TwH LIVELY OTSeIpENTA AT THE b cate WOLDS EXPOSITION: : ARREARS 5 FOR "TAXES, ATE MTE RATT ose A are RIAN CER Drumb ; must be' the place in Western : ve ~-- Saves Ontany se Wise Fauve bi ite deiight ines SSA Ae COL, NEY. OF PERTH. Pe TT A _STOCK_YERY..COMPLETE, Ww E M E hibiting t eit? poguechas propensities, ' LCO ie oe She tae. fohewing tovidenss ry TKTUR OF 4 WARRANT. lenaed is tis WARDEN othe COUNTY Or PERTH. apd Everything New. Eve rything Reliable. Everything 'Cheap. y ' a i : | the Festive a = Fall rn) TRE ASURER'S | SALE OF I ANDS K Ee F N i = PR IC ES. . inected with the fall show" there bat Wienticated by the Seal of the said County,bearime 4ate the TWENTY FIFTH AYE ' week: GEPTRMERE tre Tibumnd babi Masased sd Batty Eight, apd to vt ; : at the Arrears of Tane-«, due for Taree ¥ and ayer, bs eg the . 7 i ' hy pring the analy part of the hah a very Dew tit t tad in the COUNTY-OF PERTH. 1 hereby give Notice, i " The A mer We are just ente ring upon our Third y ear in Business here, and "W. ident occurred on the grounds. | : tes of Ontario, Chapter J, that unless the eat Tax towether wit ball Lawt E LCOM E! a ) ast ch i - have a ted in a terrible ous ote tee) Canteen Ve sbaser pase herent - tal = icy . = purpose giving you the Greatest se argains for the next Six Months you 9, .A-th zthbred bull belong have ever heard of. . i Mearhu: ta teen | Saturday, the 12th Day of J anuary,1889, tee -ceneeeneeseiRABSS-GOOD i AT Toe fork oF-T OLLOCy IN TIER AFTERNOON, Be ahi oxy -- £ i the tr ; Grand] Displsy time in charge of an attendant. The} ar THE COUR! HOUSE IN THE CITY OF STRATFORD, 1,100 yards heavy Melton Dress Goods, at 10 cents. latte f ake the puis awa. n w cm po -- fee -- it dropped Trani 44-te-seid-COUNT YF, bs _ 00. yards heavy Tweed Dress Goods, at 124 seamen OE somionm : jes hand fer en instant. His action: in : PU BLIC AUCTION, 1,800 yards extra fine Tweed Costume Cloths, at 15 tared tie sing 3 fade a ; : aon 3 " osty oths 20 zit soa es seen ia the ave with | The weil Landa, oF ay Wich" Theteat ag Wey Ta Sattctemt-to~fiecharze-wach Arreary of Tats, wid : M yard all woot Victoria Costume Cloths, at ae verges itK en) re ane i at Fall M. illinery * rts "hc rs The boy feti ae but-waed 44 . Caste.and Charg ured, sai ) ane all es Fi ated Chee = foil 5 ~ Instantly tle ball made a rush AMOUNT COSTSAND ToTal O yards stripe Tweed costunie Obs, Gt = at oe mer standing near by. tea WNICIPALL TY, cus % LOT, ACKES. OF TAXES, FEE, AMOUNT, REMADE 1,200 ¥ ards all ¥ oo Dries tine Cloths, at bi - 2° Sr - Pee it can be Cold ft Tan tts horns tar inte ~ WW NSUID OF . Avul-a-creat tssertment of better Goods in Stripe, C sie. mbre, an ne hee « horse's tanks completely dite rbowl: TOWNSHIP OF BLANSHARD, wy lait n Effects, 8, up to $12 S's yard: Ineluding all the News st baad ing it Th her shing ie 'er the boerd Blanahard Sopth Boundary, Ei of. 22 89 HOI #35 = ferice. 8 echt ea teebie resis ce fore. gnattess Ly cee MAWNSHIL OF NORTH EASTHOPE. _ 7 _ BLACK DRESS GOODS. zin ! ' , * th his ee z % = = eee eeerelaenated bree erence anc 0 te penny Seater ae RRT ame pe eeiseg, te all 'ite the fer, It ane -- Sw 3 j § wi i. % rf aH Black - Dress Gands i m n Suripes and Checks. 