Stratford Times, 28 Nov 1888, p. 4

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zi -- * Fi Se = ? ssa a ; aie . WES &N Kansas City, Nox, 2 ~ New Advertisements This Week: Death of Mr. Foster. CONGO CANNIBALS Ce Rie hb gel deena ae it Murdered . : . arte oe e ae ' 4 aster, ; diate 'aney coi ¥ 2 Bargains --A. Memel & Co. Tuk FATHER OF THE FINANCE MINISTER = Son ef Ler - aenke seems SE oneued _ . - _ -~- 7 7 a r o, Suis Week--Bradshaw & Co PAsKES AWAY AT THE ack oF 82 A PRACTICE WHICH THE TRISTS ets' am then "4 Bi a " - ait a How TWO a: SaeeIN- SERRE CONVICTED. rust are-- 7 s te reg ia eniteeee , Johnaton Abral mr, ; --_ ENDEAVOR TO CONCEAL. habsuet Gertie Mo datatte are xiven " trate City Book Store--.J. He Dafton &t. Jchn, N. B, Nov, 22.-Mr Jh 5 Fort Smi Ark., Nov. 2 the moqi Ciothiers--Thorston & Douglas. Poster, of Apohi agin, shied last night age e---- The Thorold Post says n Tueaday Singular murder case that has been = re ee ~~ Heise to R ent--3ira Geo. Hay. 42. flia son, the Minister of Finapoe, 8a | Bandreds of Victims' Skalts Arranged in evening week Mr. Moderwellaod Mr.Geo, . the Federal oe ¢ \eare terminated te - brio tore Kastner Bros. ' hand wil! remain ti . Garden were getti ee ee aoe Saree het Seti i? > . woe sith, him at his death and wi Rows Around the [uts--¥5 the METS gi ot Payteheer et: aro : . : 0 Tremendous--Dasrid N. Howg & Co. sfter the f: mre «hen be will ret&rn t % aa on & trne ff net noticing that the cellar W. Miver « Weiam: Woods, two, pre H W ABOUT FURS ? How About Fars' W. J: Ferguson. Meses, Th cased was a worthy Wear Trikes for a supp! y of Mamas door had been left ' pen Mr. Moderwe/] | Mminent cibzcts Danesan Counts aecemn ~~ Meptared-and Detonnet er EEE eee Te cpcced in the reals tilted-thd bes over freer eRUREW =o hat tant-Novemnbor ieee tcaminiatanas } My Patrons-- Mrs, MJ. Deacon. anity. the track, whieh heir t, hacking up a ste - Woods lait aii wih an old «choo! = ate Far te Pent, «Ngee el mcs te et leeeeeed ma, Fruit- K Barnsdale & Cs * eer oy : in the effort, and fell down the treacherous 804 friend, named Johnny ants t and the cenal present wit} te reqained. Deen's Sachin For Sale or Rent --dohn Silt int East Northumberland. trap-deor, breaking bis left arn st above bunt in the i: Territery. Ta ; : Y be - ---- en ae the wrist. ou beeg: rently we tked up & compani nib -- sec ig terete SESAME Ea ST Cece "Sir. Joho Wilkinson. of Cheltcoham the ae et Yer we BY A MAJORITY OF FIFTY-THEEE, hes been at a loss for some ties te « oon. The y were gone three m nt sa a or Fines. -- . counttor the ama wantity of mile ai sila pare * ee ' mOGE Brighton, Ont,, Nov. 21 The electiot by his cowsevery nivht. The mvstery was fe sted nd abana @aits : to fill the vacancy in the House of Comunone eolved recentiy fe dincorered that a anls wa ivan, and & kesrehing pat £1 cr. 'BUTLER, EDITOR ait: PRCPZIETSS. for Kast rthumberiand tovk place to of eight 1 uf ths etd } : his body on \ ni 8 day and resulted in the Conservative van p the hacit af ot ing ov their hind Buia ipl sti vase hi Th didate, Mr, Cochrane, ex Mo OP., being } guing trom cow & e enti ad i lilier's p owe b Terms: 1 st per Year, in advance. | +. f 3 vi yen cireumiatantial, end ' eles ted by a maj ' . had been « pleted to , => SST om At the. general ele "ti n "Ye Mallors wn satisfaction 9 \ } y Was : ' ty ' f Tm whee y 12m ity, 4 . e ' 2 s dog trate a Wepwesnay, Nov. 25, 1888 a sig? ce "nn < Homes om b>: Daslin, No 2h. The meetings an- | ey. rived man he d: fused t J wet inn r reat VAL 4-i5> C ae aa Mallory was rare ated, am! Mr. Cochrane ae _ a nal sand the Sac oie Ler manctgirn | leave tie plage of ite traeter * Murder, &f 5 a Ets Teri Of ihe ai esios o rer ty ' wretiete £ aieice for the p sixty) Millien. lected by a sma'! may} patty ; a ee ats wore} lela by the Uawereniit. j mare ' om rs s ont -- . meaty meek oni : 'ane turn unstated, with the aires fw cantticte oceirred between the People land Sitter are poses sectabin 4 3 of BT STAY) Gear, aetiaian, Gare