\ «= BROS. ea NEw Hams FET ERY roR --- Fall Wear. Our Stock 'is now. complete: 've all the new shapes and colors. : a! ff sits ofr sete q ry % 2 i i E WELLS, RicHarDson 4@ CO) are OnT a. = DIZZINESS, DROPSY, FLUTTERING OF THe HEART, THE STOMACH, %. WIGRORN 4 C0, Proprietors iF > Stone, Bricks, Oak and Pine Lumber, Joisting, Flooring, Sheeting, Shingles, Iron Gates, Doors and Windows, . Vault, Cell Doors, &c., &c. WM. EASSON. Stratiord, August 31, 1838. | Township o! of Downie. Reward for the Arrest and } Conviction of HORSE THIEVES. f Sige ut SICIPAL cocwci. 'OF THE TOW 1P OF DOWNIE bereby offer a Lat of G650.00 For the rag wang BE ad and" 'Caniietion, ot any withia ies BF joamsi the Rancigaing. _®, SMITH, Geth, valued at $10.00, and to the 2nd prize, 6 Chars, valued at $6:00, on the conditions that the Bread shall become the pro- perty of the City Chairmaz o v, the Board of Retief for dis=| tribution.to the poor of the city. | The sate can be} seen at WILLIAM HEPBURN'S Mammoth Asal and U : 60 ONTARIO cal EE. GAN DONO WARM to. try Free- man's Worm Powders if your child is ail- ing, Sereriah- or Sretfel. " * . x sie, mea " : " - saptannaaearonitmr cen antaeh cece Tesh tomas ie ur ul 0 Sti Hat. WE'VE THK the City. | Colors Black, Brown & Grey, No trouble to show 'em. DROYF IW. "The Hatters; Clothiers, and Men's Furnishers of Stratford. | Toilers for Trade, Full Value Gfvers. Cottonade and ee Sues scuey by " Greatest Sale on] AINS! oods at Manu-- Price ers Amazed. BI'k Cashmeres selling at actual cost price ; Table Linens selling at actual cost price. ---- Prints and Ginghams selling at actual cost price. f a es i eicme | A Fireman's Bravery. NEW apy? SEMENT i. T ; : : 4 HF i" LLEANTLY RESCUES A a yao" A) BEBS and HONEY or SALE -- othe vent coors Serres rsh b ate treee --* Hak ING Dew L ~ t ef titans ne tk ; is TE yepes alt wether I herolem efte tnplaye A by railway a 4TALLAN ; € A young sn Lame ot ex at --_--oo : | ot at th case d : -- i aptly ne "Heeni . a A ayy M GEO STONE = : z 4 ' @ rece sive otf . ; ' ae Both hailed ff Harry Lovell, « raily 'ay fires dan Living dn ' Ww % ra aes Oe : lida brave thing. » The express > . Schon ] i inh! "¢ Hamiltonat 5 had FABM. FOE 3 Ez STUY \ -- : ' ' cRhiSterar are ce > Adee : doe eT. oilers gee : és =t ag IGNED offers tor ' { : Hurew, a pal j . ? ga ved oneider ra? |-- = ¥. m it itn i fron Detroit police be ' : Feem ¢ i: ¥ ti " wir f "* he & ' . R 7 i shors ) eae health 9 : , JAMES DUN? ~ &§ : oe \ ' ' ¢ ¥ wl i : Watford - f| : i } wit sign ' STRAYED » t rhea pane bie 10 2g | ™ Le CON. 9, ELLE of i Spas ' 43 i See myth : : . : he aa Atel, " "wa vu 4 it + xv arrtcation bee -- " waite . ; wiritr wm bart thorns setup mrss <tr it = i ash 4 " wal Monde oi pon thee ron Sreneiiieie-e L ; | cathe | th a ee v1} 4Zae Ww f tidinachin pustioular of am intvige:®-Gew at lik: fakes t nin THEO. M 4 tl 1, i ' ° ' eheinodt crim vich Causes a pang Doce t , ee cine ae eee | fu} eine Pure. ioe in every, suural that and womans | S7Om "seni a Rt, Gevek ace 1D Sabuath week ip otf all bis strengt > ard, @ w- L . " 4 strength and «! : Toners . tr idniadlaapeir dor i abaae ie Raby 1 TTD T -_ -_ thas the omfinar 4 j }3 ye ' bay a % and whet solf sities Blo sft h track. x ° a - ° competition ¥ kage nadl cin 2 pad a focvant ~ me : -- in and triving pw wheel g wedhim as th engine CLO. TT. Of £COR t cans, Moval aking P ' 8. 