'Sh Pt ips rect" fi i Fore L _-- . . ; Black Dress Goods Ombre in effects. ao fZLULITS, at Thr Tire few nina surenneemndnienemineen ' : t 2 | : ~ AT matters looked very serious. " Men ate TOWASUIP Of SOUTH EASTHIOPE: lack Dress OG 500s tr hrvence te settee tse --~ -- pear-by-rashed in to drive off the bull, | South Easthope I SE pt SS. SD Bo. Black Dress Goods, e ly for M y Fancy Wings rt fie ape ks : me 7 sre oo 18 -- oe = 20. ae ress Goods, especially for Mourning. "f g aay ee tor gue Ag ai Village of Shakespeare--Mitcheit's Survey "41 16 Bi: 73 Largest Range of Black [jress Goods, in Stratford. Ornaments, © *} fr=htfctto~contemptate. Hat : TOWNSHIP OF HIBBERT. Oritt's-W atetprocf Crape in all Qualities!' dant. on English lad ot ated Aaa Sie Village of Dut lin--Donukin's Surver, MUISt = 05 15 #15 75 gu $i $9 ) SILK DEPAR® 7 :! ss had liy this time gathersd himsei together, a ENCE = : mf es . Plain & fancy Piushes and rushed up, seized the ring in the buit's ANDREW MONTEITH, : A TMEN . n succeeded in leading him off under |... treasurer's Office Trenwever County of Perth: 700 yards colored Dress Satins (new shadesj, 35 cents. Silks, Velvets, perfect control, The cool bravery of the Stratford, sept, 26, 1555. C65-td 500 yds Colored Satin Merveillenx, at AS cents. boy was much commented upon and un- -- = - = mnetine -- Black Satin Merveilliedx, at 65e.. T5c $1 and $1.25. t doubtedly a averted what might have re- Suascs wr 4 ve _ "eS cg oepinaiapes Hoon ae nb bie Ribbons, etc. sulted in the loss of many. lives; for all NE W ADVE RTISEMENTS, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Black Gros Grain Silks, at 7e., 85e., I5e., $1.15,.$1.35. this transpired in one of the most crowded . . : Broche and Damasse Silks, from . $1 to $2.50. _-- parte of the grounds. GIRL WANTED. NOTICE. eit i . ¥ Anoth dent ofa different nature OCT, 3rd, peear kak tanatiat in st injuries | A GOOD GIRL for General Housework. Lanse IVE OR SIX RESPECTABLE POARDERS MANTLE CLOTHS. Wages oly to can be acconin te « rds atm i Ww to Mr. Thos. McKay, the well known en Apply : pee ae Rooms at No. 70 ERIE STREET, two minutes' | Heavy Scotch Tweed Ulsterings, at 574 cents. Heavy Boncle Check Ulaterings at $1. ednesday ' farmer and stock breeder. Mr. McKay bad Mus, JOSEPH DUNSMORE, walk from the Post Othice or Market. Heavy Belgian Nap Ulsterings, at $1. Fine Scotch Granite Ulsterings, at $1.25. z a2 a4 ATT Saye teres: Tt? i i seteniesa aed | cshibited his ¥ valuable bull at Toronto an . Oates Street, Stratford, : Sept. 26, 188 : Fine Check and Stripe -- at $1.25 and $1.50. OCT. 4th, was taking it from Drumbo station in ©] OC} Ste sanatiaetly--- _--. : >) Childeon's Indeatenctible Ulster 8. at $1.8. r * @ way the animal started FOR E, CHEAP. And-an Immense Variety in Fine Black Cloths, Kyrl Cloths, afd ayn a Thursday orwar, hit ing My. MeKay with its hers WATCH 1 LOST. at eae 7 : nocking him i th 0. 40" ST LTANA" BASE-EURNER COAL. 1 OCT. Sth wagon under the horses' feet. FT . pS leg ee, PED from the pocket a #riatl) opened N STOVE, and a Hesp's Dry Earth Closet. STAPLE DE 'PARTMENT. cates * - | then took fright and upset the wagon. Mr, silver watch--between We sh's jewel, | Both in Firet-Ciass Condition, seed Extra Snper Wool Blankets, from $2.50 to $i F id McKay was struck hy one of the wheels | ler) store an the Post Uftice, on Tian] morning| . N. A, BOSWORTH, Fine All Wool Grey Flannel, from 20 to 35 ¢ nts, Yl ay. | and_seriously ae redupen the head and amt th 17 Market-St. Fine White Saxony Flannel, from 2 3 to 65 centa. bocy. Stranje to say, although the bu! Stratford, Sept. 35, 1853. a Fine Fancy Shirting Flannel, "from 39 to GO centa. werghs pp 2)106--pounds = Was bot in- FARM FOR SALE. . ' Navy net Riel: Flannel, from 25 to 40 centa, pau ; tant jured by the upset; and the horses were - LOOK OUT! Uubleached Canton Flannel, from 