Hew Advertisements this Week. Notice--Kastner Bros. Strayed--Samoel Jacoia. aa Funeral Notice--1.0 ©. P. Catarrh C Free Exhibition --C Executors' Rale--J. K q 4 Consumption Cured --T. A S 1 Unre for Ruptare.ete,-- Dr V_E Bessey. "THE CANADIAN Bank of COMYERCE. Esta -eneo 1667. MEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. ae PT ™" Gaerrat (Pan De) "Six MILLION DOLLA, $5,000,000. West --+-+* ret +» $700,006, -B. &. WALKER, Coverc! Moregor: 'STRATFORD Bré'*" & PEMERAL BeNKING CUSINESS TAANSACTSO. CARMERS ~OTES DSOOUNTEO GRAFTS SUED PAYA. £ AT ALL. POTS In fANADA, AND T PRUNOIPAL CITY GM THE Ue TEG. STATES, GREAT OAITAIN, FRANCE, B. RamUbA, AC SAVINGS BANK CEPARTMENT. tata nec caceentnnt aaSaaanS BEPOSITS OF 91.00 AND UPWARDS RECEIVED. 42ND CURRENT RATES OF INTEREST ALLOWED et added to the principat at the end of May and November im each yocar, Attention given to Collection Commerrial Paper and Farmers' Satcs Notes. We MAYNARD, JR. MANAGER, ' of --== -- Stratford Times, Terms; $1 per Year, in advance. Wenpnesnay, JAN. 29TH, 1890. . --Inhis opening aldress read be- fore the assembl.d wisdom at the Conncil board last week, His Wor- he considered a glaring malfeasancz of office. That was, Aldermen su'p- plying material and doing work fcr city, and baving their bi . ing in ard paid by the Council, It wes inst-the spirit if not the let- ter of the law. He hoped they weuld see to it that it did not occur during the present year. And it is hoped he will see to it that as Mayor Brown the City Council vill not make a grant to the North Perth Agriculta- _fal Society, upon representations from 'fr. n Brown, secretary an treasnrer of -t said scciety. And it is to be-tioped he will see to -} humane--motives; ing of society from the general sub- ont what | Hatter - |. Mr Blackburn-Harte, in an arti- ele in the Ver England Magazine on out-door life in & northern latitude, refers to the physique of the Cana- "TOS poople as Wey we MAMTA asl despair of the World. The men are noted fur their brawn and mus- cle and their excellence in all ath- letic exercises. .e women are famous for thetr erect and graceful carriage. They do sot amble, but walk military-wise straight feom the hips. The mingling of French and Seotch, English and Irish, has pro- duced a distinct type of beauty, which combines the graces of the Anglo-Saxon' race with the wit and vivacity of the daughters of la Delle Fraces. ~~ T beheve that no woman is ugly. 'There certainly are no ugly women in Canada; J do not dink thergare any who éxn' Ednestty' be called plain. The climate forbids any soch thing. All oor Canadian inafdens are endowed with a health. fal ruddiness that 1s at once attract- ive and aggressive. This is the re- salt of plenty of fresh air and exer- cise, of snow-shoeing, skating and dancing. Canadians rival all other of the two former diversions. | ---The Mail has entered an action against Mr. D. Creighton, managing editor of the Empire, for libel con- tained in a recent issue of that paper. Libel suits are-having a big 1un just at present, andthe lawyers are fat- fening on them. They are expensive luxuries, both the lawyers and the suits. Usually those who enter them of unblemished characters and spot- bss integrity. actuated purely from ives; such as the-upti stratum, and the regeneration of man kind. It is to be regretted that the do not often succeed. Not so muc from the standpoint of the moralist, but from the position taken by that self-sacrificing and noble profession, --there is onlv one aiding in purg- ing society from the putrid effer- vesenceand its moral reformation. hat} Tis a good-and noble -work,fraty; and there's ~~ millions in it-- for the lawyers. --whe Spec. of Saturday, speaks of what it terms a typographical error. A pastor of w Methodist church down at Hamilton is made to say that he would preach on the subject--Girl or the preacher, and that it should have rewg, God or the preacher. We fancy a large majority of that class, according to the daily press, are bet- ter posted on the former than the subject. know about the former is not..worth knowing, and what they do know about. the latter 1s not worth knuw- nations ih their skill and knowledge | are a superior