. HIGHT LTERATURE\ A THRIFTY PEOPLE. ; © SOPr™G_w Monscco. & |), Smee mien |" ermaTroRp | = wwe: Ihave been told, even in cultivated, in- Soe ae i4 Call Upini the Mathew of Feb--Ra Ase teliectual circles, that a you: wort: = ae Ne F tieneer's Methods better be in the kitehen er lan: oes OF THE CONTINUED con- MILLIONS OF MONEY LAID BY FOR | The next day a call was made upon the t#" im the laboratory or class me room cf --+4 SUMPTION OF TRASHY STORIES. RAINY DAY. | bashaw of Fez, whom I found in the ac such p 'Women should be trained, \---- ey F _ (of administering justice in sci ei Th tang of a bs vember | Dares -- a The - _ of his palace. The oid gentleman w tot scorn bas been : sipiRicatamenvncaio' entineetetists & Washington Reporter Fries Inte the "a oe ' a ben a Wraneuses| & ever looking Arab, gotten up | teat im- * Tightly pointed = e mentally cultivated : Am Pm ied the Secrets <f the Cheap Heok 'Trade oases It in Hanks --- Watching posinaly -- aii ea pink or isl ee asd dana Siesta enki Bava ™ S caiiaih ieee 28 5 diieieceiiiaimaimiiits: ; oD 3 ~ Ae Crowd, gee, Busy Dge-- ie prnits and | 23) pray" most Ha eri not Mant in Ham burg. Waterioo corer EN, geet, Bannbiog Satel te Fiay Baa . pie or a . Ska. : , Depositors ~ ana hsapedpanasies JY MAL ADE Lok seep mig Hae weld oe 12 0 BOL Hast... & %0 eulte--Cheap Libraries. ns aie ithe. ff 2¢ Sultan his hospitality ee ee eck acility an } the cases ; $o "- 1 dad Per ginning of the yeareof grace! imew no bounds, and he insisted upos omen who neglect the kitrben to in | po Lomdom ..... 0065 -seem! ae ag PE onan vir seer but re. om bs were fifteen savings banks ini my sitting at his right side while be sigs inthe love sick sentimentality t: | 9 30 1220 Hamilton. cute | OH TO : visit a narrow ho aulet Prgsel 8O Boston, having in charge about $93.000,./ mieted out sentences and punishmenta to = which they have. been trained; "who | T. && weet, BOL. A. | partments, are are apt to pol segelin ith » 000 belonging to nearly 325,000 depositors the malefactors brought before him. "ink tod much of possible matrim: ne ; Ooneren Ctinton, Sea- le severe attack of pie Aa The shelves Since thé first of the Fear Ure ilire say When be found I had never sewn « man chases ee ee : Brilli t ! Debi Riel, ee = . ne shelves, ines tank hase the, Uustinudeed his delight was almost piti. 7 riving . ground for the suspicion t hu lan $30 4% Dubie... 11-10 poem tn" ror rental om Cary # Tavs Teen established in: the) gai and fam afraid if I had stayed every they cultivate any ether faculty than the 0 0) 6 & Marys * i por prion ot petty a ee city. A -- Santee are undeT! nian ia Fez would hare boen put to the power to ajumt piles the moonlight and urable !. 12 50 £85 ate CF ia and ° mod> ratherthan over the facts at the pr Et) bastinado before the day was out, so anx- * lomg for a lover, The 7 do bot care to Ps yo ee eee : ss 4 i HE 8 oO cru de Pe cry ESR. gp at ger aly gage It may truly re said that in no; jeus was he to be hospitable and show me -- ber, that it is no whit better to Economical 1 ow is @. Ram LE Rs.) ae, . wh ty in country, or, for that matter. gi] that was of iut th wither under the Influence of ignorance > | = near servbee ner gpe' centseach. The in the world, are savings bani more Afte - Serllg a CO apts of, 'ponr ceope or sentiment, to enltivate a for ete fur Diamond Dyes excel all others ee A Fae nm is & sort o! headquarters for -- rvatively, honorably and « sfely con-| thrown down and whipped just severely "gush," thau tp dry up the sensibilities in Strength, Purity and Fastness. pe oily Havapeted aad which a0 anid io be deing yo serge on