: ' . f : | ens eee WORK AND STUDY: 'f -TT r H A § wstion to Mecha les Othet . EA' -§ PE E | A | Thorn ton. CHA BO YU IN JAPAN. 4 Set eet ~-GREA R T - Cl L - cee £ . What px rein the great army of weet arb AN ANCIENT METHOD. OF BREW! NG nen in tiiw country ever consi der t this . ot, or age willing toadmit that they oa THE CUP THAT CHEERS. . loo for eath. They argue that life is. too . : sbert, and the proupects of alvantace too A few, to make.it either desirable or nec eg | tere t So "PRE Cer eniotrad Tear en tht dapeese Lit tom, StH Observed with Scrupulous Pree fp, "Chaise anal Gina $2,003 abided wh ' by ever anont 7 * wibly enough to keep posted on the rest ape anes can Lady's Faperionce. . t ui ball gare, prize fights and them socal aneous ld that i autiae ire Saare a TA] Lilhshesaviae! ERE ETO ims tae ES oe at ee - "ee y iinprovements of the mind. es -- cS A Pie fe Br j pe : ' = > * : A weial custom of the olden tiny is serie s0Y the day; although upon these «€ "made Ul Boys\ ready - ad Clothing 'now kept up with something of the reverence [mipertanht subjects one will find but very few | . x - 6% ~ thatatthelies itself i personal r ites is the «who are net theroughiy posted, and car ex~} --neat in pattern, nicely fin- pon si . = a peated. 2 a Th pe maj Pain eve ery detail very minutely, | We are opening daily New F all IY Goods, w: which for extent and variety edcaut be ' : , £ A average mechanicor other lahe ° * s on and elaborate metiiud of making tea for) aihon dl + 2 . F . : , E N X ished; reasonable in-price:--To + gaan groups of" renee grew up dowry si ote path. bet of 'a surpassed. Below we offer the following Special and Decided Drives for THE NEXT the quict atmosphere of the Kioto court jyvariable answer will be: "I shouldnt THREE WEEKS. They represent but a small item in the many Great Bargains we _fit Boys s from 5 to 10 years OF | about 'three centuries ago, but it remained read it if [bad it; I dan't get any time to for the Bhegun, Uideyeess ta thbe it up add Faatily aio batord ¢ anyway ; besides, the --_ghall have- On- sale. -- = --_ -- : 5 i more and more Geren: ony to it, and-make it, fellows that Writs those artic Jes are wo high- ' % ° ik $1.7 #5 ta 35 iia te the "great" fori of s6cial "Givertatmment cont for a re I -- mm ee what among the highest Chases The Wy eer te y-anF~ wuneenrun 0 lament. argu ee -- a a TRO = = - « * - x. + We' ve received the gre ater of Bes weighted the siiiple process oF tea- monks pomible to Link of, and leone of tbe | | New Fall Styles Dress New Fall T weeds, in Seoteh New-Kid and Cashmere ; best reasons why the ¥ sbould real and study, making with somany precise and deliberate that th r be able t derstand nd ds, ' ' D Gloves. All the Fall part of our Fall Stock i it. this | forms and minute rules that when daimios profit pid "ans these hig th toned writers a. | Goo and Canadian. | nea ith the solemn teamaking that they --_-- 7 ' i Yo better see tates pied with . sie tae eed * rance, but their willful disregard of their ' . line u'd bet peed to hatch ¢« qapire ies or indulge (wn usefulness and education. : Great Sale of New Table Great Bargains in Ladies' _ =. - ry - = SEE TID cnsenniniiomineniionemaranmanion OE epee tet teem ect ireatonr there: there» --_ . peiggscass ve '. * pb - 9 & n> ' viv ot iL ss | I w Fall Hi before buying, relic of the past, and every Japanese of the. PAb%:, 0 i beeps one posted on whet be nens, Towels and ~~)" ang Gents' Handkerchiefs. | New Fall Hats for Men and~ : sister chums has more or Tess skill in per- ming Gone ta ties works oh science, and "we . Crash 7 Boys in English and Perhaps a little too early to | forming the rites, and notes the host's move. think that many of these disinterested "men, , -- 'a mets with the closest attention when any time thay deuote to.veed bin lookin, a 3 : . sovemeneneene -- American Makes. "buy Overcoats, but" not™ too | 98 makes tea after the céremomal ruler in oycr q good trade paper, they would find | Special Drivés in Hosiery. y : " their presence, Every club house has its anmae thin ikem woceal ton 5 anh aut ieniteenh New Laces and Embroider- . ania master of cha no-yu, who presides over the Chern; rata the prajedice agatast 2 is The Best. and Cheapest. . , early to. Jook... We have them |} bow! andleader when such entertainments (1 