er nainone b ' pe toward. the dour,-0f shom be hed ones or. tice cauchs. & SIIA xESPEARE : Ll pliner perros dy tet ahs arnt, Galexa-- The one ed atred t te tilts ws WA Z a + Awe, alt i wn ; ~The Text. er! the first man enddenly; . tage Ps FT HE Uxpegsiexr ne me red a Large ese = 3 Sis ott aes 4 wammbe fittek Lunde 1 j QB shut Test a fed satiny Me prepared ty furnaeh the shere oo tele 4 followed t a anf * r gore - sa ; s wd for WEST PRICES, j lin au instant be w Mr, trade @ and can warrant thew mast si Lp at at tan nantly tea enmtmgraad. eee ao . WE, Gest oh wyes. terion, LA ee ay ew "ne. To eed bin bet tei Pat A =e, * of m out of ¢ _-- ater -- fares ba ater was and da Antusnas WESEERS "wna Valais ree | "> a aan an ter ender ee a Rarclay hooked im at the drain 1k Durable in Canada. Landon: Se t. a. 18hs nee aan . a bad ° an? i erhues " ¥ } che ra ' you answer : ciple a 1 v and « st at ; 'tabea Fan aware m tae Quite Correct T : sp. tien nevwt * - . a rs 2 is es te ~ Abad Pari and 5 teins mene og ; Tf have used Dr. Fowler's Extract of tea an, and ast were heard in Se S S Ctacty the axe in camstructen to th e | a weak =. in © a vagent Wa on Ave <a at Genta Wild Strawherry and found it the at a. ther voice emed boarsdy. Gu 8 , t ised seed ahaa dial 'next . o. tutes wit t re -niting remety Lever used for Dyspepsia. and all : rie the game's at 18 ight," sal one of them, mid hus "yy Ce Ta toggies amt Bemecrats-aheayrin Steck; r Cotmpl sinte atnemg children, ant : : ithast tain! An . --. t i © Gost ioe . peeginaicites Riek, camite as st Bottom Prices. hmasebold should be without it," | re" patstexd : i handkere rua tbe prisoner « . rand and 1 + the fuse | #2 Repairine of ail kimde promptly attended to "Makes ton roldely, Cnt j aioe . . Me} 4 alot peared i «f r Trotuns puliice Built te Order ; leprang te 3 feet. ani } yom seoumirel'™ cried Rareiay ar weno? a ' -- Une " Mand 8." Condition Pow. | Iris t. amd por ' "ih . i tengue in your bead, my fin npr ae ste : : GEV. I Rcern Gere for love of appetite in your borse | the te bien te two felis , . sane pei Sti J eS cianen Bie mabey and cattic. ; kd 2 meets followed "Vou shail suffer for this," retorted 3t bed re A eta ; ote a wecnain pas... oo hited iste STRATFORI peustatan mn ina tae eee CECE ACES tt Dee tm fal Se ee arn eames Gs ES ARGS ON SoS ontaweeceuee ep is \* tir ' was int "art ta ; if hie's ti said the frst imanagain. ! eat Gs may be Gampies to cud es fer t i i j Wh, iis Wor, is it?" . ~ you" --e ~~ 2 ates, TD ene a} Deurvexr. MATL Cowra ares By -Gesrge 'Waavite rs 3 ea So a WT iat do you want--m a? erbaeea he tel cas ee penne eae withamat fini Yeu tobekd your tangue and be quiet, 9 we gyn pou. 5 . crew iam ) e. 8 amp e ss ' ' r i Pre am : i the hght Jaarned miore brightiv and he Teronte, Gneiph. Ber "Thank you, Burdon," he says in rather a Ciarly wreane oe tw 1: but | wara you th , : ' cc Ticadbene Wate 4 way. "Master and man all these years; dt Boateed : ant games look vat, for vena've vs and the | : 12 39 Bw Lat eo but it's getting near the end now, when all , wi ST atm tee wad ; men todenl with Now, thon, wil 5 ce Mer Tice 8 os : sali will be the exine. f beg your pardon, ean wed ; : ist : . fh, We vies He Ti>orep } 9% 4B Losdoa 1 10 Hy reo seggotet = fellow--I called you a 4 ' varh errteredt wrth) eancenelies him vies a Teli me tirst what this means," said Mr sinc tata ian n +, &i. H viet Tis : ee : : t "Stand where you are!" said the fi shut 0 aaa 4 PS pe ge havo Pt md aoe emt "What are you going todo, sir? T said at moa. "How comes he bere, Adela" "I sat tell you nothing. Lonty