. EN ey ad ", ' pi leer -- : Aa F » - - r a ----_e - te - Se ~ Seer . bir BGA ' ' pliciiare k LIFE OF 'A JOCKEY, The Great Machensie- Dasin -------t "The Royal" Plavoring Extracts! TW OF URNISHRO i ROC MS Pe "ormmittoe. arocinted to } art AtROlALCNY Pare. 'T° ee T i the ert, ; e ets { N id ; a ' - urems of the treat Marc " t fame Ne tat st Henry rs bry tHE T1Me* OFFIC] ! i Be WHAT ONE MUST DO, TO BE AX iinmerduiomeal: i deen 018, 28 , d ¥ yy : ai meee 3 sen nr im TAD TRS That He eons i aia trag 1. addy atid | . i -0% penthe: sees tay ocean and Moeiven's bey | ickel piater, At Mtratfori. = | ROOMS TO KPN?. | ' . f: : ¢ od etgpelyd a . ut "e's aS A a | mn Pow Bey erage fer ft > rw a | t The Excitement of a w sine Ne- ' ' ig t { arideenk fy ; ~* 7? hare wt. titers uve T wre trie wisest i | AT i eines erakk: <hat + © Vines of | & i ur bh ba fom ty fot Sbaembiesd eee peer noe -- SE EF? be deede Er cORD (i Oe eral --_-- ti . ere Cee uk) Oe. a Horomia) ees eee, CARP. alan okerE~ tie RIOR | han : saree Patan ' a seg ees b and Good Jodgment--A Certain Kaaek. chert ¢ t ' stile | i F t t an iT a | rat Gur Tiare + | as se oucre if} - SeeeaS E -- Bxhilaration, rive ' "rs " re i * at Z| : vy ie eae ee ee vqtypoverceetye pod Por var ca i - ' : t yiit ' » iftry tt , r a aaa i ed bs tite cit mets wna 4 ; a & j pinta nites Be ' LO REIN' Rapialy Increasing ir ron $y i ia 'nantes rs nee > , fer teitat ' AT AKED 5 fer ft | -- "3 a ee 4 4200 if eig scot I, rere - fe ' Tea AB f teas and Haeay tis : hte) Cot ty r FALL Tet ' M BEGINS hs -F ry. 3, i900. . 1 ee ip My. other. Necation..Weieh--erent hat Es ernst amalt bes CATALOGUES FRHE t io Posy eres ewtator «f as " ket Sif 8 ery oT a > : ; ay re (is Qtaed stand cabddy. viewing. tho dart Suriferain, sat thet, ni sie-rne ' us | a7 hy W. H. SHAW, PRINCIPAL, all ard thiol « j s8 the J "xs anf Fy} . -_ . a _ ¥ ; vt ii ge ' re 7 ' OF | Ssh raion nelle eenne Me atten eal pectolane intent erate ante sea ih Next Thi ja Pb Ot. * Sheets gered pepe trent tey-tier tiiny TP UF ~ ify 5 the ane al { {> The i ext mong LO ra | ] resent, hay creme if he 4 wtial # Been . n os - aati . - . > Sue & bet el " ~ninistsatio: ill suve ft - chair ¥ Waving kiserms an ehadcin + imels tinisizaton wii 4 t { , c i 1 TAT rap ee | APG tes in extent, Te re b af mone iluabde aomals EE TT , . - aul the a . "A 5d Secnedinan lll dar £-S FP A tw Bl | iy t j B.. Tene her IS The Fak rm a n-compariann of i} vir mpere shen wita 1 oe : Hai erp ue ror a bc olf t; "ia e t ent sof this region shoew that it } . ne 50 Oy , ¥ 4 . bsg nif sab ages Es sagt 3 bee UM! Gand pret 6 ree is, in tine extent of ite navizahie waters, | i if nH PEyIPS . GEO. MENGHIN eS ey : ra * ane © o8 the tr t eeti : . ots ol z . 2 i mart ka-Ha dente? & a 'ex . in the area of arable and phstoral janes, in 1 Shakespeary. June tab, 1583 Gin. Sin For One Month I will offer the... . : der s eat} : ; . leap tu viluatle fresh water fisheries, in its forests, Consumptive 'Lendencies { - ider ust te as coed ar elear-head 1s > 2 it Bt Swe ' : and its cunucity te support populution t P +t ers ' tat . _ eaonefoge old Medal * Ci th ' a jeneeteiinnonls " ' , F 1 ie POUNETI OS . f Norway, Sweien, Denmark, mary : ae snot. throug! enntire eee AE Ree Vitaly. (réii nine iy al pe wesper noening cabtler on his father's favorite mare, G many, Austria, and part of France and ee cesta n weet ------ ' f * a hleod r diet, aneventilated rooms, etec., ~ x ores; 'al 5 CAREFCL IN HANTS Russin. ihe committee recammend ras Sel Tea alecasabapaticsatrairaiphncbibaan hoo tei or rae eS a Sten & <a a at t $2.75. =? - Fer ie , eal ' te oon pravel rea Terwrter thy Tal sii ab a Okey one Stn Tok thi Whale therits of the Arctic perfect fv omesse of Rurdeek Blood cleared, rig si ; i mast necewmarily be careful in lis habits, and Ocean. The farbearing animals of-the,re | Hotere, and thas ward of sa 'aime = CONCRETE HOUSE AND OUTAVILDINGS The Ustial