Stratford Times, 29 Jan 1890, p. 6

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* FOR POSTOFFICES. A NEW ALASKAN BEAR PHONOGRAPHS Tyo Miner Discover a Strange Brita tm Mexsages ta He Sent in Mexites 'bor About the St. Ellas Mountains Twiee the Coat of Postage. This country has done" ia part in fur) Lawyer Edwin M. Fox returned on nishing new species of bear To the old Friday from Mexico, whither hx world list it bas; added the cinnamon the interest of Thomas Evlison to arran 22 bear, the true black bear. the rouchback ithe legal featrres of a contract with the or silver' tip, and, the: most terrible of gavernment for the general introduction vil ursus lerox ithe grtaels }.° the > wentin Hiemsl g } ae f the phonoxsrapi int postoffices of « caused by a disoride red ge n of the f wmidable brute that<«ealka the surfac: that coantry le » es stoma." Aver' ; eek te: of the planet. Recent accouits Frou the taite of his niisais liable remedy Saarerue 2 ©. Bradborn, Alaskan ee 3 meant ate that America har) occ hae. ae Worthington, Mass. ' on bre sown record 7 tt "After the use of Avyer"a Pills for j ; jell ie _ Many 4 in my practice and family, Pwo miners wine tt wd set ett from 77; Fact Wa Tr Tam )ostified in saying that they are an Yakutat to prospect Uw foothills of Mii wany » dates at € Unt cathartic and Hver medicin St. Elias, Were crossing a valley demseiy vai). ia Waste ; acactaatnee ais Se 8 al ts -- for then m." tl ' Wiis cate " . de . . ' eatial i 4 oui wooded with yellow cedar, fir and bem. i,; sient thd eRe EN W. Rails. Co., Burnet, Texts "ae oy 'aateriv s tb oe lock, ¢ n the southeasteriy side of the tight for fit n irs to place phane "Ayers Pilia are. the best boa me ine mountain, and had sat down a few min oes in tl beeik ic Cte mpaldie {erase tom rregulating the bowels, ules to rest on an bnmense log, when fa aia ' ' aes : and f diseases eatised by a dis- Be . : UCM tor the use of poole who canneat read or ponies 't stomach aul cer. 1 suffered Tinea. easel o.olight...dacdeerat--sinene-of vite: S RITTER SEN atria - Patio ae aoa ra} anh or. J sifferes f il "i by a toud 1 eee , cer Swe potacss for over three years fr) 1 headache, ine i, fo fOWeu OY Btu snl , raphic revess has pet vet been fixed; | digestion, "-- consti -tion, IT had no - Glancing in that direction, Uhey @iw ap ce nye bo but at orsix and a half | appetite ond was tk and nervous animal resembling a bear in sige and). jee, : real. or thirt } Test « f th in me, 7 or the ree -- Neen isin ements Secs Seecr ee : of Ayer's "lx, an at mit other re Pace, save that the head seemed "Tats fot enas tuitiat fer gedet od i dieting myself, f w as comp letely cur td, oe rather broader, and. the color, at & di®ioan of ten cents for postage, which is | -- Philip Lockwood, Tope ka, Kansas, tance of a dozen yards, was. that of a), rate at whi tetters are carried | "I was troubled for years with indi- silver gray fox ora brindied wolf, Three pyjyy past.of Mexico to another, al- "ation, constipation, and meee! ache, . or four slugs delivered in qifick succes j¢),.5) 61; = ; t from Mexico | 2%, boxes © » User . se Winel } z % , Meg sla ¥y doses, re stored me to health. sion from a Winchester, in the bands of ey ¢yjs cou irs fi ir only 'tive eeuts. The |'T cy are prey at and effective.'