boo ees. Te fe Boston. These local banks enough to make aman glad Le was not in Hike « book worm, or grow rigid and prig- None other are just as good. Be- ™ e EE «eae | vag seamen grea age have. as a rule, had public conBdence, and their place, tbe'sight lost interest for me, gish as a pedant. armony, and Fair. ee nore pretentious hes of the their r Rn et -- of i xg to be de-land f asked permission to retire. which It is as bad to stunt human. nature as ware of ' imitations, because oe am i ie . sires An offfeer in one of Li vings . bons to 088) late.i ate- made heap-andinferio: ' Here, for $5, » careful eon ee "ae © a8 was readily granted and as the dost over stimpiate it of-ct or teeig t > ox tind T s " wn in one » P Gage? is ' : ive an better rion of. the de goaitors ane "GGT Twas planuing to make sume pur- i ¢ way as as fe an ther Th sane ** materials, and give poor, + * stonday, Wednesday ad Friday, Minit: as than was ever anid weak, women. | chases in Fez he sent for k wr-dome, 1" going to extremes... The mess of men by many «a man op nesked why this is su-he care it as gages te Fe be gee Ua the merchant chocse the golden ants , erocky colors. To be sure of ys moun, we iney ¥, Thursday and Saturde . deliv a4 whom the world calls great and wise. S upinion that erevtet ROT OY Fez did not take advantage of the @St Women to avoid extravagance inthe success, use only the DIAMOND |p. m : 7 "7 ery. philasaphy, Ranch g give: at » making "investments" as _white man who was the sujtan's friend. pursuit = tearning. We may and cought Dygs ine coloring Dresses, Stock- EP coUnTRyY watt nee men. "They prefer ye put their money Tiiey did not take advantage, and if 1° age er every help in the direction of « 4 . aieues > caer ae _ ~ .. repatsbie . net pac y -- _ Mey | ever get cash enough together | am gving life th mee wer brothers posses It ix no MBS. Yarns, Carpets, Feathers, . ge = Kew York, closeron every Saturday, t glance the know it will be "safe," and where it will ,to send for that pour, neglected Arab and cheer doubtiul, it is-plain. 'that what-- Ribbons, &c., &. We warrant ; me anne Beni led on belt and counter draws a cortain interest: make Lim my shopper in general, for his ever a ter rights woman should have. them to color more goods, pack- evening mail coer toe closes af €: 98.9. : hams oi espair of ever ner "oe Post yourself in a conrenicnt corner at style would make a sensation on Wash these ef the intellectual Kingdom ought f k , wane ris ee ae a read so numerous are they; and one of the Icading savings banks on a ington street and edd c eantortebl tobe hers fully and freely. Sie shoald @8¢ for package, than any other 'WILL BLAIR, Postmaster, sthaen' Aeneedacberas, thas 4. parann, with busy-dey end watch the -erowd. As an " Ran e sum {0 by udge herself of how far sh dyes ever made, and to give m 4. AIR, « ins 7 habit ate fy pen ih lpn *,. tomy income. The sliops of Fez are lit ; he judge herself of how fars akon utd yes g? OFC Stratford, Sent. SBiv , perce vo Bw be PI , 4 "ted eumanity t - could. tie dog houses dug out of the thick walls, i exploring the mysteries of nature brilliant and durable colors. Ask ; - eo itm by om, mmo neg ta atta aa AEME Cnn 8 3 Gr the Daamondand take no citir,| RAND TRUNK RAILWAY " oe Tse BBS i customers ae whe read. mune asi iat ba take it. Those whe ocr in the midst eet his ee NBO. the, samme A Dress Dyed IMPORTANT CHANGE OF TIME iecgikin ae eanelinee ce the mo ere th the money seem wrbase the best of whieh are piled upon the shelves over his) 7¢T™ented Jules of the Grape. A Coat Colored l Cretan nce thaws to detee. Mesttees.oe Seems? peaperes spiginnoo tif exe x ay judge by their faces: A head. but all three walls within touch of. Wine is the fe shone juice of the 0 FOR MAIN LINE WEST.