a hop, skip and ajamp, eharge through the the drammer such a fiek line again and 3 until it is thrown this. Many have the whole continent for { THE CARICOU ON ICE. Chinese Care of the Body. 5 , F Savana. en The Chinese fe-l the ut mest reptgn: } Now This Hamorous Animal Aranses. Him- to any mutilation of the body, mot on ac- aa: j self in Winter, count of the pain or the fear of death, -- J , : : After the ice has formed in November but because of the segtiment that it ise -- : E t is soon followed first by snows, and man's « tyto keep intact, as far as he ? Peng i then by thaws er rain The iatter con- can.'tl bod ywhich his parents hare be- ov <o MAN. YutU CANT lavess x ee ¥ For One Month I offer the Whole of my B verta the wat into sinsh, resting on the queathed phisny It for part « at y" thin by gettire a Thoreug a) k St ti F ice beneath New at sensible System < Sis kes "y is o neat ae. -- eer tae an G d ereature woukl keep away from such a no Peli i 4Rss.. af Stock of Boo 5, a lonery, cy 001 5, M mess. But not so the « aribor 'f ro toilt 1 c eo ae Chere Bae Yond "Bi pce hr makes thera gt tne rum wot 'i: ! a "FOREST: CITY 1 BUNS § 'tht BEC. (except School ooks), amounting to ; ' The herd gO ont Upen the | ein single : : os i hick tare sPECIat, COU ESE nies -- ---- we Ss seven at cs oryical operation. i. is well | Such tae a oCeksh COCe fo Ta 1486;500. 00); Six Thousand; Five Hundred ? t y wiajert to at Catalogue After they have ati 5] i 1 Gificult tein 3 \ they fall upon theie knes siete | Avoanas: WHSTERV ELT & yor 3 |Dollars, at Greatly Reduced Prices ! anata a ith the ru bi - red limb hela ° crab, sine ; ee a ee do this ia, na for as the writer hes thew + i s bert. tea be buries able to learn, & mystery ' a ine : wneron his death, of SOUTH EASTHOPE, _ My Sale of Last Year was so weil appreciated by my Customers eet wl -- ave a This latter mothed has ar oo oie wale and the Public generally, that I determined to give them another Perhaps, to use ons of | the | :o > teen to | Cone et Pie ee aa ee ae Who is H e 2 | opportunity to secure Goods at the Lowest Possible Prices, and at abars ae ter am beh oS wn ee eee dius * |the same time serve myself by making room for my Purchases nubridled libert tui hich i adi Lacth. wt Lev ¢ cure cost apie pagatont 4 f G od fi th H liday Trade which this year h ve n tion of the fivarer, ° ! Hiad r fa Joerph Kiss, award uuder fquishiwn of Goods for the Holic , ave bee grandeur This is the n that, wi ' F otJ Mil or 2 Exceedingly Large and are Arriving Daily. indeed at times it seems t! which entered li a battle. th John snater, a lertion | utur ied , a erg a nl Bamene the nels capiane: eevee which entered tattle. th [eave Wr ? Evervbody Knows | i mac ag ' saremeneite singulor croaiiure mere papel tte hLinitctacl these Leake ~ Aart "rent weretige xr Trsnver PaRST THN? "i . -- "NOTE SOME OF THE DISCOUN z Ss: After awhile one will Stispend opers fr id. alse g ih 1. Weenel, wood te P ir. rei<, an indi . im 7 tiown, aetin tothink things over geuctally, other's | thie ween! ee ee 15 Disc. on all Cloth and Paper-bound Books.) Qa all. Par- whew 3 a Se, eae at ne wher, ant yw ye Duuik _ = : . i . oe ar = ms » mi ons a 3 } Save remvace un bibtae. 'ownline QO . 10 I fymn Books ol all kinds, chases of $1 ' flavor and prod and soak | it with the Gpite Ae gg Wath Koathvpe and Kast 4 r.m, to» He Oscupies 29 Bibles, Albums and-Fancy Goods. > --agd--e¥er; mest vigor The assanited ai irty rises 'o ab te put Le rite K 7 Hoenig or se ator bas x fit ng culs w 6 5 e B} 1} B k ' its feet and meeli 4 placetothe Wrap up the eye o suhe ikober yan. clearing road ailow- Hesson S Old i.) = ne ' * "So intruder, which in. tar drops tpon 'Teeth aretreated in much the Fame way atice, Jade 2a 0¢ rc Stationery of all kinds } tgs M io 15 Stauoncry of a inds. } regularprices f ita knees end continues the Operat lons of Mik teeth are rewarded as a mere make k sates. 20. lL. sewers Versa St d 7 , its sor, while the ousted either shift of nature, and, therefore, not pos sautavers: core Sn cana 2 090 an : _-- passes--along the compliment by routing sessed of the dignity of adult teeth. 