. last Wednesday axenic, wade his work thst ~ firm... Last he cold, and although | he received the best at- Very Flatts ar the corner of Pewni> we George streets, has been commenced. The practice of slowing youngsters "eoasting on the sidewalks ei contd bet stepped. The police shouk i sec to it, t €? Brien Hros, have started the rection of their new place of business on Welling "ton vtrest, "The fonndation is being pre pared, Hex, seer Kenunedy;-0f- Londen, de- zi af v very impressive sermon in Joseph's ane, Saturday, beityt the foast of the immacslate conception. 'Tne Tiwes regrets to learn that the wile ef Mr. Stuart, principal of the public schools, is lying at the point of death, fori im Beighs' « ditease. HI tas commenced a SO dare 25 -- discount sale of watches, clocks, jewelery, athe are and spectacles. See his this lave. A parlor concert under 'the auspices of the Home Memorial church, was iia at the residence of Rev. acon, ob Avery pleasant evening was spen Secure a copy of the Christmas papers, London MMywtrate! News, Graphic, Yale Tide, Holty Lenres, Pictorial -We ted, Set _.urday Night, Globe, and Montreal Sfav, "now on at J. H. Daftan's. There has been received at W. Wright's Stock farm, Petite Cote, two very tine th h-bred Darham cattle from the aa af R. Huston, Blandesville, U1. One dean Lt months tid heifers che. "paid price pai g $3 3,000, The other is a calf a month old, S hich cost 81,75 It is claimed that the above animals of a corresponding age. The police have had so little to do of late that some one hgs evidently taken compassion upon them and supplied them with a toy drum to while away the ~ some hours. The drum is a ne tasty little affair, and warranted to be of the dest theerekio, shes has not been any * versions "in that quarter of ~vhate; sao one ais think that the dram was to be utilized to teach the "heathens" the mysteries of forty-fives. Its a queer he police court, bat not haif 20 now it is Creanixe.--The Orange- ville Pot week said ;:--Messrs. Clark Bros., who have been engaged in the business of dyeing aud cleaning clothes in the Island Block ie the past six weeks, eft on Saturday for Stratford. This firm did a lar; -se Be in seOrtaacitie, and Gave satisfaction in every instance. "They have a peculiar. power of, making an old rtesy. tation in this saction, and if they ever re- turn to Orangeville they will do even a larger oe "ss than they did during their recent ~~ The Brantford Prpoxitor ways => seventy-eight years "go James Welsh was ane in the county of rermanenh, Ireland, and in 1838 or 1539 emigrated to Canada, in" Brantford a ~ na and re- re ever_since, e was a plasterer og ole, and, males a competency, ------ from active work a couple of yoars hehasbeen-ti aie ps seemed good for tes? ae week ago Tast . he supervened and in spite of the best medi- cal care ~ died on Monday surrounded by A wife and three children sons are John and : e William, both jewellers, the former dof. businesa in Stratford, and the other in Goderich. The dau, ghter, , Me. Galbraith 'is living in Minnesote. he deceased was aman of many good aren He was ex- ecadingly fond of ™ family and was & citizen. The Cowrier adds that Mr. Welsh was a sound Tory, a good Episco- --palian, and was at one time, a proninent Urangeman Dear or a RomIsinc Youxo May.