o- j 3 Thos Henderson, pa of Wea Rtau WE} . + . "* time ime was spent at the par R eachal at the residence of Mra Beattie, ® Shakespeare street, on Wednesday even- I lee"heh 40 aaa a * there City Local mtems. Some of the G. 7. R. "shop men now work antil aix o'clge The fax mist oy in industry in the ' harve ureday last was only 44 inches thick, still it was ice thoagh. d off in ameter Se)" le f the gator res ste Pre, Tie yeas beginn 00: Fabs: 19; Good ides ose on April 4, and Easter San- A Sth, ~~ Se aoe is so dull these days, Conkecier Wm, C. Juliet Lodge; No. 4, ot and other Guelph, last week, Mr Nelson si ge of Downie, read an interesting paper the farmer's soa before and after contion college. The Globe of Friday says :--A meeting of the creditors of Hoffman Bros., Strat- ford, was held at the office of Blackley & Anderson yesterday afternoon, when it was decided to accept An effer of SOc. on a doltar. ing last. Singing, -- "3 instru tal music was the acceptable bill of fare provid Ata meetin of the Natural Gas Com- The Brantford curlers account for' their defeat at Stratford, on Tuesday, by Wood- at:ck, by stating, says the Telapren, that team up tebe fet HERE Com: | fal styles of 1 E The | Stratford § Ti AND COUNTY OF PHRTEL GAZETTE. STRATFORD, ONT. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY. 19, '1890. NO. 737. * City: Lorat ews. The Spring Court«, The spring assizes open" here Monday, March 17th, before hiy Lordship Justice aioe The chancery sittings open before-Ghaweotior, Boyd << greatest 'libel suit on earth " Se in all probability come up on the ol . ate es Pugsley Goes Free. The case at Welland against G. H. Paogs- - as ror for bringiug stolen prop*rty was dismissed by the magis- rote at Woltend, Tuesday, there being noe c@ to convict him, Sir Pugsley has instructed his solicitors to commence an action fo- $10,000 for false arrest. Skipped by the Light of t the Moon. Daring the fall a tonsorial artist rented arvom in the Young Men's Christian Asso- ciation block, cont ge chairs in, secured quantity ot. French scap, 'camel hair Wade & Batcher razors, and was all in readiness for the opening day, which never came. He packed - ae p and cut between two days, aight of the strap got out in the night last week. The night seems to pitious time for these knights 'to to move. K. O, T. Mt Installation. , At the annual meeting of the Knights | wed of the Maccateea, of this city, held in their hall on the evening of the 5th inst., the following officers were installed by the Past Commander :-- Sie Kt. Past Com.--W, H. Dunbar. = Uom. -- jedzine, « ig: ges Eardley- Wilmot. RK --Lieut-Col. W. Smith, .K---G Lawrence. Pre rt Heavy Phya.--4, G.¥ re aa B. Hawke, Seieniicuen 1e Engrossing. The Sir Joseph Hickeon resolation pass- ed by our City Council on Feb 3rd, has been handsomely engrossed by Mr W. J. ; » Business College." "Elliott; of the "AW 'the work is done in India Ink. Many beauti- are ae old jie, rw hair line, &c., and the tion itself i is placed in shaded script; on a coun mber. ™mo~| influential one, soneprtalng: City Lorat mews. The Pirates of Penzance. An over-crowded house greeted the re- production of this opera on Thursda night. The Various parts were all well ~--Trike-goed-- old cheese, the | "* compavy improves with age. St. James' Church. Services on Ash W ednesday, at St. James' Church, will be held in the morn- ing at ll o'clock. n the evening the Teachers' Instraction Claes meet at 7 15. Divine service again at 8 p.m. On Friday service will be held at the church in Dow- nie, at 4.30, The C. I. Literary Society -- tainment given. Usually the attended, all the students Saking 6 Uvaly interest. The officers elected are :--Hon. Pres., C. J, Macgregor; pres , Mr. Siloox ; Sec'y, 8 M Bartram ; treas, re E. Shaver; custodian, A. Panton. 