»" " ° = ; PEERS i : : a sno] BP mgainst another ctisir, wa"on open pore, there would be no one for me to speak to . nee MOSS. : sein ea erik i oc ms manteau. The roung fellow mefioned me ti again." i BA RGA! N S : ; Cea 'rong Sieab= seventh . 1 rp ee Gack i ot a: Beaty cnn: ons iss He took a sheet of paper with a half filled ' 7 trang tapestry ne 'ee ook: by its ee onward rash, and by the "rare i a 'a nimi "i Pi aay page and wrote; then folding and directt --a- IX Ated worviaed threwrhy iaely mocks @ad grote flected on its back surface. Ay =e; aking. Gamne Deadly: before: 4, bse it in bis Hittle wring case. \ You} Where chutuws reign, and lealy rest, "ts ieee 6 Cand him, then ara his a as a te ad - ~~," = pan = a cae a ToS "pyar Seine wishes @ continued, "ca go as if ta [> \| Vj VA . nee eo ee om ose ean le which oon abe Fe bovetiest ore are come things tm it for my Hie es ; s 5 Se tecetietidlax wiles econ thes coll 'sc Magciv; "I've got them-at different s The enakiy beck throig': hy : places Pye De tz te ples ase see that she has |. x hen $04 wrap, in ploern them. And. there sare ne beoks for my - Dee oy tly 'engl ol eideat-brother-tha tikes cid banks" CALL. AND | INSPECT _ eS 2 Or eben yom dia by t ures ; al F i omy pocket =f rmy gor line finsk, "You have brothers" Teyuarecate" of ther cmt f up to bien, ge hits to evtatiow } . "Two: mandy. The effect was good: the shiv- gather j J OHNSTON ABRAHAM'S het tie sun t « oe a ae eee ae sre +e patees-: Soe she 'ee i AS aa, POR Gere FN tabs te bis chee re t . gt ¥ t Yeates fea) o tous! sit f : ¢ tint sae SREO Goa L -- " rie ee Stat mthdewe i tet os blow I the Thiughs I sald, cont ies He: sat silent ARGE STOCK «icine 2M: sidiitnc decaetad ialane: wh fe vradeg, 2) tthe snapialew petes; should have no. = ; as Lettua op te turreted « babeaat etween ber and Ea DOR, Ie sprain icepeeati : moe ee sat joking at DRAWING- ROOM, t 'at dee anewer. His} ps trem po ay reeling are you wien Unerwenves , The; the tear ¥i sar ete Pte abd Wiis om ne ark ay . Abere where pink peo Pomtens parr w eSYra, sar -rancnte ene BED-ROOM, er Sy . En ali ishman," he erid, helt Abd woedhines breci-in fractast fi am, sib " ig Tater: with ing than affectionate gesture rte: sie pel ; : ' Ay. = And el bik iis Maris ads Seas es Gas every Uux ey trav a th at hold in thera seme a Mf didn't sick f Des yon believe, vou knew, in a fature life, DIN IN G-ROOM Ss ee < creer Saag eet eh a ee ROSARITO" Lee ait eae Seana shen ses any Ons Mord that seaukd Carsahout _ all that! Some felluws.don't They do " ' . bizar Pawertt ia Atiierican Gardgan. "THE HOW Cheeks were striking ast mud at home : : . a sis tcasensiorae all -- iny @ay back tothe inn TP had left a bok oo ° ae WTS nate ~ z "Ty And HALL rye tie . ; "My de ar tad, " I enid. * ur miather dost" T sant ist to I« in the rooun where lhad dined) awi Dowent aire? her" STOR ¥ OF A DUI 14 te foten it iefure going up*stzirs to bed. The 5°" "Yes, she believes." he said, with a sich, He f linh Ket, and browzht ont . ow Testament. Sth ay re ix 4 saw that yreu mt young Englishtuan was still there, seated in T ie heat fe ie sabe "7 ; rene _ ; ' ; Me a * ° i tu wet if. in" mve ow Pores thé chair where [ had left -bim. Had ba (Ss me mous) ' 3 EL ne mk a bet tell, but he was: * poviieinanciatyeritad bsiatiiiesnn, B "T ron aber it," geour old friend, 'os A 7 Papen eS ee as "* ated, re a . ntrall vou out, whatever it may be." bal vs - ' *& . ~ mong anet so © 7 ante 2 oe = Pe ee a ' youngetor then: [ am petting to bean ald ts hitin leaning ruin Ree ry gH Reis os p: =a: ber "It's no serape," be said, with difficulty, He open ienid ecasal turned berlin Veucodas Ne re SOTea ate ttre Low CS Hats Hew - bat Fh aball never forget it--uover. bead thr ie and | aused. His