Stratford Times, 12 Feb 1890, p. 3

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« -- a ee "INVENTED: PANORA WAS! iS SAID wht A. * FIRST PAINTED $c OTCHMAN t HEM Rebert Harker and His Career--How the Hea First Occurred to nhe ~--Pdinbuargh Painted as a Meginner A val Claims ant loe Parerama of Joan of Are. tubert Rarker is generally credited with being the first painterof panoramas Sa we know thor teniay ie s bert h ntury in Edinburg h, where ears during Use last c Originally eo made his living by pairiting portraits and it is said of him that the first notion of a picture that would take in the entire , écone visible from a certain point on "Svery Sle weurred we sitting on the top of Carlton hill in Scotiand's capital* He went home and beg: an painting on a cylindrical surfacea picture of the town as it appears t@ any: bods: viewing it from that famous emi- nence, which seat, the Castle Rock and the distant Firth of Forth SIR JOSHUA CONVINCED His first picture was on paper e lived for sixty? would include Arthur's «;° cond a hago aby Opens Its Me otal ives. begins to have the "feeling of self," that is, he looks at his own hands and looks uae congratulated the artist on . ance of one or two kindly and wealthy pasted on to linen He came to London with it, gt himself in the mirror. The study of and invoked the patronage of Sir Joshua the child's mind during the first year Reynolds, who declared the plan of such shows conclusively that ideas develop @ picture ee that he would and reasoning processes occur before he-said;-get-out-of his bed -at-there is any knowledge of words or lan- night time to inspect the work of art if » uage; though it may be' agsumed that it could be produced. When Barker did i. child thinks in symbols, visual or actually surmount all difficulties and guditory, which are clumsy equivalents; ed panoramic exhibition in for words By the end of si yest the Castle Leicester square, a child begins to express itkelf by soirids;- Bir Joshua was as good, or almost 48 that is, speech begins. The development good, as his He sallied forth of this speech capacity is, according to one morning in his slippers from his Preyer, in accordance with the develop- breakfast table to see the marvel, and, ment of -the intellectual powers. By the -- 'received ocular de ~monstration end of the second year the child's power wad" Possibility, "ue of speech is practically acquired. SUCCESS. The first picture was painted in a cir cle, the diameter of which was twegty- five feet, but afterwards Barker became more ambitious Ue had succeeded with' zh, why should he not try Lon- don? This he at once set to work 'doing, and he produced a picture taken from' an elevated position in the old Albion mills! near Blackfriars' bridge. By dint of "pegging away," and with the assist- The oe That Sripens: Up Neoth. At case, contain- ing a silk flag with gold" bullion fringe, occupies nearly all the available space of the wall in the southern" part-ef-the 'room of Capt. Cobaugh @t the treasury department. Every visitor to the depart- ment Is shown the flag abd attention is generally invited toa tear in one of ite strips. The-flag formerly belonged 'to the Treasury guards, a yolunteer organ- ization formed during the war for emer- gencies that might arise at the capital of snatch; pecuniary, SUCCESS she nation... After the fall of Richmond, out of the jaws of apparent failure, and and the night that Pyysident" Lincoin five years after he arrived in London, in went to Ford's theatre, the tlag, which 1793. he took the lease of a piece Of was then attached to 4 stout rosewood ground im Cran erected was borreweil iy John. T. Ford thereon a large building simply and for ieaaite uses alse the box occu- solely for the or of exhibiting his pied by the president, When the assassin 'panoramasthere...A jointstock company fired the shot whose echo was heard helped him to find funds for this build-! 