---- eS ae | y : -. Fegulation size and style. 7 en ___ WONDERFUL WATCHES. THE INGENIOUS CHRONOMETERS OF THE PAST 200 YEARS. Thuepicces. That Were Wonders in De- sign amd Workmanship--Watches tn the Beds of Umbretia Handles and Lead Pen- ile The Physician's "Familiar Spirit." For years old Dr. Allan, the Scottish Feician, was suspected of being a wiz- : ard, an opinion which was considered all but Gonfirmod when, in 1650, he pro- vided -bhimecl! with a silver-watch of the Chancing to stop with a neighbor over night and it being: scmnewhat cold, he laid the watch near his body and covered it with the bed quilts so that the chilly weather would notaffect the works. Next morn- jag he arose rather abruptly and deft the house without removing tis treasure from its cozy nest in the bed. : In ridding up the room the servant dis- 'covered "the infernal chattering papel and i d that it be the old doctor's 'familiar spirit," con- clusions which were hardly arrived at before she bad fled wildly from the room. Other servants were called and the whole array charged the "chattering thing" in the bed. Clubs and tongs .were freely used, but the case was strong and the thing stilt chattered defiantly. One of the take the tongs and carry the thing tothe moat and drown it, a proceeding & r@pectabie Gis- tance with hoes, Clubs and shovels, with which they proposed to pounce on the thing should it attempt to attack the heroic girl. When the old doctor re- turned for his watch he was informed of what had been done, one of the servants leading the way to where the thing had been dro Tt was found hanging on Meath fully convinced. the servants that it was in reality the old wizard's spirit, and they could not be persuaded to touch it. This story is related simply to show what rarities watches must have been @ven at that late period of the Seven- teenth century. A MARVEL IN ITS WAY. In 1769 one of the admirers of George TL caused to be made for that monarch a watch which was a marvel in its way. It had a calendar hand which pointed to the days of the month and of the year. Instead of making a revolution every month, like the calendar watches of .to- day, it took the whole 865 days to get once. around... The dial plate was only of anumber of extras with which this watch was provided. A movable diamond performed diurnal revolutions as regular 'as did: the great orb. after which it was half hours and the quarters, while an inside modeled; it struck the hours, the dial plate revolved ina manner clearly exhibiting variations of the seasons. oreo English house of lowing a suggestion of Sir Isaac Newton, Be a committee June 11, 1714, with power to offer a reward of £20,000 to any one who would invent an accu- use at sea in deter- After many years of rate time keeper for mining longitude. labor and. "study the invention was an- nounced a3 pe rfected. ventor, one John Harrison, did not re- ceive the reward for his labor until Sept. 18, 1764. Keyless watches have been known for 0 past 100 years, but not- until within the past twenty-five have they come into use. It would take columns to en umerate all the dainty and wonderful little time- pieces that have been made during the past 400 years. They have been made not larger than pease, and sot in rings --for physicians to facilitate the counting of the pulse. They have been fixed in same position as the rubber on the aver- age Faber. In 1883 a watchmaker of Dresden ex- hibited a watch made entirely of paper. The paper was the maker claimed that it would be as serviceable as if made of the material cestershire, Englan Bros, & Co. exhibited one- made otely of iron. WONDER OF THE MINETEEOTH CENTURY, An ingenious prisoner at Kariaus, Bo- hemia, recently constructed a watch, eight centimeters in diameter, with no other tools or material except two nee- dies, a spool of thread, a newspaper and some rre straw. The wheels, posts and cogs