--3:15a. m.--Expree ioe veal Be Poca 4 regu- ics ged FAW'S.0L his depo 'eal phe an bis --_ #0 confined is the space. When is ! trom other @apments Renewed aTs Toe 0. ant ae : off each from six to eight vol joo ie ws. 7 which } any rate, there are vou approach his shop, does be jump to fre ented and aleobolic 'i jeers by con- ee ' Tee ~eit f ae : a " want. vs com re -- - : i! eee 5 hold' his feet with an eager bow and a request taining bi-tartrate of potash. a ccustitu- A Child can use them! FOR LONDON. --l096 ancien tf he read, but took Ress just as they came. Nis eka ald soe i whe i . ae is & as to what hecanshow yout Not he. He ¢®t of the grape. Blackberries cOrrants, At Drnggists and Merchants. Dye Book am =. -- Expres. F pee Syngenta "7 : a 8 not at all at her does not attempt to stifle the yawn that 80d other berries, by fermentation, will -- Express. f had a the interi » too, _-- it ne behind presses u 'pe her, unjoints bis face, and if he is near e enough yield a. wine, but-the mame of The bervics WELLS, RICHARDSON 4& ca. Pee oe eo EAR "tag =. in but was d or department, ane fee docs not relish bel ring urried, ; tothe wall he leans against it and closes ---- which obtained Is xl ppeaded Montreal, P. Q. Pep tn --Eaprees The eemrtet Rot lens. ag. - lhe: itis evident a t ¢he will be hiseyes in pure weariness, 0 the vinous product. Ww hen "the term Ss Passenger. " propletor + intimate that there }o!Ti: part ito leave the place once she | If 'you ask him fur something from the Wine alone is esed tho fermented juice of GREAT FR SEER Se mixed fading kalete cea id the i ge eee pasrhite her transaction, She has shelf above his reach. he asks in reply, the grape is signified, and anything else R ' ey +S tne: rg ee: 'oe tion, cou a3 be fas a scoot here anid wh Led withent opening his eves, if there is not = pho rvggcncagal 8 sia a oe 3 life varieties SE N SATI O N! 8 oO Bape -- sa might ae tari there kone th "pe Ag Feo something on the floor, within reach. occasioned by di erence of FOR BUFFALO.-- ve n-- f " iil, and 8 ants $1 ut the which you can.buy jast as well. If not, °, elimate, season, and by the kind,.; 'FOR PORT" eee j A BOOK A DAY, onder fx not properly filled up, and the. ens. : tals. apen the" "waheitar to -Tulity amr conditiot Of the fripes as to tae elie "Site ined who ever toler: otorexpatrt eerrér ant inform | burn your grandmother ripeness, the mode of fermentation, and' O°" stock is cow Compete in evers devart- | Lon PALMERSTON.--0:00 s. m.--Mined a k a day, month in and month ber with as- ica h courtesy and pains as and ip, grasps a cord. ha ung » by the manner and oupesiare at which Laeger, 'more Select Stock afd Better no she 8 12.06 p. m.-- Expres. out, vo pesgetater continued. *These tite will permit. that she must go home abore his head and pills himself to bis the Wine is preserved, and by its age. in aby previous Beason. We con! took for' | FOR WI RTON--12.05, Fx rs, of course. wes Thiave the mistake rectified before she 'fest. Nono of this for my buyer. He strong wines, such oe any port ward toa Langer Trade, In the following Lines of | F' A peg 2089 ma tapeees, Bal a8 nike ts to ae Legros with them, like 3% have the money. This she does not reached in, took what he wanted asked 224 ---- are made from grapes. eee oe, ee sre | vm So Gene tor Coed "and Fridays else, hey give all their anilies tand, and you can plainly see that its price, put down about half what was nny are thoroughly ripen, and