cs, " ze iF "a : res Loritzh time to Bun, th market looking about tint. Iv Was crowdad He-was-jrvt -tast anew maues.sa--deli 1. =. pi i a Py AT THE DREAMLAND GATE. as Siu Chis paste. wend ee with all sorts of things: above ali he noticed cious that he Mnsery i ilingly have had the <a ; '2 A 4 AK Ve = Se Sarre Cir meme a oo Down po the winde ja in pence, dear child, ; Moaee seconds pamed before Prokoriteb much poultry, and everything seemed to may Auce turcen Papo with oid lace and ostriad f a : : ; B= 'The irs are circling over the sea : Openest his Sdrotesy eves; then he feita oid te him, "You have only to stoop dewn and feathers, wheu a-servant banded him the let "me 4 The Dreaintaud gate befare thee owings * shudder pass eves him. He bad a wort of belp yourself." The country people. however, te? He bad hardly taken itwhen de became fa IN -- a WIR tournur soft ey vey beo; 'wision that he was cartying on his business be nme a meng that our friend was extremely agitated. mE Row @iiter in. dear chi. eer fens, ner tat ket withiont a proper lic "wnee: but after a sharp © ix nenal and that he gontented "Why she wie Lany one send me this thing? Si sae bart shicmbd come tay Che look raid be saw that he had all thitpapers himeif w a lookimgz very hard at their be ctiel,t Ming all « No one under. in, #6 rt = ee the npr ingaeg $id dees --the blast, the yellow and toe green--sk rs _ Bbw db even dared te ilove wae at tw meant, but 'they all felt that te 4 Bes g et tie mee ; ra riefeal bx =j wal calling bin ' Niigat ag ri ignudovitel on finish the men! was impwible. Twill r et if a Loman senate Lint ound 1 ie RI, Mew : ' ToeS TR eae -a ~ : att fro: tal nea ee ea eet Et cated . "No; [ bare some nnheeard of tftp saig 0a tis ray myer orab! eday. Lwilbe n" ' "CAL Y.. AND. tt etic, Fear nit t- enter in ear ci ad fi nett hand fied, seers a ree dgney a ome, oh eee aldwuky g Re J . the oats 10s - i of clagpe bes "Ah. alt Rata the; "2's viet me morsah Lavets to himeelf, andl he went home etapty One thing that = 4 man, weak and feeble as 2 that I git rid of With so much difleutty be banded be seeriesd to be, bere bkew hero the mest And if in Drear: Ln a Mealy sence fore I tought miy licens; yea, it's thy, very, His wife was waiting for him, ealen Tati og, Uribe titan. ut as to yiying up the JOHN ON ABRAHAM S~ Restos buevetes he ike fu wait, JSiame. , moanwhile, the number of Gags, made «f wallet Mum of money, nothing could make Pome stragzh x tiearthy tuiy tales, Wi hea "te was sion om this point, be. tr bark, that bem! eR pie uh 2 thir do it, tek i acum WE te, 19 the conriion that hisrain Sil in: fr, we "What Tso dhe not remtter." he-aid L&RGE STOCK ° my be a iil tell my mother at the at a certain thing. Thi s is the argument. these out and br reanghe th ot bed ik : ful 1 of bi 3 to bi 8 Wil) io the moments of the mort aeute PA RLOR, Mary EL Wits kins in Wide Awabe. = he a ms ee amen rie ues --_ _-- her arm Iwi out i. oh node fast, anil if the site imaais in busiuess, thm pest falis upou @ snp wi, 1 perceiving this e_eeVerity © » ask for my * . THE LOST ( POSE WE XCE , bitin, there's or end of it Neo more business Lavets fot ber toes nt . *y aud darting cash bes, al --* bring it, my love. Let - : DRA W ING- ROOM, . : fer him." i fet!' However embarrassing a situa- -- * eiood wit re a fear hitherto unknoown to e" tuon insy be there is almist alw, ys some ; BED-ROOM, na bin, be began to tre anide and grow pale. etn home began Loveta, Way out ef it, and ene found in this ine ¥ Conseje: 22 hast, dont things went on as Comcience, awakened ip him, 'ott nured: , sare the bags? Hance. Brjotsii Ine reniembered an old DININ G-ROOM : before The , note ond thentzes spre