Price of thi 1s Sweeper is $3 50. of 2 ' must be in'what we aight call partial train- , wags ulso reported.on,--Cttawa Cor. Lon- | y nich is simply scrofula cf the hunger FIwo Darts and sm te Or heed. For partioutess . ing all thetime. There is no necessity for don Telegraph. pia Ripa . A U I E { 4 : E i nm rigorout diet and abstemidustios which or -- i WILLIAM GORDON, BE if 7" -H AL oa AN D : x is considered emeptial to. thos: who engage Ouene Wilde's Eatretini i. 7 = ee so ee om mao 7 ' Li B R Lr R Y L, . M PS i. z in athletic spurts, Lut the mest extreme care. Cah Vet manager of Ragan's Tiestrated Tae y 2 LE, ? ; ix absolutely necessary, that the weight may lectures, is the mam who piloted Oscar Wilds ff HOUSE AND LOT FOR. SA a or Sp} did Vai x be kept down to the proper fig sure, and for through. this country. The wonder-is that he Industrial and <fydge Exhibition, iB BN AGAUDSHILL, . dust Opene ut. piena} atue, Q thal teavm all food which hase te mite hey to will lives. _Oncar. 'Wilde was no foolpy i a ae oe ss t NTE NST Tliat Te Avoided. y means," said the colovel. "He worked | a i Mes iF Me > fen NED 0 » offers for Sale nis, Se .. kLead- quarters tor... Machine. ils, Peerless... eof» ; For my own part_ | omay say that risa tee United Staten 'forall there..as.im..it.' LONDON,,. Canad Stk ttf aT snennbenhe : Se Rite sdhatiak ve s + "4 -- A Ad 3 Toon, tempergic iin) habits... use te oben 927-848. 000-nate not -remnbiang r eat nd a half trane me eae. kitehen ota hed. Good Ointment ¥ None "Such" stove' Polish, Fire Lighters, cae aa 'tobacco to a snail extent, bubeat almost any- $5,000 he lost rag Hengrs Jye's buneo | - 9 "8 i geenbearsens ee riko wtabie 0 gliahaisaadl 0° thing to which I taken fani-v »aithoughsome game in New Yor Jecar was a genteel é Oth to 29th SEPT., 88. of payiwent So sit parcharert Ave y to Kte., Ete. \ times I am obliged to pay the pen sty. it is fakir. The "sear Wilde? craze was bis own WINE DAYS. HENKY HABE a oo 7" o. GOvULDIN CG, : my purpose always to keep myself down to invention. He worked the aesthetic craze : lverton ' about IIS pounds in weight. Tho lowest foe every dollar in sight. Whenever any- I a aie " a a THE STRAT oa HARD ," ARE MAN. f weight I have ever attained Was 107 pounds, body usd to eallon him at his bote)l he al- | 225,000 Appropriated for Prizes, Attractions, etz. ' and the highest 190 pounds, rs to reduco ways struck an 'ad did arranged the lilies 000 Value af New Jirourds and Buildings. FAGE FOR SALE. = ane ~--e a ig sian i: a aii inysert to the right SS eee is, Twas once and sunflowers, did everything possible $200,000 Display of Agricultural and Other Ms oR s be Spschcbey Sythe tates Bo Raa ged igi were ic anes 1888, Pickling Season ; ov flesh, aed it was ne easy un dus fr moment the prirteny left he beeame auother | 9300,0: 0 Live Stock Fabiids. in cami hete fia s alow a4 nerves a s e s 4 and was one of the boys, 4 7 aan BS stipe kar cleared , about 38 actes of unculled : | So Whearitind "prysetf-accuminitatingy weight wy Tid axthetism was all assumed: When | ' pet ae i a tae Rom sl ae too rapidly f begin t tale long aoe =aie be returned to England he cut oe bia « long | GRAND tecaes ing through front of tos. Ateut é | As this Season of the year the pubis' are are generally doubting whether to gsweatersand the heaviest winter cloth- hair, got. down -to business and gave j tiles {rem Stratford, 2 miles from Maplewood, con- : rad which is uo especially enjoyable in hot Yaukees the grand laugh, The most amuse- INTERNATION AL DENCH SHOW of DaGS on is lye ag ich ama store. For further pickle Large or Small Quantities of V egetables for winter use, ag ScineAEnG WOR! A walk. of from eight to ment 1 ever hat on the Utrar Wilde tour | -- JOHN W. 2088, at all times the Vinegar sold is not of First-Class Quality. ten miles, y moons in the cgndition described, was in Denver, when Eugene Field got a wig | NE