ra =~ -- + --~ _ = -- as Pract aE -- a ~ -- _-- --~--- _ i : ra : a -& Helping Hara ' sid be, looling on the ground and wiping bento pulled up, and turn -- would be worth a goad deal to you conld ANOTHER BEAUTIFUL a mide wikers e¥) inca need his eves ( 0 : 1! Micuel im, said with drunken gravity: mu have seen the gallant way in which the rc Ager As < 1 tee jock . et "Not worre than mine!" ; j i we * anaes greaser make face 't met Soe led his breathless partner to a seat, and N E W STO CK Biet ; peri Antec. tivae oe i ae tie "Well, that depends upon how you look at! Se dias . an' hag goin' rebuke un," and stood by ber side, fanning her with ------ news cased ate a ainahie lend-<"te Youre had to do with the past alone, and! - hs ro : be 'analang his riff yalmileaf that raised 'such a breese in i whee: mn eyatem YalgaDle Aeets | don't migd it, "You se, we've been mae By FORBES HEERMANS. Mo, not be di dnt make a face at yeu," room asto biuw o ¢ lights. And nd | tance in removing all im mes ard build nem =~ agt one-of the lights, Ass aul apers ecora ions,, 'iner ie healthy F "( ae Ss ried a moath, and it don't jar up: me as . ick said, 'en avoring to quiet him; "that =e t the worst part of it all, either, wag to ' Lett tte iin ati eat aaa i tnsueh as it would if we ra ow WY teen married a) ' Tt wardown on the 'pe that Capt. Dick *4* Ag ny savage sow) that came over Ji a acta: B d te. "FOr Biltous Saccaers and Acid x Cabntotiatebroenk, Misier, Sos pet apd at" Thas "all ze, buy pin't yo cote' esac at fads ie beaten Ln | or ers, e 4 am een ™ rey WO oo ick Was ri cog over = am te = 5 he x a er SOK. 7 Don tated Tose bumor with Jan Oy Opened. . is Inepection Invited) A Sple rds is very effec rtive, . rae aad to the Barzee, of which he was the on bot now; tomorre®, pr rhays " ihe haughty dintaty that it merited--and led | ssortwent to select from, sere + : Ae general maneger, one pleasant moruingtin | "Thas' all rf, tet you're my friew' an' coo" out Mirandy to supper. xr é October, and had just reached the fond by fler, an I ave «ae'faxbun for you," and "---- . | win DOW. BLINDS: 3 m DE 'the Laherde grart, intending to ors before Dick conld stop him the stranger SBCs ee PAPER-HANGING, ; river, whet -- opposite bank he ep) Wea the w his fifle to his shoulder and fire i === =: = --= FAUXTING, . * a stran: A-citizen o Now. Me eat as 8 Chanee ¥bet, of comme, but it'wasa ~--GRAININO, proaches "hie felhrw nuin with easton: SH Ghe: an dos n wen -- « sich man and the i SIGN WRITING tmhost the first thing an-acquaintance with the burro be was riding. tx yrrent!y , . BY THON AS HARDY. best society in that country teaches die ia The avenger. of bia napse whee sami xt Paints and Dils, "Wired and ip 'Aah, nA peehislty narrowly t inspect a chance comrade, and Dick, and then at his vietims, lying in the OR OLD PEOPLE) | vin | 'Ot tome his pistol in ite holster when coinidg Gust, and said pleasantiy: "Th! man t! wot CITY WALL Papen ANU PAINTING HOURS within range. And so, before starting lis ¢0 that fur fren ain't wor th name o° maa. bot into the water, Capt. Dick had a look How's that fur a shot, « IDINCTON'S BLOCK, KEIN a She had cscaped ex peeure cn this aecasion, Bat the incident had been an awkward one at the tnan across the stream Dick was seri mushy " ate med, for not only In cld pect le the nervous siem is W. CASSON, i and should have suggeste] to Baptista that i) The © two were not very far apart--fifty did be realize the sin of killing an unarmed bien _ that must be strengthened. Streffed, May 1887 j _ sooner oF later the secret inust leak out. Ai iis yards or so, for the Pecos was not wide there MAD, exrn in New Mezics, oe be knew the i rest prominent TS a ace - ; i" a Ht was, she suspected that at any rate she had 2 --and st that dixtance Dick saw that the fellow countrymen of the vietig would work wrecs of