Stratford Times, 5 Sep 1888, p. 7

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a ietiavamek white the Feats Serres a A ofering a large rata 'fn 'his arpre sprang to the groun: "What is. it, pa Louisa? you," said he, going close to pointing tack at: the prostrate Siven a6 resolutely: "I suppose he haw ewapel from the state gon, but he is terribly burt, asd perhape dying. They shall not get him if I can bel Dr. Scrapomoff is as active ais ever --r- moving corns wit hout pair, sure S as 4 - €¥ery time. cic' ihe, per bottle at N Bosworth's _ _ If you want cheap 'raisins go to James Corcoran's. You cas ay old Valencia taisins for ous cent per pound, and fine Eleme raisins for five centa por: pound do you 3 mean ta give it to me? asked Lotsa gifts you have bestowed upon ma, Wi you aa an finished reading and satan her eyes to aud i it to'them /* i gine ou S oaaik not tell until he "geen Jobn," the face of her attentive listene Sir--why, did net yoo kn ow ho, Mid Lowisn; anxiously. "He cannot live That face was already aval wha the im- ow bat, signoret' said) many days, and they should he spent in pres 3 doath: the eyes that met hers had "Wet! snething yet: but it f ever-marry, peace." wl In a glassy stare of admiration, too bor- iF, {t wisl be but ene mat." "They shal] not be disturbed, Loui eTeD the well strung nerves of the sald .the young man, and resolved to ~--r New England his word at any sacrifice, but none waa and fled from ¢ ok room, < wrap trimpiod paper, whic 'ai aes ae -_ "And that man, signer?" "Yo r a shoukd » t ask =u It is not you," h @ question, Mr. Fe Nery. mrseeerthe ee oe ae ee eee pee the Se a i a és had Mowecer . AOR To + eri Suir" fe vhs bra TH et nt secrets, the trug stor y of No. Syses become her warrant of a princely fortnne ut you shou i not be offended, sir, Wagon andearry Lim right hotue uo go. ' ton be "eam was never known, and the authorities A week later Louisa Wylie euiled with Mr. although I know my manner is somewhat famed Sirs,--Fot twelve years I suffer sly decided to identify bim Petia the body and Mra Waters for "Havana In the same THde and blu: at is my b --. ond | ome Sho, Lemizy, I shan't do anv such thing 3 iver taint and a aman found floating in the dock next steamer, but not in tho same d courtesy is y Fi: orgive me if Lhav Wi at leeaitimy marketing for the auke of © party, saile: og 7 oon nie eke bore arya helfdug 0 gallows bird t o eecape! T'd be we 4 my i in pe r} ie had faily Hatorsdod him --_ cmiey the junior partner of a flour- ¥' NEDO --? sesits wae teal being cured, Théee years ago I tried Bur. @% to" Work doing" that, shoabin"t 1° 'Kvtived. ot t * Se cee ran ee wee, ae be in his, and oy tae ce tndaks aan dock Bi Hitters, and am thankfal to | c#imedl the old man, mara and his Arrived at the cottage, Louisa, after a tock occasion to state, upon professional {9 is, anit raiwd her char, bright eyes to {wow enjoy good peed 1 advi 8 daughter replied: brief conversation with Mra Merton, afked business, and, ih so stating, told the exact Mmevt hi is nstonished faze. al Ne aoe oetikctod to tr H. "i B * Mrs, ith "Yndewd you would be, father. No matter to he allower fd to hee the sic 'k man. ; truth, his emp loyer betug Miss Wyle, and "How diferent you are from my country- rae Hobls, Muir avenue, Brockton. What be has done, be ty wouhded, suffering It'sa shocking sight for you, dear," said his bpsiness the investigation of Antonio Woven _ siguera, be gracious, and think, Ont. 2 dying befors.our eyes Would you carry him » tender, hearted rs. Merton. "But he has Garcia's story ahd the discovery of the own- ® least, uper y offer of io nd. at af heart, back to the very prison he has killed himself done nothing bit ask for you since Jobu és, or ratherthe heirs of the ownets, of the -- ¥ Lnoty mercvet arr ot went away, He's sinking fast, -- fellow, ship Three Kings of Cologne. ou that [love some one and the doctor says--I wouldsend for old Arrived in Havana, Mr. Waters went so- else, and