oritributors The av icing tiny ies. Big Drives. Latest Styles in Gents are desired, and the master gives courses of i.e, hours. Now it is mie say that sight Pte i in Men's from. $4.25. up. .In. | instruction when pupils apply... Women are b,cry' sleep'is enough. for any healthy om Neckwear. Prices = 28 SMD D st trait the methods tomy art young Wer Otis Waves ais boursonvot every day Tagen yin) ne | 'New Evening Wraps and | ~ below all Boys' from $2.75 Ee ee ee een ieee auvanced that may be divided up between study ant | New-Styles in Corsets. Very |New "vening pe uwny below # ys' rom $2. up. day of French fashions, go through a course (ation. for we would not ask or expect a * 2 competition. of cha no yu lessons as part of a finished 14 to devote all of his life to the former. Cheap. Boating Shawls. P . . education. The empress and her court lalies ~ oa, We give you good value in | give much am to thn rit of chan 34,804 alot cet of eeepc of thes me donot its observance has never been allowed to . : : , ee. * sleep even eight hours, neither do they stud b b fe} Hats, with a large stock and | wane in the palace. cnewighth part of that time; and stil they | 1aet your Wants be Large or Small, the Right Place to buy your DINSNG AT A CLUB HOUSE. have not time enough to read a good, sensi- ie I ; 7 Pe was apparent that trosrcatits- ile article that Will show the tw ; a great variety of style and timation of a Japanese gentleman when I path thoy saetees, andehcas taeda = ais ® : a . a 'hive gh f - =] asked -- the ne poet . spree! he pe ae are re pretty sure to grumble, much easier and ' -° : ie he = no you © assured ine a gre at ar < fite 4 a price choose Irom. Se tahitian acnbh beta ah the Holds ig 1% ore profitably accomplished. ahs tlals, of whick he waee eenberand sett, Now let us look at another side of this ' : rand set's vastion for a moment, and see what some of 1 ; 4 P Before ordering your fall ten By 'sagt eS ot aan the effects of a little time'devoted to reading Is at the Popular and Progressive Store of suit you'd better take a look the master of the ceremonies. The Hoishi- oa -- "and cebanue easktuaiene, Cnr Thr & 'ele) ] : : gacka club is closed off from the temple : ; . * Sri gh is sed feel cle Dany ct hom have rn rm, comm | -- ---- _ at the ones we make to meas- pone Aaah Begg eirag nGrenOS -- or be inost careful readers, even "burning the STRATFORD, AUG. vl % patie a a yond pie Sang "yl midnight oil" in their pursuit of informa- saint YAP NE OPE [2 up. Pants ¢3:46T room, with td tion, nov of the-standing of the League nine, ' ' oe LES se aT ure from $13 up. Pants,-$3.56 pernencnole oyeeng: 06 pret pore carer ne or of the latest scandal, but of that which _-- ------ us for the few minutes that we Waited for ya. to be the-work-of-their lives,_Think you sapere Fit, -- timmings,---ard {our host, to divest himself. of bis foreiz0 that they found suet tiene emiemeesting or clothes sha assume the rusting silk eis unprofitable, or that they ewer F begrudged =f and coat of a Japanese gentleman. He an 4 the little the 'Spent_of their_hard j his pretty little wife were pictures: as aaener $y. ~eworkm ni guaran eed. . earned _ ~ wages in t the } boat eM and papers? sais ~ nr sat_on.the mats si ~ We sell for Cash only. We | Stier ia on oe ch dasey nee ae EVERYBODY DELIGHTED | WITH 'THE and dress stuff on every side, and the incon- A Newly Hatched Ostrich. have one price to all. gruity of our figures in sucha scene was The ostrich eggs are huge a, as large I . sadly apparent. ali was a rustling our @round-as-a-quart-measure: lig: Honored : - , - side, and the paper screen slid back and dis-,the open field, and just as ic as hanging ; A closed the 'master of cha no yu with lantern ---- fence, wickedly waving my jacket . | in band. Slipping into wooden clogs wo % make the majestic ostrich perform an un- : | clattered along a garden path after him to,'ignified pirouctte, one of the eggs broke the tes Yoon, fanat, wi0d sk panei, lisse. SEIC a ; i ' d Bp - , rE. a In the tea room proper we took our seats iately there was a great commdtion, Tue Onty One-Price CLori aes eee se Bae ee rerybnady red brent nou dre IERS IN STRATTFORD on host began the rites, ar: closed kettle of jtion. h sta = told the pores and joan is 7 water resting in the small fireplace sunken CMe