the. day, in speaking ef the SHAKESPEARE '8 net heard the last of th 1@ glazier. a rwasa tall, gaunt man of cleat 50. Tis Teprisals on him by » alin his s k and wooed od hemes a or ceisctaar aentng cere =. & i = < In a day or two, when her hushan: ee. ; tee Was partly hidden bohindatontscragey Sanosus--bie-- ment ery Powe . po ibe "Fone to: Terali i town on sore es Pe a beard that grew randomly ont of a dark, sun And he was still more di seorbed when be saw mee oe cen ak Diallye ~-- : "sz ; 'ae " ; & el ee" Uurnt skin; @ tangled forest of hair bung 4 « companion preparin 6 to shoot again complain cf, and whic 1 materially disturb Eg "ame a gentie tap at the door, ---._ ng pO ga from bis chin, while his cheeks were like the old on!" he eried; 'tyou've killed bi im DE UXDERSIGNED havin and worthy witness of her first marriage <2 opm n prairie, with only an cecasional siz , that'senough. You'd tees get out of mila suade bis 'appearance a second time, _ thes mene SORT cs sou cn : i« prepared to furnisl the above relebraied Wax. tT OT eePotty ' of bis f ny." The * Killed Old people are beset with oe : reererthe potion fetta cn "a narrowness his face was . bim all ri', ai : . a the inystery setters he said, with @ gaze of} = ape present as 4 future!" she es two ama « eye, set in close tar aiee ad or goes aa 3 'nut cy ash ney eed eter! coustipation, fistulency, Ronan diare -- LOWES FE. ST Le PRICI ES, scxstatnmsontaemnaenameneannninatt E deep confederac y rts h_offended her Us a aye ne eR Seer wc cmueted tam tir semper ARE Tick" Faagsl just ag se ~wenplacens ietigerIn, PORES, neuralgia aod ca can warrant them to be the t WHEE Wanks to a | rood inte) . iy Magee arte of exagg erated 'this 3 effect fo up the m {t a . "Ri " t, for in a ¢ Up uzzie 9 rifle when it was dis- q lect, f've dope it. Now, matens,Trwonte man| . "Butt live he s sald, shaking bie bend, 7 eae aoe space fove oo foe deuerytion, te Ligh test unning and Most t pry tales, even when @ tale weald be sor et oe weal take Slorese, I teg Hit Sill cap that fitted a to his bead, ied his companion's bridle, and facing him Durable in Canada ; a) i oat 'But ce sete tekk to Fhe Fe, mee deer, Well, I as a bac betes r % Thiscap had once been black, but the sun d0wa the road, laid his "cuert™ smartly over nen ° "§ is t Ui fh - Fi niand again, and i little asustance would - whan T ' . and the raio had faded it par bad become the horse's back, and in another moment Wide and Narrow Tires slweye in stock. 1 also i be an rain ina thirsty lend." n age ty om Hore are you WeT® 4 rusty brown, and so near the color of bis they hed rattled ovt of sight around a turn make to ORDER Fatm and) Rating 6 neous, wilh : se T helped you two days ago," began Bap Hemansis pl a 7 was a widow woinan, clayey bair that at a a.glance he appeared to in the road. tur: t the strongest Wagon ae aca teeeaak --_ j "Yex-tat what "Ah said she, w = aoe w boreheeded," "Altogether the first impres- the burro was killed, but the Mcxican was ted to run cigltcen { at wna that, my gool ways: ith some surprise, "But .ion -bhe ereated was bis resemblance to a Ubburt beyond a very Lad fright. ' hs VERGE CONE a Not enough to pay my passage to Penzance. #9 allt 'Then we are nicely balanced," Tauin gerne Siurackanet fer tthee a sho.addad, reliaved. sonignt Hne--length without breadth or That evening the men sat arom. the fire Buggies and Democrats always in Stock, at Kottom : " "No. it . thickness, But he seemed harmless enough, im the bunk room at the rap-y talking, . yt thee was & mystery somewhere, Now I oet-nalene 2 pt all. There's the of ss Tam and Capt. Dick started to-crowe the river, 804 Pawing the. too as ees A oe i ae er ene "Bar epalrng al "all kinds promptly attended to -- ok Lhe nr eg T on ee "= giving tone a Bectors touch with the STFVAl had Een oe a mana wert . to | Trottime Sulhiee