ee aoenies : *; F - = ~~ TO ENJOY YOURSELF | XN \EGRO SUPERSTITION. INDIANS' MEDICINAL LORE, Mysterious Herts oS Which ak ormidabte Disé {TY AFRICAN FETICHISM SOFTENED BY CONTACT WITH. CIVILIZATION, iS. AS iS MUCH OF AN ART AS TO MAKE A FORTUNE. out dent bt ren of a a Hie ev rinking | from They Cure | sin Mesieo, i Medical, - R. D. a FRAS SER, OFFICE : at tis Residence, on the Downie Road. i a a eee n et ee erro ee lie aad talnment--The Training Which Ante Evil One--The Belief in Witches and Er ~~ dates the Three R's--The Child's Five "CO™Mer Niggers' -- Signs " Senses --Genuine Caltare, Death--Vations Ladicrous Notions. weal t Every one thinks that' he can enjor hit he contact of the African with a ovigt ret and dors not lack for efforts ty roaliat © fled and saftene: i his fetwh- Pe aes ger mach ot wae tz e Ms nsec ae fas ES f v vis th. OF) 5 4 7? awry or: How to 'Acquire the Piwur'& ees Self eesew. ncaa Worn for Protection Against the. of tha t have a good time as it is to make a for ' ; Ader sil agi 4 feaaiRegen eae Boe ET ite eee ease one is ona vacation -- in kearc b ot she am © it. "The lafger number of persons enter u life-without any special consideration ot i its om : tb Ag cree rd. used for the Painless Extraction 'eeth, per desired _Stratfora March 20 Iss3. R. C. COOPER, M.D HEseaastiee Pee RINT wanes RF oe abeod Teeiasd h + rete! S76-l¥ «Fas A. ae ae eterinary Sur Honorary (. raduate of oe Ontario Veterinary Colley apvivedh PROMPT Ci ATER REINS FD) ~Reyal Ho tel |. Strattont, Ont Sueabeord, April 2, 1 »f0t-Sm ~ SOHN A. ROE, wearers oe: t P wrth' eek pe Drug Stow tfoed Dr: W. N- ROSERTSON, (ara oF soo uTLanp]} Orrice Horn Fr 10 ps 3 Oice over Me &tru pers Store, ta ingtoa's Block tratford, Ontar Legal and Financial y + Surgeon. (Graduate Neve of Veterinary ' of the Ontario ¢ " Charges Moderate, sms Tannery L, ATTWoub, Ont. GiO-ly D. W. BURT. * Honorary Grae ve af yinh are Cotiaye of Veterinary Sa CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED* TO. Ciiances Movenate, Veterinary Medicines Kept and Dispensed, Orvte® and Kesroescr : -- In Shore's New Plook, rae Meshes ausee L; COUNTY OF PERTH. NoOTIC The The Wanten = be tn = ing same hours. we, _ DAVIDSON, 0a. ign GET YOUR TICKETS G. T. reLEGnApH TIKET es TEL STR ase a rints in Western States, Man! onthw est, Montreal, Bostox Lowest rates to af! toba and the Great) * A. H. ALEXANDER, A Stratford June 18, 1884 49 of ment. 2 ao dee eve 8 y Tife thant "By ""TAMSTing Thrsvaghoit Seety, ineaning oc 8 opportunities, o no can do with themactves. If they can earn uA ving they think that they da ell, ans ay } eeey carn more than a liviig, they are pret pte muro to ahow'that they do a ten vi eet to make a wise use of their surplus Tois i! stim enonh to eile ao pags ifthe ruic that peuple usually enjov ifs Br atio toe their opportinitic & They st tad thomselves, for instanoo able to take a va cation alter perhare twenty veura of ineoous: a FT an peaenry The fact hers fa nent or two to spend, not under ieee be oe centan i if elegraph, but ju goine plaut gi test witches ride b in uhiadis ar ebias Perrine ae | sweet will, if so new, so nut ot dead af 1ocbt, «xb t » in the i " ith all their antecedents, kuow what to do with' t thes there) es, To ward off tt foul sist t eta 182 sieny y are like Adam and Eve when cast out Poss ¥ wh lise. They haye all the workt before su y hair while their own iy its most inviting as pects, and thes OW? And on «fore it in