--W. H. one of the miners, laid the animal life jj ier Chay seins toderate when i | dercee Meadville, Pa the thick, soft moss beside the! j, 0 bos wn that ny semder of . huge log iil be entitled to talk a thousand words | In: all generic: particulars the creature' sinto Chie: _polacocoge repre. was then fouod to be a bear--but his pel-| When he has said his say; the cy sinter lage scas-made Up of a thick undercoat), containing his message will be inelosed mes of fur Of galite gray color, out of whic bin a paper box, addressed by a portaftice . grew a second coat of longer, COBPsel clerk to its de stination, and, after weing hair, both black and white, giving theistar aped. willbe nailed like an ordinary beast its peculiar bright gray and brin=|jetter, The recipient of the cylinder can ' dled tints. either have tho tessaye spoken out to! The skin seemed to be so fine that the jj) by the phonogrs oa i in the nearest men took it off, and ou their return trip postoiiice, or he can have it transeribed two days later carried it to Yakutat. Iton paper for future reference, Lf every proved to be a considerable prize, for a patron of the phonograph sends thousand trader offered them $30 for it. In an ad jword messages and every recipient in- joining Indian village they saw a similar' sists on. havi ing them transcribe "l, the skin, for which the natives had- refused f, lison Phonograph compauy of Mexico $100, which was used asa hunter's talis-| wij} lose money,/b but it is calculated that man,. A chief had killed the animal. the messages will uverage cortainly not The trader told the two miners that anything like.the 'aside anttel poor chaps trent hides of this bear were only occasionally even the twentieth partof the limit. The brought io by the native hunters, and that: persotis "who are expected to use the he had Hever heard of them elsewhere. phonegraphs now employ scriveners to Several other furriers confirmed the write their letters for them. The scriv- statement that this species of the genus eners will probably have todo something ursa is peculiar to the foothills and val- ejse when the phonographs ate set up. ley sof the St. Elias range. It is distin | By the terms of the contract the com- guished at Yakutat by the hunters and) jpany is to take care of the machines and trappers of that region from the meek) keep the tn in order. ouetind grizzly by the name of the St. Eli bear.--Sitka Alaskan. a Nressage This will not in- tat encleapuet -- joftice uit which there isa phonograph, i ik Re MRR Toca ifor it is bound to instruct one of the The Most, Powalar Aathor. }postoflice- clerks in the: use.of..the ma- If an author's popularity may be esti-chine, and the time consumed in this mated from the sale of his IL have} yw: way aud in sending and. receiv mes- incidentanly 'discovered the most popula lsagres is to be allowed for. 'The « company of..American..writers...And. yet. Up.0 istogube-rentalfor-the-tsedf--the within a week ago, I had never heard ¢ hines, and what remuins of the proceeds his name, as will probably be the case after deducting a small percentage for with many who read this paragraph. the government. As already intimated, The author is Mr. J. W. Buel, his city of a1 expenses are to be borne by the com- residence 1 do not know. Mr. Buel has pany, so that whatever the government written fourteen books, the ag rregate jgets will be clear gain. Only the large circulation of which exceeds 2.500,¢ postoHices wilkat first be provided with copies, His works are all of a religious phonographs, but it is expected that in -oF philosephical nature: and ire seldom the course of 'time the usc rat (hie tistru- the subscription plan. The most popu- gents will become o tite gendral. larishis "Beautiful Story," which has Phe machines are ww be cnt at