and gat, alec a We reat 'a follows in ¢ the Patriut, a revalt iain haiti and the poli he must serints disturt. | Kansas, and several prominent gites --_ eof benver, sm) and puts cope and ed at Concord, New Haaj Berlin's Prearen. an <p ns at Inalk -- A despatch recei- | neys from that State were engaged in their --_ Hitefurmyou are after look in af th rom there at alate hour to might says defence dSeted <1 : Famers in Chester are offeret 65 cent> =" er ; tose fe ssor Hit atey y Lowe mnced f | thet the police were har, sing ian ail dizce- | = oueessci W. OO PERG a barrel for ageus, while 'the barrel, Herlin, Nev. a. ~ Au ae mat pd if ofa wan re the | ti ns, and that a mogist ad threatened A th Whitechapel © + v RUUSON ong -pospas. bats and drawing to the statio: ot ge ade operaticr i gv? Part os or pe we marks of the t he t that ju he unfor | to give orders to the police to fire op th nother ilechape utrage 21 Market NS: oosts 69 ade known, and althecgh not 1b exe unate erisoners thetic d feat li, ar od Stank ¥ moh. . Se other went apples from the orchards ef the State of New Hampshire are seliing at five cents a barrel! And yet it will te = that the ane of thateection hav abi--the-benefite of ** unrestricted" trade with the sixty seilllena of people in the Urited States. With applea in New Engian} at five cents a barrel and onions in the Western States at 12) cents a bushel, there w: seem to be an opening o =* * eertax torn kied for the competition of Can dinn produce. Would. the farmeis ef @atario consider themselves much helpea, the however, by the freedom oi mareta F apgles god onions at such prices ~- 200s tre Canadian ortuary Statistics. "(Prot the bo Rousice. ) The monthly statement of the number of deaths, with the sexes © d » for, Octover, by the Department of. Agriculture at Ottawa, shows a. marked dwpr-portion between 1 males and espa as ee with the general ve the returns : "jee ee o ne more important @entres of population; and sa aperegale ot .madgn jm places "Test sane 1s shown to have ye hyn 1 females by no fawer than ono totala being :-- -» Males, 7143 "females; - 622. exaetiy seven deaths among males to six or sixteen and two-thirds anong females, per cent. of the former. more than of the latter 16 18 pot easy to account for so a difference 43 on the rome omgp ride, 1a Samales aa 98 waies having died from these causes. Out ofa total of 583 deaths caused by the to in this class. It is highly satisfactory to : note the general immunity of the --- frou amallpox, one death only being as- ts Bigvalie to this cause out of a total of 1,326 accounted for in the returns. These tables are not, of course, by any means full statistics of the mortuary r-turns for the «hole country, but they are quite suiticient as a general indication of the ith of the coumemiter, their valag would be ureatl uf of the : several Bs ee: referred to were given, so actual death-rate in each and the aviage paeladies rate. be compa sndcompared. Ax they are now issued no santa can be instituted between any 0 iovalities ae to theirrelative health:- bib ; all ieee be inferred from their idea is that the sanitary condition cf the community at large may be considered to be fairly nati factory. -- + + +0 The Knights of Labor. In dianapolis, <; 22:"The question of ection still penrre e minds of the del-gutes to the Knights of Labor General Aseemiily. Every one now acknow: the certainty of Mr. Powderly's election, and his choice for other positions will be the choice of the canvention V Hayes,-the present general sccretary, i. said ts be Mr. Powdefly's choice for gen eral see y and iaaedter. Mrs. L. M. Burry S ine joubterily be re-elected to ber position in charge of the women's work, and Richard Griffiths, of Chicago, My continue we ave as general worthy fore man, A Canadian memper is desired. 