Stratford Times, 14 Nov 1888, p. 3

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' visitors who dine at F LEECED IN. PA RIS. == ------ f RARTLEY CAMPBELL. MEXICAN .SULL- SULL FIGHT. To convince him that one can dine well and cheaply in Paris, I took him to a restau rant I frequent, consulted his and gavo hin a dinner which cost me for the two of us just $1.40. He said not 80 weil since he had would remember this they would save much money and fare very much better. _-- restaurant in pe there are waiters ron peek Ee English to translate the items on the bill al BE. AVOIDED. . "Much eimai would also be sanved to the restaurants if they would avoid bv' houses where the prices of dishes are om the bills of fare. At such ome the amount of the bill de- ras pends on the otherwisa of the customer, 'The very celo- brated houses the American -visitor, unless he is accom panied by a habitue, Barring the Sheers of a tickled 'vanity, there is scant profit in paying $50 for a dinner barely worth $5. ~It remembered! that prices of dishes are for quantities sufficient for two persons atall the better restaurants. Items not marked on the bill of fare wh'ch may be offered by the waiters should be Ieft un- Two or three prawns on a plate, a few olives on another, and such kicksha will, if: touched, he il up 2 per. cent Waiters are in the habit of putting these o: the table without being ordered to do so. In the matter change visitors should be establishments offered to foreign- ers in change for good money. It should be noted that the only moneys current passed t should be avoided, if should be. strictly avoided by bs Jcited, anil then, with dramatic enthusiasm, sts; vet your sbip hasn't come in, Bartley, fate, After seeing three bulls and and two horses and I want you to take this to remember me killed, also one rider seriously injured, we .[by." The "this" was a $3 bill, Campbell felt we had seen enough of the great Mexican took it with easy grace, smiled, declared he sport, and returned to the hotel. Iam glad would retura it with interest, and hedid. He tosay though that this bar' dined|@fterward said that this §5 bill was the turn- being done away with; 'tis now beorimncar? 5 in it but of" pont bu tis fortune. bought xl four the 'tea. --Mary ¥ to take/some paper and a couple of lead 'canes The Logan Tucker in Inter Oven. visitors/Paper was of the cheapest kind of white! wrapping paper, and on it in two days' time Swall a Th wrote that act of "My Partner" which| Dr. M. Singer, Of Galveston, Tex., writes: made his fortune, With a wad of this paper in his pocket he! little sailed out of his mee to find Louis Aldrich, who had ute in. Miller's | play of The Denites" gaven sigh of resignation when C o patient, a German, who w but English, was admitted to the hospital 'or a fever not yet soon as he et by lis Bedside T introdaced the | thermometer into his mouth, enjoining him |at the same time not to bite or swallow it, ee in front of my patient, I saw the ometer disappear in his mouth, while a. Hinywricht, iny. lat the re a motioii, as of deglatition, " was 'ormed the man, en I recov- je-|band, bezan. rit Aldrich was bored, melita the shosk such a sight gave mo, I ben entertained, then interested, then requested my patient.:o-open. his ..mou: '4i,' Sure enough the instrument was there no _ Aldrich |jonger, and. when I asked the man in German what he had done with the thermometer, he janswered that be had understood me to say that he shovl | swallow it, and, of course, he embraced the colarless playwri became" more" enthusiastic i So enthasiastic was Aldrich that) 'had obeyed orders, he wanted to mount the play and produce it) | gnatched a blanket from the bed and at onc spread it on the floor, then making the man Rng then, on