INDIAN TRIB rs. . FP OSTARIO.as - ichesa BR: Gnu will usually dispose from..one to two.and-persenated--Wilde-to- perfection, - Field Pp pi pa -- = viaied pounds of extra flesh, ~» walks are in- in his make up took in the town and fooled dulged in only when the necessity" rejuireseverybedy. His imitation of Wildo was very and are by no means of daily occurrence, for deceptire and was a great hit, Robey ene | "which Tati Waly thankful mote than Wilde himself, who w: The one all important recteiaite for a suc ban org long hair - gessful jookyv- dase tery... cool head aul to tucked up madera cow Se ooare ty nunerring reiteeat T for if he loses recognized him, while ow doamaih took Field | qomone-and-taile-ol-baving. the. other-at.ecritical for. Wilde."--Omaha Work. moment, he will uever..avereome--the-many+ obstacics that ineet him with every turn of othe track ced yeirer win a nceoutles hed g trfok once mounted upon a hor io that will carry bim yot in the Citizens'. Poker club ), however "thrash ir Oe Thee Ts ne was neatly defeated. "Tt was the old trick of much stratezy and finesse to be exercised on sticking two cards together, giving a player the race course as on the battlefield. One to be fineeed the winning hand containing wnist-kyuow we euctny thoroughiy, and mush tha double card....athe down" the to take imstant advantage of any next highest hand claima the stakes on the errora his « pone nis tmy make, He must ground of a misdeal to the winner. The big endeavor to make his rivals nse np all their hand in this deal was given to a Denver man. . slrengti.before. the ertical moment corr he betting was lon: heavy, and: the And At reserve for himself sutticient force stakes ran up into the thousands. The Den- J A Trick of Gamblers, Waiplawee heres to carry him safely through the finaly struggle. ' -- A KNACK OF RIDIN ~ But. above all, he should be very intimately acquainted with the Capabilities of his own horse, and must be thoroughly conversant with all its points of weaknest, as well as its elements cf strength, for the former--may often be taken advantage of if they are not known to his opponents. knack of riding which it is difficult to ex- plain, but which has a substantial existence the-vwire, when-a-fortunete ieap w: you to the front. byeven" a nese: "Man luc ky win-of mine has been made in this, y, noticeably ig the recent race w "Tea 'Tray and 'Tristan and Tristan won by so small a fraction that it is said that no one on the track saw the true result, excepting the judges. In that race, which was one of the most exciting in which Lhaveever been engaged, I was able to lift Tristan almost by main strength, | when I felt that I had surely lost, fet enonrh to win. sa athe sensations which 4. jockey ccitataaein| : around the track are many and in speeding ar varied, and there is always the utmost ec-' hilaration of mind, and every muscle of his body is drawn toa -- approaching the breaking point.. He has the landaca: him. But rai knows alba poiyg that the! landscape and the crowd are there, aud bears the cheers of the mob faintly above the clattering of the horses' hoofs hess are quiet and subdued sounds at the start, which hb turn grows gradually louder, but seidom "x a good sized one for the jockey's ears. It when the race is over and the victory is wou --William broken his 'or frequency and viru: yerad unteuniee shite. It seems that the) prevent his attacking hands, face or speedy amd coolness resulta While the falc 'is soso he maaquite will | put his ee ae ing distance, Ti connuon washing The Epoch. ee eee able to bly lear than one shilling par peacd: --Arkan-) et Trav Jer. There is a certain N just the same, that enables one to almost lift | his horse along, especially in passing under! --- wher were at the fore, | te ©: ia noted for its big bargains. Annoyed by Musquitoes. cnr en me : teroeious" cea which this mu a seems to hare ee this uncomfort-) 