Pe GE PP OMIT G ~~ FF ec? = t joc: has a 20d ¥ w ,& 'Ta os ai milk- 3 , e rge, . ary aa , VOL. Xun ~ --* Loral tems. Mr. Jala Gibson 'sh open a .breal, frait, confectionery, and ovster state « va Downie street K. K Rarny 'tale & Co. claima to have the beet va! in 2c, teas in the De a pounds for 31.00 The, € ity Zora Hews. { ed of Conj ar atio on. Tee onfirmation services xt St. dosepi's areb on'Friday mm were of ant peaing character, re fomnales Were attir d in sf otless and twenty were He) £ Fatin Tr Ker . Father tai rd Ke e pres sent ey.f ° Strats SL ee EP A RES ~ eID Ce NITY OF PBRPR-GAZHIT EL... or! a ~ STRATFORD, ONT., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1, ISSS. city Local Aews.- Cantd) Ray wey Wea the the ex ere has been a destructive fire in XOraburn, Manitoba. Mr. Jos. Sharman (formerly of Stratford,) is said to have lost 300 tons of hay r. Sharman has a very large herd of pure bred cattle te wintér the loss will Lok very serious, The fire was on M I have just feuaeel nother lot se Caw's. ot: oa 2 pen in the mar Prices from $1.50 up- Alas a tot I we "The Perfection" and **Pashaway " fountain pens, the most satisfactory pens of the kind yet produced. Price, from $2.75 up. Ask to see them.-- J, H. Dalton. Dr. Hagarty, of Portage la Prairie, sold, ele 40 acres, 15 miles northwest of the ortage, not far from McDonald, on the rater att ara North Weatera saline % (00 te Mr: Storkesy x cattle from Guelph. Geod land around hora came mot be. touched for less than twenty dollara an acre Kase Your Owsx Wauser Loewner. -- J. H. Nasmyth & Co. have received a asmyth iy _supply of genuine black walnuts for plant. poo iags Farmers would tind it arow walnut trees. They are a beautiful le tree, and it is estimated that a a tree 25 years old is worth $200. For sale in large or small quantities at the Medical Hall. Mrs. Thos. Belt has taken first prize for butter at the Birtle exhibition for eight oi in' succession. The .secret_of her coess is that she ne mostly Jerse 28 finishes its wor Renlution ef Condolence. - At the regular meeting of the C.M.DB. 4 Branch No, 13, it waé resol¥ed on rahe of a Sree Fitzgeraki, secdnded by Bro Chaa, > k,--That, whereas, it has p vleas- ed the Almighty God in his infinite wis- dom 7M, F. win with severe siliction in the fees of "his wife ; therefore resolved that the members of Branch 15 extend to Chan- cellor Goodwin their heartfelt sympathy in this his hour of sorrow. | Be it farther resolved, that a copy of these resolutions be tendered Chancellor Goodwin, and also the minutes of this meeting, and published in our official organ, the Catholic Record and C.M. B.A, Monthly. Somebody Said so, The Chief of Police said that P. C. O'Donnell had told him that the city clerk had remarked that thd assessot had at gene him that the weigh scales clerk had hinted that the city hall janitor had te et that the city treagurér had tod pd collector that the we said that city solicitor marked that the cemetery superintendent 5 hadveaid that the man's head was level who sald: Tell me not in mournful slumber, that the city is full of gloom, I. don't believe it. can't beso long as Cheap - imon wields | the broom. "Il you--wmut cheab "good } cheap. one -_ oo Sa Wa FRAY Wap no am per mitted to blow on the milk as it 4 -- m the cows. this Mra, Bell was awarded thes first sties Mr, Joseph C. Harrison, Downie street, will please accept the thanks of Tix pac Fae for ee of two kinds of grapes ani also us yellow egg plums. is the inventor of a sure ** black knot, " and that is the lum trees yield bounti- chness, whi Ist his neigh: | boast r. cure for * reason why hia. fully =. their bors a Mr. a tect your trees pest. P'Large bills are out for a concert to be given in the city hall, here, Thursday, Oct. 25tn, which promises to be a granid auccess. Some ot the people who will take part are "* N. Witliama, bass soloist, of London ;_ Mra. Geo, megs soprano vocalist, "Brantford ; Mrs. and Miss Annie : lass players ; August An- | have made it a few minutes he disgusting impudence to brin <r, "oltalee a tnolea 3 ; ane the; ordinary driving horse cannot make asin connection the samen of al Ross and © « families, of St. Marys. ood time with the same ease. Moral:--|Mr, Ker -and Rev. Peter Wright ! Tickets are on oo at ue music store. e horse a must 8% andt the t bicycle on BOG Bat = Times deals with the living -- Mr. O'Brien, of I the dead and thetr slayers and traducers Stratford, died on Sunday laste t the age | Rerorering from their Injuries. Dae spre ir or to face when the