the next morning an ambi- | te flat on his stomach on the bed, with the uthor with some money and a strug- | head hanging down over the edge of it. I told rp tax wright with none bound for Stam- | him that unless he wished to should in- ford. onet,, to-see-A>M: "The man=|troduce his fingers na far down the throat as mee when he. sam them, and and.der, +pomible- and make-one su effort -to A ctined peremptorily to listen to any proposi- | mw was quickly and prrsgronge tion respecting the production of a play, for in less time than it takes me was tired, be said. He wanted to take bis | late it, the thermometer was anette, jeurnmer Vacation in peace. Besides, be was land fell safe and sound on the blanket. I jon the point of going to New York and could | gol the precantion of tying a thread to my" not listen to them, Campbell's spirits came instrument ear afterward it became rescue. 'You'll have an hour on = necessary to take the temperature =f this or 00 'any other such Sitar minded patient,--Med- Record. Experience of a Life Saver. Nearly every one who has visited Rocka- In ordering goods made to measure such as ladies' or tleman's clothes, a written con- tract --_ be made, otherwise the ainaivete kar NEEM ik 400d dad pretty ae oe eer ae pene, amount Perience as a manager. S ery probably be doubled on the Feached "Now York, en fig rl ay cmching hold of me I swim 'around them e LE ones, ay process of boiling, the | tables give up considerable portions of: at once: sone i aid ae IT IS'SAFE TO USE Freeman j , pate ayant on Th corm ond ARRISTERS. Soiicitors for the Merchants Bank of Canada. Moncy to Loan. J. P. MABEE. F. W. GEABIAG, Stratford, August 15, 1888. 449-ly G. W. LAWRENCE & SON, 2 Nae ota Attorneys at-Law, Solici ors in Con' Notaries Public, &c, Offive--Market Bui Stratford. Go. W, Nd cana Wu. ha Stratford, Feb. 3, 1880. IDINGION & PALMBR, _ ARRISTERL, &c., STRATEOBD. es "Spr gona Crown Attorney. RANK See ie Lend ay Stratford, Jan. 12th, 1886, Money to Lend, A? Reasonable Kates of shanna on Farm and Town property... A a. W. LAW ENCE, Maiket Buildings. ration'. -- Money, Money, Money ! A= Lot of Cheap. Money has been placed in my investment on terme, at 6 PEK aged gunn Terms of sopayueanh the borrower, Apply Wi TLLTAM GORDON, Broker, sae, lord. y Stratford, Dec. 12. 1882, w. 'MOWAT '& SON, BA BANKERS, FP RANBACT 2 General Banking t Bastne drafts pay unparalleled in the m ofeny otter in the case ofany other eBonnyeson principle pay pay- on py anager be U. are goer te 4@ Marriage licenses Co. PERTH MUTUAL F. I CO. EaTaniisuxD 1863, SY ACT OF raARLIAMENT. Insures Buildings, Merchandise, Manufactories and all ether deseription of ope eco Property, on the case of premium note system. LOSSES PROMPTLY ADJUSTED AND PAID. Commerce, Solicitors--Messra, McPherson « Davidson, Stratford, Ag. 22, 1858, 436-Ly NWO FORE PILLS: : me }APUME subscriber begs to annonce to the public that he is - eS Rppersr ythe gy al pres at the prices qubted, until further Hard Wood, $3.80 per 1,000 teck SO cents M. below any other mill within fiv. Pikes of Sebeemteiiie ~ Sone Teeman'« a Worm ' _ Medial, | psapenainaaet ane ote ' and BUT ry to i Description from the Pen of Ge. Ler) _ | Cae tar "caawen bev Senaing t ee . ae Jobbing - gan's Daughter. Dr. iy. D, M. . FRASER, | general Carpenter ck. Kepaiting a = SOME OF THE TRICKS FRENCHMEN [EME FATAL GUCCESS OF AN On Sunday we withemed & Moroughly| C)FVICE At bs Mewdenes on Downie Road. | Utere Formane otic er ah may bewet oa Duagias | AMERICAN PLAYWRIGHT. Spanish anvusement, a fight. - ' PLAY ON VISITORS. __. long ride in the horse cars, which went ata) "rssturdvOrs. 