face grew white again ae ay. SOMES . ; $ . yw ri dg rns fohtod ee r - ne . . ecko cwatenan nog erat," he saickar ext "vg gue to Mt iN® Moment aptit down god paued bir} Prices Ever Offered in Stratford. I Wns abont Sree ebtwerity, cod on my ihdne geen fight ta duel tort morrow moriing at Oo cick, ervey i. 4 knew - the girl by sight; ounce "the word are all =: canine trevets eS Te 3 st iis -vuier failed pitageth ane : ¥ ri pallipad sie he Raw ci! tt are edi He had waited on me at table, ones or twice iyghe = ~o ' 7% ah z . ae hud wont ead - ia ; ~~ pela gh "4 f ae hon igs a Age ween ber Ratpering frait in the garden, A fei ay 'Tee ; - OWk " uke " ne ; iy . 3 silanes DOs 4 she mosmed tohavens fixed serviceiu the up "Son c4s," } Peppiatay, ve paulo he " i 7 é ' ect _ piles He pushed the beok tome across the table, ; r pena ben up my atexta for tr hace hotties, bot tO make herself useful na nea it 1 thts duy#? Fie tne eng PUR BN its tp A blue nbben divided the 62d sion required. Without much beauty ~s of red iam thiig singular in her appearance dee: T steed tup as I spoke, and inade a step te le nratteed A SPHCIALTY rest covered Tits tention, Ste was a brown faced cirl, with Wards the door, wit n't know what idea: directed » whore sa ae of those blue eves that bad a trick of open ing sud- bedene. He stopned me, tb wever, rene tes Petar brane And 'all kinds of Fancy Weod Work neatly -- Re Te ? hove T have os Cpheeee whose nent da oid fetehs denly te ANCOR a. suddeh: sax te wehtch Site can't be=petma tog 16-7 bo caddy sre teed. Bird; yo have. heat oo fromthe Mids Ag eee tien iain ee or PN hls sh 1S soins pledge Oe SY ode Cat ed ira tam fees Executed by Mr. DONALD McBETH. ~~ end td at once." the book opens 8 verse 1uayked in pencil first on i rs _ 23 =_ S a a Ogee ba HOS Tro ginaees of su faded gine Weir and sles Sitiething could a paiacr typ trier charmed-men als oy apabied other wins "bor -expresstod was" 22 and it shail foon mut Sg? ba OFD...6Fe t iio fo om the old muarket- place, with a rather scornful. So much I had r ise, td on fins. Q tia char agpe fy dear lad, rnp 'Tm if fruitful garden reaching downto th» river! paving little beed to her, however, as : ' now all at wait it, Delthercierk por parson; more's the; pity S , Fe of Paes ata rt Fp afin wr AK at the back. The town was not unknown to! came and went aboat her ard about . wanalil ne aby hetp te eat = ero f ' tcre on North Side of Ontario St. ott atford, wae See tourists, but lying apart from the we 7 : t : 33 Sieh ROME AE EEE, FO b AKO tins. cognfort 4 _-- f shavers Tice if aaa ae fae = oe act ote i Bat ' Rein Sbtivct tow east of Dr. Shaver's. Office. fect ra when tl arr sad aba oh 5 aaa oo eS. the na} 1 the : be Eth wna A aaa st bona : . 4 ude t Ee its pros have de wok. hc . we that tiie : a ryieit's ret . : < corso ok and wen dethlag {hls eyes ter Tablets, Packet Tablets, N : : taken ap the Bonk ard wes Tetting hice ej Let er Tablets, Packet Tablets, ote 4 uy it bad ts rid, with a certain eo Paes > you agath. . . . seeaanaie "r ani tf . t he "3 sles, rou titink, if # 2 ull ya slvp, You thin Af Tet Tablets, and Pads of ail Kinds. 4 for my "a w Was = shes dent Frew oe . j ' Se Re 4 7 ; bat popes to four ! ' rosa have jast received a large shipment, direct from the-mantacirers-- k og t& er > «lf ite, t 5G. BLALK, Hi intington, Pa.