He ceils. Be gg «i? 1 x a R. MeLagan has a farint» let. Woods. €. E. Nasmy th & Cocwant an apprentice at tue city drug store The Milverton, Uibbert and Wellesley fall tairs prize' liate will be found on the Bad page ot todey's Times The gate receipts at the Stratfor, 1 tair this year footed. upto $615.51, Laat $iar uwing to the disagress ble state al COUNTY OF PERTH GAZETTE. "¢€ ity 1 Local Hews. 1 PLAIN, SOL ARE CM Abit Var From re September last, bruary until the the mayor + didnot drink as a beverage, | the he porter, lager brandy, rye or other 'kind own hose, use of any Hotel, any ale, If any reapectable citi the weather, they were only S311, 80. Mr. T. Hagarty, of the Commercial Hotel, will agcept the thanks of Tar "Tives editor for the present of 2 pluie ward with proof to the contrary, Butler will resign hig seat as nyayer, and donate $50 of bis salary to any charitable or other soeiety that -amey be deemed tiyat werk in | + Pua $91 ch et STEATEOR: ONT., WEDNESD. AS Ge roner 10, 1888. City Local Mews. Preparing Karty for the Muniripal Fray. | Ire ~eling On the assom Pe fon that the-| wiil "offer ofr second | Mis indy salon iy ites ta | ie Stovtors of the city toa | t and thua « mpars his defeat. | jion't respond very. well, asi © are a large tnejority of sensible / ein this city, and they have a habit of thir thin a for themselves, and toting a | TIE BOOM CASED | rious stats 'STR aTrY orp POLICE bY EX « » BRETCRN YoOUSu -"AS THE OLD Oock CkhOWS ONEA-L BART ~-- About f neon on Friday, Dogald McGregor was at } Untario street, near the Allie « was . the} of mind ard ' rbiiviows te all iWundane : E COP ety ssc ia Ine WILSON' iP rik } eal that they-leit-feor their new eitp dd entation etre 't wh Cor gorner, and went east, ' ym, feane suberger testified that he p Salvation Army on the 'market in question, treet ree tps paoesd fo 10 minittes te lie looked at * pasfolfice clock, and that was how He knew toe time was hot | eight o'cinek. | Mr. Wrightand other witnesses testified jas to Motjregor'e demoralized state po ym blood and wounds, after which the case square the Saturday evening " He swore it motest bie ast peapte | t elected the prevent Mayor, and thoy will | | elect the next mayor, whoever he may be. | 7 v¢ columns of abusive twaddle and sad ies rm Pire- |' peisies ' ates pottteted pet sion of hile faculties. lads, possessed of more _-- ticity than repse. met him, ans the tallest who wore gis tere "yyy a was adjourned until Natarday. Robert Davidson conid pot remember much, He had, as Mr. Smith put it, a vary e a memory. Aaything that TT eat beet From the Chi ~age Sewwe., Andrew Kuhry came + 'om K ostoek, es to search for r-inlaw, H. Schierlic;-and-when + eould not Pe him at his Sonth Claire Street address -- given him he.sought farther information atthe Armory, Mr. Kahry rerembled one f the charaetera in "* Jerusalem on. the bay of the Crucifition." His face wasia perfect map of Palestine, so proriinent © the marke. appteached Desk. Serge rant Michael Ww hite, a genuine Celt, and, in. ¢ bromae 3 2 naginable, tok! his story : " Bedad! " he concladed et HUnea hi wes tow Tor tlie a Dat brace of partridge shot on that worthy t's "*Hosin alge farm in the wilds of TEST Villa MOM Por be and "sabsiantiated bh tH, | mo mats a dur ing Mayo Ds aes ter: n of {= tice, | They sae heeenre share teed | see inet Donat ro then to make the fun anything that he did ger want to remem- bemhe soukin y Hewalkeddown to Ses aley's ttt woe tei? Wray devil a trace av him ean TF tind." White was paralyzed, but managed to = ont: Gta ete mere 'wishes him success * veapectall- tield of labor. Filice Tawnshi Mr C ugha we understand, who has feft--the --#feraid--ottice; wit! to London, and take « position on the Western Farmers' Advocate. Tne Tiwes in. his new an: t forget the cauiion sale of house- hold furniture and effecta at the late resi- dence o! by Ro Me peer yehiig will be dispose I 0 During the reeneey of ee Corcoran delivery wagon, on Friday evening last, a valuable Plymouth Hock hen was lost from among « collection that were bein; taken home on rig from the Stratford fallshow. The tinder of the hen will be rewardel on returning it to Mr. 3 L. Corcoran. On Friday 'ston a man iad cae on Ontario street of Mr, Robert man nor