Stratford Times, 12 Feb 1890, p. 6

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| 2 __ Sprain sie old-fashioned cadaver, we are assured by many authorities AR te amy A Teta _ moves away from the region of the lode "or conduit. oer ee OI SS ON RIN ORRIN RM ATARI, mgr cnet dene ae a girieemssanagiomeng glen nn THE WEAVER | Beside the toon of tite 1 et ane And wateh sree see! shottl within * eo: ¥ satus tran } "~ While I stand eve "in my place * One time the woof is smooth and fine And colored with a sunny dye; Again Dre threw: ghiy terion And weare so. darkly line on line e My val rink -- me. "1 Fai » thin web _, ater But that, siaa! 1 cannot « fe eo ren Some day the web will all be 4 The shuttle quiet tn ite place i From out my hoki the threada 'be run; i The Divining a Professor E.. Ray Lankester, having recently expressed some doubts upon the alleged powers of a boy "water finder," | who has been in the employ of the Grin- ton Mining company. in the north of England, the chairman of the company, | Dr. MoCture, has replied to them, deny- | ing emphatically that the boy, whose name is Rodwell, is an impostor. He gays that the lad when tested never | failed to either find water or mineral | veins, the lodes having always been | found exactly at the places indicated. The divining rod which he holds only | moves in obedience to the, muscular con- | tractions of his hands, and a rod of any kind of wood or even of any mate' substance whatever can be 'used, = t vided it be aconductor of electricity, Rodwell ustially walks with his hands tightly clasped before -him, and as soon as he steps tipon a tmincral vein of water | he is powerless to unclasp them until he The 147 is iboat 14 years of* age.--London Times. Nature's Teaeeereaitaae, There are many le tions in nature besides those which are common to the ¢ye of the ordinary ob- server. Take for example the Medusa or common jelly fish. Born of the sea, the young bydrozoon becomes primarily a distinct free germ, resembling a grain of rice, next a fixed cup having four lips, | which subsequently turn to "tentacles, and it becomes a byntine flower, which presently splits across the calyx into _.keginents, whereupon it is made to re semble a pine cone crowned with w tate" of transparent filament, Now the cone changes--into a series of. sea threaded on a -pearl¥ stock, and these one by one away, each t perfect little Medusa with purple bill and trailing tentacles.--Hall's | Journal of Health, See Sanne a Secular Education in Japan. i A returned missionary, who has been many years in Japan, has just been showing some curious effects of culture in that country. It seems "that the Japanese have seized upon the idea of sectiar-eduettion with great While only 7,000 chikiren go to school where religious vnewledige is apart of the curriculum; over 2,000,000 atvend where 'the teaching is purely ngnostio, "The-young-mendevelop a keen love for™ metephyeel doctrine and research, but" their favorite authors are Mill, Spencer, Darwin and Huxley. As this t ndeney is accompanied by a great demand for English teachers, however, one would think that the missionaries had the means of opposing it in theirown fiands. +New York Star. avidity. Little Child and Big Dog. An amusing seene occurred on Essex street, near the Phillips schoolhouse, this noontime. Two large dogs, weighing \c perhaps 100 and 130 pounds respectively, | engaged in a short and savage battle, which ended by the 190 pound dog re, tiring. Justas he turned tail a little | girl about 6 years old rushed in on the_ ecene, grablied the 130 pound dog by the -- ar, kicked him in the ribs, cuffed: him soundly over the ears, and then | dragged him triumphantly from the } , the big brute submitting with a} » faced air, and his head and tail | down in an attitude indicating that he realized his naughtiness, and acknowl- ---- pounding as de- eerved.