Bait to Onder a or you if your cid carey tect to hasten him. When be reached the ™ODthlY Qinpensation of $40 and board GEO. MINCHIN Wan were to kevw, He's a queer rey wits wer with four children--t our pensation ¥ . aE N, though he he ES ecxiper, | its to th ws ; = ae tah HOt, bank, and halted there a moment, the 2? neg was at that moment in the kitchen | Shakespeare She Lae a on a Deathee <4 pen "3 mb ike, "ie! toy "Tanger gravely saluted him, and ssid slow", attending to his duties. Jim Carroll, the Shekespesrr, Mey 20 1688. e3t-ty ; Card « - MM Wail aaher. vitor how awk- (Oot on = -- . Meroin' cap--it's. "bous Yeve> oelock, foreman--who was popularly believed to: . " --- i _wouid be, and the. hush money « tee " bers wert Pp pew the pow wont, gin's itr fine literary acquirements, shame- | STRATFORD j paid was heavy that day. She had, however, sory hg ~y' _e. pirate Fnw/ w woine years, A nearer view Uisiosed soveral things that fully wasted in cow punching---was quite d the satisfaction of watching the man to the |e" 0) [ro Ooe hoety : tort, age privately Dick had nog noticed before--bis dress for taken with the cook's appearance and with a ost * seeing him diminish out of sight. ragged " h rasta the one thing, A ragged, faded volveteen Capt. Dick's adventure of the morning, and!) 2 nes legs peculiar to old -- e - Hay Heptete percerved Wat Ths SEWER 1ES" "ses b ee + -R Late ineffectuklly covered the upper part of his per-. Be declared that henceforth the newcomer: -- Oya people find it itiemulating to : whieh she bad been led of purchasing silence % aurong the people here Gy deg son, While ie lower limbs were cased in @ Should be known as Don Quixote de Santa . | i I've long felt for the children that it is my...) e vital pours, -- of appetite, Daiveny. MAIL. | Cromime. Abus was one fatal to ber peace of mind, par |) pair of heavy leather "shapps." They had Rosa, which mame was adopted by acclima- a { digestion. : eee if it had to be continued. aly to have them bereand do ping nth for evidently been made for a much shoyter man #0n,.and promptly shortened to Don. | y heey Pm aes ca : no mora from the glazier she." | have not had courage to break it (© thay their present-owner, for there was a Day jby day tho men learned to like Seld by beim fioo. Six for Jsom |=" Toronto, Guelph, Ber: | : heaped arike dificulty was past. Bot another ze a siabelpneane vd -- t would soon yawning gap between the lower ends and the te Dpn. He had such = modest way -- ne -- <> many Sate Mabe, Watton | | week. only hed gone by when, an she-wee peamae.to ead -- -- - pe aapiniper me." deer skin moccasins that covered bis feet, Sbout him; be was never ing, MEVEr; ple, wh bless Paine's Celery C -- 12 9 B. @ L. Hl. Eas | gee! walking on the Hugh (the name given to "ae ree y educated!" as! ae ex Ho was armed -cap-a-pie, with a Winchester Profane, but elways quict and cheerful. He; 8 ' ; oo promenade}, she met the same personage in ax, i am te say they h ave carbine over his shoulder, a heavy Colt'y ¥@s not didactic or puritanical, but he bad a! aso * %, London amt, 110) the company of # fat woman carrying a lester tetads tematic hes h. a forty-five revolver enda knife at his waist, gular babit of interspersing scriptural se WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO: @ 30 1230 Hamilton............. 8 0! 7° Dundie, : ery nive ne and enormous rusty spurs, with fingling lections through his conversations that at! MONTREALY P @. T. & 8. west, B. & LH, lee "This iw the ladty, my.dear,"-he-said-to his sole: zm sieht Hank by marrying a young school chains On his fect. His saddle had once been "ft Was very purging to the men, He. did. -- Lave GreGhipoes -ceneniion west iy. wae a companion. 'This, ma'am, _ig_my... oc whealeemat wears" got etait a: In the house. 