the attitude of. those whe blows "edo not know what to turmto, Crigsri. =e ch is a mar b THE LARLY KDUCATION El One. Ta southern L ouistana t 5 Gne can' hive dep symy muthy with thes, large vernon Of nertoes win ybelieve that ] persona, but it ix easier to save the younger Certain other negroes have commerced boom i #teration froin Teper rating their mistakes Satan, receiyi from bim a liberal endow erpicaity. ment Of hi "The dite ulty dient deeper than: the occasion kiews as enpjur * pay in pig that discloses it, lies in. the early educa. GOO; YOU. fo Inetir the t thom iso "how! ous misfor tion, The greater part of Gur people are edn ; griex oml 5 cated in the three R's, but they are not edy 8 €¥ery neg a tse ' iy the In cated through <their natural instiners or "tC Of salva in to be of great Eitan Many break through their tread ° n, where he wil amd it is cor winning services, and follow some acide for its & de shite falics," it om an iw orn sake, aiid it is Hof necessary to toll suck *Tatet Uhat aac revels in, signs port Fen cay i Fiero Her fee emipiey thenmctrertn the Lis 1, ike the Muy ation, beita day ora munth. Th: " bts, and aT pers Ans have tine poverel-dinteresting thems feeiis sy y saben ke pri & eTeab pov, if activity, cad there aks perennials untaip Pe Into: a * in this canacit a is the power of monrnin self improven Hility to rake the lous, a BK oc: TA Ean blak wt Fy aed row ester } befor ; durscon-in-tie-merning ° On, dicappeintisent; i r "pe a Piles af nngonsel us «education 2 bad luck vite treaimen f brain thet. goes ba ack toon % © hikthionl, that ne It weckiont abi, & garment be Putin wren leis ja its intancy, so to aty.--Mexico srites" with rnother' lueation of the ty eat, and if it be wern that way unt . ye = mA ' pag} HOH. aed then tu wer wil Lave eee lie achoal,. that SPENT fox 5 Stuck. TS Live vt selsors to a the chil "rt ' riend is to sever fr " pt, indeed. a where ribeye re doetabe pita Le ici conga Rarkicnisaroms: the indefinite tthe part LAMA Pape The Roman Catholic Jaticionepirent which fe the hermrfire 6 - nngroes of matbibiin 'Louisiane. will not ruta) fone tim? given neues pyobeaniaua eres ine, deanaee oenl its oe is OL Lime, of facuitios rth Dene pag FUN wdaric , : al | aes teint thet cetrn noe 7 + te paid td Settle edcebite nn ace cit are thxe Very ne rt ang tts t = Sia s very cay that they bers im thie Thovsand beagny Lindst. wamen are wiigent Wothen ore K, lin-reserve for contin: aly and unex- uing extraordinary for a ae from $1,000, Where how, st wel) as through tiersire ¥ img quali ef the brain, that gives us the education of he ise yon wi nt thoentire manor woman, ' " When t! 4 ne the. bank closed the AN UNFAILING METHOD, receive shoney: an itching palm donotes the teller connts is cash to see that the This isa glimpse of what is meant by po! "UO bbe. while an fiching sole signifies n rresponds with the ing to the bottom of t ne at that you will travel Sho en Ss 'the buoks. He puts the foundation... The capacity.toenjos lif Chen sumityone 38 tabein lance in thie vault_and quite msi above the animal nature is esult it be the J ft, the tongue fs l next moerni rem the time he treating Yeu, nt amt you miust immediately loaves. tho. bank until the hour for him to of a careful education of the. genaos or in Stinets, sO That We shall naturally aim for Wish that its owner may-bite it: shout you reappear no one of the officers of the bank the best and assimilate ittoour life ¥ : in