-- The Brussels t of last week, said " Early on Theceing mornirg the eg - Joha Stewart, barrister, took ita fli after an illness extending over about = eldest. som of was r, Alex Stewart, Brossels, and "ke township of Nottti Fasthope, Perth oreetys shortly before the family removed to Morris tow The subject of this notice rices are higher than has ever C taidors ia Fan early [tinally drew & years yet. cards, tear g onde: t ti ii ia their intention te inne a speciality of__ teachers' and idepts Peupplies, amd fine «tation ery r al en f : " | thom and make.a was. selection, hey t have saat sacha. line of goods as you are | looking for Amas, presents, Founte voit Bitts . +~ Counterfeit 8% bila oa tie, bank of intish ag om mefins are alloat, the date Jniy 6, U877. There | deal of differen: e from the orginal, bu the easicst way to detect the bogus is by remembering that this bank has no issue since that date: The bank is now isening $5 notes from a new plate, having a large portrait of the Queen ia the centre Me Tthavgey's 21 Cont Counter. C. J. Mellhargey, in this issue of Tae Timea, offers some fire bargains at his 4 & cent counter, Ile will give tremendous ns for one week ; so, to be in time you 'should drop in at once, and lose no time, for, as it is coming about \mas, things as these are will not tast long. Follow the procession to Mell M hargey's, and drop right in with them now, Be «ure and go now 'ou'lt be kicking yourself bye-and-bye that you did not go sooner. Lite rery Seaciety. rery pleasant evening was spent in the Collegiate Institute building, Friday evening. "Mr W. Hashwnghesty vi a Trectstt nt tear +e Well, now, that is strange. too" Hea whet, did I hear sous aay. Well, yon know C heap Stinvon es; but what abou hitn, puta in another? Why. he is fairly punypaeg things in the clothing line Sa,, stop a little and teke a tumble in and ege the bargains he isotiering, .. Lou.may otiva it if you dou't, cepectally if y mar on the lookout fot: sume pico present for your husband or the old folks, wbout the holiday's. '2 tM fhe following' officers were elected at the regular meeting Thursday evening : W. Boles, W. M.; Alfred Hirst, Ss. W, v Ww. Tee meseh Lodtae W. OH. by? instone, J, A. Cave a, chaplain ; IW 'aug, treasure r: JM Moran, sec ns A. Hepburn, tyler, The officers of Tecamych ¢ "apter. elected Tuesday evening, are :--F, W. 'tearing, first principal dL Moore, third inci. - We . Baker, S. Boz. tt ae ii, J. Waugh, treasurer ; A im De une, ' stratford Paster Abroad. : A. Hepburn, tyler. Key. Robt: Ker, of St. James' church, Stratford, occupied the paipls - ihe Memorial chureh, London, nday morning lash, and preached in Taal cathedral in the evening. Speaking of - orening, sermon, the London Free Pre says : on a quiet but intensely forcible ve discourse + the Christ's work here on earth, touching sinners: and lead leading th them: into. th the right Wale by spirits: 'tAmsieted vont daty of Christians in regard to continuing, eitocr grandpa, ba yoturself, 1 Bed terident, -One of our daily « Stratford bad. his from bis body by Saturday Alfred Wright, and April Ne. Merry, and fur goods, wh Saturday, store..wWas_cro every few minutes. _tises a sale he m ing, furnishing, or ca them is, go to the ' their advt. in this issu: Spring-tike Weather. 'The weather for Christmas. municipa ee we rs have a Vin that time. choice programine had been renderad, the following debate was ope that the love of honor has a greater ia- fluence on human conduct than the love of money." The aflirmative was support. ed by Messrs. Dunsmore and Livingstone, and the pegative by Messrs. Ed. Croly and b. Wright. The former carried the day Stratfanl's Other Sensation, For some time past there have been ominous ramblings in certain quarters re- garding the actions of some public servants high in the esteem of the Ontario govern- ment = this city... The indiscretions of f these have eet the gossips to work. They stoutly affirm -- there is something in it, and that it is only a question o time before the whole matter will hecome public property, It will be the reigning sensation of the season when the news all leaks out. It is