Stratford Times, 28 Nov 1888, p. 8

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SSP PAIS 'The Barns and Stabiex of the Medel Rarm al Guelph Barned Geeiply, Ont., Nov. 26.--The Province has again stataitied a eerigus loge by th ceatruction of their | he Modsi Farm to-night he ae firwt notion! from th 6.30, a atmodt imthediately after tac Tames « hivh im the air asd dlomieated aut iy the city but the ecuntry fors around war aruigee-* were made by wire tie ¢ phdew tte New Hay burg, Galt eteas and other pie t to thirty miles away; asaing Hh Laer: Ware fire, the refleetion being eq, at i native, The barns were toe greet im the Domision." Ou gerrg te the seen f ube fire an hour after @& broke vat the "main barn was barned th re i " Lie two large wings attached te tie hors ables and sceep pens. The tall sted, oan was only separated e y he here wad filay oot rely daskooys d The tix par trart of the iain ents and attendant wefare for sent vow icnrhered oer Sher -} Site. 1! oeentte. "et, one" weer Tro ps ls Fullerton, pe the Uslt inet,, the wife M4IURIAGES BS att 5 - leah thee, con Srt- me "deters ¢ chet ow me Wee Wart sivter of ar Ie hn Watt, of the We te alt of Pa BE i ot 38 W hls UT~-At Scratford, an tie Bier ver threnk "Stati, Hov, T1888 -| NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. x 'Grand Central Hote. | SEBRINGVILLE, ONT GEORGE FORMAN, Conveyancer, Tand and Loan | | aia Baud eda aeemeerte ere ut Obs ee oe 2s Gertie, Dare, T. urges, Fore ¢idest daughter of Mrs A& Stratford, on the -2k ox 5» sah ecrget-- tee Abeer a . Coiser, of the 7 yp of g tany time. tay The impie: ment and carriage sheds, car. | ™ nae Sune in Parle, Got se. by the ae 0, an tie nth is t. Aliat penter shop, blacksmith shops ai! ather MELEH "OT Wolaskbur Treas Sie gy ia smatter tutidin Hoh were tn cto fan» Coutty, to Kate, + biest da er ot Jt woximity to t rning batita were save litive Keg , of Seafortt zr ig 34 tro e - by 'hu pial yng | BOY U--AUAMDS-On the Tth inst. by the Kev J Ah : gs pee Crytsce, at the resittonce ot Ly Ww Hompe of the students until tis artival ries, of Newty, brother ft the bride, e of the ~ cir fire brigade with t George AL i fe es Late E. Adams, additional how, The system of water PP Neg Aen the. Jdth inet. ab works whioh extends te tie bwin from the |S the residenre of the bride's mother, br the enty did good service i saving the butid: t J. Camptett vid BO Sand te fags Mensioned, it being impossible from Caroline Ziliiax. 1 Of Liste the beginning to eave those dent iyed, aa FOWLER--MACLDONALD--at "dclormorti, on the 6 "* a 1Sth er » by the Kew A venson, dir. Geo 4 nie » fdeacher, Trowbrigee, to Mies Anvie _ apper part of the tunin barn Was one nase roa flames . 'he wera sil on the floor telow when the fire started, and hy eevee ary efforts on the part of the atuden eat. The horses and sheep, which were in the large wings attached to the barns, were w Ret outia good time. The Government were more fortunate in saving the live Stock than the barns were burned three years ago. At that fire some valua- ble live stock waa lost. All the other con- tents of the barns, which incladad grain, ¥, straw, etc,, in large juantities, were completely rage The total loss estimated at $30,000. five no particulars 40 the policies all being kept in the Guten: ment offices at Toronto. Fully 2,000 pace -- went