your right ear, you knows where he is. He may, rte tact, stay ilence -your emy. If a knife, fork o bs cannot transform grown up people into what they are net, and -ttewould-be-erurct=to pain many persons by pointing ont to them thei: : * away a couple of dayson the plea of illness, _ nna - : ins a ee Soot Fe aud if, ae is taually the case, he has the con- mare If sitors; mls i ack Cock crows ee " bi bse: arouses deficiencies: 'That is not required, but "it three times i succession at the back door, i pao sone Sa eae one of the sweet amenities of existence to, The possession of a frigzly hen nicans good, Express trains leave for Montreal at 7 and assist our fellow men, where it ix posible, iy (CX to the owner, while two frizaly hens de- 1445 every evening. A paying teller can wick ing © the circlo of e sbate Ds pacstitien, foren. Se pAANS Ot oe Pear rity which rouses put million dollars. in--greenbacks-in--his- id re, tanec ant fone * =, ee 5 con . . ' + Ly ex; Sa: le, by seisiseeition" of affection, There is 9 Indicrous belief that to step over ear tt Sak rervand be ia Moutreni amd where itis done with discretion one i the outstretched legs of any one will stop bis before he or the money is missecl, jeriiee growth. But the evil spell will work eat ; nati Ward, for 'by stepping beck orer the Paying tellers Ke ia ope my well paid est in the things that are around them. b = hy gees thelr REE work of de- owt that 2 eg Lomdog oust It is sail that a humorist is one of the most YCOPmEN resident is very 1] valuable members of the cx pasion iy che out 'o work in garden or field can be done with- pb ome © they will go ia the grave paying |-__ it ia impossilde for such a person to be t ker out -- . ri os phases. -- old auntie in oe or else bé bounced because of old age, seriously; but he communicates eo imu b rok AY Panuly woudl never make scep except in ees . : , hae kr" re b gol the feit-of the moony ant' then Tht "Soap HST oe direct ed ten eed: into Se oe the Julland over serious what-a thunder, be Stirred only ono way. Her soap stick, rich and influential man-with a poor rela- storm in a season of duli weather does forthe T*? tive whom he aut to support wivtiout cost atmosphere. He electrifies the air and gives havo certain occult powers, which male it % himself. relief to pent up natures, The persons wha Popular among the soap making sisters, t.(Consider for-a moment the terrible tempta- enjoy life through having an aside that civ Ask a negro man why be wears a brass tions some of these tellers: suffer; The sce them genuine culture, and who have the "8S 1 one pet a ie go you it will "™ men making money by methods. whichcage capacity of communicating the suggestion of 80F8 3 as And fever. are cured by. shonest this power to others o . rot awakening it with: swallowing cobweb: pilis, and the 'pain front ani that aotedy piesaracal wh hee ee in them, aro the benefactors-of society, If 20Y insect bite is instantly removed by rub- ao see and feel enough money day after da they happen to be anions, -- S ne bing the puncture with three kinds of ak ¢ them so independent of ek that have crowded houses. {they are What folly to endure warts when by rubbing ts ey could oil on the fat of thaJand whil Mad always awaken their pupils en pes them with a piece of stolen fat bacon, and ; ife ts an turns Sand Slew xX tk them forward. If they are pare: then burying it secretly, the warts will-dis Cor. New Orleans Picayune. sapaicia