my this-- 9% Fn nt pg ae Li 10 Paes aeagreebaols SOE, 00S Senet HOPE Lt aod if-was me now who gripped bis' "LD couldn't help it, Tom. He forced his will you take it coully and do what we torth, Mitchell, and : at se por rip. _-- { know you, me im : a sr se It's all 2 retake Mr- F want? = ' PAIN E S +3 ~E piel ater - -_ +4 pemuiaiaiiaaitimitaitis- 4- "thick ii my eyes--"yes, I know you, sir, # . ic said bitterly. "All that ia a hest- , Tknow who i T can't help myself," said Mr. Barclay. t. es east ae G. TR. I-don't mind." you, sir, arx ce: mine teheld in trust for my son--hbis Ms, m 2 ; efi ee rosy lad," sax btha C ELE RY ai 12 38 B, my ae ee ee ee. 3 We neither of us spoke, for it seemed as if ad oe aad Burden ian nto want tt , m2 gery st of « cae day, per! way ae i ut ™ a Rae b. By allan i £9 wou furdom, it is an incubus-- anes . oe -- || Sees RESAS SSs siemens See ee Se, Ree NC COMPOUND te ao i up the glases again, Burdon. Workinz xs ° a ' af: --- om rl too? hoo --_ ua an a ™ Bu ar? i 1 poke Eaneent sae . + aa oted. wu think < i ui. ith bu: Be rn Se EON, wheel ae wy." fe cried flercely. fit is that) "Ye yes: - in parent ir, TH Af yon be ACTS AT THE SAME TIME ON = Harmony and Fair y ead, te? ox wh 7 1 explain all to Ne nd you all stand there ha m if you | CR ee Peer Peadgehoos Ph: gg iticis ma bos at ee a wee ba ee OF oer andl « iun't come to his help." don' have fate you may = an ugly THE NERVES, $30, aceiay and Frider.. 8 ; P solemnly; ecmeuainiamnens en minutes, more or les, won't hurt, bead to silency you. Now, then, Se . ean naicetetarcieninane . ; Teche d pat the ie bottle and. glasses an. CHAPTER. 1X. my-girl," eried-the man. 3 tet" "an nenaay. Wotnentay and Priday, delivery ot " { spu ve candles, MR. BARCLAY GOERS TOO FAR. "Will you let me passf* cried Mr. Barclay.) "I tell you again that I cannot help my- and the KIDNEYS 3 Thureday and Saturday, delivery at ¢ 2 now. We og sg hy. geoaciaingtrg tgc! When young Mr. Barclay -- "Miss Mimpriss, » | ey ¢ your pardon for this !f." This combined action gives it won- p a. ; ell just veaglance at the ob) Geng? How do] know al is intrusion, Foryive me, and good night." "Sball I undo his hands!" said one to the derfu! power to cure all discases. OLD cot NTRY MAILS. en ee a oe must build up theempty \v),:, it was burned into my memory, and One man gave the other a quick look, and other. ok Pe abe Kimouski eleces ca every Tuenday, 4 Lain, -oeemcer: Tid order 0.20608 p roagel ev ers em from hin, os Mr. Bareiay. 'tes, them. Why Are We Sick? Sashes ew York, sloses on every Saturday, ---- a more When young Mr, Barclay left the ¢ dining him, and in spite of his straggics bore Wie "Th is was done and directly after Mr. Der Rec llow th '6% a. : He said that last so solemnly that I looked paom on the "night he disappeared, be wen t back from th » door. The nezt moment, Clay sat thinking in the darkness alone with a Lened al chen', end evening mail forfToronto closes at 6.30 pom ; sine sre stood there with the the Light up to his own room, miserable at scbdaguestbon though, -be-recovered his lost'ground, and: co-anpiomenh thoughts as a man could have these great organs to become clogged Boho tace a ¢ mS SES & with bis fc ther, and taking to himself the -- have shaken himself free, but the sour fT co itech or torpid, and poisonous humors are "WILLIA BLAIR, a: b ) for the unbappiness that he had looking woman who had entered with the| CHAPTER X. therefore forced into te | Soot that Stratford, Sept. 7. 