+ 8 Innaie Hoggishues. "Now just stand beside me a minute Several Attempts te Start a Horse While anil notice how much innate hoggish the Driver Was Looking for a Brick. ness there is in human nature," said a A bay horse drawing a heayy express conductor at the Boston and Maine.sta- be reporter. "The EVERYBODY'S BUSINESS. wagon baled.en--Dearborn street, near tivn last night to a.Gk Washington, about noon the other day. 5:45 train is just tacking in-- Wateh."- meade horse was a vicious looking animal The long row of empty.cars slowly with a sinister eye, reeking 'testis; and rolled date the station. Th ca long, reclining ears, and he balked with form and the littte platform Dele er the such determination richt across the cable tracks were covered with men and track that the cars wert stopped as far women waiting tc yet seats as soon @s down «* Monroe and La Salle streets, and the cars stupped. But, as the speed of the gripmen all Swore a9 Pripmen will. the ears Hackenedscmewhat a move- | A crowd of young-clerks, old business ment began all along the crowd. Men men and jolly little typewriter girls jostled against each other in frantic at- gathered on. the sidewalk, and all the tempts to board the moving cars, clutch- offiée boys In the block took front seats, ed at the rails and stumbled all over the after their habit, and awaited develop- steps, trying to clamber aboard; and teeter --Thewlriser, ho was a tall, thin when the Cars caime to & full stop nearly + bl youth with 4 red neck and freckles, left every one ir st fi ' his seat, and by way of opening business men comfortably reading their papers. kicked the horse rudely in the abdomen. As forthe women, Well, one or two A member of the Humane society caught brave but careless souls may bave tried the boy by the collar and shook him, and to upon a car before it stopped, but everybody laughed except the boy and for the rest there was nothing left to do the member of the Humane society, who but wait while the men, unencumbered glared at eack other. "Has anybody got a lump of sugar?" and got Humane society asked '"'Not only do the men steal all the Jook for a brick. " «I have," a typetriter girl replied, seat. diving into her handbag. compels a man not to The member of the Humane society stand, but in a steam car she gets a seat bowed, rolled only when she is able to fight for one will get killied jumping on then and jumped away; the y men in '"Very-'few know how to take care of the crowd hoarsely and the girls ® piano," said a musical man toa re- shrieked. porter who visited his warerooms. .-» Banker George Schneider had been "How do you do it here?" asked standing in his window watching the : ; : perfo and he now came down "It is a lar notion ought to be kept very that pianos dry. Nothing gq Could be-more Pianos are stand pipe, and of course Mr. went with it. When he had gone up high that he the Tacoma building he let go, ing, struck' "Tailor: Joe Days-Mr. so up in thecenter, on the same princi of a8 violin. The wood is supposed to be every hour, . some with his trousers Schneider blushed under the the crowd and withdrew to the bank. A red faced man with a sandy mus- the whole machine rattles." tache, who wore a checked scarf around '"'How do you prevent this" his neck, then came forward and ree "Keep growing plant in your room marked: ""Ere's the honly wore to do and so long as your plant thrives your the bloomink think." He took a hitch- piano ought to, or else there is some- ing strap from a horse attached to'a thing wrong with it. It should be noted bugs near hy and passed it behind the how much more water will have to be balky horse's right front leg. anes into the flower-pot-in_the room Then he began to pulland haul, and Where the piano is than in any other Assistant Postmaster John Hubbard, room. Tn Germany it is the practice to | who lias 2° rood- voice, started to sing Keep a large vase or urn with a sopping} "Saw my lez off." Everybody in the Wet.sponge in it near or