Stratford Times, 5 Feb 1890, p. 1

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. AND COU s ity Local Htems. City Lorat. News. The fourteenth is Valentine's Day. 7 The "Fr Prose of Taceday « Pp. farmera are we so Gage The Young Men's Christian Association ¢ it = ; : ' Janitor Cooke has a full house of tramps he grippe is pulling the t of the se societies pretty well in this it . ! 'The next entrance examination to High schools and Institute will be held in July. Cheap Simon's adv't is what you should read, if you are looking for bargains and want to save The it. This year you can let slide, if it feels like it. have so far driven out there ova ei is this . Tux Times is pleased to note. A number of citizens with their i attended the Order i ladies, at St. Marys, Tudeday evening last. = n bad the gr .] and ears, A retired gentleman of this city, is the of the gold watch that proud possessor e once was the property of Robby Burns, of me r The remains at the 'unfortunate ng brakeman, Farmer, were interred at Sarnia last week with military honors, he beirg a last Thursday, was ; was buried by the Oddfeliows, who turned cis to the number cf ninety. city official madé "the statenient re- cently, that he had it u the authority of ope who knew, that there was a whiskey still in operation in this-city. Seven clubs have been entered for the curling here on February 10th. The prizes are two silver tankards, and a pair of granite curling stones. Revd. P. McEwin, the former pastor ef. the. Baptist charch of thia city, and s0perintendent of Baptist Missions, feft last. week on « tour. through western Canada. Goto Walsh Bro's tor is. 7 "Phe primary competitionenrling matches between Seaforth, St Marys, Bright and Stratford, which was to have been played last Thursday, was postponed. It may go on if there is any ice, ~~ &Hamiiten paper saya that sh are wanted there, and that the(irand Trunk will be asked to! of schools for West Middlesex. The position was given to Mr nston. , the barber opposite the post "| actual work in three not be for some time to come. . A Formidable Weapon. One of the worst imaginable looking machines was taken from p Inet of a Colt revolver, unlike an old navy blanderbuss, It shoots a 45 rifle ball ; has an infernel machine without end a dyna- ; it will go off at the word of command, and will shoot 60 times aminute. It would be about as safe to run a young Gatling gun as to have to face this thing. The Chief has it as a keepsake at police head quarters Where the Money Goes. There are twenty-eight reeves and deputy-reeves belonging to the county council. For their three day's meeting, they received a sessional indemnity of $306 06. The first day they «at for two hours; second day, one hour and tirec quarters ; third day, three quarters of an hour, making in al! four and a half hours a that they were in . They received $2.44 and a fraction per hour. Usually they sit four day's sometimes more. This year the session was shorter than usual. Orange Blesoms and Bridal Feils. A fashionable and select party ot wedding guests assembled at the residence of Mr David Martin, Church st., W y young " Dr Griffin, piloted the young people through the trying ordeal. A magnificent wedding raed wae prepa gave ex- cellent satisfaction. The bride was the recipient of many varied and handsome ta. May their journey through life & prosperous one. Nothing Succerdas Like Success. As ar evidence of the way Tur Trurs ie sought ic, we point with a considerable d of pride to the fact that three editions sf this paper were printed last week, and yet the demand was by no means supplied. Each week adds fresh laurels to our banners, From Guelph last week came letters offering « dollar a paper for Tue Times six months old, One writer stating, that money was no object eo long as he could get the pape One doliar.