en eee OeentTt Oo sa WEAK EYES ES INCREASING. AN OPTICIAN IN A HISTORIC BUILD- __|ING*SAYS THEY ARE. . The Causés to Be Found Largely In Our Modern Sedentary Life--Why School Children Are Afflicted--The Kind of Glasses to Wear, On the west side of Nassau street, just south of Fulton street, isan old buildin rg. the second floor of which was formerly «used by Aaron Burr as a law office after his return from Europe in 1812. -The floor is now used by an oculis t and' op- tician, who i a sciantist, and merchant coinbined. His reception room was formerly Aaron Burr's consulting room, and it is ofa that whercas it was formerly used' for a consultation of the nied, it is iow devoted to the purpose of consultations for the sight. "It is not generally known," remarked the oculist-optician to a News reporter, "except to, perhaps, a few old fashioned merchants, that this was the office of the fanious Aaron Burr; but to some of the older members of the bar this place has @ historical interest as well as a personal one, so far as their eyes are concerned. "I make no spectacles or eye glasses forthe trade. Every pair of glasses made here are made after a personal ex- amination of eye, by myself, or upon the written prescription of a recognized éculist. It seems to me that defective on a sparing al j home vision was never so great as now. CAUSES OF D | "The peculiarities of defective xiaign! are legion, orl the prevailing ateccion eyes is among occupations. Jewelers, journalists, es- 'y doctors, analysts, clerks, book- as an index ra human character? It is Wars wwho have te: work in digit ' Mhouses, typewriters, especially women; -milliners, painters upon enamel, and in like a girl who wasn't a sneak in his fact almost every business that demands heart? And, on the contrary, did you 'close attention for any oo of time, ever know a fellow who laughed squarely nearsighted rae with a good honest roar who wasn't +'Not-one-man--in- ote -@-hundred uaay perfect vision, and that one man is and a deep chuckle proves usually an illiterate person nature. mons naw coe door one. Yet even sea 4 man wi the German thoug!: he was honest, or one with a bass the present mode of living. fast and choose our food at random. .The fellow down asa laborer and the farmer, whose frugal fare is but éubstantial, troubled with bad sights. Severe mental troubles most surely affect tho eyes where there isalready a predisposition to and I'll se fellows from sight-failure.. the Misa Nancies about as quickly as you * "During the past five years there has could get outside of a beefsteak' afters been a noticeable increase of impaired ~owtsion pamong: children; by three things: First, too much study in badly lighted school rooms; second, 'bolt- ing' their food instead of masticating it; third, the undue strain u the nerve tissucs, which isthe result of both A of the cornéa, or front part eye. " "the curvature of whieh 'being unequal, the rays of light do not harmonize. ~~ peoplosee vertical lin dines clearly, but tal lines indistinctly, or vice versa. The only remedy for this sort of thing is to use cy lindrical glasses. "Arain, others are troubled with weakness in one of the muscles of the eye, so that the eyes do not more alike. Hence they may. hare double yisual im- pressions andtisce tro objects instead of one, "There is one peculiarity, however, about near sighted people which does not apply to other visual disorders. Their sight improves when they get to be about 40 or 42 years of age, and continues to improve for a few years afterward. This . improvement, however, is only confined to persons who use glasses of the requi- site strength. A too strong eye glass is __worse than none at all, and while deal- ing with this part of the subject I may eay right here the general tendency of nearsighted people is at first to wear glasses that are too strong for them. Many a person's sight has been ruined in consequence. ways buy spectacies in preference fo eye They are not