Stratford Times, 26 Sep 1888, p. 1

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a a idioma getnn -¥OL.. XuIL. . ity 2 Lora 'tems. The finest spices ioe pickling, at FE. J. 'Johns' drug store, Market Square. While picking a ples one day Inately Mr. Whiles, of St, Marys,-feil from a tree across fence and broke three or four of his ri bs. ; eh Rel ward recently lectured in and the people of the stone the "aoe that the Tay, an Bt To8n are of tleman 4 Mr. George Graber, a graduate of the short -- ee nent of the om an College. is now vate secretary for 5 bc Mightod: manaeer ot the Empire. Major White, of St. M t. Marys, has organ. AND ¢ COUNTS OF PHERTEL GAZETTE. saseenenaesnats City Local Aews. We take pleasure in csiling attention to the card in today's isaue of Miss Grace Mackenzie, as teacher of vocal music. This' lady has been studying under Mrs Moore, of London, for: several-yeare, -- has also taken a course of lessons . sig reading (staff-noration) from H. Holt, of Boston, er reputation as a local singer is high in Stratford, "she --_ sung at all leading concerts last season ant w ith & particular waceesw at the" tarye concert in the skating rink, Miss M. 1 also not "qithent some experience aa & trainer of the voice, aa for 'the past two years she has taught a class of pris ate pu pils in St Marya, and, to judge from the i i as ' ator Ek PRR. Oe eee STRATFORD, onr.. WEDNESDAY, SEETEMBER 2G.. 1888, : City Hocal Lews. House- Breakers, futenie wo boys were arrested in this city on Monday morning last in possession « of an intumerable variety of stolen goods, such as revolvers, knives, ete. One of them is named Thomas Conbolly, and worka for Dr. f, Fraser, as office boy. The other is 4 Mie key Merkins, who * ated it" with Tom, aud sometines stayedia ~ dr.'s office' at night with him. It app they have-carried on «systematic ine rat vilfering from stores in the neighborhood | es some time, ond with little chances of detection, had it hot been that the Doctor and, on going to" his ottic se, surprised the was out on an early call Mouday morning, i on Saturday morning last Police Magis: trate O'Loane gave his decision in the case of Mrs. E. Collins against W. B. Wilson, assault, as reported in tast week's Times. | The Mazistrate said that Wilson y of assault in acting as he I torti' Ss Warrant into «ugstion he bad no right to act as he did t oward the com- plainant; but ashe had not injared the woman beyond taking hold of her and | eer her out gt the house, he would way or the other, aud who probably cared a> little for the man they voted for as they did for their votes, found a mint of money in the cracks of the Reyal hotel | stables, Chatham. All that dubious voters to do was to waik.up. to the orack-ia the wall and with ancovered heads repeat these-tines;-"*-f-know- Pra needy sinner, I have done things I ought not to have done, and left undone the things I cught to have done, bat if I get an extra Vad) I'it-write Reform on my banner." Hundreds got the extra V. and ; NO. 664. = lek eee "WARNING TO SELF-MADE | THE GOOSE THAT LAID -- The Whitechapel Murders. ; BY SCTORS. - salaiearcvonah pam. | ACRAZY DWARF CALLED " LEATHER arkow ". B. WiLSon pisap 5 axp cosra von | Daring the lest Dominion election| TH* ALLEGED ArTMON.--Aa WEIRD axy ASSAULIING A. WOMAN. voters who were esi! rned either. one MOKRID TALE, The late turdere-in in Whitechapel, On! aden, bave ibed in t cable despatcher, The tale transcends anythi ing known in the annalg of the horrible. It_is Poe's ** Marder of Morgue "-anc "The Mystery of Marie Roget" rolled It 1s rothing tess than a midnight mur derer, whose step is noiseless, whose strik« is deadly, and whose canning is eo great that be leaves no trace whatever of bia work aud ho clew to his i arrest - ceo sdae them in aritt Three eines: a cweek © o the grounds in front of the old achool in that prprie sete she Can be térined a success asa taacher. pone at each "ether, @ a 7% banditt fashion. Oa bei ving arrested, they disgorged sail t warping. go Mins Burk -- 3 lared" aie ith pay Wilson's fine and costs, conse unently \Wileon will not feel the pusosel seerer "Be "dere was a man's mind." si. ¥ tevtreternrenr-thetr like the negro in the fable, heap of trouble on de ole Thess wecea wens 2 nated aieicee on a He tusbeex - in the olty for three months. When the rouriheas. ae fee Mary. s eh, oscil helh Neat Sanday, the formal sow of Hope -Kieo's jubilee. 