3 upoa the girl who loved him with, t¥o men watched her opportunity, got nes 7 should be aver : ¢ all her sweet, true heart. "But it's fate--it's, bind, flang her arms about the young man' A PECULIAR FOSITIOS, d tali 3 Lata 7 kbanidcen bo weabep-tetbe-renmr and neck; amd be -was-ciraered "heavily 'to ent 'The prisoner had 'been' sitting-upon "the : CELE! Exhausted Vi -- "-- mn. be t9-<attle himeslf there:be lit-a floor, where, as te jay half stunieed, he saw sawdust about an hour, when the H Panes 5 caulaaee oni sie. i Come along," be says in bis old qui cigar, came down and went out justes he Adela gazing at him with ber brows knit;/again, and the two men entered, one beari : \ TNE ScIEKCE OF LIFE, veg ant ad eal at bis q Qe SteTR was dressed in bis evening clothes, only that and then, without a word of protest, she a bundle of blankets mr go eae WILL CURE BILIOUSNESS. PILES, Medical Work 3 wpges tr sae cotting anata put on a light overcoat, and began to, harried frome. te room. ,the other a tray with « large. cup. of --_ : secre 7 . ~ ol or the tines ewulkewp ant down i1 front of our bouse and way wag denier himself up, and tried {cole and a pate of breed wd batters 35 pe eee oF si i ee the windows opposite, to try and catch poriens, but. one of his adversaries sat pn pre There, you see weehan't starve vou,? said TIS, NEURALGIA, Youth, ond the untold asbver- i staat be nde hy heres aclimpse of Miss Adela. is chest while the other bound him hand and first man; "and you can make yourself a a HERVOUS DISORDERS, sen . Of wa spoke an we. walked. ower the denen ge 7 cit: It struck, but she did not show ; foot, an attempt at shouting for belp being) bed with these when you've done, By quieting and hening the Gee ice all diseasee' Giet black sawdust, both thinki of the lik ; boc tiérself at the window; and feeling quite sick met by a pocket handkerchief thrust into his} "Will you leave me a light nerves, and causing free action of the full gilt, only $1.00, by mail, of foul air being athe pina: hie ce 4 at heart, he was thinking of going in again, ™mouth. 'No," says the man witha laugh. "Wild Seer, bowels, aad kidneys, end eewtor- sealed. " [lustrative sample free to all young and we when he euddenly heard a faint cough, about 'sort of lads like you are not fit to trust with ¢ midcle-aged men. vew. The Gold and breathe all che dca lighta, Good night." ing their power to throw off disease. Jewelled Medal awarded to the author by" the the cides, the Meh shows én the Bick eee er ee: ae, tarning charpy, he Seder ad on National Medical Agsociation, Address P. G. Box ooking pry Sauer. dent te so. saw the lady 'on sean looking for crossing the door of the inner cellar was en ease, or Dr. W. H. eet xrada- Jocks and oe iat Seek wae ead daft road, having evidently just come back from | bolted, for it was not like ours, a simple arch; ahs OF Barvesl Media College, 28-yeare' practic <5 6 some visit . 'and then the outer ecllar door was shut as gato dana eae _ a(S pa a Gels hee *Adela--at last," he whispered, as he well; and Mr. Barclay sat for hours reproach. | etrec* , ode SoA maar be gave me & caught her r hand jing himself for his infatuation, before, perenne enema Shen we both stand eat . = peace mes re Mr. at Al oles in a startled [weaeied out, Bo lay lay down and fell asleep. | MIRACULOUS RESULT i from just af my feet there came a dail, | en i sat bean feats shee iy. "tT het sss tins tgp analyte to find Repton RAYE ATTENDED THE Une OP-- qThtened eo sakl reproa a Es' ' ' ® Koacking suis, ad v1 Eig down, I that I you have to aay to one who has pa- was a light in the cellar, a the two men | ame vena ' sc pr PO ect Al fer 16 PA y watehed for weeks, trying in vain to | were looking down, at hin: 4 . 