Stratford Times, 12 Dec 1888, p. 7

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ze FOOD AND DRINK. ¥ THE BELFRY CHIMES. o~ & BOSTON PHYSICIAN. GIVES -AD- Hark: & tnerry peal we" Fo Finginr, ' vay » air, Gusseuend waihes pay ty tegce. Vi (er « happy brid a 2S CE TO THE PUBLIC. lowly b the wisie they're passing 53 ™ Prow neath the arcl ¥ pay S t + eet muxie's crashin A Mixed Pie is Dest for the Onmiverous = wee wets 'a seth 5 ell ewe arning 5 Auimal, Man--Water During the Ieated inne t s nen =" Concentrating " Appetizers' Ther See = pe ries toup--<Cold Meals Life today, to-morrow d th = While enige rw & mixed dict is the Sow ged cur note, wo 6 * teat for: there isa mistaken notion, C Which po thm. gregh ment should largely enter Into the same. much mare is é aten n ? a cor staal | Bence, Valu inese Alc TRAINING BALLET. DANCERS. Our Little LKheowledge ef Greéniand. ete are two questions ine hief f that ia Premiere Danseose ca Wacatis Her Own ty, d etnias to, Gr itter Experience. ia akin to the delight al Mile Dorset, the premiere, satin the of «a + .Gpet polar Sen t ' o parler ot tee Laclede the other day recall- do wi ith .s chept er in the Icelandic etile- ing als sh» had to undergo a¢ ap ment Of America tefere Col s, whose 3 t 'ballet dancer and prospe oe se uing passages we find in the Norse Pp : ttle know," ates ald chire nicles but whe yun se e pironette ofa danci child should not beg rin to stud yé after she is 10; 7 te the 'Best ba then are at the right de to take a popil over th help heron to the hich she may not hope ron fty thige tke the = hips; i The form th« oh os which pre nducg ie: is tor hand ever the Merth Aslactte are in th: nome ot seal to the ses could fe Mie rier fe tnlar t heel and. kr Lees as my feet a istome d them: porting t as Brilliant ! Durable! Economical! Diamond Dyes ex~] all others in Strength, Purity aud Fastness. None othe r are ¢ just as good. Be- ~ Falreshing; bat harmiess when used in <A ad vised. Thi st at * Some drink too" freely of water, es cinity storing the heated tern "Phere ts-84 howrers, a ¢lass largely made up -of women who do not at any time drink suf ficientiy ofthat eminent essential to bh Asarule they suffer idl Rows Stipatinn Mitr, rink west about two quarisof water daily to cae gstrononiical - information which -- is » the nerds of the « ayeton. Water is fat- useful, bat its great mission ie to site full and accurate information for seiect ing lucky places for perf jacts, great and small, for their every day life, And as every act of life in China, however trivial, depends for its success on the tine in whic h and the direction; ti @., the point-of the compass toward; dange which it Is done) it is of the utmost im less advised by a physician to do dif-|portance to the Chinese that every one} they should drin they |should have correct information available + exeepting daring at all times ac-toavoid; the hour before and the bour after meals. 'bad luck and calamity and secure good ¢ With the food only the smallest quantity lnck an nd pros pe rity. Consequently, the of fuids possible is allowable. jalmanac is, perhaps, the most universally 1B WATER IN MODERATION. \cirentated book in China.--New fork Much has been written for and against {Commerciat-Advert fee water. It is not only ecreeable tenting" is an expression of somo truth. Very teshy people are proverbially thiraty, and when they'attempt a reduction in 'weight. to lessen as much as possible the quantity of fluids habitually taken one of the recognized ment. Bota rigid adh rous for anaes if not Curious Traits of Fow)s. moderation. In certain -- of dyspep-| It tsi in fighting that some of the most. 'sta characterized by flatul ras of depen reurious traits are -manifested-by fowls of as it is i omc. called --very | cold von bo Linda Notices the coops of Cochins acts as an-agreeabiec tonic, a poultry show, and you gastric ee intestinal eccivity in soany | will find many of the cocks with combs' cases if taken when the stomach is com- | bloody and ecarred*from pecking one an- | paratively a Bi taken on a full jother's heads. They thrust their necks BIOTA 4; peptone the (out-botwesn.the side of the.cwop end t ~ pyable, 'Over ind tg isa harm- 'first slat in tn front and clumsily punish ie tenn Sneed ae TE ear thee. 