4 Sn aapeune bas eaarce fi is out in roe, | "the discowerd? of a preparation w which! = re ot se anata reward both now! the itching of bites pothing is more! soda, moist- = pow rubbed on the cpa" B." ia siomioans sodiem end potstain Andi $0:be we at atts to manafacture alumina at copsidera-' Yer man discoyered the thin card gently stuck to one of his aces, crumpled it in his band, called for a glass of beer, slipped the card into his mouth ae swallowed it boca Ip of lager,. Ho never winced as ' mee red his throat, nor © beled an eye as he reached! over the table and pulled in an arm- ful ote -- Nobody made apy kiek about the trick, either, --Hot Springs: Cor. Chicago 58 OFA, tho Progress of Evolation. Visitor (to lunatic asylum, a century bence) --What a beantiful girl! ae -rintendetit---- Yes, poor thing. She was society belle pride of one of re most fashionable circles in the city. Her ts? aro almost broken. Itis a jpity, a' great pity, that "so lovely a casket | should contain such a diseased mind. She is not dangerous; eee 'but the case seems hopeless. "What is her mania!" ae wants to marry for love."--Omaba fea oan..buy. a. firet clas:.Japan Lic. per pound " Walsh Bros., everything is sold cheap. For Biltous Disorders 4nd Acid Stomach, Campbell's Cathartic venice 5 very effective. The beat 5 cent raisins in the city are » be had at Walsh Bros. The place that fHorioway's "Pies Ls. AV eary of 7 and the most a orolifa, rource of ethos se melancholy forebodings which are "worse than death itself A fewdoses of these noted Pills act magically in dispelling low spirits, and repelling the covert attacks made ou nerves by excessive heat, impure atmos- over-indulgence, exhausting The most con- stitution may derive benefit from Hojlo- way's Pille, whch will regu'ate action. brace the nerves, increase the energy of the intellectual faculties, and revive oe entry. the instructions for taking these Pus ye i explicitly putting them .in the } most desponding will soon fee! pee rie | a perfect recovery. --obtriet other melicines bat T all wa no tise "until [tried Dr. Fowler's Wild 8 < likea diferent man, * Geo. H. Peacock, ae TIMBER SALE. ; 4 Tiagge will be «llerud for saie at Bhyportgrir ara tea.at where The next aay I was} marite ae pL Famer ibit of ype tec artes articles, ayriou. Foie the old Clee dayn. will "te . LARUE PRIZE S_GHAN aes MaThactioNs, reore Lo see. wri snore to learn than 'any previous e xhitation. nen Prine liste cane. sche other information may be on application ~ MeBROOM; jes Secretary. nt ~GRO: ' CAPES Ae WoPORTE; 659 President. INDUSTRIAL FAIR. TORONTO. SEPT. 10th to 22nd. Greater than ~ Byer, AND SPRCIAL ATTRACTIONS. New Features and Grand Exhibita, The best attractions that money can socure For Prize Lists and Programmes addrese the oretary ENTRIES CLOSE AUGUST Ist. J.J, WITHROW, H J. HILL, President. Sec., TORONTO, Toronto, Aug. 8, 1543. 57 THE KEY-f0" HEALTH. © "Watosks ane the clogsed aventen sof the Bowels, Kidneys ateting tbe ing off grudually without weaheting r) system, all the impurities humors of the secretions; at ne: Booen time dity of the _% MILBUES A CO., Proprictors, Toreate We ate now Ready for the Spring. Campaign. ---4 eo ean ATER: AC nk LoT on IIuron Street, Avon = "st GANADA'S. GREAT}. $00-000 5815 ee HOUSES ad LOTS for SAL or RENT. Meee street, teens care Ward. On the Lot $ erected a cood s tink tric het De able House. =yh-s a and good Usktalltlnas Pie: HT House. Will tither rent or ws 9 LOTS on Douro Strovt,, Komeo Want suitable "Or at THE TINS ay fee Stratford, June 20, 1555, CITY OF STRATFORD. LOTS. FOR SALE. 65)-2m FoRosing fate convenient to the G, T. R. Vo are now offered for 'sale on Tes _Favora ble Terms... MARSHALL'S SURVEY,. Inot 31, West Sid: McKenzie St.; Lots 38; 39;-4u, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, Bast Side McKenzie St. ; S. 4 Lot 51, and Lots 52, 53, 54, 55, West Side Victoria