~< bs | % Thornton --AND-- Douglas CASH and ONE PRICE. as "Sooner Than carry them over to next Tha' City Local News. | A Modern Rip Tan Winkle. The Alymer © Sun «: '* Jefferson Davig, a woted» characterin the Southern States, died last week. "' Poor Jeff he has had many unkind things sani about him. Not unlike St. Patrick who is buried all over Eurepe, he will be dying for the next ten jars. Sir Joseph Hickson, the officers of the G Ata meeting of T. R. at Montres! last.xega, the following flattering testimonial.was prese uted to Sir use ph ;-- Rewsived That thie meeting desiree to express : b n ite-cordial 3nd eon arJd pb Hicks en mi sinoere gratalation« wpon the hoaor of Kraghthoud recent ly craterred hy Her Majesty the Queen; a or tG convey to Lady on) ' of thé office er, we are taking 14 Off | company ona t ha beth # a WRN. < aoe enemape yy sugeme: S meee weph may b wthahd happiness Boys' Overcoats And. F Ars, | many yearst a "c ' He will ale tfor an ot} paint and 1.5 off Mens' Overcoats, | ire o uted as-aa heirlooms rt commencing Feb'y 1st. 1 4 off Boys' Overcoats, 1-5 off Mens' Qvercoats, : 1/4 off Furs. Discount is taken directly from our regular prices? All goods marked in plain figures, Here is "What you'll save. No profit tous in these prices, We're willing you should have the profit on winter goods this time of' year. % Gli tin Boys Overc»vats. $2.50. 3 off $187 sn76 off $2.06 25°} of $244 $1.00 } off $3.00 $6.50 1/5 0ff $5.20 7.00 1/50 $560 800 1/5 off $6.30 $9.00 1/5 off $7.20 $10.00 1/6 off All goods marked in plain figures, one price to all. Discount taken from our regular marked prices. We Move ti March. Thornton & Douglas, .Crotnes, Hats anp Fur- _____NISHENGS. 15 Market-St.. Stratford Ont. pes Popular Bookstore. Opposite the Post Office. GREAT Clearing Sale -- pvaime -- FEBRUARY. w ARLY in March we 8 and in order to greatly[red tock, n to uce doihg #0, we will on " Saturday, February Ist, , 54 marriages Begin to.sell Everything at with the city clerk During Jan year, 15 first the Greatly Reduced | {@0S'ittioti tet mariage wes's fail hirtes tr Prices, whiner ue traveller retu-ns, OO eee has been im sugars at Walsh Bese deca de eae week, They Note some of the Reductions :-- ee ee ee ne cheapest. All Books Schcol Books), Bibles, Hymn | eleewbere. ak Tee Beste, Page sealant . Hark to the sound of humanity's wails ! ~ Millions of with aches and with ails, _ Mank Books end Btationery of ali kinds at $23 Pobeb at aa al ieasten a Vased : ' Yet there's a helper thet certainly saves, -- Big Borin in Neto Paper snd Envclopnia | gy renee Ree prea olds It cures --_ Photo Albumest actual cost. igen prereralt en sini. read grog Fancy Goods of all kinds at actual cost: a ee without a rival for . ; the that spring from And come lines which we do not propess keeping | #°* after present stock ie sold, iin maple cena blow, and ag prions Will be Sold at any Price, as they | sits, eae A Comriamayr Hvssaxn,--The neigh- must be Cleared out. borbeod about the heepital iy in. quits « Pein Wasted 6 pe aeee. escapade of boarder and tha mio of We invite all to call amd see the Bargaine that Tew weringy ng wrafincticoe rer Bog This is a straight sale, no humbug ; all goodsare | 47 og ; to marked in plain figures : -e ee ee ee : aii wr knife wat parti : . | mades the boarder with the Sale begins February Ist, and con} (rife, and cat thé man's" face pretty " * tinnes all the month, badly. "Mr. Boarder" then seized what = : ; he took. to be a pair of his own pants, ang ~~~} tame his eteape trom. the house..0e dieh-| - -- _| abille, and was more upset to find that in- stead of his own clothes he had taken a Remember the Place, | Pet clhire Mastand's situece frat, : : - -- 'the two men were to : seen wending Pennant ar . ection some: unpublished opera Needless to say both had more than a good "tag" on,--Brantford Telegram Opposite the Post Office. It 'strikes us that.there.will be not