'The te Iteip, cierk. B { a q eat another or proceeds to dig a new spot latter are car fully kept when they come Market Street SO M EK S P C IA] A P R I GS S. for itae it perhaps all will lic out, or they are yround to powder and | aq Sciett mn Mesd is KC Pident ; e "y ' owed t for the f ot i . Peek ietctncerneantecd nc tie te mpacs Mesos sear Goss Indeed. And sells all classes of Goods} My Stock of Note Paper is about 270 inside of un ice cream fron ezer, chew the this subject is the practice, so freque vatly For Liver Complaint, for Bile, for Indi 7 1 O 000 . which wafit to oud in apparentiy the © acne of berine com- Commerided by the emperor, of making | sestion, for Heartburn, for Sick Headache; Chea' er than An Reams , Envelopes, 7 ' , i fo Next, one will slowly rise toast broth fos a sick parent out oe flesh cut an for aaiiteg of Soeees = a ~ 4 Pp y reduce one half. Below are the Prices that feot, round p fits back, and stretch itself, from the body of the hid, 'Tho eSicasy | 66, tare ane ebecwre itend ih Lockie s * * : survey its com rades to select the one of the practice is that it restores to the | Anti-bilious Pills, In use for about a con House in Stratford will do it a which secms most comfortable, and then, parent a portion of his own essence. | tury and « quarter "1 © Quire Note Paper, at 15, 20, 25 and 30c. Just Half Price i actuated by that perversity of disposition Viceroys are constantly begging for spe . --_-- § VYuires i ou aper, a 15, >, 25 and 30c, J t a ' i i eso often see and anatiematize in the cial rewards to be bestowed on children A Bank Thief Bagged. Call in and Look at His 5 'a is for 35 Cents. Regular Price, 7 75 Cts. y uman carly riser, proceed to stir it up who havo -- ated themselves for this a ' N Whi Snael . ' as . with hoof and horn, until it too gets upon oe -~North China Herald. A NOTORIOUS CRIMINAL RUN To £ARTH. SPLEN DID 1,000 1 '0. 6 White Enve opes ; reguiar price, $1.25; for 85c ° j its legs and joins in the game et I ti ith tt ' 53 },000 No. 6 " " uM 1.65 , $1.20 t Soon all are 'on their feet, vitae falling! The Army of Drammers. ,, 22 Connection with the recent arrest in ro ~ 3 ia one behind the other, move for the Tho army of commercial travelers from Toronto by Detectives Slemin and Davis O V BRCOATS | | 1,000 Na. y " " " "i 1.40; " 1.00 woods in single file, headed by tho leader New York city alone has been estimated |! the two men, Henry Hunter and Wm. ° 1.000 No. 7 " " " u 2.00; " 1.50 --always a ball, thou; gh not invariably at sixty thousand, and, in my opinion, Alexander, who are said to have swindled anne . 4 octal ie a the largest in the herd. They more off 'that is below tle nuniber. Boston, Phila. Aspe out of pre pound oy yiayieg For Men and Boys. 250 No. 6 nn " u 6 So; 4 35 ' at a walk, their heads hanging down proe- delphia and Baltimore are proportionatery | the confidence game, the police have founc = 220 Square « " i i IO: 4 Kr ; cisely like cows driven to pasture. Sud- re ecm Se rated. amd the "a Z sieeiy : town some itnportant evidence of the record and a aad square ; ar; * ad ' denly one. will yme possessed of a or even a village in the east that has not omg ge ye nen, yy = Re a M J . f devil, and, breaking from the ranks with g 00 * fr. ma ore Hnding ous bis recor a a e i a | ud,, breaking ; its contingent. In no geet! Mest Tic} also feend owt sncthet very impor- y These are a few of the Bargains ; impossible ae Linta te Thon. it willas-@-foraging ground, and -the ex 'suddenly fall into place, as demure as a drummer thinks no more of going to San 5 Phos ng, as distinctly es an attitude Francisco or Mexico or St. Paul than he tt rane «th to does of f going 5 te City oF ytr: cane this untimely daturbance to am hae ae Rm. te "as they ure called, se _ do you!" The march is then resumed ar nally..to men -in--remote "alt may disappear at 'the meekest Kind of eee Ske have never left the aiaidoe > Rat a iu the surrounding forest; or.'of their nativo burg. Without them many without the slighest apparent cause, the, a hotel. would close