Mr. reached a sale within only 8,600 of G00.) Bdicon"« fac tory in Orange and sent to in less than two years. His Hexiceo as warited, butt al last two works! "Tie Livitig World" and) have to be a local earn tishinid at am. tha | "The Story of Man," have both gone be- icity of Mexico where repairs will be yond 250,000 copies. each, and are in! made and busines+-connected with the dorsed by Mr, Gladstone and Bismarck; pronto transacted, As the company During 1858. Mr. Buel's royalties Pxpects to sell many of the machines to amounted to $35,000, and this year they the general public, a salesroota will be will exceed $50,000, Ido not know Mr. part of this ests arene "nt. Buel-or-his-prrblishers-and~thesetiguress--yqeo Poe tok" ire pr were secured independently, but of their) yosieo with him, one accuracy there is no doubt. Mr. Buel, president Di ronegraphs to a present for "Tout the in- as jaz. whi tlh pe "a as as will be plainty Seen, is _ bes yond | the * strumenty il ay other music w hic h Mr. SSOP OP actvertisim:. and P-give him thi Eilison had poure | into ifat the labora- gratuitous uention siuply to. show Low, tery in Orange, where concerts ure still popwar an author's works may become, given, with phonogr: apt is for auditors, and yet his name remain unknown Weeveral times a week, President Diaz the literary world, or to the public at was quick to learn how to use the ma large for that matter. --New York Com- chine, and he sent back by Mr. Fox a mercial Advertiser, cylinder containing a message in Spanish ane aie aaamaaneia Sa. jcongratulating Mr. Edison on his great ... About the Lacky. 'Winner. mvention and himeci? that" Mexico was The following anecdoteis publishe 7 bY to get the benefit of it.--New York Sun. The Paris Gaulois: * 'Here, old man, here's your lottery ticket! I picked it; out myself, It's a good 'un, and no mis- take, 'Allright, my lad! <If I get the big prize, remember there's 10,000 france. |; for you.' These were the words ex- changed a few months ago between een <n Chee, Franssens, winner of Eg epLOG Crexee te the rzjhad been epee! = Ot So saee irinking cent drawing of the exhibition bond Stacn where f and a oe and the printer's apprentice in P ¥ Teaeenters bh --_ Lahure offices. Now, it fell out, a week cen make TOGETS 9808 Which of See. Sey or so back--about the end of October noes would sop Bret, . Judge Eicdgets . that the boy's arm was caught in lof the circuit court, has decided in this machine gearing and terribly mutilated," sl ao ee Fase a A ia Bl His case was a hard one, and he felt his yngaiant Loyd) tit the laws of che position terribly, for all labor was hence- era iepaghions darpeniee: gta forth shut- away from him. He. had patent for a new and useful invention; nothing to look-forward to-but:want and ( that a useful invention is one that ma misery. On Nov. 5 there was a knock °° applied .t0 siphe beneticisl. 'tes: 3 at the door of his humble lodging sod in contradistinction to an inven- M: Praneseus walked. --io---*You : tion which is injurious to the morals, young 'un, [ve won; and look here, as soon as I touch the money rout! a your 10,000 francs! : can, the joy of the es feclens lad, of despair to the. What Is a Valuable Invention, The patentee of a machine by whicli tin horses raced one another around a ring recently sought to enjoin an in- Sq = + health and good order of society; ™* the patent is not a useful device in that of the word, its use so far hav- YOU ing been pernicious and hurtful; and so lifted £ the the injunction was denied.