7 that the place was saseateie ey conbin's | law 3 you! "That Usrighte wake up." says the principal é - reskeubateun-teetndeesmaieite said, as he held ber speaker, "and puton those e seen tole op his right hand, as If to order} jham What can you. "Bar began Mr: Barcay; as the nan silent..Then he beld-his candle) nt he said iy. "1% te: ae nae toe eaten i jee! "You! he snid excitedly. "Don't struggle . _ tig te confound you!" cri > r >, a Gwe wae senther sound, bat thi8 ¢-c¢ away. Listen to me!" i" fellow fiercely "-ENNYROYAL PR Lae oa _ grinding cracking inadull «x, no, no!" she eried ina balf fright-, He tapped the ivatt of & pistol; and there bee ned oti teh long expenence in sort of way, just as if some one was forcing ned "fT M was that in the man's manner which showed treatt female diseasen. Is used an iron chisel in between the joints of the wai 7 way: an a nn that be ad 2 smosthiy with fect eucen tS stones. hen there was a lor: | =. SER DUNGY ES OE. over 10,000 Pleasant. safe. + --belt--thought-ie-had--bemr-taneyr ten +8 "Lee you ga?..How.can a he are pe Torre was pothing for. it but to.abey; and} - effectual. Lacies ask your drug: s i after, as I ood there bardiy blet breath me? Arlela, dearest, you know I love you"! One of his adversaries sat wpon his chest. in a few minutes ee ee stood up un gict tor Pennyroyal Waters and | Che cherdct ptt far oe ny Able to Drenthe, What madness--wbat nonsense! Mr.! A minute inn as Mr. Barclay lay staring bound and in regu orkman's dress, ae Bib ee ae ; faeit ponent Pp was heaved UP Drinkwater, loose my hand!" wikily, the rough woman, whom he sie "That's right, 'ai his jailer. Now alld ry a Tans ! I was terribly alarmed, not k whens "Never! till you give me some hope. now J ecunalteecstennie. anit aine had hi come along; and I warn you, once f. al 'AE RURERA CHEMICAL C0. "D Mocs I bodes bean ae Sia ce Eacie an tae Adela, your looks have told me soa hundred ried from the room, returned, helping 'Adela that 1 if you break faith and attempt t fal ----- |. geal hn eigeed teens int on aa yet te *. times--hare led me on to speak so plainly-- to support a pallid looking man, whose hands, Out, you die, just assure as your name's Bar - i cektien <i tam be | and stood you do lore me--you Will be my wife?" face and rough working clothes were daubed Clay Drinkwater!" 'Notice of Removal. i i was a dull cracking ~ « Impossible! she panted, as she tried to with clayey soil, Mr. Barclay felt as if be was stunned; -- 7 -- pales pes aed So gualcs pera getaway. "You cannot marry me." "Confound you! why didn't you bring halt bed, hott pushed, he wae token into wi a ae : "I can-t will." he.ctied. passionately. [down ihe brandy{" he aaid-harshiy--"Gentiy; been pantry, "was now" ma " "EE: - ne that lj in -- strielt oe % MY NOS 'have given her up for your sake. I will not girls, gently. That's better. I'm half crushed curious looking place, with a bricked ound x JOHNS Fanpages al r pag . u kne and felt ee be driven into a mhrriage that would end in. --Who's that?" well in the middle, while on one side w: imei aimee iow j -- a8 : as I knew that we had misery. Adela, dearest, listen to me." "Visitor," said one of Mr. Raciay's cap- ---- pair of biaeksmith's forge bel. | we A parle iy digine o vs "Vir Drinkwater tors sourly. "What's to be done 3, connected with a zinc pipe which went | SHORB' S - BLOCK, Saree 0H phon bas map a move! «fT eon bear this nolonger. Youaretrifling Mr. Barclay looked wildly trom one tothe right down into the well. . a Seapets down, ste