upandman: mushy a mai herd will break into arun at a pace so "would sigh in vain for the "latest" New een you almost fancy you can lear them York fashions. They have nearly super- whiz a¥ they cleave # passage through the seded the pieturesqne peddler of our air, This burst of speed may last for a grandfathers' days, for the *'store" hundred yards; it may be kept up pnts ba ai and the drummer follows the thick and thin for five miles; the on is! store. about as likely as the other. --Harper | Every one who wants to sell anything Magazine, lat ariaenaia is obliged to hire r [er - teft behind in the race. "Tho drum- sition, pay is -- an import- A Dude of the Year 1625, of money, which wo, canst multiply by/So exac ting, act, are its conditions five or six to bring up to the ---- that to find one thorough in all require- ments is not very easy. There is ,no bad | 9 wax common with him at an ordinary! \aoubt. therefore, that in spite of « Oe | * pays an authority, 'to have his! sional annoyances to tradesmen, the clothes trimmed with great diamond but-/drummer is a most useful trade iustitu- tons, and to have diamond hat bands, | tion. Like death and taxes, he has come 'cockades and carrings; to be yoked jto stay, and never fails to pay us his call. great por toe-- manifold ropes and knots of His mode of life cultivates an amazing Bed pescmt ie jor . fettered fortitude and. "cheek." The drummer st Ms gue wels, insomuch that |simon never 'funks." Good trade, oe '0 Paris, in 1625, he bad trade or no trade at all, he, like Ho- suiteof elothes made, |ratio, takes with equal thanks. He may on embroi » lace, silk,!go for weeks without a sale, and then could contribute; atone for all by a grand coup.--C. L. one of h was a white unent velvet | Betts in The Epoch. - all -- beth snit and clock, 'at £80,000, a a feather aon all Over with diamonds well also his sword and spurs." at | "hia | _Soathers Viruiiace i 1 War + Times, e years went by and the war went *'on spotcelald furniture Bae in the o-fearpat and had to be replac Wort out carpets saw themselves seaawalt in pretty jcolors and patters, as bright and ser- Mga though not so handsome as Wil- came from bag loom ts wit. ored ca » keep ont , the cold = deaden the iaiter of the lit- wooder shoes. Cozy rugs - made of the most unexpected ma- iterials, such as old a flannel petti- coats, stockings the heel: toes « , * whieh had forsaken Gen. and the -- Curtains of quaint stripes and figu » | woven of stuffs from similar sources, ak ut 1out the winds of winter, and gave«omfort Novels t ta Datty Pa; and beauty tothe rooms. Broken chairs and The novel is among being yom decrepit sofas were replaced with others into the daily papers. curious constructed of homespun cloth and cotton thing that the value of the feuilleton or stuffing upon frames of wood roughly put continued story which has for years been together, or fashioned entirely of broom known to the French should not have been straw from the old fields, bound together {in ornamental shapes with hickory withes. Sometimes interlaced grapevines made a Nipretty and not uncomfortable chair or When. however, 'sofa; and the common wooden frames, os. general--which it bottomed with twisted shucks -or oak time, the system being a moons eae [Fay abounded everywhere sudenacebich rapere had their lass and chins known 'acthors* ~ "eo ware destroyed during tha war; and it euet and there wil will be chance for the was almost impossible te replace it, even ge rones. This will be a good thing. |at ruinous: prices. Such articles were al- Oo Man or SE NBIML Pi ne severest a hate ng Rah eben se Pianta rte - pn. 7 had a very lovely complexion: het eat boc man of land: rt limbs were so well ted | his conversation so pleasing and of so * Even the grave woman is a born novelist,' pen sought for at auction sales, there is ala, oP pa petal a hich and he he who came -determ Ae purchase oor ne----enr tenant be Jearned: Wilist neéds havea plethorie parse. Por- Tt will be well, then. for the writers to lestaie: and earthenware of a coarse kind have to th great market of ;were