er SOF a oem aeeaad Invention of the Beney Extractor. A foreign. paper -- the death st} % | SHOES HAT HAT FIT WELL. | Venice, Italy, of Maj. Von Hraschka, the | i inventor of the honey odin » He was - : THE ARTISTIC SIDE OF THE ae Soe TIED UP IN THE HANDS a vetted j Austrian officer, and the inren- MAKER'S BUSINESS. OF TRUSTEES. then of the Danny. uxineeine sucerel ie - : His apiary was in ch I See oan Sears Toe ee anno PT iieally Made Lasts to Accommodate! 'Tendency of Corns, Bunions and Chilblalos--Men as ; Particular as Women About the Shape | : ef Their Footgear-- Lasts. } LARGE ut ITY ESTATES. eee tee ' Large in the City of tle er came there. The be : Ife and ividualt > tin pail tied to a string, which he was Roston~ . tite ~~ " eninge swinging in a cirele, holding the end of er.y--Why It Is So Frequently Weld ;).., string in his band. The indulgent "tm Trust." --, gave the youth @ small piece o mb filed with honey, putting it into the little pall. The boy after awhile be n to swing the pail again as before, Sin wen "Don't you want a last madef" rather solicitously inquired a fashionable -- The carly part of the centary, from shoe 1812 down to 1848, was the era when day ofa well to do cus many of the ister millionaires were either Sith the ho ney in it. A few moments " ng men just beginning at the lower , ae laet: what for? was the surprised re- fone: 4 sof fortune's Tedder. or had ascend- airy nnd ge ny {eu down to pe peng ee pa ed the first most difficult steps of the than who took it up, and, by chance. Tn order to gata perfect Hit for your foot," same, and began to see the prospect of in- poticed that the Seury bad left the comb a ow ra ee dependence within satisfactory reach. and settled down into the pail, leaving after a brief conversation the cus Some were of Boston origin, but many of ¢),6 comb perfectly clean that had been on tomer had his measure taken fora last, and these men had started out of homes « theo aide of the. circle when the boy oa bunians, corns and ehilblains will receive large families on some New England hbill- posse swinging it around. The majer won- ' lside, or in the small towns where progress "About 0) per cent. of my customers have was just beginning to change the ; pri mit. ati comb yt lade the nee - their own lasts," the shoemaker subse- chi pa >a to more modern -- again, when, to his great ssteaiiuenat. quently, "and they are all perfectly satisfied and conditions. Stu y and rug paper Aha side of a comb also became ee with the ease perfect fit of their shoes, rad to hard labor, and early tag erfectly clean, all the Loney being ex- ' pare some men on my books whom I economy in the scheol of actual expe F a ea age te mg -- "witha on a "pal r mea written « for a pair of shoes such as it was--and it was good an . ur boots, and as I have their lasts there is no thorough as far as it went--and a light 4 aes ae a. gpl es extra measuring-to-tedene.._The--» bea ecanty theso-beys~s) think the circumatance over. On the wade, and the only reply I get isa check for went out in = world to seek their fort- row he commenced a series of experi the bill when it is june. Many of them found it in Boston, ments which resulted in his giving to the | "Ww hat does a last of this character cost/" | where from the humblest capacities they . 018 the first honey extractor, which, by | Well, from $5 to $15, according to the Tose to bo meccentile, manu- whirling. something - his son whirl | peculiarity 6f the foot and the necessity for facturing and other enterprises of a char-| extra work upon it, Itisa surprising tot acter and extent that were simply sur- ut the feet of no two men are alike, and -- They me simply active!» ).. therefore no stock last will answer in mak- instruments in eed development - an force ng ry ate fitting boot or shoe. Every last business and reso f the co in some particular for each W sultwaycuyatens hoyea Os nuke? ; aw 'Some men have calloused joints; @Vailable. their wonderful. extent and om tome are suffering with bunions; some have riches: orns and others have trifling deformities, To this class of adventurous, industri oe must be regarded if the shoe is to fit 0US and successful men of affairs came time of mashing up the combs containing and give comfort to the wearer." Fe jons of various kinds, 1}, honey, pollen, and sometimes brood, A "Are men particular about 'the shape of @mong them being real estate in the best to let the boney drain through the ; their shoes as a clas!" business.and residential sections of ¥ ie cloth in which it was placed, giving what F: 'Well, I should say so. Thero is scarcely growing city. Some, more clear was formerly known as "straiped honey." 