'throughout the civilized:world he leaped ing, where he had three rooms, in the from the box, and in dditig so caught the largest of "which the diameter of the pic rowel of his spur in the silken folds of ture was ninety feet, and the chief open- the starry banner protryding from the ing attraction was a representation Of president's box. Thatialip probably cost a review of the fleet at Spithead This pooth his life, for the flag tripped him succeeded so well that the inventive Bar- ang caused the broke y 'leg which imped- ker bought up the shares in his own com: | », "4 him in his efforts to @scape.and ren- "pany and became s je proprietor eral him an easy ¥ictim for Sergt. Frostis tinie onward the Lelceters " ion Corbett aritle ball: "quently one of the lions Of the flag was returned. g@ the tr artment, aud during the few days that out of it, and President 'Johnsow had his office inthe ae eral HnproOve the minds enaynent the fhe gas in-acornerof e died tn the patrons, such as Lord Elicho, Barker 'contrived to: Subs yur pa waina Was London, and its inventor having made a )Shorenghly geod thir havtins ple untless of & Ye"l the epartment. It wi removed, how- 1805. leavi « his profit alle eceupation (0) aver by Capt Cobayigh to its ptesent his s . He y Aston Harker, "who kept posing place, and th sta! was made on the business still, resigned," or not a8) into we canes and presented to officials the case micht be, "unto the heavenly) o¢ t), 'ASUry de p: Ee ent. --Washing- will." At allevents Barker the vounget) ton Let ter in Philadelphia News. wasa con® Aftions paneramist, for he; eM: - journeyed : itl ¢ over be surope in his search| Unlimited Gedit. "panoramed" M alta| A' cou: ntry schoolmistress had much aati ri fe Cortrep of his visi! trgahi with her pupils, and to avoid it to the latter place interviewed Uhe great) made Ler examples placed. before them Napoleon. He illustrate sd Nelson's most! of an explanatory character or illustra- famous sea fights, and he went -to Con tive, The effect was often unexpected. ---- and Waterloo to make draw-! in going over their usual reading lesson ings of cach. ja line was chosen by the lady upon which THE BIG PICTURE IN PARIS. 'to test the merits of the scholars, The From Waterloo he journeyed on to! jjne read, "And he was a man of unlim- Paris, which the allied troops were then jtod credit in business." occupying, in order to obtain perfectly). «Now, John, can you tell me what Is correct accounts of the dispositions of meant by the wore credit when used as the forces from the'actual leaders in the jy this fesson? fight As no inventor isever allowed to) Thus she adi lressed one of the stum- be the first in the field, it may be well,! pling blocks of the school. in the interests of historical accuracy, to. "I dunno, marm," said Johnny, look- gay that Robert Barker's fame is troubled ing sheepish. by a rival discoverer of panoramas, on@ = "You don't know!" said the mistress. Professor Breisig, of Danzig; but it is «Well, look. here. Supposing your acknowledged that Barker was the first mother was tocome short of money at actually to paint and exhibit a panoram- ithe latter part of the week, and needed on a large acale. | provisions, etc., now what would she { latest development of the pano-' do?" She was satisfied that her