19,13 + sot ""peration', ed, March 14, 1888. are y mee guiloping pace, an improvement on our list rian - a. Amerie _- _ i uw Wealth apd Jame Grew Oat of @ ne om seaphenk sath erection BerteiAdhaMScothe: Bs Open on TEAS Pra, WEEP Hr ere ese . - os s eahaeieeac th Lail of Wrapping "Fear eet: '. eas from ve outs ade, greatly resetinbield an |B lvoe ip Pn ag eee vati raed Late Forwan for Hasmilten Heos.,forS year | What Tt Conte to Eat ot « First Clas ef Lead Peneils--The | Story of "My 4529) ireas, The usual number of smail painless extraction on teeth, whe ire BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, Paris Kestaurant--Tricks of Guides and as boys, son rmeerpen tearing about raising the Strationl, Mareh wi, Le se ly No. 2 Jarvis Bioek next to Dutten's Drug Store Walters: The. Charges. : Partner. just, venders of dirty cakes and- canrlics, F TRYT-CLASS WORK of every Desert wade 4 Bartley Campbell had about four re ¢ "tamales corn cakes), spears with orna- Dr. W. NN. ROBE RTSON, deve, -. oo Pi gu ons eam and promptly "Making 9 precarious liv ving by taking im goch excuisit mont os "i menitsof paper on them, which we after ATE OF SCOTLAND. } phen hexquisite enjoyment as is pe , pat y * e 5.6. @ech other's Washing This was one of were few men. | he laced' om wal fiber Ward jearned were to stick into the poor ow _-- On Fro bs neon to a Okce Cetaltond, Aagies: Te, TH, ei Grenville Murray's jo toni which he applied and his gre "at suecesses overwhelmed bim, beasts, all tended to bewilder you, but after over Peott . thunting'» sore, idiazton's Biock, COUNTY OF PERTH. toany village or town, the inhabitants of When he found money ¥ rolling in in a fasizonm some discumion and much gesticulation, we anaes which had net any visible means of subsist- t!** bse me really great wealth in a very PU and car tickets ant were shown R. C. COOPER, M. D., pe po el n sere Warden uy Ay BB ence. Something of the same kind of sents f°" 3°" tie sewed to have soucht excite: What they caliot & private bax, but to us JCENTIATE di the Rings and Gusen's Cations there Tuesday in each month, trom ten to three cw Licett ment « erent kind, which sboukd bal » like a stallinabarn, The en LL: Physicrane, of Ireland F ehaiian of the | ° e Cleru will be in athetdance at bis wa echoed ina remark made by an ance tho « hllaration and surprise that be ts OF seats was packed with people, Faculty of Fugeiciaas and Surgeons, of Glasgow, otice s Taesda Wedupetay of oneh ween. American on the boulevard here a day OF found in 'the splendid change of fortune ti many women among the throng. Theseats © vce :~ Over iusworth's Book apes, Bn three Crack ee will be twoago. "Everybody in Paris seems to ive eqm nivht: "The safeguard for men of te the sha: m are higher priced-than those in 4 Prag Store, Market St., Stratford, 65%-1y mreday. ovals saa gatareay of each weak, by making & commision ont of somebody Ca: * temperament at such times is the the sun, and We were giad to find ours were during same bours, eles." The man had been some weeks in fatiily, and he had @ charm dl one. Bathe out of its boiling rayrs The band -- A. BUTCHINGS, Ws. DAVIDSON, Co. Clerk. Paris, had been fleeced right and left, spend- sent iis to Europe, and although be lavished: "O! bli "the } » cheered and hurric ing a lot of money and sewing very little and allt! they needed upon them, yet he Of the event of the afternoon, VETERINARY SURGEON, BOOK-BINDING. getting less for it. "Paris is a regular fraud,' was ! restraininz influenres of do- Bet the gates tothe right of tho arena camer ele anid "You want as Americana-ta rome mextic: Lit iene doubt partially dus ta. were 2 epen and about twelve men [ft waement Cals peompy arena to" rinary [ at goory tant ity vn Fret wen ier e ericatica Heneee here and teach vou what civilization this tie new dead. as he bas been intel. dress ne r mbroide red suits, two Office :~ Koyal Hotel, Stratford. ¢ and Workmanshtp Ont beske romate y is.