woman looked back to see the | extent of the injury. Tux Trves has "et return thanks to the who. leasure of ones that mers ** The.. sedaaik Irish, in the city hall, on Saturday ev "by. the: distinguished Yaah vovalist, J. 58. y supported by the » talented young actress, Miss Lillian De first-class Wolf, sod 8 company. Don't mies it! The © congregation of the per ly --_ tai the G TI rs esa 26th inst Memorial vest home festival ~oyster we will deeltlon "an similar oned have admit: to concert and supper ;--children, Be, Oysters, extrs. . Everybody weleome, music, readings, etc. | ey L-ader telis_of the death of. a The Tara ; thie, child in Brace saber id the other day, under pecalier circumstances,. Coming in from the field the father of the child pick- ed acouple of burrs off his clothes and threw them on the floor. The little one aietes up one of them and pat it in his it pinto his wind- alps. "Tt could not be dislodged, and trom effects of it the child died next morn- tng. > na awh equegnat _Bros.,.the Swiss jewellers, | are heavily ected at pecest in their line of trade. A magnificent di watches, clocks, is always maintained b quantity now on hand i ee ae the glittering appearance aloes being a sight oe looking at. By the and selling soba eat rate, the Broa. are able to a large abare of of basiaess an pave coutdeate: 5 - The spegqial prizes offered by the Strat- Aord merchants and furniture dealers had 'the desired effect of drawing out a num- ber of good exhibits to the show, especially in bread aad It is deubtfal if bread: and cs it is a common Mra, Ni rize----« ar aa og . Morrow, of Downie, e-made bread, "ewarded the first" tel bghe use of Qrtiticial Taavectixe Faacns.--The Aurora local Peper warns the preas and public generally of two characters whom it dubs, with pe and the event as pleasant been, "25¢. | was in fair and unpre} judiced _ witnesses, to the +er- er sr C.J, McGregor and Ald: "Fagan As to any subsequent imlalgence, the sate aller will hold good uot Saturday, if soutien te the professional advice of Dr. Gete-thaith who bas liberty to declare what If those who have had so y cannot substantiate their statements, let them hold their peace | | rhe New Haptist Church. The brick work of the new Baptist, church, corner of Ontario and Nile sts, is all completed, sloxam has the roof slated and is working on the towers. Scrimgeour Bros. are pushing ahead the carpenter work, and there is every ay pect that the congregation will be able to worship in their new editice be = New Year's, They will have one of th . fit, --moat fostable-| church edifices in the city when complet- «© pastor members of the con- gregation ha anxiously . and closely watched the building work asit proceeded ay from day to da Suscmaga Appeale. Se week word waa received that John |. McD. Danamore, a student of the Stratford Collegiate Iuatitute, who wrote at the leat third been awarded his certificate on eo -- On Saturday, the announcement was also received that Misa Minnie J. Henderson echool, Toronto, and is be congratulated on her abilities, ney the high educational standing to which she has attained. An Exvpensice Disaster. As Mr. James Corcoran's team o were standing with the grocery delivery w Mr, A. Smith's house, agon 3 = PFO T Church- -t., last Friday evening, they be- teaed came trig and ran away. The mas in. eharge had gone i so ang) Mr. Corcoran's youngest eon, J Mg, was thro seriously and: finally "'teached the raflway crossing near the Lutheran church just as the 7 o'clock express from London, with en- ° Turton, was .coming in: Being frightened at the train, they made an attempt to turn on the track, but were th of them being killed and carried some 20 yards to the cattie-gaard, The engine and tender were de-railed, the eet torn eee for a os and wagon and Corcoran eS a) ry Tae "ot about ol pub in a very few seconds, by this accident, Luckily no person was hurt, aod afters few hours the a was replaced and the track cleared Prof. Dereniwend Coming. As yea will 'en _ rs ap' column of our of Toront paper, a saa i here atthe Asien yertiges.to be Thureday, eee 15th, and will have mith. him his usual big stock of hair goods. He makes specialties for both ladies and gen- tlemen who have been unfortunate enough to lose the whole