ee i des RRR Ie oN So Pa Lame enreeene eR a CONNER Sy i ~. fj} A WOMAN CARPENTER. .| GHE HAS A SHOP OF HER OWN AND 1S A SKILLFUL ARTISAN. Don't Fool with the Drummer. e worst bores we ever knew, a -< jeane the legend "This is my busy day." Having s Taste <i It was not received with the best grace, menses Tools pbs! ts Wood, Sbe 1,.¢ proved very efféctual on subsequent ; i flastered Them. eicite The man who fools with adrum- A Woman Can Do Such Work Withgat mer had better trouble the-business end |} of a wasp, as full many a businéss man | Being the Lew Womanly. Sensible women who want to make knows. anoney do not wander 'tall around Robin Hood's barn," as our grandmothers used to say, after an They look perience. in a neighboring state knew the proprietor slightly, having for. someth eare oa" ft called on him once or twice in pres ious isthe needs foie * etcaneAaaat years, and finding him alone, after 4 of supplying their wants. few moments' conversation, called his 1 attention toa neat little article in his What is more womanly than being a carpentér? And who but a woman who knows how to keep house understands the value of a woman carpenter to re- spond to her many needs for domestic \devices? line that he was introducing. The prietor turned on his heel at aliiost the first word, without looking at the article, and curtly said, "No, sir, 1 don't want any part of it. I never get anything until | have a call for it." The sales- 'anor waited a few moments, making no itown. She is | reply until the proprietor was at leisure and has a isa, healt Peas cheve again, then h ing for the door, put in the shavings about hor carpenter's out his hand and bidding him good-by, bench. invited him tocome upto Boston and he would extend such courtesy as he ap- peared not to be accustomed to. proprietor felt the justice of the remark pologized in his own fashion. | In a certain town is a business man |who is rather biggish for the size of the 'place. If a salesman calls he rust send in his card to the office and humbly seek Mra. Leyton,a pretty, clever little wo- man, has opened a carpenter shop up an A BABY IN THE SHOP. The peat little white frame house in ter lives has a glories, "What put it into your head to become acarpenter?" was the first question asked - " 'wanted nothing. The salesman told the prompted me," she re- : pag ee needs planed ' iboy to return and ask ake re haga tte Of & they cost his firm money. The boy soon had returned, saying the proprietor had torn .done-e of ornamental work of UP the card and: sent out See-oente 2 began Pay for the same, . housekeeping I had to solve the problem of furnishing my home with little money. In these days of artistic fur- this is by no means a difficult) one, but what is difficult is to find a car- ter to carry 'sideas. W ag use of Getler ates nora yori Give the salesman a fair show, with tic idea about a bookcasé or a table or a | S°neTous treatment, and our word for it cupboard if you must confide it to some YO" will have no just cause to regret it, They are an indispensable adjunct to our civilization.--New England Drug- gat = a > re aap took out two more the back of one, "My firm does a square ness and never takes advantage of an cents," then sent them into the pro- prietor. She was a woman herself and understood the situation. "Now, I met with exactly this experi- ence," said Mrs. Leyton, as she seated herself on a bench, picked up her baby. and weeded out the bits of shavings monument to Pierre Cabochard, grocer, from his blonde curls. "'The consequence | with a pathetic inscription, which closes was that I bought a set of carpenter's ¢hus: 'tools and some pine boards and con-| His inconsolable widow dedicates this structed my frames for myself. Thus, | monument fo kis memory, between rough carpentering and the the same business at the old shop, 167 