_ Mew | savertisements This Week. | " Xenas, - Dalton' * Fal air. mermesnoveremn------ RASCALITY PLEADING Pores ERTY ~--Owen Sound has ah Enoch Arden case. ae New York-hed-+ix svicides-on. Thurs. ----"Phe-sittings of-this court OO ARTER stasianas opeurt yer His" Hosor sorts ze Ci ite Local Hews. Maris: Sieve la Ap good record for one day. | terd: 4 te .. | day. pretty gox recor Tv one day. day at oe clock, Netie-- Mr Lightfoot. The tremor preuliority . Bh Wilson's! ' . Wood " . v 3 presidi " i es 3J--Hunting & Scott Tuporsell Exploits are Amenming. / The "municipal reform ™ crank bobs} 4) o¢ Be ng. The court will evidently Navigstion on the Avon bas closed for . . ' ' E ; : of short duration, as there are only tive | the season be steamers, propellers and Alboms----F. J. Day & Ur : : ,, | wp serenely once again. He is harmless. | cases ' Paige tks se Kees. Goods--E. J. Join At the last meetiog of the Ingersoll | ; 5 tre Mo , t | The fol scows bave gome into ther winter quar ri - ; ort comes from ix he following cases are to be diem ters, and it 4 2) oak i To aT McPhere: » town' council the fellawing bnathekh was} The repert com rom ymtrea! bas t : Ing cases a tot r ter , and i. said that several MUskrate a1 Piano for Sale---Tiuts Othice. e --_ | the Provinee is free from smali-pox, Thi Todd Giardon---Is an act bave began the erection of their winter 4 , ip Auction Male--Joha l'ear-on. reporter! by the Chrome ~ | is indeed, a blessing. of hand, Securtiy fer cot quarters at the iwad of the Island, near Ste adily Af AARC NZ, i a ney se ~~ a | j . ibe Veeen s Park While the great hunt ; Xmas Goods-C. McTlhargeys Ont cig sector Mr. " aw | ant Cisinw has been pend, Meil heen, af " . x Aune , " 4 pattie ad Ages "i ' eat P Jewelery, Xe. WU. Roberta. Stewart, "that the-to ol ia [7 Phe nomination: day teat Monet salt tor pPaaud ; ldington & be! erver fos Ans, aki sho Fictlcg: are now. sajel nasicooee, tee tall bap stewdity edranced ig 41 Market st.----W. J, Ferguson stracted t take the m easary stepe te | sain * bas calminat fe i in a police co att _defendars , te te UNTirale 3 sec SY tie We' athe ed illiesiitin-dognah tes bine th Cleteiag --Thornton & Douglas lect the amount due thia corporation from j trial, Evans and 1Tavzard have been com fowat o« Renders o-- ction to re. | dete & littie col ter tie editor of this journal ern Se per cent ahead of August, 1887 Pianos & Organs--T. 3. Cornell W. B. Wilson, ex chief of police | asitted for trial eover amount due on lease iE. Hard. | Wil take a day's recreation with a gun Septeuidher also im advance, Qeteher ahead The Wei --C. Markets Robinescn Dr. Witliama said that the solicitor bed t The tire _ the coats-in- the peti- | ing, for plaintid, A.W, Ford, st. Marrs, and X at uantwiabiy in adranee of just _ Sensatios--David No Hoyg & Co. reportel that it would met, benelit th ; Hon hey at th turn of W. C. Edwards, | fot defend Hee thed Prophet, -- The Vellow .Froat--Toltan Bros. town to proceed furtier in this matter. and 1M. sel covnty. Next time be sure lrea Kin Richardson When « young man goes out several | Tce int wat a od teontis last year andi New Hook Store day & Co. had returned the jadgment pul/@ ty j you are 'tight then go agead, Actio) on a pro sory Het ington & | pigits of the week for any length of time "7D have ta 45 well to. senal & 'or Sale or Rent~- Hobert MeL gas. thought enough money had Leer « ap ded a The T to fas venusvectiver Palmer, fo TP aintis ; MeVhere mn & David there will scon be a change in the wrath "I to ) pant it ced with that end in view The Very Cheap Man -- Cheap Simon. in this way, and there was po peed ofp © ee . ii ene | gon, fo i fendant er A ye ar or ews after there will be J Se wil comnts te give 16 per cent of aif ** Not in the Soup lames Boomer throwing good money after trad. | Ri