- ft Let iter, Packet, Note, "Xe tnt, : ( his ¢ : rest.) } Statement and Bill Pads, of all kinds and Prices, from " ernts up. 4 ot trenter so fhanif | re : r sother, th His un = er my doubt appar r -- a aval * nernrt: a em ots ihe ie aaa be ane - 1;500. PADS. 1,500, ¥ . "Pimoall right now beesbl '"Tddre say | < wt tucked 'a napkin under his chin; wen ar A ; See them in my Window. Price them. They are-wonde iv eetide flew Toate the ta) ver: er olatnor ek? 35 you say. rere You. fer com- = str ae aderfulis olenys. o "ety viel i pi te ' it lawned oni hh Us ] grow what I chenid have done "on i Seba T. bokg th 213 novelty, wth b 7 fold , . } oat ond ordi nit hel a i ms i * ut 3 Vi Us " 14 A N [ ) MV UJ oe JOT Sc Sentra List Gre aeons fae 'acul trens "hhekare tn i Stine REARS Anda hel HF his handy A, 0 ethic wnat ed Be ~ een u s cypnin of. she scons dase + tors ae? tw st nee tres ti renintexta aind pretty. were "terhisse pens tiie tipsret Pinal 'Paar setting verriow: =o ay STS Terre rr the ners irtectscrwas a cowards ames! mrad PI tow, DL asked Lima few quection Lave still qguitea numberof the Les: <_ Sieg BUS Voeal i the Sune neiv, Voeal and : too Inte for tne: the free, eomerhineg oF ee for hire pniateenlennialien --.- icra, about Hie tant PREP: Which T an now See t9) Fiske: Mieces for Twenty Five. mean. Lottes® sail the.-old. man. iu imy sind... Iliad ia thas ra " meeting was to take * cree (2a) Cents. ave nothing ta do with bev, young sir; Stupidity ef a man to wh: st ki aes wot 3 knew, sell worn! 9) Cents #i 60. os sgh i arty aaa oe Thad fe ore at just without the town walls, where the ruins sar Td Mtsman tak om elensctttipici tek haa daa wat. S08 ba be HWE Cotte aay Sk Cane a . . MISE Lee here Thave Wits cece Om 0 Ce SS ca al Sl a T have abont S09 Pieces SFO IRVING Ye + tel fri t kt t . Pore boses you inthe tnerning 24 -ehid,- and ich = in SS 5c. Music, which T am otering ht be over, the guests were jo yochin tk a vivid imagination may play wots a iT 3 TE ig > va ye, bab 112) Twelve Pieces for 2s Cents sits = 8 : ti rganization, and I mtn att h the promise wrung his 'bar ad wid left i aes . ins 7 if ry bling tad t be fore me with the amount eo bia, : ~ a * A i N, "Se pd kere, as I ju reuds.in the twelvomonth she he ws been in intelligence a bull doy might have brought to . I Seige nat ae batt Hae te os "e . = 7 wipite poor e y . ' fer was. rew miyselfion the tend Act ra * furth er iT the long adjoining roomy bet qi0 house. No great harm doae, to be sure; bear upon the subject. Nevertheless, I laid '3 ; : sea CITY BCOK STORE, = tho: raieed-and-rehement voices, a-sort- of bat {hs AMET" WOE AVS TE ERT SS SOE DT demdwonhain- thoulden govd-naterediy Moment did T intend that this iniquitous duel . No. 1 OLD ALBION BL OCK. = "angry clamor, rising and stalling r, erguel a 7, shoul! goon, At eariest dawn T pirc ih ™ WW rouss the landiord, to~stir-up the-cit 4 wpe goes, die das foand-hera plioe £2 : oes quarrel of some kind, Presently the clamor pact there wills be no- young. inen to set-by Look here," I said, giving him a friendly fell; the voices died away, aud a scraping of tacos Oh, I know her ways: I've seen Sake. "Take some mere brandy first stard, if needfuly ray, to "eall out the town j 'baits on the wooden How; silence succeeded, por at jt. Sho treats them like do; ce till they though." I got him to swallow another garrison itself, rather than permit an act of Beene oy A Dad nearly, finished. my supper, coffee had torn aud iueult her, and then she gets oneof Moutbfal "Look here, my dear boy," I criminal and unnecessary folly. All this, I] Pat $ part been brought, and I was preparing w light gyouy to takebor part. When the mischief is Said, 'you don't like the notion of fighting; I jx, Lintended. For a while 1 lay wekeful.}. x ' sear, when the door between the rooms Was done she rubs her hands. Ob, I've scon ber Sec. Well, don't give the thing another and attentive; IT heard a chair pushed back : pauper: hrown open and a young man entered. 