8 to 16 cents. Marvels of Excellence, Finish, | wught--before they. had gone far. Mr. 3 gg era rs ERSIG Sip flrs for sale her Farm of rOkR THE s7ra AND. 5cu.OCTOBEL Flannel Embroideries to match. Style, and Qaality. AJ] that could Me Kay was removed to the ae nee of his ae ve i being Lot it, m, of the Y . . * . friend, Mr. Tenant, in the village, where Ep ger 6 ptr pen aries : : CAY, the . Pers . * » , os " 2 ste " * ee ROF, KAY, ie finticini . of D it, will be a be. deste, Artfatrentty, ermmned | fiend, Me; Tenant io the lla, whewe | O'R ain sno cease Prone | MOE MAY, teGycan of Deeb at HOSIERY DEPARTMENT. Goods... Modals.... of....the slest| juries are not known. He. has suffered | All beitdings in coo} req ms meeting Heres we : Welsh, the Jewellcr's, | | Ladies' Merino Under Vests, oa -- Ladies' Extra -- Merino Under V esta, $1. Picts hud A erocGes intensely, but it adeiped that Kis wounds tom een We Tec t 'sions ' *) Ladies' Lambs' Wool Under ¥ 8.81. Ladies' nee and Wool tinder Venta, $1.50.. 'crite 3 are not seriou Mus , a ta aa mer epeetaiaied 0 wet iter PIE Fates no Misses' Uader deste, rs 'alls Sizea.and Jn Diiesiainbriapeireghstbizial CTE Re Geen ol--thenctent---tivel Dania pasties een Te AE a) es iz baalige- and Simos Combiation Salis inet Size panes sagen i stiri Corcoran' 's celle Phas 25 and 124 cents per ~~ Strathced ro Stratford: Sept. 27, bons, ay. wtt-yowr-went y y tye see "BRE anit Colored Suk Bes Ppoandrend: pan era prea tdnenta Webbe Wh Yd aa ne a <a pe : ste pe es tH = ee a +, | have been eye oo and - 25 -eents: pert" : - Speen se fot: eee Our Millinery Bene is nexcellad ii, ester, Ly nada." . Jackets, Martles, and Mantle Po ound for. ° UNRESERYV ED AU UCTION SALE . ' ' oe eee ee a : 3 If you apprecinte Good Value! If. you appreciate Correct Styles f great variety, e Newest omen aD nian ME con cieneiet ate IMPLEMENTS Miss Grack MeKenzir, | ff you appreciate Courteous-Treatment, Call on as. and Fabrics in Dress Materia a +] Peri of Mrs. Moonr (Ff. J. Hatros) MANTLE MAKING A SPECIALTY Leading Novelties in Trimm L ---- 9 Loxpos ; atso or H. F, Howt, oF Tuk = OST. ° S. COWAN, poe hae received in. Boston Coxsegvatony or Music, watch, : ee VV . "stenetions fear Me. Wx, HOUGHTON to ne A Pag Bitch, Cream Colared, | sel by su» he Ande ai om 6 aka 2 7, <2 18, Tow: oship N Sah PRE ne "y Li give Lessons in » oiee Training ¢ Black wars and Muzzle. Finder | of Bilee, on nd Sig adiny,-- either in Class or Private 2 ahi $q'O5 AVOTRATY " cer " d Seetretiont oo sade known on applivation. Lions ms Vv "7 BUNTING & scot SaPPyY -xoq sod 1g eaaanpite. Sea 2 ednesday, October 17th, 1888 tesipence: Corner of Oatario and Nile - ao " Lovciork p, ». ibe weer es raat done coma Streets, Stratford. a acashinra tartan, irk previously | Stratford, Se t 28, 1588 6A4-3m all mee enieies Merchants of Stratford, <3 Dry Goods Specialists. \ ; tented, for further particulars apply or Auctioneer. " : 2 hi S., COWAN, : Wa. HOUGHTON, City -- Stratford. IDINGTON'S BLOCK, Market-St." Auctionecr. 635- Proprietor. = sateen : : COURT OF "REVISION BIRTHS. ' i City of 'Stratford. ON THE ASSESSMENT OF 15888. _- We got a aes at $1, 000 worth of Tweeds, Worsteds, and Mota Me oon Wotan ety ot Skeet oa = i ras Overcoatings? from a large wholesale firm (who had bit off wie ota . i t i me is hereby given~ thatthe Court. of cant In Comey the 20th Sept, the wite NEW F IRE HALL. N° erision for the dity of STRATFORD: foe -more than they could-ehew)-or,-in--English, had overbought 1 say ada rghit si: Sie seth _ "ot AP -- gy Assemunen eee acre ult., wile of wines as be held in t : ign gag ed by tha Cader -y aly 7 i cs 3 $ 5 worey " = 7 ph age mig Ee der the RY COUNCIL CHAMBER, themselves. We were open for a bargain--as we always are OF STHATPORD, wp --ox = when one is offered;--and got the lot-at-75c:-on the dollar. 