coming; it is coming, bye-and- bye. ~ Roth Laid Out, Two young Jads employed by a ae in Stratford were sent to do some work i the liqnor cellar of a prominent of business in this city, recently. The boys thought it would be a great picnic to sample some of the stuff in the large puncheons. One secured a gisss and the other sized up the kind of liquor, They in front 6f & small tarrel of what they fancied was 'native They sampled it, and it was pronounced good It tasted so well that one y'ars failed to do the work for two, and another glass was procured. Our informant did not say how many glasses they drank. but it ia evident that they took more than was -} geed.. for as.their employer found one of them laid out on a barrel, while the other was boring tor gold in the softest part of the cellar. Pour Henderrd Werkmen Coming. There has been so much talk of late re- e new G. T. RK. ops, the machinery, and the number of workmea that are soon to take a final leave of _ city built on the outskirts of Ancas Swam amilton, that Tar eee reporter took a walk dow: to the new shops last Thursday to ascertain just how things were '* panning out." If, as stated, there are four hundred workmen coming, three-quarters. 6f whom ar cada of families, the increase in population might safely be put at 1,000. Already over thirty workmen have arrived, having sent on just as. thelr services -- quired. This large increase to ford's population will be here inside of three. weeks. The heaviest was moved up in the ean part ofthe fall ; still; there is plenty of it to move up yet. The Company are wes it as fast enly left, accom 'companion. Oa Thursday tos his w even as He, 'in the words of the text, text, took the blind man by the hand and led him out of the city,"' A Fine Bull Calz, Crown Attorney Idington, Q. C., cently bonght from Mr. John Beyer, "of an the highly bred shorthorn bull calf, ** Duke of Darrington 2ad," Berlio Telegraph says : ~His hel import- ed Baron Oxtord Le Grand (508: got by Capt. Oliver's celebrated 4 tat shire's famous old cow, Baroness Tho 4 ¥ an Ih, the dam of Duke of Barrington was bred at Scateby Castle, and is of the popular Barrington family, Mr. Idington has evidently displayed much wisdom if selecting such an animal to head his selec herd ~ sown bred and imported B short 4 London Eloper Caught. A despatch trom Flint, Mich., one day laat April a man giving his namie. as William Hardy arrived in ot ne companied by a handsome you : registered at one of the romiacnt mg we - as man and wife, Heing a tailor by trade remained uatil a few "bye as, vail his female appeared on the scene and oo rie i alias Hardy, stating that he hb everted her with three small Shittven ah Leadon, Ont. Hardy has been arres and is a prisoner in the county jail, pend- ing legal proceedings. A Qecer, Cate. : bale The exploits of " Dr." Gustavus Hamil- | ton (iritlin, which have filled column after column in newspapers, from the Atlantic to the Pacific seaboards, have Leen ¢ for a time. Speaking of this queer. cus.) tomer, the Victoria Timer says: '* Di Gritlin, alter he was con in the Supreme Court, presented fine silk umbrella with « a massive oes eaaiiie: to Deputy Sherif! Langley, and the gold which ado hie rs to er ohn." The mont- and en John. mental gall, the silk ties, and his secket perfumery will be missed, and han ing locals and sensational artic! it Was Only « Demmy. f There was considerable talk in S last week over the supposed finding ---- meeee bet Arthur House, Fort which formeg aA Be HH ilps te rs preage. tell ; hhalmy +e as ), was | Grand 4 Duke; his dam was the Duke of Devon ho one ever knows who did it. Itie' gen- i the and there ~ This nuisance should be s' none more t! the newspaper fra sicken a