9+ it I kuow her ways No, no, she'll come thought. Go to bad and sleep soundly; whea ok the on ne arg gerne + ps tae ee. > 7 To U ne anf » ure mm), ic ep Siecnce, Wine wong er jv bf oto Goad wheres Toe wake te servo morning-700'l fod. it Th Sang Ielw, | MaMIoNeL kat tenowe- - & LARGE-STOCK TO CHOOSE FROM, _ Uf into a chair ogainst the wall" hid Alelirangand he left me. I made my "lerrenged. ye : " eh Tang ane 2 a3) He sheok-bis head my advice, and betaken himself to bed f motionics ' fOr Way iv stairs to my own opartinent om the (° . ' P " a hour or two. The town clocks etre wan in * inere lad, not above twonty, Ide oa qoor, Atan open window in the pas- Itcan't be--it can't be," he said. He three -- res eae. ; d with the devermination ta r 28 BY a> Ye ond Y ee "tas young ugshenau standing: $0406 te his fst ad pars tha room oe sa rm mr +25 --P FAR CENT * DISCOUN it % gece light, shining hair, a fair com- Se ere oe "Ha started OF 'twice, his bands thrust deep into bis © self at half-past 4,1 paseed ~ ips mare OO i ai eee tow a om oo azin, br i ' t ofound and Zz Gut into tl darkiess Br J ra I ne wath ae plexion and a girlish delicacy ser foxture; a Se karo: pons aiid Newablag me rapidly PX cee : = _ I'm afraid," be -- pee aS baeaaae 7 anes 9 "we tired aheaes taint yellow-mustache. alone tostifed.to his si452 the corridor, opened the door and dis- Sanding in Trowko agua aU 3 1 fel into uneasy : i ranbood. Fi was dread 2 1g tor ee rea nest my owe. Youre righty L-am-afratdy Pra sek with AMS LAM Aart tad raep. tint | Which means. $1.00 worth of..Paper for 75c. i Jouriet suit; there was nothing Fontarlable I beats a bolt drawn ne I pessedand a match fer wa , m haste. that I had made my fs : n 2 : . ¥ to t = : 1 his appearance, notfing to distinguish 5 ine et He dropped into his chair again. end flung a® poor lai in the adjoinikg room r "lar peyton any other fresh young :""T'wex tired, and although the -night-was xt hia arm ecrom the table, burying i 1 ™ 9 gogtd i his shirt slerres on the ede N. A. BOSWORTH, fellow abroad on his travels; but something most at into sy face in RAS .thebeL "Serely it is not time to go yet," a z : » his attitude, as be sat without movement asa : ge aga is ie reabhies with the "I've been afraid all my. life," be "aig. De said, and began to cry like a girl 1 17 MARKET STREET, STRATFORD, a the chair into which be had flung himself, 5 02) 'The room wa ad pacboelty dark: I struck 'peaking low and very quickly. * 4 I dreamed that I awoke, and turned todream '2 wrested my attention. He sat with his legs -.. runeater: it was nearly i o'clock in the belp it. Ienn't see things ap~ te sh again. This time it was the boy who cam ae Aretebed out, bis hands thrust into bis pock- morning. My wind: w stood open, and I They used to bully me s* 4 Ones I in to me os | was dressing hastily, "It's all ts, bis bead droppedon his breast. His --413 hear the ever. tenmeraty sitnd of Sirieked vomething, Foy 40). y, over," he cried joyously. "Not a 'foul was F OR HOT WE ATHER. 'yee, Which should naturally, I imagine, j ayy summer rei: the lowering clon' was) broke off. "Oly (sg Siow was good to -- I start for heme at once." i doe 'e xear tho~pink---and white complexion | 'descent re Anwh ur. I got up, = "ho weat on "pe was hint ots God," I answored, and with the words I wok 5 : roper to-fair haired youth. was Dyey) 5 a, yt £7 she wi xy, kardly 'acd be mse fA are eea eg eigen ton with a start, woke ia truth this time, sting. ig Sea ah meron neers rh VETS WMS UE COlOe, he Uta were" rer as eee ot of fain lack | open- neni --oo searaice again; and T never sarcomere nore yeesreme cpr oa pipes i ; as broad daylight. T look dats h rawn togethers bo looked rasorable, Ofer ig rong tho blacksoe "wii A chars i was broad daylight, Tladked at ty wait Ice 'Cream Freezers> 3D a $3 " rhataewt Longe reenig E could not tell how be orcox cernck the single stroke