class of mortals; men. of -----What~-they~ don't t+ ELDER KID's FATHER. N-LAW?! _dm_last, meck's, Becom., the following letter appeared from Mr. J, H. Schmidt of the Aolonist, io reply to an abusive article which appeared in the Dungboy's fly sheet :---» " 4 Dear Sir---Would you kindly faver me with space in your valuable paper for a reply to an article which ap peared ai the Stratford Weekly Her- ald of the 22nd inst, which purports to be a denial of the truth of a statement that appeared seme time ago in the Ciinten New Era in reference to the sayings of acertaus clergyman in Weat Laumbra during the late election con- teat there and to which I referred at. the Mowat demonstration at sVis- tock on: Wednesdey, the 45th inat., as the editor of the Herald ssys he can- net read German, aud « reply inthe Koloniust therefore weuld be of po use as far as he is concerned. Firet, T-woyld say that the s*ate- ments in reference to the clergyman Ape ared in the New Era, whose edi- tor ia Limself a Methodist and a local preacher (if L am c rectly intormed), and would not therefore be likely to puolish statements about a brother clergyman unleas he had good reasons for believing them true. The item containing these statements Was copied as | know froth personal obser- vation by several other papers v ithout as far as I kuow the trath of these statements being called in question by anyone. The. attention of the clergy- mans son-in-law (tie editor of the Herald), was called to them, in lan- guage more forcible than polite, it 1s true, and still thereappeared no denial. I therefore considered myself perfectly justified in referring to these atate- ments, (at the same time giving my authority), as a further proof to those already given by the Hon Mr Mowat, t-the-leaders of -the-s0-called 'Third party had no more claim to a monopoly iticaltruth a eousness: than either of the other parties. Now a word regarding this alleged denial in the Herald. this re- vised version of what took place in West Lambton really deny a single one of the statements of the New Era? I averead it overcarefully and if I under- stand the English language it dees not. Shorn of ita rebundant verbiage and some dirty insinuations in_ reference to myself, charactefistic of their source, it simply eflirms the statements of the New Era only. in different language. The New Era said he went to West Lambton aud peeed asa disgusted Lib- eral; the denial in the Herald says he went there professing to betieve in the aang advocated by the Hon George Srown twenty-five years or more ago and '*to that extent was a Reformer, but he could not recognize the present Liberal party as at all the same as that led in former days by Mr Brown!" in other words, he went therea dis- gusted Reformer, or at least tried to "create~ that -impressiotr ~w the statements in the New Era say, The distinction between the two state- i inute that it would take MR. J. H. SCHMIDT AND THE) "Petra Secularism vs Christianity. Tuesday evening last, an st % audienct assembled in the city hall, to | listen to a lecture by Mr Chas Watts, « ho, ie. bd 3 isthe editor of a journal published in ] tonto, Seculur Thought, dev.ted to the principles of which he is the masterly ex.) B ponent. Mr W. G. Hay, of Listowel, } (srother of Mr D. D Hay, of Stratford), | presided and introduced the lecturer, who isa man:«f medium beight, in middle life, with a pleasant countenance, a texsive brow, and a profasion. of dark, curly. eubura hair, Asa platform speaker he is a man of force ; as adebater, he evidently has few superiors. He did not ridicule religion, and there was no vain agnostic boasting; @@ some anticipated. Hin ad- ress was a masterly efturt from the stand- | tenteebiag » JDROEr, Of 5] choris, | 4 point of the secularist, even the clergy who were present will adusit this claimed the same puivil: ge for his belief as the orthodox Christians expected for their teaching. This he was pained to know, they were not prepared to give iim. He weovt into secularism minutely, claiming its superiority over christianity on the ground that the teaching of the latter was | to prepare people for the after life, while the former taught people how to live in thi« life, that