ou} ion the sity, to.see the. ti is probable tio' ga saved will is wtbioed foe for "tke iakeclan of the stock, 'Tew {iarters had to be erected for ior. set Ma) "the barne' were © burned SE MARYS, A man named Peter Dymond, residing with his family in St Marys, endeavored = commit suicide by cutting his throat a batcher knife on Friday night atter his family had retired. He succeeded in giving himself an ugly gash in the throat, it is thought the wound wiil not prove Driak is supposed to have been the fatal. cause, x SEBRING VILLE. a Kastner Bros. have a small list the low be me their pricea to pi in their adv't on ancther page. All on of the establishment contain the yout of goods, at the most moderate prices. Ite will pay buyers to keep an eye on this in Tux Tiwes and be con- done can do better en, those _FULLARTOS, Cow eth rah ag on Monday, Novy. a pre- seat. Minutes of last atl: 'ood and signed, after which Mr. Potter (who has a ae, the municipality) handed in as councillor and expressed bis a Spenecioiton of the uniform courtesy received from the members of the spent +the- term his services Bs was 'een moyed by Mr. Roach, seconded by Mr. Jackson, that the ~istieepte mm of Mr. Nesbitt Potter, as coun- -be- accep' and we would take this opportunity of conveying to: Mr... Potter our esteem for hy im mS a <a in the council in the past and our pleasure in ng testimony to his desis and aim to conserve the best interests of the town- akip oe his long Sea of service. -- Carried ers follows were then _-- vix ao Baird, work, 320; Wm. do, $2. Woods, anaieae $6 90; Ww Parker, repairs, $11 Wm. Clark, work, ohn Savilans, making hes to brid on sideline hf & 6, $15; H. Jackson, gravel, $11.70; Chas. ata gravel, 86; Con. Hatz, -re- aes g bridge, $5, spikes $1, culvert $4, auling pak $1.50 ; Thomas Elliott, cul- vert and ditch, $6.83, ditch per engineer's " award $10, two culverts $10, bridge $26 50, scone culvert S53, culvert on townline Y. & . S4.75¢-T. HK. issued, when the council adjourned until the second Monday in December next.-- d. Wirsos, clerk, OT HARM THE MOST CANNOT ICATE CHILD <A ts and te hands they were all got | we will sell very Aliens ant Xmas. | Mole-worth Rion THOMPSON --in Pres a? the residenc. of the Frew et. Thompen, daughter of hir William of Fresno, Cal, formerl, of no, ™ ,~ On.the ltts ' - tte rr te ree, Lisz Tioevace, el DEATHS. LARK WORTH 1) --In Stratford, on the tind inst, Orange White, geet id of the Tat George Lark- oy Mit telly on the [7th tnet., . 4 months and 7 day jn the Lh inet, pga 4, axe yoars and G mon . SHANKS--At Listowel on the 12th inst., Oniy. ic. * ae) _ id wife of George Almetta, od . year the 19th inst, ot New Hamburg, Margaret Young, aged ST yea Fak In Hlanstrard, enthe- "yon inet:; Bre: liza Howard, aged © yoars. KIN--In Blansherd, on the [5th inet, John ov son of a a aged Pt years and eon West Nissourl, SHARPS SIn laa debe | 4000! W. Cook, aved 2s renee. CAMPBELL At Mat op) onthe 16th. ins J oeeph Cams pbetl, Tate" se St. Marys, aged Ty MARTIN-- -In Usborne, on the 1th inet, Winn Martin, » st son of late ton, Bute rt, i# ¢ Tokers, each, py per palr, 50 @ 70. chickens Bag' °e 2) to Hides -per ewt., 6.00 pekin« set ttt 08 a ¢ ton, ines gry Wood per cord, 2.50 to 6.00, Wool; it st. Wheat, #1 @ 1.10. Flour, #275 @ Adie cord, long, 2 wes Wool. 15 @ 20. 