wT \. Dashed to Death. & TEERIMLE arvarn MAM FALLA FROM & BALLOON A DIATANCHE GW GVER 1000 reer any ts FRICITYULLY MANGLED. - tres, is Tene ie Fo setaured at the extnbition gr ee eon. -A-goung butcher wasied Tors bi shed to pieces by falling from a balloon ata. height of over 1,000. feet. The foon ascension was advertised as the draw ang car of the day. The aerouaut, a condinys to a covtract with the mans "Ke z i AT OTTAWA----A YOUNG ders TE SRE Ted Cates. da this TY! bsley, reerding on Chapel street. beitg | is bai | |_ 'The "Royal" Flavoring Extracts| MORTGAGE SALE | sre absolutely pare. i -- oF FARM PROPERTY ag New Potatoes , Downie street. In the Township of ELLICE, in 'the County of PERTH: Use * Mand 8.' 'Condit 10on Pow oy ayn s Y pitas E : oF THE POWER at Henry fox i038 of appetite in yous horse iene: keto ac t raisina . -- e city are place that » beat 5 cen ba tie badd at Walsh iron tie ay soynirey ater ey Ty* ettain" Morncace yet ont ples ef the teas that James | ra nich it a vrotuced ors "line of Sale) there | Corceran sells 7 an , cent j wii offered for Sale, by prand, and cur ---- 2) PUBLIC ~ AUSTION have pays 4 and Ly cents per ed for MARKET SQUARE |42 Custom Work a rs : be UNDERSIGNED ian sve eutibiiehed a CIDER PRESS ong Erie. Street, Stratford, Th eit wasiitacha poly CIDER of tt best Brands. an + ale at MLE BUeETER and partic mesing Spee + are re Ho4 At STRATTORD - CIDER - PRESS. 'Oysters ! --+-BEROSITE HERGOTT & KUNTZ'S BREWERY ry | =a | : ested to . ; , | -- aT y CTIFAP. all th 2 jw i] ~ F, = FFEPS FOR SALE, CIIEAP, all the Materia N | \"\ JONES &.HATRANESS. O et the Gid Qourt Modee amd Jail, viz be Oysters : FIRET SEASON. CEIVE gnment 4 the Best BALTIMOKE 'OYSTERS, a Cans, on ROPE FY, » Street. "GENTLEMEN, REQTIRING -- SUITS 'tar WILL IAM EASSON | Ten i it, agrees i petals oop at height, | F ae "1 ' apd then dane ending in Boparachuté. He- | Walsh Broa, kee 4 all the best brands of ROOMS TO REN I Stone ; r; . pr KS, | - OR . Sore he got peaily~t0 start he asked aegis jbrandics, wines, foreign aud domestic CITADLE tor Lezal. Ingarans Oak anc ine Lumber, ecm Otte 3% tance in holding down'the it mpatie nt me "hishies, ales, porters, ef € mca Oar ales | CITY OF STRATFORD, So rTa wen ot 1: * F] ' S} que 'Te os ; FT -- 4 O S ter. Among the volunteers was the yx and porters are in prime itien and afew yards fr mi the I ° jporsting, oOoring, 1e¢ ting, C i \ I man Winky, who, with others t whet is Wanted as "the Wart h 13 th i fA t h J. FRANK Shincles Iron G rate Ss. --- WILL a stout rope running round the bare tT Z Sata 8 ay 0 C 0 er, Or at Ths Tines of iD , a 1 Windows Vault . tativon. "Prof, Wilianty the, nerons A 'ccriblo Tem Years meet aang [> Ch oors and SAVE MONEY entered the car and shouted, * Let go . Y "arm for Sale CG eap. Cell D x: & . NM Letras Acres wf--tlunties Ont. | sat, Aliasd Sunzuler, Cli Oors, «xc... «¥C, | ali telearirg thet tands-with the-exeet- ga ge ot t fli it re = j RY GOING DinecT To . soflere ortures ¢ ver mplamt |} + Bamba a £ ] 7 . . a t : + DIRE of Winsley, who retained his hold, : ed " "pn ren of 7 i 7 | Lot Namb r13 in th s Sth Con GOOD FARM, Containing 65 Acrts, all - WM. EASSON. vd was swiftly borne upwards. ve | fOr ten-yen heaiahd ' snnnion of the ee : a , , ', 21. ; aerouaut was unable to help the unfortun. | ° stirely cured her, making her hke a new yf LICE, cleared, right on gravel road. Stratfon!, August (63-4 ate tan, who, thongh called upon' to Ivt Eto aieree other meester tra a ht ONE TCNDEED | COOP CONCRETE Hot st ANDOt tot tents rs = Kastner Bros ~ | lead te hheve bye i r mall Orchard of particulars wu, still clin to the ropes The hallo » | Failed to relieve r "ACK rare 'ss . Two ilarts art small Orcha i L H, A < -- nels aeaeee EB. 'J. Ww? Cc had cow gone 1,000 feet upwar cl the dies ana CrP) OF Sis TrUtt g baut Sh pines WILLIAM GORDON, | . . oe . . pectators stood paralized with fear, g2z- na hat aglng ate wid 1 , t oe . as [Lary Forrwax ron Haaittox Bros. rom 5 ~ SEBRINGVILLE ann MITCHELL, ? apa ar es SSS ah en a poe BY fein 3 Ry + oe, -- ae | after letting go one hand, desperate) : a Bee. ana Lwu STALL 4 ee ee cladeodl Kn ux mcmwacs stung lathe rope with the other, Pine td 1 J : ay , i il sisi, nadine iiaamaiamalan ROUS ey AND LO' r F OR SALE, '| Boot & oe al cer | » A RASTUER, Manager, Bebringritte,: ; fetheretivesed ete ree eae aT = | T bl 2 NTT WASTES He ORCS gear Aes ac in PTA tit: -_ - ms . t he came like a rocket, exeeuting a mais sof} == oo Nt | Por fartuer particulars, spnly Wo _ No. 2 Jarvis Block, next door | SOMBTAAT IS TH The "air, He Strick, iii '« field, 100 feet from the tie gre en and was terribly nips 1, # baltoon, a few instants Inter, evdiap sed. ors mere cendirg in safe ety in the parachute affair has created a horrible sensation. Winsley was aged 20 and unmarried, rat de fee The Ottawa county electoral pa o test trial 'was resumed at Ay mer obs M staminaton_ofoMe.. Mausette, ininecting ae Vilicer, was then proceeded with. {mony concerned the Rev. Father Paradis. Tt seems that at the election = which Rochon'< (Grit) return was eff Father Paradis voted twice township of Egan and once in of Kensington. ed to vote at all was what the petitioners' counsel wanted to find out. The witness ssid he had issued no certificate to give the Pather a 5 alit io. vote, One of those votes improperty cast thi At itt Evan towaship -- Yas Cast in the name of the Oblat Fathers, alth sugh Mather aurachs had no right to vote in their name, Hotcowar's OWNTMESS AND Procs. J Diseases of the tjowele.. A which has-becu teated and thenaand cor. Oa tabling te ae 02 the fraptions from the Hotliew ayv's Olntwent abdon NOH, s apnoea nd ue it tk hide k- €us tine ary. i init Mace aoe tes. Acting asa der 'e, this ointment draws to 'the ay Fever THE TENTEP THE Tas ' tid maltora, and. prevents Tothauizsa- tien dys nte =a ws es, for which tilts tering was the old-fashioned, though sux es+fal tre atment, now from its painfuliess fallen into discuse, the discovery of this Ointment having proclaimed a remedy possessing equally dericative, yet perfectly Painless, powers, The baby « " a Ager William Beattie, who lives on of i Beattie went to work in the ret am leaving in" his' dug-out hie two ildren, one five years old and a baby aged two mo About noon Keattic retarned home a found his girl in tears, be sak rhe had taken the baby into the yard, and Toft it there while she went into the house. ia afew minutes she heard a ery, and in looking out saw the baby "fying