soa pitatiatziemipieryermetaatint ie eens cmthansieatens | iD eee ~ SPENT FOR PIMASURE. a &N ARMY AT SEASIDE RESORTS AND | ' PICNIC GROUNDS. New Vorkers Puy for Seereation | Dering the Summer Seasow--Pijures emcee EG, Bay. Tay chee, Aerorstrae Tries Very Hard to Enjoy Himseit, A mere glanes from the vantage ero hich tie Brooklyn bridge affords is cut ' a Putin' one with the vast nan og eg w lake sag = dba tT - tho bay af | + beets this whiel they daring 7 her end Beira tar from on i of wiireds ic r the 'Christmas- 'and. New. Year's BARGAINS _-- -- FURNITURE, raw a | ei « JOHNST ON ABRAHAM " Ontario Street St ratford. Call and In Hand ome Sarl 1 Suites and Hanasornie Kedraom Setts spect his S We Substantia! and well Firished. Di ining- Room and. Hal! Furniture. ee BOOMING BUSINESS "CHEAPSIDE: - GOLDEN UNICORN, STRATFORD. .. wie -- LIT Bs out Where to pet Reliable and can aftord to take p + tan tine People finding - Cash in hand, iy the Largest DawWs Sates yet. Pasa ak | wt Prices. cell only WEES : 'ress tloods, nice tinish, 1Oc.; better, 124, chpap. Men's Shirte 19, 25 up to 75e, intorters, very tin, Merveill onx, ently * .] cs ad TRE BR SD haley tiles cc 28 ase Tala Mian incainn. -------- mS . aos aes months of warm we cither as teie: - os daily ailout i tren Hiren. « ers "aos "Syiety days - dean te venty-five cents. The a : Specialty by Mr. Doneld McBeth 1 Acall before Christmas respectfully solicited. T need almost exc! T sively pay © Year after yea Seiliig ioe varsty "ubaowied "by three ar] four Gi ere meitton, and by "then 2] it t % do3 are d yeni eairons of A et A Sleaiet? or a sre and a te rhodt have no app. oat T row fy thea igi 'borhenst of 140 "y as _the 'y can be. t enraged. Tes aft Seda: y they iva ave 1! wh moorings 'ith crowds of persons aboard and re- sound with niusie and "4 wncing and langh awev into the hisht. They asus ally earry about 1,000 pe sons cach. and with thix number there is plenty of room for all sorts of amusement. Therefore there are inthe Meighborhood ef 140,000 per- bound 16 almost all poiuts slong the ronnd and the shores of the Iludseon river. As an estimate of what these 140,000 Pleasure seekers spend to find the prize ste 'y are ap a few figures will - inter- sorologists place one among welay or cloudy days. Of course, sate: does not shine. prettily and there is. prospect of a steady downpour during the excursion the girls stay or obvinus reasons the ' that may be Sak fitted for excursions revente of a single day is something like this: Rent for bargeand> tug, $150; rent: for pleiié $50. These average charges would make the receipts of the owners the barges and parks amount to $28,- OO aday, but as there are only about sixty ple asure groands within reach from thig city, aud-as the majority of exeur- #ions use two +s, for ick the usual eharge is $125, this total will be mate- rially decroased. A fair estimate, there- fore, of tho receipts of barge and tug ad lessees of plenie nds 000, The receipts of the on which prepare for the excur ns are much ter than this, Al- cele a liberal hep at lerst 100,000 re of the bay and tof the summer allots: ent of 120." It is a decidedly poor excursion wh rere the ticket costs no more average is about: thirty-tive cents. For liquors, fuficheons, use of swings, and tho like at rad picnic groutids, few amon the excursionists spend lems thy then fifty cents, so here is 2 grand total of the in- come of the day's excursion of $85,600, which, added to the $17,000 paid to the ener. gives a result of $162,000 which New York's pienickers expend for a day's outing, and which -- & season's total from the ciass of person? who. use barjes 2a means of getting from the city to the pleasure grounds of $9,150,000. The fact, then, that cxcursion agents and tho-like lead an idle and-lisnrious tife during the w inter months is not necessa- ry. But the army of persons carried by the sioumt ba s nothing in numbers to the resnlar routes of ste get to the seas The sea- eon re Coney Islan a extends over fifteen Je Trsous 6 island daily during the sca- fon ts 12: 00. amavaiig to the Statem? nt » oldest hotel keepers al ong _ The average Dg of an ex: Ket is forty-fi ¢ cents, thus nal tothe transpuriation . Ape "SM, no matter is in g 10 or in B prrty ar "8 than sé is w arthy ef the | dis rabbers of the 'be ach Ww 2,000. This gives a gra i total of (000 aday. or BG00,000 Bor the in. daring ordinary weather. The: warmer the agperatons is the higher the daily Byes bat #9 pr acipal of. "toeee ave Recka oe fobent way "The daily} P 19,000; mmer is about 5,009. she oilfr re- ad of 8,000 At FY pss capita to » Coney have i in the neighborl: person 13 visit them daily, 1.20 ap) saland. this ERAT igive aa total< r - the to get_a at these. pk Bra Thus, adie to een te nates which are given by transportation preons 'daily leave the ' in. wm reezes and find them at a coat 'af $167,- OO a or $16,085,000 for the season. Ther has: 'the rounts 'of ee oct that. Americans take no hoali- «ays, but wear themselves out with con- 4muous work. But the owners of pleasure boats are aot limited to the simmer months 7: vhich to reap profits. No sooner does @ol weather come than there is an imme- south by all craf us to ave the steamers which may | IN Paper-bound Books--I keep Every article in his 'warerooms, marked | down to cost figures. Picture framing and fancy wood-work a JOHNSTON ABRAHAM. "S.