AIRE TS ; Sew co Prank bk MacLean, iat the tate of Be any hite HEPBURN In Stratfo d ont Ts . "Wika "pitt 'pat peblh a daug goths Catada, of a} NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. {four ehoald fail attend th- aw tion sale of bower « sitare, Ce, atthe residence of t s D. seen toa Re stcent on Friday meat ty af and in ee come ait jon. spe "a! atten: yom as ealied » the piano and of cappeat tera tools, rth of which are very valusbie. Sale a ne lock sharp of wom er of exchanges ste yroaning about the ice famine. They had better groans for. the peatience! that w «itt scun yw the grippe: wAUNDRESS WANTED. Apply & MRS, SCOTT, waknLAiGES BOY D--LEVERSAGE--In Fullarton, on the Lied i 2 residence of the bride's father, by the Kev &.C Edmunds B. P., penne Boys, , to Mary reage, oletent deggnter af Geo oreage, Keg, reve of F is artan Lev BICKSON --WOoOD At Ue renidence o papetes father, on re is ult, Rev' J Cameron G. H,. Db ates on, Erq, Pak peer "is Mase, daughter ot W. Wood, £e4, nington . CATHKO- HANSON-*At Sarnia, * oe List ult, the Rev T. BR. Davis, - Ay ot Lanion. to Miss sa etd of Mr Henry E. Hanson, |ate of oxtTour. Y- LAKE At the Methodist parsonage, Limo el, on the, 29th ult, by the Rey SC ; Db. BD. Me George re litre an ts Sr a ie Mam HUNT--ELLI --On - v J. M. Aull, M merston, = Hunt, a les Isabella itiott, both of lace. xixo, MOORE--Go the 25th ult, at the Manse Palmerston, ae = Rev J. M Any ur Wm King, to Miss Margaret Moore, both of Wallace. ANDERSON -- MARTIN ory Stratford, on the 29th = Der the 'paren nta, Church street, Robt AnJerson, ot sla 9 and Agnes Ann, reventh daughter nd M x "gath ult, at the DEATHS. BENXSON--Osn Sunday, Feb. 2nd. at 6 p.m, at the wage, 70 Grange avenue, Toronto, fin, «eoond son of Rev and Mrs ahh Benson, aged 9 years 'coming Tuesday, DOYLE. oe Stratford, on Friday, Jaowary Sist 1800, Mary Big ic Goren of Mr. J. W. Doyle, ye mooths, P tr baierd, on the ~~ inet, Mre M. ell, mother o' T. Maxwell, aged . ~\t Rermond, Holland, Europe, on the ery Hey og) C.F. H. Puncten, es of urrection, tector as College, Pastorof the Church of St Mary wot a Dolores at Berlin, Gmt, &c., Sc, 'aged 56 years, & monthe and 2 days. on the ult. Margaret, of Joha Kobb, need 50 years and 6 menths. ajor atreet, Toro: "7 on the 2ist of Mr Wm tdgughte:, Mra Russel, Mitchel bats 5-8 ng the B Lewis Mre Eliza- Wallace, on the 27th ult, raced pLEXAN ER in loomed, onthe st ult, Fannie Bell Alexander, 'auger of thet te Wittian Alexander, aged and 6 mo fr ba _ ALEXANDER-- "Tn Listowel on the @7th ult, Ann -- pei re of the inte Mathew Alexander, -- KOC a nS 'eaoeed, on bn Mth uk, George Ferd- -- Henry Koch, ag 3 years mathe and 26 days. OL v xe In Blanshard, on the mite io; Sophia, wifeof Dan el Oliver ag is a At r at oe urg. 'om te 30th alt, Ludwig Eidt, ed & , Lt mort hs and 29 day The country y people are now having their hinings with grippe. © Farmers who never -taate of medigine before are now knew rt Shore, wy det 8} filling themselves with a ainioe.. 