Stratford Times, 3 Oct 1888, p. 5

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Tegra ey i ae . . : import We of Scotch Tweeds we direct from Scotland. are showing the contents one Case Suitings and. Trou- "serings. tthe - Latest vp S, It is not necess: try to sz ay th no other Tweeds wear better. and none kee ast theit appear- Tance-as wellas Scorch. Bear in mind that we _im- port direct ; middlemen's pro- Mts are saved to the buyer.}, C li Tweeds, similar in "The Hotel -Comb. Did you ever gentle reader, behold that venerable selic--called the hotel comb? Hiave you ever aged with critical tye upon itt serrated row of teeth? I have never yet seen a hotel comb that was vers than fou: years oft: They Tiever seeti to effective at sid es timst od hy the ancientness and exantes of thes articie*of furnitare, With thi cabigie n peaee veccmurnedy of hits we (thle a! . £ hotel.cu1 shal oe paced o f x BAY eat th wile a lwo are 1 tovetate In order te Inve a I more iitiniate ving shintTice ed t ynl the artic: 1 gave. it_upin despair Unequal length apd much oh peaks of the snowclad Alp, sand it aome cult to ae erve & i } f i os "Coatings, pattern to Scotch, will wear $5 per suit er: ss, Fit, mings, and workmanship in eur Ordered Clothing . are guaranteed. One case men's scarfs and ties, direct from England. ~"Tmporting direct means a 2§c. tie for 1§¢., a §0c, tie for 35c. a 75¢. tic for 50c. direct, Our other import ations for | this season are men's hosiery | and. gloves, worsted Over- Nap OVercoatings, _ beave "yr overcoatings, worsted . Trouseringss We import tee Boys' Ready-made Over- oats, with or without Capés, from $2.75 up. Men's over- coats, in. - _Tweeds, &c.¥ from $4 25 up. 'Our stock "of Overcoats is a aeompletec all-sizes-and--kinds. ~ THORNTON & DOUGLAS Tue On ty Srrictity Ont- Price CLoTHiERs IN STRATFORD. nd bectmmlea St, aesaichvaba Ont. -- DOWNIE. 'the corncil met on the 2ith inst., engineer's award-along side of the road in- stead of going through part of their farms, a to dig the same and maintain it ac cording to the conditions" of "the award. The application was granted. A by law was passed for levying 2) mills on the dollar on real estate for county rate; 2h mills for general township rate and 21-10 mills for schooi rate. The following amounts até required "by "the -- echools; Union schoola No? E a 206; No 3,D Eand F,$70; Nol FandD $1 4265 No 4, F.and.D, $94.50; No 2, Band | dD, $255; Sep 5. S. No 9, $186; Nos. $400 ; No 4, $325; No 5, $450; No 6, 9460; No 7, $550; No 8, $460; No 9, $300; No 10, $260. Mr. Thomas Pethick was present; con- cerning some misunderstanding in regard to his statute labor. The council instruc- ted him to get pathmaster's crrtiticate that the work a performed. Mr, Welsh intimated the bridge on the con- cession oe ers' required a new covering ; veacrvee that the" bridge' com: mittee examine said bridge with power The disputed road allowance be- tween lots 5 and 6, con 10, was considered and as neither of the interested parties made application to get settled, it was moved b onded by Mr, Thistle, that the council apply to the Lieutenant-Governor in Council requesting him to cause this dis- puted line to be surveyed and marked by permanent stone or iron boundaries undex the direction and order of the Com. missioner of Crown Tanda at the cost o the propriet: ri of the lands interested.