altayy.. "Ne, ne: it wont do to gu on betting the "Tpia my conscience' -- re "peated Lov- promise he had made to give something toa And HALL crowded, men tre. ™ shout fbeir besincss as. es lesple make thomactves. shainerully cts. ; charitaite Sa eh enki aia eed stirred hy the ae & ehubitions, ays. if tipsy "Oh, very well, then, lor your conscience ¢ral _~ was a friemi of bis had the manag 4 & good thing ain Ta'theiy WAY cack mee Beside himself with terror, he cailed his teed you tili next market; 'lay. T have noth- me: Fime iiat slipped by "without tus, stragglet to be the flew tog. i wp. No! Wife, Aring Ivanowna, to his asistance. des to give you fordinaer,* Mme. Lowel 3 doing so, but now circumstance 4 pointed out one netivn! that ronething bad sl sy dis 2Afina Ivanovna ran to him: Gut ro sooner Ceclared, to him the mest convenient way ef fultiiling ' ited sth i ale wenn crvivantes . oh id sho pecognine the involuntary eequisitioa Lovets hang his head, for ha knew this was his obligation, Without délay be cautiously : ene Hate bad Obeid to mat joan orient to which he had no answ €r, ope | the cnrelope Which he had recy ae A ll = e will be T ' Some # people ever begat to Prag theme oe or. Ng efeitementy o He took off his uvercoat and Taamichately ey post, drew cut the inclosed With & pair © : . . mote . or Hip. Police! Boy. thief: his ideas changed entirely, © Conscience re eS ee ee with Prices | aver fF Oltered i in n Stradiord: ta Sis OL Gk totes for @ hu es, IM) sonii ea they walt pd ligiter ap. a ya es this le 'we thing?" s said Proketis. h tobima the wall, and Cs at once fe it light and it up carefuily, hanaineal benbiets il scald the a pare -- : os "i PP mea nei he: Haw Win had pase it cai to m freoond mere.like himeelf., Once morreit 'id. wish to help on this good work with ao w, the delisht « 07 end PIB L gy do ele. y woldering I Agha ewemed to him that nothing in the world contributio ' sriving, lying an: and slande Meanwhile by degrees the tavern filled with "wed 9» other people; that it was all his ing eg heme oye sty recy Je fics n Tt seemed aa Tf all the dificalties of iife had people, but Prokoriteb, instead. of serving below, The aptirnts for appropriating t bo genera! wien tecreanonet ester ~hrvatio wen done away with by niagic, Mea'did not bis customers with his usual good will, aston- by righ on) oeerything came back to factiin "ean iin _ . walk the common earth, they felt theniselyes bed them profoundly by not only refusing 28d consam. "> -- "It is a worth sir," bo lied "1 A armotanty------ ' : " curried along above ity "nothing ~affycted © to sel them any wine, but also hy pointing P F act, sir, rep n- him. veel Re ar a pe tet S| pend etl aca yabeinghishands, Here hinexcelleney topped in contasion, | ANG all kinds of Fancy Wood Work neatly a i . again to "Oh, quite 2 dang to these bappy: people who had fost cone drink. and he prompuy fied a Ine Pom qnie fo, Sour-emuelioncye-quite 90, oi eine md ihm tar te ncn hadaalegtinter i? ia, ee | Executed by Mr. DONALD McBETH.. sai ceed a sr aten Conscience had been there, visible be all very well--it would even be a good soi 'when 'is nae nore San wil by a oe "= Sa pariah pate patri- . » all eyes, a tedious hanger on, always de- thing for you; but your onl idea is t6 'take to himseif'to be two men. One, with financiers are an P . SenMAt tevutten son tns t oee ee y y ba -- team lg hat gon crap cn td ere A Stcre on North Side of Ontario 'St, Siratiordl one ae | ; place wa: empty. Many troublesome idexs Whole caskfuls, and then what happens? You lous: **. other, with it, timid and mod "Thanks! thanks!" 