8ST. MARYS--PFall!Whea! 25. Ege » 9 om cb, 182 Hav per ten, "ee 12-00, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Keep your. Byes on this Space. as it is where you MAKE MONEY. at Felt Boots, $1 43, Pine Rals, sewed 1 Cordo Bals, hand sete Shoes, B50 bers, Gity Overshoes, 1 S 5. Arctic Oversinoes, 1M, Plain Folt Overshoes, 1 36, Women's Rubbers, - #3. Calf Bal Shoes, 1 Si, Butt, Overshoes, 1 a eau falf Shows, =. 1 40. hi aa i Batt ahoas, 2». Children's Bhoee fo 2h. And alt Other Shoes marked away Down at a small ' Matgin above Cost, Wie alao opened out a large Stock. of Crockery and Glassware, which ea Pow andall kinds of Faem Proocce taken in exchange Kastner Bros'! SEBRINGVILLE axy MIICHELL. - L | 4 a A Rare = ieee to. Secure. _ Read EB. Ki. Barnsdale & Co 'aad'vt this week on fruit. ne E. A KASTNER, R, Manarer, 'Sebringville, "a Home. Ai ta FRAME, corrace Bo Lot on | Streee train, or parti: en ma able aleke = : D. R. McPHERSON, Auctioneer ont Real Estate Agent, Stratford, Oct. 9, 18% 73-18 'urs YEAST. | tle F nee t RE as Cestario Pre te pate. Ww ritten ¥ youst William Martin, ind A, BY Marys; aged 25 THE MARKETS, STR eee Wheat $1.60 @ #190 oes Wheat, 1 @ Lo ey, 40400, Oats, S2a5 eew Flour per bbl, 5.50 @ 6.10 per bbl, 5.50 @ 660. Po! (bag) 404 45 Appies (bag), 25 at 60 b+ a6. M TPWEEDS! On Saturday ot 'this week we will offer the Biggest Tweed Inducement that has struck the City. Part of a Bankrupt Stock of Scotch Tweeds will be sold under manufacturers' prices. S175 Goods for SI, 1 Goods for G0c. Or we will make to order, and guarantee you a-good fit, as good « Suit for #16 -as you can buy for $22. be the jadge. MANTLE CLOTHS & DRESS GOODS are doing well with, Ls. Dargaips all over the house. BUNTING & SCOTT; Dry. Goods Specialista, [IDINGTON'S BLOCK, Market St. We will allow you to NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. HOUSE TO RENT. M" GEO, HAY basa Large Two-Story, Com- fortelle Frame House to Rent, ca Ontario Room, Good ---- Btabie for 4 horees, ont Iriving Shed. Soft a ater. Within ve minutes' easy walk ot the P. 0. and Market. 'Stratford, Nov 27, 13988 Crit 'FOR SALE OR RENT. REE AND A Haar ACERS OF LAND, well ada) for a market cardew. it is well drained, and in good condition. Usathe taaa ie a FP Howse, dt plenty ef good Water, aio bie and Drivier-thed, with I How is alao a good Orchard con taining fruit every deecription well, F rtieu'ars apply to. Mn. JOHN SILLIFANT, Streas, "73- _ Oppo te } Maman Rouse. - "NOT OTICE. STRATFORD, Oct. 29ra, 1383, TO MY PATRONS :- Ams pecipen x B ecseri E STRATFORD, o ' hare err my CORSET beak "SINESS = nt P. C. LAWRASON, at ave tent ant trustworthy igi cape . who wil be = fo cupply all who may re. ales iny line of cood: 1 am yours respectiat Mrs. M. J. DRAC ON, 675 5 -. UBELACKER'S New Butcher Shop! Corner Market Square and Wel. lington Street, Stratford. HE U erat eg ye having Conipleted the Erection of hiv N =A 2 a Vuilding, takes » " HOLL NONE od Friends and Custom os aud se Public' ms aerally that he will open out in his N 2 Un Wednesday, ist. Nov., inst., and wil] be hippy to Gl all Orders entrusted to him. H. UBELACKER. Stratford, Nov, 20, 1ss4, 672an THIS WEEK We-offer a: nice: well-iinished. Bed- 'Room -- Suite -- AT $10. 50. HALL. ~ 'RACKS --EROM-- $4.25 up. Don't hang your hat-on the floor or flood the house with a wet om- brella when you can buy a nice ; for #4 _-BRADSHAW.