--Salem © coon from the skin through its mouth, thus preserving the skin intact, which I brought home-with me and am having it mounted by a taxidermist. The feat @& most le 'This is'no figh story; it is the truth. The corpus We are con- @trained to think the doctor has been ex- } same 828.50; | some sum of 31,000 still remai City Local Hews. ST, sO isprew's CONGRE GATIONAL MEETING the ave on Tse anttal meeting ¢ | chars was bela in the Mon; iay evening last. After devotional exercises the pastor wk the chaie and called for the anoual enate of the d i rent church comnmut tees, These from the Salsbath 1, Women's Foreign }ission Society, basement were Schvo | Mission Band, Session and Vanagers f increared beat all gave ev idence of actixity.and_ efficiency in all departments f church work. That of the Sabbath echool show. d a greatly increased at- tendance, necessitating in the near future enlarged Accommodation. The reports of the W. M. =. and Mission Band stated that in aidition to the receipts mentioned x, to the Value of 707- wae sent te the North Weat during the year Tha; | In presegting the report of the session, | Miss Bessie Dent which showed an increase of 33 members, the Rev/¥r Panton,the esteemed pastor of the congregation, feelingly referred to the inroads made by death during the year He stated that eight members, heads of tamilies,_had, in the Providence of God, been removed, and specially to the death ot Mr Wm Beers, who had been connected as member and elder with "the congregation ik over 40 years. The progress in the past encouraged him to look forward hopefally to > oe future. The report of the Board of Managers showed increased liberality on the part of | members i in Jae nlp: to the support of the After plaetion the different reports and re electing the retiring managers, Mesara Jetirey, A CU. Mowat and J. Welsh, the meeting. was brought to a close by singing is a statement of the income eongre ation :-- - Péwationa . parposws. . - Bt -- w. ee i an oes band sranvaskgrecuanteoes 59 nt oo ee 47.73 cee a schemes ot the pobre. ard te (aD we pens 4): Tha. 'ace: saat a 9 2) eee ee eneee 1° Sabbatu sohous........6. «-cc-ceeees is a Total #2. ry nl PRESB oi aidan L MEREFOE WORK. The annual menting of the Stratford Women's Presbyterial Society was held} in Knox church or Taeaday. The morn. ing session. at 10.30 by singing the 100th psalm and ware by the Ist vice president, irs Scott of Brooksdale. The singing of hymm 317 was followed it, prayer by Mrs --esele of a Peports of -- after which the pod hedinunn: of society was taken up. It was de ied to hot ee next annual meeting St Marys in the first Presbyterian church, onthe third Tuesday in Jan, 'Ol. After singing hymn. 262 and prayer by Mrs Caller of Atwood, the: meeting closed meet at 2.30 p.m. Afternoon Session. The president, Mrs Gordon, ol H being unable ae illness to be present, the chair was taken by the Ist Vice-president, Mrs Scott, of Brooks. dale. The meeting was opened by sing- ing the G7th Psalm, prayer being led by rs Hamilton, of Motherwell. In the atic ence of Mrs John Hamilton, who is ill, Mise Heopkirk read an address of welcome feom-- the city Anxiliariee. Mra_ How stk, of Lacan, ud Uie Tayly ia" betiatt of the am leyates "Slies ee eel BOLE: tary of the Peesby terial Society, oe repo ek showing an it.crease in both nu ae 4@-and... finances. Ite. adoption was red --ey-- ALi Maassiey csrepaded bh 1 Mes ( arn pbe li, unanimously, ° Mre Hislop, a very favorable report which was also adopted, showing the num ber of auxiliaries to With in the past year several boxes of clothing nd sundries were sent to the Northwest, ameusitingin weight to 1,250 lbs: :freighton value $562. The treasurer was much