'said the general, "and cast of ai 'Shay wer's Office had disa) with it and particularly get drunk, they run you in, and « you: get Although he found himself pasar "by --hem! hem! Howeve ' va ce. oN that sealawouaees which attendsan inncr bundred lashes for yo". trouble. Consider, the best intentions he did not giveup his "Yes -- your veeelinnty, | Russians first, ] _. woo ae en ns p/, manitor. Now, rtothing was lett to hinder Y friends t 4 worth your while to me idea of going back to the market, "Per Russions oq! ~ in Trom floxtiey dowd tho stream of fife, throwers a psec yon waramge baps,"ho thought, "I may end by getting the - 'Well! well} Grid! goods God be with Pack +_ abl Sn N enjosing all pleasing tat caine. 40 *Yge-npon "a attipid fellow liso mie tuto tho bar- Detter of 1L" you Letter-Tablets, -- e C) ote wry. The children of thie . orld felt that gain!" But tho nearer he got to the --_ He After this Brjotski Sewrelberthan walked Ef had #haken of the last chain which "Wey, Paces, you must be mad!" said "faster his heart beat, and' the-mere-he felt homw, and by evening had quite ---- Tablets. and Pads of all Kinds , botind them; and it is needloss to say S11 his astonished customers impelled to show some kindhess to all Gane his past sufforings and was himself ag' + = ; that they hastened to enjoy their liberty. "That's not mca surprising, my friends, Poor people who worked in the rain and He went back to business at fm "aed Now came the opportunity of the violent, When one is sifforing from a misfortune such mud from morning to night to gain twospent the night in planning new banking I have just received a large shipment, direct from the m anfactiitors-- Nothing wax beard of but crime and robbery, - has befallen se," answered Prokoritch. copecks. He no longer thovght of taking transactions on a colosm) scale. J. C. BLAIR, Huntington, Pa--of Letter, Packet, "vote Account, and @ general ruin began, © for yourself the sort of license 1 have other people's property. On the contrary, The poor Conscieuve. lived like this for a Statemert and Biil Pads, of all kinds and Prices, from 3 cents , on Meanwhile the unfortunate Conseience lay Banton | and be showed them the Con. be sil es ag ae sey into muow ho} nog See and -- a a -- , ale d bruised and trodden wonder foot eo}, Setence which the drunkard bad thrust upon Tealized that i contained, p 3 money, she Was not wanted anyw - -eople'k only . way, every one kicking ft as he yy ae et anil > if any oneo? them would like bat hal mr" 'send, idea.was.to ont riot het . yatthies mm at i, 500. PADS. 1 ,000. rites they we sawn to have it. But as roon as they saw what it Here are fifteen copscks for you, any price, and at last, weary of this wander- " ? Ec ee Fr ae iil. as dope. sa vic et an peasant, gitiig bim.thesagnesing dew. tose | _See them in my Wi indow. Prive » them. They are wonderfully cheap. E; ; wots Elen' such a thing was allowed to lie in chimes respectful distance from it, and no "Why du you give it to me, simpletou!" -- possessor, @ ---- rh tradesman whose ui sacra wr eaerereriaaaiiie a <r GE Wes oa tated osetia bry acai ee tang pe Lee eon MUSIC_AND MUSIC BOOKS a oo cheers, dex trond day light: = eae Ties pene ficenss;-who-witt-bavetiees.. Pardon mio, fortoe love of God." ** Wh ro, you Serliealty torment 'me and rise . » Heaven knows that the pocr outcast might ! * repental Prokoriteh, getting angry, "May God forgive you, thou,"- thead'm eF{oot!" Tam-selling very low. : have iain there long enouzh, bat for a" But what is to become of you now?" his I this way ho went through the market, "What do you want. me to do with you, my | de ar Cc ouscie: acer" he answered; "you are --_ . MRT Asawa --ay Teter sisiag, sway oil Ms moncky ond when a ilnadiacion ae eee igbe-Preve