«-year-in--advance, now isthe time te enroll your name, if you desire to keep up with the band wag: gon, The Epidemic Abating. The MoGinty racket has had a great ran; bat not one quarter what the influenza has bad and is having, as everybody noee. Tt is a pleasure to revord the fact, thoagh, that the epidemic is decreasing in the city. There are oftly about thirty in the shops laid up with it, while about town it has don ite worst. It has left many vacant ohairs at home firesides ; it has cut-down the strong in their manhood, and the constitutions of the fragile and weak. Mr, James Wilson, ar., Romeo Ward, had a very bad shaking up with it. Mr. T. Hagarty alo had a siege of it, although he is about now. The Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter Weather. That is the kind of weather we have been having in this part of the world ever since last September. First -we Lad it days ; change it would rain Sunday; after this we would have ane Meee weather, with local showers on Sunday; we would Boreas, with his BS ht Reg ord § Times NO. 735. City Died in Dakota Mr John Regie, machinist, of Haron Street, this city, left Saturday last, for Dakota, to attend the funeral of his brother-in-law, Mr Gilbert Dusty, son of 8: - ---bhe-Dast yi ers, of Gt: ss - waa engaged in the dry goods business out there. Death of Mra, Doyle-- At 91 Years. The sad event occurred at the residence of herson, Mr J. W. Doyle, proprietor of the Windsor Hotel, this city. wae born in Wexford, Ireland, in and came to Canada in 1832, settling at Norwich. She wasa lady m y friends and loved by relatives. Her faneral took place Monday, to Ingersoll. Board of Trade. regular meeting convened 'u d left over for the special meeting which meeta Friday evening,to grapple with. The ©. P. R. Car. Scores of visitors from the country and the city, visited the car here soil mines; the bearings of the orchards, and amall fruit. They also had samples of wheat head, oats, and other cereals., One could not fail to he impressed with the exhibits aod the preductiveness of the country that grew them, but whether or not the im ion took.root, time oaly will demonstrate. A Pitiless Object. Woodstock Sentine!-Review ;--'* Qur es- teemed cotems the Colon:st and Herald, ot Stratford, havea lively dispute on h over some statements made by Mr Schmidt, the accomplished editor of the Colonist, at Mr Mowat's Tavistock meeting. ng. The Heraid man pathetically complains that 'Mr Schmidt, through the Culoaist, may sling German at him which he cannot understand. be Herald man is no more an object of pity than many of his con- , because there are many writers on the Canadian ~ ~ can' ~ We prefer Schmidt's German to much of the current Eauglish of the day. - More Heat Wanted, Attention is again called to the de plorable heating capacity of the city hall, Tee y' ies in this ivsue state, what everyonc knows to bea fact, that the city hall on a cold night is like an old barracks, Something should be done to have it properly heated ; as it is now, females going there with delicate con- stitutions sre tinble to contract colds, i thi pheumonia -and other com at will ruin their health completely. And ia not the slightest. doubt but that this fact -has a to away huadreds "of "citizens, "their--wires'-and their daughters, who prefer their own cosy fireaides to such an ice house. There ia plenty of room for the market and police committee, amongst whom there are no bachelors, to do something to remedy the present undesirable state of- affairs. The Justice Milt Has been running on little better time this week. William Wilson waa an im- portation who had just landed from over the briny d The c 5 be At 2 NJ. oe O ee pts ie As pagrting = fo ith the ever- rainen Sunday. At the | Christianity Misunderstood-- By Mr. Hay. = ty ob 0 prine dawwing of the pranent tiene of-wrlbiag Wacsalding, must be down to & winning Seealtan oem Pather | "ful Negligence The F Spates ie Side ally SI ae a ather . : r men Dixon 1 truly in inck. Coronor's jury in the ime D. . Hay to ot the cause. Mr. John Schaefer, Reeve, case of the young Farmer, | The exhibition he made of himeelf and Ochm, -Reeve of Svath Easthope, | whose life crushed out week, | religion on Friday night was another ex- called at Tax Tixes office Thu co at Matthew's hotel Tuesday ification of the truth of the saying, left their au ning, with Mr. John McIntyre as fore- eke beastie of araty cause are its worst t. man and submitted verdict :--That | mies" Mr Watts may say with o ------- fa the Sith dog ot Senmnry.. 