1 customer of mine but is as anxious to get a ers, went more largely into Date : ; from the liquid sweet, t, whie h my pon tothe bees to- hil, allowing the without employing the troublesome and | ~ primitive meth in use up to that tou, tracted. "and _lying at the bottom of the - E 4 PS * Ge gt a * 7) es , ' WALLIN UTS. Genuine Black Walnuts, for The Medical Hall. J.H. Nasmyth & Co. 63 Ontario St. Telephone. = Night Bell, Stratford, Oct. 17, 1888 VOCAL MUSIC. Miss Grace McKeEnzir, Pert. oy Mr«x, Moone (F. J. Hattos}, *"DOSTON YS ALSO OF EF. Hort, or rie ty rood lookifig shoe as a lady is, Of course, #¢quisition of real gitate, Judging that, ~-Chtcago Tines. ¥ bey insist that the shoo must fit and be easy, With the inevitable large increase in pop-' --_ f vat they are just as auxious that it shall be ulation, land must Goeuei very valosben The Language pf Grasshoppers. 4 rimand neat. Many of them want little Events justified their judgment. Some! These grassi« ppers, as if aware that leformities hidden by a 'al of these men returned to their early their beauty resided in their wings, " 4 n the shape of the shoe, and then, = for wives, but the majority of in the airtosing. The noise is made by i am some will wear an extra amount of them obtained helpmeets from among the rubbing the upper edge of the true wings i bgp at rg limping in their gait, families of their new homes. Children against the under surface of the wing ih vetine-tn the fact that one leg is a trifle "PT? born to them, for in those days it: covers. .1 have often watched th om while af Rien ap a the other, Altogether r think had not become nts Pegg to bavefam- jn this aerial position, and morn yh if the ilies, and in cases large at that. the sung was always a love call. If W* 'These & children had to ag otuman in ® havior means anything. among amoualeane of their parents, ' pers, they have at times, especially late nen are as particular in this regard as SHOES FOR DEFORMED FEET, "Then, again, there are a number of and in mt © COUFSO a this process acquired jn the season, other business aside from vetually deformed feet for which shoes have D&W tastes an: bits. The sons, whit |earsed love puaking. Many times I have ob- © be made, atid in casés we have to "i#lly, must havea college course, eof these creatures motnt u that often means to the sons of nt fect above the ground, calling, cal rich men who have large age expectations, ing, until sometimes half a dozen or Of course 46 wes ------ Would 'congregate beneutit~ him, } ake a perfect plaster cast of the foot, and orm the mold, comirer a last upon which © construct a ng 'shoe, whieh will illow of ease and eee in walking. Some "0 Who had come to Boston to seek @ when he would drop down in their midst uen have feet that turn up on the outaide,, fortune that filled the ae. The and touch the head of cach as if eonsu uid, Of Course, the soles of their shoes bave © pee pee were also thrifty "and! ing about some grave matter; then the oney m . 9 bese put on as to allow for the wear on Boston Conservatory or Mesic, T° PREPARED to give Lessons in . owe Training and ht ing, --elther in Class or Private Instruction, Terme made known on applivation. Resipexce : Corner of Ontario and Nile Stree: ; Stratford, Se t. 26, 1585. tilingwind = Galleginte™ <> fastitata | Re-Opens Jan'y. ith, 1889, 664-Im sed large eee 'little feck wont disperse and the musi- and left oxteuaive estates. Many o cian er he owas. t "ha! " tons, as well as of the forint, fetenr " to Santher place andes call another | * . e bave some very Bae + am TAFFS :--W. Williams, B 'A, English, hi and German ; 1. i. Brethour, b. A., Clase 7Y Cox, B. , Science ; . H. McGuirl, B A., Commercial. 'ord of Iss8 :--Six Matriculants, two fest B's, ; sate tap shoemaker, Std ced & vol- rited_en enough. of the paternal go i crowd, and after the harangue he -- vied Gi ilizhest in the Province), tuenty ; on bod Sate hag ~ as though they f and ambition to 2 ee them to again alight and communicate with eac seconde, tw ant) one thirds, besides others at aig Gosiryien iu a dime myseum. esa in tara, er _ ing se py individual. As far asl could ses hee oe Voakcs a secialty of Teachers' Work, sere of club Septal qua; sone nt ma whos ar tle : ay a man beth no love making connected with this | end Gurion. the 'pas £ Hien fears hee pans 5 je turned inward; 2 ed . . 