sae arpenedctiemetnee 'then, per the cigar fram his mouth, and! and KIT GRALE, Sit oracin en t. ; = and offered his ba 2 £ By JAMES T. McKAY, "What? « the news?" he asked, behind the Hilbary harbor--a little old house by the Water dee Sunset, the Ist of June. He sat in the open door, looking out. Be 54;); place _ fore him oa the reac = of quiet so r, winds" ser roken State required. ( _ ae reso- lence stalk gaunt within the wa. lis, nd ettye t, between shaded grassy 7 - , tine fo "yee iP y Fapacuistadis, 1 bel ane dn ny Mprhdihi53 . € 44 Sener ander: lately ake.4et-te work to brit it Se ; ror hope! Py bee of ra a little matter o nar at * ats a ae hing tthe vi al 10 1D remit. Grale had eome hens, in these hens ig ad denn Se oe ee i ona '. Aintertiee rom 'eet Mecha' we BR VT ae --S --_ petiaes, oa. ' such oxjds pay k heart and @ . soun: bey ond. with the cigar, and sat down, relapsed at) The clerk came in presently with the mort aes 1c rchlphta oat frns Beet. _ ne inept tri ~Acrows the wooded ridge om thie other shore, the golden-light ofthe setting sun came jy ayy old sequaintance-and his early codutry m flooding over his gray streaked head and hor ott is bak Leu oye ee ee es gaat Tune Inga aes, T wap," bev iderin a eyes, which sent BO gid "Take a , 1 to bis brain of the pleasant summer oe a bear your Beene. "iets saw the strange expression in his face, tlre ugh the door of the tiiner room case." aiivice, I want money. wr retty well, sir; pretty well, thank'e. Not So he was honest in, his dealings, within the much news, Treckon. Hilb'ry's pretty much Uanits of the statute of frauils, and big word paying what it was when your father had the Pine as good as his bond, provided you took it in But what I come tn today,-Mr the strictest ee ble sense, and = ~ itof 4, once from his cordial appearance of interest gage duly filled out Grale took it and on:m- "No," Grale answered. "I don't want no head nor tail on't. ann ain't ita little stuf, ho ' ttine cus s oO ng abe ma --e os pn png sarge heard Br gm, or "Ob, money, eh? W. ell, let's hear," said And when on came to read the accempany- eitunteece ia eg hi enl¥ ion Foal Tee it sainad Seong tame Wyckel. , ; ing bond for a thousand, he waa fairly and found them very Willig to impart the the less: for thet. She-saw that something "Tu tell. ye how 'tis," Grale went on. 'Ve trightened, and could bardly be reconciled results of their long experience. And though must be dong now; that he must be roused know I been @ many year now a runnin' to it, though Wye bel explained to him pon their opinions differed on many points she esitneb to wok with a. purpowe, if th is settled macket 'tween Hilb'ry an' town. i started i in the wi amount could not te collected, had at once the calm judgment which 1 despondency was to be hindered f f a little sl op, the Lapwing, forty-seven ton, only the actudl debts and that the hindered from drift- bia... Le aciat. loss. pei y: sewll, om' laid i 4th > and statute, and, in business tranmctions, of. Using the same, either by an extreme con- res or teehnical evasion, and always the heart beb the mont strictly. legal form, in such s ind it, was taint for fear the same purpose. © > And now she had a lookout abead, a definite 08t to be ropy, and the churn would go for Yet the world called@him an upright man,' prospect to hi --_ : -------- ne Fea aa Big is a foiks in inn np a was, a8 the work! opm He knew thought if they could . Copyrt on ain jus ooking «Samson yoursell, nothing pays aman so well, in money three years tha 7 1 . { I ete} John Value, as sound créditand a good reputation. A se ee bad to run, easily, and give her father the rest which his f a "daughter to be guided and pre -- toread. But be soon became con: ented He consulted ber constantly, and jing him of her strength in his weakness, there, heavy and lowering. It fretted