2 3. Eliice, on WEDS ESDAY, Feb loch, 200, The Ontario Legislature opened on at '0 eee ae ; , abarp, the following Lng sob via :---1 span goo wor ing bor a od Thursday last. Like the revent tesrion of | (aged) ; weet, Gyears old: 1 bo 7 8 years old the County Counetl, the Bogle essis of mi in) ally. ye orn oy eats o id ; - fitty, rising 2 years; 1d | nor : Xd ain heife ising 3 y a-d to be in 'cll to 8 4 a tance. Monday the session lasted | the sour abies 4 pall: Seer gt a3 years old 5 miput steers, rising 7 years old ; 5 heile aig tiring 2 "years Gordoa.& Orr ennounce that thin inthe | 2:8 rings), 3 wagons, h Iaat week cf their great clearing sale. ee h. aa Vater « Er -- Those who wish to participate in the e great | racks, 2 hay rakes, mower, drill, a en bargains golvg there will take note Of the | whe at dive stone, to fact and govern themeelves accordingly. Ia conversation with Mr Hepburn, archi- tect, a Tika reporter was given to under- stand that there would be as much if noty more building the coming season than last year. This speaks weil for the city. The death occurred in Lucan on Thurs- day of Mrs Wm Frank, aged 84. Deceas- ed leaves the following children :--Mr Wm Frank, Brantford; Mr Johr Frank, Lu- can; Mrs Wells, Stratford ; Mrs Morrison, Winnipeg, and Miss Sarah Frank, Lucan, As will be seen by a reference to the roper column, Rev. Manly Benson, of Tecoate, formerly ot this city, has lost his second son. As an old and esteemed friend Tux Times regrets to hear of the rev. gen- tleman's bereavement, and extends sym- pathy to the family. Mr. -- Quinlivan, of St, pn Minn., a native of North Easthope and a former resident of Ellice, is here on a visit He will renew confined to their rooms. ered sufficiently to proceed to tary duties at Ottawa on Saran ay. tin tad Metet NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 2 NOTICE--BOARDERS tS iar or Fire Rerpectatya Pvs ti fated, at masonable rate ene sr} . ow tt tie Poh § cs nd of GT cps Appiy to "UX THE TIMES oa t, Stratt rd . BOAR DERS. Sew in "care of ~<9 Gor Board a N First. cae orner lavernes# TenbOeEC, wear the station MRS, WYNER 734- Ira. PERTH MUTUAL F. |. Cd. Nine of bw moral given that the Annus] Meet- of the prcat a "0 Pe nS Mutual Fire +e x the Company's NEW ADVERTISEMENTS ~htrattond, . Faby. 4th, 1890 A. O. SHAW, B. A., Bae. nt CONVEYANCER Upeta Wor th's New Block, 96 rh a street, yo te Mai et Square, Btrat- Money to loan at Six per cent. fue ttord. €19- W. A MYERS, -- General Merchant, Huron-5St., b igge ad now ss FroR a. a has any" 'ou need in Grocery Line. FLOUR and FEED. Give him a Call. Best quality of Goods sold at the very _ Lowest Prices Ww. A. MIEBS. wntalnaad vee 1800. NORTH PERTH "Liberal Conservative Association. TT ANNUAL MEETING of the North Perth ral- Conservative Association, will be hel Village of Milverton, THURSDAY, 20th Fex ,'90, At 190 P.M. ¥.W.GEARING, 8. 8. FULLER, Secretary. Presid _ Feb sth, 1390. 735-38 DR. W. E. BESSE?, (Formerly of Montreal) 3 Rectal Rupture ialist, will vt visit at stratto: re: monthly. Next visis nions of Winpsor Horm. Radically Cur- FEBRUARY Piles. Fissure, ch from. Hernia or Rupture cured in 10 days. CONSULTATION FREE, ., Toronto. EXECUTORS' SALE OF . FARM STOCK & & IMPLEMENTS. 