burrying on wi ejaculations of sur-\ th dr d ho h that the room contained.!Prise" He vaulted the two fences at the It stands unrivalled in the opinion of hundreds who have 1S Market-St., Stratford, Ont._| '2 th for was ot tarthest distanse- trom: the. mother cutwich: ----_} hesidies eskeenone si vee et erat ' led_to-see_it within the last week. - a recess. The master, with the greatest so- a0d-made in the direction -of-the- newcomer; : "Cx sad ton ee atin emiinererivennalpinatacsnemseesil os . lemnity, brought in a box containing char- but when the mother bird took long strides lread ten for the * M ndelssohn." AN AFFECTIONATE AND MAN. coal and implements for making the fire; in bis direction, au mnanitested © sivelz: Several orders already taken for the e " ht in a bowl of sand. W uh curiosity as purpose, ceper coc haomee a deliberation anmlan exactness acquired oaly vesting ogee ee Se aren han eee We want every intending purchaser to call and see and TTERSO! AN OF THE b lifeti f practice, he w ut throuz +h appea FOMm tae scene, a a Bee, eaeh, a, Pons ror by iene of having the: waler Kettle, ipo erage hl = the old bird hear our Instruments before deciding. THE ing the fresh sand, laying in charcoal, e ; aERDY gMPLOTEne. spiakling ino, pon tee edges. of tho disdained to notice the little thing, which Remember, you buy direct from the Manufactories. fire place, and setting back the water kettle, 1ooknd about the size of 2-monthe-old i --as ; oe Mase hn emiployees | Rvery movement, every: pesition of the Suen a comitg a tor aaah ies This is the Salesroom of the Mendelssohn Piano Co., hops, Stratford, assem thumb or finger, every sweep of the arm or BUH : , ' votta' of the G. T. R. Insti- cage ct fae sibow ware carefully reguiated (ite mnaxpeielly topeting over, or Satsing Fontettes and I). W. Karn's Organs, Woodstock, No agents. > Patterson; }-by--set-rujespand--an"awicxard or hurried * feebl sarees ase quite hateful} ---- k Pj d tably filled the | movement would Have been a coreimoniat feelings against the mother bird, who by this ~ See our Piatio-case; "6 "Octave ~Organs*; ipe -top.-and------.- ~~. foreman of the | crime. With tie same awful silence the time stood prancing before us with her long, L w Prices. Easy Terms NO Company's works bere for so many years, | master rose and carriéd out sand bowl and ~ autiful droopy plumes, I think she saw lain cases. oO . : ring from the service, | charcoal box one by one. by our expressions that we did not approve TEREST. No Urging to Buy. -- ago. Mr. A LESSON IN CIA-NO YU..> of moe h be yh np i eg _ ee - Peter Macnab occupied the , and €x-} During the interval, while the fresh char- @lming of the emotions, for she immodiatel, Accordeans armonicas, the object of the meeting. Ald. | coal can ae fire and the water boiled, wo #4tBed up ber beel and bestowed a motherly Cheapest Guitars, Violins, S 7 H, Tretheway read the address, which | dined. While the last trays wers removed, Kiss upon her solitary scion. | There was @ _ Flagelettes, Flutes, Picolas, Tamborines. etc., Stationery an dlr the following terms :-- we stepped tothe tiny veranda and Jooked thrill of satisfaction along the whole line of 'Ss h 1s ies 'in tie city. ~eoeenleat-Siry--Aethe.relations..xhich baye.| outupon.the moonlizhted garden, and, he Sone 'ators when --_ pag ealp-as aoe ; = choo upp ted between us are about to} room was made ready for the continuance of trer --s ue dacul orem amen ania . i s i, 0 long exisie by your retirement from | thechano yu. The master sat meditatively pene = he nie ol ~~ Old Instruments taken 'and fair" prices 'allowed:" company, we deem it | before the simmering kettle like som¢ be MiGs" *08 Se ee seatly our keh Rppre 1 a cro Mlta about Sa nic tenead NN wntipicaliaatie Second hand Organs and Pianos for sale and to rent. ever imperfectly, our appreciation of | @ tiny bayniboo dipper;n bowl, a silk bag, anc ae fi = = ; Pcl worth. Some of ts wbe bar Stott, (eee ike kideiie Whe! i ltmachaniee Saw ber wear cue Remember the Place: Next door east of J. M. Fraser's iated with you for many years 1 | finely split bamboo, lying before him. ith 1 each use ; ' . . on the Grand Tronk railway and on other all the se priousness in the wor 'dy he produced *¥ery railroad company which runs into t Dry Goods Store, Ontario st. 1 roads which