they might be better prepare for the after life. As everyone expected, mr. D. D. Hay, Government Registrar for North Perth, was there and interrupted , the lecturer in his usval pleasant (?) manner. ' silly interruptions, which had neither the | brevity of wit, nor the force of logic. The ES may not agree with all Mr Watt's had to say, but we feel persuaded that in his gentlemanly deportment, ard bis cour to those him, be has set an example that many clergymen could exemplify with becoming dignity. At times bis sarcasm cut like a poignard, while his wit bubbled forth like a babbliu, brook. re was arich treat, an ne the commencement to the finish did interest in it lag. Friday even- ing the aadience was r. The lecturer. took we el anger of ** Unbelief, what it bas done for mankind." The ol unbelief was a phrase the relevency of which the public failed to at first. It might be thought that but little surround that which has ever : with obloquy and parsecu- tion. A hittle reflection, aided by unbelief, would bring to view the fact that there had been a fidelity of conviction, a mag- nificence of conduct, and «@ brilliancy of action that added frecdom and lasting honer to the fame of unbelievers in all ages and every clime Those, he claimed, were the teal reformers of the world, who orn aspired to the trae Pliny, which consisted in having done somethi the writing, having written something worth the reading, and having made the world better aud happier thro lived in it; The glory of unbel in its being the emancipator of the human mind, the liberater of human thought and the pre- cuseor of advanced ci-ilization. For generations the claims of ecclesiastical supremacy and priestly demication, bad enslaved the intellect of the race, but with the adv nt of unbelief these claims haye been snapped asunder and proportionally mental freedom was the result. Hu- tmanity were all doubters. He demon- ted" that" when unbelief and doabt™ the ~-then-the era of began. He illustrated that the and taught that the world having ef con lated GUARANTEED. The only medicicoes sold by druggiata, unter 3 th te 6 co) | = g © & all diseases arising froma torpil or deranged liver, or from impure blood, as Dys Indigestion, Pimples, Blotehes, Eruptions, Salt-rheurm, Tetter, Erysipeias, ' Sores and Swell Consumption, ot Lung-scrofula, 8 also cured by this won- deriul remedy, if taken in time. Dr. Pieree's Favorite Prescription is the > and ' Secrofu world-famed remedy for ail thos» chronic weak nr essing derangements «0 oe ma. to Atierican women, ~ It ts cet Strength 5 ing t and viror te the whole system, Asa soothing pervine it is unequa rantee printed on the bottle - wrapper faithfully carried o for many years. Copyright, 8, by Wortr's Dra. Mep. Ass*x, SS $500 HEH eo or an incura' 'a. tarrh in the Head by th proprictors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. B ecules the worst cases, nO matier of how long tanding. By druggists, 0 cents. MORNINGTON. The council met according to statute at Henderson's hall, cn Monday, Jan 20th, when the following gentlemen took the declaration of offiie aud qualification : -- W. BF rn, reeve; Janes Grieve, dy-reeve ; Hugh Jack, David McCloy and Charles 'Trim, council'ors. The reeve took the chair, when the minutes of last mert- ing were read and signed. Moved by Mr Grieve, sec by Mr Jack, that John Watson be re-appointed clerk for the currest year. } r Trim, sec by --Ca' Mr Grieve, that Samer Reid" be: trexenrer for the current year.--Catiied. Moved by vr Jack, see by Mr McCloy, that Alex Stewart be assessor for the township of Meraington for 1890 --Carried. Mosed t ris Hall be appt ited collector for the no: ttf half of the township for the current year. --Carried. Moved by Mr Trim, sec by Mr McC'oy, that James Drammond be ap- pointed collecto: for the south half of the township for the year 1890. ---Carried. Moved by Mr Grieve, sec by Mr McCloy, that Wm Waddell be appointed auditor forthe year 1*%) --Carried. The reeve named W. K. McCormick the other auditor. Moved ty Mr Grieve, se¢ by Mr Trim, that o'clock to allow the meni of attending the funeral of the late John Zoeger, and we would aiso desire to ¢: --|DON'T 200, were BO. see by