or part of their hair, For the fall trade he has designed and con- structed a great number of new and be: coming styles in frontispieces waves, wigs, etc. There is a noticeable peculiarity in the wearing of hair goods ; occurrence for lati ait good, even abundant, heads wear frontispieces, waves, rots var will biy wonder why--simple enough. demands that the bair sbonla" be curled or waved in erent ways, and to curl and wave one's own hair is in- jurious, besides being troublesome, hence remecs, It is within the reach of every ------ head of hair, Dorenwend, and he will show you seis that, w and date--at the Albion hotel on Thareday, Oct. 18. we, | Terapia to | vala ever since the //e: sed inte its | present manazement, rier crete only etfect | has been to make the party attacked strong- erin the good will of lis fellow citizens amongst whom he haa spent the great portion 'ol his lifetime. Any action he wok at the Council board on Monday week, he did in what he considered the bggt interests of the city atlarge. Any berk he made atthe board he-would Fepeat ander similar -circumsatances, but when saying this it does not follow that the fferald's distorted, antruthfal report came near the actaal oc currences, There was very little difference at the last meeting of the Council from any of its predecessors this year. Nota "cross"' or insulting word was spoken by the Mayor, nor by any member of the beard. To at tribute the Mayor's action to liquor is too abeird to" need contradiction. Without ng to he has been and is -- near enough to i The ation to make it appear that there isa 7 existing Gawase Ald. Davidson ayor is monstrously a = the: t at picnics, kissing and hugging each other by the hour, then there is no "love" between them! are not built that rit he means there i i rsonal enmity them, he is as big a fool aa-he is a liar, 'and we have. Ald. David- son's word tor this. The Mayor has not a ------ enemy around the board--muoch be differs wembers in: business;~ is} politics in municipal and other matters. endeavors to treat all of them alike way! thority " which seat on the throne it is "ms without any intention to the sensitive among When ry members themselves show a little 2 pane at times, and differ en- matters, is ves, It on the most trivial it possible that the mayor can rule to suit both sides? ee es simyly to do what dis liable to have his rulings, are, and motives -- those who differ with him. He had sent a letter to the oe that he ¢ was urgently consented a suite better, clerk, before the council o would not be ogo E ted be oa get adjourn until 10 30, when the mayor entered the cab alone and was driven home, after stopping a few minutes at the 0 chat with Aldermen Duns- more; Pratt, Gibson acd Larkworttiy;-}- and enjoyed a cigar and a glass of Seotch whiskey, was in bed a few minutes after llo'clock. Although verha not cones he will tooke these who know him best will agree with him, that a few horns of the contents of a which he _i a hg ee o tac. whic' regu e made up for any defects which a lew ally fools, who are unsuccess- ful business rivals, have endeavored to magnify into a glorious bibalistic con sumption a half a gallon of Walker's best old rye--which he ae not touched hotel in the city or oot arch. In their silly at | aroused Donaki's Scotel blood and he soiled int+--his-aggrossors- in" good styte | and they took to their heels amid laugh- ter and derision from the school chibiren on the street aad others who saw the fun, The two assailants were Eugene Lawrence, « student at the Business College, and Irvine Wilson, son of hia --n Stratford-Logersoll- ex-chief. wren hails from Ingersoll, and boards at the ex- chiet'a home, Moth young meo are about 19 or 20 years of age and cert-inly are old enough to know better; but as McGregor gives considerable annoyance to people un the streets when under the influence of pet. the conduct of the boys was ver ook Next night, Saturday, about 8 o'clock Mctiregor was laid out by a violent blow the eo, which smashed hia nasal POTUberAee. and relieved him of about a quart of blood ; who often shed their blood for King Alcohol, he received but little sympathy. On the following Monda McGregor "ee Law him the Friday oe bien by hk FE previous, ~Lawrencé and Trvtee Wilson