Stratford Times, 28 Nov 1888, p. 2

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ot CTE Sy 2 sch RAED SION ka SSPE Perce roses vinta eh ee ASM SETI FET ng Sra se a guerrillas, with a aqua 1 ert iin NEAR PREIS RICKSBURG, A PLEASANT LITTLE STORY OF THE CIVIL WAR. & Squad of Federals' ¢ aptured by Some of: Mosby's Men--A Yankee Prisoner Tn the afternoon a cold storm of ral: ect oe, 1p. 2nd soit. nearty- wn ss aight. We moved into th he Be Bis Captor's LifoSiabsts ital volen: of i 4 Mase toofteperg2 THE.LAST, CHARGE. Sheridan's (<n Story ef the Fad of the War at nie agp _ Be Fo mead ns, in a low valley ole f 7 ett), jay army bf pearsrewio manne SSRN amp a cient vat in wood hort distance above the railroad, and ¢ri fed to " flad some shelter fez mt the torrents te f wemnderedt Dies fay ' a sale ihet isup!" Orders Thar 2)! farios ly Tint 3 Quay Y > weye git ts complete the fo sap Sine Seen trains & "#6 still wnllek inthe soar g » be oe iii gling tn the deepening m At yon wae Sta one th at iM > to aepert 0 hi of the train rou b ines hittin in his Dat 'With one orderly he set out, sy he d scarce got a quarter of a mile from our aes when Livitt Pa ne of Mosby' 3 * a : i or they had been conce: malod and jars ted titel ap the two, who surrendered with res ist anc ®, wehontatonce for Pais é hiciise hear Warrenton. They were kindly treated by thelr captors, given something to eat and comfortable quarters for the night. e rain continued incessantly uutil; 'norning, when it cleared away, and the Sun came out once more. Paine started carly with his prisoners to_ deliver them at Lee's headquarters. The- streams and creeks were full ao nage ing, anil the ou an advance guard to apprise = of ap} ee danger. At length as © not. far from Sulphur prings. which had overflowed its and bri the guard halted and hesi tated to drive into the wild stream. Pai soon came up and denounced them * the -- of the prisoners as cow mediately plunged in, at the same pee calling to the others to follow; bat he ** hed not gone far, however, when his horse lost his foot pes on the two were SSPE down the strea WitithinG DUWN TO DEATH. * The guard s a tly parals - they saw the man and horse stragg the mad waters. Stone at first look oa with indifference, but soon a bette re possessed bir, ard than he-cow no longer sit and cce a man, his and his preceded enemy even, i feyigey down to : - be. San will you Bee that man cow' before your eyes?" No man Fa No! ill! Stone i man moved! galloped quickly a the w the detached. = = 4 ewhat and could talk a little, Stone said to vim "Unaided and alone I saved es and @o less than res 50, ald onee in his possession legally belonged to! tance from was pulled in, and in little time 'hey were all mounted again, | Ee and on their way to cross the creek a some point above. Finally we reached the Confederate lines, where ers were turned over to another wuard,| to thence to Richmond, where they wers assigned quarters in 2 and a James iver had not been unm ind- men and of the courage indn the Yankee lieutenant in risking his is Ife in the us stream his enemy and captor, and he as Lec--entreated him, to recommend a i Spektor of this seer! Lee mended t important case. curteel and his immediate release to the Jnion lines, which were willingly ented. Stone went directly to Wash- ngten and soon after his arrival there corned that Paine, his captor, had just n brought in and: lod in the Old He had been captured in .qskirmish with the Eighth Cc ps. itol prison. the "fore i nois pate while mounted on Stone's M0 mare, a beautiful bay he ng had brcught from Maine with him he _P: "ized apts highly. Stone : "the second day af ae urned "to are Stene-ret his enh me otis been absent just one and we knew ° release ure even, until the psi of the day he tetarned, when we recej The Washington Chronicle, "containing the facts of the case briefly ag eee, Highth tipets He 'ean richmond: air with ~ him, | estat Gen. one at tak ane, as report to { Lee The editors meter and favorably commented w this, t its generous in releasing and re-; aoe. turning him ta the Union Iines.--Boston; There isa Globe, \--yet a false one-- are No Time for Solemnities, 'both -- one and the same parent, ' Take: woman who is li and! Amy, their identity is shall be nameless. Sho is accom roven by the fact' that, though the one thoughtful, studious, clever beyond doubt. awsmooth the other a downy skin both in talk and with the pen. She has written ; her name d E ia ghty i lave, Shen. esling . 