under the piano crowd knew "Saw in¥ "¥ off," and and-keep it moistened... This is kept up the chorus was large and: enthusiastic. all-the time the fires are on." --New Yi Officer Lavin paused on his way home Mail and Express. to dinner, saw the unhitched horge, and calmly drove off with the buggy, accord- ing te the ordinance regularly made and provided. -The owner, a little man with Eskimo Dogs. During his wonderful sledge journey from..Hudson bay to the Arctic ocean, ¢ a plug hat, came out of the Grannis Frederick Schwatka had abundant op- block at this juncture and assaulted the portunity to. learn the habits and the Englishman, and somebody began welt- disposition ,of the Eskimo dog. He ing the balky horse with a barrel stave. started out with sixty of them, using This was thd signal for acombirfed at- them "to draw the sledges, and tack, and everybudy who could get near ninetcen were alive when he enough took a hand in hammering the poor brute. While this bombardment was at its: height the driver came up: He inquired forthe member of the Hu- mane society, and finding that he had " gone he climbed into the wagon, contemptuonusly at the crowd, kicked the horse in an ungentlemanly like manner, yelled ""G--ee--t--ee--app," and drove away.--Chicago Tribune. Stealing = Child. she was perfectly It beasts when ravenous. An --- . For- o¢ Eskimo dogs is unknown among the merly the gen northern natives where I traveled. their toward the camp. They both sprang behind trees, and when the elephants had passed the ve insisted that the older ane was A and he's always got a big pile of 'em-in front of him."--St. Louis Republic. bss "it reached 27,000.-- Washington Gazette. to Hudson bay. The othérs had died, mostly of starvation. He says: © "They were through all this horrible time perfect respecters of their human allies, and the little children used to go THE LADIES _----- A New and Distinet Form of Disease which ts aMicung Cavadian Women. Compiexion, Perf-ct x perb Physical Beauty. with skirts and petticoats, jumped im strength, to give color to the cheeks, new life and vigor to the body, in Paine's Celery Compound. "his pure Teen, Tea a haly aki - remarkable Mrs. W. me Co., MowrreaL. not have it on hand, We1ts, Ricuarnson & ; -Leadgn_.: says that | and scientific to the needs most A COOK BOOK FREE Cia yeh Nicereoct A Cn. Meccreal BTRATFORD = Past (fice. Tine-Table mail from Listowel a Mail via Halifax Packet closes le MAIL. Croaine, a oe | a M. 'Ce 00, 12's) Toronto Sat seule =| 800 te oe O00} 19:2} Bemba... on. -erns- | an sip? go 9 30! ® 30.14 | London . capeeeae 1 ae yr 00 9.30, 4.20] St. Marys .........-.- 1 10) 7 00 t ' me New Hamburg, ee 18 east 3 00 | 4 90] Tor. & Stralford weet../-12 _ | 32 66] Tor. & &. east .. .....-. | | 300 8 00 12 45| G.T.R. East of Toronto age | 12 45! B. & L. H. East........ 8 Or, on L. H. west... .... | 11 10 } z Bea. | | f Mi and | 920 690 Dublin... 2... 31 10) 7 00 8 & P. D. and B'y| 8 00) "10 30, 74 20,°C. Band LB Rip...) 10) 9.30) 12.45, Buffalo... n-ne} 800 PF OH 2 0" Weetern States": >=. ;} 1-10) 3-@ @ 20 12 45, Eastern States........' 800, 70 STAGR MAILS / { , | (Daily) Gadabill, Am, Se | Seabee a } 1.0 i a ; " t | eae lee 420) nesday and r. | 300 ' i ' * Monday, Wednesday and Priday, 10 90 2m Tucaday, Thursday and Saturday, 4 2am. Daily t 10 30a mm. OLD CUENTRY MAILS. every Thursday among them and play with them by| ° " pelting them over the back with their toy whip3; and yet the same dogs were starving, and should one of them die his comrades would eat him. I notice this ioularly, as some sensational writers The crowning glory of The National Era was that most famous of "Uncle Tom's Cabin," by Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe, which began in the issue "Uncle Tom" was begun. On the ist of Angust, 1852, shortly after the great ro- mance was the circulation had gone up to 19,000. On Dec. 30, 1858, i: HikpE f with interest up to Mr. Neville sald to have been offered and to have re- tiie Asath ? HICKSON, A. F. PHILIPS, Agent at IMPORTANT 'Trains are timed to leare Mtratford as follows FOR MAIN LINE EAST.