14 the day, set _the- Holy Father for the price Reem . Slats in ali Catholie churches of orld. for the souls of the departed. The household effects of Mr: Hoperaft, Nelson St.,-will come..under_the hammer of Auctingeer DK. McPherson next Fri- As there will be no reserve be expected. Dd. R. MePiiersonh auctionser advertiaes fot sats in. to-day Limzs a vary caluahis property on Brunswick Street near the market. As the price is away down the first applicant cannot fail to eectre a bar- ain s stated on reliable authority that B ishop Walsh, of spa ol will have the option of accepting or declining the __ Archbishopric of Toronto, oth pe: lates and people would be gla ad to see him ap pointed to the position. Measrs..J. Salkéld and W. of Downie, shipped four car apples to Brandon last Thursday. were nearly ali fal! apples of the Pippy, greenings and jennat ia variety Toy |b were in splendid condition when rhippe ' Mr, Salkeld went with the fruit to sde that it was safely delivered. Messrs. Jones & Harkness are mannfac- turing some splendid cider and app le but: oer-at reag- yt "gtd ! Dunamore, kk rads of g ~The walls the pew are Rew. cum <f. peat sted and Mr. RK. Ka vscn and his mea are on theo nood, The building See very creat improvement on the old hotel that was destroyed by fire last winters [Mr. Passon is a son of The Birtle me errer Baye: te our respect ted townsman, Mr. Wm. sson.---Ep, 'Fives. Mr Lean, of Mansfield, Ohio, formerty oft Nivatford, is spending « few days here, on business aod pleasure coms bined. Mr. Lean has very little sympathy with'the American: polities! wire-pallery in their anti\Cansda Hetaliation policy He anticipates a close contest the Presidency. The building fund "al the new Ssptist church 'in this city, is richer by $100 since Mr, Lean's visit Messrs. J. G. Strong s& Son, of Cheap, "ide, Ontario-st., sign of the Golaen Uni- corn, are to the 'va with one of the best. -mtocks of general dry goods.ever shown in Stratford Their millinery opening takes, lace about the Ist prox.; when 9 cor dial! lavitation i is extended the public to call and inspect goods. The menses will try and, outdo ail com: at the same = (py en fuil wales eed tehasers' money. The Sault Ste. Marie Azpress of Sept, On Mond. Miss Jenn ilson were performed at Marchbank, ap of the bride's father, our citizen, Captain Joseph Wilson. The young couple stole a, as a one knew heir about the ceremony was over. until 'The bride was attended by Misa Benen of Galt, Rinberwoots Saad Stra gia Ont. The Penhorwood and Mr. w "Pushell was performed Rev. E. B. Rodgers. a cas couple ve the nent wishes of * one ae F. Moore, seatiegil editor of the London 7ime: and editor of a ages Messenger, was in this city weék,, He has been over the North- West and byes Cipal fale and is -_ attending th s in Canada »wellve the 5 arpose of" nao reliable i the seeeien ata, M.P. ¥., i goes Boe: M Ww. f the ley, tr. Gray, for the corpere ie of ectiiig ile cheese, which took the diploma st the adestrial Fair. Mr. Moore was high! y Pleased. es whet 2». bee +H a+ m" advt. appears in to-day "1 Tomes a are live pushing business men. They started in Stratford less than « year ago by purchas: ing the stock of T. ©. Chrisholm & Co., which they ran off at- tess than wholesale pe giving their ctistomers the benetit he low rate on the dollar at which ee had bought the gowls. Having been successful _ip their first. adventure they made arrangements with a number of the teat manufacturers. to #apply them with. stirect jew for 'cash, thus saving the protita of middfemen and large discounts, would advise those who eg to secure first clase 5 om at low: prices to call'on Messe, Grose Bros. & Hoffman, of the Red Front ond and shoe store. Lacrosse Match, A large and enthusiastic crowd witnes- ged the lacrosse match between Seaforth as and Stratford's cbube, at the Agricultural grounds, in this city last. Wierlnesday