ieheering him with ber happy smile, that Cesseletly, wearingty. She had troubles never failed his return home, though often - em Town, too. A Uvtader storm killed ber So now, ¢ 7 a x Seanad two or th mes off-a bromt of me ges up; put the "pen between lis teeth, satiaer as to give hbim-the best of the 15 sot oot beset stanly him to Kensel ee ; _ mud. for and work for. She bourv together--balfa day sometings--and hold their own these may be no butter then for their . as) oa stronger friend "than as briglit; bi ngsinthe shell, DBet;the old sow, made hickers, The milk of the new cow turned Popaine But she never flinched or faltered. As laying by something ead year, and paying brave heart beat in that slight girl's breast the interest as it came due, arent could they, 94 ever o Mf soldier chief who keeps flag flying the farm clear, live cogifc rtably and over leasuered fortress and Haunts deflance | rom Loe [wrapet, though famine -- poesti- the iTe Be Coxtisven} and thoroughly befisced in the copions would follow her adv ice, though some of the rbing "6 and enittess replication of the form. neighbors shook their beads sagely some "T suppose it's all square, Mr. Wyckel," b@ times. And he seldom suffered by his faith said, looking up ruefully; "but I can't make in Kat, for she had strong sense and keen b ist a little * mother wit; and. though she knew nothing boud v We necessary to prefer a slow but safe met hod reat - uae Saran Jno tomate ony ng into some Saito worse, He was almost enough. in five year to sell out an' buy the aN aed et n. It was time to act, _ Fish, You know the Fish, Mr. Wyckel! do KOE. Dis, ohryher-witl-snnsseme chair: lug chee and chatted to him with @ poy 7 pecoliee'. when yi on Wasa young feller 'a rt; smoothed back his griszled!),, ot Joe Grapple's office ole With a caressing touch, Whén he grew brighter she told bim her plaps for the future,. al. a-geilian's-tact and all. the. skill of dove to brigtvwan" the doubtful prospect and incite to try once _-- the battle with fate in which he bad been beaten already. Sh w there was be use trying to move _ 'by hic own interest. He had no heart to again, no desire for what he might ni ' ar John. Come tothe business." sq ell, I will, sir, fast as To can. But ye 'or mi Py gum mea little time, Mr. vee for kep' the Fish a-goin' pretty tight thee vagh bl: ey we give food sutisfaction--tried to, anyway, say the word, Dl semi and bave the cen, toliaces . e Tanlries 1. Prize for the three best =o : pasa weather ains e presses By fort some years: hovght on-garched "Phen fit droge sna contend yom ee ay Mos fo Se bats a tbe Ai Aurore f Mette w a vig y, prevailingly. ies arcucst A Venture sometimes and lost, or the Fish ean have the papers signed prope tly by 3 you thbe lived 'with his 'wife and. naire sai a aren of wea pirgh, N.Y. appeal, carnestiy her cause with skill and fervor, persuated, takin' » pleaded, complain, an' managed to lay by somethin' "one winter, an' it went duwn a third on pe 'weft an' run into ns in the Gate, ar 'more'i I could well spare to repair, lettin' 'alone losing the freights of four reg'lar tripe in the drivin'st -- year. Then they went + and started that infernal propeller on my route and I was foot enoygh to try to aight vem off. But it wasn't no _ as I might 'a pAkDOWD... Sheet An' soil ain sort o' ae mate i for ste usta sa screw. te Thad got 'reckless "likes didn't care; "didn't i to think or count. I fought 'em a ear- for bait what i run the: schooner; carried for anythin' or for nothin" a in yes, | know the Fish well enough." I give my word to Kit, and Vil go through enid the lawyer impatientiy, '(tet to the with it, fair or foul. But it lo« ~ Bag soe F oll time' sake, Well, as L was yin', we youdon't want the money, would carry away somethin',ina blow. But daughter, bring them down and get the one year with