owe of, re eased w: the Jay. -working- mney of 4 to recsivn Ve origina ot iy Decors Ta by the Sars of te. eae Tk aon tn Suardar ve ae would 'quietly remark, before closing, that Co, in building their line into AUS over 30 years . His death was unex- pected, Rithough be had been ailing for some time = Mr. O'Brien was a quiet tizen and he. and ,his ; anenaed by all who know is remains were interred in "funeral servicer in St. Joseph Mr. J. J. Doyle and his good wife, of Torcnto, visited their Stratford friends it week, and were acaneded, & hearty ne, not forgetting te mn Tur imes, while doing the city. ges prospering in the Ag gro Queen city, they cannot forget thei -time is in the City, who are al- ways ed to meet them. Mr. le_ is A Gugat wy Sesvescen remy one of _.. the men who has travelled over the grea.est number of miles in a lifetime i is Mr. James be known as "'Shoot- ming s 'wastadly sprained, and bei ries the genial of{ fellows with him, lt you want "at to Cheap Simon. If you don't want = goods, go to Cheap Simon. It wont cost you anything to look at his goods, Past Time on Bicyctes, On Thursday last, 11th inst., Dr. W. rtson and Johnny E. Harding, Pe this city--the former mounted on a Spring- tield Koadster (501b), the latter on a"Kudge (381%)--drove their machines from Strat- ford to St. Marys in 4! minutes.- From "the "Stratford post-office to the National hotel (G. A. Graham's), in less n 50 minutes, Harding being a few seconds slower, The first mile and « quarter and mpe or four were anything but good for wheeling. th the first five miles was not fast enough, as the riders were fostering for the last, which were so rough they had not an opportunity of exhausting all their ener- es in speed, Otherwise they ---- -- Mr Edmund Chandler bad a nanow es- cape from being knocked off "the scaffold, and seriously if not fatally injured. As some planks were being hoisted up, the rope was h k, and thinking the -- was giving away, he attempted to each safety on the a k, but was hit on the eed by ap , aud stunned, Oa co to, he found ek his left leg | 50 feet from the ground, it took nearly an hoat to get him down, during which time suffered intensely from the cold. He me taken to his home on on Stratford street, . T. Irving, of Romeo ward, who has been -- on the shelf for some time foot, is progressing -- saa antici- pates a speedy recovery. Hymeneal, Mr. Thomas Castleton _ away the sister of Mr. of the -- house, by the her new ---- . well known nano of the Grand Trunkers, and car- (Godspeed bride were numerous ng they will pats et plain Eng- lish, om, foo his boyhood u present. When he makes any chars aguint them or against anybody else, be does 20. man- | fally and above board, not usio } thsi "females, or' saps} who graves, 3 ry Auctioneer X fourt of Revision. to dacob Bald. of Fuliarton, for $1375 This_ioiportant-court-isinfallawin "a in Mr. James MebD. € aven . the inland Stratfo rd, and as some 600 appeals at to X ' | Revenue Department, this city, las been | be adjudicated upon, they have no smal going to say their apron strings hat j it ia] pro »moterdl => position inthe fuslph dis- amount of work on "thei: hands. Ak the evident any y will never drop the lath er, } et, He ened at Hy atetles er ee | 0 let vide them with oir, tofley last week. ate br cistons are 'ten I, while some slight | tenance we hoo wament. Finding x that blackamith shoe a Brunewick street, eed changes have been made, Their heavy | they cannot © traduce the Mayor" they 12 fect of the lot adjoining, to Cleland & | work has not yet commenced, as they have ahardon the task, but deliberately insult eRernan, = Untario atre et Gant Diack oo dealing he Avon ward so far. A | Cie tatge body of voters wip supported smiths, for $1,550. 'They "have secured a | fail list of the decisions of the court will | him at the polle last January, without rare ba ; @ published later on, when the court] Mey and without price, without even being requested to do vo! Thi is a kind of revenge that will_recoil on their own heads in a manner they little dream of. For Tite Times to attempt a reply to the column of *'Sunday reading" provided for their limited circle of admirers, would be to warte valuable space, and give these fools and the perjured vagabond who is their present patron a prominence. which they do nut deserve. Out of the whole 1,500 voters ju Stratford not one man comes forward to substantiate the statements hinted at by these paltry cowards. Mayor Butler has resided here since he was lU or 11 years of age, and there