4 Horrible Death, One of the young men killed in the t aécident on the C. P. R. at Rock: cliffe, was a ne of this city, ew of Mrs James Proct-r, unti death. He was quite a popular young man, and the floral offerings were numer- ous. The Sick List. The number of citizens who are on this list is growing smaller and emaliler. Mr. John Murray, Branswick street, who has been confined to his house for some time with a severe attack ot grippe is improv- ing. The friends of Mr, Johnston Abra- ham will be pleased to léern that he is recovering from his recent illness. Rheu- matism haa settled in- one of his feet, which makes it very unpleasant at times. Mr John Corrie is about again, and 1s able to attend to basiness. Advanced fee, The adjourned meeting of the Board of trade was held on Friday fool in the The meeting was a very: as it ha many of the leading citizens. The prin scroll, Arustic border encloses the de- | ; and the wldie pepbenintiesas ject of. the mesting og See snewering of ay EE specimen of penwork. It will They decided that all churches page tes ine souk frame and forwarded in connection therewith should he taxed. - {Of course the} 54 : Id be taxed, and the mayor and te men pay fcr the work and land attached thereto. out of their own pocketa!--In your eye, they do, say the electors !) or Stratford Dairy Company. airy has been opened fm the store ad- cattle -- to drink at ditches, and even in cases from the outflow of sewers. Such milk -- he icone contaminated. The Stratford M pany will sell none but the purest milk A certain number of members of the Young People's Association of Knox Church will, on the gang of the 25th, debate the 'subject as whether novel reading should orshould atthe encouraged. * What," said a philosopher to a ver good young man, who was discussing with an ostentation that was characteristic, the " do Did you ever a merits and demerits of fiction, know about romance ? a study of it?" "No," v " "No." Then how ia it that you talk 90 glibly about itt." ve.a.] brother at home who has studied the aub- ject extensively, and i take pointers from him." The philosopher fell back in a fit andexpired. But the noble work of en- lightenment goes on. Conservative Meeting. The annual nares of the gig Liberal Conservative vened at the Hotel, po "Wed. nesday ev ms the absence of the President, D. Scrimgeour, Esq., Mr, Ald. Dunsmore was upon to fill the chair. He explained that the object of the meet- was to send as oa as to the meeting the North g t as atives as can make it con- venient to will make the delegation complete. name does | Premism on Hascality. When our insolvency laws were only could take advan- rsohages por show the way the wind blows, The ther questions were similar to what have juanloncly prmeativey in this paper. The Military Camp for 1890. Dn of enquiries ago. "Said he: ieee where the a be held this It won't be decided gee by the ilitia Department until a few weeks be- fore = camp." § ing of report wh m various pa stating that it would be held in Stratford this year, he would not hazard an a ger * Time will tell," said he "' where be held." In all fairness it should bel weld The volunteers greater uniform courtesy aad consideration than were by the citizens of Stratford. We know they wish to come here, and the Depart- 'ment should respect their wishes. The Tucker Comedy Company Made their first appearance in the City Hall, on Monday night. he at on | "Ranch 10," which is » rollicking corm- edy, with just -- love-making, blood and thunder to mi s in the gal- demonatiatis tian ~Aod when they. are such it is a pretty good guarantee that the other parts of the i ledge ear. Gourlay. Do ina $1,400. Mr. Jamieson ve i city rae ne ro and Bent har mt Pay a visit fo Cleveland; w Fr. tes Bre Abel" Ce Coaltoo, after. which E if FF peeciet aut In 7 in ease the rest of their days? pee De ee Weeee: intention to go to Omaha, where his son, Mr i Jamieson is Gavin samieson resides. id i) | it dee. will proceed g to reside." In_ the spring it is his Salar, $1700: Travel- '| tng Expenses, $1,695! |: A RANK IMPOSITION! indian- Agency Inspector Absa- jom Dingman gets a Roasting in the House of Commons. A Useless Barnacle--A Shamefal Waste of Public Monies