finer art. of wood carving, I about fur-| Rue Mouffetard." cs my own house. Now-a-Parisian. paper relates that a _, 1 fitted up tt shed as a carpenter's |short time ago a gentleman, who had Pp ut-the neigh-| noticed the above inscription, was led by. borhood. This wasa year ago. Orders curiosity to call at the address indicated. ---/ almost..imm +, Having his desire to see the because, you see, I had appealed to the | Widow Cabochard, he was immediately" necessities of the peoplé? and that is the! yshered into the presence of a fashiona- first step toward money making." ibly dressed and full bearded man, who Here the little matron laughed in alasked him what was the object of his cheery, contented way and hugged her | gravely, sisicenceemaapaapimmnineresntree An Anecdote of Advertising. * It is well known that at the Pere-la- Chaise cemetery, near Paris, there stands in a conspicuous position a splendid | Visit. little son, who was half aslee; | "J came to see the Widow Cabochard, "Of course, when I was first married," sir," - she-continued, 'Il. never of working for myself, but after "a couple of years of experience of life, I came to the cunclusion- that an.occupation is as "necessary to a tharried woman: as tos single one, So-Lhired _an_ extra servant to relieve me of the household duties--I detest housework and iove tinkering with hammers and saws--and I became a professional carpenter." "Might 1 & if you make much money?" was the next question. ** Well, sir, here she is."" ; "I-beg pardon; but~I-wish-to-seo-the lady in person." "Sir, Lam the Widow Cabochard." LS f-don't* exactly understand, you. I allude to the relict of the late Pierre bochard, whose monument I saw yester- day at the Pere-la-Chaize." "I see, I see," was the smiling rejoin- der; "allow me to inform you that Pierre i\Cabochard isa myth, and therefore never jhad a wife. The tomb you admired cost | "Lhave made clothes, pocket money, me a good deal of money, and, although nurse's Wages, amusements, a summer) no one is buried-there, it-proves.a first outing and have several hundred dollars |class advertisement, and 1 have nocause in the bank." to regret the expense. Now, sir, what A SAMPLE CUSTOMER, ican I sell you in the way of groceries?" _|There..was -a the yard bell, which was presently opened by .a* good looking nursemaid. A tall, handsome The Misery of Happiness, young woman entered and crossed the; What is a pessimist, my son? Well, if grass plot to the carpenter's shed. Mrs. |the spring opened unusually early, and Leyton gave her baby into the nurse's there was an increase of about 25 per arms and turned to her customer. lent. in the acreage of cereals sown, and \the weather was so near perfection all brought her de- ;made the sides of the elevator bulge, and submitted it to the |prices have gone down 10 and wages in- pretty |creased 15 per. cent., the national debt The the design |all this dawning millennium you come sitting on a fire plug ona corner, pouring dust on his head eeping because all his prosperity is apt to develop luxurious and wasteful \habits among the masses--he's a pessi- "And what is your duty as a Chris- gion for women. And there is this about it, that a woman may follow her profes- | Bar Harbor obtained its world wide celeb- sion in her own home." : rity. One year, says The Mt. Desert came striding 'Herald, he had a skipper from Waukeag across the grass plot from the rear of Point, now known as Sorrento, to sail the little white house! Mrs. Leyton in- his yacht. In the fall the professor gave troduced him as her husband. bim, asa token of gratitude for favors "Please tell The Journal readers that! received, a Webster's Unabridged Dic- tionary, which, as the man could neither him baby."