ghost Whats the matter with France re, Nrew-- An ection to recover alee When Son ae 6 aioe vols "| * subs and 10 por cont off afl colered . Co. Coancil Meeting Win. toga rman Mr. Kichardsen sant be had bes k their own' Don't it take ite regular 2] possession of a horse, A Dent, for plain ni >clock in the m roing and hie] ** ty te Sk. eyond that prive 12 yer re Best Paper London Free Pre ing that afternoon te the solicitor, ihe | o clock Saturday alternoun walk, tilt: GF S. Goodeve, for defendant. te ing for him, it wiil it protaat ly tarn i en, ot ' (Jolt and Silve; Plat ag--J. M Reutter | told him that he we t Sart | \ corvexnnident deadees to keaw whom CRIMINAL DO RET at stormy VW hen a man receives a bil! | ae ae Combe can b 1 whected here : 4 G. T. ke Mer havt Fatler ii, Swinson atruc tidme from the flaance commit to |} * ' " } J. Jervie--Burelars wre t unknown to | mirceered Laer baadkerchiets, plain linen - pata , ; Fle' oe: we jt! ' ta fe * i a dd. Harve surgiary. Ogu te yo ' ee" WOE Bowland 2 ales: A vette It was y strange pthe f7/ ippurta for Mayor That . him. lock eut for th tinder and lightning. | ameter tacts, kero hamdikercticts, Same'y z pa femenont ~ - t " ning and 3 Bait W Weteoe TL ee apenas it a nerd tere or tine: teeter poneerr tas, se-fary failed Lo unlosom --itsell ra 1 Ci wT Lm Wien stake goes Rolle Teds bo sap 1 Tres eee Backi shert time ago-and owned nome teday. | ft does cot matter much who su rte, ors vas halmers, St. Marys, fore * ' ; ra iaghara, Pat ta atter 1k su pp man, & F. Hrowk, p ii : per tea the fire out, and has wife visit. | nenee ramce. tx panne a ' hed no doubt bet that we coult obtut | he i sure of bemy detested - ik . , arber, F. mg the neighbere itis likely to be clomty | ernie? mumitment before either the Perth or | Fur the hund oliog | tte an eee tes. 'Whes onan proictes to take tia wife tot * court stexre Oxt end iges, and if we did Witaon wis | Fur the hundredth time, young ladies | Davideou, Hagh Ferguson, Henry Feather arty belt h 'taind | eer she io Ae i bei P * . . shme L? "oe a + j Statiord gi pat ices to-take free board rather tan | ate inf armed by mumetuEe exchanges tat stove, FW. Guenther, Terrence UKeily lressed, you a oxy ect one iter = . tens t * re " 7 « 1 HAY OX per Mower, on e eae - pay. : he oe unt of meney we would leap year is teeting a= on the wings of ay: a Ee ae ~. : '----; Fes Hah @ Wan Saves Bis Vigar money to bay tie J. FERGESON, s eli, Bh ' turd. " re P 5 " , : . -- =e 7 Schl np ee Se had eer tae t | dace....Nu dauht the. yours? ladies are | Win. domers,-b. Sweitser, Gee Send wife a new bx al the children new 21 Market St. ave ° < ' dleenty 2 k Fi I tr we Se ' 4 s+ shors, it err r BOTLEL, EDITOR: AND PROPSIETUR | tase your for two or hiree. aod as far as he | yeaa Taekial Or thee Kindly weasel | A. Lather, (FW Tarver, Rendinand | Whey og mpl mba : T wnam lies < ce Bait ul aeenvend-we-eece-ack-gelng $e have j bes " - ; ; Ulieriche, Jas, Thomps -n, Jas Walkons, sleet ~ ane -- 'el nice wi altor ry r the Stratford ni donn M W Sth. a TOUSY, ate you see ler . this year, He had been taikiug to ae . and . ear. vyance. auy y » wal king bre Lecuts In Terms: | at POE. Year, in ad) a Cet everal Stratford gentlemen and they Be } youth both handed waded pistols, * they The Judie congratulated them upon the afterne on, ne 'ance is imominemt. Lore ' Wav that Wilson had notadollar, if you are jdidn't know they were loaded. One | 5" 1 crimans! docket. on UNESDAL. si nate epee oe ar wear 5 ite aan manne tia, ee tee rhe Io oe ied nate rea a a a > 3 'i : - Oe ht hE Dee. £3, 18 THE ONTARIO. PARLIAMENT | BUILDINGS. AVE revert Heetine-of $hé-Sommercial Travellers' Aztcciatuon, heid in Toronto, one of the speakers broke out on the sub- ject of the new parliament buitdiogs, He was ptoceeding to denounce the needless and