& €0:,- wr 25. takers, 2 Sand 5, Ontario Street, on Premises, Telephone. "Stratiord,. or. 23; 18bs, st Furniture Dealers and coe GREATCUT:: MARKET i r Dit cape. at SY, 5250 and. SH, # S1LG0, S2, $2.50, Lambs ; and run Persian » the ccc an Sale tow as $3.50, erif your tastes sear the Otter, We car caps unequalled in they start as as high as 57, there' Beaver, and South Sea Seal. you a range of higher show this country for variety and value. Then there is Undereclothing. Have you bought yet? We start olf with an all-wool, davon: sized, double- breasted, Shirt at 50c.; a better for 75e., and a Scotch Lambs" Wool one for a dollar. We have also got all sizes in Bots" Underwear, and at all prices, according to the ce Var ae - Cardigan Jackets. A full sized, all-wool Jacket will cost yott all the Way from $1 to $3. Remember, we guarantee our dollar jacket. to be all wool and full size. © one Our Pani Made Clothing is all made on the premises. We thereby save the middlemen's profit, and at the same time are faiiliar with every | particle of the garment we offex"you. Our aim has not been to sée how cheap a thing wé could make up altogether, but to- make a serviceable article and ell as low as is consistent- ly possible with the material offered. The very low-priced stuff is not the cheapest--but the dearest--in the jong'run. Our boys' suits range in price from $2.25 up to $6, for #-picce suits, and our youtlis from $5 to $9, coat, pantsandvest. And cur men's suits from $6.75 to $10, for tweeds, and from $10 to $15 for French, Wersteds---Our--stock of boys and men's overcoats is simply e::ormous. REMEMBER! We- guarantee to keep in repair for one year, free of charge, any Also, if Goods are not as represented, to refund you the price paid for them. garment purchased from us. Tailoring with Us is an Art We to order :--Canadian tweed suits. for Slay Sis and S16 and Scotch tweéds far S18, $20 and $22 a smt: fine black worsted suits, $20, $22 and $25. mnKe at > Tweed. over- coats, for $10, S12 and S14. - Faney worsteds, meltons, beavers, kerseys, and. naps, made and. trimmed.ia. the highest style of of the arts for: $1, S20, S220 an id S25 -an-overeoat. War Cutter, Mr- ET SANAGAN, stands at the le ad. of his p and you feed have nd@bhesitation in 4+ placi ourself in Lis Piands. ssion, ' ing 3 3 j pan Inuited.. Awaiting Your Coming. = Tolten: Bros. |The Tried, True and Trustworthy Clothiers. joAnd Wen's-Furnisi "Furnishers; & Bimagt TIT aia YELLOW. F dees ; STRATFORD. purctieey over g Wesecovanee Th COZENS, Auct " Proprietor. UNRESERVED AUCTION SALE OF STOCK AND IMPLEM ENTS. reed ed w KITT, 3 . Township Ss COW as Auctions Tha ime tu frov Mr "aunts a Awe u 2, on Lot 6, Cu vi uneday, Nov.the 27th, 1888, » the cleewtig pr Tore, "Ysttig a trate arm id, 2F a 1 « to be in Bex ol & Cows Heifers, 2 \ewrs old ; 5 Stee il-store Pee; 4 good wes, Spring wagon, bob- aieigh: i EI on tarnishing approved joint netes ; and under, cash. A aoe oft per cent. for cash on all sume over W. 8. COWAN, JOuN " etate Auctioneer. = mee! SPE BARGAINS IN REAL ESrare! $150 WILL BUY "Lot 329, , Araees ----: son's Survey, on which there is erected a small Frame Howse. $300 - WILL EUY LOT 190, same Survey, on which is erected a good subwvtantial Frame Dwelling. If yon want a bargain, apply quick to