pleased to state that the hand- ined to be forwarded to the general seciety in To- ronto. Mra J.C, W. Daly offered a dedi- catory prayer, The vice-president an- -nounced that' Mrs Thomas McPherson, ' honorary president, had that day become a life member by peyinn into the society 's -- the sum of rs McLeod, of at Marys, read a reso satin of >ympathy with their highly ea- teemed president and family, Mra Gordon, Hairington, which was carricd unani- mously, The election of officers wes the next a of business, #od, seconded by Miss McPher- are Gordon was re-elected by acvia- mation, The v pe prectdonts were -- reelected. A - solo, ** Jesu pn by Miss Mendooeta, waa much on oo to the illness of Mrs White, of be t, treasurer, Guelph, who was ex ; ' ol ake 25-5 no ite," with good effect. | two se Listowel and carried and on motion of | a: Those | services of the Presbyterian chureh Stratford Public Seheots | | The tellowing isthe honor list of the Stratiord public schools for January : t Ave jas Danecan ~Sr., George . Jili¢ Dierlamm ; Jr, Rdyal Livy, Vanktone Miss Ntevensou--Sr Larker, Maleta Scott; ¢r., Len . Mary Harrison Favstarr--Mes Waibarton-- Alex. Ma ditl,, Katie O'Hara; Mise Alexander ~ David Wella, Mary Darnbam. Hassst--Miss E. L. Walker-- Royal Burritt, Natey Morrow Miss LL. Dent Robert drancan, Annie Calder. Hepburn--Lorne Munroe, « innie Enony. Miss ", Patterson --E wes Edmunds Laure Brooks; vtiee-K. Workman, Maggie duane, Johnston--tieorge Webb, Eva Boles Komep *- Principal Charles Elder, Katie Rowland. Miss. Eleanor Walker-- Wesley Hall, Nellie ' aetougall Miss tiarden-~--deho 'rawford, Allie Morrow. ~ John Henderson, Lisxie | Smith iss Melennan--Sam Bennett, Alice Carroll. Miss Annie Hepburn-- | Wm Lepard! Nell Waddell, Miss Craib Harry Rode rs, Edith Mowat. SwakesreaRE-- Misa Read -- Charles [les, Hannah Rodgers, > iss Tretheway ~--Grorge Robb, M € son--H Pitcher, Fdna Neil, Miss -Weir --Robert McTaggart, Maggie Campbell AVFONTON. The following are the names of the four pupils of highest standing in theic reapec- tive c of S. 8. No 6, as based on the result of anuary examinations : Senior fourth (total ee of marks 353) --* Magvie Redford 261, Bertie Rowland 250, * Mamie Wood 236, "James Roxburgh 232. Junior fourth '(total number of marks 350)--Martha Moses 291, Mary Moses.' «x Wood 214, William Dunn 909. Senior third "(number Of marks 247)-John Gibb 205, * W. Aitcheson 155, * Colin MeNichol 55, hos Dawe 47. Those w names are preceded by a * were absent from part o! the examination unior third (ial Lertha Rowland 0s}, Maud Weed" is Emily Wood 185, - The concert in the Temperance Hall on , Friday evening under the guspices o! | Blooming Rose 'ate at Wa a. | was an unqualified » e hull was i crowed with the nabinente coms several milea around and they were treated to an. 'entertainment : of rare quality. Mr ! Dickéy, teacher, presided efficiently. The rogram -was-gotien up hy the Avonton odge. The performers wore ably assisted | by Stratford vocalists and reciters. The audience were highly entertained for the better part of three hours. The proceec ings were opened and closed with selec- tions by the Temperance choir whose Others who con- -~ at tineing was excellent. tributed vocal selections were Wm Suther: fend singing teacher, of Nissouri, John y, of Sebringville, sang a on the mouth organ, being | Sccompan ec i, as were the svloiste, by | Miss Johnston, who also executed an organ solo . Miss Tena Gearlog read. the cla 8 Scotch poe! -- Ride of Jeanie MeNeil," and Ro Ciark recited a bert poem which dealt with the Victoria disas- ter in London in 1881. A most amusing dislogue was participated in by Misses MeKellar and Grieve and Jamer Redford and John Marray. 