or twenty Five -- shes trepeoretae ------ ererticka To PhS "he whet Fs eR eeEet <anialejonwes 9 TRC EEA a A AO POS All at once, be felt a sort of electric shoe : oSBind she a litue Russian baby and ae ae thronzh his whole being, He foottd gbhout BOF or to make the poor people intoxicated "T have certainly ht some Mnees," hes odio jodge me inhis pure heart. Perhaps the in- I h if > Vines eo Gar phuialir icp ik Spe tex Petes ie "im contusedty, srd felt nie "char teers od with Leauds, Therefore, what is left ta me said azain to arma "L bad better home, uocent would receive and cherish me; as he ave abo ut 990 T inces of IR ING 5 uc. Music, which I am sit wine wero cleating away from his brain, but to diet and io es poo pacer 4 ---- ape crew up Le might become vttached-to-me, 4412) Teelve: Pieces for 25 Cents, __ . : Little by little there camo hack to bien "Le is right," his customers said, laughing together all the pe tect by the way, and and take me with him into the world. Per- ee ae bitter Knowle 'ze of his real a at hin * . . giving them a meal," and he proceeded to de pe Sees ches iio," J H D U FTON, knowledge {rom which he had cecapod atthe "leven kare an idea, continucd Proko- 34 he had said. Ho picked up nunibers of o trad did as she wis "i ° price of drowping: all his energies in drink, Titeh, "that 1 should like to break ali the beggars on the road, and brought thém into found a little Russian child and Spree aay CITY BOOK STORE, No, J OLD ALBION ak 'At fires he felt' "nothing bat fear; thet bottles you.sco: round you-and let the con his courtyard. At tho sight of them Mme. science into hés pure heart. As_ the "thikd --- a P utreasoning fear which sometimes seizes g tents of the ca-ks ran huto the aes xt canal, to Lovets held up ber fads i8 horror, "asking grows up io ad will" grow we him; a "Snan when ke is gis eware thet rome get rid of the temptation to d what ke would do next, Lovets came up to-ond day be w a great man with a great datger tlentens him Then kis memory: Here Arina Ivanovaa tenbe § in with the, ber and said in a caressing tone conscience. te chat lay all falsehood, crime nwoke>then bis imagination eran to speak, simplest words: "Just ot thess good people I have brought and violence will disappear, for Couscience, Froat ca ueeeseeret the'sh: Feed PRA A BEER AT AT OIE VER IOVE CLI nt eae -- SSRs Se MASE Think Keres: ~ Only one thing left for me to dos that a tot . die. Ino longer wish to deceive my neigh- he becaine very tho might be able to sell it for a glass of bra: sbaaetat nae "Just try oue or two and sec. Raratet: you, my little Theodosia, Feed them, for grown bolder, will speak and be. obeyed:-- itikss meins?y recalled brery c sane vio. it was evident, had not been yas by the the love of 'Gou™ But ke had hardly bad bad (Translated from the Russian of Chtchedrine padi lonce, treachery abd injustice cf which be 'ivine gift which had so suddenly jucennes time to hang his coat upon the peg whex ke by Edward O'Firell.)--New York Press, rs : had_been guilty, overtthing that maste4 the upon. Prekoritch. But it was not easy to again felt char of ol imred gene, Sting ae degradation of his soul, Whilo his iatectae| check hii; ho wen 09 sbedding tears and from the window all the Dsggars of the iowa Selling Wdeaa ty Arista A LARGE STOCK TO CHOOSE FROM. tion gave fresh life to all the details At, talking continually: assembled in his courtyard, he could not un- An ingenions girl has hit upon air ingenious js tast-be had-awakened~from~his~tons siren! When-aanisfortune like mine overtakes 2¢7stand what they meant by coming theze. method of self support, Some tine ago she '° a tut only to Gad himself in a cour: of justices a man," be'said, 'it's Lis fate: te was born 'What-were wwere-thoy come for? Would ke bave was bitten by tho amateor photograpbic ? fad P E R C E N [ D ] SCO I N | where he was: at ones jinige and prisdmer,)to be unlucky. In thinking ovet bis poste [9 gO Cut and beat then allf mania and became nn-adept at-catehing pic Te) -- . @. ie ___ 'iw past life seemed to tho miserable drunke, tion, in trying to place himself. b+ wocid 'What are all these peop!