- Carried. Resolved, that plen: and spcei- cations for a-stone "arch en 6th and 7th cons near Harmony, be procured by the bridge committee, said plans, &c,, to be , fees the lat day of October, ba puton the collector's roll for collection with 7 per cent added, also that the clerk exemine-all the antate 'a lists, anc cuasse. tors ro} eames Weim 'port , aps, Worsteds, |. tf many. re fear. general le Ee ang unr bain. ot. bee tooth pe reisted in anas vtins 6 r benevolence another nD rcked aims com bativeness "silly, "white Lr molar stirnujated greatly our --e f fangiage, bad language. After # narrow escepe from chewing cff our plilopro- gemitiveness we concluded that discretion waa the better part of valor, and withdrew from the unequal contest. Gazing upon the comb we became somewhat stiipalated, We thought of the heads it had combed, black heads, brown heads, white hea: in. clever bends, square heads, ant alto ~ swetled heads: Lar exterminater in our hand, we were indulgsag in there sweetly sed and solema thoaghta whea a Jerald | dude seame in and observing our occupation malice aforethought, vhere my fove lies dreaming. This was ts. much, with one carding ye l we sprang upon him, felled | him to +o e earth, and fled wildly from the root. Arrzigned on ac hare © L prin red heads, long heads; go' "en heads, pare id heads, bad not the friends of the deceased bribed the foreman of the jary with a demijohn of potato sent by Father A'vssiom, we put in the pica of insanity, were acquitted, and served a six montha incarceration in the Jugatic asylum, where we are writing this article. Morai.--Never monkey With a hotel! comb, a all sane ae raneronee It appears from letters received in Hats death wus 2 thet due to hia own harshness and severity. Dissipiiog . is- doubtless « good thing, but unlooked tor result, An Knoglishman par- takea of the stolidness of his country. Wherever he goes he carries his English 'habits and customs with him, and lacks that tenis iaptability to that the American possesses in a large a Ie He forgets that in Lyy he should C) Romans do. a bad fact that } Major Bartellot ety on his own slaughter by Wiis harshness tw natives meee his snmmani__ 4) untutored sa: exactions org a snilitery ecpline, wo although, as all African travellers aver, he can only be forced to obey th h fear of his superiors ; there is such a thing as th fear without goading to madness n the galling yoke of a military mar- tinet. Why cannot Englishmen. under- stand that there are other people in the world besides themselyes ? Why cannot they occasionally unbend? How many Englishmen who have come to this coun- try, and gone home disgusted, have tried to make themeetves agreeable? if any. ~~ Ins could call his own, comes to this sountys turns up his nose at theée **demned col- oniats," views with ot hn talinmine eae) toa oot "haughty ab. "ahmed 'oir ti i customs, makes no Kecillear adapt ¢ himeelf to them, but always raving with a delightfal disregard of a about his *' 'onte is the hold country, gusts cverybody but himself, an fivally returns to his native isle with a howl upon his lips about the ; iahonpleaey of Cana- jans rth American (beth Yankee and Comedian} seems to have a ppy--knack of a imsel{ all surroundings. This versatility is a marked feature of our character. The world is at the footstool of the American, American lles reign in London. ' They queen it io Parisian sclons, and everywhere there are profuse evidences' of our greatness and cleverness. Canadians, in addition yankee versatility, have the British stability, which is the reason why Uncle Sam thinks so much of our Canadian youth. How many of our yonee men occupy eee in the Sta To However,. 'hla. is the result of ne exclusion Canadians from offices which they are well fitted to fill. When ' Canada for the Canadians" becomes our motto, then we will keep our youth at home, but us long as some beef- eating, ale swilling, aspirate indifferent Englishman is allowed to monopolize every lucrative position, so Jong will young men reek greener fields and fresher pastures os --An Evglish chemist proposes utilizing enter tar Are, rif, looms, if tion mn to cing bait looms of w mt re, No Wel vats te ® man~-bevonies..