extravagant expenditure of $3,000,00 for that purpose, when he was called to -» @tdes..by the chair, Withous waiting to Gheeuse as to whether the speaker was or every candid man sg r only te cost $750,000. He authorized an American architect, Mr. White, of Buffalo, to prepare plans for a building ~ that It cost™ 82,004; B%-- ving to try and collect the foniy vou Ul have to -" '* Sery soon or Wilson s il ne net Mg found, r Rickandes wanted to know if the c ante were acting the same in this matter as they would if it were a pefsonal account, He thought not, and if it were his own he would very soon collect it, Mr. Mills said the solicitor was only waiting for instructions from the finance committee to proceed, We should do something and try and collect this sam. The motion was put and defeated by 8 motion of tive to six. ¢ yeas and nays were called for and resulted as follows :-- adh Richardson. Nay tison, Magill, Mitchell, Smith and Selden. Mayor Seldon's vote defeated the motion. [Mayor Seldon should give the names of the Strath ontites who farnished him with as.given.hy him. in bia |. ert:|-other. States to hear from. th _ te, wapake the hand, They hmleres the joss of-of « other shot ence » through bis ean both shad oer it. --Soime of Stratford's Geanespal cand™ dates "talk too much thetegh their hats." People will begin to delieve that they mean business when their cards appear in Tax Tous. The time is short and our advertising space is limited. The mortgages on farms in Chio Amount to over $700,000.00. In Michi- gan it foots up to billions, with numerous And this 1s the country that desires annexation to Canada. Bah on such # country that is swallowed up in mortgages. --A Winnipeg Grit paper, the Sux, does net appear to fall in with Hon. Mr, Mowat' 'a dual position as Premier and legal caasing some * . speech. W, B. Wilson is in good tinancial 'embarassing situations " feet, angtberagueneet = "Ad be: cipcometances, Mach ag Tue Trees has | does not deter the Hoa, Oliver from tettow- Sons. 5.008.100 be nearer mark. than |.had occasion to find" fault with" him, we | ing-eat his own sanet- The Outurio ae has | would not libel hint) financially;as Mayor | --The Wok comes to hand this week i db eres aod SOE sl SRE a mmmamnli eal Tata sen SES PE" Te... nae...the writing val ig preperi lor the change. Shelving his son was the first Move, returning to his pto- ia the second, now what will be the of the reverend gentleman being hesitancy in stat- -- xaeek vingeenn; snd thnk he may, and probably does, take an of liquor, he never was, Jee el es Mr. Jeffrey and seem to be tou the preacher. occasioas informed hie ity woeld put to blusk ptr acwrecs mopenion tat of his voice whose in famy epraved freguenters of the i ta the most courts. is congregation, not auch plain talk, objected, To put it , they kicked, aad now they want tne him: ons. --That's the way. with: orld. The moment.a aeagnia be fine to tell the plain, unvarnished truth his one, To beas sophistry can been a gooldy-goudy, a palaverer and datterer, and soft-soaped bis congregation st belief that they were all saiota, would.have increased, pra' ¥ Gockied his de ge He failed to do that: and e¢ is paying, the any < of what the world will call thoughtless r. wrer will know Piss what ie oie next SCOTT act REPEAL. Tur Truss never was much of a prophet, im fact never hed an aspiration in that direction. Bat-when facts present them- » wolves we canpot help making remarks con--- them. For tstance, , petitions for { ecrning the repeal of the Scott Act in Brant, Victoria, Weliingtoo, Leeds, and Greaville "pre in already, while a nuerber of other} eountics eid Freritinss tor repeat in crea Jation. ben this wave of fanaticiem Was aE through the country is 1884, hike the smalipox ordiphtheris, Tre Times it would be « failure, a