children in mature life are sure ie. ana p Appear in a fow days. So, why weary : ---------- and call them blessed. Thero Is tho capacity tee flesh with looking for a lost article when in nearly every one to get more out of life in YOU Heed ouly te throw something away to a good sense than they are getting, end the find the thin; mislaid! Your mind, however, secret of it is to use one's little spare ya pee be fixed Upon the thing lost to 'sacceed, 0 ea co oe rie mq every day for the pu of advancing « » that here one of tho elements of the faith people, _ asic' Sas mtly. the ling of Wikk Gis liked t6 do £5 the se a » cure seems to come in. Any lady who throws A young lady presented herself at my office tht Jig cxttalide-of Désta inanediate industry 2 away the combings after dressing her bair Complaining of a constant irritation in her or calling. This is gn unfailing method for Wil! suffer with headache, for the birds weave throat, Two weeks previously she bad been reaching out to permanent are of enjr a this hair into their nests, faker: "with: s very . sarvat," ston. Herald. The young generation of negroes, who are Which was treated A neighboring "physi- | * mult, Gan his: the inflam- Indian. 'inde of tex books with high sounding names, an mation quickly ccbetded, But there still ay tion of irritation. E In 1382 1 while trav: t are in bond to the same superstitions which @ Kensal at = 3, Sone a enchain their fathers, Not all of the mental! tion revealed a small, fleshy Armee object, traits Tadic philosophy set down in the chs emp wp esr ie an heat, adberent See isr CesT cout haye found out from With which: they are burdened can break the to the tisszes tothe a tina thrall cast by the witch and the "cunjur one end. The Cae parte bt the throat were , man," while the study of the higher mathe matics has not yet developed marnate devfl cotton aS seats Mt.) Biting the Finger Nails. co teh accident, resulting from a habit ot normal. "The little mass could not be detached Phe Be a be use BU Yord, Nov. omMDPH & WHILE, Beer SOLiCiTona, &e, Idington's Block, Stratiord UNION IS STRENGTH. A POOR MAN'S FRIEND. shes: end fratss s, Tey, - €18-ly JOHN EB. HARDING, ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, Etc, Idington's Mock, Erie St., Stratford Stratford, Sept. 14, 1884. 4o4-ly A. C. SHAW, B.A., | Buannosten, SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, le ry. im iu Old Albion Bioex, Ext Post Ottice £4 Moncey to Then on re 'a erty, at Six Per Cent. 'GEO. ALBERT LONEY, iicttor, Attorney -at- irra Con +e MONEY TO LEN vols' old offive e, Windsos Block, trons Stratford July, 13, Is 1a MABE & GEAR Solic the M erchans$ i for i MUNE ¥ To Le iPM KW, GhAnING, Stratford, August 14, 153, 449 ly G. W. LAWRENCE & SON, BAtaterens, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, Solict- tore in Chanoery, Cons rT, Notaries rite, &ec. Utfiec-- ~Murivet Bivike igs, Stratford. u. LAW SENCY w AWHENCE. _Steatiory Feb. 3, 1880. let-ly IDINGTON & PALMER, BALEsTELs, E., STRATFOKD JOUN IDINGTON, Rieti Count? Crown Attorxry. 