also a Splendid Selection of Picture Frames, Mouldings. Curtain Poles; &. All kinds of Faticy Wood Work. This Department ts under rc the charge. of io Me PON ALD --vHte BEE seamesehemianemmeanen Remember the Place: One Door East of Dr. Shaver's Office, north Side Ontari2 Street, STRATFORD. JOHNSTON ABRAHAM. 1888. Pickling Season, 1888. At this Season of the year the public are "generally doubting whether to pickle Large or Small Quantities of Vegetables for winter use, as at all times the Vinegar sold is not of First-Class Quality. We have this year, as in the past, laid in a Btock of Warranted Extra Strength and Foll-Plavored laine G rape Sugar Vinegurs. White Wine Vinegara. English Malt Vinegars. French Vinegars, Use our Impor ted--W hole or Ground--Piekling Spice. The ingred- ients are in proportion for immediate use. In boots and shoes, you will get the best The charter ro e. t portion of" "tho t we owest Dr Wav PACKHAM apenas ; are ee t t Si i ligess ' Tie i Bhe Grand odee | Caribbean sea. and some along the coast Geass spt pod Market ateest. -- Downie, Mishel ae ' of Ireland. In'} 1840 ue aasisted in form-| of Brazil They are not down. .on. April 23, 1888. 642 4 Stratiord P. 0. 7 + ing the firat- Royal Arch Chapter inthe charts; as tho captain' camu-sme: ' Get samples of the teas that as Jato seams ---- 2 -- . dest ane he-wee Muster "oi ing them for his own profit than for [Cotcoran sells at 25 and 19}--cente--per FARM FOR SALE. the first vail. His great- ------ be. Seokpation by the « public poune, and re igr them with whas you a snwonnesgamne» Ereergaaon early --Sidmeral-expeditions-hsve:beon ted out} Mare esD. paying. 50-abd..25..ce9nbe.-yer ee terre and ned ronrt- Marker == vai cantory ; hia grandlather in. 1730, his bro: | to-aeanchs <eaptain's tslands and | Poseidon» : te tam 3 co aes rod eliswance ' i ther yee *e 1810, and hie father in Sha Pe bring back some of the guano One went Th is mo case of d among | between Lots 35 & 36, containing 34 acres ; about S S fe d & M . h ae the latter the: e degrees'in | out from Norfolk, which is acenter for | Horses and Cattle where 'Maud 8. Dacres are cleared ; about 20 acres of wis ulled q ua re, t rat or ite el l. Ledg son James being the | the manufacture of fertilizers, in which | Powders are not called for, and by their | bush P Fy le a - Savas : Worshi ful Te and bis son Thomas large quintities of guano are used The | timely administration will save the lives | stream running throe uh ront of Lot bout 6 -- -- ae $$$. ~~ _ or Bs arden. Thus the Ao een haa expedition went out fully equipped, every | of many valuable anmals. miles oo Stratford, 2 a a ee, ¢ honor of initiating, pase' « item on the list of | d M ' > wai hb venien ar re, or furthe * ng tie Tht had Sa i he | ves nag pod" Wo can |g ary tin a ae [MOH ry Just Arrived. offices of the Lodge, Chapter and Com- | stationed at the bow to look out for the reulation of the blood The 659-21 . idiaipim: ¥ 0, Gand. ng 'tae ja ys a -- it nd, and after a long cruise In the | great medion! paige of the araatenamk mn ; 7 . aa delight! onor, and the fratern-} Caribbean sea it was found ..The.island aiterative for the purity- } , Lg ity in Michigan justly felt proud of hav- | was there, and slso the guano. But so | ing sep Sty ae blood, Thess Wed dingovenicn, HOUSES and LOTS for SALE or RENT. D 1 rect from Germany, ing in their ranks so noble a veteran. By | also was the Lritish flag, and the vessel | Harvey's circulation theory: and Ayer's i he dood. the frasernlty. hes fost tet of | was warned off and was -not allowed to | Sarsaparilla, are- promi landmarks in Tie UXDERSIENED aire tor sails "Lot No. 28, : 4 ie sap Regent e Uni 8, pared Oe of cowl The eupeliion the history and | progress ol | Medicine. = sires rod soltd Brick Doble | he ie a fi ne asso rtment of Grane anau Grevcuine nel him very ee' until he dis. An Old Favorite san fod Oni eg "Fast a covered another island and another that has been lar with the people for | QUARTER-ACRE LOT on Huron Street, Avon V7 _ 'ustomer.