only more, com- fortable, but their use avoids the often ond. unnatural presence of common frames upon the muscles of the nose. Never wear rimless glasses, but use them with frames, the reason being' that the sight of the eyes is not injuréd by the refrac- tion of the rays of light on the edges. Use pebbles in 'preference to glass, be bbies aré ten degrees cooler. cause Never buy cheap. glasses until your eyes Boot d have fir: st _be of examined, because body when a person comes in to buy. : sleaieielonn from----twenty~ three-quarters of an -- taenable the 4 oculiét to & person's eyes in age to get Abe right kind of glass to gait him. Dozens of persons come /me overheated and laboring under some degree' of excitement. Their eyes are naturally affected by this eet -- thes need to 'cool off One posed before I can attend to them, "The graduation in the number of the ginss under these circumstances will vary from aqne-hgif to al'whole number in the strength of Never buy off of the glass. rs, because they have not the fa- . ple want to wear look stylish, when in reality there is In such s0,. but when ~ nothing the matter with them, glass is the best, advisable. eae York News. Peter Lalie, who is 104 vears of are, has recentiv been admitted to «larch Soniane, me Sixteenth centyry, comnresita severely is friends with being a good deal of a phil- rt door thane rata . 4A ehrilt of deceit; sincerity and By this I don't mean that th a tenor 'can't as are seldom the f the onds face and go through the same maneuver, | same result. » ' Profusion and Simplicity. Strange fashions are' not confined to 'our On age Gr country, Holinshed. the famous and' amusing chronicler of the upon the manners of the English of his day. He télis us that tn numberof dishes and changes of meat the nobility of England (whose cooks are for the most part Frenchmen and foreigners) do most exceed; till there is no day in man- ner that passeth over their heads where- in they have not only beef, mutton, veal, lamb, kid, pork, cony, capon, pig, or so many of them as the season vicideth, but also some portion of the red and fallow deer, besides variety of fish and vild fowl, and thereto sundry other delicates wherein the sweet hand of the.sea faring Portingale-is not wanting, 60-that fora man to dine with one of them and to taste of every dish that standeth before him, is rather to yield unto a conspiracy with a great deal of meat for the speedy suppression of natural health than the use meal tosatisfy himself with a competent repast to sustain his body withal." Much the same fashion is kept up to this day, and public ban- quets and the sumptuous tables of the opulent abound in all that can charm the eye and tempt the palate, and, let me add, lay the foundation of long and severe illness. How strange the con- trast between this reckless profusion and the simplicity of some mediwval saint, whose diet was spare and plain to a de- gree, or of him, greater than any of the prophets, who - his glorious life work lowance of locusts, wild y and water!--Cornhill Magazine. Singita The Laugh That Rings. A young man who is credited by his terme boys "Did yow ever know a man who simpered and giggled voice cover his insincerity with a mere It's the brs) that talks, If the cuss, no matter if his laugh is loud enough to lift roof» nditorium. ~:Stand | twenty men up in a row before me and do something to get them 'all laughing, the good year's famine. d-eaid~ fb saw; and" made a" dive for liberty.--Chitago Journal. A.Touch of Natare. The district messenger boy comes in for a vast amount of ridicule for his slowness and abuse for his shrewd obser- » Yations and ways, but he is a pretty : Howing ; on server, "I -heard o boy's voice ring out: above the noisy roar of the vehicles, clear and distinct, saying, 'Hold on, blind man! stop still, 'blind man! wait till I get to you!' Looking for the owner of the voice, 1 discovered a slender but agile messenger boy of 15 or 16 yeara, threading his way throug sh a mass of ve- hicles to a spot' just by the opposite curb, where a gray haired man was standing as if riveted, with a look of mild-despair on his face. It needed only a glance to see that the poor man had sightless eyes; that he had -become bewildered and was likely to be run over; that the quick wit- ted cements boy alone of all the vast crowd had seen the dilemma and had rushed In to the assistance of the unfor- tunate creature. 