Mr dack, that Albert 4 "this council do now adjoarn "untit tree 'wee Cagh-and One Price. FAIL --TU ATTEND-- 'Hyslop's Great 45 Day's Sale. JUST THINK. All our Dry Goods, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Lace Curtains, Win- dow Shades and Cornice Poles*. AT COST. ¥d wide Unien Carpet at 28¢ was 30 " all wool * oe o -". Hemp cry " " oe 15¢ " 2 Yard wide Hemp Carpet,best quality, at 2Cc. wis 28e. Ladies Corsets that were 50c., 4} now 38e, . Ladies Corsets th.t were 60c., now 44c. Ladies Corséts, Cromptons best, were $1.00, now 75c. Ladies All Wool Hose at 15e, were 25c. Ladies All Wool Hose at 18c, were 30c. © - Ladies All Wool Ribbed Hose at . HYSLOP Market Square. men sisso minu! a Philadelphia lawyer to discover the difference beter: them. Jtis simply another case of "You pays your money hoice." If 1, then, rable conduct to it that no paid officer of the school. ing boards, public cr high school, will ; be permitted- to violate the: spirit! of the law; the same as Alds Davidson and Monteith are doing. And it is 7 . ; contrary. mH r : ' pat to death helieving bes 2 lose the- } Phe young ladies of Plymouth, Mera tena to the domisation of | commonity at large has sustained in the Pa, have formed what they ca'l a the church during the ** Dark Ages," he | too early removal of one who alwaya took said there was no Later on the | ¢" active interest iu every movement in j}ebureh corinection with the welfare of the town- progress to be hoped that he will call u them to resign their seats, if they continue doing so! As it is now, are there voting away citi- zens' money, of which they receive certain proceeds for doing nothing, the object of which-is-to prot members from adventurers wko are four read headed giris, every one of whom would scare a man at forty ** Women's Protective Association," ect alt} of that clergyman done? He is evi- dently not a success asa writer of de- nits, or he hardly would have put bis toot in it as badly as he has. Perhaps he is better at answering questions, and will tell us whether the rev'd teachings of those em- inent Unbelief did this. Orthodox christians that the world was six thousand yearsold. Geolog : AS : | attig Flack? WB Rie ship, and that a forwarded to shen Sooatiy. ~ Tbe council again met when the reeve e the following orders :--E. McDonald, $1.50, rep ap- to- of this resolution be --Carried r it, Solati reds, ° . h a4. oN could it. The | #657, rep culvert and ditching Eltice or next thing to it, thus violating _ enema gentleman in question ever was a fol- pel ontueibweer tht te the M shien townline; DJ Nicklin $3, rep bridge; T. the spirit if not the letter of the law. lower of the Hon Geo Brown and if 4 : ais ' t . : Drop « Dellar in the" Slot." J he ed maden, the Baddist, the other | Gibson $1, tile underd:ain Elma townlim ; They are also bound as paid officers Not a nickel this trip, but ten. There | "0% why not, seeing that velared | religious devotees, all un-| J. G. Kirk, engineer, ¢7 30, examination of the sehool boards to support every | may be and. bly 'are that the principles advocated by Mr 'i te each other, h disbelieved | 804 costs on Farncom!y's drain; A. Souder extravagant expenditure and wild- some, who are not Brown twenty-five vears ago showed in the dogma of the other, sho $1, tile drain Wellesley towuline; E bag rae tee Rony dm ae He eee ae | Se eee See --FOR-- Fy een mee Are ee . proprie: a& similarity with these of the new belief necessity, since the ious | Gawke $1, damage t» ba sud harness; - scheme o . be -- Genie - on te an - gtatis Bog ae party aow, of which the rev'd gentle- faiths ta wae create ene snthiioniatte. ' ny 25° fixing i Welle-ley : . # enter into !! ue Times earnestly Psi ane "werk -witheus pay. man is such a shining light __ | Unbelief was the symbol of mental free fownline; A Dowd $2, rep culvert; J . ; as } hopes that Mr. Brown will see to it aretwo extensive co: tions to In conclusion I weuld ask the edi- | dom, the work of intellectaal dignity, the | Watson 313 2, registration fees for b , M ---- that these things are remedied. Tae | support, and taxes | tor of the Herald what grounds he Lad | genius of cultivated reasop and the wisdom | 40d D; do., ppg. up