'he Stratford visitors acquitted themselves ably, Miss Howell gave A good recitation Unstrative of Sourhe or siavery-days G6 recitations wend impersonations were capi- _ tat Misses Macdonald and Lupton gave aon e vooal Ce oe, and * isses Henderson, ies Dj » and Laura. Macdonald, aia Des Hinple aud Hawke contributed-« good share tawards the evening's" enjy- ment. The receipts footed upto about SZ. MI Le FER -RTON. Mr W. D. Weir has conducted forty tw atiction sales since the Lat of October Me Robt. Hunter: was serious il! from a relapse of la grippe but is out of danger. The attendance at the pablic school is very large at present, the seating being inadequate in the senior department. Mir bt Roe is home for a cou months from the Northwest, Rob always enthusivstically of the country where he has taken up his abode, A branch of the Savings Bank Deposit hae been opened out in counection with Milverton oo office. While: entailing considerable additional work on the post- master this useful institution is likely to confer a decided favor on the public at Jeposits can be made at any time for any length of time, of any sam exceeding one dollar. Mr Torrance will be found an attentive and competent man Pfeffer, Ed Bundscho, Geo Curtis, Simon Groach "~ Forest Gee. Senior third Amanda ger 1. Witte. Janior third -- _-- Miller, Peter Speucer, Willie Gear, Braum, W. Kertcher and Mary Cope- land (eq). As mentioned last week the rao lag Rev MI 'oodatock and. Via Bee Mr Grant levi rey abe are " i Why pay l0cts per r reisine wistn i you can boy coun iy as good at Walsh Ere .¢ per Zhzy awe: give big ye. > 0 ' ae | fonstipation, I not remedied in season, is liable to become habitual amlechronic. Dras- tic purgatives, by weakening the bowels, confirm, raiher than cure, the evil. Ayer's Pilis, being mild, effective, and atrengtheaing in their action, are gener ally recommended by ibe faculty as the best of apericnis. "Having been subje for years, to constipation, without 'ei able to tind much relief, lat last-tried Ayer's Pills, I deem it both oe ants and a pleasure to testify that I have derived great efitizom their use, For over two years" .. j every night before retirin, 1 wou not willingly ithout th lem." --G. W. East Main st., Carlisle, Pa. "y a "i taking Ayer's Pills and using them in my family since 1457, and cheerfally recommend them to ail in need of 2 safe bat effectual cathartic." --John M. Boggs, Loulsville, Ky. "For <r years I was affiicted with ep meg which at last aoame 80 bad that the doctors could do for me. Then began to ae Ayer's and seon the bowels their natural and regular action, so that now T am in exerllent health."--8. L. Loughbrilge, Bryan, Texas. " Having used A yer's Pills, with good results, I fully indorse thous for the pur- poses for w hich they are reco --, al --T. Conners, M. D., Centre Bridge, Pa. Ayers" Pills, baie 4. ©. Ayer & Coy Lowa, Mase all Droggists and Dealers tm Medicine, _STRA ZED. 2 seen TRAYED on Lot 7 7 ON. 7. Townshi nabip ot au tor, on or sega the Lith of Nov, 1589, a yearling steer. The owner cam have the same by proving property and pa) ing expenses. SAMUEL ag Kewton, Jan % 180, READ-iA AER re 7 Yk. yrs ~ yr e & } WEE Fans Ye rz Sarctasem "ez FOR RALE Ov aioe - DEAL "RS. ~ Dd. D. OLIVER, Resident Pianoforte and Organ Tuner.. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. The best of. city references, Every job guaranteed. Orders left at A. T. Macdonald's book an] stat- ionery ddfellow's block, "ow- nie-st., or at Calder's hotel, Erie $34. will be promptly attended to. Agent ~ Paced and Seco' Hand Pian Steatford, Ort. 1 tind, 1899, Stratford Livery Stock Co. HORSE EXCHANGE. (Lare J. W Dorue,) ot Handsome Tara-outs at Reasonable Prices Politeard Courteous * ttenda1. 