'other. teas Tong rows or Bhavan or ae P Bonn: ole of food rns not that the alo ¥ -- he: jpeck is be a most leasily , for he would then not fighting than the ideal gladiators of the, only suffer 'infinitely a * from the ---- animal world, but simply that no game but be stronger and m active, both cock will put himself at a disadvantage' mentally as ivseeliy.- Those espe- |by getting his head in reach first. When eially who are wedded to their '"'appe- game cocks look out, it is through one of tizers" would do well to forego them at (the middle spaces. Fighting is too se least until cooler weather comes, and ous a business with these high spirited | leave nature, uninfluenced by the seduct- /birds to-be mixed with foolishness.--Ben- ive soon to direct the he saa of food 'jamin Karr in Popular Science Moathly. 'or the body's That as are healthy food ean In truth be said, and yet some kinds should be people who have certain forms of digestive disturbance. emcecgsasien, for instance, which contain small tate tho intestinal eh - aaalt ea papier is socal swe eating woul a Some Fifteenth Century Letters. Some letters written in the early part of | the Fifteenth senenry. have been sold at) auction in London per was owed recious, and the pieces are mostly abo from four inches to fourt The panera ype is like _ used in Ger- many, 2 kind of with wonderf . as to the lines, which are about three-eighths of an inch | eet and the ink is ey of rk color, very seldom faded or bowels are wiat is gen- likel de harm." ¥ Vv Warr eee are y to do fery youn, dren mid, of be ikea. The average farmer knows as little of ae of pdr la' . The writing dictetics as an infant. He-dilates on his jig rather Pp ing to any one not an adept, wholesome food, which aig A consists of bat - we see how the "z" takes the place substances which require for digestion r '*y," "and ¢ the old epee peed the the st of an ostrich. Plain - living ota Seedy letters can is all right, but th that does not mean that be read salerably cpa Chicago Herald. aman should make a meal essentially on one course, varied only 8 a no of pie or perp ACS f thesort. The grea » better, as cor as a proper Suffering trean Red Tape. to be suffering 2 On one porter it took s' time and 200 miles of travel which was lying alongside of the ave "Ages" for which it was intended: and these "dredes Tay Tale, at a CORE OT $F, 000 a aay; until they could get the oil. Upon another occasion it took seven days to get five cents' worth of vaseline out of the base- ment of the building in which it was heeded on somé instruments of precision to prevent rusting.--Chicago Herald. "that clear soup may properly be indulged in by nearly all; thero are, however, com- paratively fow who. do not find sou thickened by stock meat, vegntables, ¢ ete., a tax upon digestion if 'thearty" foods aro eaten after it. It "sours on the stomach," and hence should be forbidden dy: od for whom y clear-soup allowab Patan WITH FATTY FOODS. The digestive organs find an admixture of seve cal faity foods dificult "to GISpOsS ty, of. Tho man who has fried fish, bacon, steak, ees and dry toast for breakfast is made unce mafortable, and feels duli and * heavy for several hours afterward unless he cats very sparingly. With the butter, which is, of course, an essential, there aro in such a meal as generally prepared five different kinds of fat. And thoy are still more indigestible when taken hot. ' atl ris counter there isa most decided | soba Gladstone' 'Stady. prejudice against cold meals. Of conrse Mr. Gladstone's study at Hawarden some foods should be served warm, but castle holds 15,000 volumes, which are none satisfied Tanged on shelves jutting ont. into tho 'with<tea-or see ns mr itis. Toon; # book that boiline wotatoes, also, must be Stone cannst: lay" is. hand upon. the mo- i" Dyspepsia is theenstural ment he wants it. Therearethree writing cupenasiance. The. English in this respect desks in this room, one of mnie} is for the are New Americans in London. American circle In London, so an Fanglish paper says, is beginning to attain position, owing to the fact dak m4 meny American ried Englishmen of title, ** account, ns well as for their personal at- tact, and conse nts to mp raaily a great 'influence' in London."