9 pangenus "affair of* #tNTHPAN Weather, 'with this without the slight text notion.ot the incon PENNYROYAL- "WAFERS. awe -- Men and f ere Wieve Conic to V settle ia this tow n Lor.a.time,.. "who eottt "em & Hag "cm Ante. get: 'iver trimmitigs, one a crandve might have STuity, or of the unplea: ant effect it had "scription of a physician wh: 920 690 Dubllnw....ow... nw 7? er x oe un thing. Ou soo, ev 1a t mg etek tigde bas? a = EFS RVs | ' Pe as, if so be we can find room." 'tee sfc x patheael eh son ing. ¥ they used: Lut nov it was tattered. and and.ora, some, Sor be did ital in a decply, planer dasha see LOR CERT CE L A Di» aD Btn 11 10! 7 08 aon MTbat you won't do" sett-she "Nobody | sale, 3h biaty dln -- $2 CRON" testy beyond respectability. "Tie ne "way. He never drank again, and wasdeeply | gaonthiy with wovtoss mureraa ») = Tame east & G. T. R 5 ean live bers who is Hot privileged," pine Sinead alinont modned. "Four was worn wong ins in bu q mortified at hix one unfortunate a It is oe over 10,00 ladies. Pleasant. safe | gg pb and Le soe oo ae "la an privileged, " said the glazier, : ny girls te -- the radine nts to > aad baveo al- wend. 'of the bse ir in: true-be true he-could-not-conk--true;- indeed; that he Me banc =o nats bares om: rarer} 8 Os 1B endsderdindieere 4§sapuenscumes ~ tems Ad 1. Senet Teka Faire Trt a ea tie eed the 'HAE Worse Failures than" any ey ever! Sit \.., Sabo sul 6.08 Sek prercein pro eneae cataamaaememuenttn cra ON rE Baptista went on, but in the aft ernoon whe en, p sie aaa oe : et she stranger: poked: wand fe Rewrite Et rene eee - a; rie i rerbor AS rong m4 i eadnyy thamshit: Am-' | cerca trnebwed awit tron the Nith ® Ww eer "bandit _ had been unfor int fault m. woultsa Gxt Dew " ulree, Hampsted and | honest woman began to depict, in forcibie You'll cet usc to 'em, mee dear, and the yet his smilé was che mena in its aweetness. | "Them biscuits bev got consid'able saily-| TREEURERS ERC De POIROT EES 19 08 Nithbuns..... t colors, the necessity for keeping up the con- a or { ae ene ty gscan ye ill "If you're goin' to Santy Rosy, we might ratus in 'em, Lexpect," he usext to say, pete -- = oe " : . J i | Hormone, aa Fair | 4. ecalment, t concd--ientt rv : Wak ve Enero ride "long together,"-he -said-in-wmild-voice, setically, as -he-daity- init a pan oF hes m =< Prof Kot -- as FHEEE oe rate 420. nesday and Friday... : "Twill intercete with my husband, RUS: OK NETS THE WEN Vey We and, although Dick much preferred to go *iffron colored lusnps of dough onthe table, e quantity of electricity in a Hash o} i ' ; 'esa: * 'the: ashe, "Be and I will! In faith, L could send this very alone, Sen eemarbed ase thay: rods "but it seems to take a hcap "ol it v operate ightning fe Bods that from seven to iy " esa true man, if 4, Baptista ou have relieved me of all . y apne hirty. five flashes would be required to heep = Morday, Wednesday and 'Friday, aateneny at ob rightty-maneged,-and Til. bez lim: to con- (22: Hepeista, ¥ " "| heard tell down to the Cross Circle Dia- on this flour. I caélate there's four parts sal 'Birty f quir P I we sider your position. 'Tis a very nice house "hone teview ied, so es mond ranch that they was wantin' a cook up lytatus to three of flour--fear ye not death-- oo id incandescent lamp al.ght tor Tossiny, Thursday and Seturday, delivery at ¢ you' ve got here," she added, glancing round, 'ae caminaienlt: seniinihiun to the Barzee," the stranger said, slowly, teg- but. you.mpo't mind it withe a littieraw onion: ® a -- pm. 6 "OUN "and well worth a: littie sacrifice to keep it." Mupeted to say more, and when she went bao, on 5 my freight to strike the the job. and | ee Bol salt. tet ee A Pesan aac. aia Rawat TRY MAILS. | . The unlucky Baptista staved off the dan- away to her rocimshe wept from very morti- eg ~ " Dick "p aeietan ---- © be rae iy on A **Dear Sirs,--For twelve years I suffer- bee vie: New Yow: classaen every Sitendaoy, fe sneuanten teeioden kad ee fication at Mr, . Heddegan's duplicity." Edu- a i, "Cus you cook?" = from table, three anode . pu biackened | = from dyspepsia _ hee ine and T pm. ' iid ormed o resolve extion, the . . oe . ® > evening that, if the attack were once more.to be re- rata gue, Shing..she, aphoared.... Thee ea be enld sere ae cook, if you Pan, filled with a or other, floating |" yo wook dae ine aM h a so pig wns nat iow The Font Otice i open to the publ trom tom re- shame of it to delade a young wite bo! int too perticler. I ain't fond of cookin', yim ch sod us the Don lad dew asta sare and had little bope of ever 1 ot». ed, she would face a revelation--worse| 'The next meal came round. As they sat, * wt se a dk sa try ewe smile benevolently; seeming to curéd. Three years ago I tried Bur- WI ILLIAM Blair, Postmaster. f peat though that must now be than before she had | wéinkd é deef;--makea eblioanpibal Go purchase dienes by twibes, Har {ened kiee He and poy ys pacha tofable sallyratus biscuit, an' a middlin' fair that ne cnaesuld gases what that cxietntand, | | doo Blood Miter and Bane ¥ sv or _Btratford, Sept. 7, V tormentors, never vin her capable ypon her reserve, but every now iand the 3 Pie outen: most anythin". But T ain't enjoyed na 'all wh wre are alHlicted to try B. B. BB." Mrs, acting upon such aa intention, came again; Jooked une ya © cookin' much since I reformed." I used to be! 'Th' foundation fur it " fried beef," be Muir avenue, Brockton. tut she shut the door in their faces, 'They reese dead Somes a chuckled with as bad as any of 'om," be continued, leaving would say, "but. there is other things in ni mt ms retreated, but slew went very welt tustched we bel" be suid tort- Dick in some doubt 'as to whether he re- far to give lt twang-I bring ye good tings : ise eeten -- 4o-the mee 'the house, where David Hed: | ferred to his cooking or bis morals, "but I of great eee ce career ciaek Ss = an' --_ de fo folie gras, which the ladies 8» ¢ day, when the steamer came in, Ba seen th' error of my way an' stopped on th' pork. It's got to love ut fashionable luncheons, is made an Tooke at him, unconscious of all ee sate hut: Bushband rash dows to ~ t brink. T got retizion""--he spoke of it ns if it-it, though it don't look so very good." from nae Hver, and in order to get it the h The case was- serious; she knew that weil; atid eich" kftee" thease t ber door "C8 article he bad a | re-| One day there was great excitement-at the > livers of the qeese are-artifically--cnlarget and all thee more serious 'in. that she liked Pail tail; ipl; sasKeoias pike dwind. 1s!on with a feller Iwas berdin' sheep with Barzee--tho Don had been there about tour hy feeding them on nuts and--allow-ng him better now than she had age hg first, jing in beight and size from the eldest to the' down on the Gallinas four-year ago. He let months then--for a neighbor rode up and re- | them no water, a torture that is said to ve Yet, as she herseif began to sec, scerct: youngest, like a row of Panpipes,-at.the bead ™° into the ways of the righteous an' I'm ported that there was to bes dance the next | something dreadful. ? to'ditckne stent Her of them staring Miieome. He. smiled walkin' in the straight path now an' forever- pight at the "Widder Davis'," four mules uP ) 3 was ire 'Tanos s rane name and Charles' aoa indelibly written in pleasantly thro gray fringe of his @°T: | Leastways, aa -- when Taint: The wi vena thn Fetich ofthe tide Tieat or PROG se i great nae the registers, and though only a month had whiskers and mart; and turning to the gir ris, ridin'," he adeed, solcmuly aceurately. ee wary hdd 5 paseed as yct it was.a wonder that his clau- gid, --Now come forward and shake bands Davis, who came to an untimely end some was the circulation of the blood. The destine union with ber