'As the lad brought the blind man safely to the sidewalk I could not help thinking that here was an ex- pression of that one todch of nature that makes thé' Whole world kin "--Golden ya. /The Slyness of the Crawfish. probably touching and legs 'sprudling' about in the water, he assumed the exact semblance of dead creatures floating on the water. Ina few seconds flies would alight on the ap- parently dead crawfish, and as sovun as ad = into the wih op 98 position there instan er fish and oe would disappear to- gether under the water. In a few sec- more he would appear on the sur- "with the were, per- haps, olay 9 or three dozen. of them in mght at the samo time, and all industri- to Maly engaged in the fly catching game." He Rarrah'd for the Twelfth Mass. "Hurrah! hurrah!" shouted a veteran, _ a8 the orchestra-at-the saengerfest began " to play aceleetion. * You must be quiet," said one of the ushers, rushing up to him. "Not much I musn't," said the veteran, "not when that is played, I used to be- long to that regiment, and T'li_ shout for the boys as long as the Almighty gives me breatl 'Tt was only when he was convinced that it was a piece of church music that taneous flip, - HoLtow av's r11s.--Enfeebled Exis- tence,.--This medicine embraces every attribute required in @ general and do- mestic remedy ; it overturns the founda- tions of disease laid by defective food impure sir. In obstructions or cong' of the liver, lungs, ae or other vee, these Pills are eminently succesatul. should be kept in ily, aa they area readiness in every family medicine without a fault for young persons and those of feeble coustitations. They never cause pain, oF og the vat teensitive nerves, t tender bowel, Holloway's Pilla are x. best known purifiers of the blood, and ,the best promo- ers of alworption and secretion, and can move all poisonousand noxious particle both solids and fluids. The best anodyne and expec toran fer the eure of wolis and coughs and--all-throat, lung, and bronchial troubles, is; andowbt- edly, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Ash your druggiat for it, and at the same time, for Ayer's Almanac, which it free to all, Cockle's Antribilious Pills for indiges- tion. A AIDE Worn Out and Run Down By disease and debility, the human sys- tem becomes worn out and ran down b-e fore its time. Keep the head clear, the bowels regular, the blood pure, the kidneys and liver active, by the use of Burdock Blood bitters, nature's great tonic and re- gulator, and disease cannot exist, CLEARING SALE Saturday, Deo. 7éb.89. Havti -- nei with my brother, intend $0 reduce our stock, and in iggy Btls do dow Lereeane not only anndogs aewh. gg line, or some old shop all New Fall Goods Must be Sold. Shop worn ~ away ¢- ~am "Badin te ale we wil ba nthe cent of te sale wal be Sond all Seated vomaanty & 'e have choice selected fu: will be veel oh cost. J eoLor oF OVERCOsTS from BM to 810 35e. worth 'pOc.; all-woo! Flannels, tae, Dross Grats, we heve's tall age of of all the new shades. 'GENTS' FURNISHINGS. all sorts of men's Prices. Now KASTN ER BROS. MITCHELL & SEBRINGVILLE. 