« de- | serves to pity if -his sabia: call forth an Se SS Eos __CHEAPSIDE 10 THE FRONT AGAIN. STRATFORD, it a pleasure to be permitte -d to show Goods. ee J. G. STRONG & SON, SIGN OF THE GOLDEN UNICORN, Are now Offering $22,000 Worth of General Dry Goods; Clothing¢, Carpets, Dress Goods* Silks, Plushes, Millinery, Mantles, Gloves, Hosiery, &c., at Close Prices for CASH. S=" We extend an Invitation to Everybody desiring to purchase RELIABLE GOODS at REASONABLE P RICE S, to call and inspect our Stock, We alw: ay s deem er Our Millinery Show-Rooms. will be opened about 1st October. We Head the Procesion -- Pure. A marvel of purty More eve OTH RC er hever Varie This po P ' ss rneth an - wholes onvetrers, tre eed € wmpe titic 1 # with the mu attitude wach low testa, short weight alam or phosphate pow Sedd ently tn Cane Re nral Laking Powder C e., los Wall St., ee order. solid value and low price. par excellence. for Boys' wear. pre-eminent, Prices. STRATFORD, SEPT, 261n, 1888. and-finish, still-maintains its reputation. He has no superior in Ontaric. GRAND NEW AND ATTRACTIVE OFFERINGS 6 Merchant Taor org De fn MACIN AIR & €oO's, Who are now showing a Magnificent Range of New Imported and Domestic Woollens. We invite an inspection of our Stock by those in want of First-Class Clothing made to Our Stock is extensive and well selected { is without parallel in point of variety, Our Tailoring Department, always noted for reliability in fit Our new Cutter, Mr. CLARKE, is an artist Fashionable Young Men, who uafiect their attire, can place. themselves in his hands with perfect' confidence, relying upon it that he will not send them forth in any Garment that does not bear upon it the -- of Fashion and the pi et of cultivated taste. 'BOYS' CLOTHING! Parents, we earnestly invite your attention to our Assortment of Tweeds suitable New and Desirable Styles for Juvenile Clothing. We have long stood To those who have heretofore purchased their Boys' Clothing from us we do not think it necessary to urge a continuance of your custom, for you will come without. 'fo those who have not called-upon-us, we cordially invite you to inspect our Goods and We will please you and save you money. Our aim is to give the best value for the least money, and to advance the standard of excellence of our Goods. The Popular and Progressive Store of A. MACNN AIR & CO. -- The weather these days is as change- able as a girl of sweet sixteen, who fancies that-every fellow that looks at her is in me with ber. The will hav: and face the weather, but they don't have to the girl of sweet sixteen. Probably it is as well they don't. ---Somebody asserts that the King of Spain is the only baby in the world who was.never spanked, His mother ought to chastise him once ina while with the of empire, Such rural jokes sxould be raled out. W. mld it not be rude to chastise his little nibe with a rod ? VICTORIA CARKOLIC SALVE i a wonderful healing compound for cuts, wounds, bruises, burns, scald; "bois, "pilex, pimples, de, WEEKLY EMPIRE CANADA'S LEADING PAPER. iment -- = ---- SEE ---- PEQUEGNAT BROS. WATCHES, JEWELLERY, And SILVERWARE. Prices Low. - - Quality Guaranteed. OLD ALBION BLOCK 3, STRATFORD, Grosch Bros. & Huffman. ~--NORTH---PERTK. Agricultural Society EXHIBITION -Agricnitoral Park, STRATFORD! THURSDAY And FRIDAY, October 4th and 5th Liberal Premiums. Send for Prize Lists. i" Reduced Railway. Fares, ea JOHN BROWN, DANIEL DEMPSEY, Sec- Treas. President. , Stratford, Sept. 13, 188s. 665-44 a PTO. Special Prizes" Our 2nd Annual Gift PRIZE BUTTER, The North Perth Fair To be held in this City, Oct. 4th and Sth. tst Prise, Furniture, value $10 do, do. $5 $®% BUTTER to Le entered. reece to be made for SPECIAL PRIZES, and ntered for any other : Butter winning Society Prizes cannot compete for above. Prize Butter to become our Property. The Winners of os segs may