manufactured from kaolin found in ithe valley a Virginia and at. ike points the sou €. Gordon in The Cen- Art Criticiam by the 'Faitera The tailors of pane are devoting thele | ~ nature of an ad-!attention to artistic tgiloring and; inci- has been the dentally, to art criticism from a profes- ishers. The'sional point of view. They conclude that - few artists know a ones' os. --Current pore Me Poynter tickse of the earl of Harewood shows "'an Te ee Ee ee cutaide breast -- on the right side of Lgndea People Very Suspicious. lordship's coat," and Hall's picture of biped ox gente grtnoen who ineets a Jety Earl anager in d wishes to take her some. "looks more like moreen thay ix to dinner is pitiable. The strictures on the beg ba fit anid -- be his own wife, and probably is, seen in the por- the majority of instances, Ok SP a ae < out that would make a horse blush.. vse is not intings without od oa e w . 3 fo in fromsea- ~ Olreus, but be cannot go into Tittle alcoves in which many of rooms abound unless there are four of the dining the almost 4iste failure," as | which. ban! should ae rand such as gentlemen me rea som eane. abi connected with the band tant fact - connection with both men, bank officials Orderta were given by ese men to two different firms of machin- oronte to maseicccsatetontitdt « )' couple of ordinary looking walking canes -- of ie of of the counter and transact some ordi ness with the ge jaying the h the nothing would be easier than to reach of a man's arm, handle, open the and grab the notes, rest of the two men anc have in their porsession, It 7 and best dodges for In regard to the man Henry Hu that he is associatod with some of "Pexpert bank thieves in America Toronto the other day--he ro at Pittsburg, Pa., ot $12,000, and tenced to two years and eleven m the penitentiary. March 31, 1879, at Charleston, heapital, cal arrested on Oct. a diso at Philadelphia for the larceny of from a broker's safe, three years in the penitentiary, he would go This man has a brother, Robert general appearance that it is har the two men they that they sr into each other much pleased over the arrest o succeeded in running one of most notorious whatanre to carth/ ---------- © 0One TICE HANSEN OF THE FARSE MISSION, we Parnell Com which had a in Mr, pat ad cn he judges reticed end Mr. Ha but he is treated. traits are no leas savere,---Cbicagy News. would be Rast) eae y eta ree Re ie Sa ESM NE, 7 | ions tomes pagme cheque given the innocent Scotchman.in a ban! He was arrested tion to the article abusing the commissior. $¥-% the the idea ev idently being to go o to the bank inary bos cane © int toward the Should that official turn his back, poke the cane to any bundle of bills out of the ing in presa tweezers at the -- ne of the can was delivered and paid for -- the 2 ar- win use sn apa the other cane the aatclbtne is one of the robbing the police have come across. nter, the police havé discovered that his real name is Horace Hovan a/in« Little Horace, and the most In 1870 i an honest life, and with * Big" Ed. Kice, recently convicted for robbing the express office at Cobourg, was seh onths in on Va., for 9,000 in bonds of the dro be bonds on the floor of the banks feigned sickness, and was sent to the --- which institution he ca- 16, 1880, ew - New York ie robbing a bank at Mid- esborough, Conn., pleaded an alibi and H again ol Was sentence bat Ain pardoned out Oct. 40, 1543, on condition Hovan, now serving five years in Siag Sing, and a brother so like himself in featares anc 1 to tell ; so much slike are ther's handa and in that manner have often succeeded in proving an 'alibi. The detectives are this mono in Toronto, feeling confident they have America's Contempt of 'Court. KDWARD HARRINGTON FINED £500 RY 10%. Lt COM zondon, Nov. 2), --At the mecting of arrison's re the Kerry Sentinel, Therefore, he Reid} was not in « position to say [ the had no statement to' make ------ that he would accept the tesponsibility f jor wt appear- Brother, «| Warm Underwear J Good a Set , Terma HENRY HASENPFLUG, verton P. 0. Mareh 14 1588. Clo ~~ For Winter. Boots & Shoes Etc. "Don't leave the City without calling on \CHEAP WANTED. A TEACHER FOR 38. 