for whom the '* Dr." was always Papi 5 young lady, in fact for az; date states, that @ you chopping Ip. the woods at Plattsville last he soong nwen's name is een England 'by Miss Mui'herson pode down to see him on Monday. " 7h Vellow Front." Tolton's slaughter pod with Customers could be ing with large bundles under their arms anyone in "heed" at "maything in the cloth: the past week bas been more sa apring than winter, and every- thing indicates the a Still there is oo telling what two -- may. bring forth, _ A nai candidates may" Bi , blood at the Council board may all be, lof young man oF dy. See for xchanges of a recent ng Kaglishman from head veasly aevered & companion while ne was brought out last of the Boys' Home, sale of clothing ich commenced last Their rom morning until seon emerg- = hen Tolton adver- business, © Unto cap line, our advice to : - ellow Front." See ppearance of a green mber of ont, foot ot snow, and the Jo this age you can H 4 i 2? vo : i i ------ SS " . ° * STRLTHP EE ONT., WEDNES! AY, 'DEC ENBER 12, 1SSS, NO. 613. VOL. a ipuanierthneeaoanesapeany . ' . - > r RATEFO CITY ¢o!r se LL Mayor Butler.d« this conpell aware thet Mr City Coral > Mtems, City Local Aews. City Local Hews, : ty fecal eens. | a ne a * | Jotme ised rosicmad > Tei not ight te read appl i = } ations for itt til thare is « vacnney i | Not Bere Threeiigh the Mi Adjourned Regular Meeting. alt htecr did not think he had resigaod, for Ei eritess é -- be hae pot loess appointed & ahere at x bhe. tha i vhiiaes S anal Nee MT ROTATE Sly Px " r . wm * ore ais eset athe i ; , a atetlres a seen (i xT --_ "TR ber iad ESI a8 Jie inane ee yin dst rort o er ot "gi ery Laan grater Tine pe age eae FeoEt of hie the Tree = ae 'Clans is con ing wit! ot i w s larg tting some" new : ; =a Aid Giimen-- With dae respect té the chafr, he Prevent 'or the children. ' I electro-plating, and he is now ry tit lock th: a, * Vening : the t that th nid yas no attention te what ariy ' t Lie avor ascepils ; eieia wae Ateviend : ear - i d+ golt and silver | : ; . Oy About two dozen oe eihtsecd sae " . per --s ¥ , pla oy the a ever before . llix ad ces are } the t stated hy maelt in the ; P . intment of 2. tide at the Division Céart last week, é ; { - ' 7 - Cali and tee fo* voures! | gabe tortal chair.. The clerk wae-re aaa Wscai Ta thet eae Sak Cheaagae way ot n i om . us : ¢ agit ian te rureelves, | ald Wi ward th ere wan a € 7 ! Quite a nansfser drove Gut to atieud the » » wee ; P af |e t all in the men 5 lorting the taxes than the process ne _ in vegree, neert at St. Pauls, friday nignt ' " "hd Neve tn Ty BR rede jth the taves pavetle to the ofts co t . J ; i Re 'acai! ; . m fictuse * Mee te oe cae o Mewecal Stratiord. performers took part, | U y e A« ting vpen.an or by the fe | ng n that this ' tid Va Pe "Ao te the concert at St. d'autis, Piiday over un ; . i ¢ = Tow Wi i" [ ,aanmber of cond engineers, | +t pi " nem paying & i onp an 4 t x t 4 ork mit. ; : The st ¢ ; ' P \ fremen aad brahemen ave been examiniod » the w sm eather? nny attendet tra ent had a AD - aie WW) eS n id toterate sack sie inher nk Serattons ae a ine " i blown eff L pon enqaring as the atfice, « i t »t bar, y ia Assistant . sl pa is agua "The ingest part the batchelors' ball at St. 'Marys, Friday | Tis ; ti sati 4 ° he os 4 peter on Bes ---- certiti he object "of this | pa thes 1 taxes were pas in a tow days evening. | er ayenene te oe a I tt Pal aa St anher Wilt i le | ts to wecertain if all the employees are fit | aed Tre Vanstone - Yea: the thing « uh looky ttnte pupil nF t ww a cat ' SC Ofer Was en hur 4 ' . 7 t apectsiat om 3 a. ' The wlegiate Institute pupils held | uth om it . ard sorana curiaus that eiThe 7% nas ite coners t , | for their work | st > oie a bet fee Pi isi - ~*~ ict their ani : concert in th city hall, Pri- | 85 § a nes onda 4 . , ' . 