which,! noes FOR SOUTHAMPTON 12.05 p. m. Exp Dal Deity. time to it. If sy Sa hold'*#- entertains "her "suspicions" of the' asked. put.the purchase. under bis unt; Dress Goods, Mantlings,Flanuels, iia 4 ~~ - we fin- bank. "it's her Jim's money, an" wb cloak, 2 ano! f ond thiendags =e ft: Meltons, Tweed Cotton &e. Deas t-te it when 'ho sells atop te a yang astring of howls and Arab oaths °f SUg2r, yield, when ferment, a eeeanes] Sy inet of penaneeanone--i2 thy eae othrestesa a oy eee Fae © GNM me re wae oxkale: BPR BPS Of eloehel, an 2 cathe bos! eran 7.20 p,m . eet it alae "sane 5 aARA omnes OO ER NE tent" Claret etcins : 7 e tatoos have been the law on A Dew if the cashier ri a exh fough'to jum P td tes = Reed rat of the Suet 12 perc, and chrpegae "ait Millinery Department. as eee eR EON .- eet rt Cone g OL NES. : Gian ke aay oon orgapomren saves frie ie (rapes to ipo thal They" are, nade| hin 'uar age erika Dogatrsar ener tae Exhausted 'Vitality. much' difference in ay '"h Pee impatient, --, of the ar d there ay ak Step Latent Styles in Hate aud Bonnets, men and wo- i the line assures t f matter will be "all ight i 7 . ee or Lure, say that ido. The women: fellow the advice of the cashier. So 'of re ta into alcohol. which will "herdly waht 0 Tailoring Department. of the age on Manhood, Nerv- ous 'sical Debilit don't seem to be especially fond-of love" the ytaumblngs Then comes a man} This Toe tome so much like hi Eee, bose Chazapaces ig ---- before' rtment, under the able man Premature Decline, Ervors of In fact, some women who come ° @ 80 or 85, looking quite prosper- | way robbery t 'a or Selhorion Dupes Youth, and the untold mise here won't read love stories or novels "5: end bolding a ban i beak fi which & Jac said it Bp por righ: some of the carbonic acid seruiting from tw store, ms Cloth By BT] ies cousequont thessen., "309 written by women. They weader the de- Dumber of bills cre snugly reposing. the usual way of doing; but I have an the fermentation is retained in the --_ at prices to suit all © ened enentanas, poem, 8 * , 125 preseri pc ace ge and td ole Da Bois- 'sir. ety s =a full," says pre [seen Chane wie gomething tome femagsian shows to he given - = onk Salas bottle Ji. ss and Mantle Maki ng full giltyomiy #40; by-eeit agp Garboriau a 'a highty S ~ pit- after. noticed 4 'toomnch Dre akin sealed. saatire eamale em ree young = SF ca th per a. W. M. Reynolds'. sen: (Celt er. siderable teme . bey 'ed | Be one exported from Enro- sational romances used to have a big sale, "NO mere money! Why, what do you Thee we cacitemeat wierver "where all Professor ¥ countries are adulterated.-- - De epart Heshenel Medal" swarded, to the author 0. bet they aren't In as much demand as mean by that? Tho otght bauks would the goods are sold by auction. fessor W. P. Tonry in Baltimore Sum | L400 the charge of Mina Multivan, Drowece and 1596, Mase., or Dr. W. H. PARKER, gradu [take as much money as you'd give 'em." tioncer, sol oy could be told b ae dh gee of. | Manties mae up in the very | ate of Taarents the cheap libraries hurt the, "We are not permitted to allow any one! clathug, would take a pleco of from) Te Shampoo One's Own Rair, Rensonabte Reves, Specialty, Dineases of Maa ; story papers a great deal?" the to de mnt has alread hart your s¢-! ay of the shopkeepers and start out to: Half the pleasure of having the hair! street," : a4 ~~ i aired. ms Mi that amocat, I' ..f it upon commission. Holding it as washed and groomed is to have some on. Fase Ps Saag Pee Te Seo Nate st ---- H **Well, not eee ott eedie. Gow they f= ir |high aloft as he could he would shout doit who Fong