never shal ih dream of marrying any Dr. Spear, though the man declared be berly to work at the business which had ™5 mot that oye," said Louisa, with de- to eseape? Oh, father, _-- u. cmd yon on crvel and antaelis gf' but yon see, Louizy. rn, pine" ANOTHER BEAUTIFUL. NEW STOCK 'Wall Papers, Decorations, Borders, etc., Jim Gpeaca, Mifttion bree Assortment to select from. NEED WT BLIw oe: PAPER-HANGING, PALXTING, GRALSING, SIGN WRITING hints and Oils, Mixed and in Balk, Tae--- . at TDINGTON'S BLOCK, ERIK #1 W. CASSON, atfurd, Mav Las? Pe CITY. WALL PAPER AND PAINTING HOUSE . trus; oa Pra qot-aitimy-- greet atte back of the wagon"---- | roe Tie wouldnt bave any one--the doctor says be taken _bim thers, afid Miss Wylie devoted © 'waist, never Will see sunris again, Berstlt-to~ hits nes Ws steadily anda Sad ha--doea he--f staimmered Ruumi-_ © "Ask me and Iwill b . "Poor man! And -- a horrible death. conscientiously as sho had ever done in. her '°* _. By TAMES 0. H BUSTIN. -- said a low ne at hae one = fs Let. 08 go to him at once, Mra Merton, if I life. & he love mef" suggested Louisa, oes can say or dd anythin to comfort him," said Mr, Merton meantime busied himself with bre shing rosy red. "1 think so--1 bepe sa." turning, fixed her indignant, honest e; upon the face of the young man as she re "oe i our {Copyright} . aaah fathor, and I promise yos plied: "It is the notary," muttered Raniires "CGood-br, signor. I hope yon wild be "ey wrest Paar pale, but very resolute, nor did she his own affairs, and at the end of ten days or falter "when, ending beside the came be report progress to his employer. WAGGONS. ud | HR E NDERSIGNED baving secured a Late tito be your wile," ing ber hand. pamnimencpiahlaniag Signor... but. you," replied | "You were jaaking for me, they safd. Can wrecked, and the tres asure she contained ab the Npaniant, rasing the hand tects fps, Ido anything for you inquired she solutely lost, it is suppowed. he sole sur) Agd so they parted. not to meet again, The convict opened "his heavy, blood vivor A the family 6f Ramirez is a young That evening John Merton offered binmself shetten eyes, and-jooked earnestly up into man, wealthy, panddeorne and unmarried, Jansing Wyte, and was avert her face. who neither needs nor uusses the fortune « would not ale until after Don = umirez, "I's come round curions, that you should which Antonio Gavia rooted. his grant: for he had far moro to offer than over be the one to get it, after ail," said he, 'ather." have," said the happy lover at ae "Cet What?' asked Louisa, gently. | "What will you do next?" "Had be John Merton to offer?" asked "Wirst-i'm going to give you~ old) "Have you mat been to see Ramirez!" asked ee a sunile. hey ret 'i Oe, Siete SE BE Pe dust pured face and heed, 'the suaimed ond. Kings of of Cologne was actually owned here rokes arms and heaving chest of the In- in Havana, fifty ae ago, by a wealt hy eto doas you vebeenadsrmng, ° Well, John or Tdo ask you to help "" Pilturn over a now leaf and be an honest me, and I ou my best thanks in 'ad vance for doing ae t's tet eee aad by, es Mee good-by. D agin by, father, and pie Inck to you," and >} away with more human ick yen working in bis breast than be had at the oak of the wagon foe ie ee fellow, and if you don't mind going three or four miles out of the way I will take the rife of carrying bim. te my mother's house, since Miss Louisa is so resoived upon rescuing him: 'And any lows that you may experience ia your marketing"----- he rest of the sentence was spoken che inthe ear of the oid f tiny ted The i tener woman weenie have a doctor, I didn't want Louisa, in some su not meet bat on her wed- the mold fer tating. 