anot her we couldn't money ® my hands, Then a lubberly Brezam schooner submit. coat ADUCSCCUDE ell, well," be said, shaking bis head abttully, "[ suppose you know = But see it olen for test. Mable.» been a little easier on us, for the gaye oe tte ing Which js required to take upa pow theory which, though ---- rash amd hazard. OF ei in-rennt T ¥ universal practice -- i friends. But leant go back on it now Grale bought a , eae cf cheap horses, a couple of cows and such other stock and im- jJements as were actually necessary. neighbor had put in the spring rape 6p shares--spring wheat, vegetables, potatoes andcorn, But there were more weeds now i weean put this thax corn oF potatoes; 60 G t { rale went ta work unk in the fire, you know, But business 1 ¥ natty' to owind'ard, an' Mr. Wy tke t id come on a blow Tote wets ee i." "Well, John," the lawyer answered, ye with his plow, awkwardly erioug! . MRS. RIPLETS. the season, year an" year, an' never heerd but must be done on business principles, If ye P kward F.enough at -- t. RS. DARTS u = his man Stubbs, an uncouth, eny in a very small and tumbledeown A begs mF ponte no other food that ¥ . ge on the other side of the orchard. In wonid ck, as with them, I commenced the use He rose then, bowed Grate out -- and tls - harvest months a greenhorn was im. Bfactated Food. It t helped them immediately, ANOTHER BEAUTIFUL NEW STOCK Wall Papers, Decorations, ----~Borders, etc., Opened. Ingpection In sited. A adia --_ Assortuent to select from. a winNwDpow BLIn oes. PAVER-HANGINO, PAINTING, oe N WRITING Paints "and" Sits; Mixed. sai-ia-Daly rie CITY WALL PAPER AND PAINTING HOUSE IDINGTON'S BLOCK, RRUE Mr. W. CASSON. atiued, Mav 1aA7 WAGGONS. ge Be C oe a NED having Gemnerd a Large eo very best quaiity of Oak aren is ocemntel ry tn rnish the above te iN cated W , ere stage, But there was te i for it bul to foe gay ing and flicreasing the profits of the place, As svon as inoney enough could be ier more cows were bought and IL scraped toget ler Kensel Point isa long neck of land lying poultry. And she was forever busy, keeping rallel to the mair. shore, and almost the house neat and cheerful, kneading, bak- vered from it by a land locked harbor, !"%, -- cream, churning, bunting onthe eastward through a narrow inlet C&e%. setting bens and ducks, tending the : into the broad Hilbury bay. The neck ig broods when they hatched, besides sewing, At Prussia, ase, 86 at $1.00. y . conner --_ at the western end with the 'main Knitting, and the hun dred and one things i Foon. which are always doing and waiting to be some atty yardsor snore in width, but. inhigh "done on a farm." "They kept a small Mail Wear," tides or easterly storms often quite covered which Kit named the Foam, and in which she tink and Invalids," free on A carringe road winds round >ften went round to Hilbury, when any pro- bo Wet: re Usio: fee -dock, w Des were he ; through "the two iniets faco flushed with, eagerness; 'promise me 82' try some other place. But I was mad P° ei 'll try. For my sake, father, for my ite @ fool, an' kep' on, losin' regular every ad ~~ a against the door wer Qne week I come home an' ther f the sunset clouds, The rich, ane glow --fellfall upon-his face, and the face and more manful than it had ~ months, more like the face of the happy ou time that was gone forever. He turned to- -- Satna eae amd eclemuly, pocse what. I could from the boo ain bis crew chaffed us as they went by and-ptye t oS heers for the Dyin' Fish. I couktn't The be eaeiod'e on _ other side of his "mouth that peceticntge ful th for y a day, "But that was my last trip. 1 couldn't knew that to keep him so be must be kept in action. So it came about that they made th = Peer sam Grale ra 0 'tachment onto the Fish, an' sold a little necessary prepara! She went for a song, poor thing! to Sethe ae pepe ene othe