* The speaker was a practical busi- lectua! wi for two years or more, as ¢ OWES u To oR TERR WHI We BeraCnr, APHT 2, Tess rar Bias ate pate et en Cm etrie f bess man, as acute as 4 rasor,a eeif made - ippos that Campbell's carcer will be covered with a loath 'Th armor, and four Picturesyae Canada" bor abe be Taga --_.._eaan_and an mgs . ba. spite of oil co ~bistun tit thatot the one American. large muleesr rnamented with ribbons of va- D. W. BURT, V. &., Ht eaeeie, © See pcre Eee of application bis smartnesa and his mest_business_ like we an actor who made a distinct pecumary tious colors entered. The latter were har-7 He fies dee Ontario Cotere WALTER STONE, | habits, he had ge left" in Paria, (euceess asa playwright It is, indeed, a pity' nesed to an arrangement of strapsand books | Calis promptly attended to Charzes madarate, » gpl lent Sinskc Semntesiiee The fact is that Americans who coma to that be should have collapsed on the thresh.' Which we found lawr were to draw off the' Vererinary Medicines Kept and dispensed Biedery ot ceer DTTTUN'S pave STORE, Paris and-don't know the ropes do get most old of a career which, with aman of sterner "ain. After marching around amid the over Mabven's tare a rl Pmectede ee Corner of Erie and Ontario streets, mercilesly-swindied, Pally $0-per-cent,--of-resolve-and- greater self epntrol, might per-. Wild cheers and way ring ef the sembrerosof __-- = ~~ tte » atford, sett the large sums spent by Rinatieedi in thiv haps have puraiie led that of any of the win- the people, they took' their places about the JOHN 4. ROB, Seratiord, Feb. $1, 17. = city brings no return in value of any ort or-nersof great pecuniary prizes indramatic Ting, the mules withdrawing until required. | ; THE BEST kind. ¥ leave Paris ow.composition The fact that Campbell acta-| In a moment the gates of the left were thrown | VETERINARY SURGEON, never-to set foot in it again. Like the as ally became famous and stepped over-the;¢pen and the bull dashed in, The amuse RADUATE of the Ontario man quoted, they set Paris down asa "recu- threshold which divides poverty from wealth | nent, as they consider - -- in waving Cobege of Veterinary Sur- Photographs ! =~ der fraud." Thiwis a pity, beeanse ite hard tn ono nig "te every one But! tenlored (nearly ted rotate. Otic Opposite Wison's Tanpery. lines on aman. who. comes to a city for a thereare some interesting and highly sug-| OT large pieces of cloth at the | poor beast, who Gorste'a betel, Ave ood, Out. ln the Cit change and 4 holiday to be sent away with gestive incidents connected therewith, which | Tushes sbout from one to the other, each in- | "pte od, ape 21, 1868. etoly B 100 Usy, his temper spoiied, and all the more so that it is now posible to tell for the first time, "tant more infuriated, but the first anz oe Fee + : be a little precaution be could ne avoid In the eariy_spring of 1879 Campbell turned brought in on this day was ton docile, 4 WM. STHELE, Se SARE an he harpies who infest Paris morupin New York almost in extremity, Ho/ did not prove sufficiently entertaining, ETERINARY yp a » (Graduate of the ' tien any other continental ae including: was indebted to friends for the bed on which | the judge gave the si gnal (the trumpet sound) | Vv Bs gong ey Veterinary Surgeons), hes W.I.BECKER S GALLERY Napies, slept, and when be did 'not meet a friend, 404 the matadore,or master of ceremonies | | Black, "Marke ei to the ludian GUIDES AND CovRiEns, theaens frequently compelled to go hungry. |i0 the arena, took the sword and a scarlet ' : Ontario Street, Strattord, rext to] A few doors west of Post Office Much good money is wasted on guides and Ho bauntel ore or two ne wspaper