tario em afd kicked Lawrence. regor en is and swore aeons that -- Packet ee rence t Sydney-Smith aupuured for AfcGregor, and asied to have the case j Pai hoalanevam evidence. Bas the eee ae must A tall young McGrenee, nd be kicked ad back, The men ran up stree' first he saw of the row, He was walking down street at the time. Heard no re- the s. He said he was under the "'inflaence " at that time. He was sober now. The young men were perfect to him, He er saw them before, The Magistrate said he would convict, | ~ but the fine would be a nomiaal one, THE PLOW IN THe DARK. Donald McGregor foc-assault. oGregor, apon being: aworn, said :--- He' knew Ww. BK. Wileon for a good many years. Witness was on Saturday night on Untario street, =" near Roiley's confectionery store. met defendant ) met with in Ingersoll. Wile ilsoa atruck him thi Tr" kl "no! his Wright _ him -- who struck Mr. "White 'did -- -- e good Samaritan ww ponte Douatd to a characteris- but could oe shake reason go out of the stable into which he was carried after the assault that night, He was laying upon blankets. He was afraid rs threatened to kill him. He stayed at the livery -- that night. Wm. Wilsou sworn, says :--Live know complainant Ideny bavion whe arranges with local publishers to business "houses at so ater iim the least. As well | diahed up last. week. may suit the Ding- mans, W, B. Wilson, Pi Billy, and the few people who clase with them, but it mever hed end 2 have any in- tinence upon the votes of the ef this city. Asfar.as Tax Times and its edito. (whe is also Mayor) is concerned, such abuse does not disturb his equanimity try. te drown a car gine mi roe at it with a equirt Ties = pleasant event took place at the jeatdames Of Mfr. John Whaling, near-the © tac The McGibbeny family of vocalists | the and musicians will appear in ¢be city hall next Tuesday evening, 16th inst. Tickets, 35 and 50 cents. See posters. seats at J. H. Nasmyth & Co's. Bperiat Meeting, of Council. a aay Saror ~calted: -apecial meeting: | tain Reserved ; gh bed at 530- soleoks by toe ity bale i era for erection of the : rr per wear NO RIMES | 'Little takes, one Ree last week, at ich right nd ret ex littoar he b iPa f i 7 E nf ie Es 1 the Albion hotel on Thursday, Oct. 15. INJURED BY A EUESTING Saw, ee Oct. 6.--A saw burst in recovery is > | about ten. badly broken. His Pact of the siw. went throngl thecal of the mill, peer Pe wie ime it was certain, however, that he and Salentant parted after nine o'clock. The clock struck nine when we were at the vacant lot. Ue lived on left home after It was after nine he saw the postottice clock, and left W ilson, He was on the market Gare at-that time, and also at about a he past eight. His tions. as & mass of contradic- were ramen, bnt 'no farther tebe could be thrown upon the matter, except that the Army were off the square before § o'cloc The magistrate felt 'somewhat dubious about the a/ihi Wilson set up, but as no one came forward to awear that they saw Wilson hit. McGregor, he was obliged to dismiss the case. It was indeed oa strange case of the peculiarity of evidence. It isa rule in the courts that the evidence von - man reg ing an occurrence which k place when he was almost totally cone the influence of liquor must be viewed with extreme caution, and McGregor was redis although he swore as distinctly as any man oon and ho oe -- was a living example of w by through; but ia this case the evidence of the = charged --_ committing the assault pel truth, althougn bis reputation in Pape: witness boxes, given | Chine at 8 o'clock on that Saturday night, accept it as truth in the -drumkes - victim's:cath, Such is a. = this city. poor res have heavily feed, have bea 's sent to geol to the Cen.ral prison, to Kingston pen tentiary, direct from the Stratford hice court, time and again, when os evidence Nemesis is. pursuing this creature now. Whatever his next crime pai no one knows, but the snd the Ser Attorney, the boasting of the "ong he would perpe- trate in Stratford, the petgy scrapes he has already got eas are only the fore- runners racket be for. The officers of the law know this, acd they tremble in his Presence. A POISONER AT WORK. DEADLY PACKAGES SENT FROM TO- RONTO TO GALT. CANDIES IMPREGNATRD WITH Porsox--cut.