had aot already been properly with your stepmother." a rmine tne Boudeet Bo coe a -- ae melien) ane ery of og rp i xd by his friends, Tha marring ener ks . ventury was an aiterative for the purity- herit 10te inahie. ube oat oe 'ee Ra "~ unig in ie ae egg seed Mn left bebind hima son anda daughter. The ing of the blood. These two discoveries, son Was a m fellow, even for a; Harvey's cirsulation theory and Ayers natron wor scirls turned out to be not onl ' aa aceite ee * Devil, come in doors, I bave something - ain looking, which.she could have forgiy = "ted ae ate Se as aig citer, Mircad oe ~ ig sor f ron Tee all ~ -_ ie to tell vou. . but to have such a kamentably meager intel-| she was the belle of San Miguel county. e - a " He bardly rezarded nd at first, Sho had tecrual cqupanent asto be hopelessly inade- Few who saw ber could. resist. ber fas- |... A SINGLE, SCRATCH sau cause .a. Another-Wonder ! tose mana discerned that during the Jast week of 2-80. quate cs Lven--the eldest: al "rinations. She was nono of your sickly, wee fenton ng sore. Vietoria Carbolie Salve he hed seemed preoe Supicd, as if some Pt} most har on age, could only read with diffi- things; that tied does not flourish on the Tayidiv heals cuts » wounds, bruises, burma oy intended, 4 far an I can Jearn vate business harass=t him. She repeatéd euity words of two syllables, and taste in frontier. No, Mirandy was stout, strong-and | 741 all sores heh saber mase-or-s woman-were purposed to» her request. He replied witha sigh, Yes dress waa beyond their comprehension. In handsome withal. And_ yet, frontier. born | - ' vas ge 1d, certainly, me dear. the Jong vista of tuture years she saw nothing and bred though she was, she had all the A Kaliway smash Up I think oy will belicve me, indeed I'meur you When they had reached the sitting room }..¢ dreary «lr stencil at her dld trade without end shut the door she repeated faintly: prospect of rewa "David, I have something to tell you T° she went aout quite despairing during the hare something to confess, You will hate. pext few days me for having 9 far deceived you; but per-, mood for A woman who had net Leen warried coquettish way's that some think are only ac- bie v * diy to mind the appelion spectre ul atthe Paris Hair Works" you have called. quired by a society training, but which are, | of deat and yet no thought is taken o in truth, as much a part of woman's make: t 3 thousands annually dying" thfougty { There ie one thing Nature thinks of-Jet us thank ap as ber chair. It was liberal educa- > disease cansed by wrong action of the She takes partivabit wants s with our race ; tion to see Mirandy modestly drop her eye-| *to much. liver, kidneys or bowels, and | she knows a scanty | ouinine hair, the grey and haps my telling you voluntarily will make six weeks From her parents she concealed 2 : bs lock: : i t oe . in sa lids when one of her admirers was touching W? ich mignt be reniedied by the use of B, whitening ee rigs "better of me than you everything. a = -- n amees the few on dangerous ground, or to hear lier may, rf eager bg great rettorative tonic and Will detract frot the beauty of the face. ous . achuaintanees « ieddegan who mhe "Confession!" be said, awakening to inter- aah roof his seeret,and were indignant Ren pres be on Nie dee came to ass = cer - ---- a, ee ost, "Much confession you can have to make, chowhen they aaw strict A } : 'For eso bs Secaly pay the penalty af leat; deer, that bave been in' tue world so ee eran ee ee Hill if be attempted to steal a kis; Ad-| The Great ish Prescription, Bustain | it that bounteous head of hair, thee d household foisted upon their only child. But b acore, » j successful rpassed short a time. she would " vw support them in their remon- Pasiiiy sia pee y Se og a owed % years cams ats pcr _-- ---- " oC never an acce ) 4 She saw