make theirown Selection of Furnitu BRADSHAW & ©: Furniture Dealers and Undertakers, Corner Ontario and Church sts., Opposite Court House. ~ teats ord. Sept. sth, ie i 60 on TARIO-ST. TWO Special Prizes The Undersigned offers two Special Prizes for the best Six Loaves of Home Made Bread shown at the next Stratford Exhibition. To the one re- ceiving 1st prize, a Sideboard, valued at $10.00, and to the 2nd prize, 6 Chatrs, valued at 60 ae souile a not eric form vee their full comple- init of statute labor at the rate of $l per "day, Bits towan, tron bridge at Mountain's, 120 Patrick Walsh, grading T. b. and 7%, half cest, $8.80; John Pike, cut. bres on 4 h and 5th cons, 38 20; me aoe scliffer, wigan ditch on 6th- con, eng cers award Bods Joseph Callecden." cul wnd..Z., hatf-eos David Wilson and Anu Carmy 39 each ; Michaet Ash, 86). Edwin Legear, remir-. ime culvert centre line and ene on i2th eon, 33.4 Wim, Thistle jr. repairing calrert Oth aud Ith: cones Ger, $1.00.4.J..Daar, ' eee ek / od. combrtact ' Spe ite, Bora Li. Rastner, plank, | TVESSS Sebringvilie, $30.50; Joha _Thormpeon, riaht of readway- at' Modntaia's: bridge, 10 ; J. Dann, poiating Falcher's bridge, $2.) Thenext meeting will be held on the last Monday in October.--P. Smith, clerk, . cca iran nconniaanctertapeicr A Plain Statement. All poisonous waste, and worn Eg = ter ought to escape from the threagh the secretions of the melas 'id ~peye andekia. . B..B.B. 'cleanses, - ope 'fod reuthatosthexe nataral Outta the remoral of disease. Bilto Disorders and woe ---- Catbrs Cnpond = very 'Unders IpeuedGravel, statute labor vie Wor Fevler, $4.50; Patrick Clyne, 813: 1¢; the human body alter death." He says that it could be converted into soap, pa Think of the" peosibtlities this A man could Maminate his draw deceased parents. Whenever he looked' st soap he could re- ererey say, ** Se r old gran idana,whs at ste m "This is very j se! ae ie pe tee reader can follow Lup thie line of thought and see Bing it leads' hin. The Scriptural passage may now be" appropriately" altered, ~ cs Dist | ne art, and tesoap, gas, ct¢,, thou shalt } retu Nat Sa HOTEL; > Hoot Pfr Commercial atablitiy aral Bitentive boetier - HAGARTY, Stegtiand, Oct. 10, 13 ss. sai - QUEEN'S I 58 'HOTEL. Corner of Waterloo "ee cone Streeta, Stratford, Oat. . * Velen. Good [~ e its Ssabiany vent he : ee a aired ao Lewding met ania the iat + ar Coaeer ee a Hat = iyi the and Life. like "Bust ig SIR JOHN MACDONALD, : ORE ARR SEAS OnNLx= 'Si PER LANNE. NOW 18 THE TIME T TO SUESCRIBE. Veddress: THE EMPIRE. Toronto . | fo be given toeyery subscriber tothe WEEKLY are EMOTE PANENG BYANCE, THE POPULAR RED.FRONT BOOT & SHOE STORE "We are now offering: Decided as in all Lines of Gents, Ladies>;- 7] { Call and' see us at the RED FRONT, Market Serre, next oie ot. abies 4 ts: : XO TROUBLE TO SHOW Goons, FS ct Misses' and Children's Boots and Shoes. Trunks and. Valises:in all. Shapes and Sizes. "Repairing-done-on the. Premises, bya Virst-Class» Mech $6.00, on the conditions that the Bread shall become the pro- berty. of the City Chairman of the Beard of Relief for dis- tribution to the poor of the city. The Prizes "offered can be seen at WILLIAM " HEPBURR'S ~ _ door to the Hapress. Office, 'Stratford. | Ey = GRoscH BROS. ad HUFFMAN, Our Goods are all Fresh and New, purchased for Cash, Direct from «the Manufacturers, thus saving the protits of Middlemen, as well ad Cash Discounts, and enabling us to select at ordinary wholesale prices, with a ta. cana a profit left for ourselves." ; '60 "ONTARIO STREET, CITY: ROOMS AXD RESIDENCE, | Beeattora Aug. 15, 1538, AGoodNeighbor . ree days with a attack dlacrbeon sawouitlng' 'Nethheg benune: ime until my - hbor, Mrs Dannivg, Dr. Extract of a bro Rap Bag Tweed Sr Colum

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