--New York J skipper received it with all due gratitude, and left it for safe keeping with the vil- He Lived Near the Pole. 1, years passed by, ~Blinks-- old fellow! What's A wery neat tittle -reminder-to-one of Nip @) RTANT a ow | th York dude with a big cane, was adinin- | listered by aclerk who attached to the ) A salesman recently told us his ex- fe | quickly. y one. They only cost three for five. | Sampson's "History of Advertising." |) Well Raver Caradians © bose € were (iven op as incurable. | From the few of the hundreds of letters | we have received from those who have | | been restored to health and strength by the usc of that wonderful. discovery, Paine's Celery Compound, we make a 'few extracts. We hope that the thou | are suffering from nervous nd wasting | diseases, will profit by these tree and | plain statements of facts D.'S. Davidson, of Montreal, suffered for years with nervous dyspepsia, pain in his back, and sleeplessness. He tried doe- toes Without retief; was losing flesh rapidly, | amd had about given up heart when he commenced the use of Paine's Celery Compound. "Now," he says, "lam anew man. I sleep well and my food does not a." Mr. Jas, Johnson, 302 St. Charles Ber- gomee Street, Montreal, was weak and mervous, had no appetite, and could not yest at night. His nerves were soothed and strengthened by Paine's Celery Com- pound, and he soon became well and strong. Annie Gourley, of River Beaudette, | P. @, found the Compound a certain cure for weakness, and now fcels as weil as she ever did. A customer of Harrison Bros., drug- gist, Hamilton, Ont., told them that he was entirely cured of nervous weakness by the use of two bottles of the Compound, -after everyting else has failed. Toronto, was cured of St. Paine's Celery Compound, . ACOOK BOOK FREE claves, Weles Richardsos& Cove Moutrea TRATFORD 'A REF Be rrarkatte Henleration te Health of j Post Ofice Fime-Table : > Ete tae'? sss sas" ~~ SN ee ~s-- «e0"7 sss 8s 88 sss" ; : [it ia LU "" ~ ~ ss ~~ po gE id "t Le « Ra a Sek esss 8 i ! 10 ne. & S Ei 5 drtvirte i i é : 4 '3 Fd P | r a Cali ats roR 12:15 p. m, 4:25 FOR LONDON.--10-96 a. mi Mixed. = m.--Expres. p ae FOR GODERICH. --6:15 a.m. 12:10 p. =. -- ye) he p. m.--Express. FOR BUFFALO.--8:45 a m.--Express. 3:80 p. m.--Express. °8:00 a. m.--dixed FOR PALMERSTON, |, SOUTHAMPTON AND KINCARDINE --t0:00 8 m.--Mixed. ae _ Express. FOR PORT DOVE. --8:56 0. m.--Mixed. £9 p. m. a © Between Stratford and Peanttord only. t » ca a reton only. J. HICKSON, General i A. F. PHILIPS, Agent at Stra! GRAND TRUNK RAIL'Y. The Great Ontario Short Line To Manitoba, Northwest Territories and British Columbia, Via NORTH BAY! LOWEST RATES To all Points in Canada and the United States. A. H. ALEXANDER, Stratford. 646-08 Jinks--Yes. Been to the Polar that ere book home now, for Sammy's since I saw you. : ' to school all winter, and he Prevailing Sickeess. Impossible! I thought you enough to read the stories init} The most prevalent complaints at this kept home with a colicky baby./now!" As a result of reading those | season are rheum ' aore Jinks--That's just it, Up all night. |stories Sammy may be a college presi- . congestions. Been living in-the land of the midnight |dent himself one of dayn--Lewis- Tee ot Gan cad- ote nt eon.--Fittsburg Bullet: . ~~ tton- Journal, pecs : 'ax:ceel rersedy, internal "LARDINE.O1LL. For. Sale by JEFFREY BROS,., Stratford, Sugars, LAMP STOVES, WIRE. CLOTH, for Window and Door Screens. GARDEN HOSE and SPRINKLERS, LAWN MOWERS, of Canadian and American Make, Tarred Fel'. Straw Board, Plain and Tarred " Blue Belt" Building Paper,--a superior article. Mixed Paints of the genuine " Blephant " Brand, at W.