--New York Sun. Z near the 7 "and din es at & light luncheon st 2 3 "Mrs: premier breakfasts at ro gat their reaking his fast by a did they eat vee did gee pveenke Ban pers Bazar mech a ¢ nastom Rraive lesa en Bove burden o! their poor, overworked vt: Patronized: 'hy Au Clas Classes, The question what shall va 'cat maybe' There never was atime when theatres Dest answered by simply quoting the fact were so generally patronized as now, bat that: maniscn cmnirerousanine! Why. the attendance js of all.classes. The ma- ant tx mace wo-shall-eat--can-be- om jority-only_-want to have oe A LUI3 TRe forth t y well by saying that it fs mentarily tickled. They don't caro to imp itaa for an engine ee 1ako steam oe th ~ - ind 1s fatigued by any exertion. without coal. or water otc tno com Stage was the recreation. of _petent t eng sineer Would rake "his mact hing the clean and intelligent; now it is the : when tif Pastiiae of the ugsses, Dion Boucicault. i } feet. wrtming all the &rea hie situation. ~"Tie agility nnd umarvel, t whipped eer are fonder of pao P twelve inches or thirteen inches wide and fourteen inches long.| i hand, written almost ein step youtake. Butt or ness ch the people tell today. into the rusty color be many doc-stories o te. . greater reserve of manner toward stran . Glad. Produce in peoplo from vities.n habit of etc Rg "Theres li tanac. ally at last .t0 fall into 8 par s 38 eaten: to Talore that theie Fash at etter the Fits tele t ssa + reece, tie living ba. ware of ws ak a dik i a 1 } eror to | tonrner. ter half an hour cf io of snelri s subjected to another variet he nore rotnaniie qu --Phistieet prnet- PR iee ye --W jah deems cod tine the ust « * : ' tad int vw with-the-h and i ge tis I was exercising they land » ide t KT 1 §- j ers cittees ai ei r teps and m ent linger ot ! b dea ching is nec ssarily long and to add tha % viuz il, the epi lary object being to brir haunt the glittering ficlds of nol sheer cxereise exXtrethe ajilit¥ and crevaee tnd wHae tyres wel Hd yiver sirength to "the joints ot. the. limbs. and present. such aa <o uetrable ir Even in the -education-of- the-two hunters. and 4, 29 aS to make ug capable of opinion is that the Nor s ending and pirouctting on thea}, a vast as f amonnt of caro and time is expended. merged with tho Esqui uimaux fre ag And not only must the power be acquired, or fro: n necessity ttempts hav but it must be kept up, for which pur- made to assign dhils or that tr Loedg the pose constant exercise is required. Other- Ex mea of Greenland toan infusion wise the joints become stiff and relapse of Norse blood. - itis certain that during to an ordinary deg of strength. <A the last few centurics Danes ha spose nat. be redeemed by married readily with the Esquim and {two months of redoubled. inressan: t toil. that. the cbildren-are oar i= more 1 this condition only can the danecr pre- handsome than their pare New Yor eve her suppleness and lightness. To Times. acquire, later, skill and graco movements of tho dance is a subordinate object. Ono of the most difficnlt parts 'of a danci ing girl' s education is, for in- funeral of the rat to make her smile with the rest child was received by a United States ¥o inter 'week of ? A Corebintnes Invitation. The following invitation to attend the er-companions.and look gracefully at official in Paris, who says truly that it the a pub cannot fail io ba enrious "to" American here is no rest fora great dancer at readers eny time of hercareer. I have seen the | ""Sr m-- The Baron and the Baroness An- time when, after a four hour's lesson, ] selme de Rothschild, the Baron and the have fallen exhausted on the carpet of my ess James de bac [room, where ] , Sponged and the Baroness Nathaniel de Roths- | and resuscitated, totally unconscious of child, and their caeren, the Baron and! gy Adoipke de Rothschild,.t 3 of the. reali were obtained Ba: the Baroness a de jonly at a price like this. But there are, 'child, = thelr Chiltren,; t nevertheless, dancers wedi : ties