2 . _* *) awept by He in "th CUNT" TENT te TINICT ocr: , ~ Hap ag , " . sai gett rer dow n the embankment, but reached L the bottom with har iy a bruise or scratch, T wr CYIVE nitrous ab the feet ' The train was soon stopped, and Engineer - be a sLTIMOR OYSTEKS, ats ' " | Dardon got down from his engine and has: j ¢f Sout Oe x 3 | tened up the track. When he saw Lovell Ww. K. Khokrey, : | coming t War is him with the child in his ' Ontario Street 3 rma, tears came into the engineer's eyes, a at od he rushed forward and grasped the [fireman's bona. "Gol blew yea, ete.' | MEQ DET, SCHOOL. +" | be said, lrakenly, 'you've "saved it! Now Armving res for weet dala " tPhepasnengere also, wwace thaternething ¢ cn rent r wr NDT. es "ifowts wres Pal T : x ; < "~Paatee { heect-oeerrred, epaweled alaut tha.) Lau ee é AAG: | haat ad Ror oxvi ; chit ; " prsiliatac s - ated Bex chitt amtits gallant resever, and heared aon 'pote rations for ate G B R a : vba spiaasdlicte with wouder and admiration the story of | ceed tilt Thu uu ' et your 30yS ea y Special Atte ntion bee nts 7" I Lovell's noble deed.' We. DAVIDSON = f Onh 1 Is directed to Our Lire a: ud At trac reeks, etc, 1 may i " 7 Secy. Co. Beard of Exa rs, or school, t Stock of New Fe sn and Isid information Fatal Result ofa Spree. Stratford ve cx e 2 = tk ws 4 > i | Melted. whe iastoedlate? aratty | cacupe wax ay pula euwann xxocg. | Stratford, Aus. 24, 1 And before you buy | ee al 'a lan . DWARD KNOCK DRESS Goops! ! fn ithe 'a a j 2 WS BY 46. T. KR. BRAKEMAN AND co DBESS GOODS! | Maren ing tergmtepin | Mur yt The Medical Hall, CLOTHING omprising all kts | Se caiteiae terre tecay tet 7 Best 50 Cent Soft Hat_in in Plan, Choe 1 'J <-- Stripe : i C anne tho - werkt saehienes ye jened i Darole, Sept 2. Last night it was re Goodlds. Also combination Suiits, | | - , . * a, | ported in Sarnia that a man had been ine 4 he ee , { . ' ime | f a ist ere or v 2m - e Ww late we)! 7 hh - awest ¢ page sma. Wcodiaedt: +: | ed at Point Edward, aod upon investiga a - pattern each newest 'Goods ont. | t6 "he wad, Hail was Jocks the | sion the renort wat found to be. correct are offering in Splendid stdek « f TWiuniing Braids, 77 fatrt ent Hi trial WOOK PACE tay. frp ire ome of Uhe case 'are aa fol SE A SON ar ne b Buttons, Braid Sets, &e, to match. ae . 'ae canes or SY" | lows :--Wim, Bishop, aged about 28 years, : We have exerctse| reat care in pie her nee to « . " vats ey F ocean | | « boarder at the Queen's Hotel, Point Ed vane Bo Ss Suits. the selection of our Steck. az ol | accert ag iy . they shout e bail. ¢ ward, and employ ed in Fort Gratiot, had : < fe i is vite hat w vey va pack. |aond fall downs to jail, Ye atewer vend | nwa bis pay ou Saturday morning, and PURE SPICES, vr : i Offer « ing $b , vada , So OS & ' " | hin down for saad aS fail axxizvs. Con ates ards went over the Biversm are JAR CORKS, ) oO Ofer as poo Line as Yu 2 ¥ = ' , 0 clo uc « a seb ceemrteecr-fy+seaule axel took dn daxaaccutdnilited. ye woutsfour G clocks, much tntesisstes Thi ....Best _Basereiarsind the trades ATE eoents mre 'i His lawyer laid