'directed hin to go ovcr to the group of | Coufedevae offcors end demand what "a conduct, meant. a eae onel done the -- maakt tae a Custer ; Gen. i*Wh to save that of T a oe i was wi ith th "group aft Imoved on a gallup d -- FOR -- OP Est I RAE OEP TIARAS OME BLD 'W.& F. We have in Stock a Splendid Line of WEF NBS aa WORKMAN'. i+ -- Durthsof a "mile Mt ES ol sco We had net gone far befi me A beary is wins opens don ne af Heber te-the ticht; wart z pied by y is own ars CIDE OF AN ENGLISH COMMEKCIAR TRA- much over 300 cards | halted for a om VELLER aT SUSPENSION BRIDGE, ment, afd, taking off m vy hat, called out -- -- » flag was beir ut Violated, bat beg Niagara Falls, Out., Nov. 16.--Shortly stop the fring, which now caus US | alter the arrival of the G. T. R. mat train all tb nko shelter in a rnvine raz tae par- [at the New York Central depot at Sus. ' allel to the bridge we were on, and peasion Bridge, N. « about 7.55 this | na h we then travelod. As owe approached the court house a Twas in followed by a sergeant carrying my hattie flag. Within 100 to 150 yards | fror a the court house and Confederate flines, some of the men in their ranks brought down their guns to an aim on us, ;and great effort was made by thelr officers to keep them from firing. I halted, and hearing some noise behind, turned in the saddle, and saw a Confederate soldier at- tempting to take the battle flag from the color bearer. This the sergeant had no idea of submitting to and had drawn his saber to ent the man down. A word from me caused him to return his saber and take the flag back tothe staff officers, ) were some little distance bebinad. I roa mained maotionary a moment after these a rove nile and we advanced. The rior officers met were Gen and an a army officer. S secon as the first' greeting was over, ;a et ae firing began in front of our own cavalry fram whom we hed oaly.e few -- before separated. Gen. Gordon Somme nat discouverted by |r ming ndoubtedly they -- people vio hing the fag! He aia, TT have" no staff officer to send." 1 replied, Many fou have one of mine," eto ---- Allen, I directed iin to to Ire} Gen. Gordon and carry orders. "The ae ee to go Gen ie f° Allen dashed off with the message, but. on delivering it to Gen. Geary, was prisoner, with the remark from 'that offi- | cer that a did not care for white flags, that Sou never It es about this time that Merritt, charge ron of | his 'command. While Gens. ion ileox were en in conversa- I tion with me a cloud of dust, a wild hur- . & flashing of stibers, indicated « 'charge and the e aculations of my staff officers were hear R ! j ordered a c' The fii of Geary's | brigade followed; 'Wowk All om was thus | released. and the last charge made in the Virginia by shooting himself in prove: 4d himself to be Pred Chippinghouse road, also -- Eng evident he peg he put up at the Queen's hotel, Montreal, men on the Grand Trank Railway mail train asa passenger on their tra' did not notice anything wrong with him. He had not acted like a person that would take his own life. to about his baggage he spoke very cheer- fally, and thanked the yen baggage check man when told about changing cars on the Amerisan sido. His cand ag have been communicated with as Safely and Securely.--When the seve 7. ties of winter have yielded t to Fee genial on . invalids should make a determir: m. Cadmus M. Wilcox, the latter spring, | rites Shete Laat Serena: con tem, has been weaken have been broken, Hotioway 'é "rettvedi are equal to the occasion, ubbed over the mere and liver, tration of hie Pills, wil rectify the speedily confer renewed vigor, brace up the falling nerves, confirm the flaccid muscles, and res ness, that great oe of existence. ---- of the United year cone ay id be ----. nent. vy ere *~y sack 154,168 bushels to ed fop from ks and i But during the last rm 'ol the naguee = the | 55, West Side Victoria Street. 