illustration was plain, and awaited the correct reply, spired come enterprising Gaul with the and {t came thus: very happy thought of seizing the oppor-) «Well, marm," replied Johnny, "I tunity for interesting his countrymen dunno what she would do, unless she and women and the whole world in the pawned dad's Sunday coat." story of Joan of Arc. He has according-| The subject was instantly dropped, ly had painted and is-exhibiting-a colos- and the teacher has lost all faith in that gal and beautiful panorama of the life of style of illustration.--Young~ Ladies' Orleans in several scenes. Journal. fore, an else, affords an ing the chief facta in the life of a great character. ple will wish that they could" way of learn- Shun, with posture accom t. "In the selection of men let their char- 'acter ve made the important considera- said: tbs ims and in ther is panorama, if" it does nothing of Chou. Gard scar aoa be that of |. : -@ perfect charac- | -- learn all their history in the same igig ter Sepemte oe upon adberence to a hieh fashion. { CAMADIANS- brain and bedy, Du not despair, but use this wonderful remedy, and be: restored to health o " _-- piness, the same as was Mr, John I. ic, of Montreal, who writes; "4 hay " at pleasure in recommending celery Comyx yund. My sys ron down and f wre not fit for a sleoy powell at night and rvous. I commenced taking Paine's C clery C empound and imp woved imme- diately. I am now able to transact my Susiness and endure any amount of excite- ment without bad effect: Paine's Celery Compound can be pur- chased at any druggist's for one dollar a bottle. If he eS -- have it on hand, order direct from RICHARDSOM & Co., Montreal. Has Removed to his New Store,on Downie St., Two Doors South of the Commercial Hotel, Where he wil! uave a Large Assortment of New Goods, Watches, Clocks, Jewellery, Silverware, Spectacles, Fancy Goods, &c., &c., Always in Stock. Cheapest and Best Goods in Stratford. Give mea Call. W. H. ROBERTS. Stra:ford, Oct. 23, 1889, mt A COOK BOOK FREE By eal to aa lay cones Oe eeeet ATBATIORLS Dauivant. MAIL. taujen|".! 8 OO 12 45 Toronto .... 0 0) 12 4s) Hamilten ee i } 8 00); 9 30 j * 2%) London ... 9 30; 4 20] St. Marys ............| | { . New Hamburg, | i 8 00) 12 46 ROOD & anccnss' 800 300 | 4 20) Tor. & Stratford west..; 11 10) 122 4 Tor. & 5. east .. ....-. | | 800 8 00 "12 45] G.7.R. Kast of Toronto" 14 9'5) }1245/B. &L BH. seceees| 8 0, ; B.& LH. west... ....( 12 20, Goderich, Clinton, Sea- | } | f Mitchell, and } 930° 690 Dublin............... 1110) 700 8 Oe ee sg tl 8 0 *10 30. *4 20°C. B. and L. BE. R'y.. j 110), 9 30) 12 45, Buffalo......... ...+05) 800 }F | -- Western States .. ....; 11.10, 7 00 9.90. 12 45 Eastern States en's vin in | $00 700 stage wane j ' (Dally) Gadshill, Am. | ul Hampested and | 10 90 } ee | ; 190 ey ewe ny ee 420 nmewda: cot Pa 8-004 Monday, We sip eda and Fr iday, 10 30 s,m mn Tula, Thursday aod earings, 4 20am. Dnaily mall from Listowel at 10 3¢ OLD COUNTRY. MAILS. (Mail via Halifax Packet closps every Thursday at 8.00 a. m. Mail via New York, Monday, Wed- nesday Saturday, at $00 a m. and 7.00 p. =. * The Office i« bilo from 8 6 =m. 'ost js open to the pu until? pm. Lobby will be open to box until 9 p. m. Order and Savings Bank Office ie open trom 9a m to 4 p m, WILLIAM BLAIR, Postmaster, A. M. KAY, Assistant. Stratford, Nov. 4, 1889 é GRAND TRUNK RAIL'Y. The Great Ontario Short Line in succession before one, cach de-' Sesion, Fania "If we did not Victinga famous scene in a great drama follow different vocations fn life and ex- To:all Tread = oat and the of actual life, is mot a contemptible aid change the products of each other's la- avety 0 to education. If there is any lecturing bor the farmer would have a surplus A to be done the lecturer's remarks are lis- store of grain on his hands and the hm fy-vory Market St, Stratford. tened to with farmore patience when the housewife would have more than Ape ey6 has all the time before it the actual she required. The effect of such anex-| weprcat, Procness.