Street. McKENZIE'S SURVEY, Lots 43, 44, North side Milton street ; Lot 49, South side Milton treet : GRANGE SURVEY, Lot 51, south side of Milton st.; lot 54, north side Shakes- peare st. Apply to TB. P. TRAW,. MERCHANTS BANK, Orto JOUN BROWN, Lanp Acayrt. Stratford 'DR. FOWLERS Spring Goods _Ginghams, ase Embroideries, Corsets, Shirtings, Cottonadés, Denims, Gioves and ee better wappty a -- bregerdt yep! supply the all otfiers who may a He of our "Customers, and us with & eal. - ing ts Tweede and T: 'Dress Goods, Prints, | The numerons Onters cstcbeale® lor Clothi: proof that we are rien the right Geods in ENTERY| AND ALL SUMMER. COMPLamTs | ~ CHILDREN OR ADULTS REMOVAL. FLOUR and FEED BUSINESS "JOHN. McINTYRE_ wenn to announcing to his old. Priend < and Customers, and the Citizens of Strat iy, that since rhe bas | Bodnces cf ax Calta the 'Letin iamete: the bu ba a take Resert r) hes Province of Ontaria. conbizions OF-SALE Bonus cash at of before - retroval of timber on all tiniber cut on tbe limit in accord ordgesce with tariff dues this yartinent, aise an anunal ground rent te be of 5 per syuare aa ia loense foo of Be parchumer @ te rove the timber within thiee date of ew purthaser t deliver free of charge tothe lndiags otf the wald Reserve, 39,008 feet of banbee suit ce for tnetidi oe i, - Por turther » taba to John Ma Frey ten ee My OT Be . * iin Be Lar ac Qpaeen'é Printer." b TANKOPGHSET, Place your orders while Led get a We have also got a Naxceilicsat and Laree, Stock of the Newest Styles in Ties, Collars, Kid Gloves, Soft Felt- and Stiff Hats: £2 Sce our New Wall Paper. MILLINERY & A trial respectfully solicited. . Highest nee -- for. Farm & vouch aR a REE. Kastner Bros' PCHELL. SEBRINGVILLE AND He has removed to the Store on. - the Market Square, next to the Bank of Montreal, where he will in future carry on the businees in al! its brane! « The best brandsof Fami Flour, ways in es All kinds of Oats, Pead, Bari nage mn, Chop "aff, Bran, Shorta, Middtines, and everything in teat iine, at reasenable pees SEEDS, SEEDS... ein ae ararsrins ee ts of rot every vast _ 308s McINTYRE: ore Sie tet F 5 at Pebt fodiaa autres. eeaae, ' "a et eee oe +. way Sige, Fee F Pe . A: + ae i KASTNER, Manager, oceans ealediee : the Stand--next te the Bank of Stratferd. SNAZEL, Contentions 4 We have this year, as in the pe gunk "nid in a Stock of Warranted Extra Strength-and- -Full-Fiavored-Vinegars. - Grape Sugar Vinegars, "White Wine Vinegars. ~Kagiish: Malt: Vinegars. - ws wrench: Jineguantet APPAREL R RST Sey iga ag esuRt OR Seo FT ae | ete FT Use our .Imported--Whole or Ground--Pickling Spice. The ingred- ients are in proportion for imimegiate use. _ E. K. BARNSDALE & CO. Green and Red Front, Market Square, Stratford & Mitchell. Cooling Drinks for the - Summer. Just Received to-day from the Imperial Mineral Water Works, Hamilton, one Carload of their Delighttul Summer Drinks, consisting of the following ? Imperial Club Soda Water,. . Lemonade, Potass Water, . Seltzer Water, Ginger Ale, + Gream-Soda; Sarsaparilla, ¥ichy Water, Champagne Vider, -Hop-Ale: - _ - ----4 cep. rare The 'Sparkling Champagne Cider is put up in Pint Bottles and is very fine. Parties wishing any of the abeve Goods can be furnished by me, as I have the exclusive agency for this city. - A LIBERAL DISCOUNT TO HOTEL-KEEPERS. H WV. ARD, me Phenomenal oneep Grocer. FOR HOT WEATHER. _Ice Cream Seeezors, $2 to $3. Refrigerators, $10 to $14, | _ Adjustable. Window..Screens,... New Easy Lawn "Mowers, W.& F. WORKMAN'S. "GORCORAN'S Three e Grape ( Concord 'Wine This Wine was made for me from Selected Grapes by auo of the Best Wine Makers in the Province. It is Absolutely Pure, First Run Wine of Fine Flavor, and I can sell it for about the same Price that Mixed Wines tages' Large Cities who Solicit. Orders here. JAMES CORCORAN. £7 Remember Mar cond, myerte§ Sq sre, Seaton, apy TSH, gost eR: Dec. 13th, 1885