Rothschild, the Misses" Louise nat artyrize themselves with a willikenaes Alice de oceans and the Barons Na-! {scaresty credible. Nathalie Fitzjames was thaniel, Ferdinan Salomon de Roths- ; an example of this. She invented a new child, the aon. funachal de Rothschild, | method, de se rere: et de se casser, at Mme. Worms, Mme. Sichel, _--. Monte-! one and the samo tim The art of danc- fiore, Mme. Beyfus, the Baro ing has two akan ek balloune and en Baroness Lionel de Rothschild, 5B their} Roths-/ uctte. The ballioune is the school of children, the Baron and the Baroness An-) Tag joni; + is the hie combined thony de Rothschild, pot their children, | with grace, the dance w seems to de- the reg, ai oness Mayer de; and t ight im and float-in the alr. The tac- Rothschild, end-thets children, the Baron} ;quette is vivacity and rapidity; it is the and the Baroness Mayer-Charles de Roths- | 'little sparkling steps and measures on the child, and their children, Mr. " Mme. | int of the feet; a word, it is what Adolphe Beyfus, Mr. and Mme 8. . Sichel | 'anny er ani it."--St. Louis Re- and Mr. J. Sichel, public. - "Hive tee Siaer'te 'inform you of the! Sn ee ney seen sor ee have ng, ora by} Tenants of a Scotch Laird. the arerare = Baren Salomon a Tho Highlands and Hebrides are the Rothschild, wh 0 died at his hotel, No. 17 jhome of romance. There isalegend for Rue porn rine 27th of Jal 1855, at the | ce cruel- age of 82 their well ve father, | st of these are not so cruel as, and none father-in-law, o father, -} were the pathos of, the tales of their own father, peace ged and uncle; ' jand their father's wrongs and wretched-| *' invi ts you toattend the fu neral | The old on Tuesday, the 81st of July, at 9 o'clock. {the battle field. and of clan 'The funeral wiil take from the mating" clan in deadly duel, api given residence' of the -- Youth's! _.,* way to.stories of the clearing of the land Companion. \ that the laird or the stranger me : have; his th TF and fishing us well as his! crops: first. the people could: not A it. The evicted When Washington Laughed. It-has been.observed.that igbed, 'Fates | went seldomed smiled and never laughed. the laird, as they would have gone however, is not correct. One instance is | to _ of old, and asked for a new home. mentioned by a gentleman, well known | his answer? veraci "Tam for his with a degree of "ang not the of you family." " froid. At the tee the troops were en- |. And then, when frightened vat ran cam at Cambridge, information was and hid themselves at his coming, he received at headquarters that the lish broke the kettles they left by ths well, or were about leaving Boston to ee tore into shreds the clothes bleaching on battle. All was bustle are confusion, the heat the. were selves have it,-*'In these an similar ways and the officers were but i eenara "tor he succeeded too well in clearing the the approaching renconter. Some of the island of its once numerous inhabitants, generals were calling for their horses, and seattering them over the face ped the others for their arms; and among the rest globe." There must have been cruclty was Gen. Greene,.at the bottom of the indeed before the Western Jalaader,: who stairs, pinoy to eat barber for his wig. once loved his chief better than his own 'Brin y wig, rascal; bring my life, could tell such tales as these, even in wig!" Gen: Sains aiverted hinrself aul the | his unger and despair.--Elizabcth Robins rest. of the Penriell in Harper's Magazine. Greene. at of "Your ' wig is behind the looking ! a ee glass, sir." At which Greene, raising his! The Kindlier Country. Way. eyes, sy by the nirror, ace the | Now it is inevitable that the kindliest we eae tan rape i eBErcbeong ee cee Mena. "aa lo living in cit ashington, i of laughter, thre people living in cities should fall into a himself on the sofa, and the whole group Rew nted rather a ludicrous specticle-- lew York Mirror, Jan. 11, 180 ' gers than that deve ex een in the vageant & where people kuow. all about their nei ors. Inacity you cannot ned to ever body you meet on the street; there is not time for it. Youc cont even call on those who live in the e block with you. both You may be livi ing in