offices, | Cloak, walked up to the poor creature, and tne Gu ne Gin Hote ' couriers. The regulation fee for the services and sold a little matter, and was extremely | after worrying it for a few moments, stabbed - Ontario-Street, Stra'ford. of these is $2a day and amenl. Very few. grateful for the aid thereby obtained, But] !t suddenly in the neck near the shoulder, " d Si Ie however... content ives with such a great as was his poverty, he bad a char-| 40d seon it dropped, amid wild shouts from erga an inancia _ Stratford, Dee. 13, 1887, 6?3- salary. It is to the extras that they look for avteristie-Irishwayof living in the clouds| the audience . senna oe . their profits. Thus it is very usual at meal and never betraying any of the servility or| "The muleswere driven in and removed-its SMITH & WHITE. times for the courier to take his client to an'despondency which "ustally besct the person! How lifeless body from the ring, only to be ARRISTERS, Solicitors, &c., Idington's Block, T ] rel K E T S expensive restaurant, His client can't speak! who is far to the'bad pecuniarily, followed by another, which proved accepta- | B i Fabonna wants to rample French ich cook ery and oe hile to the populace, as he was mad from the Strafford, Nov. §, 1897. 6ls-ly -- rea order' © \ One-day in het ah first dash inte the - 'they hail wore ET OF ' poor that be likes and what is most exper-| ifriend on Broadway. The day was warm,|ried the animal with the cloths the Bande JOHN 5B. HARDING, G T R CITY TICK FICE, sive. If his client has not the same tastes as @24 yet Campbell's coat--bhe always wore a| rillus throw spears' or sticks about two feet Berm. Block. pe Telegraph Office, Stratford. he, 80 mac! worse for him. When the /0!e tailed coat--was buttoned up to -the|long with sharpened steel points and orna- oe apathy 13, 1 ne Bt, Btent 464-1y Lowest Hates to all Points in Western States, bill has been waid te the courier pockets the Clin. Alisorts of reflections were possible at mented with colored papers which, when the = tee xe ren, Fad Norea-Went Montreal, document and will call in the evening to got this queer midsummer garb, but Campbell| arrow pierces the animal, becomes unloos- A. CO. SHAW, B. A., A. H. ALEXANDER, Agent. 20 commission. as os light and trifling as be bad a) ened and. fly in long. streamers, BABkistén, , Comveyancer, eee Tee Ame American I oe referred to had in bank book in his sae ket and a breakfast in| further annoyance. The poor Least by this to loan on yat Six per cent. Office _Stzabtord, June 18, 1886. | _ this way been taken t senuranta) ni = t friend pretended that he! time is wiid-with pirenSengeyantreies FA io par block, next du Baieds = 008 4tad apent on himself andj ¥#s Jos supandetuh ant davies Camp- mad)y at the horses,an hatiercenewtt ee. pervert ae his: guide ae pald suffice to keep ajbell to co with him. If the playwright did | perate efforts, tho rider s; pearing him all the AG BOr bi DBaT LONBY. Marbie and masta Wirks. 'French peasant atid his family for @ Year POT Umderstant the telicary oF the Thi Vitation 'tine, he Succeeds "in a Se por leather ARRISTER, 'Selictor, 4 Attorney-at-Law, Con ADSBY & SHARMAN, Impor'ers and ne ee Mot One hy which is noted for its good| Wh n it was ree. he could not have failed coverings, and with one rush gores the horse B vevancer, etc. to i Ottice :-- G ot BRrrge Cana. Sot Cookery "the asoderateness of ite Prices, «6 ithen hé saw the lunck, and he paid 'to death. 'Thos he ome thing Woods' old office, windeer , Stratford. Gian Marbdie snd hehad paid $107 for a breakfast which be)Di* eotertainer.the t_of eating alanother to vent his raze until allare ex- Strationd, July 13, 1887. iy ag Pieces, Wash payee had been unable to eat. Elsewhere he hadjtenderloin steak as if he 'were hmngry. As hausted, then he:falls ~MABBEB & GEARING. rs ago : a Soe ent $40 ona dinner w be Valued atither soparated Campbell's friend 'sald: "7 make room for others who meet the . Sept. 15, 1876. 