of the hour; it. "too ed at him with @ new sentiment. ; "Wr : << up my hat and burst into the adjoiuin; 5 He might, I conjectured, have been. gncwarwl by ar other ax and anothor; then "ere is your frieud now?' I askul aftera * oO thal ts a ; Ung money fine et or ge of chanes (gerbe an eco, @ citing from otoe BED" pana =~. Aare the CAST SADR Ove mat Trion Ref rig erators $10 to $14. ' aman who has left bis fortune at a gern- aon village in the bills Moist odor ~,., 'He is dead," heoucwerad. "Pe was killed ra abd Gaither a reste ktall: bios: what ? ' ' had happened, and rushed fronmtho house. . : x ' 4 ; ion, Twiee Lf thought of addressing him; . 14 jeayes in the garden below? "as amas He buried bis fees again, and there was e : pte \ K T ut 1 was deterred by his ¢oxplete uncon: and oddron' cociness, tho staat yoond nace silence fora while. I beard the rain stil! ok rapt Sco) tie bonee, Acros oe aay Adj ustable indow Sc peen >. jousness of my presenceand py my igno pin refrested and calm, me I was re- falling steacily outside; now and then-the © yosige scree gt partie Dee eee ores ance of his nationality; for I bad no better turn ing to bad with & better prospect of Candie flickered a little in the Lreath of © > Q Youd. p ik ' D * of al in; Ebad/ not « me sill in languages than an imperfect knowl sleep than before wh, aL my attention was ar- night Air, At last I cap cary eee or 8 : B yes CW Ea SY Lawn Mowe rs, sez: Gogend, But the igo of French-and still rested by a neise in Spree ir ee malta ios were a2] TH Varwe 8 turedterine:-~t i) Fy -quaintanco with German. Ifinished my 4 oor communicating between the two I sid, ising and pacing the room in my bard Pee thet timo -- AT -- : offee, therefore, in silence, and az he etill froonte abet it easy for sound to pacs from turn. "The thing ta an absurdity. E to Oe y mori ee ite thick -sxith ' ; wade no siga, took up my hat and silently |. +, ancthor; it was a bob [heard now-- yor, no ane Sights duels in Laci Sie Why, wtist the drauched «cds aam Goran: Ube trves y : {t the room. : yet leas a sob than a kind of shivering moan, te begin with, do you even! Siptates + you gba dow n with nsisture, powerlest to . « si | On the Bene through the hall, I accosted 2. trom sume creature trapped and heid by are aboutt Can you fire a pistol, if, as I su; sospkete, The radd, a os : FARMERS, LOOK, one Aechmea tag eeennereseages 1 gray bat 1 head waiter,an old man, (yo ta) a tA catnd agaist cod again; 7] poss, it. is sane pistola you propose to ? f i di Pr ccurveiiod { trac x, dy bofore me, 2 the service of the na, ers listened ws mg baceine imposible, smuse yourkuves It bits} cubed, as I knew, by my He answered almost spornbot Hy oung fellow. He was an Englishman, the bat t- E rocal sient: his palo and handle firearms," ba said. "I had to learn: 1 _nosered:; and opened the visitors' fn tis come faw hours bevore, aad Isat down and cont mnplated: 'ide for a _goks to show me his name. His name Was"; bting acaudle, 1 dressed hasty aud went tement, "Look Nere." 1 broke oft again, , Charies He of Fe parent eee dy 'at ihto the 'enpty corridor,» A-streas-of; "the. .wheols thing is nonsdme, sheer pon- ee as pera po éolioge, OSTaty ts light shoue Dalow tho door of the neighbor~-neusm;.itcau'tlealowel to go on, You've Having been namtomsoesh that, Unccrapalons ruin nlatmabi rotate =e os { arrived the previous night; be had come ine erart that I Eneeked quai ly dnd oO° Uneiness," my "dear" boy; tobe com ne eccbnboianuensiniand nkfort; he wesoa bis way to Ercs abroad for your -boliday peepee patting ota colle nt Macc fais a ~TuleeiS hea hn oeioncendalcnon amo amc ep ape eagle eal 1 ARDINE -- uy ee : 1 found it em: ty of a ae rail: Se a rouml, , & hand Is waa rae 'bar shat it 