4. FRANK PALME MONEY TO LEND:; Stratferd, Jan, 12th, 19 Bly MONEY 2 LEND, : T Reasonable Rates of Interest, on Farm and for wo Pro La Apply to at LA cots WS eee NCE, Maric: ince, Strattord af Che ap Money has bean placed Money, Money, Money! Fag spite R Lotc my anus, fo® inve ptiet yt on Paruw, at ve. CENT, ts aT Terms of seni tent to suit the hensenet at once to Ww ILLIAM GOR pon, a Esta te Broker, Stratf Stratford, Dec. ad W. MOWAT & SON, BANKERS, (Esta Apply RANSACT a cael Bank ima ~ Beings foots: drafts payable at par i da or United States. Allew & cent. inte m deposits in the savings branch, Within the last years over 000 (two million dollars) have been deposited with us ey demand with interest, a re cord probably unparalleled in the case of any other fivaie bankim 2 Canada. e make specialty of lending to business men and farmers at nable rates. Private funds on gawos at lowest rats Interest aod principle pey- LS mous ees Hi id tae Deeneses besued, Catmpbel 's or fiartic "© Compout It cunts Livre Comprar Sicx Heaanonty CONSTIPATION OR on Conrwenetee ware or bi hb eaentits aod ey te sane. 1 am, eats truly, «%. atte bead Taawnow, Man, 7 te Ln ere "Water- "WS. Steam: san i953 pt haga owe begs to a to announce to thepublic PRura: v at the sacnty quoted, until further a viz -- Wood, - per}, 000 feet. Bott Wood, & cents per M a ge ES within five miles of Sebringville. Highest price paid for saw logs. A quantity of Oak, Elm, Basswood, and Pins Uonber on iF ge ~ JOHN phe aw ee, Nov, cami 1883. Li-ty Co. PERTH 'MUT UAL F. 4 CO. RSTABLISHED 1563, BY ACT OF TARLIAMENT. eee F a. Merchandise, Manufactories and peer ee of Insurable Property, "" precy cash or premium note system, LOGSRS PROMPTLY ADJUSTED AXD FAID. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: sper & McKERNAN |. ws term 3 a's Bila amith Fit Ontario st the Queen's Hotel whieh > hey meee calars rod to nate ethemt to aoc trelate the er o ¢ carry on Bly Main nite sctentific principles in. the Lolbrwir -- - and Deon Cutters Teteon inpghe, Harrows, ie ¢ ie Ts ar od Steighs made w onter, a Ied voice can ats Lane HORSESHOEING A SPECLALT "2 In alt ter Branches" In this tine our reputation needs O60 Comment. Acknowledging past favors we solicit a continu. ance of the same,and hope by attention to all visitors gain a still furthes share of pubic patronage. Wood taken in Exchange for Work. Wa. MeKERN 'AN, W. J. CLELAND, On- TO MORE PILLS: MOTHERS LIKE iT? CHILCREN LiKE 7? Became Me ty bebe fr curses CNFLAINT, tha peers Liver. PATIO OR SOST AV ENLAS $05-LIFE.SIZE. PORTRAIT-£2% --H" tw H BS I-- WT Beckers. Gallery. hn FOR PHOTOCRAPTE ¢ FE 8 whi nave the chance. eds VORTRALT Ol thennehedon NONE MAKE A NOTE OF THIS, {f you want any Pictur This is a Rare Chance, and some one eet ORY YOUR LUCK! A few doors we eat of Post Office. Stratford, Deo. 15, will be eure THE KEY 10 HEALIH. Liver, eys An ore a grad 5 Tinont weakening t ing oft ti 6 Tpiritics and foul gysters, ail th: humors of the acerctions; ct the same me ng cidity of 3 "Walocks allthe elogsed cing ai the Bowels, Kidn: C83 Vision, Jaundi t Rheum, Erysi ng of al sheet' ana tanny rs ae tine Cicctnlataaan ahd bs tbe ha in of Ladies ining Hair Work WEL lady it Pays to get the Best, arid by calling MILLER' S HAIR STORE|: Gres: foe thal wy ins faxes l pis m tiiedear ' seh 7 a Sauda a8 fii y Das is Pawn: "KILLER. PAREN INTERNALLY ¢ ee yr ao €ail, tt evres Dveedter re tp aa] tn th Sih a Colds, > Me 25 Cents 6 Neware of Countericlis 'and traltations. Marble and Granite Works. SADSBY & SHARMAN, Importers and manufacturers of Foreign and Cana dian Ma: ble ead. Granite Monuments, comb- stones, Ma Stands, € yaniter Tops &c. -- script x Garman Markets st, Stratto: mt. 15, LATE 2h4-ly - BOOK- BiNDING. HAVE SVERY F ACHL ATY FOR nixDixd . Periodiva' in ¥ AND WORK WASREIE. beet 2nk Looks ruled, printed and I 7 Full