it hai provea to be in Haltom, wom i At that time the editor cause be refused to believe = staff the gatitide country swal. lowed 20 ily. We were tid Be teas snd loity minded men tha d to fake its Eden «as the re of the ram rt we the assessment roll therefor to the amcent of 24,650--since reductions were made at the Court of Revision. The properry is really worth $6,000. It is we known he has an iudirect interest ix other property in Stratford, and also in Chatham, not to speak of monies he has invested ia good, solid security. Mayor Seldon's excuse that Stratford "* gentle. mea" say Wilson "has not a dollar" and that a Eo perenne found," is the worst kind of rot, and he dare not give the name of his Stratford informer! Wilson is prowling around Stratford as large as life, and is likely to remain here until he gets a soft snap in some other community. I! te chooses he. ean live without working for the next ten years, as he made his hay while the sun ehone!! The false and absurd state ments made by Mayor Sekion about the x-chief and his ability to pay a Division Court judgment for $100, are discreditable, especially when emanating from a man holding the position of Mayor of a town like Ingersoll !-- #eiter Tmrs } rr ~~Marriage is evidently not a failure ix China. It will require #20,900,000 to get the youthful Emperor ef China on the shelf. --The Emperor Frederick's diary should | get w rest, and take one. He is in need of it. --Peter X. says that there is a young lady of of Tope, Kansas, who does not wear a Bet two cents she is an old mai --A; number of exchanges are having oceans of fum abasing the mean man. Give him a chance dear brethren of the sray goose quill, He means well, it is only a way he has. ---This journal iz not usually fond of che-tnats, but when a great representative journal like the Giode persists in asking, whither are we driting ** the answer in- variably is, into insanity. ----The Princess Maud of Wales, spends most of her allowance in charity. May she long be spared to gledden the hearta of England's paupers -- w legion, Charity, sweet charity! --After the arrest of & poor, innocent newspaper man, who iad been sent out by his chief to report a pce rs' conven- tion, ol "Jack the K nae one peed Surprised at anything Thear aa ---He cathe in with a bendle of papera 'ender his arm, "he went out with a bundle of papers under him. He was a poet and éestred" to warble about in the brantiful anow. Probabiy'he did not get.a proper show, as he did not go oct very slow into the snow, : --Thg. kale of the hull and aetna the steamer "Great Eastern ~ . realized over £43,000; the 'copper bringing £2,960, the gun metal, etc., £4, 430; brass, £5,980; erga inner iron plates, beam 220, and anchors sbowt £300. The bresk- ime ap of the steamer will commence on January Ist. will occupy a year-end will propably cost in labor from 10s. to 15s. per ton of material. --The thriftiest fan in Canada Las been | found. He lives in the township of Nassa- Deep ee 'When the great fire took place good houses in this city, aad. is rated on' the Associated. Proes crank } °F | the 2 SOR; « and tivets £12, winks that it is no longer « ---- me it hae outlived the dan: janey, and can hastle far itealf at ite seth wh our The Week is a credit to ism. --A d esigning woman recently stole Horace Faulkner, of Utica, and secretly married him. And the fact of Merace Faulkner, of Utica, never protesting against such cruel treatment evems to be a an as his te be stolen. orace, Horace! hast the 2 "Shall Wonamaker, the rich merchant of Philadelphia, have a seat in the Amer- ican Cabinet * is one of the questions, says acotem., agitating American peliticians. Shall ---- or ----, or whe shall be "in the sxup"--for the cea Mayoralty _ Year is oms of few Stratiord cammtcheal politicians. --Dr. McCully, who