8S. No. 5, MORNINGTON --~ Duties commence y let, low. Ea- perienced Teacher preferred. A Wa. RK. McCORMICK, Secretary, Newton P. oO, Ont. TEACHER R WANTED. ANTED for School § Section No. asTuors, & Mate Trachea, Phird-Clane L paiiete Daties to comm Jan., Is3¥ r particulars, ete., apply to JOHN BLAIN, 'ti i oO. 188+, 2 % Sovrn holding a <noe let Saath Eanthope, Ith Nov,, WANTED. gee 'SMEN TO SELL NURSERY -- ood. ar Pinst-Ciass. nent, piessant, profitable positions for the "Tight men. Good sslanes and expenses os weekly. Liberal inducements to beginners. No previous expenence ne alae vutit tree. Write for teruaa, giving CHARLES H. CHASE, Nu: seryuian, Rochester, N.Y. Mention this Paper. ROOMS TO RENT. UITABLE for . In Medita, Oftices over Tus Tiuas office, Erie street, only a few yards from the Post 4 re of J. FRANK PALMER, Or at Tas Tisea office, HOUSE TO LEv, BoP mew et lenin tne containing 9 rooms, Closeta, Crier, Back and "Pont Garden, Dri Water, and all other Modern Conyen Five minutes' walk from the New Shops and trom the Post Orff Apply = JOHN MASON. Stratfard, Oct. 51, 1333. ROUSE AND BOT FOR SALB, IN GADSHILL, acre of -tand; with «storey vane a halt frame iaeeiiiee, kitchen attached big USDERSIGNED offer offers for sale her erp' of on eS Lot 11, 2ed Con. leinere ot Paice, Sev : clapeed nas | highest state from Stratford. For terms, &e,, spply Bt Mins. WINIFRED CRAY ees calialneteeeintiteecaaeese pen cil 645- Stratford P.O, jAT. TO USE Freeman's Waa. IS SAFE | Bomiersa they ct omiy om the worms cand not injure the child. _ Set Bo, hve bow in avery Soe ates -Laen and - ving Shed son 'Stable, Soft and Hard Re C NDERSIGNED offers fer Sale his Pro- }- in -- 6 miles from Stratford, to mention all, but. Prices on all other Lines Very Low. t=" Don't fail to take ativantage of this Opportunity, and Remember this Sale only lasts One Month. J.-H. DUF TON, _No. 1 Old Ashen Block, Stratford. TREASURER'S SALE OF LANDS ARREARS FOR TAXES, IN THE COUNTY OF PERTA. B* VIRTUE OF A WARRANT, issued by the WARBEN OF THE COUNTY OF PERTH, aad authenticated by the Seal of lo oe Count: the TWENTY- vier DaY OF > ee Thousand eed Biehty Richt a and to me directed, for lection nag ay over, upon the pameiietion 3 Ment a the COUNTY OF PERTH, I hereby give Notice, puasuant to " The Assessment that ualess the said Taxes, together with all Lawtul ie the. 12th day of January, 1889, AT THK HOUR OF 1 O'CLOCK 1% THE AFTERNOON, T THE COURT HOUSE iN THE CITY OF STRATFORD, In the said COUNTY, proceed to sell by -- PUBLIC AUCTION, The ssid Lands, of as much Thereof as may be Sufficient to Discharge such Costs and Charges iocurred, Arrears of Taxes, aad AMOUNT COSTS AND TOTAL FRES. MUNICIPALITY. on Lot. aches, or TRx xs, AMOUNT, REMARK, 'Tow wens OF BLANSHARD. Blanshard-- South Bou WOT 39 Patented. TOWNSHIP oF, Norra EASTHOPE, North Easthope #14 36 De. a1 wa De. TOWNSHIP. be souTH EASTHOP = South Easthope -- Ppeged $15 79 De, lg » as & iE to 0% De. Village of Shakespeare -- ~Mitehell's 'a Surv so 173 De. TOW NSHIP = "HIBBERT illage of Dublin--Donkin"s Survey, M ei is #9 De. ANDREW MONTEITH, Treasurer County Treasurer's Office, County # Perta. Strattord, GS.td aaa BROS. ---- HAVE THE a --_ BEAT STOCK SILVERWARE To Choose from, aad REMBM BEE That their Facilities in Buying Close, considering the Eight carried on by the es enables them to give their Cus the Beat Bargains. fT Stores The Increase of Sales in ALL = LINES iss incr that wer ee se and mare Fopalat. We t to do Basineas this Ee are making Pre- A beep renee to meet the wants of our Patrons aia ae a es and See Us. CORCORAN'S 'Three Grape Concord Wine This Wine was made fer me from Sciected Grapes by one of the Best Wine Makers in the Province. It ix <a en, can sell it for about the same Pricé that Mixed Wines ~./el- Inferier. Quality are sold for by Parties from the - Large Cities whe Solicit Orders here. em Hie BSA! See! ke JAMES CORCORAN. ERR RNE RPE BENNER YH Pe ee ene + nt a c _ A baaately Pare, Hirst Waa Wise of Plc Flaver, adit" @