--New York Telegram. seventh beaven!"'--London Standard. > i _Measuring Waves. | Ste Stephen' 8s Review says ar interest- jing fact has just been accomplished by |Hon. Ralph Abercromby, who _has_suc- ceeded i in manent the height of ocean Young UWeurts Made One in & Coal Shed. emer ee a couple were mar- . His Bride's oe of forty-seven miles per hour: A. curious wedding has 1 : place at Lodz, Hungary. A ens oe The Maybrick Residence. ith amily, Tesi The bride is in her seventy- fourth year! The "happy" bridegroom has now cleven and hters, sere the oldast.of whom is 83, besides twenty- awd sire ig ig sig 28g) Somer and twen ybrick was cond) ton oe dei tacen ok chk ie at pe ty situated near the Mersey, --Young Ladies' Journal. has been thoroughly redecorated. _mend Ayer's Cherry Pectoral as the most Tire Female that Bruises Sick t ick Headache, ¥ [§ a complaint from which many suffer nd few are entirely free. Its canse is indigestion and 'a sluggish liver, the eure for which is readily found in the use of Ayer's Pills. ** T have found that for sick headache, Ayer' s Pills, PREPARED BY Or. J... C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. | Bold by all Druggists and Dealers in Medicine. Eminent physicians everywhere recom- re'iable remedy that can be had ford colds, coughs, and all pulmonary disorders, Aek your druggists tor Ayer's Almrnac; it- is the best publication of the kind, and full of information. ae Anthony sought for happiness in love, Brutus in glory, Ciwsarin doninion ; the first found disgrace, the second disgust, ithelart ingratitude Sufferers from low and depressed spirits, from indigestion, trom headache and hea: t- burn, from sluggishness of liver and ssur- ners of stomach, need not conclude * all is vanity and vexation of spirit,' * for there is positive relief in Cockle's Anti-bilious pills ¥ rat Help For The Wounded. In all cases of wounds, bruises, ores, sad cute er necesta'y and the wisdom of those who keep Hagyar d's Ringed Vil on hand is arene effectual injuries, croup, Used ex demonstrateu. and reliable 'aie i a umestiem, sore throat, i yor internally. Consuiption "sary" Cured: To tux Eprtor :--Please inform your readers that I have a positive remed the above named disease. By its rv. use thousands of hopeless cases have bee: sermeaently cured, I shall be glad to pee two pottles of my remedy razz to Ae of your readers one have consumption if they send me their Express and P. O, address Respeetfully;Dr.-T.-A. SLOCUM, -- - 164 West Adelaide et., Toronto, Ont, Ho.toway's itis --Enfeebled Exis- tence.---This medicine onary: attribu in age mestic remedy; it overturns the founda- tions of disease laid by defective food and impure air. In obstructions or tions of the liver, lungs, bowels, = mt organs, these Pills are cially le and eminently successful. Should ny kept in readiness imevery family, as they area medicine without a fault for rong and those of feeble coustitutions. They never cause pain, gk irritate the most tsensitive nerves, or ost tender bowel, Holloway.',. Pills are » 'the heat. known. paritiers of the biood. and the' best promo: ers of absorption and secretion, and can move all poisonousand noxious particle on ee --_ and fluids, Fo READ- MAKER: VEAST ewer Fans-te-cme Satan FOR MALE CY ALL DEAL "RS. Sore Eyes Catarrh Lameness AVOID acl MITA. NS. THEY MAY be DANGEROUS. « Complaints Sunburn Soreness ee Chafing C-SIMILE OF WITH BUFF USE PONDS EXTRACT taact,. accert rr BSTITUTE FOR IT Borree Scalds Piles. . Burns anus Bios -- THIS iS TmEe ONL To the Retail Dealers o