Faro-y-erley, of Norttiliaven, and after sheriff, T° z erdagtd Tove against constable and lawyers -- no offense, Mr, th the gloomy inertia that had grown habitual ara ing boat, Ki hing f° Pee took ishing 'ie jad -- rd wouldn't 'a cared so if t hadn't been for the th was ena: he was feeble yet, in mind weary, stolid feeling stole _ Upon 'him again, while the steamer plowed 'on town the sound, through~ iver; ran in whee wharf. He turned into Ship street and walked -------geng-slowly,.watcbing the einer at at the wharves. It was a sight very familiar to" gone an' drowned myself wien they sold tho Fish. Ye see, I wasn'h jnst right in my = But my_Kit's the best girl, sir, an' the sth handsomest, She never "give tie ote Bard the says, 'we've been misfortinate, but we mustn 't lin bustling scene, when his step was pane and give in, You've had hard times, father,' she ™ * trong, and his blue eye bright with the light of hope and the pride of life. But) times were sadly changed since then, a [wane bear up an' try again. You'll trv, ¥° eee life were prétty much what. they had) me, n years before. beaters him where he had moored the Flying sir. I don't know ge 'tis, but some how I a man--broken in spirit. He stopped and looked about him} Hand on awhile at the familiar surroundings, memori old time came . ; ; Of partof it tostart onthe rest with the pon him very sadly. He stood irresolute-- money, but Kit she promised that she'd never} mee on. «. }eull it as Tofig as-she lived, Solve come to. went first on that cursed reef, an' that was hart enough, Sod kuaWwa. I wish I'd 'a , an' I think we can pay you the interest regular, an! clear it all off in three years. t ts i rchard, and then runs awa borry no more money--couldn't pay what I cooeah level farm lands, onetne mi salt talksin his sleep. Often and often, Kitcame! measlows, to the sound. Below the slope in % bis side where he sat on the porch, in the; front of the old house abd beyond the road, a Pleasant evenings of wae summer months, | rosin' u stream... sehen Eve pan theirdeath -- down, tr it wasn't for Kit, sir, Lthink I'd "a 89d November, twenty-one before. rily, often with a ather, won't you," says Kit, 'for my sake? Geo Was another man. Street and shipping and | An' I promised wale would, sir, an' God help ¢ Pes shore there makes me mournful like, Then they would take the Foam and put 1 will! ay scow to old Tommy Crockel's long eaaks Gladwin, dropped to over ' bene steamboat tou 'hes moruing and eveyi mated the two long winding harbors, ? . rather than let the stuff go to the _Dread- setionn "ewe, Grale went about aad work steadily and oni -- ona , vital sand. Kit. tr au' we the ground rises abruptly to the hig _-- Ma SFE wal Hatred work for ; ae tee; father." che 'int bed, her tried to git me to hold on to what wo in saa 'table land above; whieh - THE ae 8. PALATABLE, handsome, case of anything should happen, went back to his writing and his ciga) a they were ell as ever, and I con- hut the tide turned 'in 40, an? tee ebb ; . ft week or two later Grale rece ar a note an = rat aro tht, and astoninbed i wea ro wil? 'dus to ae ee ae Sm me in pretty shoal water. My wife Emily from the lawyer, Went down withthe Dy his eullmited powers of ca vansaar cxass ay tae at fre the died in '50, an' that Wasa hard blow, though duly signed and attest, and™ received the "4 rough, loud voiced, quick te mpe red, but " @f any baby born Kit and me bore up the best we contd. Hut monev. He was net a Jitte astonished when honest and-faithful Irish <irl complete "al. the po osharnen then: seers rtf Serer ethi ne went Wivrkrhdedwetednme-thmnn-tentheten emt tad Ni WIN MARES AST ES ~-Lactated Food --' - wrong. [bought bay of the farmers on a pense of search, drawing up the forms and pit put into execution m umber hess little plans H 15 TIOUS, a "ole ceSTiBLE Fooo. EASIL