aftérnoon., t was a close and exciting mate b throughout, costiiting i two go. alsfor each club, and a: draw on the fith game. No doubt both teams play a strong game, at the home boys claim that their opp: m- oats had two membere of the * Ontari« 8, of Toronto, on their side, and Gh account of this fact the Stratford ¢ nia has po bese ted the result as a + cmealog he | eed he otis tore A. gaye a novel account "of their wale of operation on the stores they had been inte: hey ior to having taken articles from Messrs, W. & F, Workman's, W. Prest's (10. po store), J HH. Dufton's, and Dalton's Fair, the entrance to the different places having been ingeniously etfected, 0 much ¢o, that their presence would not have been suspected bat for the missing o the goods, 'They got their ideas from the evil influences of reading dime novels, They will bec tried ari at next asaizes. (Pom rannicated. } Seuday in "The Silent City." What (ueen's rk Toronto, Dandarn perk to Hamilton, G erfield park to Chica Avondale cemetery is to Stratford, that is, in peaceful be pauty, One w oul i naturally suppose that it would be the last place in the world: where lovers whatever you might call. them, would desire to~bilh and , and especially in day time, whea hundreds of visitors, deep mourners, parsing aud re-passiny every hour of the day. It has come toa pretty pass, indeed, when peo- ple who bave departed friends slumbering beneath the sod ta this silent ectiy, cannot go there toweep over the graves of their joved ones without having their finer serptivilitica weunded hy the sportixed sand coarser laughter of the thoughtless dang chtera ta juinin ve_chorus who sil} say that his cup of happine ss is not full, almost to overtiowing? 'Tue ratulatea Mr. an bo ntiful suppiy of house thold treasures at pas blessed their union, and the fact alive and well--even the zest to cur congratulations, tirm believers in that. short text we have "Gy couples like our Mitchell friends can proudly point to thirteen olive branches, and prospects good for--well, we won't say how many more ! Ancient Crder of' Foresters, The annual report of this Order for the world, has n recen xl ssued, The history covers o 500 pages, cat and gives the oe among its figures : 4 ~At the end of 1887 Order = 294 districta, 5,123 Court, 686,127 bene a and -16,420 honorary members ; the i crease in the twelve month being 191 Courts, 18,557 benefit 770 honorary members. Daring the breif 56,845 benefit members were admitted, 30,680 left the Order, 6,890 members and 4,624 members' wives and widows died during the _-- The financial condition and the adult society for 1887 wilt be pnblish- ed laterer ; but at ber, 1886, the nuited---funds--amounted "to £3,850;000. The juvenile societies are very ve, progressi the number at the 3ist of December, 1847, being 1,248, iy 72,507 a with it nay, it can 'hemtle states, that th "| young men and he, heedless young: girls neither-tox much fere nor courtesy Fhows [who » have » gone the ere to make a "mash" or -betaaes- entainlie wo palin. -- bast Suntay the sights) meyer' ean irtine, my, Ieee "italiee Vivier Tar' Piunily., etc,, were disgusting in the =a At Mr._W.. Dar ot..the-Mitehell the cast. and. at, ee # grevp-of Mi oom, ea ae barsent fee Par Peeverat young fetows a orgie cere is- She Viirtecath time he sings that expressive.2 rting 'themaclves like festive mermaids and welf satisfying song "Tis nice to be a | SPH the grass. The girls in some cases 1 With eleven sons and two} "eve leaning agsinst "tombstones, while their William Henrys. placed their raven locks in the laps of their ducklings, and in these positions they spooned and touched lips and-bugged' Girls that could se far forget what maidenly niodesty is aa to make 'sach exhibitions of themsélves " these girls did, not only last Sanday, Sabbath after" Sabbath, ehoukl be Sadler the watchful eye of their mothers, who, they knew of the actions of their daugh- ters, would take care to see there was not « repetition of such poser dug-spooning. The young men who were parties h scenes are "not of the class of young men_ that discreet mothers would care about ei to pay at- tention to-their daughter. 