was arrested for shooting young Oldright, one of 'the Trinity medical students in -one of their periodical sprees, has been from -- hos is right It would surely be comi & pretty pass if a gang of fresh 50 youn relied eee da deliberately go zens residence, inselt-him, shoot range 2, tra has the satisfaction of knowing twelve amen -haveupheld.him. in doing what he did. --<An educational establishment in the city at which the children ef Polly Bredin were being educated saw fit to send them home as soon as the scandal invoiving their mother came oat. Why should <i have been done' [t wasnt Christian, and it wasn't diplomatic.-- Toronto Work, It was visiting on the poor, innocent children the sins - heir unfortunate mother with a ven -- on managers of aa edecational institution that would act in that orgel manner,-- Beacon. | Almost any. denominatic nal --_-- would have dowe just as the Sisters didin this cave. And besides, is it not following out the Biblical injunction, '*the sins of the parents shall rest upon the children to the third and fourth cen- eretions --The greatest living showman on earth to-day is, probably P, T. Barnum. His life, from his boyhood te old age, has been aremarkab'e one. No dozen men in the histery of the last two decades have had the experiences he has had. He has made fortunes and lat them, but he always managed to steer clear of the whirlpool. He anvounces that he is going to stick to the besiucss as long as he lives, and after that some: run_it... Barnum attributes all bis success to the printers' ink. 3a this journal "had recently rolled in several barrels of the same, and as 'Sane approaches a pure,.pom is the time for those having Xmas gooda to dispose of to make that fact known through the columas of Tus Times. }.sseeviation of high and pablic scheol trus off its swaddling ctothes and announces | _ The case of Todd om Gordons. ecu tog tne _ tention ¢f the cout, press. eg bs 'cities ss COLLEGIATE INSTITCTE BOLRD. The regular meeting of the board was held Tuesday evening week. C. J. Mac- oan le the chair, and all the members ore " ~The n slowing scoounts were pessed : owes, $1.25 ; John Mo Praver3165 » joun M Keynett, $10; Sermmgeees Bros. $0.50. Thomas Turnbull and darves Wilson asked for a refund of fees, as edt are not tow school on at ef ih. On motion cf Messrs. F Fuller and ce for Nov chairman's penses to the provincial mre in Toronto, $12, ae received for November were $3. A petition signed by members 7 the C I, L. S., arking ae ae ene repare a nh. for bh their coontionn in "sepport fto "the petition G. G. McPherson moved, eocomied by 4. Steet, thatthe secretary be ~i to advertise fer tenders for phostersng completing the | hall ms ~ 1n- stitute, 'cad ¥ Messrs. Benn and Seri te ; sential mona to superintend the work, tins and let the contract. adjourned. The Justice Mill. BRFORR FOLICE MAGISTRATE O'LOaNE. Even things at the police court have flat for the past week. As there is always a calm before a storm, there will be plenty of ** squalls' before X Mike bobbed the same old months &, and had been it disagreeable public The "beak" gave him a . ance lecture, advisi to water his whiskey miore or take less in feature, Dar- ing the ss of | hung his head chewed at the band six- months. Michael will do; the chances are that he and costs, or "lave ™ the city. ae Redford didn't know that carters to. take out a license. le pleadeu aero of the law, -- admitting his gott. The P. M. him choice of taking out a license 'i the remainder of the al and poe ae for a ee or {pearing o aimays. pepers he ah, a he read -- It aid net matier to the FP. M what hind of papers he took so long as he sutseribed for ene and knew what was goitag on im the world. A gqeaus homo Re sarang of the tramp family, who gave that soundei not --uee that ofa