Tae Beer axp M 160 Meals | for an tnt infant f for $1.00. pn eee were TA monesed A-valuable. pamphlet 'on " The Nuteidos ~ on application. ¢ e oldsait : : rtion of the point. worried: him, he he came. home o fceling that "#8 * FLOUR' and FEED BUSINESS: Half a mile from the dock, along the har- could not go back to ¢ bor shore, back from and above the road, -- pr But 'Kit ---- tae, ty : atood the old Haliburton homeste always ts brightest smile for him, tak cal een some or ee wo story building, painted saul yoo invariably cheered bim, and helped him on) WV tha customers, and. the Citizen of Stra t away acros the wasn't no more money at the bank. But, 1 red, and looking rather xhabby and weather again. He saw her always busy, never show-! ford omer. that wince he has purchased t n't stop even then, We had passed th e@ beaten without, bahenudtelabinnad pleasant {ng signs of weariness, always cheery, and | Dhacioortton oar way up, an' Delevan ae within. Here Kit Graleand her father came pores ey of numberless little things that He has removed to the Store on live now, and to take a new start. in life, add to his comfort or take any strain nd slopes away in "ms the road in oor hi pon BerseW. And, seeing her'so, he' grou Lewore I'd take freights front, to which a rain gullied path leads tl 1 to hold on. The stan' that, no ' traight from t on-Beighbors.. thoug: strange. | free the next day-she loaded, an' I did. I peta hand was covered by a rank grewth er melancholy man, ro liked him withal, for his | jg offense, t him a rather long wild grass, and shaded by the spreading Wiet, peaceable ways, never taking trick a back Unconsciously muttering to himeci?, as one! wof great old poplars stands, and from and heard him murmuring \*a eir gnarled roots the white sands slope ""ButT a peal 1 "at try, and, a four or five houses, where are the homes and a dreamy smile, putting his band vaguely his head: Fish. I'd sed to b , of all the dwellers on Kensel Point. Back of missed her cheery volce and smile when he 7] canto hee' like she war alive. the neck, on the lonely sound shore, is the. "I was thinkin' o' George, Kit girl--think- and like she washuman. [ain't so young as I dangerous ledge called Gull reef, where the {9K 0 "Kit, girl," said Grate, thoughtfully and but glad, and eyes downcast ee ey 'arora idly (they eat together on the front porch, that would glisten when she the pleasant summer twilight, wate ching broken face, so lined with the ese mp of. lites the ba battle and defeat. rising tide.cippling. bright word for all my crazy folly. 'Father,' she foliage of the green trees, lapping and tink-| Sometimes he would sa g on the pebbly sands with a bubbling! "Come, Kit, put away that siti --yeatial akic indesc ribably sweet), "Kit, girl," be' Workin' too much, an' next thing you'll be "but you' must keep a good heart. We said, "I was thinkin' o' George ane now-- gettin' pale and al Come out an' Jet's go, yur uncle, Kit, that you never seen. - Poor 42' get.a breath of air. I'm choked for a free) rge! The sound o° the water ripplin' on blow, Kit, on the bine water. ough there's no niasie to my thinkin' like ber away for the light, if the wind goal Eee There was the very pier |: An' that's what I've come about today, the sound o the winds an' waves, He were OF beat out iy, down the true heart, Kit, if ever were one, An' I harbor. Th sty a the inlet, then sand | the! Hong in the Fish, Howsover there's a + it of for twenty year, an' then come back after ali breezés. and tumbling waves of the open Sens] Point that a cousin of ours @@° turn landsman on this same point, where Sound beyond. Semchow the Foam would */ left to Kit some years.azo. We'd try an' soll the tide an' wind drove usashore that night." always take Gull reef in her course, sooner or Kit Grale bad lived through her childhood !4ter, and, standing