--5:00 a. m.--Express. 656 3. m.--Expres GRAND TRUNK To all and Via NORTH BAY! LOWZST RATES Points in Canada and the nited States. RAILY. fused £800,000 for his business a short time bef Exchange... on ; CJLENTRAL 7 STRATFORD, " -. ONT. | ~-~Fhe Most Popular and Progressive Business Training School of the Province. TT COURSE offered in this School ts net exeelied. in Canada ter Thoroughmess: it developes h Student srxtemativally,; aed educstes for Dusiness, in the truest sense gf the word. An tnstitutioe that haw a reaurkable record from the Grst day of its existence - NOW IS THEE TIME TO BENTHDR. SEE" Addressee, Resolutions, Testimonials, &c., Engrosed in First-Clars Style and at Prices to Suit. For Catalogues and Circulars, addrees W. H. SHAW, Principal. Stratford, Sept. 4, 1289. oP A REFRIGATOR FOR $8, BETTER ONES A LITTLE HIGHER. L AMP STOVSBS. WIRE CLOTH, for Window and Door Screens. GARDEN HOSE and SPRINKLERS, LAWN MOWERS, of Canadian and American Make, Tarred Felt. Straw Board, Plain and Tarred. Blue Belt." Building Paper,--a superior 'article. Mixed Paints of the genuine ' " Elephant " Brand, at W.& F. WORKMAN'S IF YOU WANT 'Good Value for-Your-Money GROCERIES, CROCKERY; GLASSWARE, . All Kinds of Household Necessaries, ------ AND ----< " The Best Lines of Ales, Whiskies, Wines, and all of Liguors, . O'FLAHERTY & QUIRE'S NEW STORE | BOOK-BINDING. 4 HAVE every facility for Binding. Music, Lar Books, Feriodivals, &o., ip Fired Class Materts Work re b fx berks rated, _WAL ndcr am? Blac TER STONE, kf ok Mannte tated. Biadery STORK, Corer nk Book Mar eter PUTTUNS PROG. of Erie and Ow Stratior?. Strattord, Feb. [y, 187 * Salty SHARK EBESPREARDB . WAGGONS. NED having secured a 'pre UNDERSIG Large Stock of the ve: quality of Oak Lambe is prepared to furnish the above celebrated Wag and Most anada. test Runnin Durable in Shakespeare. May 30 1888 ress Rev, L. FUNCKEN, C.R., D.D., President. -- --o + ™ ly - COUNTY OF PERTH. Ws. DAVIDSON, Co, Clerk, Marble and Granite Works. GAbssr & SHARMAN, Importers and man Porrign and Cana- dian Marble end Graaite Monuments, Tomb- Mantel Wash Stands, Counter cut in English aad ! CUT FLOWERS, -- Haad, Table and BOUQUETS, Cholee Flowering aad worst have failed is no reason for not now acure, Send at for a treatise and a Free my Infaitibie Sane tine and mee ---- and it will cure MM. @ ROOD you for 4 it Fen LARDINE OIL: The Famous Heavy Bodied Oil for all Machinery, made only by McCOLL BROS & Co., Toronto, : oo ose" Tiase who useit-once -use it ' McColl's Has few i any equals in America for Kagine CYlinders. The finest lubricating, ASE FOR LARDINE For Sale by JEFFREY BROS, Stratford, xu And SCHNEUKER & ROTHERMAL, Milverton. _ Stratford, of the THAS that JAMESCORCORAN and 50 Cents per lb. for to pedlars and gift companiss. Stratford, Jaly 24, 1869, BIG BARGAINS! Teas, Syrups, Canned Fruits, Coffee, Baking Powder, Canned Vegetables All the Best Brands of . Wines; Brandies, Whiskies, Ales, Porters, Tobaccos and Cigars, WALSH - BROS, . Nee ee ee Where you are sure t2 pet U2 Bet Vu! se fer your Money f Plants, go to MYERS BLOCK, DOWNIE STREET, H.Burnham's Greenhou doceini Opposite the City Hall. | penn 2" ; oa [ CURE F I ! S| GIVEN RR EARLY. | ieonees tho Best. Test of Worth. a rain fatter amapreau uy toatop them for a time, aad then = Renowned Cylinder Oil, 1 AVOID HUMBUG. And Save Money by getting a Free Sample Sells at 12% Cents and 25 Cents per Ib., and compare them with what you have paid 25 ee iN] THE PILLS | PCRIFY THE Bl OOD, impart tone to v VERVO = ON ROT Sek et anaes powerful the AND BOwrLs, vali a.UWE, ae eo NTMEN r Bas « WoRLD WIDE REPTTATICS spi veneevers hind of SORE,.ULCER, 'OUND more certainly than any other know Its 'lous penetrating powers rv 1. de. SL, Po. and in Cera' sold at is. HA, Be. F <a ot sagt oe + Bx. cm bh box 3 enta, 60 cor - |Back to His Old Stena -