that he suspected nothing, and it stronces, "No, you don't yet: know all," sbe nts ph P spl ee | Cures' Spermatorrhea, Nervous Juat ay it, you athicted, you paver will regret, made ber task the harder, But on she went The ccok of Baveee Ranch, them. all. was believed to 'be heart » Emissions, Impotency TT magi ay never yet kno fail ; steadily. "itis about something that bap- ahad sense enounty sep tho They soon reached Santa Rosa, ar whole and fancy free, a condition which . and all diseases caused by abuse. And 'the vod that it will do will make you soos pend before we, were married," sie eatd. roeeiOfthis tesue. Sor oar ' Dick hed te etop there a short time on . added an indetinable char%a to her society. | ie aeons indiseretion, or pe cept we pt aa Tes nok botite will entail." "Ideed!* thee © conwhtentinn: atime betdeen to ens the blacksmith and the esc "Of course, such an eventas a dance was Fail. Ask your Druggist for The Greas haere ron iture a ] e "Not a very long th rae before: ashort time. | jy rand egan, which Was not often, she ™ aker tthe two were one in Santa Rosa), and hailed with pleasure, and every one at once poscertestass take no substitute. One package | This now famous preparation fer invixorating Ana it is about a jos she faite ierays i t 3 Pat = comrsbitexatatvee Me Oh Oo, ruling upyin front of the Maverick In», Made ready.' There was a greasing of boots, | #. Ste 6 ee Pt 'or Pamphlet. Address | and stiulating the growth of the hae i "i dom't much iad 32 att begant-caRdiy-iie' eee ct iia agar thee oe be ate cabed "EBON friend called after aid a polishing of spurs, set pees of nag ac oem Cow, octal SB baie | ly scerpled pt ths taaet, salenlis see erie ie 7 ebm that, nildiy. He iis For Bilg-by tS ASM PTI oration: [ive ee yecemnenaly Lad eae ee <i 5) ee "I jos i + ' sere-- : Iasens ; ' a PE at * * * rich and raphch , '3 an see . answer _ "I reckon FH just nly wnit round ti oe aring ee. impatiently weit a "GRAND TRUNK 'RAILWAY a packs halr = ee" --s ater jodicions snd snd ve > steer ¢ t wht t care, and the party was off---a caval-° : regular treatment... It re , "Well vest = Atoch b eter thn ta if" she : ietly.2 an out, an' look © the sights. ; IMPORTANT CHAN: r : Die porewis?, herap WIS pAosiatiey Tart ay fee like Us ng Hoy ae See ceo = halt hour later Dic® walked out to his cede. of on einen Neste The dance | wile ee cs se ccemen reteset "Tuite, De, Doreeeme Font nae « ---- "{ horse, on his cloves -¥ to did not 'trove: the usual affairs! ere '| Bottle, cr eix bottion for S65. If not obtainable in Soom rides): Pirie: wae af eneier: POR MAIN LINE EAST. 505 a "eh sag Sem pti and wert and incrried season for gy gp epee spirit of Baptista ™ sounting, and then discovered that his new OF that kind. Noone was sant, ho one Was | RES ete yo een, ment te oe enty -- hice, We werecoming straig ht bere' to telll sladdeean. She had. Sn truth, dian as wed, SOMMPATION hed a weakness, In the language ete? physically hurt, but there was ono of 20 p.m tie ae Soro and Nos hoe Beer ene aa Vou all what we bad done, bot he was unde sepa the erust of uncouthness and Of Governor Walker,"he--was aera a the party whe was aprcrently wounded in a, OPOR MAINLINE = ree 7. March 2, Desa oe drowned, and | thought I world suy nothing: teenager artic "lation which was dae to their:He had employed his half bour well, and he Sctious way. I refér to the Don, and the WEET.--2: _ reas ot gbont him, -and 1 married you, David, Te itrogk ' sky tet existence, that ker unwelcomed stood at that moment leaning heavily against. we Doo s vory ra gas heart. qn otiece 1215 f. ei Eeprese. Exh usted Vitalit ; : ' ~wetpenter Tes 'daughters tertnw PUNT TURE ETE HISETEH al-'a post and singing in Iugubrious and waver tost be Iavisbed.u 4:95 p.m. Express. a the eakr of pares amt Se T'S tried 3 'movi to sublimitr. Tho harsh discipline ac. cube sigur ous ue of a "FOR LONDOS.