off shore if it blew, Grale in their Little old house at the head of Hil. Y0ukd show ber where theship went down: or- "i at bury harbor, a bright, careless, bearty child, ee pe mr ia 4 Ghee run in close to "It ain't no use," muttered. They're | ask on, si. to lend ts five hundred t rier forever in mischief, and giving her mother and show her the rock on w all gone now--all gone. There was George -- We'll givo you a mortzage ay the Bd ogy disquietade by perpetually getting 8D and his mate were thrown that night, and in any craft that offered, from a six {fom which bis first and best friend, George i is grav 7 aiong of bim that night. Then 1 mn lat ¥ bwith mast and sail. She took to the water _ 5° the mouths passed, as months will. ; ee iene alter ber lecalbogt a' Dm penti _-- es naturally asa duck, ae seemed utterly Grale came en act ddbetnd grew more ac- that aafe enough. I've brought the deeds of Fecklows of danger. So it cime j I's ate nthe day to begin pian goer panini Sa seo i --it ain't worth the while a-tgyin'." The lawyer iby constant exercise and exposure to air and % take. a one who suiidenly recovers a broken thread ¥ | carefully, and said: n "This is ail straight; ¥ beliewe. Jot Ba a Z : see eee era "a changed 1 the farm, T thiik--the ok stood bher--in god tend and sl end of Tr] 1 saine, comdintbognaputlrg then mattered scale place, relay on the dba ot Haars of her life. At the age of 14 Kit was sud- 'fruit. Kit was always the same, cheerful," | den] clever, a oct: sates ." Grale answered. "You'll ao dream of youth by the death of Wy, that it wot do you good to ee Things Mr. Wyckel, for! | prospered thei, an" you's 4 ing for, lato or early. Yea, yes, I probiised "Be ped into the outer offco and spoke, secaes of The pain wore Ok ith thee, « arit, an' 1 will--for y eee out of blade and ie y and roughly awakened from the ®¢tive--deing everything -in-a-quiet, "= ber mother. Her grief at this time 1 with and 'the prospect) all. Thot's what AF erieet~ RES i almost aoc in tn & cranes tie) E ' aa Tag oe a RL Aina ier . must ocdi ! oven flerce, re. v4 uany way; an' you're mans Oe eonabladiota. And when the intolerable bit-| Shing was tala by Toward ths payment of the" ol two years and more they slowly. our sake, Kit, for Four to ono of she 'came Traine are timed to leave Stratford as toliows ;-- sake!" "Mr Mary you take = peer | a Gery seta" one @ new found con-! Fee tne ee turned, 48 Grale pon MAIN LISE EAST.--§:25. m.--Exprose. ~ "He started on then more briskly then be ond fit ost ac stasalidg sates Auod? es anon =a fate to be done and|**!d once before. a Ae is wes. Pe: =, 356 &. m.--Exprese, - fore, with. an byident _parpose in bis SARS , blank sith interest, aspemracc: and insursiice, Sharacter to formed. The wildness 22 oe ani ae ---- a - Lo-Fi eat Sos ty eetoen up Bullion lara It was ciguses, And make it twenty days' -defanlt,. ee oF eaten iid Nas: was. replaced! 27a ee bina sere get weak, FOll MAIN LIE WEST.--Si8'6. sa. --Kepoee. » the = 2 amd gs z i ee. Scnh--tor five huncred et three) Sater that settled nena asad buoyancy of! lenees, --fell- down. and gee up 1225 pL mize Express. Alxatiass Wyckel knew perfectly OEE | niger and sustained ber nobly in time of need. again winy orgy boven roe fay iF oR LONDON. $s. a i een > Hs pals wii Custom made a mortgace {rom thirty| TB8 craving for p a a SONS mene gg a: ae -- Hind is-| ture, the hasty recklessness of ber child i ite, in the spring, rotted in the cellars. Old ee eras JOHN. McINTYRE ES to announcing to his old Friend Flour and Feed Business of Measrs. Liodd & Cutien the- Market Square, next. to the Bank of Montreal, where he will in.tuture carry on the business in all pennenes brands of Family Fiour, always in That night they discussed their plans and took'a fall tend that day anywa: Delevan ee hes hes of venerable borse chestnuts. A ®!