95a & eae at twice a ee in reply, scnem nated oe : 1 tt ht he'd blow o a certainly nat un until I know_your de. ding. day, Louisa Wylie received a sc ae = . a gif then s beengganse. [aj at goitig. back' to The prison ariyway. = ito Ramirez the gift of a wonderfn corgi ea Bat the = tor said be wouldn't get round so are rar diamonds, and the deat sf mee Lees back~of- ten the curtain and move round the various boxes and askets stowed behind &~ eantime the two young people had ap- proached and bent over the convict, now conscions of his sufferings and his danger, and watching their motions with the keen, anxious eye of atrapped animal who sees his captors approaching PT ANG Te aitFally Birt? arent you" asked Louisa, faltering for the first time as Why, you knew it boféretiand. us "Bat the cire ' ifferent from $100,000, 'a. sum. very poorly representing pe Td be'outof danger." what we imagined racine This property, her due share of a certain property lost to "Out of danger of arrest!" if indeed it exists at all, is fairly yours, ul} the fantily of Ramirez but for her exer- "Out of danger = anything that we o ther claim being outlawed long ago, and Gong" know about. _ Ramirez, as I said, neither needs nor 50 ran the deed, but Louisa, in accepting yas | lay 1 mineea this"---- it, wrote with her own hand tw Siz Don now, but I didn't feel it the mm You yee ttill "John, what are you talking about? Has Ramirez thatitewas only asa free gift, and ireomes- your certurie' fe went vit ASG: tab days among these deceitful and intr WOU TY The Teast We rescirieia, that ate Coun down, the parson footy May be I shall, too. ing peop rhe changéd your bonest and upright ie it, and thank him for it most heartily, c me by that who bad closed the father's eyes was sum- Toned to -- the son, "A bad Bay . You will be laid up a foo at lemst. ow father used to makeHinmwelf sick on pu svand «did it orien tert bet WF wean ESTs Lies eva ST the" ---- though, with such a burn as this _ r 5 o have died, and worus have eaten she saw ol of blood oozing from be dai Lord, what a lark it is for te to be lay heart ~ -- +, in neath the aren fiz ne -- ™ "ire-here in: thes clean white bed, with Fir the t time since he knew her the them, but not for love," and the' Signor was It ain't likely," groaned 35, writhing in aud the brave married last week toa charming New Eng- outa, and pictures, and easy chairs, and cur- clear, round voice faltered, tainsall about me. I never slept in such a eyes filled ap rie tears, half of sorrow, balf land girl whom he met at Newport. roctn in my life, and to think of only getting of shame. John flushed scarlet, and left the Lat us wish him happiness as great as that in here to die, Now, that's just my me room without a word. An bour later he re- of or friends John and Louisa Merton, for just my confounded luck." urned, accompanied by a superbly bhand- we "#0 suggest no question. "T wouldn't talk in that way now, m said ¢ some and courtly gentleman, the young girl, with a sort of kindly severity wn Wylie, this is Sig. mirez, to --------- of tone. hom | have gtven only a bint of thestrange "Why not? You ain't one of the overly sory = have to relate to him," said the ; seis Toke tht think tr poor fetiow ts straight-to the battf be srys- a. strong word: bt am: very glac to-see-you;-sir; and- ene: or so, are-you!" asked 35, in atone vot sume that I have good news for ou," " began, + cbartoncdebedd,- impatiently: ~hoetes, veut ~tharty and vy and- ew? allt, it don't matter, Ir vg got to go, and without one word of sentiment or one sug: I can't take it with me, and you was good to gestion of any other course possible for her me, and made that Tallow Gal me, and you're to pursue, she repeated t the story of Nick 'the: first fi Yeux. Afe you going to carry me batk?* "Won't you be better taken care of. there than anywhere else? Do you mind very much where you go!" asked John Merton, restraining the girl by a warning look. "Mind? Of course I do. I'd rather die Hide me away somewhere, and I'll pay you handsome," gasped poor 35, clutching with Pag one hand at the secret upon his breast At de proposition Merton "smiled con- teenptacnily; Louise reproach fatty. 