2008, Soe oie smile, "w the guide wish to destroy, was " . G.T. R of Canada by beit "pee abe gore teen ae pee ng tween cara on the the ssid G. | ooo must have felt thin, When Mr Hav T.R Co, The jurors beg mostem- | pot throagh with his hours of registration Phatically to express their disapproval ws aikina. Mr Jammie Be Store doaesk deaths, with the of loading lumber on the cars, without five minutes to reply, but he was refused. birth must be preesciy, saerding soninws te levies However, he managed to say that Mr Hs: the. an or be arcimeedh Rbreninnthnted was al sbout "hs muame {" Ho forms the ceremony; a death, small space between the cars. *- | ceased to be a in Mr Hay's indi- Cccupier of the house in which ously endangering the lives of the Com- | Jitusl case. Mr Moore advised Hay to place, and before interment of the lrg nomi they beq to im- | ick after hisliver, to sttend to hie kidneys The local board of prest on the y the of the | sod to keep his stomach in order, and he Stratford Tract Society were ry Ey tring Stercieed im the | would goon be all right. He talked of bis Monday evenmg week, and ot fist and care, heart ; why, said Mr Moore, that need not member from each chureh. hee bother him a little bit, when he can get a Mesers Wa B w Mr R. H. Henderson, plasterer, of Lis- better one at any of the butchers' for man, Dr Eidt, J H Trethe- | towel, now in Vancouver, B.C., writing to | tenty.five cents. (Roars of way, J H Schmidt, Wm (he peut yt Alot ap ome pe It was absurdly ebeurd for a man like Sherk and J Becker. Mr B aeshonges per oy & severe attack eg eee Hag. to expense the tenetn of ang elected president, and Mr Schmidt, interesting when it y be would be preaching Boscom. mt the Chinamen out there, and the In- Guede sal bosmtone he would be Mr. G. W. Lawrence, treasurer, | tians with mixtare of Wawanosh and | +. ching his no soul doctrine. (Laughter). 'Truzs reporter on the strest the | Pottawattomie blood. Then look out for | 7.5 best advice be could give him was -to that his advertisement | bear dances. -- soak his head, climb a hay stack, or go off The Stratford Canton of Oddfellows | somewhere and hate himself to death. ur ra peepee lie Pan gl Far forge tit ane gor on stole ortho- the Oth inst, Thebettmeiaiond Neviger : : ao fee of participating. The Musi of tickets to | De. D. M. Peacer of thas city wae called be looked for, at the low admission of 1S¢.,| mour, assistant superintendent, G. T. B., or twe tickets for 25c. Everyone welosme, | who is suffering from a relapse of la Marble ison again, bicyclists are | He remained with Mr Larmour all Bad og tm Depeche = hop. | ad stated when he came back on ch od he ikon wits Mary | $Y ornnguhoagh co weeks pr eeavenen the bast bone | _ The members of Lorne ent No, 3, K. 0° the sure indication that TM : in fall of sinker in beohen, Sinagh tan Cunenee + ToS" eget} rank et Frama; 'nd jehs'boo-pevvious owhied Bs c=. Tnitiolion, lestellation, gadt'ptber oun ------ EE aaa | Portast businem on deck SSRmm press whom no stadent of Met WHERE WAS THE BACKBONE ? 'STRATFORD CITY COUNCIL. Regular Meeting. AGBAND CIRCUS FOR THE * KrD'S HOODLU Ms " BUT A DISGUSTING EXHIBITION FoR RESPECTABLE CITIZENS, JAMES SHARMAN CHOSEN ASSESSOR FOR 1890, The meeting of the City Council was on Monday ev At twenty- five minutes to eight Mayor - el the throne. "Members present then were Alds Goodwin, Hogarth, Roberts, Harding, Ubelacker, Monteith Rigg. When the Clerk had finis minutes there were six vacant seats. While a letter was being read from H. 