4 % ary, ahs i. -- ---- r Mr, Chas. Salvage, of a --e wr ; por ay a ' McGOLRICK--In St. Marys, on the 1th ull, the : Taesday,-the Sth-Day-of October, 1888, Fhey-are atl-braad-new. goods, made for this. season's tradg. ee een ener For the ¢ a Fi on the corner of mb ene beer es eo J inp _ MARRIAGES. Allert and Wa Waterloo streets, in See osara i R. R. LANG, Wa. MOWAT, We purpose giving the public the benefit of 'this purchase, Specifications p: t P ed ad ; fa MctNTOSH--BUSUFIELD--in Stratford, on_ the . KILBURN, architect seca eee eet. and have marked. the goods at prices that will ensure their tather, br Rev EW. Panton ot Me. Robert ee ee Smear ee ee Melntesk ' annie Bushfield, all of ' } ' JOHN GIBSON, ese, . apeccy sale. Meena KANO MU cRPHY-- At St. Joseph's church, St. Chairman Fire, Water & Gas Committee. 3 ied 1 Sig note Oe late af Seams Sp Ip i ape > A RR Beeenpiatieer tech RHAD- > on. Murphy, of St, Marys. a amie a SEALED TENDERS, 2, addr a ae AN IN V ITATION. | signed, a2 eee ee There-is-one~fact we -wish-to impréss- upon-you: The " QOODWIN--In Stratford, on Monday evening, 1 FiDaY, Prices quoted further on include just the same Trimming mgt op : F Arthur, Ontario, in ce ® q j 8 If you are intereyted in Ready- mpecitications to be seen at the Department of} and \Workmanship as if you were buying the Garments at Made Clothing, Underclothing, a Murdoch, Fa mi. Resident Eugineer ren anther." | Regular Prices Parti Cg seg me : New Suit, or anything in the Dry the form supplied and. se aeaed with the actual sig: Alexander Gaven, es aged 19 years and 10 --_ cia are Lag of tne ciara Fas Wore ea ts ta Trousers to your measure,; A Black all-wool Worsted sbo g : '4 28 st rt i : = : : MENZIES--In Stratford, on the Snd of October. : FE ee cent of amount of tender, murt accompang exh! OF nll wool 'I'weed ; good; Coat and'Vest Striped Pants Creatna Monain, relict of the late, Archibald guarantee our Prices to be uniformly | Sauder. Ths mae ea te freed 'te wor | weight, neat patterns, $3.50 | or Entire Black Suit to your et ' ' td , * EH The tuners! will teave the residence ct Mer as low as eleewhere on similar qual-:| contracted for, and willbe returned in cave.of nen: | : A f nes We. MoNaschion, Cobourg at, Stratford, to a acceptance of tender. $4.00, and $4.50 a pair. measure, $20.00. "morrow 1 wetect ane ead to ities of goods. amme Department tows | not bind itself to accept : -all's Burying Grow Easthope, for in- * 4 lowest of any te. " = ana verment. " B F'cy Worsted and Scotch; Tweed Overcoats, $11.00 NEWRLL--In Toronto, on the 29:h ult, Joba Alga OURT OF JUSTI H M N ifs: / NE NNewell, aged 20. Years, youngest son of mat in HE b Ub. . SI ON, : A. GOBEIL, _ |Trousers to your measure. | $12.50, $14.00 and $15.00. the lst Oct, at Chance sDieietaa THE WONDERFUL CHEAP MAN, Department of Pubite Works, $5.00, $0. 