- DREN THE VICTIMS OF THK FIENDISH PLOT --ONE DEAD AND ANOTHER SERIOUSLY ILL, Galt, Uct.°4.--There arrived at Galt pitetbea tank night, by the last mail, three separate , postmarked Toronto, with a co cent postage stamp on cach, They we to' Mrs. Johs Cherry, "Misa May Lo clan Mra. J. he latter lady is the wife of Rev. John Hidley, of the English church here. Mrs. Cherry mvs te t her package from the postoffics this morning, sad upon get ating. home opened it and foand that the paste board box inside of the wrapper contained six te drops, which she gave to her three children to eat, Shortly hekeacle all of them : _> SHOWED SIONS OF BICANZSS and before a doctor arrived sions. The el were in "egnvul: dest child, about six years getting better, but the younyest one, 'Yaame persons were on oa | circumstances, Vhat sre you siting us with your stage e Lh? Sure, I thought you were a Jew t "So I am," 'and then Kubry went on to tell that for the last 20 years, and until ° his arrival in Chicago, he bad net spoken to oce of his own race. He lived in the thick ofan Irish settlement in Canada, rot find his father-in-law, Ore Salvation Army | Street Shows, The local corps of t the Salvation Army had a field day on Thureday week in To- roato. The following, from the Dominion Churchman, gives a good idea | of the turn- out: | One of the most ecnndalous exhidi- tions it haa been our lot to was seen in the streets of Toronto ayes the last week. The Sa Salvation Army had se- miserable persed through te ehrela om with o tom-tom accompaniment to the customary savage music 0 people, and a huge placard called attention to them as " oo verted Hindoos."" Now, thie they but we do not believe it, Bull, m4 the truth 'of w eee. 'te re pei eels human » Wild kai Bs ba ike te gc of the rondo because. they are... 10 to 25 Sauer por tad for watranta faa Wo the show at the Army barracks, -- ras totes shocking owtrage on. decency hope the Hutang' Beviety nit talectore, aot" tt human beings, who cannot w wh on, being held for circus quing ww Toronto--thus adding impésition to decency." oes An Elopement_ and Theft. case IN WwW ACQUITTED OF THR LATTER CHARGE 1s From the -- Free Preba af Ogt. Sth. Wn. S s tried yesterday before Jadge Eliiot Tee Hasliog various articles from Jas. Haddock under rather seoatiat ; whiot: Mr. Steele committed waa Mr. Haddock"s wife. But as this ia not an article for which pareay will lie, the prosecu for various - it---was alleged, on the part ot "ot the Crown, Mr. teele and M addock together ab- "ade house in London. ae -- ck, who ke Mrs, o aod of atout, comfort- good looks, said' she a ern was tived of Mr, Meddeee , who was con- stantly nagging at her and upbraliing her wittrbetg unfaithfat te" Le and she Withont seven daughters. His . bag for Mra. Haddock. London suddenly 'with Head. vidoe draered on the charge of stealing. his wife and left her af Gestion with preference trodden look, very.different im that trom his ~ He waid be had: it. rel knew what he He ssid it was not the ty time struck > do ye see, mi an 'Seith-- Where were you that night? Witson--I was at home reading the Vail went out some: I atter sight Gdlsck. "I went south on Waterloo Nile Lcame 'where co struck that night till I Sis ping home '@'clock. I Was om the. market. ethat night and saw the Ai 'there bear nine o'clock. [The Army were 'in their before, asa matter of fact. ] 1 went south on Waterloo st. when from st. to: Sealey's, and weat to "Downie st, catting across vacant lots! I to Mr. Sealey's the Is marriage s failure?" asks = con: ' temporary. ee "generally fs to thoes wher F | help make it neve --Wheat is alice in this, 'deg at ¢ gt. 10 a bushel with a prospect of getting up to 21.20 before the end of the-week, while at London in the woods, it is $1.08. --The New York -7imies, says a contem- porary, has taken the pains to find out what the betting men of the United States think of the political situation. And what will it we when it has found out whet the. men think-about.it.? Be Salah Bee, kup all the ba trade 'ae cole whiekien, she, Rrcgne ales and porters are in prime condition = 'Jost what ia wanted for the warm wea =} ein " Mr. Mrkinoy was for Subsequently, Steele was of perjury by Detective MeCarthy, of Stratfcrd. agp s alleged s former. 5)