the BOOT.AND SHOE.STORE. CLEARING SALE | COMMENCING Saturday, Dec. 7th '89, FOR ONE MONTH. iy ' nies. ae ot pete aah ° wils my p-teather, and in oriir to do martect a way a " ef t ; hie, oF shops asn goede aes Ch New Fali Goods Must be Sold, away below Coat, Walt I's Shop worn good Millinery at Drucinic t ale eit ha a th tr f the Mote & Date Sia A 8 " tormt att orte of fea rel We ha ' lc edt < dat mate ry mn Lor: oF OVE HCO Ts t rom SM te 510 exh, Carpe beautiful He at juve , Tapestry, , worth otk sii-wool Plann fe, brow a . ail range of li e# shades Meltons, GEN rs Sy F U sath tba We make a «pecialty in kee Mi ne all port wear at the fro wt mt of mets okt of this branch 1 tw what we want you t "th i« "nm aper aside and way ic pig Be t put vour wants on a don't throw Vertiser.ent call | ro od eet our he rier, ond then if you do a find our prices right, we wi ii ne t sok you to uy. An extra staff wil] be put on < Suri the asle KASTNER BROS. MITCHELL & SEBRINGVILLE, N..B.-- Fowl and faim produce bought | and sold. All outstanding accounts must ! be paid by the Lith January, 1890. | ROOMS TO RENT. | GUTTABLE for Legal, Insurance, or Medical | Oboes Tus Tine Erie street, only & few yards from the Post Office, Enquire of J. FRANK PALMER, Tux Toxns office. FOR SALB. vi har EAST QUANTER R OF LOT 7, 2 the 16th Concession of the -- ot LICE, in the County of Perth, containing on more or tess, G rwelling. Barn and Stables. Terms cmey. Apply tu W. 8. COWAN, Auctioneer, Stra SEDWARD TAYLOR, Proprietor. -- _ - For 'Sale. O BE SEEN ON LOT 12, 12, CON. 8, in the Town- | WX per, w horse power, Both as will tes sold cheap. Apply to HAMILTON KELLY St Mai arnt 2. | = Dee's, Tse9." House to Let. | THAT NEW "BRICK HOUSE ON. CHURCH. STREET, ~ (Oss RESIDENCE, or 8. R HESSON, Cleost Gan City Water, ge ie and a1) modern rol provements. Apply to | G. W. aa & a _ Stratford, Nov 27. FARM FOR SALE, 5 ern ee £0 ACRE F FARM for sale--Being con, 16, in the ee | under a -- w Paces Woot and 3 miles from oe v Ene of Will be wold cheap. For ply on on the pl ey A "A, BAILLIE, a P. - Jan Wth, 1860, . 33-im --FIRST: CLASS-- FARM FOR SALE, --~SITUATED IN THE -- Township of Eliice;Co-of Perth; | age ah pe Na, 10 CON. 1, ELLICE, containing adred Ac va r= good land. Seventy- eo arrebarel and in the highest state ¢ f eulth tion--hbalance well timbered BUIL tortatite Srwretiihix" ihitine'; pit icrweac and Beart and Running Spting Ako contains br tulding Sand One mile from stratford City Limits, convenient to Schools oe hes. For furthe: iculars Ap tw JAMES BENNOCH, y Lumber Yard, Stratford, P. O., Or to Mav. E BeTHERSOS, on the Prenises. Ellice, Nov 26 , 1880. County of Path LE gy a a ty) articles, viz :-- Brilliant Self-Shining Stove Polish, Ivory Starch Polish, The Little Wonder Powder, For cleaning gold and silver Plated Ware, and Howard's Frozen Perfune, JAS. HEMPHILL, of the Big Boot. THE OLD RELIABLE To Reduce Stock, WE WILE SELL AT LARGE REDUCTIONS For Cash! FROM NOW TO JAN UARY 1st, 1890. THE FINEST QI QUALITY OF_ s, SHOES, "SLIPPERS, &¢. Neat, Fancy, Stylish, Comfortable, and Substantial. i THOS. LAWSON'S Ses AINE ae ae yon cae bey egeliy otat alse} Er-s. <r + per' psa tere ms. NATIONAL PILLS are feccaties ona anti-bittons mettanes ey they |. _Rext Door to Bente « Grocery Stor, Sef attsed, iy 17, 1889 wow Cad awe age, JAP lee ie your Money : COURSE capers ed this. Schoo) ja ove oucetiod tr Canada for Fhoronghnese: itdereieper h thes dent evetdr a! d educat t Baviness, in the troegt semee of the word. An institution he shes 8 8 tarkable ree roid Yon the fle ret al of "ita ra istence Manufacturer, LISTOWEL Post Office, @ake. ew. fh set At Manufacturers' Prices. _ Address all communicatio#t and orders tor the AS Ane ny of late, Tron aoe rai S A | E Ss M E N H A of | on hand id shingle and Slated. ; Maia. I am | Orders All work | distributing at 727-138 R WAN iTE D. : _ 4m Yard :--Near G. T. R. Station. 