7 TOOWSRT TO be paid, "said she "Even if you could pay us," added he. No. aulled a ag at.both ples. ome., Feads.cur for tale ae agony as the doctor dressed his wounds. Ten days later the burns had so fur healed that 35 was informe! be would be returned to his cel! the next morning. The tiews took him a little by wurprige, as he had enlculated @pon a longer convalescence, but he was A foundryman with sand molds and mol- tem ibon ah die cvinmand tieds ditte troulle ig manufacturing a key, anda be vite r ane, too, than those formed of knife blall , Can- "diesticks, the metal frame of pictures, ora doesn Gther unlikely "mnaterials bY which ply, tiene with Farmer. Tp. erg even some assistance from decent of doing a good turn to; or even speaking to. img her his ber, the priest's abstract of An-, a than all, you're- good ee 'tonic' ¥ Merton got his charge into the bad rime AQUI. B i reine confess ® finally sho' ago ANT WHR BE foot en, a 4 Se ee ind aetna Toon trae ny vqtone wns fared Un grit qm eon ir tl ape anny fat nae ; , i Wylie, you ha better go 26 Wi! © rolled his anand jal nol : | be : apteyer fie +e was te the hospital, = her had since secreted beneath bis mattress. ees Miss 'tae to her rooms, and' I will att with-a-look.of-c her srith hia great iach os 1 t it unblushin; * asa ead upon a tree their fullest extent, and his face lighted with - he carried in - right hand as he effected his tbere for youas soonas Ican. It may be ME! NOs un? oy ' wpe tthe 2 % 6 active emotion it best for you not to have more todo in this, ' =| escape, and had any obstacle presented itaelt " 'bat are you talking about?" asked she. ppemmes: | in human na the gleam of 35's dark eyes, bu ae pros note - pone o best of {t, = Welk abent thie." And as he "And you have come to Habana to restore | ~ and fetine readiness of convict, with movements whose a to me, its so doubtful owner or* the gon "this baner Oy te burt my suf will take jolting | betrayed itself upon his writhing features, beirf' asked he, at ge op drew from his bosom a little gy reliqu-| "No; I came upon my own business, but I, | ary in the shape of a heart. fastened of cou mortal #vout. his neck by a thong, blackened by much wear, Mr. every yested the course events might take and ® the consequences likely to sia ee niles ee letting eee getting'in late fortune, as one views for the " gram! id man, but side of convict or his daughter ann ked him. ; father, when @ man's life and a 40 ths text of "Cut the line and ripopen the bag. Ma iy. a \ fortune inside and it's yours. I giveit to) "My thanks, and something more, shall be because you was me, ©O Lord! lald ox the Task of the Sig. Merton," said the | I can't stand this. I'm going now, cbidalgo, with rather a patronizing bow to wyer. "But," added he in another i tervila seco of pain cut of ll further tous a his eyes teased. back to the young ---- -------- 's bandsome: face, "bat you, signora--I' be Well, I'll go home with you, Louizy, ont, John, you come as quick as you can. Mr. Wylie, taking his ivatners along in the direction of ber tobe ings, while John Merton drove-mpidly yet * heeni carefully away in the opposite direction. yen if And what was you coming to meet ME ON ne ture, then' in the 'pect any. Ton--ship--wen" pots Or YOR cath from Internal tujuvions Daring this si ergo and when I happened to hear ~ calied. Louisa to his side and w me of the trary it was no eat tron toe ou know, especial! = here. I kane pea will fin the aa ely etc., all safe." "Thanks, signora," replied the Sipaatard, | se ther. I hare more photo-. 