how. "hn England, A POOR MAN'S FRIEND. é Rag going to at first e gentleman; uat J draw ix out then?" some bid apd start upon the run around the ores, there is a omnes oft L uy ed the s would, Oh bo: 3 you eat allow it to remain un-! the markel When he passed any one hair dreesing w where an accompliched bar- Kastner Bros a Donat. itt saree. depnnel sieioas eter pets LT : $e entirely ven out of i the wis Par a Sete eae who wished to examine it, be-weull-drop der. -with-every convenience for shower pear at hand, rewdy at a moment tseails Thin i libraries, but I-hardly think melextent of $1,600. After t tithe, al yy Si teas ene allow them toexamine and drying, will wash the hair "of friend is Peauy Dav sales have sve fall as much as Sos (though you may let the money remain it, take their uid, if they made any, start ladies for one shilling. "In this country a © SEBRING\JULE axp MICHELL. AIN-KILLER | = papers to keep boom + ) interest 'again upon his run, shouti the price good shampoo cost from fifty cents to bd P AIN-K ILLER. : selves all the time, though, or ey To ioe Queer business, that." exclaims the jife a madman, until he had made see --which is a large sum for so simple sled 4 KASTNER, Manager, Sebringville. s ground bedl the They aren't the bonanzas Prosperous man, who thereupon takes circuits of the market. after which he operation. 'PEN YROYAL WAFERS. AKEN INTERNALLY. itenres Dseent ers. : they used to ps gut ¢ himself off. would turn it over to. the ahignes bidder. -- combing the snarls from the nae. | NN Cholera, Disrrima. Cramp and Bain iy 1h i be very ute This may seem 'queer business" to the _Cor, Boston Transcript braid it loosely and bind the ee sabrina Prescription of & whe] Rtumach, a Complaint, Painter's tof 5 driven out of the ray et L fo: nil The erson who knows nothing of savings ee eT band-~ 5 eee lige Sudden Conis,- -~ margin of profit. on = mali, banks, yet it ny ~sagreink bythe ----~ @ basin and first wash Pret gen seal rig Saal USED EXTERNALLY, it cures Pruiser. : and the worst of it is the people who buy" fact that sav ings re not intended How Cards Are Marked. oughly with castile soap; then Tet the! Taming oak ths. Sealds and Sprains. eee eof F them are of the 'charge-it-and-Ill-pay- for well to do opie. but for folikof hum- "How do you mark a card?" ald & brid fall in the water, soap it and wash, eficrual, Lavi = t waters as the Jornts foathache, is Pe the Lace. Se: you-next-time' class. Now, if they fail course, if you are fortu- Graphic man to Charley Mosster as he as if clothes. Afterward thoroughly rinse no aural oF in faipeane etbowes the World yon = to pay once it knocks the profit off a gai nate uot to hare $1,000 in one bank, stood on Fourteenth street and Sixth ave- and wring the braid in a towel. Wipe} pi ye waieivariceiar= Bs & 25 Cons pce Bor Tut. " you can go to another bank and open en nue last night watching the world as it tome head dry, undo the brush | tHERUREKA t CAL co. [7 tations. "The poop people who read the story papers, ---- but if the officials have any rea. pass sed. beginning at the lower end, wore Le Beware of Lomnternits Bue sae then, are of a different class from those *°" 4 -suspect. that youare a man of -- "Kasy enough," was his answer. "We wali not tangle. Let the hair loose in : who buy the cheap library novels?" mcans they may question you very close- do it in the same way that the blind man sun and = and i sda dry in less cs thea N tice of r FALSE AND FOOLISH IDAs. ly, and, roa ¥ are = satisfied with your reads--by the sense of feeling. Before half an how Aw man s_bair sb: 0 Mov: . - meee ; replics, they great ibexty. emma POS weede tert these-carts be pat Washed ac 17 nih if k ee Be the enrages els ae tal sets faanctal offerin E altace "athe in shape. hg is done swith a ring which oc at Teas on Evening ~~ tse ad get false and foolish ideas of )ife. his', ere COlaes a in other or if she will is worn the most convenient fuger.