-- 88. m. Mixed. to. keop. it from. you, but have found out l: 35 ther young lyer before thar = aire. Wr ichsghat gros db We. Jandthe 10:05 a, m.--Mired, cannot. There; that's tho substance of it.) soter's wrung bad been iehted- had oper as onched sit A aE githhe, me eet ~erapesrpur 'ahs at che as -- Ls Ge Pie ; St hy SCIESCE OF LIFE, © ine ex icruab ibe tadiée+ i 2oW wes Ll: Jmairen floor, Ais Paco at; i. Bares. : xteat Medical = -- never, never forgive me, oeee aH lees, to 2erush them Thaatadife<t ang St ut trates Se ne to tbe ern 1; with what a stately how; FOR 'GODERICH.--£.37'. .--wived ofthe age ou Meuhont.S -- ad Ba raual amtution. 'The hi consid} WAS TUtS ton seaSerbe thar the i § p. m.-- Exp: and Physical Debility, i and its co rare ina purely ¢ to with him. He had ater déterminea & > 8 the accordion an ---- ea a Errors. <noaieate ~T'¥e 'the untold miser- She spoke desperate! x netent) of turning ies consequent thereon, 500 Ewe Se iat wb dnd to the ran, for be did ped: pa 2p Say Musk." with..what, grea Waki ee cea Sonn ae So See or in his pea, rei chair and begas te super rina a ai i aaa aa ae y thtag? How well it tarps fecause, being 'drunk, he was difficult of ™usic, and then, gree the dance was ng i 'transportation. But Dick knew that a cow. how salennty ta he lead her toa. scat. axd. oe pane aad "Hits hend.. "Ha hal the Sonteamecbancants bey pee agg interested. -- By | boy ean often ride when becannot walk; so hurry to get her tome negus, To see him: £30 pm Ex : pet way out tt my tre ha ha!" imparcepti with a little assistance be rolled the etriagie you'd _ thought Le -- Bond carpet em { Toand tem yora Brantiors cule, noe y theirs. ' ntob bera hred = o mension only. edinal het sommeLy, -- fe, confased till now, be - aes one ae kite started. For the - fa & may be econsu! That in humanity, first fow miles*they procecded "on @ walk; Barzoe ranch. bts HIC KSON. General 'Mabie aity. érls, t there was 10% St then, asthe stranger grew slightly pober, and And then, ¥ when be appealed to Miss Mi-' paar apo ace bis seat in the acddle becathe astured, Tandy for the favor of her hand in the bolero, You can. ban, a@ first clas: Japan tea at they into a trot and were riding at this how cleverly be showed his versatility. With 15c, per pound: at Walsh Bros., where looked fixedly at him without uttering |*J™pathy with asound, till, as be still continued smiling = joyfully, she said: "Ob, what do you mean! Is it done to terment me! ited Soot 'Diseases of Man. Office, So 4, "Ob, not Ob, mee deer, your aise lez fn ba is to bel of me out of the most heart aching qua: rs gi gait when, making a sudden turn in the road, the be bad been dicnified: with the everything is sold cheap, ea, : sight of = bald gore maak ever found himself int | Tou ans oho se es nena ee ee Se ey ony Soe BE he Vas ns Sciieged graeetel as Joss Jt ices to: James.| peas of aoe. Hace fo py Sa itis this: Ive got a secre See tak a deere is f a You: esa Be iawn sere H "ates -zouhad one to tel f could pever two boys and an oft man... These Ban The other denen raisins for ous cone pound, and fine | an effort to save it. Geta bottle-of Dr, ---- eee anya a . ne oh. tee ay. eee an the to en nan ics or her eed oon taisine-for five cents yor | Doreew " Hair Magic ;" it areas te youre exisence : riders rattled by, the old mat saluted thern|POO% 0: to the music; and when, atta! FREEMAN'S WORM POWDERS du. | stimulates the gives freah vitality. with altogether a new view of thing?. er : a respectful: "Buenos dias, senores!" ~ pirouetted cheered them right! reg and remoce without injury to adult or | and keeps the its pataral color. Be: - _ "Well, it'ya bouncer; mine fs abonmeer™! = THE EXD 'They bad passed them but s few yards they stopped, ch F 7 er: | infant, dass th 5 sapck Setien. All droggist. i 3 4