--New York Press. %0 30 years is ie' Powlan 8 Extract of Wild ies a ee eee et ite I RON AR E conslSe LONDON TO BDINBURGH IN KIGHT HOURS __ Strawberry for all varieties of summer | for private residences, Ae rene te ply to --RESULT OF COMPETITION, Columns of Society Twaddle. complaints of children or adults, -It sel- NAZEL, Contractor, f London, Aug. 6 --Railway competition No one today is secure from { dom or ever fuils to cure cholera morbus, 2 + THE TI ovum WwW win England takes a peculiar detlection. | Wheice comes" this license? It yal diarthera and dysentry, os mo 650-2 ting O Sauce ater They + _ cut rates, but =. For from the and women among Mr. Mc- siacintscdeastertcserainsnvidecaiseenttvisisnccla es past the "Flying Scotchman," the! Alister's four hundred, whose itch for Great Northern train from London to| notoriety impels them to send every bit of JELIOLERA. TO LET, Pails, PRESERVING Ne Tee abe has been the setinet trate in ee tattle concerning the interior of a v si nL sori ame ' E. and the fastest their domestic life to the newspa for big mid They used to cover the 304 miles in nine pablention. It will hardly be pretended BEWARE : wee THE MASON 'TERRACE Wash B Lad Is & hours. The London and Northwestern | by any r any woman who today NASM 'S [* ROMEO WARD, OX BAY STREET, is com- asins, e 8, Cc Seer. whose route is six miles longer, | complains of the tattling of the newspa- A YTH ' " po ae noes a tn eee presales dial i tor im 6¢ her that he or she "aC rea ae contains 6 roosme, clothes closet t halle, pant scavel, and in view of the competition, the has not heretofore utilized this very ten H RA and Goop Crauak, Th ng, xraining qnd VW Great 'Northern recently cut its time down | dency. Run down to Newport next sum C OLE Rapetion a are -- in the late a ve, Ali the via At the Ant e rp Bl ue to eight hours and a half. The North-| mer. Keep your eye on the correspon- MIXTURE Large tront = within & tainotes' walk of the f western at first paid no attention to this, | dents of the great met litan journals, , rT. kK round-howse and market- H content with its superior reputation for » how eagerly they are sought by these THIS HOT WEATHER. hou. RENT MODERATE. For turther informa- Front, No. 62, Onta: rio Ste 'ig comfort and safety There is a great | four hundred flapdoodles. in their NE eran | exodus a London northward at this Wiorning after morning. -- Follow 25 Cents a Bottle, Dry Goode Store pom season of the year, and the Great Northern' "their continual -- recourse with the peo- = AW se aa3-at Sis cartels Street. commenced on the Ist of Auguat to send | ple conmecning whom they writin, and ga oe 4 es f an 8 has ol 1-Hall: Gooling~ Drinks for the the Nocthwestern has shed up, and on mW hy of their teivenetlen, The Medical Hall; CITY. OF STRATFORD. Monday will begin making the trip in the iy. I distinctly recall in the office of | 63 ontario st. Telephone. Night Dell. same Sige. the G - Northern rans|a@once leading Sunday newspaper, seeing pa cary u -- = ae Su er from King's Cross to Peterborough, 124 upon the desk of the society editor, as he | _ siniietinlen: linia . I } I I } - mlee, without stopping, but the } forth ; i, a poor devil to whom they paid CANADA'S GRE Tp LOTS FOR SALE. Western will-run from London to Crew, | $4 week for furnishing from four to Pony Just Received to-day from the Imperial Mineral Water Works, 55 miles, withont a halt, in three hours} fourteen columns of society rot, a bushel E and five minutes. je beata the Penn. | of letters at a time, and every one of them INDUSTR HE Following Luts, conventent to the ( Hamiiton, one Carload of their Delighttul Summer Drinks, consisting aylvania ran from Fort Waves to Chicago } contained either a ticket to some of Locou « Works, are now offered for 'tale 08 of the following by 12. miles in distance and ac hour entertainment, ora bit of gossip sown : =! sail _ = ee and five minutes in time. The train will | Mr. Toodles, or Mr. Traddles Favorable Terms: q have to ron 10] miles in 108 minutes over | @ betrothal, a wedding, a social festivity . . to water sheds between Carlisle and Edin- | of some sort or kind, "with the names of = MARSHALL'S SURVEY, Imperial Club Soda Water, Lemonade, vee burgh, of 1,015.and 870 feet respectively the guests, and ss likely the cost of TO RONTO : - . It is announced on pretty good authority | the whole affair w who was to blame ' Lot 31, West Side McKenzie| Potass Water, Sarsaparilla, that the Great Northern will now cut to $4 k man or fraddies, who St.; Lots 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43,| seven hours anda half, allowing for stop- | sent tho information. inclosing Ag SEPT. 10th to 22nd 44, 45, Hast Side McKenzie St. ;| Seltzer Water Vichy Water This will exceed a running aver- cere ie pablicatiosit--Joe How: " ™ ; Ties 51 a Lots 52, 53 54. y , j h w Grap' * » aD ts . ' ' ee) oo . 