have since become amalgamat- | q sqiareof purple silk from his girdie, folded, 'nto Boston to maintain what used to be with it, can bear -testimony to the fact | stroked, and snapped it just so, took ap the *alled * laborers' trains," which are required oP vans having proved yourself equal to | jittie brocatie aad 4 deliberntely untied its © reach Boston before 7 in the mording and every occasion that arose, There were} gijk cords and revealed a little tea caddy teave Boston after 6 at-night, with rates. so =F S GO anager. times when the motive power of the road | qbout three inches high, of ancient brown low as to meet the needs of the men who re " s 5 was miserably inadequate to the demands | earthenware. ceive the lower grades | of wages. The rail- upon it,and when the 'oUF con: The muster made some magicians' passes Toads disliked this interference on the part of trol for repairing it, were of the most primi- | over the top of the tea caddy: to retieve the the state, and would have balked it if they , s f your mechani: | jnyisibie and impalpable' dust, carefully could, but bad to succumb and run the * : . . and see ; nius, joined with your energy and | pubbed a straight ivory spoon and laid it trains. Tho result is that not only mer- KS} Wo ou I WwW e O C s ble strength of wili, enabled i their clerks whose work begins at . , down, wiped the bow] with a shrod of white ¢ hy me an you to surmount every obstacle Beg to | cloth elaber; itely folded beforehand, and 8 or 9 in the morning, have their country overcome every difficulty. We c bear | then the tea making really began, We were resdanone outside of Boston, but also, that testimony to your possessing that "faculty watching closely, and the faces of our Japan- many Wé orkmen live in the country whose : ne by which every true leader of men is' pre- | 6a.) friends were glowing Fa with pleasure at daily work in the city betan at ¥ coladk in = =the. faculty. of | noting thes "the master, the morning. The success is so great that * ipepiring your subordinates with. a good "are tow run id re abel to tall: to--a-oripioal. all + Saree este ----n = si opis degree of your own spirit, witile you have Trociain aut. tax nuns to tl crooked. I his at rates lower than those at first pie been faithful in the tine dinshongn-ch-t your din.) gueer, removed tive lid-of the: kotile, ritised The result of this legisiation bas-been-the:|- ' conan a and white you have, | the bow! and the bamboo whisk, or did growth of a large number of villages wears sf Ses = bi , at-all times the interest of | much that we hardly. as being workingmen can live with their families in = Economy Car. . 'Tite aa happy and pence: | like the greenest of green tea and -- Economy falls to be appreciated at ite true [~~ oe: aes SS ee The Finest Black. Suits, worth tn for.$10. "have Seeerigereecieiecraicert gencral outline sponta ievsthosdeasiigaataunssithcmtael ------ and welfare of thee mployees. Figo Be fer 7 pare on door fife, While the workman.himsel{ goes We regret sincerely a are leaving us, boiling water and beat the mixture. to a into the town for bis day's work and returns Sebi Basonl gar wad. per fap vi gpa ye retire- | roth witha bamboo whisk, The bowl was in the evening --New York Star. id if F a ate ie jhe i | le 4 i : 4 ; # F ; } 1 : a } J spare money elk stb te anita nats ee j « was dusty, and. after glancing at it che dit{ : 3 . not es eee ae IN BOOTS AND SHOES, Coke he dik wel Ee nae ocitene,: The cares afd Best Wear, sold at the Smallest Profits in the City. withou composure, in the iri | oun spur ofa 7 tring oe wo cat polar Pa grr aN rt alll Call and See for Yourself. im, ° ' Aboush te make # suitable | pi5 right foot. "You see," explained the whiteness, she drew up the surplus abousj s t i, bated ie it" : n ry seh fa eee this statement protected as if tbe~ 'young women wists ces oem ancien ot ee : : ' . y " co a asia is surprised, for people believe that in case of had been mistress of a coach and four. Thers 3 3 bands some staring which flusbed ber cheeks, cata otery eee Wat ts was wores a dressmaker's Lill 1 keep . that while the right band is larger than ber best 1 icao Hemald, a i i "i ies i 3 naar 5; :* i : : ° ar - oe ae . ~ : ae J ee itty rapes ail [fees ait. elrid tf i a = oe & tt abet x is : . Fae, See Sie CO 7 Sig 9 o) neat