'sai a e Boars of At this point Alds Duggan, McPherson and Ahrens came in. The management committee of the operatic company asked for a refand of the rent of cley ball, for Lenelit of favor of the band. He moved, seconded Ald Dansmore, that Ald Davidson poin should be taken into account. to know how much better <ff the band was by the operas. Ald Ahrens replied that $17 showed up oa the wrong side of the ledger. If had made a success of it t proposal might be entertaited, put in Ald Davidson. He favored a grant to the t did net 'oveof this. Ald Harding again came to the rescue of the band. It was nothing in their pockets The request was granted. Scott's re- ' engineer, Brockville, asked if the city had any inten- tion ot procuring the services of a compe- tent person to dispose of the sewerage-- matter referred to the proper committee. Watts' lectures. The matter was given to the Finance Committee to with. In contradictinetion to thie Mr Watts' triends paid for the hall], and asked for no charity from anyone, Mr A, Myers, in a letter to the board, said that 1f the coun- cil would give him all supply orders, he w ists goods and wood at 95 per cent. Mrs Wright's letter in reference to tax on income ot her was referred to the Finance Committee. A letter from BR. W. i matter of of $1000 personal property, was reberredte the Court of Teevlsion, . FINANCE RETOaT ie Finance. , veces fl,000 OF Meratd, pRauing .. .. 0... cc cee nee 2 Administration of Justice Co of Perth 236 *gistry Office, proporiion of supplies OE eee er ae neeeeeenee us 16 64 Board «/ Works. ¥ eheet .. 6.0.5 -- as G, T. smh, cinders, Fire, Water and Light. Bell Telephone Co...... Gas Co, Stratford Water Market and Police. $8u ess £3 CES Supply Co rates ~8- ~ " mir oteaSie guBussssese & 8 j i pei He fi i : if : E ; cb 5 Fiz Seo ex Ht i i y ut 5 ER = rt Ri ce course Ald more knows allabout this matter. Dans- the engineer, he was led to believe. Ald Smith wanted to know who was the engineer ? Ald Harding--If the engine:r laid out specifications, and the contractor fol- lowed the in the world would sustain such a conten- tion. Ald Dunsmore explained that F; Bros, signed an agreement to follow out po Ald Smith would not have it that way, but Mayor Brown objected to his inter. rq) . ayor Brown--You have no seconder to your motion. Ald Smith. --No matter whether he hada secunder or not, he was not going to allow ticm to do any thonkey business. A voice crowd---Give Ald Kigg a fj . Ald Smith He said that Davidson hole 'show. board ' whether you are mayor or not, it makes id Ald Smi no difference to me, sa this board. (Hear, hear.) A voice--Ald Ahreus is going to pull a tooth. adoption --Carried. FIRE, WATER AND LIGUT Committee reported: that regard Duggan fire, a certain amount of the dividual members of the br men, and should be re-appointed, MeNabb be » . 2B. Suitable harness be purchased. Ald Smith was anxious to know who ing to make the harness "peated. t, he shouted . order."") We'll take the yeas and nays on it, said. Me show and collect the tickets too, (Laugh- ). Ald Rigg had a word in season for the firemen, who were always blamed after a fire. Ald Duggan said that Ald Rigg was making a false statement. Mayor Brown--' Oider, gentlemen -- der." ee --The firemen did their best. Davidson, who has Tsay "amen." It w plain Davidson did not kaow what was talking about. He hasanoler head, and is aman of woaderfal knowieige, and an old miraicipal officer, but he never ran a tanned, ; son of a blacksmith ---- ing--addressing himself to Mayor Brown --Are you ging to turn this council chamber into a bear garden, a circus; or a council? Hepburn need not make so much fuss he was anne. Teport up clause by clause. Smith moved in amendment to the first clause, seconded by Ald 2 That R. raey be Chief. Twelve had voted for McNabb and one for Pengelly before Ald Smith's time came. How do you vote, Ald Smith ? Ald Smith--I might as well say Mc- Nabbtoo. (He