--Lhe great scene of which mention is ee ee logical discovery of the cent workmen are able to procure food."-- got stuck half way up to the total effect. --London Telegra: ph. 'mer, like the rest of us? Inu Himwel -Goyously)--No indtedy; had a snap all His Pedigree. ong eee lg Swimming Niagara Englishman (to stranger)--Excuse me, ™8¥ orick-- UP | Is an easy way to end life, and Gate asict son « taavignaie Inu Himwel--Not much; , dyspepaia ptr thnas teas A make Stranger--Foreigner? No, sir, Pm an @lary from the house. A. Y. (incredy- | Blood American pore and sim jously)--Ya-as; for what? L H.--Keeps | ters ia an easy way to cure dyspepsia and se ht! and what tribe do the guests out of the parlor.--Burdette in | it sever fails to thoroughly | tone Englis!:: beians to, please?--Harper's Bazar. ' \Brooklyn Eagle. a A REFRIGATOR FOR §8, BETTER ONES A LITTLE HIGHER. LAMP STOVBS. *| WIRE CLOTH, for Window and Door Screens. GARDEN HOSE and SPRINKLEBS, ~| LAWMN-MOWERS,.of Canadian and American Make, | Tarred Fel*. Straw Board, Plain and Tarred. "Blue Belt" Building Paper,--a superior™ article. .Mixed Paints of the genuine " Elephant" Brand, at W.& F. WORKMAN'S -o. a } _BOOK-BINDING. t'volurme of tf fie Kaue ahonhal | is came S a on ""The Deve! opment of te Ln as " -- i x F { belie ct" Mr. Hi W. Brown hus! presented | ¥ fOr i 00 i ard ! - Bad is, a conspectus of the observatiops of Pro | rye oe 4%, f 4 i . de® Leu deel vies fessor Preyer on the mi nd of the ¢ wy ems aie Bee ii tua ty stern, often Me SUi lbs -- j € . pet ve a » a Full veios Set on ede ag which shows chronologically the gradua ; i - development of the senses, intellect and Endi n in insanit , a j W A LTER STON E; willof the growing child, and presents B _-- ys ST R AT FO rN D, - - ON ye i | Rost ba oanapd ont , nals ys oe in a condensed form the result of a great Tiowsands of overs | : gps 'erie ee "Stacie ae RE, number of careful observations. At is| SX =~ : uusiness | The Most Popular-and Progressive Business Training cecstiend. Fon Ee regorded that sensibility to l&ht, touch, SLi pet be oariest : Schoo! of the P; rat eb. St, Is wty temperature, smell and taste gees {fj $f SN waseors ' ' ouince. 8 mrAK ESPBA RE 'on the first daylof infant life; Hearires yi y y o's uf . Te: aoe RSE offered in this Sehool iy pet excelied in Canada foe Thoroughnes ; it developer bh therefore, is the only special pense which "a 5 ti mac dent systematically, and educates for Business, in the truest senst of the word. An institution is not active at this time The child | ~- wt : Pars +} that has a remarkable record fegm the first day of its existence, . hears by. the third or fourth day. Taste © ' NOW IS THE TIME TO BNTER. : . "-- and smell are senses at first most active, ay 6&" Addresses, Resolutions, Testimonials, &c., Engromed in First-Clare Style and at Prices to Suit, but they are not differentiated. General tion For Catalogues and 'Circulars, address HEU zarermrenerriiaks Larg organic sensations of well being or dis- ws: 5 Stratford, Sept. 4, 1880. W. H. SHAW, Principal. _/1« puopared 0 rnivh the abowe ovlebrated Wag comfort are felt from the fifet, but pain | digestion poor, nead ng, aud they can- a coe mow