2 sey parts of the cemetery wanes of this kind were witnessed. In one case it was really surprising" to see one of these festive buffoons lolly-poy ping ~~ Annem A a girl before nearly. a dozen cemetery. lie did it with "oe sang | wel of one the old stage masters of Drury Lane, while the girl appeared as non- chalant .and. unconcerned as if she Were partaking of ove of Case's milk shakes, This sort of thing lasts nearly all been innumerable = F tibed, it is about time that an effort was made to put a stop .o such scenes that awaken in the minds of all who chance to go to the cemetery for an ------ stroll or ora -- to the grave of ééling of dis- phe mec od Mathers: 'Took after your daughters ; teach them to be modest, teach them to be womanly, teach them to admire manly young men, teach them not ot alter which yg ees acta tnaph gp eetagy well of friends. ae slipper of tion after the happy couple.--Seaforth Sun, 1 jth inst. sr THE STRATFORD TIMES Ba Bist Bocember, 1889, te any or the United States fe ONE DOLLAR, cash, advance. ss the singing of Old Hundred, in which the - ite cra, £36, vita of funds te incsenne of tn your to 'flirt, teach them not to, " mash," teach | cagregatiba joined with a heartiness:and_| tbe ee"Rarmming thes | eit. When 2 repress tees ee a -- -- 1S.161 mem, | teach them to keep young mon in dheir pew seldom eard inside the walls of St. | Grenier became frightened oe down. inte the--whicigosl. Aller Seip Sissiteed, -- 4,679 members were Pisce, teach a oe sites je ecg 7S aa vend 7 into the pool it made sme one plete ci hos, transferred to the paren and teach them in ' Retest " Order. cesdiees gh ig geo years unborn generations will rise upand| --So "Bob" White has received the shore where it was secured. Percy was at £26,399, and the paymeats amounted to | °*!! you blessed. -- nee we Sage yi Cardwell nomination after all. It is some- a Cole Hiceden eicauech this point none the worse of iis trip, and aoa . RS ane -- pay mpannene fading alia cir ivan bet not | wats ® good thing to have had a father. | srrcnet or aN AGED MAN AT STRATHROY. ae mp er gn on hour. Jest buiseit E'S tavcaraannet' tan tame iraaniorea Ce siddy, slangy, bold, cheeky, '* mash wen ghee vee Lint eeinee S Strathroy, Sept. 23--One of the most | Lewiston through the lower rapids, which to Bournemouth, England, for the eusuing | ™& . "Some of them may get tom before above, we have come to the ion that | heartless, cold-blooded murders ever rad! = tha leer --_ ae ee they have any ides of it, if they are abreast Se oc Sigg raga trated in this section on ro Te ee Mn tiene bee From the Island of Cuba, ¥ very carefu Stratford = digi! Heng the Spectator 13, con. 3, Adelaide, jutted with nts in the lower Mr. Alexander H. Wright (son of Mr. | "i do well to make ot ge om and see if rieh White will make the Grits cal terday. J Robinson, a - | rapids his boat struck on a flat rock. James Wright, of Shakespeare ward, this | there is not more truth than fiction im] 4 gr from France, Messrs, Guibord | {0° 73 7eare, of age. was his | Percy, in order to get is boat off, got out ty), wh on ns visit a short | What the writer has had to say upon this 7; 3 throat out almost oar 0 eet: Tee on top to shove it off. No sooner he city), y a hie Gome in the Island of | @2pleasant matter. ja the interests of | © Vincent, is ahout establishing a brass | jugular and pear marae severed, both the- beat oxtiieated thane 6 vase to ae an interesting account of a | %<iety, and on behal: foundry at the corner of Barclay and | #rms broken and the sk bavieg | struck it and be asd the boat were preci- ceeeme Bich nehnveea then ntly, ina | We have soonsied the neta t warning. Will | Netre Dame streets, Montreal. They ex rryrmieca canine ai Wane pitated into the rapide. The large waves letter to Mrs. Wright, who is now in it be heeded ? pect fo lay out some $150,000 in machin- prin aa sie thge y struck tossed him hithér and thither for about « Stratford. -- Writing from: ¥ bion, apd aod will. employ-about- 75-49 ae ack ar tbe ld men mile, at times knocking bim partly uncon: - enor begun ger onpa nertyteosiiparrreen An exchange says "Two sisters