- oo "eo . over his specs at the dis- on the outside of the the _--~} Game here tg help Mr Gordon to pat Joho 6 vy in the Mayor's for grossly assailed as I hav; Deen wy cues. | utter tne Care Of ge. ~~ J contemptible fakirs The treatment is | man's side of the house, The yoanguils unjust to an old citizen, who has never | having the kindest of care and atten' been placed in the position of an aggres- | has grown to be frisky ann ery sor, And, Sir, it is worse than unjust tes on th when it comes from a gang of imposters, The s whose Ty records,-as you have fre- } who how resides in Point Edward, are in bonds of matrimony _ _auers sad Brown' may be guffering | 1890! ; sa U . Se ia se we'ecoming vielt to this e shortly, The speake-then je _ustt and Bppiause. oe ar aay seo COMIN , i ' resanrd/ 1 hack there sn ty of the Rupture sialista from To- CHRISTMAS CHIMES. uently sta your paper, are known | lately en ered the Seat, gee the ap that followd iver pr " pos who will be at the Reyal v on -- an: Ontanc, When" thease. rank | second time, made up bis mind to obtain or pe ei: > Nienatiy, ald. Friday, January 10th inst. Their pub- On Christinas day, services were held in thieves, pimps and libertines," : of the child if possible. Ha... | hi [ lished testimonials, a copy of w has | the following churches :-- - ae pe reno -- -- -- sone his mother would not let it go been sent to are all that could " reatment, do they forget the | aa certain arguments were entered" At the cberels, Rev ? Do they f the | into, 20 he determined to secure the murder of & young gitl, who any risk, He camedown om joy of a-once happy | No. 3 the west last week, and made home, one of their half-witted gang, | a bee-lme Tor the paternal homestead. He' the while acting im the capacity of a drug clerk |.entered the house, and the moment 'he at Ingersoll? Have they forgotten set his eyes on the kid, which was Albion escapades? Have the public for- | half dressed at the time, he seized it: gotten the manner ia which they have per- | made for the door, The young man's secuted R ag Sir, as Mayor of this city ? | mother, being attracted by the cries of the way all citizens are treated who } child, followed him. He sli out the have no use for thent or their sheet. L-ask-} front door, and for the station headed. no favors, crave no indulgences, and do | The old lady, unmindfal of the depth of speak highly of the appliances » anc the great skill of these gentlemen in their usnal mornitg eres oe tise Mr treatment for the reli and care of this At the H terrib'e affliction, Parents having chil- | Deacon delivered an appropriate address. dren 80 afilicted should uot mias this op- At St Jomph's church, Rev Dr Kilroy , but call early in the day. See officiated at all four masses. their advertisement in another column -------- headed RurorRe. -e E HOLIDAY PERSONALS, not even ask for fair play irom this | the matoz Doznte-st., beaded th 8 --<--<--<$<--_--_----------_ --_-- of oe If I did.J 'acw inati after him, losing' her sli in the By the death of Mr. John G, Humphry, Mr Wm Moore, of Toroato, son of Mr look for tin vain They ate fitting rep- | where they out of sight. Still she which occurred on Monday, Stratford loses James Moore, of Hamlet ward, is spendizg | resentatives of that class of bumbogs and on. [wo citizens of the town, one a valuable citizen, the County of his holidays &t the paternal home. imposters who have of late years made | an Inland Revenue man and the a? Perth one of ita oldest settlers. Mr. | Mr W. McBride, late Principal of the aeasines 5 am -- eee wheat buyer, ho son and Humphry was born in England in 1833, | Collegiate Institate here, but now of Wia- Thanking you for space, tr ' him until the o! ycame up. Thea i nipeg, is spending his holidays here.* I remain, yours very truly, there was a pulling and match ?. A. oh J. M. WiLsox, betweeit the two, to see wh would get ved Princip sail ny Mansion House." | posstasion of the kid, wile the latter ex- rrived Stratford, ' erted ita lungs as a buxom, well-fed "a C ae waco ehild can. Aerowd of a popes © five boys and three girls. He was Clifford, of this city, are goon arrived to see . old lady went sterling worth ; honest and in- | holiday seasda in Montreal. ee an have sweated those of had fallen, and after being assisted so tis man | dustrious. His faneral takes place to Mr J. Murray, of Tiverton, is ing nes WS = ajo ning ths was given tho child. son, oo A cemetery, at 3:30 o'clock, on | his holids at the parental roof in Downie. them. They are fast alien the | overcoat after the melee, looked i Mr J P. Keanaly, of | fe" that they did have to support Jaoob's coat of many colors, left for the M . them at one time. . Ald, Doviderns BY Went that evening, but without his child. Wilson and others, who were Bid lady te very grateful to the twe believing that they were respectable, on who assisted ber to retain posses- : E a i betel Adame Hie city, oa Monday night | | Mr W. Lasted, of the Gheie [blackmailers, pimps and goody' week :--" When about three miles west of here Christmss. -- _: -- our village, Hu went on topof | . Heary Macfarlane is home for the holl- | #e8 jae censared by poort -- the train, and the night being dark, he days. -- ee | plage 2 carried a lantern, It was in leouing over Mies Minn Bax, ls vit at Lucan. Pats went oF to prevent the lantern fallin «" the car | _ Miss Emily Freemantle Mr George were Ite PP ne : that he lo t bis valnmee and fall off He Freemantle, @f Bracebridge, are visiting -- po oe think wasn mine i Habrg wus rated: | Se" 3a Lee oeneay of tn Te found him |_Mr and Sirs L, Long, of Cayage, wd hector et -- ebadiger 1 beside the track. | county, are the gnests of aj ye = ron Bee homes, : 4 ae treated gentlemen, if they had _-- veggie erg personal . in this city, on last city. -- ; 4p ' aaa ood poisoning having Mr G. Siddi* and wife, of the Fores rales and deans zi "= 5 5 city, are the gtests of . Biddle. Yie'c. Wretera, of the Guelph Herald, r at his 2 in 6. lex Cartis. School trustees Mrs. William I. Becker, of Stratford, Weir, John ter of Senator Merner, spent her ho- , Wm tes ee "~