PRICES, EIN pleasure, as rental --etetesy BFO-DOl 1 pet steep; -wrrorhe-sot Liki OUND This is | . aa = them to be the acne. till at or near ie second month. het fils ouk Theat ee Tit This is 4 _ Tho frst niga of epee in he ape Of | Yeeragu af tit tne forcast Removed, Removed: tities et taal utterance of consonant sound is teard it is too late, use Dr. Phelps' wonderful Curaiie. in anada. nthe latter part of the second month Jiscovery, TPaine's Celery Compound. It ------ r ' As a <> cict c peunc 5 1 these consonants being gefierally *'m," ; os . : make to ORDER ceae on pa ye "9." ort." All the movements of removes the results of overwork, restores 4 the N tonal Bpring Wacgome, wi x strengfh, renews vitality, regulates the 6 s the « Wagon Axle ever and the eyes become co-ordinate by theg 6 af which are warranted to eighteen bundre fourth month, and by this time the child | whole system, and tones up the overworked safles without re-oill Buggies = Democrats s always in Stock, a Satan Labial Trotting Sufki.. "duilt to Order, = GEO. MINCHIN, _ Shakespeare, May al Lommel ST. JBROMB' - COLLEGE. Orr, THs COLLEGE OFFERS cotentie an students in its Cuasmcal, Purosormeoat and Commnaatias Coreen, ress Rav. L. FUNCKEN, C.R., D.D., _ Berlin, July 6th, 1880. COUNTY or PERTH. --o-- UBLIC NOTICE! The Warden will be ia a6 third i age yin ae Gen ae ie po sag be sn nnd ee | ee in attendance a pootagtinds tro 'The Treasurer will be im, . ' see, ve Thursaay, Peldar qurtay a ' ae AVIDSON. Co. Clerk, Marble and Granite Works.| ADSBY & SHARMAN, Impor'ers and = © 'Well-made Funeral Designs, CUT FLOWERS, -- Hand, Table and BOUQUETS, W.H.Burnham"s Greenhou. On Water-8t, Feb. 15, 1386. (CURE FITS! m= = LARDINE OIL The Famous Heavy Bodied Oil for all Machinery, made only by McCOLL BROS & Co., Toronto, Those who use it once use italways, McColl's Renowned Cylinder Oil, se eS Or Ee Engine Cylinders. The finest lubricating, harness, ASE FOR LARDINE For Sale by JEFFREY BROS,., Stratford, i And SCHNEUKER & ROTHERMAL, Milverton. AVOID HUMBUG. And Save Money by getting 1 Free Sample of the TEAS that JAMESCORCORAN Sells at 12% Cents and 25 Cents per Ib., and compare them with what you have paid 25] i: companies. Stratford, July 24, 1889, Teas, Syrups, Canned Fruits, | ' Coffee, Baking Powder, Canned Vegetables Sugars, Spices, Canned Meats. --aslno--- . All the Best Brands of Wines, Brandies, Whiskies, Ales, Porters, Tobaccos and Cigars, WALSH - Sake Where you are sure t= ret t.. 2 Bet Vil re ic your Mcrey 4- not meas and thes eae: amapicatcune. . one rhe n Gulinaela evan Gaines score. and Office. fe costa yon for 4 he dod fe wilco a ~# a raaar, Teale RoOoG and 50 Cents per Ib. for to pedlars and gift tea | jsrin« Broom! baa-ly ee eges the Best Test oF it "Worth (e aPealiencr : ---- --- i PILLS AND OINTMEN' 'his universal medicine + fan Mousehold b quim te every where, [THE-PHELS:t -RUFY THE Bt spre , tape tone ta tt NERVOUS S¥8TI eet wiot puw ex fu, a0 5 on For Livre AND ECwWw.1", ~* "oftng DIGESTION eau ars: the *hole is) Vn i ar Virour. 2-80 wel] ~ 'erie pli FEMALE COMPLAISTS a an py Bing wien akin Messichen o" abate wae any lar phere sh cpa te Shes Nol lath Mans wert wer REFUTATION St healeevery kind © of SORE, ULCER, # ade UND mw nee ses eutnly [RON one ei 8 penetrating powers 333 OXFORD ST., LONDOr wd sold at la 14, 2 Of, de Ot, 3. em hb box ead "pot. aad in Ce Ea om "at cick tte £1.50, and the .<gor ea - OTION. * ewe wa Ager. i+ atten eer sey medicine & re ve Thm ra pea) yh ters St tok nw the Gudre aint Back to His Old Stana "a D. 'McBETH *

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