7, graphs to cole than [I can do, and my busi- 5 eval ness with you was about just that. Mr. {" Thurslay- yand lowering himself rote * ing by and arn ancped --_ a beap of broken iron castings full of sharp~ edges "and "jagged - points. "I'm done for," } A Yours interes 2s lide; for the invalid at Dyapentic it is of the greatest velea, 1h THE FINEST BABY FOOD, THE BEST INVALID FOOD, THE MOST PALATABLE FOOD, THE MOST NUTRITIOUS FOOD, 'THE MOST ECONOMICAL FOOD. 180 Meals for an infant for $1.00, > i. "te feebly asked: ' Wi ta it?" to take photographs of places and people, weuetecees Ke " L: have not opened it." an Sn See orgy Sem. er a amet n it now--send the rest of the folks else does the work aswell, and he will pay ae hie Seok caved slowly along the wall, me handsomely, besides my expenses. But 1% 'the sequel of the muttered Nick, grimly 8" Ope awhy," questing Mrs. Merton alone with the patient for a few moments, broug ae the reliquary and a scissors to the bedsi id whispered No. 35; and Louisa, re- his eyes fixed in unabated astonishment upon and Jobn to leave her the fair northern face, painfully beneath his gaze, until, rising, re said: decide today, as be will hare to look for some one else if I cannot go. "Then he's bound to go, any " here; I won't give them tha 1 won't dive i & "Ob, yes, and "he will take same one to comfort. TH get to the water and drop over. "Sb all I cut it open?" asked she. A Cabinet photo. of Mus. As wenn sae 20eb ah pooeereameh paint [iis B shotegrraphs." y ane quick. 100." general children tent to the mother of any balay inutte Detween tits "t teeth, 'Then tmightas well be vouas anyone, Without reply Louisa ran the scissors elout 7 ? for if you aan to home you'll lose his work," Oare of Jofants and lovalids the man, brave as any brute, gathered his . OFS," the edie of the little case and opened it upon : broken and bleeding body together and said the farmer, shrewdly; and Louisa an- pq -r band, wo Devarinta tin.. S00.. 21.080 J | WAR RicHAeeeN @CU.. MON mea, 7.0. trailed itinch by inch along the pavement, swered, with Ne we En gland self co ontide "nee and self rexpect: evergreen, I should say--and a folded paper "There's no trouble about that, father. 1 aoeered with-writing," enumerated she, turn-| shall always get as much work as I can do, I ing courte contents. . - i "The paper--read it out aloud--the other; " staff jeth e priest's nonsense--read!" gasped 35, almost at the last now, | Vith a hasty glance at his cadaverous face Louisa obeyed. The paper was very fine and * thin, and the writing very faint, so that it was with difficulty she deciphered and read out these words: A lock of hair, a scrapof cloth, a bit of-- PARIS GREEN Paris. Green, Fresh - and - Pure. leaving a dismal track behind him, toward the turbid tide rolling not 300 feet from the spot where be had L But the anguish and half way he fainted, an lay ™t go alone with this man," we eagimtel the tanbiaes: suddeniv. "Oh, no; Mra. Waters is going. of course." "Weil, I don't see but what you mig ht as well go, then, Louizy," safd Farmer Wylie; and sc ewan since pi an important Step in the matte rot the s ed by the Spanish sailor to his & the eonfessur to Before the dawn had grown to davlight a year: cirl came trippin; alone the silent Street cad paused at the 'beg: nuing of the SURE DEATH TO FSR y heaton pple sail paren again of- . ae pared ta furnish the above celebraind Wax sat LOWEST PRICES, whieh mailer without reciting. tinggice wiubVemocrata_alwaya in Stuch, isl at ebae Prices: a7 Re eypirine of all betes perdenpiy atterdedd 15° Trottine Sulkles bait: te Urider, GEO. MINCHIN, shahesore Shakespeare, May 30 ass. Ir STRATFORD * Past--lfie fine Tai Deuiveny, Mail. Coosa. aM. OF. My PM, Toromte, Coste, al r lin, § eer. Ne Sastuen 129 Bal 8 00) 8 00 9 30 e204 20, London ue 9 30. 12 30 Hamilton.............] 80 70 T. 4&3 weet D&S Li 9 x west Wy. haw . > Geeterich, Chinton, Sea $ fo Mitchell, asd 9% 42 Dublin........... 7 0 0 4 SO" St Marys: T 00 Teenage 13 30; --wast.......- 8 00 ¥. D and LF -- he Rn ay the end Bey , jones REARS AL -- (Daily) Oactstifl, Am- i » Biter, Laicpeted and ; 10 30 Nithbory T Harmony and Pair { view,on jay, Wed 42 Friday... 