the case before Ju id vommenced-niy "4 a: Plain. Figures. One price for ail. | Chadasiek, whageseanooder, to Jet Hall Fitaittioe' and be caemen eer ed 'BOTTLING WAX. of these Goods in the uton bail of $800, by two br more parlies, ¥ ° P 7g, : F dactenthy to dum to go te his room, € A 2 BUNTING & Scott, py Sree wpe a -- ; a Prive oe sie bat he aiety cine ards renppencedi and| Ly Our Mixed F Pickling Spice. City is at the : Hie Goode Soacialiat ite haste ah EEA py ree a0 wee, ifanything, more boisterous than be- . ¥ Goods Specmitists, * poten nal < ~ fore, aim) came n-comtact with-ase Smiths d. H. N th & C . 0 - R NT . Peutunaias aan tee aa peer per gs bine on ouler. awd wiies 4 boarder at the same Hotel, who, fn try asmy 0. YELL W. F 0 ' IDINGTON'S BLOCK, Market-St. | consulting Binet sate : 7 'ing to defend himself, cut Bishop's nose. | 3 Ontario $t, Telephone. Nig bt Bell, ; | ceguaniad the facts Pree y ii we dun, sd ' d a ; = Bishop was again taken awe Baa er ciiond Bonk ao ibes G t Chi th BIRTHS. i m j _| hin tea, after which he attacked John ala ta Trea 0 mg ARRRY Je Pala ra - Anzust 2th, the | Pare spices ~Y one Kling, at J. df. Na Burke, aG. T. R. brakeman, by whom, it |! wite of Conscillat 1_C. Eenzx, of sen. jamyth& Co,'s, 63 Ontario street, : : : ' NAHRGADG--In Palmerston, Avg. 20th, - is said, hegras-knockeddewa-- pre i a of pst y s tis cid tat ang aan ---- - If you have a chain, watch, or Ioeket | and as he did not make any attempt to}. LOO K O UT ! House, of Stratfor * RYM ge 3 ir aa FM gust Zith, the | that is worthless on account of it being | get up, some one tried to lift him ry se a evar By wee', of tohe gone. yrasa, get it plated in either gold or silver, | 1t was 'discovered that he was dead. -- FOR -- GRIEY hen fermbank, eg neg ole } whic h will make it took equal to new and | oner Fraser was ance, and he fe TO LTON BROS, trins:-sonan chter. Will jast bet new 7 atructed Chief Samia, to DESCR I PTION . BU RNHAL-- As seo wd, on the 2eh ult, the | goods. Will guarantee work to be strictly | make an ap The deceased was " vewhex--at Mecho 2 Sak ie the wife | frst class and give satisfaction as to ay uality | identified as a man who had at various times ot ames Verner, af ay . jand quantity of metal put on. M. | applied at the Police Station for lodgings And TER MS courER i Stratford, on he S70 Zth uit. the wife i Bevrres, Electro-plater, pisting rooms | during last winter, andon searching his Matrew er, RASSET._In List elon the 1 Isth wlt.. the wite of | | opposite Windsor hotel, Stratford clothing a book Pisa sia shomngtd=9 . ga & 2 ote Bottling war-and-ccrks for jars atJ.H. written the following joer Nice sone In Etma, om the mo toth ult., the wife of Mr. | Nasmyth's & Co.'s this book ag . am dead please write to 2% Mare, Rabi db, 5 | ow es ---- oenmnmenee sons Mr. Haonliffe, yndon, Eng., and tell him O d Ann si In n Wallace. o@ pe phen holt the ete Iam dead x. am his nephew." The in- ur 2n ual SCHINBEIN --In_ Listow 28th ult, the | quest will be held at 10 30 a, m, to-morrow aK ot Jobe Schinbein, of a daughter, | morning. . * : UMKA--In eh, on.the oth ult, the wite | eS S 1P ot W er. . wwiaa aera vie we! FOR OLD PEOPLE) |, earn |Special Prizes v. Thos. ofa ds of the