finsncial state - Tues will back up Mayor Brown to | forthcoming. And with bluffing libel | for the dirty insinuations he makes in | f being guided by ght, | ment. Moved by Mr Grieve, sec by Mr the very letter, in carrying out the suits on deck, apd amnunition to buy, | roference to myself? Were they made | Teplacing old fancies with new realities, | Trim, that the circular from the Provincial | : . ? ie ie in the langu the late lamented | to vent his spleen because the junior | Proving all things and : acgeuiary #6 exumpeians fromm. {hiaben Ae promises laid down in his inaugcral | Davey Crockett **do you tumble?" If so if rn did » | which reason and experience, not traditivn | fered committee com ' dress,"and we hope to see him take | then drop a dollar inthe slot. And drop a oe -- ane - and theology, ¢ decide to be true, Which ~ the seereaad Dit Jonk, cold comasition "4 ' . . s h ake the circular into consideration at Ee bulls by the a -- his | it in quickly. Pay for your ceedines a hi impodent atfomp to Tania a sea Sa geen the | to mek date and trward melden Proper A. a. nable = Hlener. bot sou into ; rter. -- 6 M A We also call Mayor Brown's atten- " kiaahinaeenan 9A members aiariecing in ths quand teneeas the thiog came the ati, mild, 'ering' we by Mr "McCioy, that the falhowleg M PHERSON tion to the following clause from the | of municipal bodies should be , and | and Tux Stratrorp Times?" | yet uncompromising apostie of all ics be paid as follows :--Jas Grattan | Cc ' Statutes Ontario, ard kindly ask | well paid, for the time 5 ro Pr f am old to have learned to | that is good, great and x and John Ziegler, $4 each month; B, ¢ : : i i Sir tov cnn teeth sole tind m Rog Seodbe: and Hay, who it was thought had ot} Schkalitzky, & per month for indigen him to do his duty manfully in the |'pedtic work, the . 7 the time needed for their services. for the | I am h to manage my ouly viclated the rules of decency, aud | Telief,--Caaried. + y Mr MeCloy, ens mere honor of the position." Then they | ness. without being dictated. toby. a | exceeded the bonds of improprigty, the | ste by Mr Jack; that the ¢llowi --WILL SELL-- "© Section 77" of Act of | dhould stay at home. It is quite evident | fresh young man who evidently has first night by calling Mr Watta'a monkev Soak 7 .; ee the Revised Siatatee of On that the writer thereof never hes been | not cut his wisdom teeth yet, or he pe Lag ge A gee a Mec mh sheand, ie tir Sehetaos - , ing Fasten at ametee "No j municipal officer, and knows not of its would hardly have made an exhi- ti a ho had ss Ch ree Cantina Moved by M Jack * being an us >-- pleasures amd its sorrows, for there ere} iiiccg of hi od te on the | *Baitive people present, who desire r a ty ee - | eortows even there. Of the pleasures of "thas to be bored to death by a silly old man in| Sy Mr > that a special grant of $70 ° Shavit Sepecysberidy shard' La hign | CeingsbOre! co centh, by ripples, sabing | "Phere wore one or two other matters | sinh the idee thet bs ip sloqesets and' he| belore the ist of Dee, 1900 Carried. 'A @ bailiff or chief coustable of aay city or weftaty Willtcs"" ecaring t to which I intended to refer,but as my | strives to convince the people of the fact. | by-law was parsed contirming the appoint- town, ee treasurer, we you at one time ; to have newspapers write gomrmmniention ie sieeedy ra than Se ee ae rane esr Ae esi do Sra sec S Cusrc oy Axy Musicirartr, no bailiff | nice obitaary notices before dead; } intended, I-w thanking ir Hay, we believe prefer to accept m, 5 cou now ' 4 any Division Court, no county crown at- eed pot, tte jae wonid web work Sor hence, you again, Mr Editor, for the space | that cherished idea of at es joura to meet agsin on the tiret Monday in tormey, no acme Aavety ofthe / you haven't the eon conception of | you have ao kindly granted me. prereset demon March, for appointing path &o.