'MrA W Wrisht. of Pte is the ane whom the Northern delegates w miggest for the surestive board, ron the South there is ® request for re- presentation on the board, A secondary m tier of agitation is the next place of f-last year itis a very good showing for « ome of 7,000 inhabitants. The build- ings erected are 175, Valued at FIS85,525 Besides this there is the water works con ion, with..o.toner._I10d fect nigh. which cost the, town $90,000, The operations next year are expected to ex ceed this year's, ae the new Opera houre is to be built, the street railw "y , aod in all probability, the r. branch. At present there ix «quite a boom in real estate and several big deals have Leen made of late. Cc, ------+ G. T. RB. Collision Near Mamil- ton. Hamilton, Nov. 24.--About n@dnight, or atan any hour a aarne. a col- lision, the Trunk. Hail- way main line abeut three miles east of Hamilton between freight trains Nos, 37 -and 139. Both freight trains were mie west at the time, the one in advance but a few minotes abead of the tight train se, it. a fasigiohe some a ge Wilftame' oil eteny: sor ped up sprit and the engine of 139 me to its rear be- freight, ee cars o& the same ptrato,_s were socked and the engine. of ry wreck. ~ 6 engineer and fireman of the latter jomped and ped unhurt. N n jm The loss" will amount to several thousand dollars. The main line was blocked for several hours after the accident, but by noon the line was cleared and traffic resa BURGLARS ATTACK 4 BUTCHER IN HIS OWX SHOP, BUT ARE BEATEN OFT, , Nov, 23.--Geo. who owns « meat-market in the outskirts of the city, and resides in the rear, had a desper- ate 'fight with two arglers yesterday 'a scalp wee laid o Se eres Eeahion with a cleaver, Soe the blow floored him. By the time his feet, the second man fer} veer one a badly cut hand, Burgra ine had her left cheek laid open by a stab from the cleaver, exposing the teeth 'and jaw-bone, and his sister-in-law had the thumb of her right bit the bone, rin -- is criti- _ ee. the station the pi "year fd H his as Henry Walter, 4 s.yoara old ssid 'thet the job had Fh some bid y his companion, who knew that Burgraff's cus- tomers, who work in the factories there- about, always pay him on Wedvesday. rn 1 ad Blown to Atoms. | THE TERRIBLE RESULT OF THAWING OUT DYNAMITE CAKTRIDGES AT prae FIRE. Saratoga, . Nov. "RRA Thom Mills, about two miles north of oo pint there are avout 250 men = exca' will beduaien for power At th . noon hour to-day, a group a tive of there men were eating their dinners around a fire at which half a dozen dynamite cart- ridges were ea thawed for use in blast- ing the canal. A frightful explosion took place, by which Peter Haghes, a quarry- man of Rald Mountain, and John MocGin- nis, of Valley Falls, were literally torn to pieces, and three others injured so that their lives are despairea of, ughes was holding a cartridge in his hand to fens its temperature at the iota of the expic- sion, and one of his should ers was ar Mihai could. be found b: the. lor man remains could -be recognized, Hughes leaves a widow and seven children, cGinnis was t 23 years old, married, fat had no children. The injured are approac' '4 caboces of No, 37, -- was the leading along thr 1 sald half the sknils he <a mar w were sin iilarly WARRING ON WEAKER THIF: The middie course of the Congo --_ a try stent 100 mies abore "Nyangee to fr Jock ©, some 1,200 miles down the river. end > tributaries on both sides 'ef this part ef the river ae > the regio: s where nearly all of the C: onee tahni ara found. They are net known near the sources of the river nor near its month. The traveler from dak Lyanysna to Nyangwe on the Congo pte, siren a country ' 'wurpansingly beautiful," tigitone called it, which is the "a of cannibal Manyema. When a slave or poo oy belonging to a caravan dies tm their country they always wish to bury the body, o ering grain or vegetables in xchange. vinake war on the weaker tribes around en. To one explorer they justified cannibalism on the that their neighbors were thieves and ought to eaten. *'They come here," they said, "and steal our bananas, amd so we chase and kill and