000, 000 buashe last harvest and the rise plies have been very liberal since, rritt, bes | the to be no reason there will hg any "difScalty in ebtaining sufficient supplies to meet such require- ments be probabil evening, a man suicided on the platforer} xe he. Lie | Barber, of 23 Shetiield, Eng., and was representing the Sylvester works ; Shetheld, . pers found on him it was Toronte, and St, Lawrence hall, He was identified by the train- They When he was spoken oyers in the disposition of the body leet et Ce ee Hottoway's Onemesy axp Pitts -- oS their lost health; when ¥ » the entire sva- , and the spirits tite, and prancun slee jew ee Oiatment stomach aided will tore to the ailing cheerful- Wheat Wants « of England. Sir J. J. Law "estimates the gm Kingdom { 1888-9 at. 37,771, 178, uirement heat be previd '© months mports were at a rate of about 168,- Is per annum, while ow the in prices, the eup- and re see-ns to fear that as the foregoing estimates show to ec. - campeign:-- North American Review. "The Great Tcl! ae enleiee " Inside the Kremlin iral the Cat hedral of the Petia nt ey where } the czars are tized; the Cathedral the Archangel ware all the emperors wero buried up to the time of Peter the Great. hese arc all, as are most of the churches Moscow, built in the Moorish style of architure and most va ae ge decorated. Recently, in the Chure p- -- which was was being masieeL several ancient pictures were brought to light a the walls, an premmved One of them a = ser eral scenes from the life of Jonah, and very un ique in its way. On one side 'the prophet is being thrown overboard f an exceedingly size) is Seago best val "take him in." But the iece of = it, very some. fifty-two bells, 1 "6 thet: of very | At the foot of the tower lease is . there is no doubt of that! It is 20 feet He bigh and @ feet in circumference, and is about 2 feet iormah in the thickest part but somehow are pois: have an idea tliat we have been i saisaaed pon saireveis! it isn't bigger, and we came fecling of of sadness at havi Oysters m | Seed, i in Large or Small Lots, at The Medical Hall. J.H. Nasmyth & Co. Night Bell, Oysters | FIRLT OF THE SEASON. a aa DAILY Com --e of fhe Rest trands of BALTIMO: OYSTERS, in Cans belt, . R. ROFFEY, Oatario-street, Stratford. WALNUTS. Genuine Black Walnuts, for SALT RHFUM, THE STOMACH, EART BURN, ;| aes, OF THE 8KIM, every species of cleanse from eee Lownrk on Near E. sae Pump Factory, !n the Store late! y pescagrag Reseived daily. Te ae Cre gegen ae fe ; Grand Trunk Shops. Blak cae VOCAL MUSIC. Miss Grace McKenzir, Prrit or Mus, Mooxe (F. J. Hartros}, Lowpon ; atso or H. F. Hort, or tux Bostox Coxsxavatory or Mestc, T° reerans D to give Lessons in . owe Training it Reading,--either in Class or Private pOwn on app lo "Ramee : Corner of Ontario i Nile Streets, Stratford. Souths. Se t. 26. 1888. NEW BskeRy Confectionery Store. JOHN GIBSON spaces Pleasure in his Friends and the Public generally that be bee opewed a Branch Store on Downie-St., ~ "Tenge he ba Sloot AD, of all head Cakes. TaPries. CANDIES, and. als F: OYSTERS--Solid Measure--in Bulk, Retr PIss, RUITS The Store on Ontario Strect west will keep on band Oy~ters, in bulk, and Bread, Fruits, Confec- tionery, etc., as formerly. Stratford, Oct. 18, Lees. CITY OF STRATFORD LOTS FOR SALE. 7. te the G. T. RB gale on Favorable Terms: MARSHALL'S SURVEY, Lot 31, West Side MoKenzie St; Lots 38, 39, 40, 41, 42. 43, 44, 45, East Side McKenzie St. ; 8. 4 Lot 51, and Lots 52, 53, 54, McKENZIRE'S SURVEY, Lots 43, 44, North side Milton street Lot 49, south side Milton street. GRANGE SURVEY, Lot 51, south side of Milto: Bst.; lot 54, north side Shakes- peare st. Apply to T. B. P. TRSW MERCHANTS HANA, Or to JOHN BROWN, Lanp Aganrt. Ntrattord THE Real Estate Exchange. The Following Special Bargains are taken from . OUR OFFICE LIST: $1,600 Rr. Ss Et ieataat Mr. Pirie's. ape hte Por that neat and..Full Frame House fined Lot, om Downle St., Mr. Duatar's, near G. T. R. Shops. $1, 100 Fer.2 Vor a new "Prame Cottage, stone ation, clear hard and soft water, P roca, {acre Lot Mt Pre Pretty's, on Avon ot. a Ty sto storey " Frame Ti Po $I, 100 a rooms, cellar, tile, drains ; joatoble and driving house, and Hiberala street, west of. $1,100 Por that neat 'pest Brick House, 8 rooms, net Dalt,--b- minutes' walk to" the @ street. & House, $1, 00 Bor a neat 1h: 3)-storey oe -- Milton, on Nile #t., only S minutes' te ae G.T. R. shops. $1,300.Fe. > new G. T. R. shops: $1, 600 For north bait mai ote sh Banach ey matuctal itn Stninates walk ot every convenience, ant ev im the best of yle, rule's becker" walk to the T. RK. > on Blake st. st. Immediate posseasiog. $1, 850 F 'For Storey and 4 half brick hoose-- , sMabic, Si feet frontage--on ae ee ee $2, 200 ¥ For the south half of a new double House, with § lane fernished in modern pin Samra Sole 5 minutes' well troni Blake street. $2 ,500 fence tence io A spend spate for» bg Sao eondirer walk trom or -- Seaaenainamnenie |. Re ee 39 Other Héusve in our hande tor aale. to select froma, at prices from $550 up te $4,500. -58- Tams Lote ie all parte of thw olty Trem F125 | W. G. MOWAT. Howon Baijding. (BOOT SSHOE STORE... Ladies' 8 For a neat. Brick Cottace, with 6 they end THE RURAL | Grosch Bros. & Huffman. THE RED FRONT Everything Neat, Everything 'Cheap, Everything Reliable. d NOTE SPECIAL It vad Men's Boston Calt, #!