7s &° Telephone in C. anection. DANNIE CONNOR, Mayactr ms 4 NOTICE. We are going to continue our Special CLEARING SALE For a Week Longer. to make it a Success, by selling aie cheap. Courtesy will -be: shown to}. people who come to compare goods and prices, as-we are | satishied we cannot be under-| sold. 'isto KASTNER BROS. Se D. D. a ER, Piano han tT ~ An extra effort will be made |. THE NEW CH fami, Jellies, Nuts, Candies, Prunes, Currauts: Evaporated £ caches, Exaporated Plums, W. LINCOLN SscoTT EAP GROCER. mre Orning es, Lemons, Raisins, - Figs, Cranberries. evaporated Apricots, Evaporated Apples, Fine Mince Meat, Buckwheat Flour, New Floney, 22 MARKET STREET IAMOND * (MOSSBURGS') A cure for all Skin Diseases and Li = Kid Sete te Cure and the PED EToct ed ons 'the poses S12. LTAMOND - "Ort The Finest Scented. Best IA . MOND BLOOD PURIC! ER! A POSITIVE a Geaceal butittty." ee aes En Gavin ean. Great CONSUMPTION CURB! Sure Cure for ASTHMA. Throat and Lang troubles, 50 cents per bottle, DIAMOND. SALVE. Indolent Sores, 25 cents'per box. 727-2 = CoNsUnrTioy hte = siping Ss "one nen GUrTaBer Offices over mE Tin ofc from the atew J. FRANK "PALMER. Tun Toes offce. 62. _ FOR SALE. rpitte ast QUARTER oF tot To in the Tem Concession of the Ti ot ELLICE, in the Counts of Perth, containing 26 Acres, more or leas. Good Dwelling, and Stables. cary. Apyilly tu m W. 8..COWAN, Oe A to EDWARD TAYLOR, Proprietor. uly 24, 1880. 707-4 FARM FOR SALE, eo \SOrACRE | ag sy! ha sale --Bei he Tow oanip a Kime." yy alt ten ot Facies a ot * wath 7 eures troulars app 1Y ON the premists or to A. BAILLIE, Monckton zalan Soh, 1580. 733-1 "--FIRST-CLASS-- FAR M FOR SALE, SITUATED IN THE -- Township of Ellice, Co. of Perth, Bone H LOT No 10 OON, 1, Ku -- gone Handred Actes of good land. Seventy- cheared- aad in theighest-state of wcultiva-_ ioe Balance well tin bored aay ng jou City Li For further particulars prly to JAMES BENNOCH, Yard, Stratford, P. O. at -! ~~" bn befits, on the Premises. , 1589 7S 1 'the I Retail Deslers of the vonnty of Perth. pert PAY ---- tee ge JOBRERS Profits, w = you get the following viz: articles, v Brilliant Self. Shining Stove Polish," Ivory Starch Polish, The Little Wonder Powder, For cleaning gold and silver Plated Ware, and Howard's Keown Perfume, JAS. HE MPHIL, | see ees --er present. No. 30 Ontario. St.--Sign of the Big Boot. " (THE OLD RELIABLE BOOT AND SHOE STORE. WE WILL SELL AT For Cash! FROM NOW TO JANUARY Ist, 1890.! THE FINEST QUALITY oF SH OES, SLIPPERS, &e. Neat, Fancy, Stylish, Comfortable, and Sabstantial. we econ sncaigiaxidl ea paunusza THOS. LAWSON 'Ss cae 7 en LARGE REDUCTIONS-- WwW. Jd. BUYERS, FINE SIGN AND FIGURE PAINTER Coa, WettiweTon ano St. Paraicx Sra Strattord, Mar-h 5, 18%. On7-ly R. KILBURN, Wholesale and Retail Dealer n Portland and Thorold Cements, Sewer Pipes. Culvert Pipes, FIRE BRICK, &c. YARD & OFFICE -. ALBERT Sr., STRATFORD \ ¥F. BLOXAM, | oT" SLATE ROOFER. .| Canadian & American Slate BOX 107, on 67 MILTON STREET, STRATFO LAIN AND ORNAME ia ALSLATE ROOFING. And one that will give you every satisfac- tion go to _A. Brandenberger, -- BY the Market Square. Stoves sold on Weekly and Monthly Payments. All work ordered ly executed and satisfaction guaranteed: A. BRANDENBERGER. l S A LESME N WANTED. To sell our unexcelled Sewy em. ment and control of territory. Have oo iness in -- seg my Yuans. Liberal pay to the CHASE BB BROTHERS Co. Ti2-émo Colborne, Ont AVOID ALL IMITA- POR tons. trey may BE DANGEROUS, « = FAC-SIMILE OF SOTTLE WITH BUFT WRAPPER, Bas ounds EXTRACT OEMAND. nae Pos TRACT. ACCEPT RO SUBSTITUTE FORIT 'Next Door to Bests « Grocery Store. 'Stratfzrd, July 17, 1889 Hest qualities of con-Ridging and Felt n han (id shinate four =ripp ot Stated... Orders receives pe atiettion. Ali work guarantee lll Yard :--Near G. T. R. Station. tly 2 "Sa ¥OU WANT aa Fine Stove, a Good S Stove; » 1 SURELY

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