traiseian Prince, wade hi- bow before the I'. M.on Thersday, "You are reed," said his Worship, ** »ith begging and frisisteming the ladies of you visit." He coutin't hetp tif noes Were against him, that's the are way he was built. ie was given « certain thie te take himsett and -- bag ont of town. He towed witty all thease and grace of a dip Whea last seen he was heading for Gadshill. eee Por Bilious Disorder and Acid Stomach, Campbell's Catbartic Compound is very effective. dust call.at. Bosworth sand ste Inia hans 'iiful display of Nias goods: His Hee «f piosh goods is remarkabiy 'ne and very cheap. aver Receiver. --Christmas numbers of ~Lomton - fustented Nees... Graphic, Yule Tide, Hot My Lanees, Neter fay Nigh!, and the Giole.. Secure a copy at J. li fren's. ple Asthe cold weather comes on must have w Tait at "Liyghtioss's yard, corner of Waterloo and Albert streets, and get his prices before you make your next purchase. The-Grand Trank railway codumenced en s yesterday on their mew elevator It is to be of 750,000 bushels pode on This with the present elevator increase the aetna: Drs. Hall and Holmes, of Chatham, rt- ed the known us ne for the iat tae ty bar bers great, as he has u mas ef the women crimes at ite ef i ¢ i _ Itisan } a Mame "Grr --- With the a Fess eocy emtere upon its thirty-second hall-yearly volume, a fact which speaks tloquentiy for the | merits of this unique and favorite Canadian journal, No former attempt in the field of humorous jowrnalism in Canada was ever snecestful, becanse in no fortner case wee there the happy combination of elements essential to the success of such a venture. In the tiret place, an uncommon fertility of backed up by an artistic ability equal to the task of inter; reting the happy thoughts evolved in a popular manner. Secondly, there rrast be the setid basis of right pri ciple upon which to build. Truth, honor, fairness an taste are all as essential to the sneces of a comic journal as of a magazine of the highest class. All these features have, from the first namber, tinguished (rip in abigh degree. It sta to-day alongside of the verv ductions of its class°in the world, and enjoys a fame far beyon oe be bounds of are conside: tis only two dollars a year, although the paper contains sixteen pages filled with bright original humor of pen and pencil, and ne gives, without stint, political For ourselves we can say that _ pearly every editor in the country. Get it for 1889 without fail. A Cat Mery. 'A citizen of Avon ward, whose better half has lately been away from home, was aroused from his leuhenn a few aw ago by what ap to be watag ba gat tate the bowee by. - The man of the house quickly -- ed to investigate. ao far bw ey air. when a a a im from eellar and began i pad. Rip Sweetest indnight lay. There are occasions in men's lives when moments become as hours, and when time seems tu mock their lonesomeness. That time bad come for the mau of this house. He shied the poker ot erimulkin, and a frenzied piece of ctt meat jamped about three feet into the air and tanded 'neath After the first cat doors, he thought he would have it quie Tor the aR Ter OT the TY, a = tired again. "q ot the partner of bis joys and sorrows, ard his darling mother-in-law, when he her rackét ia the cellar. Ie did Tot sor nd unlike the okl woraan's voice, heard ant! bat how ' wondered, eould ake get there at that hour? Down staire he ent a second time, opened the cellar i and another eat repeated the same strance perfurmance. that. the first. had gone threagh. Thi« one wee despat hed qaicker than one could say 'scat, phe reticed the third time, alter pitching the cat ontioers, and was soon in the land ef dreams. He wes agaia disturbed ffom his oa repose by as third cat. This or lewed im the wake of the others, an p retired thie time for