are hun. dreds residing here now who knew him 35 years ago, and who know that his name has been and is the same that it was previous to locating here. It is a name that has always been yood for 100° cents on the dollar, and costs added, if neces- ary--either in a political, personal, or bosinens prosecution, and that is more than his defamers can boast of. When the Dung- boys or any of their prompters bring for- ward something new, and putitin shape to allow the courts to investigate the matter, they will find the editor of 'Tux Trwas ready to meet them, and submit to the closest enquiry onany private, personal, n sory political or municipal charge of peo i who cannot arise to defend themselves. nd " living -- whether they selves: in iy in the a oria public oflien If he chose revel like these ghouls in pln at at or casting slura at dead ple, whose sins, it they had any in this world, are beyond atonement here, he might hold up we of their friend's skeletons lying in the city demetery,--one who died from the effecta of c murderous, cowantis brutality, art and another who succun age is only cg by his cowardice, ut who has thus far kept clear of the law's extreme punishment by hard swear- ing himself, and the accommodating alibi which his obliging friends are pushed for- ward inthe witness box to 'supply when necessary !! To rehabilitate such a character and scarify the party who ex- rage and had him he Sy the Herald as ¢t alien, incendiary, ming manrander, P th one in three and three in one is all there are in ") this commranity of that claws." He" had a power once, but like Samson of old, he was shorn of his strength when igno- miniously kicked out of office here and elsewhere. . _ --That this is the general view of our brethren of the press in this city is evid- enc -- unanimous refusal to enter Sg Outsiders that take the same view as_ will be seen the following item taken from Nest 3 vests Mitchell Advocate :-- : *"Wnart Srrra Witt Do.--The Stratford Heraid is earning : editor of Taz Tix _-- = the ee dra a rowdy, era to what d we d a- tion a rival y oe degra >. | Special Meeting. Mowat," ~MePhersea, able ches h, atte Opt to poodwi t ce by ioud slinging and prayvt un "their he arts they are a 4 rds are rotten. Keep up your «i chroming, boy %, you have an old crow t eat with, and don't you forget it, whe you undettake to crucify the Ciaim ut! --Hilitor Times. } STRATFORD CITY COUNCIL A Special meeting of the city fathers 1 held on last Thursday evening. 'reacnty His Worship the Mayor, and all | 'he Aldermen. The meeting waa called for consider ation of tendére for erection of tice hy all, sleutri * coe and 146 light on Petition from S. EL. Hessen others, asking to have the electric box bene at the corner s porns of € 'eledouia anal + pl ong Prsecred Movel by Ald. Rigg, seconded by Ald. L ay, Se that the prayer of the peti tion granter Moved - in -- iment by Ald. Gordon, seconded by A ayne, that the further consideration i the petition be post. poned amtil after the circuit is completed and langps are lit, when the ratepayers can more correctly judge the necessity for any : Meved in = amendment by Ald. Gibson, ed- by Ald. Mowat, that instead the" lamp petitioned for being paws back to Cal -- street, two - Eltscbth a and St. eorge street be as originally set out by the F., W. Go: The Rayer rig the oink » record the yea§and nays on each motio For ae uoadinant<ieanbils Gib- son, Hamilton, Larkworthy, Mowat and Payne.+6. Naya Barnsdale, Davidson, Dunsmore, Gordon McP ReTeOn, Pratt, Kigg, Trethe- way and Vanstone. mies the ceatenek --Barnedal ; Dunsinore, Gibson, Gordon, "Hamil =. Mowat, Payne, Pratt, and Theth wa si Davidson, Larkworthy, McPher- roo, Hig and Vanstone.--5. motion-- eee, aah wortny cad Vansto sanaed & G. Nai Piereniaie, Thomsian, Ton Gibeon G ---- 'Hamilton, Payne, pts and a. Trethew eae i was declared carried. THE NEW. FIRE MALL. The F, W. and G, imegeor ; F, Bloxam, slating, $421 $421; Sein oe Cc, oe brick ality of the work prota yn that th for the character and -- the specifications he committee have exercised which the plans called for. every precaution to havea building suit- able for the ed of a central fire station and satisfied that the of the ent of our young city | will be amply provided for. The committee therefore have no hesitation in recommen- ding that the council authorize the ad- ditional expenditure in order to carry out the wishes of the council in of the ar pe fire station. Ald. Gibson, seconded by 'Ald. "Mowat that the report be adopted. ov _ Me in amendment by Ald. David- a n "bY "Ald Dubsiisre, that" owing to the lateness of the season for hall sl till -- wens Yeas--Da more, Gordon, Lackworthy oat Rigg Tretheway, and hia ays.