eat them." The near} country abounds. with « great. variety of animal-and vegetable food, and Living- stone said there was no reason for Man- seme cannibalism €xteplu deugex Kir jo It must not be sxpgoes o that all of the Congo. cannibals. seek -- habitual! The Qaeen has fallen into disgrace with | the extreme Home Rulers. Majesty. ears, on hearing that Lady Mount. dered ap 1 mutilated in Whitechape!, The t waatres had fainted onder Sir Charles | coliseisumedia eeordnn errand Penge 4 cross-examination, sept ber the prem ses god an enormous crowd let: or a telegram. Upon this satirical gatbetr 1. a . j iu Lendor pares negr "E ne were cublished ia Lendon, ' B iiive stigation | of the reported murder ar yesterday's FP. man's Jor nal Pesos reteals the fact that the woman was only plaina that the Queen's kind enquiri wounded in the throat, She stated to the ate confined to the wives of Irish lendiorde. Lady Mountmorres, however, is not the the wife but the widow of an Irish lan tord who wee nurdered, Axoruer Lec icy.--Mr. Wilber Vanat- ter, of St. Gearge, Ont., has been informed that his bachelor ancle 'at Syracuse, N.Y., phad left apa will) 609 acres of land oe which are wells, va well as $5,000,009 _ anatter's inten. to enter ou the seal of his claim asa che! heir, All wish hini success, So expected b esteemed en r. Rudell, will snrily boom this ance for the | next few years.-- Brantford Erpovitor Deseronto, Nov, 24.--A terrible acci den at the big a mill of ee ere dot Sepesead « Company morning. Felix Cautre, a man about yey ) year of age, was wes cenpleyel oa't on rei rep ong saws and in Lowden, "ow. 21. -- Great excitement was occasioned this morning when i wes re ported that ancther worran had heen mur police that a man visited her lodgings and ruddenly attacked heg with @ knife. She strogg! fed and ecreawed and the man be coming alarined fled, derer Was chased fally saccecded in eluding his woman pistes that she will be identify her assailant. ly exp naee, Nor. 21,--In the opinion of the police the assault on the woman in the Whitechapel lodging house last night is not connectéd with the previous ontrages in the neighborhood. They do not think tthe infamous Whitechapel murderer uraueis. » fully able to His arrest is hour- had any band in last night « affair, The oman s assailant is not yet arrested: London, Nov. 2T.--The woman attacked inthe W hitechapel district this morning has recovered suthiciently to tell aguostlung 5, of fhe man who wounded her. She say he is about thirty years old, tall, fair ond ply. themes he _ fie: Maa of é the Man . Timit --m pene to eating the bodies of those who are killed in battle or whodie. ( eron sald thé Manyema consider the flesh of men fhuch superior to that of women. physical-superiority; and their handsome women are much sought after on slarge. | by the Arabs, who now- support se' vations in the Men pene country, here as well as further down the Congo are seed mu h to destroy the practice of cannibal bal 'tribes 'are with fear rrence si all who are not ad- dicted to the tice it not been have solved the problem of the "Con, a -- of cannibalism extends from sea sea. Horace Waller wrote abe the tribes of Lake with the utmost herrer and disgust." THOUSANDS OF CANNIBALS, The densely wooded regions between Nyangwe aud Stanley Falls are the homes of many thousands of canni- bals. The W areege. nae Wesongoro pan. and the are the best wiamong these ah00" tribes. A large part of the territory they inhabit has not en Visited, but in some of their vill along the river homan skulls are found' lining the streets, and human thigh bones, and vertebr= are piled up-in Gee heaps shall cat Vajimi meat today," was the ery with which they sallied forth here and there to do battle with Stanley. At Stanley Falls h- sank in the river tho bodies of 'two of his men whom they had killed to keep them out of the clutches of the ---- hese tribes, who s yea o warmed by thoukands along the: river, have now buried themselves in the for- ests, the -- having taken oo Tween agg the river banks -- be' 2 yengee ane Stanley Falls. A little below the Bangaln tribe Gren- fell and Yon. anaan thre "' years ago, found thousands of cansibals along tite thickly populated 'Tehuapa affluent, which they ascemied for more than 300 rules. These tribes, ali of whom speak the same language, did not pretend to deny their weakness for human flesh. 