Stratford Times, 17 Oct 1888, p. 8

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ain POWDER - | . MILVERTON. 'Yara. - ant '" 4 ohis tature moved w terive sha he -T- FUR ae Extensive Auction S gant Drawing-Room, Parlor, room and Bedroom Furniture, &c. Ti oo, t ze ¢ op bee meine nga vxte RARE CHANCE 1, 'a? JAMES TROY r rk, ee ti en TQ AEE BARGAINS ------ JN HOUSEHOLD URE- ak ale of New and Ele- Dining- $16.25. $16.25. SPECIAL. A Nice Bedroom Suit for GarG-25, Com- * prising :-- eecemiemie One Dressing Case, Bedstead. Washstand, Woven Wire Spring, Mattress, wool, two sides * Chatr. a % othe <i en the loth conceneon a ut --? where be lived for a few years, and afterwards re At His Warerooms, Ontario-St. West, Absolutel Pure moved ta eo Mitehe tt fied, near - the -- le Babb yemelas a THE eee - Phd mig hever varies. A marcelof purty | parchased the farm one+juarter of a mile CITY OE oe A IF ORD, ches the ert Be Ng RT BA havth of "age towhich he removed, *, Bind caps wold in ET WA. ; . band on whieh be diel Deceased Feucht wl lure or phowphate paws ere Sold oxty on] Peapected. by <"y his acquaintances as a vine Koval faking Fo weiter CO. 100 wall St., MV. | strie "tly honest and conset nti ud Dan, SAT RDAY, Youu -- on <== THe Waa Gre OT the Teading Conservatives U « of- the tacit, and always teek a deep maiereah in the advancement of the good Coatuen pos nie 10:00 e Clock, sharp, and continuing the whole dye is evenin rdec to evens the Whole stoe 'onsisting in pert as fellows bk {[" TooT THE HoRN,| Tell the GOOD NEWS all over the Land. _-- the ORCr- tt cause. The funeral which took place last Tuceday week was very largely attended. f. <The fev. Mr. Tayler: of Mitetfell! cdh] ducted the harvest servicea at St. Alban' i en the Lith inet... i managers of the Attwood flax mill are straiping every nerve to secure the large area of flax ther have spread in the surrounding country, and they will have their hands. full for some time. Mr, G. Danbrook fell from a scaffold one day eg week while erecting a barn for Mr. or: and met with some injuries whic up for-some time, Dr, 25 Parlor and Niestieg: Hoc Suits ; 30 is Ash and Elm ; and Wood-Seat Chairs ; Wire Springs, 50 Lounges, of varion - Double: ana Enclosed, and a quantity of other artic The Whole of the above Stock last March ia New, and was -All -- '7 -- $20, Cash ; Otes. TERMS furnishing approved jc The--Largains---we _ DRESS GOODS Line are attracting many Customers, and productive of increasing Sales. Sitisfaction and Comfort in every Parcel. ove lannela--ono.better affezed.; quad... 'ity and value desirable combinations. Blankets-- Extra values. Under- wear--Large assortment, superior in Knish and value. Millinery, Attractive, Latest Nov- _ Axvept, taroing..ovt. she Fegancin: increasing their Popularity and Sales (einvtrernes siren cre te ~ Glad to.s0eo-you.- ~~ ~n BUNTING & SCOTT, Dry Goods, Specialists, IDINGTON'S BLOCK, Market-St. * BIRTHS. LEVAN--In Bt. Marys, on the sth inst., the wife of ~ Ameac. SM, master. Collegiate Institute, of a daughter. NOBINSON--In St. Marys, on the 6th inst., the of ana' ¥ Hampstead, North Easthope, o Ith inst., the wife of Mr. Duncan Siewert, ot 8 daughter. JARY--In Elma, oa the 4th inst., the wife of Mr. liam Jary, of a son. TAGGART in E Klima, on the i2th es the wife of Mr. Samuel Taggart, of a daugu' MA sate oe fehis patrick LIVINGSTONE DAUGHERTY -- At Millbank, 2a Oct. the Preeb ys to Wattriss Weir, of Monkton, ae At the residence of R. Mc- "Wednesday, 'Oct. 10th, by the Rev. Andrew bt M. A., of Attwood, James * Kiroy, of Wallace, to Margaret 8. Welr, Me county aie a Perth. VIVIAN--BROOKs--In Boh Mr. Vivian, of Mitchell, "to Mine Nellis pressed for the bereaved Ladies are} 4 % ing concourse of sorrowing friends aoa but the house itself aad & = Jocal horee dealer, from whom Hale had Hamilton attended to him and had him sen On "Thureday last the remains of the beloved wife of Mr, C. E. Harris, of Winnipeg, were brought hero from that city for burial, Much el husban is ex- usband and "ae Mra Mire Harris We ot erly residents of this dude, The deceased being the daughter of Mr. James Donaldson, one-of the oldest and most respected residents of the place. 