= a seen had a coon in it, and all as fat as down to'Frisco ten years ago. You know "woods full 0' coon, and I hain't got noth- there every day while I was in the city ~the gun..could. ~ Be I gittin' ape the optic "Brew se Line at Direath. Y 'v ermoon an aged "18 EVES WENT BACK ON HIM. The Memedy for a Man Who Saw a Woods 5.» - {WiPORTANT! | otto te Boutt k. el i hat infirm specimen of humanity Full of Conte. allal at The Telegraph office and sa "Doctor," said a red faded and « atery 'cited the Hberty of writing a. note, ered man from Warne towns 'ship, as ties chi iw? sdaanaiiedh bibs He was given came in Dr. Babcock's office, in. Ham- a sect at the editors desk, and, although j~ mondsport, the other dar, "Den afraid ,,, ne and ink wera in view, he asked for ty eyes is goin' back on me, and I dro >a pencil, which was handed him. Paper pel in to kind o° see if Tecan find OUt was his next desire, atid thia was also where they're lame." pplied. Carefully wettin the end of "Ah! said: the doctor, "What seems the pencil and adjusting the paper in to be the matter with your eyes? front of him, he ran his fingers through "That's what I don't know," replied the tangled labyrinth of ir m-ETey hair the man, "but they played me a trick yj,4; fringed his' ot over-clean brow, vother day that don't leave no room for and, w ith a far away look in hb is eyes, doubt but what there's somethin' out © jo wrote what might have been a will. gear with 'em, somehow. I'll give you His note written, he turned and blandly thei symptoms. Maybe you don't know g.ceg for an. enve lope, "and' if you that I'm quite-a-coon-hunter, but Iam. would Hkind}y-te tet ime have eciitaitil with these in cies Bein! kusstn Bentes Weil haewr Oa tue © howe Cy we © pverar te P ® 'ine urahle. F thie few éf he Tamdrests of letters xe } sceivccl frean tt who have wcen frestor » health and strength by the cse of wonderful discovery, Paine's Celery Compound, we make a fow extract Ww ¢ that the thow sand ! 1 vl women who are suflering from nervous and wasting diseases, will profit by those tree and plain statements of facts. D, S.-Davidkon, of Montreal, mflered for years with nervous cyspepsia, pain in his back, and sleeplessness. "Ile tried doe- ene britch loadin' and repeatin' shotguns, and 4 newspaper man can stand sivnaet I told him I'd go out and see how it d anythin g, and he got the envelope and work on acoon. I went ont, and hadn't star p, 'Caretally inserting the note in gone more than a mile up thé hill before t),¢ envelope and 'addressing it, he "ee I seen a big coon pop on to the limb of turned and requested that it might be chestnutérer. came there so sudden dropped in the postoffice, as he wished that I'couldn't get it through me where, caich a train, This waa all right: he had come from or how he got there. p> belongs in Stonington, and all he But I didn't stop to ask no questions, but said was agreed to. A pipe and tobacco up and blazed away. Now I' ermal 2 on the desk, and as he arose front Same over our bir Sh Doc, of never missin' u detected the tobacco. Tak- but with the usual d away on™" pretty thick, agreeab charac- he sot there jest ho wan when Tac le and obliging temper him first. I was 5 tell teristic of The Telegraph employes, he you. 1 thought it was the gun eikall, was told he might have some tobacco and but blazed away again. The coon never matches, but he couldn't possibly be sup- moved... L happened to look, somehow or plied with breath--that,..unfottunately, other, at a tree off to the right of the one he'd have to: cet. outside--and he did.