Oh! Absalom, you're a oDadleg! Oh! Absalon, you're a Daixy' O! Absalom, you're a Dumpling and mb! But you ought to hearhim Pisy ~ On the Dominion t A Huskey~iunk sucking Is Father Ab-se-lom Ding-man! -- Prom a very Olde Bailade, In the House of-Commons on Friday, the 7th inst., a discussion arose regarding contingencies in the Department of Indian Affairs. Under this head, Mr. McMullen and Mr. George E. Casey, two Reform members, went into the subject quite minutely. Whe discussion brought out some in revelations regarding a travelling barnacte, who has been a heavy charge upoti the Govern- ment and the people a number of years past, ba: who, there is good reason fo believe, will not be auch much longer, We refer to Absalom Ding- man, the proprietor of the Stratford p Uderald,._1b is o well known fact that thi®. man, who is éalled an Inspector of Indian Agencies, is loafing part of his time about Stratford. Thme and again Tux Times th efforta in the. direction of having a useless " official" removed, are at last bearing fruit. 'Time works wonders. $1.7 In additiog to a salary of $1,700, which received last year, he out of the Government for FOR TRAVELLING EXPENSES ALONE. pig ae pen lh aro similar 'worn in the days of 400 for a le t or not. He did iia elling <r, wena asey acterized thia way of doing tase it w say a decidedly loose ny of doing business ! Something that for a searching enquiry. AS RANK FRAUD. Absalom Dimgman had, it is true, } paid a visit to the seaside for the aa ig of ng jevances the C hnawagas last summer, The vernment might So as well have | = -- Kvoribe Congo or Let the foll "( SIMPLY OUTRAGEOUS." m the Otts doieg what? prove. (Mr McMotas, Iw I want e some explana- tion wi iit or tem for travelling srzsnaa S10 5 aay *Tnd'an Agency atten hada otal calf compare Mr Dewpxxx. Ontario, bec and the Maritime Provinces ; wherever it is found What reserves does he Ido not know exactl isited ib information ° prevent. aria apt Is that information i the tg Mr Cassy. isit ? Mr Deworkr. he is shown in the report of his own Depart- ment or not. He does not know where Absalom Dingman has gone, or what -- has done, or how far he oe tTavelled, we have got to pay $1,700 for it all coe same. Itia rather a loose way of do | business. -teven Mr Dewbev. A great deal of this War) incurred before I came here at all. Mr Casey. But you ought to know the business cf your De t, even before you came into it. Mr Caszy, The Minister has not met my criticism at all about Absalom nad I find-that- Absalom presel $1,70 kes $5 for travelling ex: ex- nees; Mr Vankdughse | Orr, 63. inspects the agencies in the eastern part of the North. West, the Keewatia dis- trict, who spent most of the summer travelling through that country in a canoe, I do not find any charge for travelling ¢x- penses for him You will find that under Mr <silgaaaa Manito Mr re This is the De t of lodian Affairs, it is not con to the tern Provinces, are Dominion ea Be If there contingencies | Manitoba, they ought to be here to. No other mepivter of -- agencies, Absalom Di an, has anything like that amount charend te las. r Haceaat. Civil Government Con- tingencies . rt Casey The Postmaster General explains for his friend the Minister of the loterior that the vote for Mr McColl's ex- enses aud the others, are charged under Civil Government, not under Co cies Mr Hacoart. --No, no; I did -not, Mr Sree, That is what [ understood him so say. Mr Dewpngy. These are Civil Govern- ment = and none of the Mar- itoba or North-W cluded in this at ail. Mr Caszy. They do not come under Civil Government. Then Absalom Ding- man is in a different position from the na and Todiav He member of the headquarters' that it? But although point may expl maintain it is outrageous being laid before the House, or Com- -- of Pablic Accounts. Ta the same we find items such = $275, 50 cents, a 30 cents, and yet given for an axpenticare $1,700 Mr Sowzrvitte. Is it not a fact that the Indian Reserve [All Tare True can say is that we don't know what