| P E. J Jo H N S i is especially true of the ee permitied to deposit moncy in her On the inside of the rin the Fads of the hor: ! ° 5 paper readers, They-are the worst = mid ~r Rams, although, the child is only part under the Caxton a little steel enettheawasen pag Te -- i HAS REMOTED TO * tell { th Wo or threo months old, She finds that spur, not sharp enough to penetrate the et a ad ' : nat net. i gee of thems almest ss. qe ickly. 10 can do so, 'and she Ld, delighted. pa and ane hole, whieh would re a mah er go nog All along the fag SHORE Ss BLOCK, rade » generally wome ere ere o great many call the sav- detected, but a slight indentation, 3 whe icLna sausss aor ee rand a mantagiey about | bauks for purposes of this sort. Pa- sembiing a Siestcie the back of ie cooked and handed to you on 2 clam encll| Market Square, them, nae. big words.and. theatri¢al: ex-fe4's, also, frequcntly deposit small sums. card, but so small that with close obser sausage on one shell and a btuked po- | ASD. will Continue to keep on hand a Full Stock pressions, and try to imitate generally fa in 'a site anniversaries of their children's vation it would ae be noticed. rye _-- ---- a aes are sup aeny fo, i ann sirth, and they allow the money to re- "This we cannot see, but we can f ga on the sand and eat them without ss com ter maw Sie, Mably, srongto oe Girls main in the bank and accumulate until it, and' the soeation is is the ci en to the and lick your chops for mere. Silly?) Drugs, Patent Hedicines, Bronght up {rom the time they are fifteen ibe children, "come of age." Executors denomimation of 'the card. course we Vell, this is the place for silly things. Ard Everything Usually o telean an on this: sort of reading aren's © fien nee these. banks. to deposit ihe hgve te seo and handle the cards before we Another fad is crabbing. pe party num-: Found ins tee by wacm asics mrane = eatistiod with a man unless he is like the funds of an estate during the two years | they-can be 'marked,' but as we can Landle bering from six to a dozen go out in the ' perma dar cer Saher heroes of their stories, and they are apt the law allows them for settling up af- | from-five to ten cards each deal, it. does ™2tsh gays bait --"e with a} FIRST-CLASS efore fairs. Religious and charitable orguniza-| not take long to have ail the im ppieceof beef tied toaline. The crab is} po thegec oe promise to come' to, what! mene are exempt from the $1 000 restric. | cords aeckioel, Reading cards arieed ] just idiot enough to hang on until Ltted| DRUG STO RI E. they call their 'ideal.' And then, if they {iat . The average rate of interest paid in this way is easy to me. *Tiaeeone sys-/nte the boat. Biles ah aan do get married, in ninety-nine cases out )Y the Massachusetts savings banks lest fetes to the Jocation of marks, and if js' And yet another is the vs fad--} : of a hundred, they soon discover that tho car was 4.06 per cent. : tas simple as telling the sarie by the Frome: ding the beach to lisien tothe} 'The Great English Prescription. : Ed wer all false; that they haven't. T° lincs of people come streaminzinto | location of the hatids of a clock in the S@tiigof the clams. Yes, clams * 'gh. A successful Medicine used over 4 : married, their hero.at--all, but only. an x the mye ene line gci ing to