-- the coon was in, and there sot another New Londoa (Coun. ) Te "legraph. coon on a limb. I thought I'd try m luck on him, and so I let him havea shot. Cuntly , He never stirred. "What delicious saat It's the sweet- "I begun to git mad by this time, and est water Lever tasted. I declare, I shall durin' a little conversation I was havin' come up here for a drink every day dur- with myself about the gun I happened ing my vacation." The young man who to glance at a tree to the left of the first spoke 'had come from San Francisco to tree, and there on a limb was another the Sierras fora fortnight. He had been coon. I tried my luck on the third coon, drinking from a mountain spring among and didn't hithim no nore than T dia the red Wéods; a mile from: the-cabin other two, I looked at the first tree; where he was camping. He had knelt there was that coon, sittin' right where on the ground and his mouth had been he was when I first seen him. 1 looked jown to the water. at the second tree, and there was that As he spoke, he rose, brushing the coon, still on the limb. I turned my drops from his face. His companion, head toward another tree, and there lan oki mountaineer, replied, "Suits your seen a fourth coon, and lookin' around taste, does it? Well, now, the sweetest me whichever way I might, every tree I water I ever tasted was when I was coons could be. E-got-wild. | that-fountain inthe square with the iron "Thunder! I hollered; 'here's the cup chained to it? T used to go down, in® but this new fangled gun that won't to take a drink from that f hit a barn.' 'Reservoir water and lead pipes!" "But I begun to blaze away as fast as claimed claimed the: olty: man, "and a public cup a_cartridge, fust at --rusty, too one coon and then at an , until "The ok! mountaineer chuckled-=mo- every darn load was emptied out o' that ment before replying, "I reckon you've gun, and I hadn't dropped a coon. I forgotten it cost me several days' time was jist agoin' toslat that gun t ders and $19 in carfare to git whero I could against a tree, when I happened to rub git a taste from that rusty free cup, just my eye, and when I took my hand down, the same as it cost you to git up here there on my finger wag a nice, jolly, fat and stick your nose into that spring in I looked up, but every coon the ...The fact o' the matter is, "I tell you what, young mister, it's the Doc; that wood-louse-had-been-- hangin' trouble it costa to cit things that sweeten on to one of my eye-winkers all the their taste, every time." "--Youth's Conn time, and I thought I was seein' coons. * The Word Jew entleman writing to The Jewish fino ieont, of Philadelphia, says: "Sev- nerve doublin' up on me? "Neither one," said the doctor. Have . thondisport Cor: New" York San. and you'll be all right." The man went out shaking his head and said he'd think about. it.--Ham ~my-copy fordhedirst-timer? womd te 'called to the front -and- warned not to eral years ago I commenced writing for the daily papers, waking a specialty of 'Jewish' news. For several weeks, when _ one of the copy-readers would handle . Fesent tho knew the art of writing, who led remaining relic of the Confederate . - New York Star. _ is a remarkable curiosity ' ghape of a mountain resembling the fa- si ctteing. The head is of solid rock, _ ghoulders and breast are finely propor. {227 tioned, miles it aie like a thing of life and in- ' rises about : d be than two liours the young lady was wear- _phore the ain end can. tans Be inet et ooh oe find.