& M." 2 but, in GAMES, it ts not what FIAVE we what HAVEN'7 T we for Eventng-Amusements ? Our TOYS are simply confusing in their number --- from 1c. up to $715 Toys. TOY BOOKS (hundreds of them), both paper and linen. GlF LT BOOKS i richest styles. lines, Some : eae N 'OL E LS. We have a large Supply. and have standing orders with Pablisnersto soma latest works as soon as published} We will not say anything to-dayabout our Pursesand Plush Goods, our Bibles and Albums, our Dolls or our Fancy Goods, but we have them all in great Variety and of Beautiful Design. SHAVER & M°PHESB, Ontarto-street, near Court House. Public and High School Books and Supplies xMAS FRUIT E. K. BARNSDALE & CO., Patras Currants all ready cleaned for use. Selected Valencia Rasins, y Prime Layer Raisins, English Candied Orange, Lemon, Citron Peels, Pare Spices Cape Cod Cranberries, All other Fruits in Se: son. Great Valnes in China Sets, Dinnner Sets, Bedroom Sets, Largest Stock of Hanging Lamps in the City. Call and inspect before buying Elsewhere. E. K. BARNSDALE, Red and Green Front Market Square. CITY BOOK STORE. MY STOCK FOR THE HOELITDAY=TRADE; Is NOW ABOUT COMPLETE. the ae gest Stock ever shown in Stratford. The Prices will please you, they are so much lower than formerly. IN- GAMES and Toys---} feel Sure I can, suit all. : CHURCH Books--I keep all kinds." The Prices always euit the Purchaser, MISCELLANEOUS-- Reund. books---A. Stock- ee ever.__I-can supply Sunday: Sekpol Libraries: on as good or better terms . then the Toronto Houses do. "My business in this line last year was larger than any previous year, and all purebasers were well satisfied. SEE my, Stock of Dialegueand Recitation Books. ) the largest 'Stock in the City,' aad get all the Newest Works az soon as published. IN Tonic Sol-Fa Music Books--lI keep, " Presbyterian Hymnal,' * * Scot- tish Psalter,' * Hymnal Companion," *' Songs ana Solos," " Music Reader," ' Bouquet of Songs," "Music Course,' 3 books. J. H. DUFTON, No 1 OLD ALBION BLOCK. mong the Fl orids keys during the winter od trim: ~) ransport plensure seekers there with | eae: Tak Pay aa oe ek too, for, tote hp boo for-if the D 23 Sea TASH Ape tite; Padijestion, . Piliousa esa, Bese Dyspepsia, Jayhidice, dena of the sider he gE ' a 9 OF n Salt F Erysipeias, and all emi arising from ype "Blood, One of our princtpal | ~ Athome and Plnsti: Gaods.--In_these two Lines I claim to have | sof xr wna OR. BEAL BARGAINS. GO.. TO... rt rn ting Fiae i Suite Tens anid "« Owe i ry Millinery. Manth #, Mact 'tle "Cloths, Levats Goods. Never surpassed, Hardly Equaled, _ Will be the Bargains we will Offer for the next Three Weeks, at A. MACNAIR & Co's. We have an Immense Stock aud are overcrowded, and have made Immense Reductions to meet the geveral reductions iv all lines of Dry Goods. A. M. & Co. will always be found to be first in Reducing Prices. Never nave there been such Reductions in the Prices ot Seasonable Goods, right when the Goods are wanted. BARGAINS IN EVERY DEPaRTMENT. The Ladies will please take notice that we have marked down ourentire Stock of Fine and Novelty Dress Goods, with a view to closing out all before Christmas, if possible. GENTLEMEN! will be more interesting. Now, we say, aud say it unhesitatingly, that there is uo House west of 'Toronto that carries so large or as fine a stock of the best makes as we do, and our sales being large, we never have any old stock left on our hands. A few prices' of what we are selling at will no doubt be of interest to you. In Scotch Lambs' Wool, in sizes from 34 to 46 inches, we sell from $1 to $2.50, according to size und quality. In 3-ply Fingering Wool, warranted nou-shriukub e aud non- irritable, at prices that cannot be equaled Iu Cashmere and Merino, in heavy and light makes, of all the celebrated manufacturers Socks-in-all sizes. to match the above goods. 'The spot to buy your Fancy and Staple Dry Goods at, is The Popular and Progressive Stare of A... MACN ATE & CO. STRATFORD, NOV. 2617, 1888 TREMENDOUS! Rush all last week at DAVID N. HOGG & Co's great closing out sale: Last Saturday the best day yet. Our store crowded from morning tili night. THE PEOPLES HARVEST. We mean business when advertising this great closing out sale, as our entire stock must be greatly reduced by Ist Feb. So don't stand on the order of coming to see if we are doing | as we advertise, butcome, you will not be in our immense store long before you discover that we are honest in our announcements. and that if anything already quoted. Remember .all our. goods. are. marked SO low that all who are in need are sure to. buy. We 'would advise all who can to come early i in- the morning, as in the afternoon we are always crowded. Think carefully, decide - wisely, promply: , --_ _ --- --___- ---- Et "STRONG &--€o-- des was our intention +o--day to tell yeu something abet Prec WeEe of wnieh we shave a large variety, but as the weather has changed so, we think something about Underwear we are selling our goods less than those figures --_-- INN ae act 1 takes cama ete Derapged Stomach, Pacha toalenraest di ms nedigiapnternaoee aes enn 2-82 SNORE SYED OR ote tegpEN I TTS TEES 8) D> Rie age te