sao emo and turned with me." other, asking himself whether all this w: "What does all this meanf' be said. | Market Square, are not ¢ § i ps portation ad ent out, and then "No, nor T-am perfectly serious You some dream. Who were these men? Where hel nate tne. ut : use of the " MAGIC™ will ;: a Sine, bealtd { _rgseg the outer cellar, 2sbe must never think of me again. My sisters the elderty Misses Mimprisst And what ait, and you'll see," was all the reply! A. Will Continues to Recp on hued x Pull Stork Anant Pinar be the season 'Of pen ar hen the trun ean my ear: woul?" was the meaning of Adela Mimpriss being ho sack gels and he stared round in amaze and you Camis Ab betiet thee try ah ioe a eee Would listen to me Tm eure they oc such terms with the injured man, who ment at the heaps of new clay that had bees | Drugs, Patent Medicines, | "wate wacic.~" For sie vy all Draggists every } from -where it lay on the edge of a b of 1" lonked,.an-it-tee: head sheen srucking..m. sume: S08, why. the: Bhee. of ich had Ard EB hing U) I was ab § tp nick be ca tise "Now, Mr. Drinkwater, pray ~ sensible. mine? srticakty besa cbteioed bs by 2 i par-| Q veryt! g Usually 2a Bewsne oF Iuraroxe Be sure you mabered whore the mache. teatiee tat This is absard, out in the open st | 'Their eyes met once, but she turned hers tition walls somewhere in the house, the lower Found in a pap etme on harmon" at iT picked ap that before st mt "There is noone to hear us, a you re- away directly, and held a glass of brandy to ee oper: seemed, as it were, being trans-| FIRST-CLASS " Wenrxa, Tes & 108 Youes be, Tensmen, Cax. . hack to where Sir John was watching the fuse to grant me an interview the injored man's lips " ¥. there were oil D R R 'The largest bourse in the Dominion for Hair Goods Soor; and now I could ere that the sawdust! Of Course." she cried. "I 'have told you! "That's better," he said. "I can talk now. need ri a of cemert, the material for} UG STO E. 4 Send for circulars of Switebes, Bangs, Waves, whehigher tn one «at if a flanstone bad S504 and again that it is impossible, and I thought I was going to be smothered ouce. which was obtained from a Baratford, Sept. on. 1888 s<ase © | Wigs, ote, ete. ty s dntin beaved nea iulewtensend" {that Ieannot listen to you." Weil, lads, the game's up." flour." - mane There was no doubt about it for, as r "Yes," he said; "but with your beautiful "Why? said one of the others sharply. } The man called Ned was better and joinea! ' handed the crowbar, the end of th: a peed nl 4 mene eyes laughing the whileand bidding' "Because it is. You won't cateh me there them there, the three being evidently pro-| The Great: ish Prescription. wrenched up a little higher and then stack:: °° again if 1 know it; ee private inquiry -- howl work, in which Mr. Barclay soon = came a oe ee oe for it was tighty held by those on either "ie is not true," she said, laughing. "Mr. at work from over the wa he was to participate, and at this point Cares S x side; but it was up far enough to kt a this Drinkwater, will you let me pas pass?" | "Hold your tongue!" al hee rete f tomades stand. Weakness, Emissions, Impotency ray of dull light come up through ¢ the Goor; «2, Till, and walk with you. the party. "There, he can't help himself, "Look here." he said; "I Somme | an ex-| cena aie rec eaggete ---- SAULT Ste. MARIE CANAL. and shine on the side of one of the bid chesta,, |_/f FOU Please, no." sow. You watch him, Bell; and if bemoves, planation. What does all this mean ] indiscretion. or overbezertion. [ayran} rcpt { It wasn curious scene there, in that gloomy BI rr ner he cried; a pi ta A eshte ee int "Ae Jeary or wrk rid the Ider Ask your Drogrist for The Great Emgiich Netice-te- Contract as ? 