1 6 va igh man eoune with 10 fameps ab =f some of these families that even up to| Entomologists who have made the Tune en? oe total of Eiant Hoxpenp. axp 'the srosent day their representatives are. of insects a study tell thas 'ye | 7 amy to found" in conspicuous tion | a | gpm cera 'ttle I sand Sine upon them which told 6:41... 48 orthoptera, especially 2 »_?@ Story of corns ssa ail too plaint- , githe er in trade oF in the learned profes have @ good developcsaat of brain Ly toa Us. ual tothe ants, or to th er Ywely. The collection was a decidedly =! Ent it tm aes = ey oe oe "4 wasps. dines we sons of w down ta! ma wasps --_ : "Sou've no idea how particular . gentle. trade tie gr cndgons aid ms did ©- --_ no ana fa time! on the thn Ny tlsy. Theos. 6 gm 1an with a pet and carefully trained bunion wa find old f es = fading out from violinists amon the musicians: fiey u + to have a good looking shoe, and sh mol ee activites ° oe city, Aine time to have it so that there will be Ke i their hind legs. fo: ws, which Pa tian sare ann arm meena? OTP EY OR art the vast armics that sweep racefully arched, and the hollow in the ball educated wobodion ver Costin ions of the west, devouring all a strong tend { the foot most carefully-arranged. Now, to live annie. and spend ail. ie vegetation before them. --Mary Treat in | 1is can only be accomy lished by having a money '¥ can 'the Chautanqran : ~ "ecial last m en is to the credit of 'these ioow. noting their unwilling- wm 3 yese gentlemen to say that they never object ness or incapacity for business affairs, . » the cost of such a Inxury." will not leave them the control of The Datights of Summer. "Of what material are these lasts generaliy property which they do not know how to Summer is the season of grow th and iadef? manage, and, therefore, in their wills, physical prosperity for everything. an- "Mostly of maple or persimmon wood. hears their property in the trust of men imate or inanimate, except man in the vhen properly seasoned, these woods do not or corporate bodies in whom they lave four season climates, and even there some 'arp or erack, and are easily worked into confidence, for the benefit of these heirs, ¢xceptions prove what the rule might be * required shape. Sometimes we make the with, perhaps, reversion to their children. The farmer sweats freeiy while hoeing in "este of "Cork; which is "eauily cut tite "The -incomes derived 'support these "niet, bis : bat, with his-straw-het, suit rm, and after that we make them of the and, if they. marry, their families, in coud of light jeans aud bere feet he feels the od."--~Chicago Herald. style. In some cases these legatees, same gre teful oxhilaration as tho veg sahil ing ps po or "_" isti = pr 8, gO abroad, ¢ live and bring up families of un-Ameri Mystery of Ciccns Lemenain. children in England or on the continent of Open pang breeze, and the After squeezing a lemon until it was as . n-.% vet drops which seak into his lignt of Burvpe. Cases of this kind are not in I & ry as a tariff speech the oki soldier lemon- . not an expense le vender on Randolph i street deposited its frequent . his peice : --_ nains in a big glass bowl ortureen. A im thera is 4 matter of sex in " jautt itute!. A simnilar reguia ation of clothing prevaiis oa oy in net climates. The Hindeo who works an all day in the rice fields is not subject to the creation of Sunstrokes. Austraiians, Cubans ang hters of rich men | Mexicans live casily during six months of tad- bot weather, because they know how to ret nce has adapt themselves -to climatic 'conditions own #3 s fatal as Deeg in the cities of this obs during some weeks of : _ The Greeks, in the days rf Ob, jew' 'cause I want to. s Dro ser OW nefit,) When Ath when Pericles oF The old soldier looked guilty. He stam- Ly og ae oon? her a on barry i ett, Alcibiades ruled and Socrates, ered a bitin giving his wholly unsatisfac .ja¢-5 ation of the prudent father. In his, oT Pythagoras were living thinker: will, 'therefore >, he leaves the daughter's 80t suffer from heat in their robes of , share of nis property = trust fur-her ben-|Stewy linen. And the Remans "Yes--sometimes. You see, the candy at. or for that. of 'her children, with the bereicage, when Virgil sangi € ctebers of the circuses and the picnic fakirs picht of rite St latter in theevent 22d Cwsar led armies to victory, They stice up rinds and pat 6f her death, the husband to bave no con- | Sumer a delightinl season of bay tubet walerto Jook Uke the. same, aad. tho income pin yoy i lemonade. "A Hettle citric acid put into pai id direct ly to ber ov to her chil <p The same posaibiliti ies exist for men of vtub giver the water a sourish taste, and Ger reversion. But even this etal today. if they will only clothe themselves nin' many people as knows the difference, method ras found defective, Wi lero the. © nsibly and dict reasonably.