'They share with the Man era tho peculiarity 'of pre- ferring to eat me nd the ydo t ot 5 silt women for food Ther 1 to give eas pcrigairiek chas¢ so for be few Ss : sone Traxcois sayn they partic ularly covet tod his fat Bornki interpreter... Once. fellows surrounded t preter, ees a Bis Rens, a d him on ata... wae drawn on to io saws. oe saw cut hia ead open, exposing the brain, -- nearly cut off his left arm, while the third split his left foot open, Both jane werealvo badly tut, He was immediately ta to his home, where the arm was amputated and the other wounds dresned by Dr. Nanton. He withstood the opera- tion finely and may recover from the acci- dent, -He had been ill but a short time and has w large family. A remarkable instance of feline daring ount Forest the other who lives near the that puss wn fish, and, in order to satisfy himself a "a this, watched the cat, which went ee = river, and going out on a log, ched th soon reached out quickly with its two. front paws sad anatched a goorl-sized fish from thew: --fully six inches in length which it it » its mouth and walked ashore. a it is taken into considera- tion cate are invariably-averse to water, this feat of Mrs, Morgan's cat is a A Nove Meprcat Cowscntatios.--A Victoria, B. C., despatch says:--The ©. I', R. Company's telegraph was one Sores recently brought into service - a man that su lities yr the future. Lord ese sing heie to the éarldom of Listowel, ia lyirg at the t of death at the hospital here with typhoid fever, attended with other complications Through Sir Donald A. Smith, who isnow in London, a telegraph circuit was, made from London to Victoria by the Mackay- Bennett cable and C. I. it telegraphs, andl Sir Andrew Clarke in Loaodoa was placed in direct consultation with Dr. Hanning- ton in Victoria. A _converastion, foro: three hours g the atient's condition, was carried on. unbroken cirenit was work toria to = Mackay-Bennett cable office in } York, where the ---- were ted "to "London on were ore salted in three or four orl Lord in a dangerous His from Eaniampre, though still condition, ix somewhat better to- day. father, the Farl of Listowel, sails (Jucenstown by the Cx tie foie SIX BABES AT OSE Tati Chicago, Nov. 17.--Mes, George Hirsch, of Navaroo county, Texas, gave birth to six children on the afternoon of Saturday. The mother and children are doing weil, and the father is trying to be bappy. A reporter who visited the hom about 1 a. people present, ell arcataiog t There are four, boys and two girla. The father, George Hirsch, ts 31 and bis wife. 27. They had been married e three beaid the recent accession. on Monday evening at the necting ad the munici perma and it is feyoreeny.. regarded 'dele. Some think an adjournment may be taken on taeatdig alee. wr feok for from one to two weehe longer stay inthis. city... se. Vo Pawierty heb been re-elected General Master Work - man of the K: of L., and Morris Wheat, as Edward Cammings, of Thotmoa a Millk, aged 28; Joseph Hoy, of Bacon Hil, aged 23, and James Wilk: tain, aged 30. Two of the wounded men, were uncenscious wp to a late hour, and not expected to surtive. The explo- are sion waa felt tos several miles, 'and the | most intense. wailed: procionigre geen Russian Murderers. the Bata. eri nd begged the whites te y Tewgrd i the ir friends nip by oun- > making thenre o-prgearot the men Cor. ew Lork Sun. Serer green Cerorants Fishing te China. Sometimes several shers form Pe , tid start 2 To- © business They i invest in'a shallow punt, aad @ regi- ment of perhaps twenty or more of these : at, either. wach