Saar List o1 on Application. WALTER STONE; Book-Binder and Plank Back Mancfactarer BINDERY OVER DUTTON'S DRUG STORE, Corner of Erie and Ontario Streets, STRATFORD Stratford, Feb. 21, 1947 Par reccta=ss, DR ( ee by i ea ee 2g ay he for sending'? rues end Gc.for book of inva luable § informa 'CHAS. CLUTHE, : HS Kinc -- West, Tero STRATFOR Mansion House, ioe Oct. 6. LONDON : an! pie oan and miele xk is oats PILLS AND ( " OINTMEN? This onirersal medicine | is a Household £ quisite every where, UFY THE Rr part att. VOUS AY StF OOD, fn tene to fet soothingly on the u Mand act most powerfuii James Trow, de, Ean. a ienets Reeve, North East- Diering, Bay. Milverton, Soticibace--Meneee. seen ePeceoe & Davidson, CHas. ee Stratford, Aug: 3 22, 1088. 436-ly jaye: ____ Satan's Legal Rights. a be is jee ge A London co t writes from. Fin- probe. are out of that dng be puts to you the single iand that & property bolder im one-cl the. een Stee iss er eword, nae Ge edie Gee -- bend interfor towis Gf the province left a will be ras es could esate him your ping, e cat of a sonaibing al his, possessions to the devil.| tnt ada, small ping: man's: family~ protested that the' joe throai in bis capa: wil wus void, but the Finnish la prsir ad jd seen pas 'eit th a fit of cough ¢ it until reminded by my erome Tuthill in in Medical _--New York - ses a Maths of Acetic Acid. When you are buying kid deve vemntoe The reported discovery of the "elixir of f spring oat of the grass on ag tant chore iy sath thing asa price that is Beer' in baths of prey ercorsae nana ec iy"How?f He bad cut a cireuis tuthe ©? Py ee ee eer 8 amt ean Tea ae = pd arnt rn g3t tha -- gloves that go withit, Ex- monstrate the biological im: " graseach time to cous ott npowh of ah, anit {0 fod places tS 'tar ibility of living forever,_and ve the...Jeather,. The Medical Bell, 'PICKLING . SEASON. : PURE SPICES, JAR CORKS, BOTTLING WAX. 'Bey our Mixed Pickling Spice, =| J, H, Nasmyth & Co. | take a goed fit and to wear weil > ST a ane Se ee 2 Ontario St. Telephone. Stratford, ! Night Bell, Sept. 4, 1589 3 g Wevarrp the Lary iy Front Pieces, Bangs, Waves, Switches -- all Shadew and WHITE AND GREY 'coODs A SPECIALTY. 212 DUNDAS ST., LONDON. London, Sept. 12, 18s. 602-3 RE MOVAL. A. STEWART, HARNESS MAKER, -- G46 REMOVED To ae H,. Baker's Block, South of the Market, Oprosite the Man-.. ~ "piom House, + REPAIRING PROMPTLY DON E ee aie the bowels to remai conkipated Jest serious eril entwe. Naton neurpassed as a remedy for Visi' Goode, 'nail the | on ais tata, 6 wi Prt -- and Vv poe ti Hi Trem Slings, ins and GENKHAL | SILITY quick y yield to the potent force be ell kno » Pilla, and they are unsivalic FEMALE COMPFLAINTs, emor! ving all obstructions, skin blermishes pir _ and eral eg better than any other un ne mas & WORID' 4 Serereric'. gibbrals avers kind OUND more certainly than en sion * marvellous Y Hinvatuahle iwi THROAT AND CHEST tage ning Brenehdtia. Ruleces_and and. core ar bs eon Glenda er inn a pewurs . a vee ' ISCESKPS 9: 'a PISTCLAS: at AM gud ise esi te tue excrnciativg tostases of Rwcu a GutT. ule " AUGLA ot be wnearonaee st It ners Lata tome Sear aude f ew al we ure? " y at 'ene Mowtaewer ai RisltaB reeset, eth gant os a aes = eget te 'ieee +08 a Ra. a the ty TM AUC im rea ha Pee ete met Boe Cte pare tT we te Fie > ee ct: tees tse Bit cred Hevet, topo, hag ce pe * pny Weert. sotered in tis ae wien et Waerry. * in BOLLA~ oe a Sse ne " a, Be viii ss OXFORD ST.,LO~OON