are all made of the rye straw, who comsiders it the greatest marvel of the Nineteenth century. The most ingenious, perfect and com- plex watch ever manufactured was sent out from the works of Patek, Phillippe "& Co., of Geneva, Switzerland, in July, 1877, and js. now ession of Baron Nicholas. It is what is known as the full sized "hunter." On one side there is a dial of the ion kind, ex- hour, minute and second also an 'ni: chrono- i ag which strikes the hours, quarters and minutes, The opposite dial has flere pointing fol- However, the in- The Haldimand election case has lees postponed until the 14th of June. When the bicod is impure, thick and sluggish, or thin and impoverished, three esn be no health. With these conditions all the functions of the body are impaired and the result is a variety of dangerous The best remedy is Ayer's The ns the gen- eral Dearth aed ---- chrenie constipa- tion, indigestion, and various forins of skin diseases. Holloway's remedies are of priceless valoe to persons of this class, for they can be used without entailing loss of work, emg pares vegetable im their Atly act with out hens on the most delicate system The experience of more than forty years proves 'that no Means surpass Hollow'ay 's remedies for curing had lege, bad breasts piles. and wounds of all kinds The » Lanes and Streets Of a city are like the veins and arteries o _ body; if feal or impure, d re" nits. Cleanse the blood fromthe foul ha complications, ---- acklew, eavea &n exchange, affects the aime in Manitoba, The same e thing aitects some people in this prov ince Worn Out and Run Down by disease Pa debility, the human sys- tem becomes worn oat « dows be fore its time. "Keep "the head clear, the bowels regular,ithe blood pure, the kidneys and liver active, b the use of Blood ne nature's great tonic and re- gulator, and d disease cannot exist. f 3 8 - Christmas " patahers of pene Cana- dian journals are as thick this season as fles about = hasty pudding, end this, too, in face of the delightful mud, Foae the equally delightful weather of last best blood mediciné ever devi all blood disorders, from a common pimpte to » serofulous sore. _|(onstipation, F not remedied in season, is liable te. become habi Consumption Surely Oured. To tux Evrron :--Please inform your teaders that I have a positive for the above na ee By its anaes habitual and chronic. Drie. tic purgatived, by weakening the bowels, confirm, rather than cure, the evil. Ayet's Pills, being mild, effective, and strengthening in their action, are gener- ally recomme: vby faculty as the Respectfully, Da. T, A, SLOCUM, best of aperients. 164 West Adelaide st., Toronto, Ont, "Having been subject, for ears, to 3 ; tipation, -- out i © to fin uy, Thee New York board of of health -- much f relief, , a t tried Ayers Pills. I dee t bot 4 a& pleasure Gotham at last, and the '*dewear didos"| ootite 'that I Save 3 derived lt ben- efit heir are all blowing, risa beer sneezing like an Old hoes with ch eeves. "But they still hang on to their eyeglass--the didos do. use. For over two years "sg Twould not every t before retiri w wilingy be without them." --G. ww. Bow East Main st., Carlisle, Pa. "7 ha mare came taking Ayer's Pills and ng them in my family since 1857, and checttully recommend them to all in necd af safe but effecta al cathortie. ee taken one Consimption Cured. the formula of a simple} john Lect Ky. for the speedy and per- - manent cure of C in, Weas tis "For was afflicted with eaten wach at zt lest became 80 bad that the doctors could do go more also a tive snd radical z began to take Ayer"s for Nervous Debility all Nervous] Pita, and soon the bo . Complainta, =P thetr ,, 86 that ful curative powers in thousanns of cases, | now I am in ercolient + ae "--8. L. has felt it his duty to make it known to --* pe n, . his suffering fell A ted this ving need Ayer's Pills, with good motive a desire to