quarters not so far from fi 'a Pugstey in the Soup 'A press dispatch from Wejland, conveys the news of the arrest of the poterious crook Pagsley, who is- wanted all over the country, The prisoner was charged with bringing stolen goods Canada Witnesses and lawyers from many parts of the United States were present. The court was crowded with spectators and the case was adjourned. This is the party referred to ia last weeks Pimes in connec- tion with the drummer who was arrestod -in mistake for the crook. into There's a Sigh in the Heart. ; Uf the polished writer on the Mai 's ed itorial staff, Mr. Farrar--the suit against L. P. Kribs, of the Lmpire, for criminal libel having been dismi at the 'Toronto Police Court, last Tuesday, resco sat being unable to prove au Pp. ---- number of the Empire'. employees, uding proof readers, copy-holders, &c., were ex , but nope of them were able to give evidence that proved anything. found heaves in other Interesting Postal Returns. The Postmaster-General's returns for 89 show that I r Hopkirk and his staff ord and the three principal towns, giving interesting details :-- Ps) a 4 z 723 26 E 3 ? Ff 35 g a5 cdr iia FF bd a3 BS 2 *§ Berationd. LOGIT Slee2 S40H4 F271 12 Salsa StMarve... 5456 1757 22700 isl.47 1TB8T Listowet.. 434% 1869 16319 13665 17167 1200 Mitchell.. S13 20 5108 D6 37 37 The Meanes' Man In Creation. A man in Heron county, who owes us over two t his paper. back ia the post vtfive last veal marked 'trefused."'. .\We bave heard of many men. There is the man who used the wart on his neck for a collar button, the one who pastured a goat on his grand- mother's grave, the one who stole coppers from a dead man's eyes, the one who got rich by giving his five children a nickel RES TEESE EE at u8 ar or occasions Ww OS aa <4 mage pore ? aren't vely, es ore terms-honk. te AON Se Lyzztm, Macaig and Bauza. Stratford Jan. 30 1890. credi to himsel: wens -- be ars, | trusteeship 'tor Mitchell and PERTH COUNTY COUNCIL. The reeves and depatied' constituting the County Council of - Perth for the Tyear 1800 a-tembied in their-comfortable +eartera in the county siitings, Strat ! selon Tues lay afternoon,to of ganize for the year, ag stated in last week's Times The only alwentee was Me Kenne ly, leputy-reeve of Walla who. has been a sofferer tre: La Gripy There are a nacnber of new faces at the board this year and a f. w of them pretty young, active looking gentlemen : and there are still a good nomber of elderly acdate reprerentatiyes: there who hav & i ther consuigeuis ulahy sessions, butef whem it cannat yet be said that they "lag saperfl as," for they are still as active. and vigoroce as they were years ago and as alert as ever attediiling to the COUNLY # in Lerests, _ The Clerk"(Mr Davidaony having ex amined the passports aunoraced' air : Mr Kennedy, deputy reeve present without the of election but it was- resolved pense with these and-allow the gentle.tea to take partin the proceedings Having intimated that their firet duty elect presiding officer, Mr MeMlilan, reeve of North Easthope, Mr Thomas E Hay, Teeve of Listowel afd Mr Wm Lochhead, deputy-reeve of Elma, were severally nominated for the warden ; ship. Mr Lochhead declined being a can didate and a vote was taken beiween villan and Hay, resulting thos: Me Millan ---- Mesers Ochm, Schaeter, Fraser, Jones, O'Brien, Siebert, Hutchings, Beatty, Hay. Jackson, Lever sage, Frame, Mcuset, McLaren--*4. For Mr Hay--'tessra tiord, Stuart, McMillan, Keyes, Pool, Welch, Grosch, Grieve, Freeborn, Cleland, Lochhead, Coulter, Ryan--13. Mr Ryan moved that Mr McMillan do take the chair aa warden. (Applause.) The warden-elect having vaual dec , warmly expressed his acknowldgnients for the honor conferred apon himeelf-and the municipality he He -would..do his endea to discharge the datins of the p-sition to the entire satisfaction of the council, in the interests of the county, and in a manner Stratford