3 ** Monday, Wednesday and Friday, delivery a3 10 Wa. m, banat Tharsday and Saturday, delivery at 4 . OLD COUNTRY ae wea Mail via Rimouski closes a via New York, closes on every Saturday, Sh re as nent VILLTAM Bi SLATE, Postmaster. _Strationd, Sept, 7, 1867 87e1y Tuesday, + It never was in ntended, v0 far as Tan learn, eithe rT wan of woman w purposed to r I thin ¥ you will believe me, indeed I'm suc you wil, If at the " Paris Haig Works" you have cailed. he She takes artic ticular trout Je with oF Sh nows # scanty growth of hair, the grey whitening locks, Will detract from the beauty of the face. Be: Tere "Antonio Garcia, being in extremis, fesse] to me that he, with others, come te the wreck of the BrazcJian prec ship, the gx 7 ae time for father Snow," said ate phen Bay handy a ae a by mem Se Se 'ick, or No. an to te An pee is iter John Me re calted nt Men as POTATO BUGS. -~AT-- It's t ehe, listening for the sound of wheels, "Thanks, signora <a" "Now I will beg you*to excuse me, as I oth . s bears bey 2 " abs, ; si pote gto oid taof familiar )¥ She's kealgings, and after st the ont of Sonal teat oe or ner. eb on cn me iene oe rae: ee E J J O be N S' objects inthe half light, and so came upon bors me na : _ oe vee Ft : per aie oe ggg within fifty miles of the inland of "Work! The lady works?" asked Ramirez, | . 4 ' the prostrate " of the dy ing fol lon in his infor: er tha beir Wretche: arge Cuba. had arrived at the cottage, terribly shaken Kings being bound for turning with a puzzled glance to Merton, who and exhausted, both by his hurts and by the anren the hastens' ana. oT cue and four others sec DRUG STORE! Havan a'laurel y pay y th © penalty 1 Sust ain nit, that bounteous rhe ad of ha Doctor Dorenwend's Hair Magic's amentphane d. Just try it, you afhicted, you wever will re my e Magic was never yet known to fail ood forget The expenditure a bottle will entail, The dress, the hour, the mangled form, """ ncely amount of tbe treasure, mostly in "Ah! what shame for her to work. And . 5 Ra This now famous preparation for invigorating grouped themselves suggestively in te: girl's ri's drive, Trang: that although tis mother bad ttainonds and other ber Jewels, with 80 -in ber hands, if she had.closed | ONTARIO STREET WEST.- ssa teetintitabhecer thie ocnentha 6d Sin oie ant cam warrant them te be the ay" Lighiest unning' and Most 'Durable in Canada. and Narr suas sieeve in stock, J ao make les S ORDER Spring Wagsous - witty - the National Mtocl "Tube ar self-Cilinw hates ther eee rest Wajen Axle ever imvests!, anid ran cightewn bended thing Nature thinks of --let ux thank and But nature has her laws 20 strict that you must that ft_will do will make you soon woe some byll- all this money w and officers them upon it!" aes the Spaniard; / p Strastord, Jane Si, lsre, Stim or sehaet antes. Se ee after <a » and escaped, ene ing the vessel ina sinking p be young pet ani, condition. After much danger and delay linger confidentially upon bis arm, "She is not married!" bene upon ber, he felt that it was too.arduousa. ean ares one, and should, after a brief visit to, the city, go honw for the rest of the day. | jaerer Pena the walls isi gieomy ald laying a The Great ens ep cod: icone ae prison * forbidding close bphind her. No « stir was apparent, and Louisa Wylie, nates: sae Ercan Neier own shoulders. « Also be informed her that tae dying man-- lanted nts forty-seven. miles } Baw figureat ber fect, murmur 'for such he cousidértd the convict--had ex- ety ene Be Ban Tuan deft Hemnecion, br sa mist inane on ing detiantly; bh " to bi b * neath 2 chi? called, in a ps "They haven't missed him. yet, and they woman who spoke so pleasant" to him in i? the country, il Cavallo Blanco, orthe White "N said John Merton, closing 'bis teeth! (nevontisdicretons or over evertion arrER} oBhan't get him again if Spsong ree Poor smeting uth grat | and to whom he bad i770 Here, being in much cuth ad to cit aged Goeesaayinoe | Fad "hak your Dru for The orem Rowton turer" ne ie, grate Unportencs t5 re . their treatment bg the natives, and of the Sig. Ramirez * twice ar thrice Precwiation, tabu-me ust then the rumble of wheels mbenls_paning. * ae foe hia friends 1 time .wlien from among asked some shrewd questions about if ne. mail. aie ene aie ts the paved strest $0: the