2. B,--Fowl and. farm. preduce. jena. sold. All 'accounts be paid by the 15th January, 1890. A SURPRISE PARTY. -- URPRISES aré not always pleasant, nice r return for our business-under eco ttinhene ere = can, But we must have thé capital by January 2fod, 1690. That ja quite « aise 2 mas our Long aibes ot sell as well as now. Opportunity is bald behind, says an old Latin. proverb, so catch hold of his flowing frontal tooks, pad in order to get cour money for ovr stock, wo intend to commence at once a- Startling slaughter Sale. Our immense NEW Stock, mark Se a few months, will be cleared out at Cost and Below--we must get the money. this NOVELTIES, NOTIONS, FANCY GOODDS at Wholesale. THE NEWEST, NATTIEST, and NOBBIEST IDEAS in MILLINERY at HALF PRICE. Staple Articles, Undarwear, Furnish- ings at oe t will Ko ur Eye Out. We have ee au the excellent chance that hes bee us, and T. S. CAMPBELL. The Eancy Goods avg Tg og "tool "pia Castomers. of Modern Ideas for of i mer IDINGTON'S. BLOCK, RETST., STRATFORD 'LESMEW WANTED. ty'uell cor wecicelled Ware: 'urerry Stock. Steady em- and contro! of at hewitory. Have. done in Canada 30 Years. Liberal pay to the right man. Send for A SURE CURE la bide Hse... Saeed i Of a city areslike the veins and aie of the body; if fuul or impure,@ suite, Cleanae the blood fromthe "foul } tess mours by using Bardock Blood Bitters, the best medicine ever devised to cure; all blood disorders, from a common pimple' ' tea serofnious rore. The Lanes.and Streets / ik Consumption Sureyy y Cured. To tux Eprrox:--Pleare inform your readers tia' have a positive remedy for the above named disease, By ite tremely" use thogsands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured, I shall be glad to send two pottles of my remedy ree to any of your readers who have consumption if they pend me their Express and P. O. address Respectfully, Dn. T. A. SLOCUM, 164 West Adelaide st, Toronto, Ont, [ndigestion| | I° not only a distressing complaint, of itself, but, by causing the blood to ed is the maladies. That Ayer' is the best cure for Indigestion, even whencomplicated with Liver int, is proved by the following testimony oseph amen eat ov 19, T8809. ye HE ou cous TRY 8 Y BUTCHEK, Mx tins opened a satistaction aun meri and pt delivery in all orders taken will be my fret atten' penton. - ALFRED RICHARDSON, Sausages, Bicattond, Nor 12, 3800, "TO THE FU BLIG. Piers on gag NUTICE thatthe eg Dre; corner of Bric and <a B.. aork will Barber-abop, Dent fail to give us a call. '). C. HARRISON, aie -- "FOR § SALE. pur EAST QuanteR RL OF LoT 7, in Concersion of the Township of ELLICE, in Or to EDWARD TAYLOR, Proprietor. July 24, 1889. TOT-tt 7 House to Let. THAT NEW BRIOK HOUSB ON CHURCH STREET, ; RESIDENCE OF S&S. R. esos. r G. W. LAWRENCE & SON, Nov 27, 1880, 7%- --FIRST.CLASS-- FARM FOR SALE, --SITUATED IN THE-- Township of Ellice, Co of wt Bex NG _ at = CON. 1, ELLICE, containing ores of deunns auna bain ee hig! balance state of c well timbered BUILDINGS "on Orchant ; Good Wells INDIGESTION, OIZZINESS, SICK> MEADACHE, and DiszAScS OF THE STOMACH, LIVER AR santa BOWE\S. 18 ACTION, AMO FORM A VALUABLE AID > Buncock BITrTeERs 1m THE anp cunt or CHRONIC AND OBSTINATE.D DISEASES. "Ww. J. BUYERS, FINE SIGN AND FIGURE PAINTER Con. Anton. ssonr tas axp St. rane Sta. Stratford, March 5, é@ni-ly MISS RUBY Serer TS PREPARED: tonsive! Lason. in CHINA ondor takes ict Onan Dacorting, Satta : China Decorating Suitable for Secber sa rol Nile and Ontario Streets, Strato. . Oct. 7th, 180,: Th->"Rora!' Flavuriae Batracee arssce ute'y pare. WORMS pe destroy ¢ NT PAY LARGE WHOLESALE JOBBERS wpa when a can get the following articles, v Brilliant Self-Shining Stove Polish, Ivory Starcli Polish, The Little Wonder Powder, For cleaning gold and silver Plated Ware, and Howard's -- Perfume, JAS, HEM MPHIUL, Terie area for raising when r IE rae as good at Walsh Fab ag "he would consent to be quict.