--New York tery ain't préticuier, noway, and the bushan Press. "thn rinds Sontic pi the Water makts m gid 'he reversion--to--milner ehiidmen eo r= Leveitsallright. I x Pp 'em in this cov- 9 ited him to obtain contr 1 of the prop- ibowlto keep moist until 1 get bume, erty as their natural guerd: ssi nee -- @ author of "On Bine Water". gives en I pgt ' em iu a damp pla « If the rin ta wife's death, cases occurred where Some curions observations upon the' man- treal dry once ft wouldu't look nat'ral oe was. hastened. by cruelty "end it ner. in which we recover possession of ad wouldn't eat up nice."--Chicago weage- oa-his part. 0 offset this. a our x enses sis a er We are awakenal. siderable proportion a oe property was Ke thinks that it is the sense which is in sams cases left_¢o the wife could most Violently. assailed that is first to t i) of taaas sae 30. though mot SRFS: clearer vpcon, fapee: @kberwise dispose of tt during ber life. up know ne plate where a 80 urage. "True cuiture of course implies! There have been cases = trust cod cons Many opportunities" for observing the grem in these-directions, bet nmecirthat-Gdence ia --sona-iit-law, whete the bats cr pucaomena aiteading g the awekening trom. vases for culture does little or nothing either have nebiy carried out the wis} Mes © + os 9 Ep aS on toad stp, where halt the trot soa sien ughters * about one-half the ery of the rich people, their ig important factor in trust properties. Daug tre much sought after by dash'ng venturous wife hunters. expe 7 ese fitting cover is kept onthe howl, ye ly Nfted a moment as each pieco of ¢ 't lemon is dropped into the big dish, catty a peck of overworked lemon rinds ere piled up in the bowL Vhy are you so careful about those von peels i" queried & curious patron of the pp oun nd yntrol en "Want to keep *em moist anc i clean. 'What L. ng pies tar ath: vision is quite to ser Zeno TS, did ypiness Wak ine: from Sleep. The kk When We Study Great Anthors. og the mind or. for the ebarseunr:.---2 'teataber;. pocbiy are aad 'ads on. the we kéep ia wen If we'to cdusietsier the property: of his wife for seast three times 'e-day..- wily great authors for the sake of showing, bis own bewett ts often fe great aa tobe "Often the bright light ~% mt cabin jt were, an elaborately furnished drawing apparently irresisti > de. can. appropri- iomp, just lighted, bas been visible to. me n in our minds, we shal about the ate the income to his owa uses, per some seconds befote Teould beer or un. esque of benefit as peopl: conan sc scemigad it. and when the fime fer the Cerstand that I wes being called to get from elaborate drawing room furniture; return of bis menonss to the probate UP- Ihave often calldi' & man, end re- t if we study the aii tle necessary CCived an exswer which led me to believe stook on the wo rid throush understanding vouchers foum his ofa though he may that he was wide aweke, though au wes ir thought and duly estimating the condi- not have given her 5 per cent. of the in. Unconscious' of bering enuswered o 1, as under which they wrete--if, moreover, tome. if ad objects, . he will say ~ her, You mey even hold a long and « rimated prove ourselves from tiine to time to are the money in specu lation, Comrersation with some men atelgbt bells _ottber we are really giining in mental cad if Pay does not sign iy he will without waking them up."----Youth's Com- fot--the. beets to us may be Very great, be a a ruined man, in Scianes Mewtitty (-" get Bee iS. poh ea in: et = OPN os Sy eae MT ae tl - eepelar. arare, she or Dress Designing. In the White Mountains. djgimee . Lases crop out from There are three sisters in Pou nen one ay Fewgriag Ek hr eS Beases-- aS ; Romnaiter Set-Up -an- ago in ag Senith? 7" chow carefully the interests of daughters artistic dress They study thats]. Sasith (who acted as college waiter lass May be So pl me look as a3 sumer, absent iy)---Only the gong.