¢ doing hero?" he turesque views. With one of those clever . . pita ants ag crime, one perpetucl s shame, Tt 'net-dare tenes) trader? or Tams ace, cuing towaid the courtyard. little tietective cameras she amused ketsclf . . : ang after and; merchant." Heccouid not do ro without deep._""T.pat: All. thew people! Tuey are the Whichever' Ler fancy led- ber atoub- thowity Which means $1.00 worth of Paper for 75c.. sear tis,$ int this bege *gsinces He e simply hare te en te vagabonds you have just told me to picking up bere old apple womaa, with . ~ : : pos Ge clear ta "hier » bon: ce: } 5 " me wae. Crengh, He saw is 'Laman unlucky wretcb,™ Moor sen Soars spa eaery 7 rkirts finttering ied cape bonnet blown Hack " <0us hole orit "SE then turned out thia minute," he by an unkindly breeze, there a ragged news- VW 5 pele pg ae reg pi _ thousand ae aie tino ee pb ool fe See cried angrily, and ho rushed dbent the house girl with ber bundle of papers, yon a group IN. A. BOS OEVT EX, time : ey B yy Oa br J . ¥ ree Se eke had Mamelf . hia |B gh Pi hi Iranorns. resolutely 'opposed like a madraan. He paced in and déwn the of babies tumtMing on the crass in the park Ne MARKET STREET, STRATFORD. 3 and before' which his own will kad briagh | 'her husband's idea of breaking the bottles Teoms a long time, repeating incessantly, and somewhere clean Italian, woman with : ; . jand ing their contents 'futo the canal, "What can bave happenec ed to mez? a huge bagof stale cruvts balanced oa ~~ - Linn, shan be conid hare been by the aera til- they ard not-eall'-aay wins Toward: How wea it that a tan who used to bows heal, full of argstic pemitiliticn The g in ccvkwaikions that the greater part of this/¢Fening Prokoritch's sadness wore "aff; be ot, a fierce, in the fu Seen of his had some thing g ofan artist's coupucenmk FOR HOT WE A THER ast 'life, which beso deplored, had een be- 'beeing even gay, and as be vest to bed. ni aeckadeend duties had suddenly become and thouzh she could neither paint nor dras, iy r : : legraded ; | said to Ariua Ivanovna, who w: ing ins pakxarag! she had an'eve for the cssential features of a : eS arc that a a sterious pow had "Well, my dear wile, thouz! oh ge ihvo "Theodosia Petrovna, my good woman, for picture and fer what would and would not . re = ' 7 : v not oda: heaven's sake have me tied up," he entreated. compose well, Many of her photographs : cast him inte this world, and driven him gained hing today, what docs that mat- « , nie ' : wrogs (rd. How light one feels when one has a "I feithat today Lam capable of come were really pictures, and being caught in- FEF $ 33. Lage m= + as a Trica "whirting w=roe letear acties aie = cnt ng forties which it. would take a year to stantaneously preserved all the spirit, action Ice C rea m reeze rs. 2 to: ¢ conae 9 i.e os his past lifef, Why had | And, indced, be was asleep almost before re ; , and freshness of life. : f grass, 1 i - > pol ~, a 'aw that her husband anit An artist friend saw them one day, and te * PBs} me hi ill sl ak g ee et "Aaa iis beat Bet ction Pouring, whereas fe very ill indeed. "Ry sto pat him to bed per surprise offered to buy bait a un Refrigerators, $10 to S14, 2 himself, what was he i was (the days 'elie: bes ic money