83-ly 2 No. 30 Ontano St.--Sign To sell our unexcelled Nursery. Stock. Steady em- ' --IF YOU WANT A-- - an nasa 90 Yan térritory. miei -- i STRATFORD, 'The Most Popular and Progressive Business Training School of the Province. ONT. NOW IS THE TIME TO ENTER. ba Addresses, Resolutions, Testimonials, &e., Engrossed in First-Clare St) le and at Prices to Suit. For Catalogues and Circulars, address W. H. SHAW, Principal. Stratford, Sept. 4, 1850. W. LINCOLN SCOTT THE NEW CHEAP GROCER. Jams, Jellies, Nuts, Candies, Oranges, Lemons, Raisins, Currauts, Prunes, Fies, Cranberries. Evaporated Peaches, Evaporated Plums, E vaporated Apricots, Evaporated Apples, Fine Mince Meat, Buckwheat Flour, wT New fF Toney. 22 MARKET STREET IAMOND BLOOD PURIFIER ! A Hag olla CURE Liver, Inactive Kidne append Constipation. nest Remedy in the world for neral Debility 100 DOSES $1. aS Erk OIL, and warest Pain ---- th tise. Great y Remedy. bottle 25 IAMOND CONSUMPTION CURB! Sure Cure for ASTHMA, Throat and Lang troubles. £0 cents per bottle. DIAMOND SALVE, *:.:4 cure tor oll Skio Diseases and Indolent Sores... 25 cents.per box. 'GREAT SPECIA L SALE RED FROWN or, 'Brandenberger' s Block, Wellington-St., 'BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS, VALISES, &c, Berd Ponce. Misves, and Children's Boots in Great Variety; an ot Petes eat OA rete Per " : Just note some of the Bargains-we are Offering = For Sure © iA M i raraines spepsia, T re and the (MOSSBURGS') Tit-tm si -- Ladies' Dong, Kia matt, worth 92.50, now $2.00. Misses" Oil Goat Butt., worth $2.00, now $1.65. French 8 3.50, * 300, " School Boot butt," 100, * 135. #9 odode t Bal 250, " 2.00, " De, ined Bal "100, Lae, "Lined Hals - 29, * 175, = vw Bal, 2.00, * 1.75. ~" moe wear, from 90c, up, Men's 'Feicen' m great a at vices to ult Jourschyes. a& Repairing Sneatly and oaaentiy executed, at the RED FRONT, neal the City Hall, Wellington Street. ~GROSCH Bros. & HOFFMAN Ww.J. BUYERS, |: FINE SIGN AND FIGURE PAINTER Con, Writiseron axp Sr. Paraice Sta. Strattord, March 5, 288s. 6x7- a JR KILBURN, Wholesale and Retail Dealer n Portland and Thorold Cements, | Sewer Pipes. Culvert Pipes, FIRE BRICK, &c. YARD & OFFICE - ALBERT Sr.,STRATFORD F. BLOXAM, SLATE ROOFER. Canadian American Slate BOX 107, on 67 MILTON STREET, STRATFORD, - eee = m "?) % te Polite ard Courteous Atten &Telephone in Cvnnection. DANNIE CONNOR, ae right man. Fine Stove, a Good Stove, And one that will give you every satisfac- tion go to A. Brandenberger, On the Market Square. CHASE BROTHERS Co. . Colborne, Out THE KEY TO HEALTH. Sahiaiemiinn crane guaranteed. A. BRAN DRADERGES. D. D. OLIVER, Resident Pianoforte and Organ Tuner. - REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. * The best of city references. Every job at A. T. Macdonald's bs sari stat- store, Oddfellow's 'rw. Ver ¢ Se %. MILBURN 4 00., Propeisters, Toresia ) promptly att to, ; ae Ageet fae Mow aa 'Secon'. | fer, Sim trah bi, Use Hand Pianos. - and split, cared with Liverpool salt, war- D. D. OLIVER, Praxo Exzei.t | ranted first-class in évery respect,goto Oct, 22n3, 1829. 72-48, Walsh Bree. ~ ee 7

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