another evidence of how the a Be ae fli found lying. oa the | 501006, and most of the time he was cub ith other private news matters, | named. O'Connor,. residing mear-Kildysait,} eens protection and * : merged. Then he reached calm water the roe Sea ea information; ** It a " mata near Lewiston. ..His. crises for help inidat for at Ireland, -have iene penalty: brought several boats out to his rescue. won Mi Ee i sg ater count of being boy Strange 'Master Workman Powderley, we Lindss: ee ae Sta hank exhausted and was un- --the}toinporal cyclone. It was-on the 4th | Creatures' Moat of the girls that we | ever that means, is credited with the | itty, sfter being swort, hed pot bees | Sble to speak. He became delirious short- ie to-get bad- about 1 o'clocs know. would be only too glad to have a statement in a speech at Lynn, recently, oe ines: the 18th inst. aor he ly after his rescue, but is now apparently p.m, and between 5 and 6 it was some boy caught. that $500,000,000. yearly is spent upon | was observed ing to . ; having Se rere, ota isa ee E. deastn.__Ruacytileg eos greatest {> -- Now that Sol. White has com# out-un- drink by oe ---- told bi bestion who tived close: by,. thas amen 2 place . country, J 7 i see a damage tent tenn. sane bathe cons at deniably "for annexation, we . ea liquor this side of the pacers TA "5, _party ACmars or Accroasrs.--Ou Saturday the buildings Th wer went pleased to hear something" from our Tory | ocean would' foot up that On Saturday a girl opéned the back | evening Mr. Abraham Johnston, a prom- pieces, and there is 5 feet of molasses to | friends-on the subject of loyalty, the old | Workman Powderley in somewhat of & door; which was locked with the key out- | inent farmer near Walkerton, was idriving set 7 hiowe oe raereg rap = "thag; of something of a cognate nature, It | **etcher : : side, and found him as stated, lien the | home Peperepemr te 2 a Pan front 5 the nd ere 'blown down, I would eg up the pcom, like.--Lendon | --An ex asys that at a social -- essere a or om rere en ane mone Bee nee cya went ino the orchard this morning and | Adee. 1 were m the boot ct SS ag SS EN Le a TE nr Scenic wiih wes towingo seas vantage art pearaey fp ee . 'a ee a * x aes tonite: trees. ove .damaged.;.alec-saveral kerr ar musket." Pull) 2 ate recently. Tne plates. wers ¢ 4} Rabin ated tis: ether: neve: set ee aie the orange and sores tren rah ah a fiers ages hapdles, the of the knives and Trelve gears ago they made-over their 50- ae a. few bours, A man Ne : hen '--A few idiots of Toronto have induced } forks were the same. , acre farm to Wm. , Who agreed | named Coulter, who came a caasheaiet. At were 40 | 8n equally idiotic number of Toronto's edto state that the table cover was a ee as ooh ee sn pli agen an Lp rasa bodies up in the bay. Chimneys | blue bloods to get up a society blue pec Soar wee eile dng ery Higad Love boas ising alone bn separate houses. | the noise of the same machine, and « lady ot abate call pootireey as ° ce = '| miniature coffin. Several corpace were on | Great excitement prevails in the neighbor- named Miss Reid, of Wardsville, had her ee ee ee ee but no | The book will "doubtlessly be interesting, | the table, and an ample supply of enor graced gegen wly-tacgrs Pomerat 5 arm broken. tay The big Algarcba ' and, like the stock book, we presume, it accubepeergt tartan: Poel ace and each | great crowds. No clue has yet been ff Wee Mow Yok Meshes Ward w- era tas kant te teat bake Tom -- For in grave had 32 tom Thore that | but it is hoped the inquest may develop} - yew A ee ce and tt be jest st-well that you:wore not be ape Aoangy oA iti, | a8 Tead this without-shuddering are in « reatanp Raga -- perpe- say tolgartige al ay ee here, for you would have remembered this { the aqcent 'onthe **y," Would read os] @formol mind for matrimony. - | tyators may be brought bo Jnsties. fit S. . Aad tate, Ce counties es a. 