was so Z the peals of laughter tnat followed the an- nouncement The vote stood 14 to 1 in favor of Me- ; Se beter? g Ht # i Fy F A E Ei i i i 2 ite Ee f HE the i * accept that amount. The botched job was the fault of F beli { order, from the chair.) Well, Mr Mayor,: Ald (Lona | mar" vote stood 8 to 6 for its |! nse 4. | Smith. you ars j Brown, you are not going to run the whole "YY Geet Oryaiiizat Wi (Reure-ot luayg her): i m-the- ep about it, as there was no funeral here that . nange hin LANs FOG ot at the Last meeti ---- --- Ae | shen subasitted a fogther amneduagut tothe amemde heent, A mem bér--Ald Suith is fathering tun moti Jor Browe--Do you wish Ald Devideon then read the jaw upon voting, Wing that according to parliamentary practice She low est dro. ¢ eu 7 Ald Smith-- That's just and right ; now pat the Ald McPherson moved that Ald Saith be excused from voting. Ald Smith --Ald city, and Ald | Da Dunsmore is going to ran this davidson * "Amen!" finaliy passed, Mr sharman sbi} A J Ald Siuish (eying the Mayor)--We'll ran you for sdhgcri st to know everything, but Soon * ey fs two things that he don't kaeet lamas. St JO8RPH ICKSON, @ third time ana ted aevensor. Ald Davidson --This is 4 democratic country, and did believe ia these baubles He would vote spoke of Mr. Hickson and "all the roosters." We ing was a new member at the board," * year jor Browa--Urder, order, Ald smith, there is beard. { declare the motion 'as in perfoot order. Before adjourning, Ald Hepburn des'red that his name be struck off count Ald Smith--Yes ; and if he does committees he is put on, I will move that he be asked to hand in his resignation. He's no good, oA Senith * Ald Smith" (almost cried the Mayor)--" If you 'ton't order, i have' you rote Fo Why 2 epburn resigns, he 'i an alderman or anything else they were on, is unworthy thought that Al Hepbern was -msking no more than he was entitled to. He wae an oid member and should have beea treated with Mayor Brown--There is nothing before the r was he eloque it er were placed in his pusition, he would see quite differently to what he le that there were men of bono . who would have a feeling for a hian while lay on a sick bed. (Thamping the table with ne Knuckles) be said, tnat iM the committees had mot THY, he Woulf he 04 i wis a Bae rs i Ft and he Being wk, | had to take jens what sen That i-wif netdo -L will not be pt the tai: ead of the con. as wes oo Ald Harding --When the former speaker tells this boa? Chat te i at the tall end or tn? rount, he he | tella what t oot true, Ald Sunti --One nian cut out the committees for the whole board,--that was Ald Dutiemore ! Aid Goodwin stated that alter a motion was made te cha: «to another committee, they refused and he wanted mo . Wake HOY to Se pariy to placing ald Mepburn on another commig- tee. He was not going to furnish backboue fer the ~ councu, vote to Ald Hepbura on the F, W. & L. o 6. pat was carried by 9 to 6. A sia! mane & put Ald Goodwin on same 8 His Worship, blushing and smiling un- : easily, moved from one side of the chair ' " Any "yout Worship? to the other, but made no reply. board then adjou Ald Smith--I want to know--{Ald Hep- | ald Davidson rem 4 during rn at ith's coat tails, and ee Derened, wih his agers et finally managed to get him into his seat)-- | Packbone, i, Feanety az he shot into his qeat Ar Senlth sald: | Senenecen™ st Poahelder dariag the Poash and wou, tole! as witnessed that evening. As Ald Harding pointed out, * it was a Jim Dandy Circus.' --_--_-- oe Stratford has a Chautauqus circle. ' Mr Wm, Blair, postmaster, has just recovered from a severe attack of ,the i F i ef if woald seriously affect. He shiiheen. bern bans ant bey siete, Oe estof whom is 16 years of age. His wife died seven years ago. The funeral took | place on Monday, and was suena ane arent stay Bama I 4.0.0. W. ina 5 : ; : bi » to withdraw your 7 Serr ees peer ee ee eee ee ee aren Ns

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