havin Ya hempen Grd | eniy. $2,000. A, W. Wright, of Toronto, @ot.; T. J. Holland, ot Jacksonville, Fls.; "Pittsburg of Ohio, has been ¢! General +} solemn Ts "Foreman tina eg A murder tax" occurred SEGiravare, fof the punt. - oe Dneecter sa lnvntign a Bs Russia, is one of Ssories oro ae irestor = many: hit was chosen to hapel butcheries, except that in acre event van one at tthe Paria Exposition. tion therewith there septs of supersti- | the cormora: t that if eAlary} tion pot yet rere in the motives actua- Bat been her at $5,000, he a accept | ting the kos 8 end. The corpse of a te ste any it may catch. Thott, at & given , all nts gine into the water, ap- parently well awar of the disadvantage of scaring the prey. Their movements below the surface are' Very swift and graceful as they dart in or ewe after ~ eggaele two nts arrested for burg ae The dead « handkerchiet was gia in their The te confessed to. to having macdered the<aiel pursuit of s fsh-or an eel, and giving its nip with their strong, hooked el low it, and continue hanti Somet they do not return to the surface till chav have secured «¢retal Ssh, and their. 'the throat just below the [7 >> descent, and named the boy Mills, Cleveland, and a are Victoria and ee Alla but very small. "all "seem healthy. The Hirsch poor, and the mother isa large, healthy woman The babies are pall comet to sees aerve stems A After Twenty! aty-Five Years. rex vii zinc ee Broek ville. Ont... Nor. "ah. Abeck the time of the United States civil way damps Shannon was merried to a Miss Laughlin, of-thia town, Not being able to obtain employment, he enlisted in the Northern Army, Nothing was afterwards heard of rere and the young wife finally concluded she was-a whl She then mdved to Cleveland, Obio, where she married Mr J. G, Wilson, a prominent citizen sf that city, re eo James Shappon, after betna foo: tegare the TK "Fallway- . the terntinns, about four o'clock p. ™.. bringing starve oumber of excar ie 8 ---- faye fe. B = bye ee the 'road. amid ehpering. 4 large crow: iy Hop of their et alate doers A erupe that they! to procure fat with which t+ make a candle, believing that the burning of a catul le made from the tat ofa human Hows eo f tee. t ayteits the tail of a fish 'protrades front Stping Hin Thea 'they yeturn: to the surface, and atthe bidding of their keepers dis a gl their prey. one an one, Ge ars a elated. itke a child. Lsither killed. ina. for bis wife and te 3 hark the story Br He was mock affected, and cried He expressed hin intention eveta pert! with Soong new v husband he will not Rite it tates oro bare edn» Bere to- ea Hirsch is of German wile ts 7 } MIDBURIWS-4ROM Bes Fortine the Sa ae wears @ light" moustache. ie was well dressed; spoke witha purely accent and from his conversation was evidently well acquainted with White- chape! and the habits of the women there. THE tame of the intended victim of to-day is Frames. From the information which ashe has given, the police have gained new confidence, and believe they can run the murderer down. reds people ---- to the locality when the news of orning's affair dy as it did rapidly, but the police took charge of the premises immediately and allowed no one to leave or enter the ia another Roce dated Port:mouth. Here it is :-- *Dese Boss,--It is no good for you to look for me in London, becanse I am not re. Don't trouble yourself about me till I retarn, which wilt not be very long. I like the city too well, a leave it long O, that was sacha jolly job, the last one; I had plenty of time to do-it ly ha! Th- next lot I mean to do =e vengeance--to cut off their head and arms You think it isa man with a black mus- tache. Hat hat hat When T have done ee you can catch me. So good-bye, r boss, tilt ret tn. Yours, * Jack, tax Furrer." The letter is in the same hand as the one received just before Mary Kelly was murdered, Oe oe The Mercford Troubles. ANOTHER ACCOUNT OF THE RECEXS TROCSLER NKAR I igecaiiiigas ILLE, Paquetteville, Que., Nov, 20.