'wtorm as iong-xe you fived. -- Thiere-smbit }tolows : Sire, Je pork-packer 'The ancient Egyptians believed thet} ~ 110° 5; Marys Journal - shame e sen pmaned, te Cones ie have been a great many lives lost atsea: Ij by dam Sally Haw pot. there somewhere in the west « tall The "St. "Marys Journat denne ion journal, h has s true conception of ' jutt-rentt-of the 'te of = Spani Senith, | tedder which t straight ap from earth old statue which haa never beea enforced. the true, 5 ee et ae gum boat. The. in the barometer | picker: grand-dam, Betsy Jénes, camp- | t» heaven. Gods and goddesses watched | This must be @ very statue, pro- to ejatulats ee was down to 28 45/100, feet, which is{fol'cwer, and so on, and co forth, ad | it dey and nightand no one was allowed | bably the work of -one of the old | *'dorg p> betas a bay -something wonderful," wernsenat, * to go neéarfit unless be knew the pass-word. masters, : the moon than live in such « country. , : 2 one 3 ; = 3S 5 i i F a 4 be sent from-this-date to! + mentin his most sensitive part, viz, his ket! Probably that aiso accounted for the small fine inflicted. The public > curious to know what next dirty the "Stratford-Inzersoil * ex-c chie f will be mixed in. HARVEST HOME SERVICES. APPROPRIATE SZ RMONS DELIVERED try ¥ 'euyY REV. DEAN INNTS, OF LON TON, "Sanday being he day day set apart by St. James' Church for the harvest home ser- decorated with the-fruita of the garden and orchard, commingled with a profuse supply of dead grasses and grain in all their variegated colors, which lent a pleas- ing aspect to the eye, and relieved the 'sombre shades of the terra cotta walts. The tine tic arches at the entrance to the charch were made of "edd "grasses, sratenety ts orated with the products of the fields and woods. Upon tho table of the chance! was a sheaf ot 'wheat, e:bed- ded in a bank of foliage, while at each side were vases full of beautiful flowers. The pulpit was beantifally decorated with handsome bouquets, which, as the clare of the gas jet fell apon them, made a picture that no decal has iad eeen able to portray. -- ot flowers and spice from time to time, | "tke airs that breathe from * Parmiiys a hippo ane ole The nent or se sisea" a h have never had their church more becoming ly slecorated- than they tout last + » Vains, "noe tiste Were not rpared to make © very- the ae attractive as 'warran- ted, Th e fruits vied with the beautifally- shaped and variegated flowers and foliage for admiration... And, indeed, --it-would require a critic in fine arts, which Tue Times is not, to decide which was the mest attractive, The truits were -rich, luscious, and the flowers lovely. Ag the beautiful strains of the organ peeled forth- in yin, '* Come, yo tharkfal pres oe 'Thou me of that which I and poi ean have ; which I ver find." The choir's rendition *. Oe various admirable. Clarence ms was W.You: , aschoir mast:r, Peli all the nis preached from St. Matthews' Gospel, et, ae Nereis "Consider the lilliesof the field how they thy eater they ep and yet "2 say his xlory was not arrayed Sinal-aun of Shean His sermon roaghout --_ Pah and truthful exposition of ne bao erlying "iE filled, "Bean hints sce princi- the Sinko a of "the Chris. "he even the church was every a available Seat being | Séchipied the pulpit, and deli- sermon vered a thorou: from Leaih, He spoke for three-quarters ofan hour, The service was concluded by weed sy Paul to} : soy ow f got-into the'ecrack in the wall with such reguiarity. Ifthey waited five minutes atthe crack in the wall, or twenty, they could tind, metaphorically apes golden egg. But another medistely steppe ints the Lace of the ore who had just receiy en ezg, ont atraightway the egg toa bled into hand. Now this sort of things he the old fellows wonder how the egg got in there without hands: It was a miracle te: the--obt boys: who: had seen the faitern dodge, 'the envelope racket, and the loan scheme. But this knocked the wind out of anything they had ever heatd tell of They talked over the matter antil it finally leaked out ames MeGolrick, who left Chatham a' short time atter to take charge of the Royal hotel, Serattord, ew more about the goose that laid the golden ge than any one else in Chatham, Mr cGolrick's presence was required in Chatham at an elestion trial ot Mr. A. Campbelf; the to be bribery. MoGolrick got wind of it, and that the copa were after him, so he went over to join