-- Hernedale, Douglas, ober Hamtiton, Mowat McPherson, and Payne. ~ Nesatived by vote, of the Mayor. r the motion ale, Hamil 'an _-- port being defeated, the Rhoor yal sere be conadee ed on the or rien The Council sdjourneds Regular Me r Meeting. The council meeting on = ieee cn fi ae was a yery men oped and cracked jokes int tanner ot. oar LRA OPEL EE I ae, a NO. 667. Int tiatter « ef money re PRERTH TRACHERS ASSOCIATION, eived by ex Chie f "Herr! ing ng ee nee ! ie ported that the matter had been refs rts innwat jreccstion in this Ci ae tas Pres to the city sel of. pk ptedniy apr Pray The tirst vine wan tale be r: bl ra = . The second an * th ind t cla ns * were Car The annual convestion of the..Perth sind, and the calut. "oe we maeilerd. 'we Teachers' Association opened at the city ad , t os hall, Stratford, last Thursday morning, a : as oes court report for September large namber being in attendance. Mr ad & heen pat ed in tines, and J. W. Latid, of St. Matys, president, took Ps h 1 ) "( 'ied the chair, after making some customary -la to borrow --810.000- fromthe | 2" Tee ropriate remarks. Messrs, W. Lay, Rank of Montreal, to meet current © _tt. Cowie and | thwell were ap- ses, Was read andl passed i ited a committee on resolutions, By-law for the appointment of P. Me a W. Houston, M. A., of Toronta, Sab as c of the fire department was librarian for the Local Leg ag ys com rend-a-firet-Hime--the- dreading was pened a series of topics with c " * objected to by Ald, Pratt. ~ompasition." The speaker entertained ' ve fare hia h@arers with masterly and edifying A motion by Ald Mowat and I" ratt, re garding al hange 3 in the ire ball, was re- "Ald Gordon and Larkwo shoe moved th t the city treasurer be requested to re- ot the pest musting- the totel anne expe ended hy several committees.--O0 Ald, Davidson and. Barnsdale desired the chairman of the various committees to report the amount of expenditure ap i to date, and furnish estimates for 1888, Carried. The council then adjourned. ---- ee A Good Appointment. : It is with sincere pleasure Tue Ties announces that Dr. M, J. Hanavan, M. B.,. his city, has been "Appoln position of Sargeon in "D" Infantry, at Louden, by the Hon, the Minister of Militia. It isa tribute to the doctor's worth as a Physician and a private citizen which all who have the pleasure of his acquaintance will nencitly endorse. Dr. Hanavan has dent of Stratford since 1467, and during these long years has been ted as a he and as a public-spirited citizen. 'or sorge 17 years was Suryeon of the 28th (Perth) battalion, and the officers and men of the regiment had every -- dence inhim. During that time he ated from the Toronto Military School with honors. During the dark days of the Ameriean Civil War, when it was hard to oho surgeons to alleviate the sufferings e--victims of battle and the} Gastar was employed by the American overnment as a contract su n, and did ealy in the military hespitals of the The beat wishes of the citizens of cocaee and 'the: a oie "of Y gps Then wi so long been pt him to his' Dem associated, P --_ of ia = 'the Forest City, and "irrespective of -- ee ---- diflerences of opinion, Fhioh might exist between them one the doctor. The many friends of Mra. wee avery and family will we are sure, endorse word Tux Titers says and wish enn all' a happy life in their new home. A pleasant event occurred in Stratford on the 10th inst., at the residence of Mr. G 8 Huron at. The con being their. eldest daughter 'f , to Mr. dohn McBonald, o this . as tastefully d in en brown satin mervelien ~and natural flowers, while her sister Miss Tillie acted as bridesmaid, and Mr. Nor- ma : 4 the nuptial knot, knot, after which over eighty couples sat down to a sumptuous repast, and then tripped the light fantastic until early dawn. The presents were aumerous follows :--Norman ald, silver cruet siand; Mr. and Mrs. a Tutty, silver butter cooler; Mr. and Mrs. McDonald, pair of blanketa; D. McDonald, silver ckle cruet stand; Mr. and Mra, W, reland, gts: blankets ; F Shore, ba dozen silver teas ; Mr. and Mrs. S Shore, Shakespeare, chamber set ; D. Me- ¢°Mr. and Mrs: discourses on this and other subjects dealt pt : BS. At mention. he routine the ditlerent matters he ably ached u The address on " compost- sion "olosed the forendon's session, and Mr, Houston 'opened the afternoon's proceed: ing's with '* English | literature," being highly appreciated "in detinitions and ex- planatoins pertaining to the subject, and tor advice rendered on the.mmanner of im- parting proper kaowledge of it to students. r. Houston followed this address with ene on ** Scientific treatment of English," Which he tre me in a most thorough and interesting Mr. Fort, of Michigan, occupied the remainder of the afternoon with a dis gentleman is a plea: manded deep attedition during his remarks, they -being considered full of fact and useful admonition. n the evening a public lecture was. given in the city hall by Mr. Houston, on ** Industrial education," at which a large audience of the teachers and citizens were in attendance. The-second day's proceedings ect with an hour devoted to '* Onject Les- sons," by Mr, Ford, after which Mr ouston gave a review of his remarks on the preceedi. ng day. _ The following officers of the Associa- ttee, Harvase 8. Harding, and. isses Rosa and Greealey. This business closed the forenoon's session. - ord, on ** Geograp which "the speaker was thoroughly versant. His ideas were ceeceeeity illus. trated;and "tightly: "appreciated-by his" "Mr. Ford gave s lecture': = 'waleetilc™ temperance in the evenin ; analysis and illustrated 5 Sigg he ee what alcohol is, and explained the injur- > as effects of intempertnce and tobacco moking on the various -- the aenan system. At the conclusion of the address, a vote of thanks was the speaker on motion of Mr. J seconded by Rev. J. P- McEwen. brought the meeting and the convention to mw close prayer. " upeteeg ac nh sane adios (ny occaAmoNaL.") There is considerable buildin; be the resort of th. slite of Stratfio a so on account of the situ the 'dlapoaal of the slectris Jight on this side seems to hav: with toler abl ri waa A aive good ca ral J satisfaction,--some cranks ohisetlag, , pudding CP. Hall chamber act; T. Downs, | vere + bet the proof of the is parlor clock ; A. Humphrey, half dozen nada sy Mg ' ter . a silver ns; Angus Campbell, parlor te alight . y ound necessary lamp ; Norman Campbell, set dishes; A. | "Tie old jail a Fraser, silver butter cooler ; T. J. Foote, FA as Soa M oon i: -- e table; Mr. and: Mrs, Shore, bed | way and ats pore eget 4 5 towels ; Alex. Campbell, beer Ys the y record Spo set and tray; Mr. and Mrs. E. Jacobs, | %** -- = of pcb fret tore spread and ae Mie J. Moffat, two gone by snow a J. Camp- important territory, is the itary a or gs mi Me 'towels, Mow GG yner, | 12, -- siaage or Si acigie seg : China fruit dish; Mise Bhepherd, table a Han Olives It gag - cover; Miss A. Jones, table cover ; Miss Tay reigie scineatah on. Oliver Mowat, Mr. D. D. Tillie Shore, silver butter cooler; A. rae silver ealt celler; Mr. and Mrs, pert, Miss K. Stewart, fruit plate; A. Mc- Donald, kitchen utensils. ST. MAR D> Maxweit has "already Sr. Jauns' Catmca.--One of the most S233 CHEE sei of said 28 2S) oe ger > Bacnadele Great ae in dinner sets eae ery 5 a cou ior London and in Detroit before they return A OREAT AND RARE EYEE, the citizens asl Stratford, an abd inhabitants of the County of I an auction sale. expressions ood. will, aes thongh mi, gives more vredit Ghanian by boyy Ar ig owe friends of tford fraternity This e whole for the 'Herald's attack, but the Strath: find that the ---- sen to thank the Advocate for t) fal. the outside edi have vwal whothave become imbued with the eo that it is their mission, ed by a few: ought to be in the rm sm ayor 'Tre Tres." eae rad rom these hypocritical 'sanderers, who, i nie fact the whee pes contempt wi with which fran i sts., was H. Baker's niin to be permitted to add a frame addition to a house on Erie letter trom. E. Burdett, asking to erect @ frame building on Erie at. to cover his ton gna led. Mrs, Lee was given eight months' ex- tension of time to veneer her building on Nelson street. -Finance Committee recommended 'begun moving from Paris into his 'new building here, which are now nearly com- e health of the angel 8 good this season. tionally mes chaicinam of the local-bourd of alth, says | isease has been that not one contagious d since last Ey ed FY e whole con: the--mschme "the -seaton's Fae Thomas' sarscverghaie as carried s small insurance. The me supposed to have Bh. ease --_ octival dad outed: 'tainment last Thureday night in thes : Methodist church of this town: was agrand success. A pleasing feature in connéction Fi Bel yep te the presence on the platform of i $1, ena s Leave sulveeriptions with veering Hegnteelves forward -in 'a isl outside. This mye aT rs Ld E t