away," as she expressed it. The father knew at ones that an eigle had visited his home, and summoned his neighbors to che wood- ed banks of the river, for which the eagle had made, In about an hour the sound of APOE utinioned the searchers together, Une ef the men had-found--the~- eagle; and was dghting with it, He had emptied his gun at the big bird, =9 broken a wing anc waa using hia gun as club when rein thatte: noua, : iabe the bus h, and then ha father saw his infant dead, the bx ody horribly lacerated. YHE THST hr PERFECT LTH. DISEASES OVERMATCHED BY MEDICINE, Sir Astley Cooper said that no man cughtto know he had a stomach. Un- ~fortunutely, however; tne two" extremes of luxury and privation teach a considerable pertion of mankind that they Dave stom. achs, and very troublesome o1 'h diggers after gold in our silabes, the all. uvial of our rivers and our dry plains, suff- er mach from diseases of this organ, anc of the liver and bowels, At present, how- r, there is much es fear of- these com. plaints than formerly. All intelligent miners are aware that they can be readil combated and cured by the timely ad- "ministration of Hollowny's celebrated Pills. "Ove of the leading forms in which disease af the stomach and bowels exhibits itself in either in dysen- tery and diarrma in this country has uni- tormly succeeded in curing those maladies except Holloway's Pills. It is stated that all cases in which | they were administered at the Ballarat Diggings, they did not fail in one. The ordinary medical treatment of diarrhara pg to be wholly useless n this clima it is so in any cavil that the Pills arrest,the complaint as certainly and almost as ents as ca brakes.of & rail car arrest the revolution. ita wheels. 'There are-no ifs or bute about } Racal Trunk Shope. PARCEL 2, Consisting of Lot 9, in Monteith's nae ryt dd and on a a ee cort- s + a sat. ip-stocy AGED. itchen, Good Cellar, 00a 7O0liis, Dear rite ol ta ol | Good Wall, ait a Cont FRAME STADEE: afin t ition, on Nile st, oniy 3 minutes' walk from the | cood repair, on Eric and Civareh Streets, contain- "FORREST CITY BUSINESS COLLEGE, One CHADWICK, BLACKSTOCK & GA BEATTY, LY 58 Wellington Street, East, Toronto, Vendor's Solicitors, D. BR. McPHERSON, Auctionver, & YORK, the Cits ef To tha onto, Teton This 10 h vay, of 5S- pate eT, a D ps8. MOU SILE Ir {UJ Sven and hy Vi contain a ley Dern Mor' , the late KUT DOR SUN, and seitt West Pes DORSUN, bearing date the yoft Pebruary, 'sf ea Grand verre il Hotel, TOWN OF 'LISTOWEL, Friday, Oct. 5th, 88 whit are Bnet ta be mad shot tid write for Catalogue. Avuness; WESTER\V ELT & London, Se t 6, 1838. Ont-td ; wer ke Sa'e ' Sf y* At the hour of Two o'Cinck in the afternoon, : By Pa RE HAY. Erq., Au stioneer, ¥ yo: the South Hal ceot Lote. Numbers Forty-six an rr Fe a cneteeiy in the Pint Concession of t clown v ship of GREY, ia the County of il Rux, con wa by edineasurcment IN The GH ca IF JESTIGE.