5 | : ] Heat : ae pecience a ¢ * ? i people delight in ciroalatiny such yarns ud Juedicts a +t steer for Mr fyistton's bale. rainidhee up nat Chem wstet viay errr; penance s isTSE<D | eb a Me OE Gotheea Ce meee : a ars eae ' Stadt cily in iustalocnts. canes Bioouet anecunces In Shite wate |e yn. swikatore uM Re i, ho: set ot fries Me fo meet the req Mretnente of the \mas ie MT IES wait tt a goat ides & have that he is prepared von give the heet of | K, Day AC 2 1. ' ¢ Paine. 1 Mt trade, Dalten's Fair tave ordered an | ; rit Day A = % recently ope Iueiell js I i ih 5 'Th rr "was na do tht tort thet an Satisfaction at Gis thavieg pation ---- eld stand, oppo Geo, Trav ot AG T pasa nea, aenshe-tal_jentle, asall WAlE4 | sewtyyel-oo-trere-oty ot rent tot oe The trick-work on J... Cryan's sew wet vecaited « 0 pa' presente. re cum pic + | on be did net think it ad? 7 ani they have some dandy presenta for | * The <uggcstion made solics cts ape s+ a goed ot the would t c on damzerens sreund. he mth t a | tks Al vee ' * mort Lewitehin, i ed Ls Alda Mowat ee Hi thal the | «suilee}..BHecn that ne Hi the sear | thee at the Coanet! chamber be Htothe | Pratt could not ree how they could pnt mere } tors wevkty meeting in fo yharanie ol. the work open the treasnrer without in re tal i oft ony te fer an hour + sit alar y senid have te have a collector any the affe roe vay t + towme in} al the most 'ehas ye Phe vote 'et ee -- ee -- tromide ire ater © Gas Con Some o of the langeness o t the tanned the Cetin. fae Meweis_t. i he or wt apes ad collector & at to give. what term they wi? herp o Tkent ef i AM. Uitmon- =". it ne wxsary to sive that auount? read juew tous h toa hore real, a Tove ax Ma boty oie Best to he on the siihe commodation fors ree! and aleofortwo men to slee} T yiieanta fur the collert nah were. -- Was é Chate'pes thise-, and repor x etin, of Jefircy, David Rankin, = Miller at Carrie Memes Johns and Miller «cre duly nominated The Kerly Closing by-law was Pi ed an The toit wing ts the tote «> far aa tt relates ts contes 'tioner, ers, and For Jotins -Davisdson, Denglas, Gibenn, Cordan, dealers in fancy goods. Venus Davide on, "G fheon. | Larke + vty, Pratt, Ricy, Tre theway, Vansnine--@ Garden, Uasilten, hak worth, Me wat, Moher For. Miller--Darnsdate, p uno, Hamilton, son, Payne, and Pra " ye--Barnedale, | Mowat, Mev hire n, Payne Dunsmore, 'D uglase, bier Kigg - . The name of oe we ph Toba was filled in the by- tet -- sito ae Collec Rezarding > thie Hiectric Lix ly ain Gibteon stated. Upon the en of Alds Lathworthy and Gibean, that he was down the works, am! that the ™ oulary 7 Aad at HO per ansum. Me could wen Tocate the it "re there. Ohne gives a bond for 0,008), Ald, Gordon b a bed up serenely, and ash ked to Ald Coron fhiveed that: the Couneil aay a he informe ether or pot the electric light | 3.3. This isthe shortest ression in the history of had been caupatted. Al... Gi fancied that all an Jnapevter would do, would be to come up here and say that -- were an running right. Will we forthe ght as we have it now, remark ro It was sneaifest. oy "Ald Mowat that they --_ hong be "aed to aie Mer anon belies ed that "they should have aa Harnedale thouzht saat oy commitice sheuld rie Light wait upon the P ject Aki. Davi pon things. Jf tml * they had a right pay, if they had not, t certainly no right to be pal Re would like m they wou to hear the contract read, apd tt know what were doing. 'pidoute stale hehe ---- -- +O --_--_-- "COM Ti AL etticers inéet "to-night (Wednesday) to elect their officers for the ensuing year. ; Bavy Ccrrens.