shape his Brantford office is io, but his Stratfordoffice ought to be in good shape with eo much stealings fiom the |. Government to back it. }--Zditor, _---- +2 De. BP. J. Strathy; the eminent surgeon; ¢ Toronto, visited Stratford professionally "tan L. MeDonald left Wednesday for Toronto, after spending two weeks with friends and relatives in the Classic city. Mr. Ben Sleet is slaughtering ice in good style. He is bound that his custom- ers ice not be "in the soap " the coming eunr Mr J James Murphy, who has recently been in attendance at the Central business coll-ge, has returned to his home in Port Lambton with the grippe. eed lames Craig, who.-lost | pont of his arms about six weeks. ago by an running over it, is, it is said, suing a Ga, T. R,. for Lg orbes, Easson & pany, of , Conn., for one of me have been year, placid bay of Naples, with Veeuvine in the Rar ay ab Much susiny of the bosinenees entered iat into, { $37. Me ian STRATFORD CITY COUNCIL. Regular r Mecting. The regular meeting ing of the city council convened M onday evening. At half ere present then ing the Aldermen except Suit and Hepbu HePbann 'teked on behalf of a eine of ratepayers of 7 ward, for a4 = protect ont--F.,¥ aL, epburn dro . as the letter was being read. one ° AN amas SWINDLE BAULKED, A air lengthy letter was read ' W. 3B. L. H. Dingman, of the tford Herald, calling attention in a we again : "We ag. to remind you of an unpaid account due us, a statement of -- we eaclose, n the face of the resolution passed in open council, and reco del in the minutes, the adv't was' to in all the ~ papera,' we are at a loses to understand the action of the council in ceeomepeiny pn repudiate "a oe, accouat. e refer you again to of Feb'y 1, ond again request payment of the account, which we consider was legally aad morally due. [The resolution of tha council was that the by-law be published twice in ail the city papers. These people 'published it in their weekly, and then bed in their dai fly sheet without being ordered s0 to do, and demand segment tet the same. ] The peremptory tone of ~ letter even wr ie Ald. Higg's | breat Rigg, after long ae, wanted ry err referred to t imance com. Ald: Harding objected. That committee er with it, and recommended that it Quite a namber had.their say upon the matter, but it looked as if there was certain amount of laxity among members to shelve it. Ald. Dunsmore had backbone enough to Gdject 'to ita pa athered: a motion ne -- that the account be net tended tha: 2 insertions of the by. iow ws -- eueet in th the city weekly ee t nothing was said about the dail If those people published it without being req: in daily, Alas Monteith, Davidson, McPherson are | and Harding all spoke payment. of the account. Ala wer seconded Ald Dunsmore's motion, and tte letter was fyled, there not being a dissenting voice a Finanes. : * 3 Elliott, wt -...Celaniat, . 13 60 J. Siddla, work 45 P. BR. Jary 61 20 10 75 Heatth.and Relief. oe Jonah . 10 4.4, » Bo B. Da ._No M McDonald . 22 Mrs Moir, » 800 . Waleh . 40 w. Wi . 1% F. Prats, - 6% W, T. Maxwell, 100 P rre 375 The finance committee recommended the remission of -$15 on Mra J. Wright's taxes. Regarding the application of D. D. Hay ~~ a pone of money for rent of hall, unding on theology, deology a all rp other kind ot deaien, the com- mittee came to the corclusion that if he waa such an earnest champion of truth and righteousness, he should give the ublic note than his os for it, and re- atider the matter. At iene next aenilon "of the board, the bonds of the city officials are to be su mitted for the approval or otherwise of t rl council. Adopted. ae batance of the account of $60. on on was referred back to the F. . committee to be certified to, A ite al took place, Hepburt and Goodwin contending that the Alds Duns- correct. Ald Davidson explained that he was not ware that the account had not been cer- | iF : E 8 E E il ey | t 2 oF ne l olarm { z i ¥ ; & ri fs i + 1 y ugsted so to. their the council should not be at the loss, : » '