| Chancery 'Division. In the matter of Lot Number Three Hundred and Seven. | teen (317) in the Canada Company's Survey of the Town (now City) of STRAT. FORD, in the County of PERTH. Htelation, ita Jovi with ' dy bala ance abu. » 2.0 w, y tay be "lett se at G per cent, with in (A) Gays theres Possession Given at Once, For further parti aan, & apply to Mr. R. HAY, the Auctionecr, LISTOWEL, or to the Vendor's DB siestete, MAREE & GEARING, Vendor's Sclicitors, Albdrt Street, STRATFORD. Dated at Strattord, the 7th Day ef Parptoesbet, A, D; Tees that NIE 1S NERELKY CIves JOTIN AY. of the ( ney Ri STRAT! ORD, in the COUNTY OF PERTH, Shoomeker, has made an JI ]DICIAL SALE | zh bs ourt of Justice, Chancery Certiicar te of. Fite the above nenti joned Property, * The Quieting Titles Act," and bas produced. Evi ryng whereby he appears to be the Owner thereof, in fee. treé from ali incumbrance Wherefore, any other Person having, or pretend ing to have, any Tithe to or Interest in the ani Land; orany part thereor, ts req@ired, on or befor Tuesday, the 23rd Day of VALUABLE CIT PROPER RSUANT to a i es or Order of Refer- t r' nee made in the matter of the tatate © October, JAMES POWELL, and rg & cause of POWELL © tow next eneainy. to Stew Statement of his Claim, 7-27) Fite tbere sail. pa.peld. itd the appmbation verified by affidavit, la ny Office, at the COURT Ntratford. by D. R, NePHEMSUS Auctionter, HOUSE, to the said CITY OF STRATFORD, and by Publ ar, ae ° to serve a copy on the said JOHN WAY, . ic Auction, : Sra. LDINGTON & PALMEK, of the said CITY OF sh "K RES TCR STRATFORD, bin Solivi at their Office, in thw A Very Desirable BRICK RESIDENCE 4 CITY OF STRATFORD, and in Detautt every and STABLE, on the Corner of Church such Claim will arred. and the Title of the sai . s : . +Ty . JOHN WAY become Absolute and Indefeasltsle at and St. David Streets, STRATFORD ; faw and in Equity, ag ooo only to the Kevery 2 FRAME HOUSES, 6 rooms each, 20t tious. mentioned sof t Section of the wld Act therein mentia Dated fist setter, 1883. . LIZA , Master and ten at SIKATFORD. IDINGTON & PALMER, 664-3¢ -- Bolicitors tor Applicant, JOHN WAY. THE Real' Estate Exchange. The Following Special Bargains are taken from OUROFFICE LIST: $1, and driving hoes, a8 west o Avondae ave ave i 100 For that neat Bric kk House, 3 rooms, $ Ly built, Blake mlnwtes' waik to the street, and a SMALL SHOP, on the Corner of Erie and St. David Streets ; a FRAME COTTAGE on Erie and Church Streets, and 2 VACANT LOTS on Church Street, on Saturday, the 6th Day of October, isa, at the hour of 2 p, m.. Market Place, Stratford. The Property wit! be sold in Parcels, as follows :--- PARCEL 1, Consisting rat Lot 314 in the Canada at the 00 tl 4 +3 ie storey Frame ae' . bys tile drains ; good etal acre Lut, on protean eben OA, ll Mr. "a enee, ow the Corner ot Uburch ts, within a few Soe Uter' walk of the Post Office and the usand Tr: Workshops, and containing 66 Perches of Land, pis or lew. UG. T. Res ober ing Two-Fiths of ae acts of making A NICE PARCEL 3, friowrreans, hed Serer ir tenes on Land, land, juore or lens, ss RESIDENCE. 