hospital, Hearty soe tract (Hearty applause.) Mr Hay 'faske f it is possible he might have been elected warder, cr at all events making the yote a tie Applause.) The following officers were then elected (all_ or nearly all being re appointed) ua- fmousty saasitiniaie ( on Davidson. Treaburer--Andrew Morteith. Road and ridge Inspector--John Cor- rie. / _ Solicitora--McPherson & Davidson. Messen ger--W- : . Carevaker of grounds--F W. Branston». Auditors of Criiitnal Accounts W; Lochhead and the Co, Clerk. Mr James Jones was reappointed auditor over Mr T. Carroll and Mr T. J. Kné@, and the warden nominated Mr George Moir, of St Marys, as his asso- ciate. The agditora are thus the same as ones resigned the high school Mr W. "Davis was "appointed to fil! the vacancy, Mr H. J. Hurlburt was elected by 16 to 10 over Mr J. W. Cull, as the other trustee. Mr J. W. Scott was unanimously chosen at for the day. . The council resumed at 9 o'clock Wed: seeday morning. The select committee to strike standing -- for the current year reported us : County property--The Warden and Mesers Leversage, Jones, MacLaren, Cle- land, Frame Grieve Finance --Messre Leversage, Cleland, Hay, Stuart, Ryan, Beatty, Jones, Schae- ter, Poole, Siebert, Frame, Fraser. Roads and Bridges -- Messrs Jones, Keyes, Jackson, Hay, Leversage. Adopted. : first named on each committee is rman. On thotion of Messrs Jones and Ryan granted tor townline purposes, according to assessment and that no further grants be made e t session, Messrs Jones and Le were sary to rrference to creek bridge, Huron road. A motion carried to the effect that the clerk be instructed to write to 'clerks of the various m and ascertain whether or would send a deputa- not they tion ia conjanction with this. county to out of the. law respecting the width af The council watil the = then adjourned The presentment of the grand jury on the poor-house question was aterved the county property committee. for e would de and refrain ca ' the eum of four thousand dollars was | - pane & committee to consult with : ; ba attended to. The Reevés of the vari ous municipalities shozld-meet and have this werk done at once. The report was adopted. ' Ow motion of Messrs McLaren and Fraser, the county treasurer was askex to furnish a statement of the amounts the several n.unicipalities have paid on ace éunt of rate of 79, and amounts still due by them, : Thecouncil met st 9 o'clock The county treasurer reported the fol lowing amounts due : --Blanshard, €4,579; Ellice, $2,550; Listowel, $107, making a evTly, | total of $8,200, Telegrams Were read fronr the bounties of Waterloc, Middiewex and Oxford, stat- ing that no action had been taken, and that they would sot send depurationa to the Legislature regarding same The county property cotmsittes sub jwmittel an elaborate report in regard t4 (he presentment of the grand jary, which | will be given next week. The rinance Committee 1res0ommenie the following payments:--N. A. Ros worth, $015; Packs rt, repairs, 35c Davis Broa, advertising, $17; J. H. Daf on, ink, 950; T. H. Race, anvertising, 85; Wm Filey, repairing, $859, R.R Goulding, sundries, $8 32; Prisoners' Aid Aasociatihn, $10 ; W Climie, advertising, $5; Beadstiaw & C>, window frames, $4.30, COUNTY PROPERTY COMMITTAE'S REPORT. The committee reported that they hai met and examined papers submitted. Toey agreed with the Grind Jury's presentment thatthe finding of paupers in the jail shoul & warning to others to make provision for age and infirmities. Regarding the reflection on the county officials, ipoa the confinement of paupers in the jail, the Committee wanted to know if it_was any more disgraceful for thoe who had misspent their lives in idleness and lessness to go to the jail instead of house"? It ho in one they could not tell.. The fi the pers in the jail such tha vorj.from. 4 re in the were t sion om the cotmmittes"s | has y cared left the on minds that they were the propriety of a ted to Cae other _ of the '0 representa- would ents il farther expenci.