wooden bridge se," nid on, tfully. OP them, they agreed to hide their treasure in athe business in hand; nor was Miss yliot | ae mar poor. Se sirecd is hs omen und Tan Madly lars homo today, for I thust be. STotto or.cavern balf way up the cliff, and the two men. . Fer Suto ty + #- BASMTS veneiieet: eer pet cee ae to gat Yor: my: jouroey;" aud then Dt to be'setn either: from base or its . Another by; end---Mi, Waters) 00 eee mmdaned drvafily. Both were ans Wai bak Plan te tha young oan who crest, but marked:by-a deop crevice in the baving nearly finished the busues that bal' GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. ; ise, and Louisa hastened .¢o-deay the ica ened attentively. and replied: . fage of the rock pointing ike tiger fm trough him o Havane. wap talking. oth _DMPORTANT CHANGE OF Tie : tar = caine soughariacs when, Jacinto Trai ti leave Ntratto "and thea stodd up 10cking eageriy 4 ae tae ome my serait ge bose tiscowered:-by Garcia himself. while search: sent. to. beg a private interview with Miss FOR MAIN LINE EAST.-~5:45 a. ridge A Ware, dren 2s too. have something to-say ine for birds' to assuage the extreme Wylie. sn Spee ri See by a comfortable plow ber MON ee, yon: o you gor Fwentoutte: of himself and his comrades And. it .was conceded at. once,. and- Louise Pe ing. - Louise could not wait, and ran oo 'ate ' = boxes..of .tyeasureave s. - tnueh: to ber, i 'that the FOR MAIN LISS WEST.--2.15 to Invet it. Sn ee sper maser ee lire * large --_ like a bench, across the cadnot teferteniien med tndaad proved worth a for- [ 235 mma Mbeed white haired | other a good. the ca' th can only: tine tothe heir of old Ramirez . ins: SO ee : Jooking young gentilen who, at sight of Eisen tn morning i 'vith Mr Wei to anand from a boat at high. tide toa brother Ji owners of Three Kings of! _ Psa |< rinses the girl, ed ap of ill you come!" i rock, and then scaling the face of Cologne; for the precious freight of thatun- 10:06 a. t.-- Mixed. surprise, made a movement as if to SF sieald aos go moarely 60 pleasure, Jobn, the cliff And said beq' this en- fortunate vessel an eey 255 fm Raprene Spring to the ground. The old man drow the 1 twill go to see this poor dying > tire treasure to the use and benefit of the by the mutineers as remain undiscovered!gop goprRici.--6:2) & tine'. ing 2 el Cealos aaletineoummiek al corto toot OE. Church, he being the beir of his com- unti] the moment cboutt Dea. Ramirez $515 ta Eape: young man's meaning glance fully and fear who ee: died within premade aided by two trusted slaves, i ee lewsly. anys otter the large stone like a bench across the end of pop paaNTYORD '45 a m.--Expres. Sie wit at he on nt: 1 od ein te oe Cuba" : the cave beneath it lay }s m-- salle Here abruptly ended the memoraadum "The is Vast, signora," added the Amp BUFF ALO.-- } 3:50 p. m-- "fqn: you: plence." dark of BL, B, NORTE ~ "sa rs so "Woamect you, father; but wiatd-wentamwis QOS iy Ge otieck a: tka peed Ca down pest after ae the confession of the woman who tad brought this-fertane to <= a R eins Zonal abe wp tie as cand Oi ris ote hr Cas every eet toe dying ta, and to fix the rim ith wac unconscious and disdainfal ron Pont DOVER.--sabe mMaed! him somewhere." given by-bim. beyond the ROE oa ea Seed 'man? Hide bim? a Signora, I value Te ank fron will follow re the « Hair Works, 103 and 105 Yonge Street, Toronto. March 2. 188%. a . ty accepted as the aut valuable ---- on ie " yarket, All diseases nae ye regular Senta: It remains with the user alone results. Dr. Dorenwend's A Lesson is to be learned trom the cnet noid Rag aT 5 go them STE head, F; out and 'geas-of the can bes time. : : an effort to saveit. Get a botth of. neo wait Haie Magic ;" it bs Bair Sr meter. ta from Palnerstos only. me eoapmtea General Manager, ah ee pieces te confronted them with placards announcing forgetfulness or mistake. -- aC gone ganar loo drone Sim Sere spp is ther, mt al Exhausted Vitality.

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