aud bad no ~ made him swallow n.hot draught. the best fer suggestions for studio \ GK. "om € w there was noadrswer. He % - Hr to whict | aE apleta Seiviaties and |Sonscience ie invariably. snered oe ont aqua: an = St aie Two or tires ave dweliing upon the idea & p t . c : to ~ : carr o her to Fo ane rca te ets of thus iven her bore fruit, Sie was in want U a VW nN OW n ; "fataninhment. " Con-|. Aina Ivanovna, however, Siw things in a Adj bl d aw 4 nari lind found met hb Sana aes sit "ahd he! | ewhat differs ne Hight. "She understood. be! 1 FA been eae cotpeeet af or A COpec of robey.and rosolved to tara what bad Leen - LS € é } . cree S. 'cle iJ } Oneof them contain ae : She and her i) . ' 7 early that for a tavern keeper con- 'eft. play intd work: ye and her camera are out lo?" Had she come merely to ask him merci early in the othe she found a serap of dirtyneil 5 : ; nene 30 ' ane fe ' nny day, frum 10 o'clock. ur < l s Aish theme wie no ans jence was by no means an agreeablo > aequi- : eS every su * canines , N E VY M ie rrechscranat mesaace tic Sie adie mie' Nis to| ition er one likely to be profitable, so she DST. As sooneas sho bail unf ded then, walays, ond an beak ii ae "dsr" room eC W as La wn Owe rs, : i up her mind that at aay price this un pepe she cried ¢ eart pone of the charac a rovive in it its former life? But then, rui ea 3 it tens, such a spox rk vould be mere th. + would bear. Alas! Conscienct cwakened | rought net ther. Se 2 Kor peace, she only «300k off her let hargy to lead him into @ Mart, where bis plea of guiity led to no pun. me cust must be got rid @ ya Ab, ' cplenation of the tricks he seria wsatcn of city life tra: et -- AT-- ' : ited pationtiy all that night, bat 'hendly nm playing us; he had Conscience in ner and ready to be transformed ini : : : dawn begun to cppear through the §4+-pesss, ul she er san te think, What cach, Hierayork has quite s vogue amoug \ A ] &z iz \ A ] OR K MAN'S ps -- of the tavera when she softly Pozzled her wes show to cet rid of Conscience, tho statics, am clover suggestions are ofteu e e = stk 'once from her sleeping bus. 221 to shes sok at et taken from it amp -- a r best market for - : i 4 i o nos wish to erasl ta one io ere D Sevy » abejtin ® Sil', an ¢ ohmens. Formerly he had lived surrounded --_ ul, ar < were ned ont with it into the should choose qs tha victim, but only to-cause S ertimaueeeh aearveation oy Be ba lacmtonned ci eens 2 -- It bap pened to be marke: day; the carta of bim a Ui:tle t mporaryinconvenienes. After queer phase of hnmanity, 'sad supplies. the = 5 t : + folk Were siveady coming in, one *ehI¢ consideration sbe made up viol inind mirsins somewhat tha Bora tedy wanted to . M R Sg ' O K ues be had been encumbered s with be intr ber, and Lovets, the police inspece Laat Mae had-better, bestow Conscience upon jacorporat ints a ri + Pomatines. an : 3 m us Lut, today thei ae st : : marek the Jew banke a Brjo vtski, the pro seca Tt - Of ortict ion + the ' ri Y t a 4 " e ' Laey 2s as ei 2 se "re eee jnnnniralte railway companies S speech matte iii? tasving been inf aetirert beaters -ofer--inierior ! bring in all #e a2 ttt: une it 'that s she tan. meen ~ T,, Some e, per or we portals wt {fen tat od = Wika a 'ain saw him Arina Iranovna had "tts bark-is broad on sa any rate," Sud. ew. Lark Sal: ac Ese iad "Otis as our' bis sortie Pals iy. eS ee t won't hurt hi or . neal Ree Re eee? to her a briiiiant-itea, She ran en fe hemclf, 74 war Mra soem iin so sabes peated re : a ae g Semin Ts See aneee = entit sho was breathless, auc, ne... dees doris oY thts wo alippel Conse! teres Shacs ef Patent be her. . -- SUM sotto © GALy' 4f ui 4 let Gvortaken hit, with sw io carstally