264-ly Well-made Funeral Designs, CUT FLOWERS, -- Hand, Table and Bridal -H.Burnham's Greenhou. On Water-St , Stratford, Feb. 15, 18a6. Tampbel rs * athartic Compound it cunts Lover Commamt, Baucus Acio Stomacn, Dvsrtrsia, Loss Sick Heapacnt, Constwation S2S-ly oF ApPeriTt, ca Costweness, Paawnen, Maa., Tet Ost. I6.--1 fed Cammsett's Cathe bers of billoweness, and easy to take, 1 au, yours truly, a. x. oid ty acalers ANOTHER . BEAUTIECL~ New Stock Wall 'Papers, Decorations, "Borders, Etc., een to pars from. WI8DOW oe. Paper-Hanging, ainting, aK Sign Writing. Paints and Oils, Mixed and in Bulk, At the.City Wall Paper and Painting House, Idington's Block, Erie Street. W. CASSON, Stratford, May 1, 1887, aso REMOVAL. A. STEWART, Harness Maker, South of the Market, o ite ee lington street, intends REMOVAL. Flour and Feed Business. JOHN: MeINTYRE® Le -= : . WEIR, W. Db. ENED AUCTIONEER agd Appreiser for 'eunties of Perth 'acd Wanattn Sales at Residence : MAPA-ST . MILVERTON Mi Pe lone eat. WB. FREBBORN, Perth M.F.1 Ca, Anotioner, & Stratford. June Lith, ¥ JAMES PROOTOR, ENED AUCTIONEER FoR THe CITY OF ot Perth offeai &. tate, Mo .etold some me Live pve = Generai Me: hana whew beet a n, at reneom stock, Imp ements, et t , Vetaris prs a fe ed Orders etsy "A left at the street UNION IS STRENGTH. CLELAND& McKERNAN H* ped, ayead into Partnership sad for aterm of yeurs PF Dens ¢ py 9 Very husaerous Customers, and te oer on Placksmithing ie the wt aed Tas! Masons and Stone Cutters Tools waddlery Hard . Kloughs, Seinen, ies, Waggons. bs wttere _ aivighs made to order, and satisfac tion Were HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY! In this lise our reputation a ho Comment, Ac knowledging past favors we solicit Py contine gain a still further share of public patrunage. Wood taken in Exchange for New Work. Wu. W. J. CLELAND, = 6 SHAKESPEARE WAGGONS. Tick ope png =< secured a Large "ever: ity of Oak tame ahene celebrated Wag LOWEST PRICES, aud caf warrant them to be the Lightest Running and Most Durable in Canada. pA wit 'Tired always tn 1 ale make to ORDER Farm and Wagons, with the New Steel To' self-Oiling Axles - Wagon Axle ever irvented, and warranted to hundred pose without re-oili Buggies and Democrats, cunge in Stock, a Salles TR Frotting Sulkicg Built to Order, GEO, MINCHEN, Shake Ladies Requiring Hair Work YV ILE FIND it Pays to get the Best, and by calling on Miller's Hair Store You are sure to be pleared. it 212 Dundas Street, LONDON. _ London, Sept. 12, 1888. 662-3m PILLS AND ) OINTMEN' This universal medicine | jn a Housebold } qQuisite every Where, PURIFY THE BtOOD., impart tene to ¢ NERVOUS SYSTPX AB act moet puwerfts, set soothing he feemy AND BOWw?rLs, womoring tad hei end assimilation, ar net tg the + he' bodl'y "vength avd Vicou = hervows = ro newt GENET, SULITY quick y Phe to the potent force el Kapow 2k, mata Lee . 'olficasy foal as LO Fn their = FEMALE COMPLAINT, emovits ali obstructions, akin blereie br boils beter " coe than any. nes. "} ales and "Peete ed) Bas « WORLD WIDE REFCTATieX. Trhealsevery sirt of SCORE. - ECLCER, ac wou NY om ath ares dren ni feet ch ag pete cabng powers re ler iti Heresy at Hes ssn Aura Be<EASes, sak pbs erecta. Sea sue Mh. Aniline. meres titer i nae eae aca hat = <1 tt rhe " dawei winced ints at Patesor Ho aL AY Be wbebeaent, OXFORD ars LOr.DOK Bal viata il arvensis hay cae cl gts Poe which they ne enlarged to enable them to accom mextate Success the Best Test of Worth C3 ' ieee iain ro i Arr er ere: es

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