8s. cow Augetionser; has received in- ¥ aredtead from the Executors of the late pulle " ment ont, 'It n-hy '. Separator, All will be sot without resery: TERMS :--4 months' credit o me all eurms over $10, on furnishing approved Joint oe that amount and under, Caw A discount of 8- per cent rad annum for cash on all sume pe $0. W. SHORE, SIMON 8:.OKE, Ww. r.B bs get a ow tioneer. \ E ne 7 725- UNRESERVED "ag CTION SALE | REAL 'ESTATE, FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS. Ww eto Bestel A pieien a2 Good 'eiling, good Bank Barn, 40 An ths toll poovtog hs cooks. Eueete on rin. . tuate Gravel 3, witha 1 mite of Btrotiord. ~-- over $10.00 on seanishaeg a dion approv t notes, thas and under cash. rein anger ypene cent. per annum for cash on all sums over $10.00. REAL ESTATE :--Easy, and made known at time or te the on the AUCTION SALE OF Real Estate| om THE CITY OF STRATFORD, es MARKET SQUARE, STBATFUAaD, On Saturday, the 15th Feb'y, 1890, At 1 d'clock p.m. The --34 Acres land, situate on South side Gore street, ot oa which there ar a Poama feveliion Also a first-class orchard of choice trees and small fruits in great variety. The is adapted for-a Market Garden bas been used as such Easy, and made kno time of sale, or by applying the Executors Pg SILLIFANT, rt Rxstators. W. 8. COWAN, seat i i & a¥ i : A i Ht i < P ae | | ! | tt i a Market Square, Stratford, Wednesday, the February next, AT THE HOUR OF } AYCLOCK P. M., or the purpose of iving the wl gia of the Directors, and the election of Direc CHARLES PAC -ACKERT, Stratiord, Jan. 24, 1890. mse Bxecutors' Saie of a Valuable House and Lot on Grange-St. --Also Household Furniture. the late Daniel -- jg a "> range street, the 7h day of fe ome oie iene, ata o'clock 1a 53 in Grange waiver of Park ---- pall ada Company's eirvey of Stra Also the + nang furniture and effects of the late Danie! Kilbu There is situated « on said 2 - a comfortable frame 2 acu lot, 10 A ag! cent of the time of gale, and the without in- No. in the Can Eatin money nat ance within 30 days thereafter: Further 9 pig! conditions will be made known at of sale, or on application to undersizne Terme for 'Furniture, 'aah For further part rticaiars apply to the Auc- -- Salas R. KIL N, BURD WM, LAWKENCE, » Executors. Tx4-2- ull Stratford, Jan. 29th 1880. Producers of Fine Garments, Will be pleased to see their Customers in. their NEW PREMISES, psy aes No. 1 Store, Albion Hotel Block. New §Suitings, "New Trouserings, Ete., Ete. All the Latest Novelties. Stratford, Sept 11, Leads the Van. ---- If you want to make money call at SIMON'S. He is almost giving away Goods. SIMON hustles the Clothing, Boot and Shoe trade. -- Cheap Simon _ For Bargains. _ --FOR-- Very Cheap, Patronize Bradshaw & - Co. 'Furniture Dealer & Undertaker, 1, 8 & 8 Ontario Street, -- REMOVED, Cheap Simon' | offered you for less money than | 12th day of | Look where you will, try hard as you like, you'll find no éuck val- ues in Overcoats as we are showing. Tolton's $10 Over- coat is a beauty. Our Clothing fits. Pe have men's Overcoats ti Tweeds for $4.90, $5.50, JA WILLIAMSON & Ca, $6.50 and $7. We have Worsted Overceats in Black and Brown, Velvet Collars. bound well, patent slerve Whigs," no dragg- ing, "Slip on and off easily. Price. $625, $7.50, $8.25,\~ $9 and $70. Weihazs ' Boy' s Overcoats at $1 $e $30° $40 S50 We guarantee the materials and sewing of all our Overcoats. Some Fux Caps left, not many; they've sold well; prices moved them. 7 her start at $1, run to $10. Have you New Ouvercoatings | deen i. Hig:have tntitations ranging