---worth #2 1a. Ladies' O8 Gest Hutton, #1 T5--werth ee a. Dongola Hale, 1 85 2 2 Polished Call Hak 1 645 . 2 ~ Grained als, 75 5. Puttened Pu, 1 25 " 1 7% Ladies' OU) Goat Butten, I 15 . 7s. Dongola Kid Rut? 25 " 3% Heys' Grained Bales Ufret-class) #1 64, wortl Minses' and ( hildren's et proportionately Low Kates. Women's Fe 3 Slippers at from tie up Insnect our Goods before pure rchas sing «'sewhere Customers treated alike. A aap ttchels kept in stock No two Pri¢ "on --al? Remember the Red Front Boot and Shoe Store north of the Express Office, Stratford, GROSCH BROS. & HUFFMAN. BARGAINS, T> Reduce Stock, and Make Room for Fall Importations that are now on the way. first.. door Consider weil the following prices we are offering. They are first-class G s, at Job Line. Prices. NO CATCH PENNY GOODS, at genuine, first-class goods, imported direct by our fiem from the fanufacture-, in England. 44-piece tea set, fancy colors, $2. 50, $2.75. $3.00, &- pi "ce chamber set, fancy colors, $2.00, $2.50, $3.60, 4-piece chamber sets, stoneware, $1. 35, extra valine, *5-piece dinner set, fancy colors, for $8.00, $10.00, $12 00, 125-piece dinner set, fancy colors, from $13.00, t» $20.00, Faney lamps from $1.00, $1.25, $1 50, $1.75, $2.00, Fancy hanging lamps at rock bottom prices, We are Still Selling Large Quantities of 25c. Teas. The above are all cut prices, bought for cash with all discounts off. As we are doing a cash business we give all our customers the benefit of the true system. A quick cent --'~ worth many slow dollars to us. Cull and see us, no trouble to snow E. K. BARNSDALE & Co., STRATFORD AND MITCHELL. | FALL IMPORTATIONS Are now arriving. See my Line of Photograph - Albums, Ky =" Last year I gave you the Best Value in the City, and this year I am striving to do even better. N. A. BOSWORTH, 17 MARKET STREET, STRATFORD FARMERS, LOOK. daving been informea sae fa ah ai Leajers offer interior LARDINE We i) ay ee. = wo y ONE DEALER IN EVERY TOWN, so Farmers will knew where to ge the leading Hrand, many tr to imitate it. be sure you get the GENUIKE LAKDIN ch, meneiananed McCOLL BROS. « And Sold en!y in Stratford b: Co., Toronto, " JEFFREY BROS . Hardware Merchants. BIG BARGAINS! Teas, Syrups, Canned Fruits, Coffee, Baking Powder, Canned Vegetables Sugars, Spices, Canned Meats. All the Best Brands of Wines, Brandies, Whiskies, Ales, Porters, Tobaccos and Cigars, WALSH - BROS' Where you are sure to Ret the Best Value for your pesos THEGLOBES Sines READY FIRST WEEK IN DECEMBER, A GREAT HOLIDAY PAPER New Type, New Press, Fine Paper, Five Handsome Lithographed Plates; First-Class Titustrations, eB Se Matter and Superior Work THE BEST XMAS. PAPER PER EVER ISS ISSUEDAIN CANADA. - aT ELITERARY. MATTER in 'the Crnierwas-Gtome wil be a : and: will-include'stories from the ablest pens in Canada. The wabjects a being wholly Canrdian FIVE HANDSOME LTTHOGRAPHED PLATES accompany the paper, the prinei- pal one being a scene from Vancouver Park, B.C + from a painting by Mr. L. R. O'Brien, the celebrated Canadian artist. MECHANICALLY the Xmas Girone will be in every war first-class and ne expense will be spared in having it surpass anything of the kind heretofore published in this country AS THE DEMAND will be very great, we would advise intending purchasers ct} to leave their orders at their sce ee direct to this office, not later than the end of the present x ag tbe | will. necessarily be Kasited" COPY. order to allow plents copies long distances s $0 48 to reach destination nefoen Christmas. THE GLOBE PRINTING CO., Toronto. THE WEEKLY GLOBE, the best in ape at family newspaper _ | Roth trom now t "4 sapenateesyretearenciranrsnateiei best agricultural paper in Can PSM a Dee Arsortment of Tr: ruuke, Valisen and PER It is intended to have the edition ready the first week in December in 2 TTR pre corn eee ener ee oe sein =

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