the" receiving absence of the regular dial figures. Sharp That' 3 one of their duties ons moon! = in thousands of canes. ic goers enough ot the wary paper ical to pat ratier "Men, Women, boy [thst they cannot be: by the andi. Baz of | lovers, with, his. erm around, ber! dat'all Usdaaes cauaed UF eee : MIRACULOUS. RESULTS, to supply s paragraph in thesleppy ¥F * be erowd. Sometimes, espeviaily on | nary 'sense of feeling." nd walking at a slow gait, can (mevons] indiscretion, or over-exertion. [arran} ma serials. caterers, a whole fanniy will troop into "he reeding is then done with the belt &* ch every sh ---- sighs. --Cor. ager poy eg ay any DR. DORENWEND'S "s se people: with the stery paper' = Nhe: while ~sdad* Ctaws son ethin 3 of the thamb from which the outer cuticle Detroit Free . = tho markefing. or for clot ching t * * the Hy pyipent been remored b, acid. mothe: ane the speaker continued, een . =i an ana . y Crot mother: z vee os --s " coe ee wie ioe uark" <5 "Close observers Bare ascertained that: °c => ae | Greeks © class ean etected by tivers rannin throu th treeless tracts of: atehing the thumb of thé right bend in country are neorty, 2 dite, destitute), Mencat-Prooness.--The great phssio bv" are os erally ¥ = prasties. et coming be neve aah ereyrecie know and 'heir = asliding motion up and of fish, and thet Soh-wit rt a stream; logical discavery: of the seventeenth waiting fey eheyaen rt them; an it feel Tike em : dor te from which timber "has-been removed, | ¥™ the. circulation of. the blood. The stort ther erally pretty teithdulto-th tenet for the atthorign Sct prevonsly Sturmed there. Brest wetirnt discovery of the nineteen papers RECT | oat when they get bere, Clerks, book!: cppers. odice 'boys, 'gales- blind to read," --New York Graphic. 'in. f fish it is. not. 'century was an alterative for the purity: | then thére ts 9 row." gitis, newsboys,, -- ' coer "water ptner PES crotataa te ib i * Aver : ae : d sgt Harveys carcaation eory and « pore me pocket qnoney..on--eondition - National Habits of Expietorciion. ~Toraat be pro food, and the best r ; > the bor.| S8tsaparflla, are prominent landmarks in mei ae to bis wm ets rere t sateat! the history ad pr of Medicine water ster and four be Pree ef crests There is "no case of disesse- amon, Horses and in_existense?" thos foyorte they will pet a % certain sum ers ry} The streets of Paris saceeieiea re shady te weer, methan Tiana, j$e_me crass Ser spams sibtatd: the = -- "Ee; "old Opes, aad Yraen and eanse ee teeta ee eee why cet on pa tha mostof-t bear | Sirocts at - home, the streets of Peold wamen-all or. e..te : 5: aity dealer PSweTE aru Tew ques ite starting tp every week... The. trade has --get-to- daring: seasons fof with fish and food for the ety --The' You can bny - feet ome Japon, tea at ny =f " imaberman. " 1 Ee. per pound * r the habitueas. "£0 40 peg i "he we | Americas t fares. which im larly fre a we amen 'ee neers se écaners: the Kirst gd bhout thelr businces 25 | Eble with arrest and dine bere, just solong ee everything is sold ine cal nt : s be the sin @ very matter of fact Sages ami the! | will eur avenu -- Soe ocr. peter, | The"Royal" Flavoring Extract poresPane cars and Amdérgthe gifts présented to the Em-) are-atsolute!y. pa: reign ni questions, and are oftex e 5 f sip ort signing their names as if they wer sien | ing their own death warrants. and 1 ia, be. diageating: baie din, tn. peror Francis Joseph on the occasion of avetaly a constant allnds : te the Lahn habit ph pm ra A 'Rare are Combination. to wormemihen tite _ davest in realestate, or in other ways. There are titer of widows whose