--Detrolt 'publican. (Free Press. ' Old Jones' Philosophy. use the word Jew, as come of our..lead- Modesty is a good rudder, but a bad ing Jewish residents had frequently engin taken the paper -to task. for the Liekin' may teach a boy to dance, tink word, viewing its usage asan_ intended not to do sums. slur, and this was said toa paper whose You may get learnin' at school, but 2dvertis sing columns teem with the sense comes nat'ral or not at a Lames © f representative Jewish mer- You just bring a couple of little quar- chants rels into your family an' they'll eeed The readers of The Tidings will ob- like sparrows, rve that this paper does not hexitate to Don't go back on your friends w nen ® use the word Jew whenever occasion de- you" re in luck, nor give aw ay your um- mands. In fact, the word >is infinitely bere] just enauee the sun shines, preferable to that of Hebrew, and im- You can't always judge a man by the Plies a great deal more. The word Jew blood he's got. Corn bread an' w hisky has come to be regarded as referring to come from the same family. a and the word Hebrew to lan- A runaway horse is worse'n a run- BU95' sway wife, because it sometimes takes Those Jews who object to reference to you with it. them as Jews are a sorry lot and deserve Sometimes w'en @ man scems to be 8¥mpathy.--Rochester Jewish Tidings. Invin' the worst luck he's only getting ecAnbitinh: imc aumameN wady to come out, like a log from a A Formiianbie 'Weapon. aw mill, worth double price. Extreme low water in the Mississippi Don't send a fox to tend geese or a cat recently unearthed an historical relic at ® skim milk unless they have a good the ferry landing at Columbus, Ky., in reputation for honesty. Remember this the shape of a huge, old fashioned col- yen you put your money in the bank.-- umbiad, which did duty during the late Yectroit Free Press. war inthe hands of the Confederates. -_ Those familiar with the history of the Abont the Vikings. formidable weapon state that it played a Paul du Chaillu differs with many cx nspicuous part in. the battle of Bel- * kading historians as to the social condi- mont, Mo.. in the fall of 1861, and that ton of the Vikings, the direct ancestors from its lofty perch on the bluffs. above € the English speaking people, whom Columbus it sent many a huge shell Ip believes to have been well civilized. screaming across the river into Grant's ke insists that **the people who were army, and that it had more to do with hen spread over o great part of the aeeping the gunboats at bay than' all Russia, who. overran.Germania, others at the fort: The_ gun is the only forti- heir conquering hosts to Spain, into the fications erected at°Columbus, Ky., thir- lediterranean, to Italy, Sicily, Greece, ty years --_---- Times. +he..Black. Sea, Palestine, Africa, and__ " : sven crossed anatase aac Atlantic to Amer- Th t Some of Advertisi | of-the--- An ont wi, ative believer in tha efmi- tors without relief, was losing fiesh rapadly, | and had about given up heart when he commenced the use of Paine's Celery Compound. "Now," he says, "lam anew man. I sleep well and my food docs not hurt me." 1 Mr. Jas. Johnson, 302 St. Charles Biw- fomee Street, Montreal, was weak and nervous, had no appetite, and could not vest at night. Hlis nerves were soothed and strengthened by Painc's Celery Com- pound, and he soon became well and strong. Annie Gourley, of River Beaudette, P. @., found the Compound a certain care for weaknesr, and now feels as well as she ever did. A_ customer of Ilarrison Dros., drug- gist,- Hamikon,.Oat.,.told them. that he - was entirely cured of nervous weakness by the use of two bottles of the ¢ compound, after everything else has failed. The little child of Mrs. G. E. Merevith, 76 D'Arcy St., Toronto, was cured of Sa. Vitus' Dance by Paine's Celery Compound = cook Book nym eat gus her post office & Co.; Montreal. STRATFORD Post Office 'Time-Table, 13 45 oo] 6 8 oe tnd steaiford E'y "19 30] 4 0'C. Ram LE Ree 12 45 [6% ott} see eweee iV... ba ape pa riay,4 am." Dally Tuesday, ut mail from Lstoes sie Sonne LD COUNTRY MAILS, ao Halifax Packet closes every Thursday ES Mall bia' New York, aa every Monday, Wed- nesday and Saturdsy, at 8.00 a m. and 7.00 p. m. The Post Office is 0 to public from 8 a m. pone th Lobby will be opea to box holders Meuey Onter and Savings Bank Office is open trom $2 te 45 m, WILLIAM BLAIR, Postmaster. A. M. KAY, Assistant, -- - -- ord. Nov. 4 _Sety FOR BUFFALO. AND KES see ™.--Mixed, Pp! m.-- Expres. 1:20 p. m.~-Expreas. ? ad %y J. HICKSON. General Manager. A. F. PHILIPS, "3, Agent at Stratford. GRAND TRUNK RAIL'Y. The Great Ontario Short Line To ae Northwest Territories ritish | POR | 252 Sus EOOK-BINDING j Pa \ BE cANGE ROUS. HAVE. every facility for Binding , Las 'Sore Eyes See Catarrh . 92 05 ger Vulome Pail bao Bes an pun lameness 7 WALTER STONE, Female eee : . ' Com laints _ Strato rd, Feb. 21, 1937 esi. Ww Stratford Livery Stock Ca is Si an i knerene HORSE EXCHANGE. W (Lare J: W Dorzx.) soreness AGG 0 N S. Handsome Tarn-onts at at Reasonable Prices Sprains - Sw wrk UXDERSIGNED be Pumipsicponstegns, swenta.* | Chafing, i eS en _ ~~" PASNIE CONNOR, Sisson 1 Bruises vane - LOWEST te a oa _ = 1: oe PONT N ey Runnin an Most Z - a "4 n ni e READERS, | Pls Ce stven Fars To tot Savsrsoney Burns or eae Wigen' Aime ever Ong Ahn FOR AALE CY ALL DEAtRS, Wounds _ | filles without reiting. os ee Deaee Buggies and Democrats always in Stock Insect DEMAND POND: Sex: at Bottom D. D. OLIVER, Resident Pianoforte and Organ T. ACCEPT NO 5u basti TUTE FoR iv Bites Taner: Stings REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. ° | Sore Feet The best of city references. | Every job guaranteed. Orders left | | INFLAMMATIONS at A. T. Macdonali's book an? stat: | ionery store, Oddfeliow's block, ~ow- HEMORRHAGES nie-at., or at Calder's botel, Eric | bt, will be promptly attended to. 2 A | | Agent for New and Seoon'. Hand Pianos. men! PAIN D. D. rena ER, Praso ae SB ratford, Ort. 2241 STRATFORD, ONT. The Most Popular and Progressive Business Training School of the Province. "THE, ODURME cern hs Stl at eran Cand a lor Thoroughness it bh lly, and educates for the of th oe, Ar tesksetion that tns'g Poaetabie rare Gayeed foams tha leet Gig of ee ete et nee oF wow Is THE TIME TO ENTER. Oar Addresses, Resolutions, Testimonials, &c., Engrossed in First-Clare Style and at Prices to Suit, For Catalogues and Circulars, address W. .. SHAW, Principal. Removed, Removed W. H. ROBERTS Has Removed to his New Store, on} Downie St., Two Doors South of the Perera Hotel, Where he will have a Large Assortment of New Goods, Watches, Clocks, Jewellery, Silverware, Spectacles, Fancy Goods, &c., &c., Always in a Stock. Cheapest and Best Goode in in 'Stratford. Give mea Call. W. H. ROBERTS. 71 Stra:ford, Oct. 23, 1889. Don't Forget to Call and Inspect. OF. & Q's ----CHOICE STOCK OF--~ Crockery and Glassware, Which they will sell at Cost. They also keep the finest lines of |\3m Liguors always on hand, including Whiskeys, Brandies, . Ports and Sherrys, Tom Gins, Holland Gins and Champagnes. Also the Best Brands of Ales and Porters. Try our 25c. TMA, it is better than youcan buy elsewhere for 50c. Allother kinds of Teas in proportion, GOOD SYRUPS ¥ Breakfast Gems, J emt sn Jast to hand a choice lot of Graham: ake, Sugar Corn Cake, in Packages-at 10c. low. OFLAHERTY & QUIRK'S\Z= REMEMBER THE PLACE |; sea a for more aeurken twelve centuries, were cacy of adv ertising, came into this office not barbarians," concludes: "Let ihe other day and wanted to advertise a those who uphold ie contrary view pro- lost mitten for a month. He said the duce evidence from archwology of an in- mittens cost 50 cents when new, and he ssh British or Gallic civilization had worn them only throe years. When -that of the north."