ithe next house to a late years a fair proportion of their professional gambler and have no means fall to the lot of girls. There were sev- of ascertaining the fact. All these things eral rene Juseeeces of resene from summer hy girls. under (iiurded= interconrse;-whichriw-cer-twenty. Many Wonien are accomplished tainly less "pledsdit"' Cian" the khidlier swimmers This+ = mae Bnturs Aa country way, but is not easy to lay esidetheir. bones are ger _ Again, the mere of. a new ac-those of men, and their flesh more buoy: quain aintance, as such, ts a privilece to one ant, thév -- ape ---- to 4 vercome } who habitually lives an "eaaced life, but in acquis fs nst-a thing so eagerly desired by those float at t who live in a crowd all the time, ainl have #4 quire t a rather to acquire the habit of « t u hold ther trp. themscives-agninst numbers, eels en art of faith, for it is gener-; great deal of what is called hesitate in alls tho casé thatwhen a person believes | thinly settled regions and new communi- suflicie is the hs soyancy ot: the ties has no espe nnselfishness abont it; to tru: where neichbors and -cucsts-are-few-it-ig a swim. really the visitor si canfers tho favor. Newport. last Women Make Good Swimmers, sily. lirhter. than | : erg young who could float | timer, To give the pleasure of his company be- on the surface of the ocean with no more comes in that case a phrase of some mean. difficulty than they experienced in lying | sie de rar. upon a fof. 'They eet ae » Heated for, hours, if necessary. Some of the most is would do the work: in hand. f a 'Sovlal Life. in Karty Dzys. ~ famous e beer-nccomr, pe res The Greatest vation. i ihe by tery. young women. Ths} encines is to seo that the firo isfreed! '7. greatest elevation which has been | or cf med, gin soon nsceting Hah € from clinker and ash. So wasto must be gttained by man is 37,000 feet--about +, im the history of thattown, H Sas eae ee Og Hstinated from the human sys- seven miles--this height having been recat pinot thing hehe in vary 'ally id Customs of English Spertemen. o skin, the tc Ay Mgr cl no reached during a balloon ascent made by | gree, continued some time to the pn gif Vhen a London man- is asked down to Glaisher At this tremendous. distance | cape of this, and when these sicves fail to above the earth's surface physical exer- act, the stcte of affairs in the eee Eopihoal vary. tion is found to be almost impossible, a. "let tho -- sap maar gas : tly "owing to the great rarefaction of the at- man fail to clean eat . resen iss . ~B ton mosphere. Detroit Free Press. ent century, so that da eae kone hoot ing party, he would not take} tots receive acall even from a minister --o loader" with Lira, as his host wo _ out cn offer of a glass of something--to {fet to find him a "'ioader." for no wr the minister it would be .wine. As late 12" his own gunin Engisnd; th is the But ifbe were resid- "succes in the a i ron Salomon de Reths-!~# ihe: PENNYROYAL WAFER Kaw had wt > a #1 and. the (THE RUREKA CHEMICAL c The records of the humane socicties on} sidés of the Atlantic show thatefp tT byes ati see wafer are made of ciieap and inferior materials, and give poor, weak, crocky colors. To be sure of _use only the Diamonp Dyes for coloring Dresses, Stock- ings, Yarns, Carpets; "Feathers; Ribbons, &c., &c. We warrant them to color more goods, pack- age for package, than any other dyes ever made, and to give more brilliant and-durable colors. Ask ' for the Dianiond and \ no other. A Dress Dyed Fon A Coat Colored '10 Garments Renewed CENTS. A Child can use them! At Druggists and Merchabus. Dye Book free. WELLS, RICHARDSON & C0. Montreal » St S (rc aS ihe OARS EMESS § tts ie ofa physician 'Nife~ a Sale Ww CR: SASMYTH. s Co, Oteattord BHEOMATISN CURES WORM POWDERS. Aro pleasant totske, Contain thelr own Purcetire. Is a palo, sures, and effeectua' of werms in Children or Adalur Ve have just received 1 2 large tot of Nimpkish River salmon, iwthing the very low oihhe-a ;-ents per can. Walsh Bros. for bargains. is the place Of Great Utility. There is no other medicine of such gen- ral usefulness in the hourehold as Hag- ard's ay ellow Gil for the cure of rheuma- ism, neuralgia, sore