-- tke and desires of the she can colors-.and fabrics bare : eed to ber'-- Sew Fok Pre. "Ort JOHN BROWN, Laxp Acasr. -- ER ee UNE itemitiord - Sf it is aleo fully equipped for et thee Prot vowel hesnctne: Send for announcement to Wa, WILLIAMS, DR. FOWLERS| | *EXT: OF ¢ "WILD: TRAN BY HOL: ees RAMPS IARRH(EA YSENTERY AND ALL'SUMMER COMPLAINTS AND FLUXES OF THE BOWELS IT IS SAFE AND tg FOR _ CHILDREN OR ADULTS NEW BAKERY -- tee Ow at Confectionery Store. JOHN GIBSON a aera in bar ages al his Friends and Pu rene he has opewed a Receidh Store on pater St., r E. Bowes' Purp Factory, in the Store lately here oll jed by J. D. Hamilton, w he will always keep in Stock BREAD, of al ts: Pies CAKES, T. ¥ x asc in Se ERS--Solixd re eived dally. a eae on ae Street weet will keep on sik. _ Bread, Pruits, Coniec- ae p--~ very _ Stratford, Oct. J5, ry, et relia Las. i: CITY OF 'STRATFORD. "LOTS FOR SALE" _ * See Following Lots, convesiont to the G. T. R Locomotive Works, are no* offered for sale of Favorable Terms: MARSHALL'S SURVEY, Lot 31, West Side McKenzi St; Lots 38, 39, 40, 41, 42. 43, 4, -45, Side MoKenzte St. + 8.4 Lot 51, and Lots 52, 53, 54, 55,. West Side Victoria Street. McKENZIE'S SURVEY, Lots 43, 44, North side Milton street Lot 49, South side Miiton GRANGE SURVEY, Lot '51, south side of Milton Hh, BOrth, side, Bhakes- asa F Ppeare st. Appiy te a ee Se ee TR MERCHANTS BANK, BR -<§ POSTPONED. Owing to the State of the weather last Saturday, we had to postpone the GREAT AUCTION SALE. In order to give othe Public a Chance, I offer the whole of my Immense Stock of FURNITURE, AT COST. There is no humbug about this sale, as the a "|premises nrust be cleared at once. JOHNSTON Furniture dealer. ABRAHAM, Warerooms, Ontario-St. West. Picture Framing & Woodwork a Specialty. Grosch Bros. & Huffman: THE RED FRONT BOOT & SHOE STORE Everything Neat, Everything Cheap, Everything Reliable. NOTE SPECIAL LINES: Men's Heston Call,.. . $2--morth #2 40, - lemidies Oil Goss dation, $1 Th--worth @2 0: - « Dongola Pale, 1 85 2 2. polished Calf Bals1 65 2 09. « Grained Bale, 175 6 2 = Buttoned Buf, 1 2% 1 7. Ladies' Ol) Goat Button, 175 « " Kid But. 25 2 2. Deagola Boys coe Bale (first-claas) $1.45, worth $1.75. Misses' and Children's at proportionately Low Rates. Women's Felt Slippers at from 25c. up. Inspect our Goods before purebasing vlsewkere. Customers treated alike. A Ladies Satchels kept in s No two Prices--all _ Large Assortment of Trunks, Valiaes and Remember-the Red' Front Boot and Shoe' Store--first door north of the Express..Office, Stratford, GROSCH BROS. & HUFFMAN. BARGAINS. To Reduce Stock, and Make Room for .Fail Importations that are now on the way. Consider weil the following she weare offering. They are first-class Goods, at Job Line Prices. - NO CATCH PENNY GOODS, But genuine, first-class goods, imported direct by our firm anata the Manufactures, in Englan 44-piece tea set, fancy colors, $2.50, $2.75, $3. 60, 8-piece chamber set, fancy colors, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00, 4-piece chamber sets, stoneware, $1.35, extra value, 85- piece dinner set, fancy culors, for $8.00, $10.00, $12.00, 125-piece dinner set, fancy colors, from $13.00, to $20. 00, Fancy lamps from $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, g2 09, Fancy hanging-tamps atreck bottomr prices, ° We are Still Selling Large Quantities of 25c. Teas. The abcve are all cut prices, bought for cash with all discounts off. As we are doing a cash business we give all our customers the benefit of the crue system, A quick me) is worth many slow dollars to us. Call and see as, no trouble to show goods. ELK. BARNSDALE-&-C0.,- STRATFORD AND MITCHELL. - FALL IMPORTATIONS Are now arriving. See my Line of Photograph - Albums. K= Last year I gave you the Best Value in the City, and this year I am striving to do even better. IN. A. BOSWORTH, 17 MARKET STREET, STRATFORD. FARMERS, LOOK... Baving been informed that Unscrupulous Leaters offer. inferior LARDINE We aell te Superior O72 to only ide ® DEALEK J = ERY int tires = or ih know where te get LARDINE being the leading Brand y to imitate it. but be sure you get the GENUINE LARDINE manutactered tos McCOLL BROS. & Co., Toronto, And Sold only io Stratford by JEFFREY BROS., Hardware Merchants. BIG Sree I Teas, Syrups, ~ Canned Fruits, Coffee, Baking Powder, Canned Vegetables Sugars, Spices, -- Canned Meats. wetnns pune» _ All the Best B Brands of Wines, Brandies, Whiskies, Ales, Porters, ; cere rs Be tioned ies Cigars," 'Where yeu are sure to get the Bes: \'atue for your Meaey | ESS Ptr 8 je 4