-- , clerk of the peace, no innkeeper or saloon. Sud bea's piovese aula tani, for honer, Yours, &c.. do on every favorable occasion. Do you " at: keeper, or shopkeeper licensed to sell not by a large majority. ° J. H. Scummpr. see the point, Mr Hay? If not, we would Thos who has been prosecuting : en See a arin Swatford, Jan 24, 1890. tr Groped pa-- a --_ ile states ot Ruey Caan. Toreuiny. bes Ste "J or inepector uf. licenses, Creepers at McPherson's. somewhere a an appears voltieg parental domicile for. the } ee scat Bs Ep thea or Kl patecyan dolarcot Adam the shoeman, | A Lady Complains ef the Neon- | tambic. With thet polished ak chest last week > ror gO ag holes - act with or om behalf of the cor- | !s dead. He leaves a young widow and Heating of the City Mall. exterior that ever characterizes s true gen- | Chrystal, w graduate in medicine . Sethe al , bon tleman from the boor, Mr Hay called Mr| thie year.--Now that. the el Prices Te the Editor of Tus @rearromp Fen ler and & Rawve the cused sieht. over, everybody wonders why he got into e any THE MARKETS. Dear Mr. Editor,--You wiil pardon my | The public can form an idea from the} such « of sxclienanh aj-- the} SrRatvoRr fel ee Gig Pig mm seeming eT , wher I ex- | above of i -- Mr Ha afte Mrs. 4. Temgeen, whe tormeriy . rgeny Barley in toy u my short . | discourse muat been. was edify tanght schoo! much * . . Foucaade suntv tis | oss ans the hall on Wed. | to Mr Hay, and to him alone. He was| visited ws during the holidays, p ae For particulars as to prices | heeday" j better when: yearsago Jwayeglial to hate. round| LS ate eee te a mie Shoe! Aenea oper Sm celebrated ** No Soul Doctrine !!" Gaeta ite Seca ieee i enointa : call at : Butter " was as asa barn, PPA Pes SPS teemed aucti Riera Decerpie pub 6559 1h Chickens pet pwr, 35 | and my friend and I eat all the evening | Henry Lippincott, of Tavistock, shipped | ccttle from St Peri Meciny Jeroen | 7 ; 'and even then | 50 car. of cattle to Earope in 1889 . e.. > b oe wt ont. 3.50 te aavkin, with our furs and muffs on, even a Mr D. Dennis, of Howick, has been visit- each, 60 to LO? Hay bes, £50 6 SEK. we wefe not any too comfortable. I think This is the roast beef of England of whioh ing friends in' this Fh 6 Ontario St par tord, 20 tome Ww 00 to 00. it is jost perfectly horrid that we should eo much is heard, wait of the Sar Marghonen hace tune es makre--ran desk. 0.90 @ 0.50 | have to pay anch prices for the A Mitchell paper, whove editor has sl-| th summer mouths --The entertainment ; hae one 0.80 @ 0.90. Kites, 30 gears of sitting in such a place. Can't you Sa7s Note comico goed. Jonting,, Mats held.in connection with our church, was a : ; - oO idetiee por 186 18 rer do. 17 @ vapageen, ereipes ig ag al 'rople wb hacnthcomar glade bial -reciiey 1y ae a a fry 7 . How per 720. we Be. y one among _ @ =. Mour per ewt, 200 @ 295. Pork, $400 | havedaties to perform do them. Now that} Ata large bee, at the residence | whom were James Trow, M.P.;T, Ballan-| ~~ es ene. ' rsa en we have a ladies' man as mayor, I hope he poe fete Downie, last week, tee, MEP. pa mariaat doaveoe or : é LERTOWEL. -- Pas bash, 020 @ 680 | Will make his council do something to- | ote of the best saws there was that of R. | various denominaticns. Proceeds of enter- Sevan wetter wards giving us a comfortable hall. . car plea alamntegadnaii sty talament amounted to about $80. Now = Outmenl "Sincerely yours, . A Moruzn. { - that we have a little snow, the average - ube 300 Cocseest, 250° 200 Butter Stratford, Jan. 25th, 1890. ~~ The ef Hsbbert, Pullarten and | maa is sarious that we have plesty, y 'Logan are talking of erecting a large flour- Paabptak be doses, 18 @ 99. Pota- hea & ing mill near the G. T. R. station, Mit. | °S*t he cam take bie-best. gurl fora ; |ask meetin ste Th Pak sce em | Listowel Town Council ats recent | chell. There are too many milla in the | WoGnc at" qua "agen tuctar® ia, tia pomyetynng Tien Mates, oe Teta tice as Renal le at the bottom of it. The | vince alems, and in three "soathe they | oeut as extive cot eee Pe : - MITCHELL-- Pall an @ 0 Tories were caught and the Grits | could furnish flour-for the Dominice for a gome of the edhocle is net large. 2 we one en. eke: tock odvuntage of suecone, 'Twae whole sone, But it ica privilege the far- | recent venom wens vn' Bho $ Ben Bom. ever thes. Grite preach meodera-.| mers of building one on every crow Srarioxzny. peds and . atece, (eng), 2 @ 6. Pork, tien, look eat for rqualle. - toed if they like, thoagh is won't pay.