inte a: stamapeth aay ae "i "g surpri Fi ae Brit "Yee, the t trate: a aac Seater shoes és : Carte oa ceric Brintski's name ; é sbimiiess joo | We anit this 8 for Oil to ony OS. DEALER IN Event TOWN, sn Shere wil knw where tn gt | 6 byoee yet ide actors Sas . oie. tat be sure you-pet the : Colne back to her hos" ' sor drunkard: "ip fs too tach -f od the people shouted with Bee tigi not pereviye thet be had never bon me re! xf a 3 i eat = Tho Lavete Wes HOt 2B ahelataly ase Tt =e MUS. ober than a2 this moment, ast that eS 2 , Br}: a a at diihier we rroundad ; oy tie tear GENUINE LAnD Ine, bias ratacts nal by * of is- sae without his | kuoivs a ay lets sane Pa McCOLL BROS. & Co. 'Togonto, poaliy made s z os by bis Beale One of hisvons, a Wee ; "fnd Soht only in Steatiord by -- a heart." 'crowd bad ¢ isda? = 'pretty freely' in apresiish malprec~ °F : fora : oF WO rund, eta oad many Pp ie 'don = AE: . fa heart. brag psn edy Samp ee ig manner was not: insolent, but he Jeu ou, was pest bine thts child was PO vodirstaid . eat my one ; ite _ dEFEREY. BROS.,. 0 Merc Pigaee ee Eee eremn ot woccoer aw ee sd 'Withs 0 290 tndjaialtive ke les * arene ite Tien, fetiver, he said. "it " gnistiken. Idea that libe : = > find see rant wise one least ex- tnd-net-tad @ bail in any very ciiscreritable Pa? ROW RATES 5a Aid Eo tous gf sweet oi} will. preserve thc leather, 4 ; " at@aF bet be szaphed up willingly 'anytities- 1 -- ei tbe thogey you have --_ m the-equtrary, it. tends--te- obliterate end- body poeas thet came withith bis reach. - In short, he was a reentiny Stow mauch ehould "Er . same ats t : r, ' F " th 2. A ; a very resectable rogue. Bat tow, all at mide cul of tae yeart : suears who was hernoaninn himpelf-be-; ones, this man began to tarn overs hew Tear, A> Sate Seaaigouse intereste? noked- se --men--buy---a-- pair ot ¢ Sai "Ve ite es oh oe em age Semases: sats MOPS ee gipig AW Encarta the marketplace be rea Br jptnein.. ' : + Noy"s pant et seat, Pa Meod tha: all the go's inthe'carts and shore: "OS, compound interest, of coarse' 5 open aeeeteireetasie es gna sma er PEAS aoeeamaciaia gen rawness oe yen SX) run thestaile did-not-beléng to hima, buts. /At.comy pound intexest that would come to nor. weeks dia. shoes: ate.not fit tale use oe een rosa, Solnepadoraceet| to other peonlay Never before had bo been forty-five ronbles end wage tine copecks, in oid tha: patent pater ose Coffee, sae Powder, Cs Vegetables | . a Spices, Cann Meats. : ys | SOM s of chia > He rebbed aot counting the fraction: coing £9 bye n, Who = le oe cet eS sore teg ae ae Tees, tasher, F shall invest it like thas." yar ---- =~ oe th phy gare! Sugars "Am illg Altthis mest bea dream, a -Intest it by ait spo my boy, but be every moruing is a@- compa ved small ? wens up ta a cart, meaning tobe hi se tug Fou get d very good security." matter, bat it amounts to $17.05 a year, and 3 arms ay ther side ¢ the tablo xt another ig = : ee Ho hivol tn of Brjotskie soma, whonwes 7 years Old. Ha tater eat fail Kathir shoes it mabey a : All the Best B Brands of a Jed 'with ; Letty a a ee er ad "Bhue bow eva you preserve patent rater Wines, -Brandies, Whiskies; Ales, Porter a; : nape and 4 pine ibe with ad tai eae CD ESEOS | ond. ee bade ae oe. Me ec Wrinat is the matier wit me? "Tei bo er on olom of.eopar cond SS ee oe Sees ate : "ote in he -peeped carefully teeoneh S| tier for profession : will be * hold ising im ber erms her baby git wo wien Pate wher Gout Wir he cone W , 2 bo 4 8 snes ie bod x aeeer. te =: ee =m eon nais wepitecians eticinre vat teanae, aes eee Sater @ bootbiacks : a a ; re ale POPE er. : ee =" wang. Gun. Where you are sure to a the Best Value. ce ror sg ei te tae ome "Sig aes