7 @ellar; Sir Jolin sea zee Deskin str, of "the, tithe mail, Write for Pamphlet. : "proper fora beautiful youtig girl tbe oat" Parehiy and Watched him Thin Becwis "Phe two Menacingiy. WORKS construction ef the canal, , debe Sothe Hes nam tne So. Wis High heme ome iy ty ofetock abot men crossed over to their companion; while' "You people have obtainel! pomeason of "For Sale by © E NASMYTH. & Co.,> --_ ij above mentioned, advertised to be let on the the mallet to hit over tho. head rd 'anan "Well, there; now Tam at our door, so Adela, still looking cold and a de with this house under false pretenses, and you) -- ve poo ecard nest, are unaveidably postponed to that shoud come up through the foor. For, Sa! Bs%* Mr. Ungaliaat," she sail mock-) Soo Te ieee sone terrain Ge. stesso utter wreck, Tin} GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY Tenders will be recived wath F . , ples a t e means. " ae nov cher hal gané--on etener trenal waTe |The mea spoke in'a low tone, but Mr. Bar-| "You do--do you?" ssid the man, thrusting, __TNFORPANT CHANGE OF Tis Sera queen oar Eames the gold im the chests, though how those whe Bed redeeh tachanpe nol Clay caught a word now and then, from him back, and belding him with hissbould Tral se tonows: | amination at this offiee and at Sault Ste. Marie en to: gat! "J mean tha' it I've begged for an interview bere ce ws eben tests barer who against « pile of bricks "Then, once for all, pop warn LIBR RAST.--£:35 a. m.--Exprees and afier Siesta _ "t ee until I can beg no more, and now Tam geing bad in some way been bart was forgiving Pel you tht: Joutve got towork bere along $5 a.m --Exprem. Wednesday, the. 34th Day ef October next. BS Anes wearhel tha ameter toe waves on, Seren is" up, the other two angrily declared that @ With with us in eilenes, and hard too, or else $0p mh Eepree age Sato 'and knew thet it mut heve, Are you med" srt time would finish st wow, and that they be shut up in URE cellar in darknom, and FOR MAIX LINE WEST.--3.15 5m Expreen, A. P. BRADLEY, : deen going on for a long time. : , "Very neariy," bo mid; and as she bur Would goon with itatall hazards i _ half starved eae pea tes rid 7 725 a. m--Mined, 7 y ; All at cace we odgid bear a low whispering SLY thrust in_the latebkey, he heid. ber; "And what will you do with himf midthe, '"The police Teli ts cites ise et Wabwave tad Canal = ee and then there was a grinding noise of iron "x. in -- Sorta cond. nt tftp book ave - di nght pales. How' j FOR LonDes.--s0. =. Mis wa, T7th September, 1858. t Ona P rer oad on' 'ow, will you loose my hand" she panted on eet you going'to doitr Pa Vs Se Se ~ ae. ies Sirtle, bat ts ery poe aad path 8 excitedly. "My sisters" at Adclaho just then met his ere, i, Moe ome Til call for help,.and"-- a Atter Loug Years. axe eae - man who was trying 20g: is x into see them ix.a etenight.| was with « look snore ef curionity than aot aoe man, taking-@ email re). conenict vem : 3 = eek tap tak me sites cng era (he said; -forhe thing else; and-as she realized that he was breast: "Now, here, |" 12:15 p. m.-- Express. "Iwas troubled wiih Liver Complaint AY EE aeose tree was aa obstinate now to permist as abe evi. _Bazing at her reproachfully, she turned away , Me. D Drinkwater, men like. ae don't enter} mai #588 pm Panweriger, for a namber of » finding no. cure, 1. : ~ Ther eamss: the faint whisperitir again, and' OU - aera . wen. an exterprive as this without being eh ne istrorD share oo Eire | OES BRL took fear bottlesasd-am-: 02 2 it seemed to sound hollow. Then another go mee: 0% Ste Hot, she cried, slipping ery well," said the one who was hurt, "T' peied Ser oneqeoon They would be very Us 20 8m now perfectly cured, strong and hearty." 