keeps, and the slept "the step of innecence nntil morning dawn. Then an ides struck his +thie may seem stranze fon age, but he-positively caaorhia that sa thier cae >the: te seor to eee the extent of his py ae carnage, when, to his horror, ali that w toe be found wasa place of cat fur. i will atfiem thet ke , neglects to advertise --A. eablqzgram announces the engage: | mentof Prince Von Bioss, of the German Eizabassy, Paris, to «2 beantifal Baltiniore | eirL Her name is Miss Lillie Way. There svemé to be a great demand, as the speculators would pat it, for earn a supply is 8p, Bo meatia iz -- Amelia Rivers writes to the prasa contradictin#@the gross misstatement that she wears" digitated boots Amelia says Blake, j matters: in. the aame.light.. in- counen, 'ehue heat aha, ih he 4.312. month during life. (and not equally able) journals elsewhere | ' ween of tht | Tae 4 Kileed are and the kucwing ones will say that he 4A : | ST. MARYS. Pexston Wist.--Mr. James Ker ye de, of this town, a veteran of the Ameri ean civil war, taade application some time ago to be paton the naappsed list of the i nited Siates. About: ecks ago be went to 'Vashington o lem ute hix claims, and on Thuisday last he returned having succeeded even beyund his ant: cipations. Mr. Clyde was a prcsomor tor seven months at hedesso2. Geers Yer this time he will receive two «atllars per day with interest to date amounting in ai) to about $-00. Besides this he w $ Mr, Clyde served over two years under General Grant. He took part in thirteen engagements, five of them heavy Minnnirun, Brandy ss Culpepper. Fredericksburg, and the battle of the Wilderness, The named battle lasted seven days, and one of the most bloody of the war, the sixty-seven of > Ciyde's that were taken prisoners, all but conn ; © The ho get war Ut ---- i Jo Mrs. Engels > Dean Mapau,--It was with fellings of anmixed that + purse as a proof peay_ree we are ~_ gen ns forget- fu] ot the many under w wishes of the members of this choir and congregatipa. Signed on behalf of the choir and congre gation by Mises Moore, Coulton, Hamil ton and hasten. Mra, Eakels briefly replied as follows: ~ De ,2 Prenps.--Your kind gift is so = pected I cannot find words te capress m ie tings, but I assure you I feel deeply ener gratetal acknowledgement of my services, «hich were a great pleasure to me, aad i teel sorry to sever my relations with the choir at] congreration of the church in Sebringville. ore The Floar Trade. { manic WVEFALY KEVIE® or THe SITCaTIoN niall MISSESOT A. peak } Minnaapetie, Dee. 5. --The North western | Miler to-day save :>--There was quite as tT 'drop in the four a last week, but : te the extent that bad bee expec. 4 { tee Some-of. the larger. .raills .about..to. stop were operated a little stronger than : jee ee shh aud ere 0G bake vie week iu 287. It- hae dor the current to witness | the Tagh tect operat tions s0 far. Un Monday On Monday oxi five out of 22 mills in the ity were raaning, and they were not the ee j bang ger ons. Others have started, but j there os till tem left, Sin wich output of over L200 bia. ow will 3 2 tied fone 1.00 omar Se bow interested ia ireight rates from Chi- cago eastward, The grocye: fines have agreed toa t)-cent rate on + it. 'aneda.. To. ought to be | died within the seven month = of starva- more and more an object of patriotic pride, | tion. All thar watr'afivwed was one and certainly but little can ad said for the [pies « of corn meal per day, and the on" patriotism of any. -- t discipline was exercived. sand tan the pene, bene | chan af isonet ther eed of tae te " names fr ant Sie apne i abows,. gaye ae ree a st The subscription ae is almost | liberty and saved his tife." "Mr: 'Clyde'atter ridiculously low, when the rates of similar :Tecovering his th, again served in the wad present at the sur f aa