- 5 'ens no need of this. very little for the turnkey and Sani f th pers, si cames of the pau xteen Seven from Stratford ; North East- ; Nissouri, 1; Ellice, 2; St Marys, }trom.all over; salorcn: pear. They felt that they could nat close their report without expressing regret at tve action of the Grand Jury iu presenting their , tendiog to em! v Council in its efforte to economize and hus- bind the Goanty. floances, in order that the Couaty indebt®dness might be paid off as early as possible The committee alao recom nended the pa chase of more blankets for the jail. The Warden and Clerk were appointed to attend to the matter Mr. Hord, Mitchell--I think that there is,not p man about the wou not, much as they may regret the fact of being in the jail, rather have } the ng them there than have the j «il filled up with criminals, It ali spoke well for the county. i df i eee s* rel SSE RE tH i fy ily i : i £ F te as % contractor, in completing ly #0 a A copy of this peso! to be signed by the Wasden and Clerk aad forwarded to Mrs. Serimgeour. The Council then adjourned. _-----0<90<e St. Jerome's Founder Dead. REV. DR. FUNCKEN; OF BERLIN, DIES IN HOLL: ii The Classic Hub. Mr John Webber, has sold his 150 acre farm in Ellice to Mr. John Shellenberger fer $10 900. P Ata Convention of Reformers for, the Sesth Riding of Perth, heid_at Fatlarton Tillage, Wednesday 'ast, Messrs WC Moscrip was elected President; T. H tace, Socretary-Treasurer. Messrs' J > and T. Ballantyne, MP P, Were selected «athe pairty's standbys for the coming political battle, . > t is ander Mr Siapp of il go into egrs agein ve app vinted i. Ne > Grit Jacoh Kolimann Gadshill ; Ge eon, Stratford ; Joho ense commissioners for Nort! Davie Wark, an @tcentric individual Government h-« some time owned a farm in ago Wallace, t¥o miles from Listowel, - Davie held very pronounced materialistic and Lyeeormd adventist At One time te® had the misfortune to Tore a ehitl. "ite himself made a rough ceffia and taking the remains evt into a field on the farm, uncéremoniou ly dag a grave and buried them, Then he tock Horace Greely'ea 4 vice and went weet. Mr Jas. Rohinsen, ex Heeve of Wallace met witha painful accident a few days ago. While driving some cattle out of the etadle he fell, 'badly irjaring his left knee cap A Fiamboro farmer is in nck. = Thiev @ broke into his granary the other evening bringing with them sixty new sacks, which t ey filled with oats, Just a# their task was completed the farmer discovered their presence and they lit out, leaving the sixty sacks and the oats. Five deaths in Listowel last week: and and all from the grippe. Mr Abraham Davidson of Pallarton, father of Ald. Davidson of Stratford, has recovered f om his recent an able to be a! oat ag-in. Waiden McMillan donated $50 to the Stratford General Hospital, He hes set cceeding wardens. others ia Exeter, grippe has most of vn lest week, 000 bushels, nearly all eastern markets amounting to 35,-. of which went to Why pay your grocers 10. per Ib. for raisins when you ean buoy jast as good for Se. per Ib at Walsh Bros? They always give big bargains. tue --The prolitic Canadian hen is doing duty again in the large dailies If th-y will not let her sit they will probably let her lay They make her cackle well visible thix year, being ite ance since the birth 'of Oo onrein 315 years, and is of wondrous brilliancy for the space of three weeks, n it wanes and disappears efter 17 months. ' If every human being on the A nerican continent were to be taken cut « f existence, and the whole work of his hands were cleared ag! --_ no rags 5 su vent historians coul that SpegtSsah a ass urine sny Wr Semee eetenth appeac frist dt-eemes Patsrzx's Towxt.-- When I think of the towel, the old fashioned towel, that AN it tramp e comp who got it, when these two were : make-up and foreman; the each rubbed some grime & * : 4 p ¢ 4 Rese 2 Har siece ffs F Ps B & F t : i : z . 