--Detroit Woureal sini . hitdren, bur Frerman's Worm Poudsrt destrey Work, BA. Ap. tt" RM ae, »* + Sisyalw yc give big teiz ty 3 ---------- on Do --_ st... until further notice. | STRATFORD, The Most Popular. and Progressive. Business. Training... : School of the Province. - Tt Pa - ONT. THE coum parent in Rtuden: , and edurates for this School is eet exccIed In-Casada-for Thoronghness 'or Bosiaess, in ha netitution theo tumest cence of oypanl that has a wembouable pe from the Srst day of ite yo wow I3 THE TIME TO DSPWTER. Ei" Addresses, Resolutions, Testimonials, &c., Engveased in First-Clars Style and at Prices te Suit. Por and Cieculars, addres Craton). Seat 4 1508 W. H. SHAW, Principal. W. LINCOLN SCOTT THE NEW CH EAP GROCER. AREER e Became Aen Ute. eerste tiemipy ay ins surprise -y our. Holiday: Goods, ~ The in all its branches, 'You must see to appreciate. Remember that you can _ a Peps have the articles of your selection laid' away and aiid ae. 16 of charge. PEQUEGNAT- 'BROS, _ No. 3, Old Albion Block. ; stock consists of Gold and Silver Watches for NEW BUTCHER SHOP.. Ladies and Gents, Silverware in great variety. Ms ALFRED Diamond Rings, Gold-Headed Canes,. Gold Pens and darken Rey» Bork, mario 8 Eat Fresh] Pencils, Gold Spectacles and a full assortment of Jewellery from Mrs. J Lake, of Brockway = ich.: o int made my yest tears For a rear ' Jams, Jellies, Nuts, Candies, Oranges, Lemons, Rassins, fe ears I suffe unto , was edu enasnet oa ebeert shows. all Currauts, Prunes, Figs, Cranberries. kinds of food caly , oe, "Within the time mention several Evaporated Peaches, Exaporated Plums, Evapowaied . i ee ae a to de Appicots, Evaporated A Fine Mi i ony portance pit eee ee, pare [pe ' pples, tHe a has produced Torte take wwe Sersape- Meat, Buckwheat Flour, i "Fills I could see su improvement in my ' and with Wt came the ability to digest New Honey. i all the food taken, al strength : . proved each da: after a few _ 5 ae aermes & oa , Z to. $9 all hausaha}d. ; ane i -- on ge , Here ¢, wines Pe en enn ge sa "> A Re ao mo MARKET STREET Ayer's Sarsaparila ! yer's oarsaparilay tor IDAY ANNOUNCEMENT. Drs J. CG. Ayer rE tot Lowell, Son -- es ae ee ae Meals. | Weare happy to announce to our Customers and the Public i generally, that we are prepared ' Cassie City Barber Shop, eee STREET. For the Christmas Trade. , Proprietor. sinha alee. ae _. 7 Our Stock i is very complete, having added new lines to : -- -- it, never introduced before. . In. fact, long before the public > H Notice. 'thought of Christmas, we were making preparations to meet ' rT Bewest ex EXD MEAT MARKET is nov con. the ever-increasing requirements of the trade. We have J Linki St rich tok, Feats omen, ot oo in getti Retting some Real Bargains, and expect to f maiecten empeies, Soe Prices. as.well.as. with the beauty ann j Clocks, a * gta btege name DIAMOW "A cure for all Skin Diseases and TAMOND- BLOOD PURIFIER ! For Dyspepsia, Sure Cure and the (MossBURGS) . ae toe ASTHMA, Throat and Long troubles, 40 conte per bottle. Tive-c ator care ae nest Remedy in the wie and General iain. A ; ] 100 DOSES $1. TAMOND-:OIL, a Saad ieee ban and surest Pain Cure in use. Greet # Baby Remedy. bottle 25 cents. " IAMOND CONSUMPTION CURB! D SALVE. Indolent Sores, %5 cents per bor. 727-3m , Ladies' Dong. Kid Butt., worth $2.50, now $2.00, reach 9: M.4..2 3.50, * 300. "Oil Goat butt & Bal * 29," 200 " Lined Bas . = * 2%, " 175, } " Heavy wear, from 90c. up. - GREAT SPECIALSALE ss RED FRONT, - Brandenberger's Block, Wellington-St., BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS, VALISES, &e; Men's, Women's, Misses, and Children's Boots in Great Variety, and at Prices that will make you buy. Just note some of tie Bargains weare Offering -- Repairing 'neatly Abd promptly executed, st the RE RED- FRONT, oppedte the City Hall, Wellington Street. . GROSCH Bros. & irs Ein = 4 oe snemtaiiete Oder nam" + macnty conus: {Misses' Of! Goat Butt., worth $2.00, now $1.64, "School Boot butt," 1.60, " 135, al D. D. OLIVER, . Resident +ene and Organ: Tuner. REPAIRING A "A SPEOIALTY. The best of c er job guaran "city references. left store, Oddfellow's block, Dow- ot Agents or, at Caldér's tel, Erie Bt, will be promptly attended to. OP yg for New and Seognd- D. D. OLIVER, Piayo Exrertr Stratford, Oct. 22nd, 1889. 720-t. NATIONAL PILLS are the taJorile peroauge and anti-lilions medicrtie j they Bowe ew mp 7. Mecdonald's book and stat-|