D. R. McPHERSON, Auctioneer & Real Estate Agent. HURRAH | HURRAH ! DALTON' 'S FAIR Ontarie Street. It will be Headquarters for Xmas Goods: WE MAK LEADERS OF SPECIALTIES taken from sll clases of mercha gathered in frowall the | the wor articies w seen large me wee me Fn 30. so Dolls, com ashable and unwsshable, ov. mannfacturers of selecting from each -- we gre able to offer ol than ou . Our << is Staal Profite aod Quick Note the few prices quoted pelow te wing china, wax, largest variety ~'s at prices from twe for le. tmp, ace them, and the p prices will astonish you rads * Stratlo: tall anc and toys. teapot stands from toe cook cabinet one for only 4 4°e,: feather ut cote Tap up. Hf you want pir ttsh goods of any sprwd Datvon's Par eo! es e z g 3 'pow ing com - sing companions, glove Writing com ae -- arves--a large variety. . Bay your chilaren a kaile and fork, fade of tac best rice. 7a., ou t price = oobubain brnat. ing (6 cakes ina t wt ; shoe black celebrated matches, Sc dos. fot Fe.; and J stetone towed oe nes | can be bout its Sorat tord ; os splendid crumb trays and brashe=, only : és trou: Is. np; a good bristle one for ys, both laundry ees g Retuember the place and give us a ¢ aL DALTON'S FAIR, West Ontario Street. $16.25. $16.25. SPECIAL. 'A Nice Bedroom Suit, for $16.25, Com-_ "+ > prising :-- One Dressing Case, a7 4 Doors oy Postorrice a Bedstead. #Washstand; "5 «Woven Wi ire S pring, "Mattress, wool, two sides ts Chair. WILLIAM HEPBURN, J See: ~~ Parnitare ~Deater- and Undertaker, z= TELEPHONE COMMENICATION WITH WARE ROOMS AND RESIDES, Stratiord,Sept. 10, 1858. id ss rente. ._{). OSTABIO STREET, CHY;----+4 j Agent, rere : H ti r xt ERS; NED tak * ploasure sm Ant The Wint Seas: i ast ap- |} T™. > nda aod the P ' i - : mae * od rally Orrice Ur Srama Overs Reas oF Jaws Coacomar's proaciing, and warmer Clothing wul | . I eee 7) Ww GRICK HOTEL Stone ve Wanteu. ae omesh i : eon on 7 | * Where can Lio the vertie She's | 200 i," Best of lee, Lots am "| STRATFORD, QNT. oe Got th. hee : fent?" We wil ; Ou Th ursday Eve's. 29t) Nov.; | 2 tp : IT fey 2 F svhe I THERM W4 £ do as well for Fou as a she | ; 'te | Small Farms and Park Lots. little better. A better assorte nt | Grand Opening Ball und sp ou ¢ timd: 2 were i} And CONCERT Vocal aod Instrumental Ma» ; $s M acres amd Wiege near Water Wonka, } yf | "ys Ail ar 2 Mratford Lo ¢ a rm to r All e| * eet 4 aie : 4 THEOBALD ROHFREITSCH; ve tron Cine ee SRnge ie Sites, The ude "i i be | Pisin found on our shelves and counters, | Setrfagete, Nov. om ts ere siethimmaateaeiadsenien ' i uy pri t si ' | Vere yey 4 ION SALE : ; | UNRESERVED AU Lit AL BUILDING LOTS ta ght. 0 is to | ie " ; j . lollar's we f { ter | Farm Stock & Impiements.} appty to GeO: FORMAN. Ppt i ours looking for, we | VV, S Somes, soc te mei stineteintiagaati start ee it 25e. for atweed Turban OF DOWNIE (rear Cum a sag memati y st., Hanavan¢ surrey, next te { } TT y t ' Re . 2 with ban: i Gown the v4 t~ ee November 23rd, 1838, ar Primocss street" tate Reds ld weet t for He) we cart Ti] re} : : } ol a { Mate matt to let | MAT enc The Phippe acre (ilots) on corne e gZive 4 an tation Astraei:an OF | inte Dhertict '} gf Je? « Dowy ta and 'a AY ate, > = - 7 a - } Cows oat linalere, rang ¢ , , 3 read, & * - ~ | Seale fi soc. OW have the | yeary old 2 Sears aid seems, 1 o* ene ear won ron between Hasphrey's ' . 