2 F i ; 3 1 a BF coile z h as te 6 it Lg 2 8 i f Be af fl 3 is i; He i cree Bes i i Hs ag pe 8& 5° By 8 . . a if if is z f i : ie "The star of Bethlehem: will «again be} y the "a 4 1 'A. KINSHIP OF' FLOWERS, A Ftorist's Interesting Talk on the Hy- bridization of Planta. William Bertermann talked to a re-, porter from behind a Yank of roses of all tints and hues. ose isa brother of this one," said he, » laid ont two beautiful flowers of the deep pink variety. "Here is the grandfather of these two," eontin- splendid red rose on a spindling stock, and here is the grandmother." The latter was a small white rose of unattractive appearance, but upon a rugged" stalk. Then Mr.--Bertermann pointed out the cousins, and aunts, and uncles and other relatives of the flowers he had exhitdted. « raising horses ér éattle . * i) "its just! or hogs," xi he. "The stock is contin- atte --tnpresed--by_careful breeding. ued he, as he placed upon the counter a Flower breeding has become a science, and, by crossing the best varieties every year, new and more beautiful flowers are being grown, A man who ceased to bea florist ten years ago, could not go into a first class Hower garden now and recog- nize many of the flowers that we deal in most extensively. There has been a mix- ture of blood, so tig®=eak, until nearly all the old time flow %s have lost their identity. Nearly all the flowers sold now are hybrids, or crosses between the most desirable old stocks." Mr. Bertermann then expinined the rocess of hybridization, the mere opera- tion of which is éasy enough. -- It is sim- ply necessary to carry the pollen by means of a camel hair brush, or other- wise, from. one blossom and place it on the stigmatic surface of the flower of the other, or seed bearer, A y of bees in a flower garden will do the work bet- ter than it can be done with a brush. there -is-no~system--about the. they bring about. When hybridization is attempted the florist must be certain" that the plants are receptive. Asa rule, by close observation the florist may be- come able to tell when to-apply the pol- ten: Not- a few~plants.develop stigma and anthers at the same time, and with them it is necessary to remove the an- thers before they burst, and at the same time by means of a fin? gauze, or other- wise, to prevent the visits of insects which might convey pollen from another flower, and thus effect an undesirable cross. This sometimes happens; a flower in form; but defective in color, is, per- haps crossed with another, which is faulty in shape, but of novel and desira- ble shade, A weakly grown variety may be used in an effective way ina é ination: with-atronger. grown, lack- ing the particular qualities of the for- mer As with the-~zrandfather?-and "grandmother," Mr. Bertermarn pointed out where breeding the dark red -rose, supported by a weak stalk, to the puny white rose on a healthy stalk, a splendid pink rose, supported by a well developed stalk, was produced. Sometimes the florists' ideal is kept so constantly in sight that the pollen of a particular attain" becomes more--or--lesa_..futile. sired results in size, form and color of flowers. Hybrids between two distinct genera common, Mr. Berter- ing Lapageria roses and the bushy Thi- lesia buxofolio, which is intermediate between its two parents, though not nearly so desirable as either. Species of same genus frequently refuse alto- some again will cross only one Florists, however, have never been able to lay down any definite rule, and excep- b: which are most perfect in their petals for seed bearers. interesting fact is that single or semi-double sorts, with ect carrolas, uce double lowers of a regular, symmetrical forma- tion. "It's a fascinating business," said Mr. , "and the only trouble is, of Eabetee | E : . é I fe i : 4 nL | HE zinc.--New an eet % 3 jig! 8 acd ber, BOG way. oe