an price from 35¢c to$s. Bar- | gains every one of them. Men's underwear never was we are showing. Prices range from 25¢ to Sr. 25. Drop in. Tweed Sutts made to ord? at $12.50, $1350, $14.50 $15.50 and $16.50. Niue goods, well trimmed, good sewing, splendid fit. Black Worsted Suits cr Black Worsted Coat and Vest, fancy Worsted Pants to match, got up in the highest style of the Tailoring Art Trimminge to match the prices $20, $22 and $25. cutter, Mr Sanagan, will be rae to have your measure, e suits we have them from $1. 75 to $5.25, splendid value these are. ek tweed suits, ready-made, $5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10 and $11. You'll. be pl with the fit, tle material, and the price of our tweed suits ; take a look. We have all kinds of men's and boys' wear except boots, Prices cut tc the bone at the Yellow Front. FURNITURE --_*, COST. EbPBURN: 60 Ontario-st. Now is the time to furnish your houses, From December 23 until February 1, I will sell to Cash Buyers Furniture at}: Cost Prices. Wn. HEPBURN. = i pat order to reduce our Stock $1,000-- lined | ------ THE _rt-- GORDON & ORR'S" Great Clearing Sale. The Greatest ever held in Stratford. The Sacrifice-ours, the Opportunity yours, to secure this week the Bargains of the year. We never felt better, our comperitors never felt worse. --~-We are pre Lik Last WEEK iG One Thousand Dollars, © This Sale is Positive and Unreserved. We offer you no Staggering, Useless End of a small B ankrupt Stock. We offer our entire stock of Dry Goods, Millinery and Mantles without reserve. Every cent of Profit sacriticed for the balance of this week only. Next Saturday Your Last Chance. We want everybody to visit us. We have Bargains for everybody. Remember, this sale is a boon to you, and it ces Saturday night. Come along this week to the Great Bargain Depot. We commence Stock-taking Monday Meurning. The Noted Dry Goods Men, GORDON & ORR. ONTARIO-ST., STRATFORD, AUTHOR 'OF: ALIAN-QUATERMAIN-SHE JESS , OIPY eae 7) BY WM. BRYCE, BSQ., PUBLISHER, TORONTO, ONT., ' PUBLISHED BY SPECIAL ARRANGEMENT | Look. Out. for this. Popular Story.i in. THE. , TIMES Next Week. Don' t Forget to Calland Inspect OF. & Q's ----CHOICE STOCK OF---- Crockery and Glassware, Which they will sell at Cost. They also keep the finest lines of Ligquers always on hand, including Whiskeys, Brandies,. Ports and Sherrys, Tom Gins, Holland Gins and Champagnes. el éso the Best Brands of Ales and Porters. 'Try our 25c TEA, it is better than yotican buy elsewhere for 0c. Allother kinds of Teas in proportion, GOUW SYRUPS very low Just to hand a choice lot of Graham Break fart Geus, Johnny Cake, Sugar Corn Cake; iw Packages at 10c. O'FLAHERTY & QUIRK'S REMEMBE.< THE PLACE RED FRONT, MARKET SQUARE. Do You Observe Them } - ee by cae EM PIR THA foley Importers and Profit Sharers, Oddfellows' Block, Stratford. _ Stores at Galt, Woodstock, London, Hamilton, 2. ARE YOU SCOTCH i If you are, re, have you Kennedy's Hand Book. = Scottish Song Pj If you haven't, Why P " . I have bought the Entire. Edition, and will sell single copies for 30 days at 15c. acopy. It contains 148 National ngs." Music to most of them. Tonic Sol Fa to 'many. Come early, and avoid the rush,' at A. T. MACDONALD'S, 32 Downie- st.,"Oddfellows' -- werk in x