50, and $6.00 a} |' Twenty Different Patterns a ry 1 . s MARKET-ST. Uttawa, 17th Bept., Iss, pair | to chose from a King ve woi ye sala ccesnca ete bs te m : 3 = ra _noittxson= =n Bt pelarg dp Soentt coun ult, Jonathan | Ey the Matter " Lots Lettered . ~ MIRACULOUS RESULT ; ; es er ge ay ee or EE Ey RD hes and "c in 3. CW. Daly's a px Tua CAN oF Canadian and Scotch) Best English Meltons, cei Jounert deachter of Mr Joveet} Survey of Park Lot Number ott = "PRN DORENW END'S [Tweed Suits, nobby pat-| Gite NS1800 and $20.00 KENNY--in Chicago, on the Sad "etl? Jehu -c 423° ot a Canada- €ompany's} ss -- ; Grats + --}-terns rand gocds $14.00, | S ades 18 00 an S90 00 ies are, St ree Meet ree eet Survey of the City of Stratford, SILT Sia "AE CBS 7 ee a $15.0, $17.00 a and ee a an Overcoat. : in the County of Perth. J Suit... .- "@ months and 35. days. Kemaiae in Larrea os eee SIVEX, that WILLIAM : rie - 2-2 : = yous: the old RC. cemetery, Stratford, on Thareday ER; ot tha CITY iad STRATPORD, in HE WORKS tor ia a ro esaskguciion ot Se eraat : : oad mrernen the quar of Prit oct Rarpentet, bag: mate esse menticied. wivcrtieed ts be. fet on the 2 | Our Cause Me, SANAGAN, loti 'and ee known asa CARETS. spyiicet : : roe Sind ot October nex next, are won voidably postponed ty ; SA: ee i 2 t oo a 'S > +, sii etme Properss, under ne, Qiicting | a rdere wt be received until gF eer: here, will be pleased to have your measure. -- ees nae sae vets | Sednesiag, the 71h Day cf November nex: see ae & Gur Stock is immense ; our Prices ate low. You want se fe, to > * apeciscatione-- will he Or ¢x a » = Cy Z $ ' m ne ae ares vit ssn at tr ie a ce Sauls Bue. Mave on | > i My sane = "*; Clothes. Don't miss seeing hese -Goods.- We'll_put--- } 2 UTy Se ad atere aud alert ¥ : Stow. por ry. Sia ae Pea al Fi na, waves <a me ie in the vaca | Wednesdsy, the 24th Day of Octcber nent} PY; "ae Ws money in your pocket, "~ : *, cath, ay ee Rue tens 0 9 cand, Oe ae part thorest, ls reqatre', rer tohsre, e Se kere Pee : koe ES ia | if Sy ii Don't ask to have them charged. We have to put down - tos y hueta 2 9e Monday, the: "Fifth Day of | te Tater se sc ie ecbire te. oe sree anal them. at iGes : -- : esis : - November Departananrt of Rallways sud fonals, + MITCHELL Wet Wheat, 2 2 : Oneawa, 27th Septesibor, Ms FCA HAIR MAGIC. Fiwar, $0_ ae 2. 50_ t S Stale, verit aren mre rs TIS ACKNOWLEDGED by evers one Nitin as, Wheat, 2 = Yate, i tariey, 45 ry reas, @) a 6, P % ti eer a 'the ti YT Horse anes tise Balvation A ed . to be the finest preparation for t. beat ne? 5 \ rs Exes, ue Pet Pi ait CITY OF MIRATPORD, and te wore | oars ---- ea ever discovored. «It i your white 5 bas), $e s : Me eee ROPE AS FRAST EL, oe on Mes. Por iateoge, Ged Sek ranthe thermometer dawn | 1% teste erey. Seetes Wo TO: & a ita Seipaeoon u. Wk | IN; tiis Boy p £ tes cold as fury ' y. Ro @ Hair th: + failing ont, #9. fies, fe the os P3 a >, 2 : 3 + om £ mm for Sots. Wiete + oe ; tas, Pa ih eb ge gre mg a 2 Pat ] Wheat, 6914 & i = in i 'ry sath Chat tt rive tert 2 fast thes, Roots ate-not-ertitie? ion ' 2 ' aries'. Sc) a a r " af the i iL 3 is Re If vigitthy ry . : : [tee AE the " MAGIC will grater fins, he ved "Ea, Bates, = a @ | becomeab~ * pred Totetecae at i =r tet weak f fouee te they'd alld their new) growth." This ix ¢ a phe 4 Patacsw He Pie ] I e, a i 5 * 'per bag, | Eat pret ont . i be is ta tae. cout he fi equine some eind of 3 ? € & " nie ae ependd on the Sth of Septetmber. % wo. bets Somes ida mt ae _ " eve asia aeaatiae sito and trotakote, Z ui aT 4 AG GIO oe Ficis - = Te en tert Pas BR eared tain "GAM is a cial A. Tomerwhen, Bote De 4 ace Eiar Woaks, ee, IS Yysxi St, Son ont, as, The Jargeet home tx ie Demm'efon pile: Goats -- Sond f ww 3 ! Whew a. caatn Eb) Satater'ast seater: i sth ATEORD, GEO: W. LAWRENCE & 50N,-* : Seolahiony tee applicast, - ae ca "ong devils ca . ERAS, PEASE. bbs i Rox ER RS Uae a