¥ayxready to He would constan' tty) eek 'Ail kinds of Oats, Peas, Barley, Corn, Chop Short Me everything in" Pritt w. night--ba private lane leads up the steep ascent back of fall into fits of moody thought when iiot eri that line, at reasonabt done first. Kitsaw her father ey and ¥ the house, between the locust thicket and the Ployed, and in these moods be had a and* SEEDS, | SEEDS will keep in on best kinds of 'Seed hom Clover, Timothy, and -- and Garden se a of every variety. 7 promptly ai JOHN McINTYRE ing me, I will ' : ; Ww --had they ld their @Way, over which the lapping -- eternally . "2 Rdinaeaae the Stand---next to the 'Rank of with him since their Bhs wr me to see him i ll =i gel wk enough ny the rise and = in their ceaseless ebb and flow, Then sho would speak to mraanieatan ber Mor, -cal, Market square, 5 ord. more interested and ees tin ahd the ) aot ton Aidlaie an' quarter i ine T d skirts the harbor shore the whole revery t.c% Arai! & tee a5 4 future, She lay down to rest that night, not) wai 7 don't exactly remember. just what length of them neck, from the steamboat land- What were you saying, father? Did you! The Great af without anxicty, but with a thankful, inapr 4 sincs: 1 been a little wild, ~ think, ing to the light on the bar at che inlet. And 4 Speak to me A successful used over some time--a little wrong, you know, | long this road, at varying intervals, stand) And he would always answer, with a start! ©: years in thousands of cases. for The Great Eagiich Ask your Druggist id night between October but artful speech, and laugh too, very mer-' gr giz ich ear Peg, Nga _ For Bale by ©. 'E. NASMYTH @ cacnahan. DR. FOWLERS | "EXT: OF ¢- YSENTERY AND ALL SUMMER COMPLAINTS AND FLUXES OF THE BOWELS "GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. IMPORTANT CHANGE OF TIME one Man... Hae, Be LOWEST PRICES, ~~ sade marta Ui tu be Tt -- Ligh test unning and Most - Durable in Canada. ide and Narrow. Tires always in steck. 1 also woke to ORDER Farm and Rpt baa witn the New National Steel bah valar selft tive ptrongest Wagon Ax savenbek: which om a to ay Gghteaie hundred miles w Baggies wae Demeerata aga in Stock, t Bottom Pri oom attended to" £0 Repalsing kc seals 'Trotting Sulkices Butt 16 Order. GEO. MINCHIN, a Bhakevpeare, May 30 saan. STRATFORD | Deniveny, ' MATL. + "Crosrs, Moy P.M. oa 12 30) B. & L. 8 00! oso ¢ 20 London . 9 80 12 30 Hamilton : iF. Derg west, B. & L. 1 } 9 20 006 BY... --covcceee , 11:20 : Goderich, Clinton, Sea: | { ' 2) nesday and Friday.. 3 ag "Monday? Wednesday. pr Friday, pana at 0 30 a, m. Seems, Thursday and Saturday, delivery at 4 OLD col COUNTRY Le It never was as intended, © owhe as 1 ean 'earh That ei woman we parposed! ton I think you will believe me, indeed I'm sur you tl, If at the " Paris Hair Works" you have ca:led. There is one thing Nature thinks of --let ax thank her all we can takes ular trouble with our rave ; ke scanty growth of hair, the grey apd whitening pan hy Will detract from the beauty of the face. But mie hg her laws so strict that you must For soul eu rely pen a, Sanyo at last; Sustain of hair, Doctor Serurberesees end 6 'Hele May Magic's unsurpassed. i try it, you a fhicted, you never will regret, ne Magic was nev bog yet known to ana the need that it will do will: make you econ forget The expenditure a bottle will entail." ion for invigorati Hake Works, 103 March 2, ines. "3 oeien res aig be coamiied: confidential! + ' 7 nett rate pee ented De a a 930° '= ---- eacveceesrente '10-7 9 30 1110 7 00 scene te § 00 : Ry. é ee et 1 - x 4 Gadi; Ame ons) ' yaumypstckont: 4 10 30 ---. é ' i and 'Fait. "| vhew, eaiay Wet Mail Ori vi via New York, closes on every ea "ee orion ren pins neg age Sa gm ine on Oe Is. open to the public f rom 8 a m ™. .... SWILLIAM. BLAIR, Postmaster. ; Stratford, Sept. 7, 1887. _ abe = .