1.300 For meat Beek: Cotrace, with 6 the matter ; the Cure is a foregone conclus- Im magine what a aw such « be digger> Possessed knapsack contains such a potent counter- blast to diseare, keeps up his snimal spirits. and renders bim less susceptible of unheal- thy influences. Mineri benud to the more unhealthy. iggings usually provide themselves with an-extra supply of both the Pills and the ee ta they san aoe eer aS ack one on nvetteaets "pret ° is tid, and probably ite truth, that the large im these medi. eines bave serigucly interfered with the Pills --_ Naypoy fill their edbaage eng in pa' lic esti more than 0) them i - heneficial effect. -- 7 he foghice,. . cure, both : = the tamily." others ---- Wing, New rbaocee, Waterloo Co,, Vat, tots Vue a Two, formerly in 'the 2 nia aaalees of DOW- KATFt ma Veit 2 EUs Wale OF Tie bew 6. T. Ro» abope: NIE. bat HOw In STRA ev ant wunvenienve. $1,600 Lot 155, in the Canada For north half half of a new double tro- Consisti: bit Company's Survey, on ort! hare erevted t FRAME story Brick with 5 large m4 For a Storey 'oud arial Grick homes $1,850 9 rooms, cellar, stable, and Si feet frontage--on Ontario street, ext to the Leptist ehurvh, All the Housés are rented to Memthig Tenants. TERMS.OF SALE: . Ten per Centum of the Purchase M. paid he Panis solic tory om re Uy of ae eat tire~ {2 thereafter, *|- without interest, except as to Parcel 4, the last it of w nee "J $2: 200.! a the south 'halt of a new double Sty ee ory trek Mouse, witn S~ lange - Bia sacoeheow mf "O Wiitutes" walk' froar Diake Se none 'are Subhas + t. Shops, ra 4 $2, 500 bowed 3 Frarne Houses, ai! a ttached, 19 A splendid opening for for a big peng per cent Interest, secu r of renpretg will be rete to sign an lie hese roger restaurant, on te corne resetickoowh of the Purchase, Miltow and Nile streets, ohly 3 winutes' w t The broperty wl be 'otup for Sale subject to a the new G.T. Ps, and 2 mintites' waik from Reserve Bid tobe fixed by the Master. in other the pamenger depot. ' respects, the Conditions pony: vay bg be the Stand- ing Conditions of Bal: 39 Other Houses inour enic bande for sale, to estect | =) 5 % trom, st prices trom ee ee Oe Senay salary can be Ned of the Agnus of Messrs. 58: Vatant Lots in aaa sae of the city from $125 Tawnbion' & "SON, IN, STRATFORD. v . BP to br ee ene aie pence, ae SxseE EARNS OFFICE=Upstairs in -the Hesson D. HM. LIZARS, the East side of Marke! First door over of the British a 4 "mated aie ainoer at Strate. Sey tr "ADRS. ena rootes, grates, mantels, and «verything furnished aoe Leese Koon each--good repair ; Hard and im the Bonk of sty 18. tes Pig erniveernd walk to the , anda KK racer atin G.T. KR Shops ; on Blake mmediate possession. peer ode tga a @ Quarter nA of Land, wore or less, Nithis fe minutes' walk of the Post Office. r Tt Yr id ger NED offers fer Sale h ef geenndl a 4, wit page alt pa Apply to oh HENKY aspeits, " 0. March 14 Iss8, re 3 FARM .FOR SALE, bs deren digg hy 4 , CON. 8, WEST ZORRA, between Lote 35 & acres, ale rom: allowance ac & tre am rann thr lew from Stratford, i . ehur 'h and ato re particular . seely 'ta JOUNeW. al ool, con "For further Ross, G53-dm Hickson P. O., Ont VALUABLE OTYY PROPERTY FOR SALB. rey "ven hoy, art is within five ss aful Marivet For partioulars as to price, terms, etc., apply to N. DUPEROW, No. 209 MeCau!l St., TOMONTO. Sept SS ceived | | seria hot-de- Blackemith, Shop fo for r Sale. HE TDERSIGRED OF] PERS FOR SALE AT rn No. ney, on Brame x t tort nite the (Con wer tal ttl al Me ht + ere ged substantial "k susith, = * aint shop, amt cow n titty rls af he ase, all with . nskle prog and gust rapidly alte For partie Hila apy , BR. McPpHERSON Auctioneer, _. FOR SALE. 75 