beneficial qualities of Bardock $ SEEBGACH--In Fallarton, on 24th ult, the Blood Bitters is found in the thousands of _ Seebach, of a A ed by FOR -- ny HG 3--In --_ aeeeent ult... the wife In old -- ol } authentic sotmenin. -- belag E of Mr. Oliver 'es, of a son. pervons | roprietors. e origh etters being in : . Ow tbe site of Me hues Chaleagr, tore tht mast bestengthened, | their possession, they can tarnish proof | 3 TT? TD A} Ee. mate 4 sie ern One of the most i positive as to their genuineness at any ; pies rs of siti ei emg time. -- - MARRIAGES. t Sein SHE LARK WOT: 'Y--COPPIN--At Sanit Ste. Marie, 0 = "The variows pala pains, rhea- athe AGES AKD CONDITIONS of ' pole age Sg or ag ig ich old people oem | in with great benekt, | TPS patton Weekly Times" M " ed ys ch a 7 it cat At, Sens, sheet daughter ofJ.'8 : ope Gitar | J*rY and with great beng y iimes, a From Manitoba. < aia rg oem eas Port the by the Father Dixon, **T have been cured of chronic diarrhua Sept,- 19th, "88. re ot the bride, pe. End. Roath, of Stratford, t by the use of Dr. Fowler's Extract of ; 7 welt Heat EE Ne bottin of of and am now eatcey tee |B Magnificent G Sth inst., Mr. sign, of Lt of Walkerton, to from the disease. William McLaren, RADSHAW & Cco.. se SEE Ae aes ote emesis Meme "Furniture Dealers and facturers' Actual trig mother onthe hint by thy Be Mata cabal posi woe bo eopstied|- nah G 5. , of Milverton. with all the the text books they poo Races Son pit ertakers, eae ae oes ee cee on at J. H. Dufton's, first door west ie. Cost in-law of the bride, by the Rev. Mr. Nugent, post oflice. He always gives the best | Corner Ontario and Church sts., M . John Knott, miller, of Palmerston, to Mrs value in school supplies. Opposite Court House. cocina DEATHS. 'NFW ADVERTISEMENTS. Stratford, Sept. 4th, 1883 |Our Custom 'g sete oo - Stratford, Se ber Ird. Anni 7 2 pe ene famaiel wi) MRS. R. SMITH 60 owt I kare bra an Wotneeday, Sth toot, at @ AS VACANCIES FOR TWO PUPILS for the ABIES. 60 from 2te 4 0 Sse mee Charan, ikeasn te de aye and Touran sand tor ONE OksaN PUP Two BIG CROWDS STRUGGLING FOR SHE ADAIR--In the Gore of Downie, on Sanday, 2nd (pipe) on Friday mo = , at herown residence, wife of Matihes _ Stratford, Sept. Sth, rss. . 80- Ps ' BARGAINS Adair, aged 72 years. Sate gnainanaisine mao S l Pp ls WELSH --At Stratford, on st ult, Joha p Cs GIRLS! ecial Frizes , --__--_-- , aged le day -_-- . . Cl saa a mo 7 ee Silks selling at Actual Cost Pri et Pat iw FLocsesenvasts Goons, ant omwemat| The Undersigned offers two| DY@8S s se at Actual Cost Price. s ¥ mon: 7" . ee * ° . - OrCRA Sig Reng age ee eeageerf po an a Mas, BOWKER, Spectal Prizes for the best Six CALE--In Stratford. on Aug. Sst, Alfred R. Cale, No. 612, Yonge St., Toronto. = : oat Thome Cale ner 2 a sep 2,1. ln ora oaves of Home Made Bread\ mca in gtr, Jee Devin, red of rears shown at the next Stratford = eee joan? sete tl 2 dare as WILLIAM EASSON | Exhibition. To the one re- ii: . ROBB--AL = 28th, Geraldine iL the (ad Coast ineuoe mad a ee a 5 ' Oliver, youngeat of J. C. Row, Ean : Ora us snd Jail, vie. cetving Ist prize, a Sideboard, Duck selling at actual cost price. ~Parasols selling at actual cost=price.- --_ Patronizing the -- SALTED OIE Tolton- Bros.,