--A large stock at pricey ae: $1.50 to $9.08. Call and see them at J, A. Defton's, For aasiping _ in plash goods fer Xmas., go to . Johns' drag store, Market square, We régret to learn that Mrs. John Ger- tien, Erie « . mother ot-Met. aierman Gordon, is dangerously ill. ¥ Takes the I. ad as usual, " ja the verdict eek: to-day try this ! Bie Ran reg his text f Paat able discourse. He certanty of life, the | Snow-Halling on the first start. Imagine out with r poli get it. yin though tection he must ina some Aiea cutting and spring-time, and eek "swell, Xniaa. Preapering 'in the jer Weet, to be = _-- of things at There was a lar; 5 2 Andrew's ak atch, Samay ee Hee = cluding the members ® stationed 'es "ibe ait. tou delivered an re riate funotal sermon on the death a the te Corporal Jobn Wilson. He selected rom the }2th verse of the 90th "Sot teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts unto wis Wo." The sermon was r4 jad young may die ; exhorted his hearers to be Tre eeling tribute to the memory of the de- ceased, 7 While the late-anow "The Times" for 1889. During the past zee there h Even a foniy vente , advertising and may be as warm and to-morrow may Queer coui- I., Times Judge Woods: St et te i ee ene difficulty, on account uf the failure to v Hehe, as reyarded payment. The Mayor desired t cif pie ecunct ~_ ever a 2 aetited. otk tially that the light had |b The « Jerk sald they had a Ali. Hamilton delivered a characteristic addross. If the town + as not paying for the it turned off in the erkwonde' te ge r th old have to pay from cht hn ght was tarot on. (Langhter. ) the contract hes the ity nf Woctske 'Light Co. After be council a the first n zen, Mr. W. Blatchford, Ana "bufnout at St. preached on the un- old must die and the concluded with a Strerta. . ped at a ay teal, docked al he youre heavens fall, "ee aball have -- as been slashing. in the Famnia have cut lights, an.f keep = when they meets lit and wheo hea 'the ey went ont. A motion to e the two lamp-lightery to the F checking ae ocr Davideor Nantictpeled - no trouble, tie be~ thr Co, w 0} ¢ bent . ¥ strain, wanted to give the Company a chance y wore doing the best they could under the circumstances, ppointmen Ald. Barnsdale, ald in. The wt nay ane avey ox A ® month more during *y the 'ourt of Kevision, and hé should be remunc for the extra work ho He em- bodied in & motion that clerk reveive 4 voy and be ev: npowered to sistant moti! at euch tine as his hearicst oor. we the The clerk had worked hard, ee Seeeving of the exten 5 may Mayor Buter--Put 5 riotion in writing, gen not the clerk writing it * the clerk might -- a mistae tod "have it read $150 instead of cry ) . Gordon order? ae Safle fees ane ft he | - Rec the ex- niple of some of is predecessors in chair! ! grou ( A notion was referred to the Financ Com. mittee. The council then adjourned till Monday evening Another Adjourned eum of two men spoken | ** cs it Se Tico last) 1 lete, anneation books, and oo goods in + in gen Ge to the Baptist church Friday even: ing, and sce the interesting portions of the world in panoramic views. Tlopalar prices. Bunting & Scott have something new te offer in' this ieen In dry goods and millinery they offer some splendia induce- ments to Mr. A. T. ee ee iy Gorton qr teas ---- ret aa a framed group of Canadian, he bed the = te English and trench editors tothe G. TE E. ; ein | Litetary Institute, , Ss } } «fKhoraten &. are. end wd that { theioe in ee board. hail poy giniet 9 Trier tha you need anything in this line it will pay be had done. He freely acknowledacd thh, ¢| yeu to pay them They sell fer withstanding now be in tavor "a yo ie one prise only, ther the Compan a tail peng tn a gor © Trwes was to meet Capt. : Goutls y, of Fullarton, on Tuesday, taking objections es ' y> y. pa inen pre Bog Hy thee he wh ae tice, | ea in the sights of the Classis. City. - The worthy captain is ome of South Perth's best-known citizens, he Maewaie & Cos Great Sale, Messrs.