'The funeral took place from the Methodist church, when the Rey. J. W. Ferguson preached a funeral sermon, in which he welt y qualities of de- both at home aed in vee charoh.--A4 tottow to her old | home. HIBBERT. Onirvany.--On Wednesday morning, at his -- in this gor Mr. William Dunn b ed hia last, Mr. nn was in erin year Isls, ii Tip- perary oe Ireland, -he was educated for teacher. Having taught some time ther, he emigrated to this country and taught several. years in Montreal. "From Mon : Onondaga, still continuing his profession. About twenty-three years ago he. came to this township, and tau ue five years in Section No. 4, it is which he taught. About eighteen yea o he retired, having taught altogether pT ea years, ter retiring, he still continued to reside in the above section. He was a successful teacher, and an inde- jfatigable worker. He was © very active mind, and could not endure idleness. He was great lover of mathe- matics, and during his retired life devoted considerable at a to the vag! 4 ee having read a t deal of the thi the Sourth year PY ceahauatin of Torento University. "He was wiarricd oe Years ago, an daughter, Mrs, Kelly, of Rnkore omar nme his sad demise, Although in feeble health for some time, his death was rather unex- He was highly esteemed was sof the highest standard. LISTOWEL. Axotuer Incenptary.--About a quar- fire _-- rang loud and long and 9 time it wasthe barn belonging to lea . Ste an which "-- subject to the the fire was discovered in- the | bay Toft and the ball seen. The hose was at once run out tofMill one hydrant and laid slong Elma street to the fire, but |- the amet Waswantiag. A inal stream comtecting link béing olf hose which would not standthe pressure of forcing time- wae} bias reflecting great oteait ¢ on toe who had charge of that part of the work Ifthe tarvest ofthis yearcan be jud Foes "Pquantity -and- quality ofthe } provided for, this. ¢ i eda. ns oboe ed the remains to the cemetery aellncani. al the _-- of Trinity Church, and the young vancement, spected by all who knew him, and his saceal the haracter ' was ss for a time, put rhage the} T = oa, - te the yoar. ~about set ep cod. tha Nese ntendled Ge lo Tie [arma aapemarene JOHNSTON: Stratfort, Oct. 17, 1888. 25 Sade. Boards, Black Walnyt and Elm ; Tables ; 40 Centre Tables, of variou kinds ; 100 Mattresses of various kinds ; Whe per cent, off f comprising Black Walant, 26 E xtension Dining WW Rattan Rockers ; Cane 40 Ww oven 8 kinds; 50 iesistneda. Single and. and Hoekers ; 60 V jm, 4 les of Furniture too numerous to mention. tedroom Suita, as placed fh the Warerecnie since the Ist of [tis all ef ttre Newest Styles and Designs over that amount, three months' - redit, on for cash on credit amoun ABRAHAM. 