& F. WORKMAN'S Removed, Removed, 'W.H. ROBERTS Has Removed to his New Store,on Downie St., Two Doors South of the Commercial Hotel, , Where he will have a Large Assortment of New Goods, Watches, Clocks, Jewellery, Silverware, Spectacles, Fancy Goods, &c., &c., i Always in Stock. Cheapest and Best Goods in Stratford. Give me a Call. W. H. ROBERTS. | Stragord, Oct. 25, 1889. RIGATOR FOR $8; BETTER ONES A LITTLE HIGHER? "ts ) 82 25 per Wide andy make to ORDER Farm and the New Steel Tabu! the strongest Wacon Ailé ever invented, aad ted run eighteen BOOK-BINDING. _ Books, Perh<dicals, ac, in First-Class Materia | ' ¥ red. and blan i * ruled, printed rw style from application. 'tureeque Canada" bound in Volume. Full price st on WALTER STONE, Book Binder and Blank Book Mannfacturer. Bindery over DUTTUS'S DRUG STORB, Corner of Erie and Ontario Streets, Stratford, Stratford, Feb. 21, INI SHAK HSPHRARE WAGGONS. S8b-ly (Pas UNDERSIGNED ~---- secured a Large Stock of the very best quality of Oak Lambe, le prepared to furnish the above celebrated Wag LOWEST PRICES, and can warrant them to be the gone at Lightest Running and Most Durable in Canada, 'arto' Tires always in stock. I ale ing W wit es which are ot tiles without re-olling. Buggies and jyemocrats always in Stook, at Bottom Prices. hundse £7 Repairing of all kinds promptly athended te Trotting Sulkies Built to Order. GEO, MINCHIN, _Rekeepees, Bar 0 ee ST@EROMB"S COLLEGE. Beaum, Ont. THs COLLEGE OFFERS splendia facilities students in its CuassicaL, Purvosormical aad eaEa. i Treaus :-- z board and Tuition, $1i8.00 per awa For per, ticulars ress Rev. L. FUNCKEN, C.R., D.D., President. _Betlin, Joly 6th, 1880, COUNTY OF PERTH. IF YOU WANT Good Value for Your Money -- GROCERIES, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, .., All Kinds of Household Necessaries, ' ---- AND ------= The Best Lines of Ales, Whiskies, Wines, and all kinds t ce of Liquors, O'FLAHERTY & QUIRE'S NYYw sToREn - MYERS BLOCK, DOWNIE STREET, ---- ~~ Opposite the City: Hall. The Famous Heavy Bodied Oil for all Machinery, made McCOLL BROS & Co, Toronto, McColl's Renowned Cylinder Oil, Hin Sow it any oqutfe ta Ameston fot "euains Cytetee. The finest lubricating, harness, ASE FOR LARDINE . And SCHNEUKER & ROTHERMAL, Milverton. Stratford, May ~ ee AVOID HUMBUG. And Save' Money by getting 1 Free Sample of the TEAS that - JAMESCORCORAN Sells at 12% Cents and 25 Cents'per Ib., and compare them with what you have paid 25 d gift tea and 50 Cents per lb. for to pedlars companies. Stratford, July 24, 1889. this universal medicine isa Househois i quisite everywh-re, PURIFY THE BT OOD, im to: t VERVOUS SYSTEM nnd act most puwerfu:. vet @oothingly on the LIVER ANP BOWELS, womoting DIGESTION ant assimilation. adowing the whole betiy frame ot h . herveus Headsch- ia and GENERAL I) © potent forne @re uBrivalb cen: fremblings, 1 BILITY quick 26 well known a their in all FEMALE COMPLAINTS, eenowliug all obstructions, skin blemishes pr des avd tnle hetter han any other far So i Rs Okey Svea Gas « WORLD-WIDE REFTTATION Ithealaevery kind of SORE, ULCER, m OUND more certainly than any other know powers re ee cvangge Cle wea _ poet ae pea. ae ees urd FISTOLAS, and for allow iting the excruciating tortures of RHCOMATISN, COUT. BIG BARGAINS! Teas, Syrups, Canned Fruits, Coffee, Baking Powder, Canned Vegetables Spices, Canned Meats. All: the Best Brande of | Wines, Brandies, Whiskies, Ales, Porters, ot Tobaccos and 'Cigars, WALSH - BROS, Where vou are sare ts vett.2 Bat Vice fcr your Mcney wnd NEURALGIA it is unsarpassed. It nev jie t rf and y apecies of sk lisease. Wanufactured only at Professor Hottowar _ Eatabliahment, 333 OXFORD ST., LONDOA ind sold at In. 1)4, 2. ds. Od, J a, 3, car eud pot, in, Canala at ents, 60 cop's and 01.50, and the larger e's s ai TION. --7 have vo Ayer + nifed "fuica, nor arem medicinen fol. 'at "™ B 3) Ox ord street, London, t The Trade Marke of my mid Medicires | > im Ottawa, and also at Wash: ¢ eeigtorec 'nm ORW TOCA BOLLOW A: -s Back to His Old Stan D. McBETH. ; AND CARVING Ne re deere 'work. of that kind. Give mes 695- D. McBETH.