-A. Maenair & Co. have consented this week to have their adv't placed oa another ec of Tue Times, as owing te our heavy crush of holiday advertising, it is impossible to grant each patron a spate. poss: top ef-s pissin in position. Our endeavors to place advertise- ments in the most desirable and conspicu ous places resemble a e of chess, but are apparently a su Lone, Althougk A. M. & Co 's annow lat Wo nt ae usual spot, we can inlorm our readers that this okl reliable and popular firm. still are at the front with their low prices aad iB a. unprecedented trade this season, y for a ogi niore lively iui Ghee about the near- coming ho holidays. Death of Mr. George Tock. ° The death is announced of Mr, old and rate at the on facts af the matter are, struck -- " ons judge gets throngh with the gn deny te is the day area ete holding the : nothing can be done until the patna pletes his la! or Merchant Tailor. y == Mr. seas Swinson announces in this os Saisiochsted and was in the and for the law profession. is7s, Bell & Biggar, of Bellev Sob the Grand Tronk nate aad so well did , it was quite evident that that fell had marked him as away until death morning. -- In ash dante, aagiatet en be on agreement with the city. And find- es ng young : ae whatthey havedone. They have strained nerve to meet the i the contract on Friday last. The new building ater feet square, and in about two-weeks m pes ters wilh have tmished their 6 work, the 2 bedding will be -- for > Proce reve It is the intention el ompan to put in a new iealan at probably Be first building will the second the dynaniés ; » the ; the old building wh Lapa ting ore ein cg , ; 50 mages i =] iy einen to any ir ttle \ Was without a doubt } for trustees ible. The whole of the machinery | robbery, etc., uppermost subscription "trang "Tae Times is not nig teds " mil be here belore New Year's, and every: rhercvel LB Pebeebti Nome even hile that. way,.and don't. have to. cut peered nese a ie ome Laxae | jist bedecrferen rdobecbemaren Pct 5 in good 'order. so far as to state that the house had prices. - Our'price is $l s'year, and these "ae fell weed prorat tter, 'guarantees satisfaction in ttomectamd + tumter pot that-desire to take the naner w= =. Poller schol pore '4 --_-- sr. t | Waae the Electric Light Co. are Doing. . until the es tter could be inves ted. band in their dollar in 'advan i the Norman st., etn Bs were grow- ti da. ladian® 'eaaihe celal ata Sls enank Cus at boa soonene why the ee The skeleton racket was soon cia it by " letter at our pra a yg BE na prteadhng-nav Bociety asked | approved American yan mk Clothes Light Ca. their curren two of the kc thi reduced te repaired. goods the city. i the isct that etd y" under tho ehonid be 7 for taney ---- ¢ hall fag Blt the ine His are me ; y were short of power, "The water that and circulated the skeleton repert | afternoons at the latest, as the small | Aid. ind be yaarked fetus pecpner fm Drop im aed oa they relied upen, giving out, owing to| asa joke on rae ie cnt The me | smount of advertising ers it | Shain the city hall If the Uctlastame tannins | leave your eotar Temar ble dryness: o; , left -worked- well and the had their fam | bare these thi in-ti got hall-at a reduced. mate be would have to r " ¥ ina bad At | out-of it. The lads now gi to bed as Seon | The su tion list ne Times is same forthe Separate Schoo! { Child Receives Terrible Injuries. any rate, they deserve commendation for | as it is dark. to day 'y double what it was a What was sauce for the goose wag sauce for the P.