087-18 MITt 'HEL L Harv aid eee --The English church their hacyest. home apd | ating: waphes in the eet hail an evening or two since, It was a most gratifying success, both in attendance and icy a tinancial point of view. ball as appro y and beautifully decor- ated ot ta the Bie omg especially, jon and flowers, evidence of unity and prosperity with which God was ae them as a con- gregation. DONEGAL. Mr Redcliffe, has been engaged as teach- er of our school, at a salary of $500. The members of L. 0. L. No. 78, Ee celebrating the '4 y a supper and dance in their hall, on = evening of the 5th Novem The Rev. Mr. Ward, mer his amiable partner, are taking much pains in training people are making rapid ad under their able fectreccion. Whilst Mr. James Buchanan w ing in a well the other dav, a bucket "al in upon him, striking but we are lad tokoow. that the ie i neri roen| injured, and hope to see him ae sahortly: On Tharedsy evening, a couple of men called at the residence of Mr. Wm, Flood? and upon Mr. Flood coming to the door, y proceeded to demolish him in the ok approved atyle, after severely beating Mr. lood, they succeeded in aaking their escape w --_ re Had they come separa' ereis not P doubt but that Me. Flood ould have st a them 'more' than they "bargained for, and} *) ould have done some of the tleking' him- se =[S--S= NEW ADVERTIEMENTS. REMISES OF FRED. RAGLEY COLT. FRED, RAGLEY. North Easthope, Oct. 16,1888, 67-38 the water -- hill, - - h rye wloned th eatin tee read = ae vel the sta 8 toM Stephan's house, the contents of which ware quickly me & wree' nsurance was ip aterloo Mutgal, on the house $500, tents of Sa. from Ss pear gdh will ibe thal saktully receved, sad 8 and a ae LOST. let 43, EASTHOPE, about a mon' 33 33 -- Sve ot i} og "EDWARD 'FINNEGAN. North Easthope, Oct. 18, 1888. 067- 'Home Memcrial Church. . ein Oo THE SERVICE WILL BE HELD ON ---------- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Portland and Therold Cements, Sewer Pipes, Culvert Pipes, FIRE BRICK, &c. YARD & OFFICE - ALBERT 8r., STRATFORD. iidiaeaininis JERSEY: HOTEL, Cor. or Kine | AND Niagara Sraaers, -WEST;. PR OPRI ETOR. is. J. DOYLE a ps AOCORRUDATION for the Travelling Publ pa 4 Mr. Dont will be happy 'to meet his Strat- ford triende when visiting the Queen City ae rie od Tenders for Cordwood He peg pinhead WATER | SUPPLY com. pany will rece | 2,000 Cords of "Green Soft | * WwWoonD, The 7th Day of November, 88. Wood to be delivered at the she Compony) 's Works A the 15th day of March, 1839, and subject to th approval pany D. B. BURRITT, Sec'y-Treas. Stratford Oct. 17, 1888. JOHN CORRIE, President. 06; -2t ____ AUCTION SALE OF _ Household: Furniture and Gar- den Vegetables. I HAVE been favored with laatrpetions f from Mr. R, Bacos to sell by Public Auction at his resi dence, Caledon! MONDAY THE 22xp OCTOBER, 1588 at LWo'clock p. m., euete a of his household tables, a, stoves," guns, pa Sa vevetveet child's sisigh, cs- WALNUTS. Genuine Black Walnuts, for Seed, in Large or Small Lots, at =\The Medical Hall. J. H. Nasmyth & Co. ae % and: well-dressed indiv [¥ cards of C. C. Hale & Co., dealers in horses and moles, Nash i ee, New York cities, on Mr. J. W. Scott, tie well-known private banker of Listo and presen' k in town. Str, Vevtyt ery "Mir: Hate-had intimated that he wished | Thursday Evening, 25th Instant | At 7.39 _p. m.. in the Church, when Per. Mr. Wade, of,,Oid 4. Paul's, W: ver an ad- Gress. ¥ IN THE HGH COURT OF UOSTICE. | Chancery Division. Re JAMES rial POWELL ra, ROWELL We desire to draw| your attention to our Immense Stock of Overcoats. We have |: them in tweeds,wor- steds, Meltons, and | Beavers. Sem Come and look »|through our Stock of | Clothing®<Tt's fail of} Bargains: YELLOW FRONT, The Tried, True and 'Teastworthy Clothiers. Toltcn:-:Bros. | --.. WILLIAM HEPBURN, Undertaker, 60 ONTARIO STREET, CITY, 422 TELEPHONE COMMUNICATION WITH WARK- BOOMS ANT? RESIDENCY, Stratford, seam 19, Lae GREAT Hideo tadlatll Complete im every dena nt. Weare enabled thts Se . In the tellowing toy ot* take eorond place to mone G onda at Right Prices . Dress Goods, Mantlings, Filannels, Meltons, Tweeds, Cottons, &c. Millinery 'Department. MISS CUNNINGHAM, of London, a Fiwst-Clase haras of tie D ie Hate Shee can see all the Lal at very Prices. ww by doce Bisinit Tailoring Department. Under the charge of Miss Sullivan. Dresses and Manticse made up in the latest Styles at very Reusunabic Kates. m aeeet Prices Paid for all Kinds cf Kastner Bros' "SEBRINGVILLE axv MITCHELL." E.A »_SASTNER, Manean , Bebringrill. KEEN - heard We are just entering upon our Third Year in Business here, and rpose -giving-you the Greatest" ------ = the next Six of, ..... ' : Re ey exer DRESS S38 GOODS. 1,400 yards heavy Melton Dress Goods, 900 yards heavy Tweed Dress 1,800 yards extra fine Tweed Costume Cloths, at 15 800 yards all wool Victoria Costume Cloths, at 20 - PRICES. STOCK VERY ERY COMPLETE. Everything New. Everything Reliable, Everything Cheap. Months you at 10 conta, at 124 Goods, * 300 1 wool Fancy Checks, at25 " 800 Stripe Tweed costume Cloth, 9b 25 8 oe cumemimennon 1,200. yards all a Tricotine Cloths, at 25 * Plain Effects, witha de to idle 25ja yard. BLACK DRESS GOODS. Black Dress Goods in Stripes and Checks. Black Dress Goods Ombre in effects... "Black Dress Goods in Brocatelle effects... Black Dress Goods, especially for Mourning. Largest Range of Black Dress str * Grout's Waterproof 'Cr Crape i in all Qualities!" SILK DEPARTMENT. Goods, in Stratford. _ And a great assortment of better Goods, in Stripe, Check, Ombre, and | srewvy:Seotch: Twwed t rap Uwerage ae a Chek s 700 yards colored Dress Satins (new shades), = rea 500 yds Colored Satin Merveilleux, at Black Satin Merveillieux, at 65c., 75c., $1 *. $1 en4 Black Gros Grain Silks, at 75c., 85c., 95c., $1.15, $1.35. Broche and Damasse Silks, z MANTLE CLOTHS. --- 1 to $2.50. Seances And an ereter. 'Fine Black Cloths, Rye Chota ond TE Bechibim Extra Super Wool Blankets. from $2.50 to Fine Alt from to place $300 to the credit of Mr- Lowry, . Hale i pda yee to Hale in favor of wey, opens sei TA re 3 copaniel ers 'NEW. BAKERY -- oT ARD ee yt on rien JOHN GIBSON' Pleasure in Inforz.inz his Friends and blic generally that he has opcemed a Branch Store on Downie-St., Near FE. -- Pump Factory, in the Store latel . D. Hamilton, where be will always BREAD, of all kinds; £3, =e ae ready prey to after, be- surpri: thei 3 faruiers being canght se" "she 'tricks uty. hei The Store sharpers wien shrewd men of busigess fall tun ay¥,-¢ teeie-wiles---- <> o-- {ose Confectionery Store. Ieper grup TENDERS will de seceived by D. dazans, Local Master at at Siragtord, mp to of ochock p. tm. on | The 24th of October; Sait) ----uosreny D Misses' Under Vests, in al Siaes and Qualities ies' sr if you want Hosiery i in any Size or Quality, see our Assortment. geese tt ig we ot Let 9, Monteith's Sur vey, Stratford, a Cottage and a Fete Stable. PABCEL 3--Consisting of Tate 12 sad 23, in Montetth's Burvey, Stratford, PARCBL 4--Consisting of Lot 155, Canada Com- y's Surrey, two Frame Houses and a Frame ae Teams eae Jara ston esl on Ontarle Sirect wish: wil shete, in bulk, ig Dvead, Fruits, gen ets., ae toasrer! Bey Shes Rta erie and ut FRUITS D. Ho. LIZARS, ' Master at Stratford. "Serco Oe Te. eign Til MABEE &e -EARING, : Vert yo? Bail wftsgs on f you. appreciate "Good Value! ee Sri atts Sng a wy Lo STAPLE merrhagenbiis ibis Woot a tents. Wh to' 65 cents. Fine Fancy 5 Flannel, to 60 cents. HOSIERY DEPA: DEPARTMENT. Our Millinery Department is Unexcelled in Western Chain. I If you Sppreciate Courteous Treatment, Call on us. mn MANTLE MAKING A SPECIALTY. 2 ee ee » Seite in ell Sian, If you appreciate Correct Styles!

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