relieve human naan I Cy cone ape them me the Pst, suffering, I will send free of charge, to ae age median uD Contre Brit Brides: Pa. all who desire it, this recipe, in German fall directions for . Sent by mail by reasing with stamp, haming hg W. A: Nores, 149 Mower's Block, French or English, with usin, =| Ayer's_ Pills, ter, WY, br, J ©. Ayer & Coy Lowa, Mase Bold by all Druggists and Dealers fn Medicine. CLEARING 'SALE --commencrxo-- _ Classic alee Saturday, Dec. 7th,'89. a ity Dai Shap, FOR ONE MONTE. JAMES HARTLEY, Proprietor. partnership with my brother, dissolved 42 Give as a Call. Satistaction Guaranteed. intend to reduce our stock, and in order to do aed a down. Serie on only renting one line, of Notice. old goods, New Fall Goods Must be Sold. i Maa bein +b. END MEAT MA RKET is now con- Mr. JACOB PAULI, Butcher, All Shop w orn gools away below Cost. kinds of cee Oe: Meat, season, &c. Millinery at Half Price. jon guaranteed. Give him & call. During the sale we will have in the centre of the 3 PA store a bargain 4 this will be found all of the West End Meat Market. sorte of remnants bargains, We have o Stratiord, | ov 19, 2m choice let of sel which will be sold at ent eee cost. JOB LOT OF OV +aTS from #4 to $10 NEW BUTCHER SHOP. GENTS' FURNISHINGS. | Marte it Reficr's Block, Ontario 8; East. "Fresh We make a specialty in all of men's 'sat Se ts my first attent ne oe delivery in al the I onters y aiaaaias 0 ~ * peecael ALFRED RICHARDSON, FRESH GROCERIES | strattort, Nov 12, 1880. Team Othe side of thie branch, We allow to one ore don't throw this pat wolde asd ou at TO THE PU BLIC vertisement, but igh pr ear oe i call i and get our prices, then if you do not find our we will not rsk you to buy. 'An extia PPUEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Steam Dye aid. Will be pat on Sgring te will 'not be in order for a short KASTNER BROS. |=: nen MITCHELL & SEBRINGVILLE, m.. B.--Fowl and farm produce Page ou accounts be be paid by the 15th January, 1890. Ww. 7. BUYERS, EDWARD TAYLOR, Proprietor. July 24, 1889. - 707-48 PINE SIGN AND FIGURE PAINTER Coa. Wautiweton axp St. Parnica Sta. House to Let. _ Stratford, March 5, 1880. ext-ty ae THAT NEW BRICK HOUSB ON CHURCH STREET, PROSITE pe een oF * RTT 3208, MP. oth e, Bab, Water Civeet, Gas, Ul hse en, and = ieee mm im- MISS RUBY MACKENZIB Orders taken tor China Deeorating Su jable for Xmaa. Gif Corne: ry ee vd & provements. em G. W. LAWRENCE & SON, : _ Stratford, Now NOTICE. So eee FARM FOR SALE, Sist November, 1900, tose spam cbeest pane heifer 9% 3. Cox. 1, TOWNSHIP OF MORNING- calf, aah ond thres red steers. Anyone giving eictes ani oak ne 2 acres bush, to their recovery will be balaace sie ond Set ceipbetesorentiees | suitab'y ) thom. Digetee beem Sosie Ft Free from debt. Wa. GRAUL, t., bed ealane f wlmgebi myphaer Banat gear ane re a Rostock P. O., Ont. water. Hf not sold by Lt January, will be leased ! F Noalene r "ty " aorta. particulars appl; to ow To the Retail Dealers the MRS, GEV. LUPTON, South, St., Stratford. Stratford, Dec. 10, 1880, 737-28 oM® PAY LARGE WHOLESALE JosaeERs D Ere, when you cam get the following Brilliant Self-Shining Stove Polish, Ivory Stareh Polish, The Little Wonder Powder, r cleaning gold eure by using Bardock Blood Bitters, the } A large storey and a hall the west side of McKemzic st., Shakespeare ward Deaces's. Apply to W. G. "Mowe! Agent. A beat « 4 | + cal Estate worey and & alt frame aoe, fast eeuth w e bor -t Deacon's Avo te :w. 6. A lerce twe hovse, besuti- tuity eT on top the hull, commer of S& 1 thie ernia stteets, near St James chatch t, 4 WG. Mowat, Heal Ex For fratwe house and lot on Victoria st, just off St. Lavid at ; 6100 will buy it, balance om easy terme of payment. Sarah Dunbar's. premea ts nn 4 a good fram: tame, CRLLAT, Am S60 1) © p Net. on ( hurch st, ew can sles be sold on mon' essa S82 5 For ected of tee neat frame 25 Fs son