-- -- informed that the outlay would be much lmore than the missing article could,be worth, he went off in an undecided state of mind, Spey however; to have one look for the mitten The Moustain Sphinx. In Surrey county, North Carolina, there ore natural. of in all ite detail Pitepfield (Me.) Advertiser. Sphinx It lies east of the Biue Ridge mountains,! on the Piedmont plains, like a gigantic lion, ard cab ea ge gn and with head reared aloft as if in the ~The Sealskin Is Not a Laxury. ~ A Brooklyn girl, who is an heiress*but whose property is in care of a trust com- pany, applied to the president for rear a which to buy a sealskin » refused on the, ground that it was a and at the distance of a few preme court throngh a lawyer for per- 1,500 feet mission, and 'it was granted, and in less beford he || trusted its destinies to printers" ink.--]- uxury. The girl then applied to the su-- Via NORTH BAY ! LOWEST RATES To all Points in Canada and the ai United States. os ALEXANDER, pore RED FRONT, MARKET SQUARE. LCURE FITS! GIVEN YEARLY, Palllon a HA enn ed oe rn aaa 'TASC mde Ue Sloane of Pity TAMOND BL 0 OD : PURIFIER ! wa Pe wor or era ey LTAMOND- OIL, 'The Finest Scented, Best snd warest Pain Cure in tse Great TAMOND CONSUMPTION. CURB! Sare Cure for ASTHMA, Throat and Lung troubles. 50 cents per bottle. DIAMOWD SALVE, ' For Liver, Inactive Sure Remedy in the 100 DOSES (MOSSEURGS") secu wtp hem fr ines tot | ST. JEROME'S COLLEGE. Berux, Oxr, 7 on T wodents in at OFFERS splendid -- Teams : boaret ~Including all n puecessty ex Tati , 9123 6 per annum. vet Ml ae Tess Rev. L. FUNCKEN, C.ft., D D. _Berlin, July @th, 1859, 706 ly COUNTY OF PERTH. _ UBLIC NOTICE! The Warden will be in at tendance at the Clerk's office on the : in month, from ten o'clock. The Clerk will be: in on Tuesday and W ~ of from ¢ "ae opi BD The Treasurer will b- a his office on Tacaday, Wednesday Thureday, Mie aod Saterday of esoh weer during Ws DAVIDSON, Co. Cle:k. Marble and Granite Works. Ghat & SHARMAN, Impor'ers and "Well-made Funeral Designs, -PLOWERS, -- Hand, Table. and BOUQUETS, | Beakets of Cheice Flowering Foliage go me -H.Burnham's Greenho. On Water-8t , Stratford. Feb. 15, 1886. - 6a8-ly PILLS 'AND os This This wtrerne medic due | 10 is a ) erentoll b iste ever ywh PURIFY 1 160 SPRY "403: sats D,. impart tence to @ M,nad act most powerful; fet es n the ata T2 £5D BOWTES, Promoting TAGESTIAN N aad swtltens Sted . n'e bodi xd frame wi mar. Nery he nde and GES NER AL D. 0 the potent force and they ar- Steet FEMALE COMPLAINTS. Semoving all ebstructions, skin blemishes pl: Betinin known, better San any cther fam HAs A WORLD-WIDE EEPTTATION oi ip heals every kind of SORE, ULCER, m UND more certsinly than ary other know nee Its po ler it invaluabio in ail THROAT AND CHEST DISEASES, TT and A.thma, r necting Glandu! *, coal healt. Specks cor | Fis :. #,and for alley 333- OXFORD ST, LONDOR- snd sold at 1s, 1}, 20. Of - de. pi. 1s. | We enta, GOcepte ead £1.08, and 12 Se Leki t's Sront CAUTIO "haw wo en aiid é ted aoiens or ars my wed cf: Purcho sera show! sad tn oret eo. e theles mthe Po's om owen ifthe wavire ries MOr on, thcy are ¢ pur ons leet hte enw i 'BOLLOW > Back to His Old Stana D. McBETH. 4& cure tor all Skin Diseases and Indolewt Sores. 25 cents per box i230