4s : age of 60 oles ia a enseainaioeemos Greater than hh 000 IN 55, West Side Victoria Street. Ginger Ale, . Champagne Cider, oiling, , Mardered at Essex Centre. Peeullarities of American Eyes. ni Teesllerie. of the wat Aqguatuens Ever. ' PRIZES McKENZIE'S SURVEY, Cream Soda, Bop Ale. FATAL RESULT OF A DRUNKEN CAROUSAL | secure a fiel for service of AND SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS. ue eee ie ] ; ea, a ee 1 AND QUARREL, pe powert ener red now sae oc Roa Me peg Eagle bots 43,44, North side Milton manatees sasciartaiiecmenat one etoun ee SA discovered tat. eyes_ of attractions money can secure. street: Lot Miiton Essex ang F- ite a theaters 2 yo aria closer the ae Prize Lists and Programmits address -the - a ren The Sparkling oo Cider is put up in Pint Bottles and "is here at 5 o'¢! ile than those of men in i t Y 5 wee neuee® . occurred Te oe allows osTie sll Was'{ This' double, late, howe as "tbe: Bald ENTRIES CLOSE AUGUST ifn GRANGE SURVEY, very fine, Parties wishing any of the abovo Gols can be furnished_by 5 aethasce tae Vey 5 of-a passnow pg as : wey J.J. WITHROW, H. J. HELL, Lot 51, south side of Milton | ™¢, 8s l have the exclusive for this ci j fn armies. t ' Dee or cte ial mare oak Daniel Brault, : froas-Gve to six powers -cutiraly too Wes t sete, Ang, 7 ae |e ; lot 54, north side Shakes- A LIBER&E DISCOUNT TO HOTEL- KEEPERS. eman on the branch of the M.-C. R-| for the ptirpose. ~ y glass they can ~~. | Deare st. The Ph al running to Amherstburg from here. The | get of cient. power is a single spy Clerk's Notice of First Posting Apply to H W ARD, =] enomen ee two, whisseare under the influence of | glass, which ig defective' in it T. BP. TREW, Cheap Grocer. "i liquor, got into ® quarrel. After using | not take in This is of Voters' List. ; Late 'abuat toward each Se ale ca a et ; : : MERCHANTS BANK, emma aw <a yar a ig mr which the row | no inimediate prospect of its. correction, VOTERS LIST, 1888. _ Ort JOuN BROWN, Laxp Acast. - occurred, and- up @ heavy iron our 63 are too close toget a * . ' Stratford FOR ER. wrench, walk Set Sad clcost Brault a | Some of the colored Airy ches bo gple te ye sel i al Seiccmy , Twa he ba, soking Bm wnat | sg dierent an, but th wie TOWNSHIP OF ELLICE. TRAFALGAR INSTITUTE, for waa " zs _ aad, medica iter _He remained | larity. The best sem eld. glass in. COUNTY. OF PERTH. Rete oak hl rag |p hat Si were Germ sry | atin d 'Yong Veen, ~ Ice Cream Freezefs, $2: to $3. iis hon bo died, Roth mee Seve. oe An, nblenrgt.wat_ made to ocr ts Betsy CINEX, ahat t hove b : : : are very quict when. sober. in war 2 transmitted. aaa " ~ i ee i and! ft was nt Ee the eyes of the giasses |! aoe He oo Thitd and Fourth Sranene et aOxTREAL R f 10: t 14. potas lock-sp, aad will be exam. pe sr they could .not be | saa to be 90. tranmnitted of delivered, of | (THE INSTITUTE will re-open on the 11th e rigerators, $ Oo $ to-day. _ -- ment is penton veo -- 5 sald Act, ne re ember. Fees, incuding , 250 : --- A rns ae st to overcome . | Ppearing by the rer' Asressment ith mo extras except fpr Music and Drawing : s . : ae ae . "7 iret A Dosen Years. "Washington Latter. wi a, Minko ote tots te | Th nateaee ain wr voit corey |Z} justablé Window Screens. . mgt nical twelve years I suffer i es ig oat pr aege and at Munici = aiane, one and « aM acevo grounds, laid out in inves : seas : 3 ee rom dyspepsia A Deep Distinett a ae det aes senders. /y-Save Nat . . Seer we. weak I could not leave my bed for Winifred - was cating at. her pote pps berg oe ge ogy nae Day of Ran. syd Spplication is Fea i mig ener eo "yr 3 New Easy Lawn Mowers eight months, and had little hope of ever | aunt's and fhe shiliten see wecy mse called mpon to exateine the said list, and ia tained the Lapy Purwciran.or ae "ise id 'being cured. years ag6 Ttried B funn "You | mislon or other errors are found ; the ' 652-9 am Senay Ie Pires wagheseninwora-oagt nerd weapon avtenrt AT -- oy. ae, ee eS oe falto think you are very smart. don't you" One ; p.rcesed senonlingtolan. H you want cheap raisins go to James é sae say fHOw enjoy heathy and T advise of the boys said teasingly- "Yes, T think Dated the Seventh day of AGrinst, 1998, orcoran's, You can buy old Valencia "hag all who are alticted to try B BBR" Mee . 1 ky soit den San harvey he 7 ¥ or er ; i y : the thengetist - 7O8N £5 Some ae for "Gne cent per pound, and fine 9 Sas rs de ite gtr 1 gree come \onth's Companion. Cid het. hp i cig F Mice tke conte por pound, 2 7 " *