9 tis os I Berkshire Bow Tweed, or if like a ( reuroy P ae : <A f 875 cack holoe lots in front ef G ooden's wurvey. . . \ ae #20 each ginws » bette i t } These | ; £50 cach s Douglas st, Aven ward. are the nex vle cap, and own &s 13.10 gico pach $9. ote ia. Poruan's survey of 0. 1 ; D oe the ; i O'Dell estate t 4 , i A > Lit BUSINESS PROPERTIES ~ Toi) Heodd & Calien"s wi, tualllon Railway > 1 500 Avenue, with | acre of land. Suitable or any Kind of « factor $2200 - a song Plough Factory, m ya woolen a oa Suita, rofl ved tor ny kind of sane - Over 1 acre, including = ag and stabic fn -42 feet on Ontario hetweoes Jas. Kennedy's store and Livery 'Btable. Apply $60 ALSO OTHER BUSINESS PROPERTY. te Geo. Forman HovUses. Apply to GEO. FORMAN, $1000 Me. G. FE. lngram's neat, substantial bhai at $1500 * Mr. Scanian's Sstory jarge auee and lenge let on Huron street, next to Se School. oundation stone parate 3c cellar full size of house seaumies hall; wodd- 8 and good stable, $950 a. Your choice of the two sew tras cottages (now building) on st... apnsaliee old Pair Grounds; Ward. 7_roomeand. w rooms in each. Will be finished i in Parada Larwe lots. $950 fa. Fran a": prs tan Your eels tS -- ree new we Coconuts (nn rs sy on Gore Mr Dawsy's, |, including 4 bedrooms im woh wi Will be finished in first-class style. Large were lots with each Mr. James Smith's fine whit briek cot $1500 pe shee age brie ere bra fek hie th Moise trunse ick st., with 2) rooms, cae, aie woadehed and rood stable, nie dence on corner of Shrewsbury and Centre sts, next to Mr '3, in Holmes" survey it #, all conveniences, $700 ™*. Patrick _ Hoy's good frame house on vib mich: Ald. Pratt's grocery--7 roome and full tot. $550 * Ee Mr Embee;'s frame house of 6 roome, with oa Alvert st., straight behind Ald. Frade press and 2 ond Fldcmooub semeet vali amen ed srecery. $325 iti fall ray aE: cr ra vate aa Albert st.. ms ak. La See $90 bela ot. 7 2 pool ptt akindeaner smor, itches, baru, teal trees, er. ee collar, cix 6 woodshed, aad good stable, urchard, lawn, &r « Mr, C. Manneting's 1 $1300 i , on & st. nepdslor bhaveen with 41x10 ft s e '. unrmer ki lawns, Ae. Mr. Norma « white frame house and 6 lote $700 af sores) on north vide of Huron road, nearly Oppori iy » Barney Laverty's and Jones Rebb's.) wt, cart of Chea' Mr. Rofley - . atin $825 *. Mr. ~ Pagar 1} storey frame house on te SAE at. Lot 43, Lisare . Pecny Soabonps 7 reores, -- Hangs foundation and cellar. Next south of 500 Mr enlar's house and lot on Victoria rot et ext to Mr. Edward Wileon' ", near to Kt. K. «1 neat house and $750 Me ors mat 6 rooms, &0., abla $1200 Any of Geo Nie og vailding in Homeo ward, 0a Wel ot., in quarteriy instalments. a ovpeare ward. (Tasker's.) $200 down, balance $1050 Mr. pw hcg oimadetor -- side of South. Bide. Methadiat (now ef ws gar oy tot, wear 'G. Stalien. $1200 ans oh Bee roan corner : tts nrowth ori? per cent. net. $4000 Maier, Major larmonrs fine sentence and Wal _ Aino we UTHER LOTS.ia cvesy WARD in- COTY S50 & fuot, 80 ous front on north side of Ontario iti wh, between,the Odbert bicck and Joke . tores. Gibwon's » F 4 * feet frontage en tario Street., including the rg bene Cottage, wert to the Foresters ne: rected id Nibergal's new houses eaten ke bao tee Web instalments. =

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