7 evindling nolan, amd: the oud. at the fing was {tom him and through the door; but before, Wash my hands of what may follow." _ Serious for us if they were found obt. Ne} axe. BUFFALO, 410. } 338 Mra. Maria. Askett, Alma, Ont. fe "3 anabeh a tite pap Che Hisse. 60 ee ee ee ih Be Bae SOE it heck and Ali right. ; "Doay saw you! come in where you were not) 0.8L E, xORTH.-- < sein, RINE I NN sa once oe Vight ot the wn eo locked fw ar stood beside her in the passage, which was Mr. Barclay turned cold as he wondered @sked, and when you came to insult my, HSS pape, Mapicat PRocress.--The great physio chest three feebly lit are half turned down cil lamp, | Shat wasto happen next: Hesaw pisinly friend's wife." {vor PORT DOVER:--8:55 & oiizes. logical discovery of the seventeenth cent- eer stonnd talihy sa sty Joes and. put wg! "Oh, -th: is is madness, How can apelgs Poets gees pas been let'to a) "Wife? exclaimed Mr. Barclay, "for the! 4:2 p m--Expree. - _ } Was the circulation of the blood. The , Hips to bis car as the ing could ba ee a of men engaged upon some nefarions word almost took his breath away. i { To and from Brastiont enly. great medical discovery of the nineteenth ea get fete a |' "Love makes men fox he 'Yetorted, Clos! practice, but what it was be could net guess.) "Yes, sir, wife; and it might happen that! ~79sn4 and trem Paluctitue centary was an aiterative for the purity- "Shall I fetch the r jing the door; "now take me up and intro Coitiing seemed to be the most likely thing; the gallant husband had an accident with, J.- HICKSON. General Manager. ing of the blood. These two discoveries, police duce me to your sisters." | but from what he had beard and read, these Fou. Wecean dig holes, you see. Perhaps, ~~~ Harvey's circulation and A Sir John for answer set his candle. down: "What-- hat shall I do "then dad not look Lie | ! is nO case oa " pon the top of one cf the chests and put i {s what is she reetiere | coineg, we ! st somebody in ongand cover eS where "Mead St are promizent in oe aidiicuen aaaiecee meh ante Pray, pray go! a_ curious feeling of oe tim 'up Now, you stazid. ve Horses ere * : the history aad progress of Medicine, re 5 teats aia Sou Here paleo roan Be hare =te hieniha: a= a the. cod ented to bis fens. lay Four; rm @. aball come to. no-bharrag Powders are: at calted spelen gm fag epee anh yer ear a ene cie es ei "Look?" - He pointed 'with the irog bar: and Cried, leughing?y, he half wondered at Teproatiting himself f csalge ot He had play any "and-- Look. here, my, timely administraticm will save the lives' | "Get samples of the teas that James ge Latared hard at' eT shining ap her calling him a fool, 'and mean to stay till Secbativacted by thio wemecr Sic was evi-> leds: show our new laborer what you have, of many valuable anmals. Corcoran sells at 25. and cents. per ask = fod ta lovely : vields at dis dently thoroughly im langue with the. man im Your pockets" | You can bay o frst clas: Japan tea at pent ot eee Sow ith what yor de 2 fom Cay nas -- could 208 eretion. | Who.spoke to her ina way which sent a jeal-| "Not mow," they said, tapping their, I5c. per peusd' at Walsh Bros., where been fpaying 60 and 25 cents per peng | ere eee bh bum, while the sisters breasts "He's going to work." | everything is seld cheap. OEE serene Aa