throat and all inter- aal.and external pains and injuries tema for pont BY tent pinal lastrumestsce cscs CiuLAs. CLUTHE, 1 8 King St W., Torento SIKATFOKOD: Manion pee Satarday, Jan. 5, TH89, NDON Gregg Howe, Peidayand Saturday, Jan. 12th 1th, Loed. For Sale ty © & NASMYTH @ te., wat an Hag of tha "hlood. ; Harvey's circulation. theory and A: e@r+ {Sarsaparilla, are a the history and progress of Medicine There is no case. of d among Horees and Cattle where whee 8." Powders are not called for, and by their admin a rpaned will save the lives | of many valuable an Get samples of the teas, that James es iSi8,a church council of eighty-four dU'y ©! > servant. 25 and 124 cents per Diode. i -- zsous } 9 ing Mm the * comutry he would expect to > a een | Rallway thine ~yebles "are ary me ade off tani a belle of wing. and. 244-tane his "loader" with him, and be con genie hcente-pan emma ake) 8 oO eemvenient a papier. ag sp! inserted. | cieera, besides pipes". - tnt with we gamsy" that ta, be would | been x 5 "Ant little I Riinecsre ate for convenient he says: "The fashion fallo: those of, bedi asthe of: eee cates ARE: lpg ste id toy pee town life in Enrope. A few of the earlier £07. one to be loaded mi ght tose him a fine Grand Ré ri = inent men must Lave had an impos. shot. It esul part of the country.' : 'are iritroducing small 'dinner tabies in- pe bo nn mess Resedll, Seong. loudly apa Leister vaaly "We don't, dear. 'stead of one large one. fh hair chy arephc tr a> 4 try or given to ns whens "But lcan hear them singing just as : tend "Tined alk guest eset fron, par' bird "rises or when a bird is missed. So at bows, A Bay View chiropodist has dubbed |sla," wite "a gold | true sportsman observes a coma, ' eo a great ---- in [Notice of Removal. oe 5 JOHN Ss_ SHORE'S - BLOCK, Market *quare, Drass, Paten' "'edicines, And Bverything Usually Fennd i @ FIRST-CLASS UG TORE. Stratford, Sept. 26, 1R8 982. Dee STRATFORD Fost Otice Time- Table, MATL Detrrerr. Cheers ~ = rs * * te se Bowel i 2» 0b) 8 00 9 oe " ant yg ER Senet een th tte 3 SO 12 90 fHamiix oe pe T. & 8. we it 9 hak ri 9 30 west * 3 10 Gudert ne "tiyton, Sem ? forth, Mitchell, andi Rr em Detiw se, ee | 930 4D) St. Maryse 1310) 7 Eid th ene & 0. F. a } ; 12 © oo} 3 & oo r +4 and Lt | § Oo! ; = miLE Rs. | 18 10) TAGE KALA, i ' aig Sane Am- | | ulree, Llampsted and | pe Nithborg... larmeny and Pair. | } ! on an Menday. Wes- ' 4% pascirti and Friday. sd | had "Woutsy; Wtnesdsy and friday, delivery ap '0 30 a. m. seers Thureduy and Saturday, delivery af o "OLD € OUNTRY MAILS. poking Rimouski closes om every & ial vi via New York, closes cn every Saturday. c evening roall pir yy clones at 6. aoe Post tl F » WI ILLIA | BLAIR, Postmaster. Stratford, Sept. 7 b7hly ' "GRAND. TRUNK RAILW AY IMPORTANT CHANGE OF TINE Traine are timed tc jeave Stratford ad tonowr : FOR MAIN LIKE west. --3:15 a. $150. Express" Es Bre Said dee 30 pm me public from 6s = wae GODERICH.-- ain ales. p. m.-- Express. pm --Pansenger. a5 dy area. FOR BUFFALO. ~e "8 we 12 p we Eap, Mes Wednenda>> For me Ce 1206 p cpm Fey, Pay Fudan, Th "yong FOR ee ene: =., ee. } Daily. 7.20 p, m., Exp., J. HICKSON, General Manage. Exhausted Vitality. menses. full a only #1.00, by mail, ba gud tree to alt asiciaed Send a Jewelled Medal 5 pwesded to National M A PCOR MAN'S FRIEND: that willrare 5 todd of si a Doitar ie time tor's Bille, ong alvea near at . ready at a moment 'st friend is Py nxy Davis Se oF AKEN INTERN AREY: bole « Ta. Prien. ickness ated yest ned it enres Dysontor and Pain ie te seouane bh, i « Compia ie Painter's Coli« Dyspeprin « + indi sestion, Suddeu Colds, Ser Thenet. Connie ke. USED ENTE ERNALLY, it cures Breve Burns, Sealds Sprai Cuts, ands ins, Swelling» © the Joints t #, Pain in the Face, Net ralgia ane Rhe om Seid hy ms Jer: wnat " y Medicines the World Around 25 Cente vce Borrit. Beware of Counterfelts and Imilations. in Fam MIRACULOUS RESULTS pe) THE VER "S A. Dourswarn, Seux Maxvractwaen, P. Ba PPR tote eats "Rena, Cos : A; ND Dit Conti ipae te roe dbaecber ant resheorst aa * Soa ne a IM tm <a ee Sere teanne: gpI TT <a HN ME ete Sate Be "ere aint =

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