the west side of f Weile ot, just north = the one mentioned. month, without interest, will give you a free deed just east of Romeo st. *. $1 050 For your choice of 6 geat white cot- ' tages, splendidly inside Brunswick and ra ste. $13.25 per month with- out interest, will give you a free deed in 10 years. $1,100 Sere reenact Douro $1,200 lot on south side.of Rebecca st,, pear Nile, weil finished, worth more money. C. J. Tracy's. For that neat brick $1,250 a hisad a aaitee wockebio at y st, on this street. $2, 100 For thas neat block of threes storey frame houses, on the west side of Nile st., at the corner of Milton st. 'ae eas on pay 12% interest. Vacant Lots fer Dwellings. witeties ot: gO lot on. st, pear Front st. $450 each thove three lote on north o 'alstafl st. near Downie st. 7 i jot on Albert st near Nile $1,000 for S acre lotom Forman ave. adjoining . & splendid for s market garden, of a centieman's H. T. Barker's. $300 each for four lots on syuth side of Ontario at, west of 'Those two street. Wil rent to poy 10 per cent interest This building is nearly new ag ag Gibson's, Apply to W. Real Estate roms and Running Spring. Also contains : cundieg comptete JAS. HE MPHILL, Seneeke ond Chances. Vor forther 'pa to] eet = prota maw wtarearine benisenn Manufacturer, LISTOWEL Post Ofice, Aprty ? save % ~ At Manufacturers' Prices. 3 "JAMES BENNOCH, : sea S é Money to Loan. _ Address all Srrenees S08 anton torte Or to Mas. E HERSON, on the ate dog ettheS yn lp naam gang teins rg mer poh those can be seen in my ciroulars, tan em, interest oa morkrages, on city and ' *"Roval"F lavotine &xtracts ; 2Oete per Ib for raising when | S826 -atety W. G. MOWAT. you can a, os re Ww : but a om ae tet Phcy ae. 3° give big psig Worm Powder Worms, 2 sig Ba ae. Tpcil soa ee . Demarest" acts a at Sa a Mizd Candies, $17 per! i on west side iC STRATFORD, ONT. The jost Popular and 'Progressive Business Training School of the Province. a covr offered in this Sch do] ie net exociled im Canada tow Thoroughness ; it developes h tienfetemationly, amd educates teaest ease of the ord. inst-tatso hat mean Pkable record from the fret day of its existence. = * ™ . TOW IS THE TIME TO ENTER. Sa Addrep, Reeol ations, Testimonials, &c., Engromed in FirstClaes Style and at Prices to Suit. Pofatalogucs and Cierulars, address - cai W. H. SHAW, Principal. E. L BARNSDALE & Co., Orangs, Lemons, Chocolate Drops, French Cream, New Nuts, : Forthe Holiday season.-; K. K BARNSDALE & Co. HOLDAY ANNOUNCEMENT. Weare hapy to announce to our Customers and the Public | | generally, that we are prepared Fo the Christmas Trade. Our Sck is very complete, having added new lines to + it, never 2 pieces before. In fact, long before the public thought ofVhristmas, we were making preparations to meet the. ever-greasing. requirements: of the trade. ~We succeededp.-getting some Real Bargains, -andexpect..to. surprise y¢ with oe prices as well as with the beauty of our Holidy Good ' The pck consists of Gold and Silver Watches for Ladies an Gents, Silverware in great variety. C Pencils, Gd tings, _Gold-Headed Canes, Gold Pens and enci | You mst see to appreciate. . Remember that, you can: have the aicles of your selection laid ausy and engraved. free of chage.. PIQUEGNAT BROS, fo. 3, Old- Albion Block: -- IAMOND BLOOD PURIFIER! neomodigrstswom, 100 DOSES $1. TAMOND-OIL; he Fee te ee pr IAMOND CONSUMPTION CURB! he x © tom wih faxtecdh t. We quarcntzs what we advertie. Wite BEG Rrserrreen, Racbester, | N.Y. N. W. (Thee house te is readied GREAT SPECIA L SALE NOW GOING ON AT THE 2 PRON T, Bios. X Ee sahil cs studenten + (Mismes' Oil Goat Butt, worth #208, now 81.65." ~ 1 utp 300, « " ~~ Ol Goat batt & 20, " co " Lined Bals es, * 17S = Heavy wear, from up. Repairing 'neatly and Wellington Street. REPAIRING Al K The best of | aA T ionery store, Oddf nie-st., or at Cald will be promptly at PECI ALTY. yelestnone. | ty