the grand army of Canadian ly» ong Scott lecturers, ete., n the United States for a few inonths to give the matter time over. When he thought that the coast was_ clear, he turned vu to Stratford, shortly * ae turn -hathaus an mercantile basiness. fast engaged in the aC the fall asrizes ; acer trie tite tie) the eds, ud ls Other words Jas. MeGolrick, charged wit! h giving Jinac 5.2. bribe, at the last was tried and foan ty ouilty "Botlin 'swore, that...oa, election ay he asked defendant if there was any money going, and MeGJlrick said he ould see, Shortly afterwards he says Met Folrick pointed out $2 stuifet in a crack in the stail in the stable, No evidence was offered for the defence. Sentence has been deferred until next week. This is not the end of the goose that laid thé olden Why don't the racon explain this *basiness. It is always talking shout frozen whiskey, but it don't aay» word about * cracks in the stabil. !" § A Wife's Don! ble Crime. Ottawa, Sept, 1a aah horrible case " ng is reported to-have occurred tS nus of Lake Scnlsomtares, a unday last, which. resulted in the death of a man named Boivin and his 49 and 36 years reapectivoly. Boivin has been anxious to -- of her opportunity urred. on Sanday, when the man cotiplained. of feel- --< unwell. His wife suggested « dose of salts, but instead of Beg prepared Pe of strychnine. He was. suspicious ot the mixture and refused to take it, ga to satisfy his scruples the woman took spoonful herself, which induced him to take the full dose. The made the mistake in her own case of miscaiculating the strength of the poison, ngs Sage ed leas that a spoonful wouldn't hurt her. When a man named Grenier called shortly eut into "abe was cemteodn st it tr came evident that the murder was the work of the same hand that committed the two er killed in the street -- en one and three o'clock ia the moi , and all were mutii ated in the saine > fendish acd peculiar way. Thedetectives have had under sus picton a man whom they believed to be guilty of ail-three crimes: 'fre man is called « ¥ He isa Dickens' He is "kaows lita by other name. character Letween " ry Baboon." short and stunted, and thick set. He bras small, wicked black aod, is halt crazy He Is always hanging about the deep shadows that fill the intricate net work of the courts, passages and alley ways ot W hites bapel. He does not walk, bat always moves on a sharp, queer run, anf Hever makes any noise with his feet In addition to the three women be is be lieved to have murdered, he hay scared « hundred more of them nearly to death. Every street-walker in Whitechapel has her own story to tell of him, He lives by - 7 bing them late at night, and has kitked, cutfed or knicked down a score of them iz His usual lodging eyes, He has left t i there now, hoses er, "ant" "HoDATS" "knows where he 1 suspected of having committed three mrerdens from the tact that he has oe ee yalrawn-3- on woman; panied by the same threats, ran va hibial carried out on the de ad women he story wall, who heard the seretnré Of the wotkn" an ahe was be inurdered, sa ta the etfuct that ahe was eitly running away from s me dy who was murdering her, and yet she could hear no other fvotsteps. The blood stains on the sidewalk imlicated the wime thing that the murderer, whoever he was, was noiseless in bis pursuit, and this «ality points directly to ** Leather Apron." He a slipper maker -by ae and ees his nick-name from the fact at he always wears a leather apron, re is exer. with out it, Uae pecaliar feature cane is that none of the police or ho appear to know him, he having always kept out of their sight, and are now gleaning information -oncerning him from women he has ied. AXOTILER YOUSG WOMAN MCRDERED, London, Sept: 23.--A young woman has been murdefed nent (tahaahe ad, exact ly afar _-- Whitechapel method. The vered this morning in the Percy's Perilous Trip. He PASSES TAROT THE WHIELTOOr narim AND {8 PRETIY WELL SHAKES Ur. Niagara Falls, ale Bept. 16.----Charies Alex. Perey, the whirlpool rapide navica- tor, made his secoad oorilens trip through is afternco2. Be omen ea wer TR OER,

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