Lots in Gordon's Survey $25.00- AND UPWARDS. LOTS are Chi as E BIRMINGHAM, KEDFORD Streets, int ¥, close to The Smith jetly « GALT, Cav RCH, WOODS. ND EAS: ing material or work. ties who want a moder ate investment fo: + speeniation, and have thee to look after sales, can purchase blocks of these lots & year or at prices that may 'euaily be doubled in t¥o Apply to JOHN IDING eae _Strattosd, Sept. wh, 1S8e. DR. FOWLERS AND ALL SUMMER COMPLAINTS AND FLUXES OF THE BOWELS IT IS SAFE AND RELIABLE FOR CHILDREN OR ADULTS. cITY OF. STRATFORD. LOTS FO R SALE, Te rot move ie, * Lota, conventent to the G. T. B. Locomotive Works, are now olfered for sale on Favorable Terms : MARSHALL'S SURVEY, Lot 31, West Side Mokenzie St; Lots 36, 39, 40.41, <2. 43, 44, 45, Bast Side MoKenzie St. ; - 4 Lot 51, and Lots 52, 53, 54, 55, West Side Victoria, Bireet, McKENZIE'S SURV Lots 43, 44, North side Milton Street Lot 49, South side Milton street. GRANGE SURVEY, Lot 51, south side of Milton St.; lot 54, north side Shakes- Peare st. % " <Applpte T. BO POTREW, MERCHANTS BANK, OrteJORN RROWR, Larp Agant, ~ Ste tod carbines ae to Dutton's Drug Store. Pe CLASS WORK of Every orcer, Kepuliting dune oeatly | , Descrisition | and | wr PERFECT FIT OR NO SALE. 7 , Issa. Stratford, August 25 The. Next Thing toa Present, at the "Antwerp Blue Front." For One Month I will offer the Genuine " Gold Medal" Carpet Sweeper at $2.75. The Usual Price of this Sweeper is $3.50. BEAUTIFUL, HALL AND LIBRARY LAMPS, Just Opened Out, Splendid Value. Head-guarters for Machine Oils, Peerless Hoof. Ointment, "None Such " Stove Polish, Fire incase d Orit @gipcis uses ceeten meee aaa Fe. <= GOULDING, THE STKATFORD HARDWARE MAN. 1888. Pickling Season.1888. At this Season of the year the public are gene rally doubting whether to j ! pickle Large or Smell Quantities of Vegetables for winter use, as at all times the Vinegar sold is not of First-Class Quality. We bave this year, as in the past, laid in a Stock of Warranted Extra hand Full"lavored Vinegars, strengt Grape Sugar Vinegars. White Wine Vinegara. English Malt Vinegars. French Vinegars. Use our Imported--Whole or Ground--Pickling Spice.. The ingred- ients are in proportion for imwediate use. E. K. BARNSDALE & CO. Green and Red Front, Market Square, Stratford & Mitchell. Cooling Drinks for the Summer. Just Received to-day from the In the Imperial Mineral Water Works, Hamiiton, one Carload of their Delighttul Summer Drinks, consisting of the following o Imperial Club Soda Water, Potass Water, Seltzer Water, Ginger Ale, Lemonade; Sarsaparilla, ' Vichy Water, Champagne Cider, -- Ale. + aN meat mt, : = wl Cream Soda, The. Sparkling Shinotand Cidee-is- is rm up in Pint Bottles and is | veryfine: - Parties -wishing-any-of the: aleve Ciseds: dam: 'be furnished by" me, as Ihave the exclusive agency for this city. A LIBERAL DISCOUNT TO HOTEL-KEEPERS. EVV AR ae nseenal CORCORAN'S This Wine was made for-me from Sclected Grapes by eue of the Best Wine Makers m the Province. It ts Absolutely Pure, First Run Wine of Fine Flaver, and 1 can sell it for about the same Price that Mixed Wines Sarasa cele Seba Resties trem Ne. ot eto veal bas t=m 8 = dna a JAMES CORCORAN. St. ord, t= 7th 1835 SONS a AES Three Grape Concord: Wine,