'was sudiblets the oceupait would your familly say? Think of th cm." sonttered group oe A omeupied thet AOR = : Bi theres rn ek -alome-apgpia eee ay gain Bice Mapmeinaart He rajsedt-- bie baggard face" can't gato q - oor iad: Err -hicr} nile Spores sno OD DEALER IN EVERY TOWN, m will knoe where to xe ; for, with the exception of my own tii au ont of "he said; "T GYtc-eat without * fhe Sate tig 1 i, LARDISE Teng ihe Sins fruid, mahy try to tiitare it. tut tu sure YOu cet sates "© other of English nationality |" ; taihnd os oe ro ENUINE LAKRDIXE, nanaiactured "ty Sts a ies insot y springing toh is Seat t; lecving thera to say that an Englishman | onthe list... iBsany * Tha etna "panunae again. 'This time a} phirked, and lost-his honor because he was 5 His pals lock as. bo cropped inte bis) ating (aowten cramied the thar, the bolt afraid sere ian tre ie '"McCOLL BROS. & Co., Toronto, . ¢ " ' z fie on i ie ips . WO ee Era ; "mir pesiet before my. eyes, Almost I ns withdrawn, the door was opine! an inc, | Ob," Leaid, "thervare ways of putting : eect . ower And Sold only in Stratford by ae _ armed back inte the hitGe parlor to speak then thrown back entirely; the young Eng- arama Tell therm thal you've ets a was a report. The pistal JEFFREY BROS... Hardware Merchants. Beisel --~ . ty him: and I* --F wish ta heaven ict nan stisad before tke of it; that in Engisnd we're too civilized for i: 7 i hiv band; Le turoed. and -feil ae : * had--all might iS vi par pani A aw wes dressed as Dhad seo him the pre' wach barbarous Middle 2 A aay re tha fare downward, Acad. ' on the itdomitabls stupidity reserve *Y . hen a man is offensive, we kick hini do ' pecs Pesce stood in my way, aod instead . ee Sreeens Ohana aero toaninnd > aud there is an endof it. Anything. lompandtedece op his lips. Poor.dad, : BIG BARGAI N S | F @.condle that oe h for a set of brates whe: ath anal iis : phe RRM ic R21) bea! ong. the ganste at ' yeorene tel tae ening! He shrugged bis dhodlderk, "Pos ey OE hen dignity, perbbia = o--When-6-Trala Te Fislow. aa Syrups... : od wardrobe and half dogen chairs, the Was not entrapped," said, 2 'An official of the Lehigh b Valley railroad ' ace seigenpomibig,s dee. snid.*be_ und. bead : P= % tein vet sob, Don ty" he erie * don' Spt te fn tagor of ogetables 7 A Paes obec iy trons (Smet Seale et mtn hematoma Dem i eyo ee | Coffee, Bal Powder, Canned Vi . ; (meaning ; 'mined his white face also, and hair hanging ! at rsdroad travel. He sys wecidents come no Sar ige aerenged pr eat nora Apron (ne damp over his' forehead. -There-it, L suppose, but I couldn't bepik I doo' Saeco frequaakty at tty 2 siiles an-hour than S Ss = Canned Meats. gad disputes among "es ven No One | vas something disheveled avd miserable in Want to tiink of it; I shall get frightened at ten miles an hour. He admits that the ugars, pices, : ee Was no one's con- b's whole appearance, and s ecered louk in again, and feelIcan't face it all. Besides, smashuje are worse 'when they do occur to |. : "Tete yaad tod caen enening |e sims St thay soak maine Het meds me ehacmemmany fnaedsdiractindias He'ewift trains, sodag cr pinay oa . All th ce d Eg ae . 'basten to explain my appearance there, 'began hurriedly turning ) Papers ON think the best wayto a' therm is to run Best ran fowe, before TES Le pardon," I said, "for int the table, "If Pm killed"---- He explains it in this way: "When ©. s of valk through the fast, a re alread Lae warm and star- your expla SS august night; the sky, bevy with one | a ered you might, Deneee recess onary ain ving" bears "you wil noeette | Wines, Branaee: Whiskies, Ales, Porters, aes io beged to ne OROEEOR EDS OG ai SSeS 'WALSH - BROS; Pm youve A ths = | Where you are me to get the Best Value for your } Money