--Thomas Van ayke @ od some forty armed men came here yeatentay te recover the two locenio tives and other property which the Italian laborers ow the Lhereford :oad had take: to secure the payment of Some of the Itulluns were armed, but the majority were not, A Justice of the Peace real the Riot. Act/and thenthe party fired. Thee Italians were wi unile,. one, itie raid, fataliy, Many ct the Italians have leftand others are stil! eiting for. thete September oe Van Dyke and his men repaired «@ broker bridge av] removed the looomotives.. The Italians did met fire One of their nurhber eannot--be acc onnted for, and it ix pot known. whether he was kidnapped o whether he fled. Heston +e Brave ts the Pate of of Death. . One day doring the last partof the war Dr Willis Westmoreland-as dressing the wound of a soldier who had been shot in the neck near the carotid artery. Suddeniy the blood vessel. gave way, and jast as quickly the surgeon thrust his finge © into the hole. ta stop the flow "gaid he, ** what mek that mean? It means death," said the surgeon. "How long can I. live?" ssked the soldier, whose mind waa perfectly clear. ** Untill I remove my finger," said Dr, Westmoreland. The soldier asked for pen and pa wrote-hia will, wrote an afectionste le fetter to die. wile, aud when these were done said lett i ** Let it t go." BaD Waa. *{ dead -- me 'Tie body of the brave fellow was burlet "Hear Oakland 'and--every yeat since ~ Dr Westihoreland has gone on a and placed flowers on the grave. This year when Memorial day came the doctor was at Salt Springs. He left the scene of Atlanta, and carried was calm _ For pone ae Disorder: and Avid anak} Meltons; velvet collars: $50. The surgeon withdrew his finger, the hed ; Thornton Douglas. Now's the time for Over- coats:. we have them in endless variety, Brown union Melton, tweed lining, $4.25. Fancy Worsted, bound with velvet collar, $5.00. Brown. Beavers $6.75. Fancy Black Worsted; bound, $6.25 and $7 00. Fine 'Biue Nap, velvet colkit, $7.60. Brown and Oxford mixed Checked and plain Tweeds, $8.00, $8.50 and $8.75. Heavy all se driving Ulsters Tweed linings, extra long, double breasted, with wide collars, plain and_fancy_.pat- erns, $7 75 and $9.50. Fine Dizgonal Worsteds, bound, colors Black and Brown, $10. Boys' Overcoats, $2.50 10 $6. 50, with or without capes. in Tweeds, Meltons, Naps etc., all sizes. Youths' $3.25 to $8.75. Our stock is the ' largest, and you'll find on com- parison. that our prices are the lowest.._It will cost you noth- ing to take a leok-and becon- vinced,-Overcoats to order at all prices, from $10.00 up, in all the latest materials, styles, and fit correct. Pants to order which were $3:75, $4:00° and $4.25, for 3.50. "Bargains in Tweeds by the yard, 35c., 42c. and soc. Call and get samples. Bear in mind that we keep nothing but men's and boys' goods, giving our whole atten- tion to that line. Consequent- ly we are better. prepared to furnish you with goods of that description than the general dealers. THORNTON & DOUGLAS Tue Onry Strictry Onet- Prick CLOTHIERS IN - STRATFORD. 1% Market si. Ss tf Tepes: 1 ON RREAPURERRORESND IF ITN ERENT RRETTIS ENT 8 7 Out. Johnnie's Awful Fate. FRI PS PCAP EPROM AN ATI, HANGS, HIMSELF, - Mount ¥ cant Y. Nor. 24. --Coroner tou Ww Rice held an i ¥ een ing on the bol Johnnie Pain, eix a and = hal ai, te hang himself by ia Garden street, nee, "Reche he! hips ape "ag resaey is brother Willie, four years old, locked up together in the attic of w vaild- ing while. The gresduasther-s of the boys, living in the. years : totally 'bind, and "Was anable 'te look |S ery whitch 's neighbor, --Jobnnie; tiring of his duress, and find- ing a piece of clothes-line in the attic, told his brother that ke would let Be down to the grou ttzacted © . who procired « ladder ard ak the lad down. Life wes extinct, is very ome SS AROMATIC OU QUEINE biliows: ot iqnare white mire: Selese: Coeae ted Sod Vallone bisneimact

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